#that's not gonna change and the presence or absence of AI will not prevent the bank from using that data
Genuinely don't want to get too deep into the whole AI art controversy because - as I mentioned in the tags of that post I reblogged before - I'm personally familiar with the issue in that I build AI as part of my job, but I'm not personally familiar with the issue in that I am not someone who relies on making art to survive (I do art as a hobby but obviously the artists who have more to fear from the development of AI like this are the ones who, you know, do it for a living).
I definitely see why people are concerned and in general I'd say this issue plays into the wider issue of "what happens if a robot/AI/etc takes my job" which is, I suppose, something we as a society have been facing since... the Industrial Revolution? Thereabouts? And it's not my place to speak on that since I haven't done thorough research on the matter, but I certainly understand the concern - hell, there already exist AIs that can write working code, for all I know my job could be at risk one day.
That being said, on a professional level I'm irked at the person who wrote "AI IS EVIL" in the notes of a post on the matter that I saw.
AI is a tool, my dude. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether it's used for good or evil depends wholly on the people who make it and the people who use it.
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rhodeys · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic where tony has accidentally turned into a child and Rhodey has to babysit him Thanks !!
thank you for the prompt! 💞💞
(i may have had too much fun with this) 
The thing is, Rhodey's used to being greeted by an empty penthouse every time he decides to check up on Tony. It's precisely the reason why the rest of the penthouse blend into the background while he makes his way to the private elevator that leads to Tony's workshop – the sectional sofa, the mezzanine, the staircase leading to the mezzanine, the kid, the–
Rhodey does a double take. 
There's a child in the penthouse - staring back at him like a baby deer caught in the headlights. The child blinks, just once, before brown eyes are back to being impossibly wide over the tiny hand perched upon the glass handrail. He's wearing a black t-shirt that's ten sizes too big for him, the edges of it ending at his knees. His feet are on two different stairs, almost like he'd been in the middle of making his way down before Rhodey conveniently barged in. The child doesn't even move a muscle. 
"Uh," is all Rhodey says, eyes flicking around the penthouse in sudden uncertainty before he turns to the boy. "Hey." 
The boy continues to stare at Rhodey for five odd seconds, making the older man feel oddly conscious. And then, finally, a careful: "Hi." 
"Hey," Rhodey says again, softer now. "Are you alone here?" He scans the empty penthouse once more. "Where are your parents?" 
"Why?" The boy is quick to ask, tone changing as his eyes narrow, and Rhodey's never seen a five-six-whatever-year old sound so defensive. "Where are yours?" 
Rhodey's taken aback, if only for a brief second, at the sudden shift in tone. Brown eyes are no longer wide, but slitted with something close to suspicion. "They're not–" Rhodey starts. Stops. "I'm sorry. Just–" He turns his head away, still maintaining wary eye contact with the boy, and calls out in the general direction of Tony's bedroom. "Tony?" 
"Yeah?" The boy asks. 
"No, not– that's my friend," Rhodey elaborates, making a vague motion with his hands to the space around them. "Have you seen anyone else around here?" 
"Is your friend's name Tony, too?" The boy asks, slowly continuing to make his way down the stairs, sharp eyes still fixated on Rhodey. 
"Yeah. He's–" Rhodey starts, and then something the boy had said registers. "Wait. Too? What's your name?" 
The boy finally takes the last step, and it's right then that Rhodey sees the familiar design of Black Sabbath printed across the oversized t-shirt. The sleeves were pulled up and knotted at awkward angles to prevent it from dangling down tiny arms. "Tony," the boy says. 
Rhodey's lips part in growing surprise as he takes in the messy waves of dark hair, matched with a pair of brown eyes that shine too bright, the layer of chub across a familiar bone structure, and the all too familiar expression of suspicion that Rhodey was once subjected to in MIT – one that, over the years, had eventually been hidden behind a perfected mask of cool. "Tony."
"Yeah," the boy says, making a face like Rhodey's being stupid. "S'what I just said."
"I mean," Rhodey clarifies, pinching the bridge of his nose after Pepper had calmly pointed out through the call that Tony's always been a child. "He's an actual kid. Physically. He's–" he cuts off as he shifts his attention to Tony, who's scowling from the other end of the sectional with tiny arms crossed over his chest. "Do you know how old you are?" 
"Course I do," Tony huffs out, eyes narrowing in offense. "I'm eight."
"Eight? Kinda short for an eight year old, aren't you?" Rhodey teases, and Tony's eyes narrow even further. The boy looks away just as his cheeks flush pink at the jab aimed at his stature. 
"Wait. Is that Tony?" Pepper's voice filters through the phone. "It doesn't sound like him."
"Gee, I wonder why eight year old Tony doesn't sound like fifty year old Tony."
"How are you even sure it's him? Did you ask Jarvis?" 
"Trust me, I'm sure," Rhodey says, deciding against bringing up when eight year old Tony had unashamedly called out 'who's the broad?' the second Pepper answered the phone, which ended with Rhodey fumbling to put the phone off of speaker. 
"And Jarvis isn't responding. He must have gone down when Tony did– well, whatever he did." Rhodey sneaks a quick glance at his watch. It's been almost an hour since he walked into this debacle. "He should be back up soon." 
"Okay," Pepper says after a heavy sigh. Her calm demeanor doesn't even surprise Rhodey – god knows the pair of them have been through enough and more of Tony's eccentricity. When it comes to Tony, this is just another day for them. "Jim, listen. I'm still in DC, but I'll be there in a few hours." There's distinct shuffling from her side. "Just– stay put. Read him a book. Put him to sleep."
"Put him to–" Rhodey cuts himself off before he can even consider the ridiculousness of the suggestion. "This is Tony."
"And you're his best friend. Which is why I'm sure you'll figure something out." And by thrusting her sheer level of confidence upon Rhodey, Pepper ends the call, leaving him staring helplessly at the phone in his hand. He looks over at Tony, who immediately looks away, defensive hands still folded across his chest in an act of petulance. 
Pepper had a point, Rhodey figures. Smaller Tony can't differ much from the real deal. He just has to make Tony talk; keep him occupied. Maybe play an R-rated movie– 
"Keep staring at me like that, 'm gonna think you're a pedophile."
"Jesus Christ."
They're not even ten minutes into watching Eraserhead before Tony decides it's too unrealistic, and therefore not worth his time. 
"What?" Rhodey asks, barely able to suppress the disbelief in his voice. Tony loved this movie – even watched it twice a month, every month, while they were in MIT. Sure, it had Rhodey worried for Tony's sanity at first, but he got around to movie nights soon enough. "You love this movie."
"Nope," Tony says, and that's that.
"Aren't you too old to be a babysitter?" Tony asks after spending a whole of five minutes scrutinizing Rhodey with a fairly impressive stink eye.
Rhodey huffs out a breathy laugh. "Tell that to the guy who put me here."
"Maybe I will," Tony says pointedly – sounding like he fully intended to file a formal complaint. "Where is he?"
"You're talking to him," Rhodey says, which shuts Tony up.
Rhodey's making a mental checklist of how else he can entertain eight year old Tony who hates Eraserhead – when Jarvis comes online.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Rhodes," Jarvis greets, and Rhodey immediately shoots a silent prayer of gratitude to the AI. On the other side of the sectional, Tony's head jerks up in surprise from where he was fiddling with the StarkTab – eyes darting around for the voice. 
"I apologize for my inactivity. My servers may have been affected while Sir was testing the functions of…" Jarvis trails off, and there's a very telling silence that follows – Jarvis apparently having noticed Tony's absence and the kid's presence. Tony's still looking around for the source, and when his attempt turns futile, decides to zero in on Rhodey. 
"Mr. Rhodes," Jarvis starts, his words edging on hesitation. "Is that–" 
Tony takes it upon himself to find out the source of the voice. There's ten minutes of Tony opening and closing doors, crouching under tables, checking behind furniture five times his size, and because Tony - no matter the age – is still Tony, returns to where Rhodey's seated, newfound determination plastered across his face. "Who was that?"
"Who was who?" Rhodey asks, raising an innocent brow. 
"The guy who was just talking to you." 
"Don't see any guy here."
"I heard him."
"Heard who?" 
"The guy!" Tony blurts out hotly, throwing his arms out in frustration as his cheeks flush a shade of red. The movement makes the full sleeves of Tony's undershirt break from the knot Tony had made, resulting in them splaying out like loose wires before they end up dangling flimsily at his sides. Tony pays no mind, and Rhodey tries to pay no mind. 
"Which guy?" Rhodey asks, and he can barely contain his grin watching the way Tony puffs his chest, lips parting to make way for whatever childish blabber before they snap shut in annoyance. 
His face turns into a scowl as he brings his arms back across his chest, dangling sleeves and all. "Stop pulling my leg." 
"Whatever you say, kid."
"Not a kid."
"You're, like, five."
Tony looks like he's about to explode from frustration. "Eight!"
"Full fledged adult, then."
"You have a lot of grey hair," Tony speaks up all of a sudden, working on the offense this time. 
"You're short," Rhodey answers without missing a beat.
"But I'll grow," Tony says, grinning now, like he'd struck gold. "I'll be taller than you."
"Oh, yeah," Rhodey agrees for the sake of entertaining the kid, deciding against breaking his bubble as much as he'd like to. He adds an enthusiastic "definitely." 
Tony, self-proclaimed genius that he is, catches on to the intent. He looks almost giddy with excitement as he crawls over from his place on the sectional to where Rhodey's sitting. "You're jealous!" Tony exclaims, eyes shining in delight. "Aren't you? You're jealous that I'm gonna be taller than you!" 
"You got me, kid," Rhodey shrugs, a lopsided smile pulling at his lips. "What can I say? Life can be a– biscuit, sometimes."
"A bitch, you mean."
They go through the StarkPad together, not that Tony needed much help anyway, seeing as he already figured out most of how it works by himself. Rhodey gets his fair share of questions anyway, from why do people need such a big screen? to I can watch an entire movie in this?
"Ha, this makes you look even older!" is the first thing points out when Rhodey switches it to the front camera. 
"Yeah, yeah," Rhodey says smiling, and in a split second, contorts his face just as a grinning Tony holds up the tablet and takes a selfie of them. 
"This is so cool," Tony exclaims in barely contained excitement as he proceeds to take a dozen more pictures of himself, some of which Rhodey accidentally ends up in the background of. 
"Yeah, remember my friend Tony? He made it."
Tony perks up, suddenly more interested, and Rhodey thinks he's going to ask more about the StarkPad until– "Is he taller than you?" 
Rhodey snorts. "He wishes. Tony used to stuff paper balls into his shoes when we were in MIT. He wears heels now." 
"I know MIT! My dad studied there," Tony says, and Rhodey makes a surprised sound, like that wasn't news to him at all. Tony cocks his head, eyebrows knitting as if something just occurred to him. "Wait, how does he wear heels?" 
"He gets them custom made into his shoes."
A pause. Then: "And he's still shorter than you?" 
"That must suck balls."
"You never told me your name," Tony says out of the blue after spending a good few minutes drooling into Rhodey's shoulder while he was dead to the world.
"It's Jim."
Tony shifts, drawing his feet towards himself so he can curl into Rhodey's chest. "That's an old man's name," Tony points out softly. 
"Rhodey, then."
"How many names do you have?"
Honeybear, Platypus, Sourpatch– "A few."
"My name is Anthony," Tony says, voice softening even more, as if he'd pass out any moment now. "But nobody calls me that anymore."
"Thought you didn't like-"
"Because when they do, I kick 'em in the dick," Tony finishes, words coming out in soft mumble before he drifts back to sleep.
When Pepper walks into the penthouse an hour later and spots Tony snuggled against Rhodey's side, soaking his polo shirt wet with drool, she flashes him a triumphant smile. I told you so.
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