#that's like litteraly just Larry
thorn-walker · 1 year
I just did a marathon of the four (yeah...) Night At The Museum movies and I have a question
NO ACTUALLY I HAVE TWO why is Ahkmenrah so underused while the tablet that belongs to HIM, is named after HIM and was created FOR HIM is litteraly the whole heart center-piece mcguffin of ALL the movies!!! Was Shawn Levy afraid of the raw power of Rami Malek in full pharaoh attire? Weak.
MY REAL QUESTION IS: what was the relationship between the previous three night guards and the exhibits? Like they've known each other for what seems like decades, and them three old dudes went to the dark side of the force by the end. During Larry's first night, most of the exhibits seem to want to mess with him for fun, except for Teddy who greets him like everything is normal. Larry integrates himself rather quickly with the rest. They don't look like they were traumatized or bullied by Cecil and Friends. Were they all on good terms? Did Gus go into screaming matches with Attila? While I'm on the topic of Attila, apparently none of the three night guards tried to befriend him during all those years, so maybe it speaks about how they viewed the exhibits. Idk.
Also, in my head it's Cecil who personnally made sure that Ahk's tomb was locked because he was afraid that ye ol' mummy would want revenge on him for finding his tomb back in the day. So in the end Cecil never spoke to Ahk even once and just assumed the local twink mummy would want his head.
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marshart · 2 years
Ok so...i don't have the motivation to draw and finish the thing on my mind rn, but, i LITTERALY did a love letter generator with shrig n larry[or Leonardo in my au] i wanted to show you the results cause.....your my idol from now on
The cover generator made :
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The letter itself the generator made that i tried to fix and make it cute :
Laughing Like Two Worrying Butterflies
Dear Shrignold,
I have a small confession. Forgive this pouring of my heart.
I cherish Gazer clouds, where we first met. The moment I clapped eyes on you, I knew you were going to be a calm sweetheart. Recently, I have began to regard you as much more than just a calm sweetheart.
My feelings for you intensified when I saw you joking in the moonlight. I was further wowed by your tremendous smiling skills.
You have hands like a adorable butterfly and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. When I look at you, I just want to kiss those a adorable butterfly hands and comfort that beautiful eyes.
You're so special with your loyal ways. The way you handle your fun Father shows great sensitivity and kindness.
I know that to you I'm just a smooth day-dreamer but I think we could be happy together, laughing like two worrying butterflies.
Please, say you'll be mine Shrignold!
All my love
[i did it according to my au so uhh ya]
I know its all a sudden but i just wanted to show this i know im weird a lot so uh sorry, PLEASE FORGIVE MY RANDOMESS I BEG YOU-
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ladychlo · 3 years
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I asked Gina, but I REALLY like your blog so I'm asking you this too (it's silly.. I'm feeling silly tonight tbh)
So As much as I'm aware of how muchH &L situation is complicated, sometimes i just console myself by imagining them coming out in the most dramatic way ever and shocking the world, with so much adoration and love ... With not a well PR built narrative but just them saying fuck it and doing something super gay ( since I'm also gay and i can't litteraly come out, i just love the idea of them having the dramatic coming out that i will never have)
So I'm wondering, outside any realistic possible narrative way of their coming out, do you have like any unrealistic other narrative that you'd fancy happening for them?
Hi anon,
I love this question. In no particular order:
Ok so my unrealistic super gay larry coming out option 1 would have to be:
Harry and Louis drop a collab out of nowhere and it’s a music video and it’s gay af. I’m talking glitter, larry making out, a depiction of their love, proud in your face GAY, rainbow, holding hands and more *wink wink*. At the end they announce a documentary or something like that
Here’s some visual inspo just add glitter (don’t watch if you don’t want spoilers for Queer As Folk):
Unrealistic option 2:
They release a “coming out video” going over their love story and the past 10 years - similar to Dan Howell’s coming out video. Can be a simple video, a Youtube series, a Netflix doc, something like that.
Dan’s video for visual inspo:
Unrealistic option 3:
An artistic dance music masterpiece with Harry and Louis singing and dancing together. There’s color, love, gay, love, super gay, more color, there’s dance interpretation of their lives, their style, the industry, but mostly it’s about their love. They dance around each other the whole video, they touch, and the epic finish is them making out with a 360 camera pan of them, focusing on the kiss, then it focuses on their hands together or placed on each other’s heads and their wedding their rings.
For visual inspo, here’s Eugene Lee Yang’s coming out video:
Unrealistic option 4:
Harry drops a teaser, similar to the out announcing his solo stuff, except it’s him dressed in glitter or getting ready, and at the end a rainbow flag delicately falls as he steps through a door. It ends with something like “coming out soon” or “coming soon”.
Visual inspiration:
Meanwhile, Louis drops LT2 and it explicitly references Harry, homophobia all this stuff. 
I have some more ideas, maybe another time?
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just-calamity · 3 years
Thank you @inapolaroidpicture , i’m glad i’m your mootsie, love
1. why did you choose your url?
Honestly, i ask myself that all the time, that’s mix of „just”(??? wtf Wiktoria what was in your mind then????) and „calamity” – Zayn’s song, which is absolutely amazing masterpiece and i love it with my whole heart.
2. did you have any side-blogs? if you do, name them and why you have them.
I have, but if it’s alright i wouldn’t mention it. It’s one, from the time i had ED, and i just don’t know how to delete it (or maybe i don’t want to) so i abandoned it.
3. how long have you been on Tumblr?
So long… like a few years, but know how to use it like a few months lol
4. do you have a queue tag?
I’m not sure what is this, even if i read something about it on internet, but i think i haven’t. But could someone write me somewhere exactly what are those?🙏🏻
5. why did you start your blog on first place?
Because sometimes i had something like „come on! everyone see it, why no one write about it?!” And when i wrote on Twitter, they just, i don’t know… don’t like it? don’t appreciate it? or don’t seen it?
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Last time i just changing my blog look(?) and i fell for that photo, like literally, i have it saved in milion copies in my gallery…
7. why did you choose your header?
If i would have showing my header you would see purple-and-blue-rock-guitar-Louis, cause i love purple and blue, i love rock, i fuckin love Louis, and i’m not even started with rock-guitar-Louis…
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Actually, it’s that 70’s-disco-Louis edit, which i do for otb project, and don’t ever thought that people could like shit like that (but secretly i like it too)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I wouldn’t mention them here, but it’s like… 10? Yeah, i count you guys, hah, and with my new mootsie who made me do it it’s 11 :)
10. how many followers do you have?
26. Nothing more, nothing less, and i never believed more in reblog supremacy, then here, bc of my moots, who rebloged my posts they had that many notes, love you my bees!
11. how many people do you follow?
Oh god… i don’t know, it’s like a… whole Tumblr? I follow every sweetheart who follow me, i follow every larry or 1D or rock/indie/retro/heavy metal music user, which posts i like, i follow litteraly every fuckin person, who give me that good vibe, i even follow anime blogs, and i don’t like anime, so you need to trust me if you read it, bc i probably follow you, love.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yeah, but ppl doesn’t catch my humour🤷🏼‍♀️
13. how often do you use Tumblr each day?
Like a… milion times?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nah, i’m just watching💅
15. how do you feel about „you need to reblog this” posts?
I totally agree with a @inapolaroidpicture , if ppl want to reblog, if post is good, they do it anyway. The only thing that change with me when i see post like that is that i always read them, no matter how long it is.
16. do you like tag games?
Oh god, i love it! But unfortunately i always can’t find them.
17. do you like ask games?
Who don’t like them? I never done any (that’s my first time tbh🤭) but i love to read them
18. which one of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Like… every single one? Every. Fuckin. Single. One. I feel like a peasant, when i throw some shit into my dash and notifications just beep-ed from messages like „omg” „beautiful” „love it” or „xxx rebloged” „yyy liked”. That moment i’m like „guys, don’t waste your life on me, go to another 5,790421 talented moots. But then i’m like „you would just killed yourself if they did that, why’d you say it?!?”
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I don’t think so. I mean, i could, cause you’re all amazing and i love you all so fuckin much, but i think i need to got to know you better first.
20. tags?
I think i just tag my few mutuals, if i missed someone, i’m sorry! Just hope you have a nice day, and won’t do it if you don’t want to❤️
@filthyrichdreamboat @twoghostsonehallway @thetriangletattoo @stormy-poet @hes91s @feellikehome28 @herefortommo @thehornoftheunicorn @cockytommo @fearlessmind28
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twopoppies · 4 years
I guess I'm lucky, since I'm not that old in the fandom (litteraly just 4 months ago) .. i was already familiar with the music... It's just i stumbled by chance upon harry's cover for girl crush (BBC) and i read the comments, saw many saying "just marry him harry"
I was confused, MARRY WHOOO ???!... And many mentioning Larry, i was like who tf is larry i doubted my self i went checking the members name **sigh** i just typed larry on youtube ... And yes ... I found the 2 hours marathon vid (i had covid so i was like hmmm something to pass my time in bed) lemme tell ya.... I ve falling so deeply... Went to tiktok and typed Larry.. and i found a tiktoker (HEY TAYLOR 😂) she mentioned always that she s on tumblr so my whole knowledge i gained it from here... You guys are just mature and well informed about everything... You don't jump into conclusions and you try your best to give a reasoning to everything.... In the other had ... Twitter is a nightmare i can't ...
Hahahaha! I love that whole journey. And I’m so glad you found your way to tumblr. ❤️
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funtimemichael · 4 years
i wanna make a weird story about all the indi horrer/thriller game characters all meeting and having to figure out how to get back to their worlds, but the problem is they never know when they will be transported to the next world. it could happen at any time, no warning. all they know is its triggered by walking through a door or some type of entrance, sometimes just walking through the woods triggers the transportation.
the games and characters i wanna enclude.
FNAF - Michael Afton
FAITH - John Ward (is that his last name???)
Limbo - The boy (i wanna call him Limbo or Limy)
Inside - that kid (I wanna call him eather Ina or Mass)
Franbow - Fran and Mr. Midnight
Sally face - Sal, Larry, Travis, Ashley, and Todd
Little Misfortune - Misfortune and Benjamin
Little Nightmares - Six, RK (a.k.a. Seven), and Mono
if yall have other games you wanna add to this go ahead.
Michael and John are the tired dads of the group who need eachothers suport to get over the tramatic and disgusting things they have seen.
Michael is best with the kids of the group.
Six needs to be put on a child harness sometimes.
Seven has a decent bond with Fran and Mr. Midnight.
Sal and her group tend to try and keap a distance from Michael because he is litteraly undead.
Mono is protective of Six and Seven.
Michael and John struggle with nightmares and offen have to put on a brave face for the younger group members.
Limy, Ina, and Mono get along very well and can offen be seen chatting about the government and servival tactics.
they all collectively agree that the LN world is the worst.
Misfortune is oblivious to how bad the situation is and Benjamin has to offen save her from parrel.
Michael doesn't like to be near Benjamin, because foxes scare him. he full understands Benjamin is a good guy, he just has issues.
Benjamin understands that Michael is afraid and does not try to push anything, he just wishes he could help Michael with his issues.
In most of their worlds they considered everything normal and an everyday thing that happenes. Though for Michael, John, and the Sally face gang they prefer not to mention their adventures due to the overwhelming horrers they encountered.
Benjamin, despite knowing Michael can also take care of the children, often feels responsible for them, and that if they get hurt its his fault.
Benjamin knows very well he had no control over all their lives, but he wishes he could have helped all of them have normal childhoods.
Sal feels like its his fault his friends arw cought up in all of this.
Travis secretly talks to Michael and John without the rest of his group knowing, the three of them all bond over a few different thing, but the biggest thing is crazy dads, trama, and demons.
Lary things Mono looks badass.
th LN trio are really small and offen cant keap up. so somtimes they are carried by the others. Larry carries Mono, Fran carries Seven, and Michael carries Six.
Sometimes Misfortune or Limy will get tired, considering the fact that in all of their worlds staying still for too long can get you killed, they also get picked up sometimes, often having Michael or John carry one of them.
Michael has a bag of weapons, childrens toys, and tools with him. he also has baby harnesses considering he works at a childrens astablishment and has to watch the children sometimes.
John - 6'4"
Michael - 6'3"
Larry - 5'11"
Ashley - 5'8"
Travis - 5'8"
Sal - 5'7.5"
Todd - 5'7"
Fran - 5'5"
Ina - 5'4"
Benjamin - 5'3"
Misfortune - 4'11"
Limy - 4'11"
Mono - 2'11"
Seven - 2'9"
Six - 2'7"
Mr. Midnight - he is a cat, so probably 1'1"
i really wanna draw this.
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theoriginalarry · 4 years
I have this acc for years now but I’m too dumb to understand how tumblr works skdjsjdks litteraly, for years I only come in here bc of the tumblr larries, I admire their brain. So, I’m thinking about start using this acc to practice my english skills, my main language is portuguese and I’ve never really studied english (I had classes in school but nothing really deep into it) everything I know is based on music, tv shows and movies that I’ve watched through growing up. I feel like tumblr is a safe place to just express yourself and make mistakes, so I’m using this blog to just talk about random thoughts that come into my mind. 
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Various ConMan headcanons
There will never be enough content for this ship Sorry its long ;-; and alot of stuff involving homestuck.. Uhhh.. Yeah -Both these boys are just.. A fucking mess and they should be messes together -.....connor counting all of jareds freckles -He wont let jared move until hes done -So a sleepy connor is counting THOUSANDS of freckles on a boy complaining about how connor wont fucking kiss him -Connor will tell people the exact amount of freckles jared has to embarass him -Jared gets antsy when connor is counting his face, jared TRIED to kiss him and connor just "kleinman i swear to fuck if you distract me i will walk out that fucking door and we will have to start over" -Jared tried to make connor eat a bathbomb -Connor licked it, and freaked the fuck out (like a cat with cucumber) -Connor is now scared of fucking bathbombs -Connor: *is sick with like.. Idk something* Jared: ill start a bath for you because.. I love you but damn you reek babe Connor: thank youu Jared:*puts a bathbomb in the tub* Connor: SCREAMS AND SLAPS JARED -They watch old disney movies together, like cinderella, alice in wonderland (only when high/drunk), hercules, prince of egypt, etc. -Jared: beauty and the beast is stalkholm syndrome Connor:jared you know it fucking isnt and here is fuckin why *long rant from my son* why do you say this every time we watch it? J:because i love your voice more than this movieeee -JARED POKES CONNORS SIDES -connor fuckin hates it but he blushes and wiggles every time its super cute -Hes not super ticklish.. But ticklish enough -Jared is the ticklish one -One time jared kicked connor in the dick while connor was giving jared hickeys -Jared is not only covered in freckles: but is also covered in hickeys, evan thought jared joined a fight club or something because he thought the hickeys were bad bruises -Jared and connor died -They both burst out laughing -After jared composes himself: "first rule of fight club, dont talk about fight club" -Sleepy/delerious jared: c-con.. You.. You could do an amazing gamzee cosplay Connor: what the.. Jared you... You never said you were... One of.. /them/ -They have a whole conversation about couples cosplay when they wake up -Connor: jared i will never join your fuckin blood cult Jared: oh come on connor /plllleeeaaassseeeee/ Con:NOOOOO They go as gamzee and tavros for halloween -Jared wouldve much rather been nepeta or kanaya, but.. He had to do the ship -Jared sees kanaya as a fucking gay icon -Jared:rambling about how cool kanaya is Con: dude it would be fucking hot if you could glow in the dark *hes high as ffuuuuuuccckkkk* -Jareds search history: "Glow in the dark paint" "Glow in the dark paint safe for human skin" "How to litteraly glow in the fuckin dark" -Connor borrowed jareds laptop after that -Con: "jared... Why were you googling shit about glowing?" J:b-because.. Yo- BECAUSE I FUCKIN CAN MURPHY *redder than a fucking tomato* -Omfg terrible puns -Jared: *makes a bad pun* Connor: why am i in love with you again? Hmmmm idk.. Guess ill leave *sits up from cuddled* Jared: omfg connor nooooooooooo -Jared has rambled about every troll and kid, he rambles while high and connor loves it Connor will never read homestuck, but he has a favorite character: terezi -His second fav is equius -Jared for sure thought connor would like gamzee or karkat, but nope -Connors thought process: "ive delt with cops so often that terezi seems pretty cool" -Jared every time connor has to leave a cuddle pile: wweh -Connor, with a horrible fake lisp: ill be back fish dick -Jared loves his terrible fake lisp tho -Connor hates it (kinda) but it makes jared happy and thats all that mattets -Cue:jared finds out connors a closet furry -Jared has a full nepeta cosplay.. Obviously. He wears it to school on halloween -Connors mind: "holy shit your boyfriend has a fucking TAILLL it looks so soft?? I?? Ahh??? Oh wait shit fuck time to hide boner shiitttt" -Connor has never kissed jared so pationately -Jared: con i cant believe your a fucking furry Con:well atleast im not into homefuck -Both are offended -One time during sex at jareds: Jared: hey babe.. Want me to get the tail? Connor:...i fucking hate you *red af* -Con:...yes please holy SHIT get the tail -Jared:nope sorry cant Con: but.. Why?? J: oh idk.. Maybe because your dick is in my fucking ass murphy -They have a code word for when their having a bad day and just.. Need affection (its fucking larry) -Connor: *visibly angry, slamming his locker* Jared: con whats wrong? Con: fucking larry -They then skip school and watch bad movies at jareds -Jared to evan: dude i had a great time fucking murphy over the weekend Evan:.. Oh haha Jared /sure/ you did Connor:*comes up behind jared and hugs him from behind, placing his head on top if jareds* hey evan Evan: O.O holyshityouacctualydid -Oblivious Evan who never got the memo or always though they were just joking Jared: "Evan you're invited to Connor and my wedding." Evan: "YOU GUYS ARE DATING???" -Jared:..evan..weve...weve been dating for FOUR YEARS you watched us make out dude WHAT THE FUCK -Evan:i.. I thought you were joking??? -Connor *tired and high*: JARED babe jar reddy boi hun fuck uhh what did i wanna say.. Uhhh can i get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HELP ME MAKE A FURSONA Jared: connor why the fuck are you at school like this -Con:*falls to the ground and just... Hes asleep.. Holy shit he just fell asleep in the middle of the hallway* -Jared has to take connor "home"(jareds house) and he misses a test he had first period -After that school day: Jared: connor holy fuck i told you to sleep Con:but. . i didnt wanna sleep without youuuuu J:bab thats adorable and cheezy as hell but please i cant miss a test again Con: *slaps his hands together by his mouth* do you.. /really/*moves hands to point at jared with them* care about your grades babe?
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