#that's not to like assign pressure because I'm a very private person and I don't want to make people say or do anything
evilwriter37 · 6 months
Hey, So I have a personal question that you could answer. Still going to give it a try.
Firstly, some general info about me. I'm a student in a local high school in Poland. In May I have my final exams. Aside from basic level, I have declared to write some on extended one. One of them is in form of a long essay. You get 2 topics, choose one, describe the problem, create a thesis and explain your point of view based on literature and knowledge.
Recently, I have noticed some sort of blockage when it came to my writing. We had assignments with writing such essay before and I'm not satisfied with it. Most importantly, I can see the drawbacks it has on my mental health. In the last few days, I tend to get more anxious, hands shaking, feeling a lump in my throat that wouldn't let me speak, crying (today I had that episode in school). I believe the main problem is due to my high ambitions, anxiety and feeling of time running out. I think when it comes to my writing the problem lies within construction of the sentences. I believe that they look bulky and incosistent, which makes them harder to read, lacking sense resulting in destroying the atmosphere I'm trying to create. So here comes the main question (about time): How do you get through that kind of pressure? How do you create a tone of work that will make sense in argumenting your point of view good enough? Making your work more fluent in sentence, so it doesn't look like bunch of squished random sentences?
The reason why I'm asking you is because I reckon that you may know an answer as a writer. I strongly believe that your works are pretty fluent in construction, which makes them easier to understand. Also your responses argument your point well.
Sorry about this long stuff that will definietely sound like a rant/vent. I'm not keen of doing such things (both Internet and irl), but I truly believe that getting this stuff of my chest is better than bubbling it any longer.
I was considering to ask this anonymously, but decided that being honest with myself in admitting of having the problem is far better. Also I thought of writing in a private message, but on the second thought; the potentional answers could help a lot more people and not just me, so I hope my problem and the solution will be shared for more potentional people facing similiar difficulties.
Looking forward to be hearing from you!
Have good day/afternoon/evening/night ^^
P.S I was writing this ask before, but left my computer for a while and later it turned off. I forgot to send the ask and I don't know if it got saved or not, so I'm writing this one more time from scratch
Practice. Practice and reading. My sentences used to be really clunky, and can still come out clunky before editing. But I didn’t let that stop me. I sat down and wrote through that awkwardness, because how are we ever supposed to improve at something if we don’t practice?
So where does the reading come in? Well, if you read from other authors, you can look at how they write. What did they do with their sentence structure that you like? Was there maybe something you didn’t like that you know not to include in your own writing?
Studying writing as a technical thing vs studying writing as storytelling is very different, though both are vitally important.
My advice? Write that first draft and edit once you’re done with it. Don’t look back until you have the finished draft, because editing as you go is only going to slow you down and possibly bog you down with perfectionism.
Don’t be afraid to use commas either! I once said “Commas are my bitch”, and damn, I was correct. And remember that not every sentence has to be the same length. Break long sentences up with short sentences. Not every sentence has to have the same rhythm either. Allow yourself to be anything but rigid in your writing.
But most importantly:
I really hope your assignment and writing endeavors go well! Thank you for reaching out and I hope you have a good day/night/morning/whatever.
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snailsrneat · 2 years
Hello! if it's alright with you, may i have twisted wonderland matchup? no pressure though, you can skip if you'd like.
My pronouns are she/her and my body leans towards a chubbier look. I have light brown skin, with dark brown hair and eyes. I usually like to wear dresses that fluctuate between cutesy and punk.
My mbti is INFJ and zodiac sign is cancer! For a basic rundown of my personality, I'm told by close friends and family around me that I'm really caring and hardworking. I usually like to help people, which ends up with me acting as a mom friend or a listener to someone's problems. I'm also said to be really hardworking, especially when it's something I'm passionate about. But I'm also told that I'm perfectionistic, private, and anxious. I can easily burn out if I don't keep myself in check, as I prefer to do finish things with excellence quality. It also may take a while for others to get to know me because I'm shy and reserved about myself. Not to mention I overanalyze a lot.
For my interests, two basic interests I really like are music and books! While for specific interests, I really like Hadestown (+ bunch of others) and creative writing.
Thank you so much and have a great day/night/afternoon!! please excuse me though if I've made a mistake in my matchup. also, your blog is very much underrated and I love your works ^_^
You have been matched up with...
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You and Silver are like, the perfect couple.
On one hand you have yourself, a very stressed and anxious person.
Then you have Silver, the most calming human to ever exist.
It's perfect.
Y'all would have study dates all the time.
And he'd easily recognize whenever you were burnt out and he'd just pick you up with his beefy arms and lay you down gently on the bed and cuddle you whilst petting your hair.
It would be so cute.
The way I imagine you to meeting is through a school project.
You guys were assigned together for a project and at first it was a bit awkward given that, at the time, you two barely knew each other.
But soon you guys became acquainted with each other, and while you didn't know each other well, you both held admiration for one another.
You guys began hanging out more and more, mostly due to Lilia playing match-maker.
Soon you began to open up to him and that's truly when he fell in love.
Lilia had to Silver's hype-man because otherwise Silver would've probably just never said anything and stayed in the friend-zone.
He confessed though and it was really sweet.
Lilia 100% approves of y'alls relationship, and even is secretly planning y'alls wedding.
Malleus is really glad that Silver has someone like you by his side but is a little jealous.
Sebek, well, he's Sebek.
All in all y'all are too cute for me to handle.
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vyl3tpwny · 2 years
sex in music
im not rlly interested in it rn.
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(art by hierozaki)
over the past few years i've slowly started to recognize that sexual things in music are not smth i rlly want rn. i wrote a lot about it in love letters: colourless; a big part of that album was exploring sexuality and attraction. but i feel kinda grossed out about the thought of it now.
i think when i was younger the thought of it was very much a novelty of being like oh haha i can write about this in music and maybe im cool for it (see: Get Sexy, lol). but the reality is is that i dont rlly feel connected to these things.
mostly writing about this bc there were some things on twitter where people were speculating a line in antonymph to be like sexual innuendo for something. it bothers me a lot. and i do not want to be misunderstood like that at all. and it's hard to talk about especially bc ive been open about these things especially in music in the past and it feels odd to backtrack and be like "ok actually but can we not talk about those things because ive shifted a lot in my personal and private life and it just isnt something i like at all".
i think something i do want to talk about more in art is how people — like me — have been pressured in one way or another to feel connected and to assign importance to things like sexual matters in art. without going into any private or tmi details i'm definitely acespec but have been encouraged/influenced/etc; to be otherwise throughout my life to some capacity. sometimes it's small like the way sex ed is treated in american schools. sometimes it's bigger like people exposing you to that stuff when you're really young and don't have the capacity to evaluate or process these things. this leads people to feel like they actually have to put sexual concepts on a pedestal.
i'm not sure i entirely agree with the way tumblr has treated adult content on the site, it's a nuanced opinion. queerness is very much also connected to embracing these things for a lot of people and tumblr is supposed to champion queerness better than any other site (theoretically). the decision they made to fully forgo all these things feels negative. regardless, though, i've felt a lot happier here because i'm not scared of adult content suddenly showing up on my feed and making me feel gross lol. and i'm not entirely averse to these things, i don't want to make it seem like im against all adult content in my life because im not, and i'm totally ok with it sometimes. but my general state of mind is kind of repulsed this time around. i dont want anything to do with it, especially in my music right now.
i've been lucky to be at a time in my life where i can sit down and examine these parts of myself and even come to any of these recognitions. a lot of people are stuck in a cycle of momentum where they may not even be able to think about whether sex is a big deal to them or not (this is an entirely euphemistic description, but i'm sure you get the point). and as i learn about myself and who i am, i want to encourage more people to look at the same things maybe. idk.
thanks for reading.
(p.s. i initially vented about this in "fuck marry kill")
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fae-cafe-archived · 3 years
could I have a genshin impact kin assignment, please?
I'm quiet and introverted. I have a low energy reserve and need time to myself, so I'm not good at maintaining or creating relationships. I don't trust others easily and also feel like I have to meet other's expectations to be liked (which I feel I'm not the best at), so I always feel pressured by social interaction. I actually view most of the outside world as dangerous, though I can see the beauty in it too and like to discover things. I try to be kind and helpful but I'm a bit awkward and when I get drained I can easily be negative. I try to remain composed though and am usually seen as really chill and accepting by others. I do like to joke around a bit, though my sense of humor can be a bit strange? otherwise I'm pretty casual, and can become very serious whenever the situation calls for it. I think I'm pretty smart, and I tend to trust in logic and analysis. I can be insecure, though I'm a private person and keep to myself.
Oh I Know This One For Sure!
[pretend Bennett is here, Tumblr is being weird]
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Albedo is the Chief Alchemist of the Knight Of Favonius, Who Is Actually A Homunculus Created By His Teacher. Hence The Mark On His Neck, Due To This He Feels As If He Doesn't Belong, Therefore He's Quite Introverted and Seconds Most of His Time In Dragonspine Because The Cold Does Not Affect Him.
Albedo Tends to Be Stoic and Composed, He Does Have A Lighter Side and A Caring Side, Able To Warm Up To Some People, Such as Klee, Traveller, and Paimon. Despite Struggling With Social Interaction and Keeping To Himself, Being Secretive Often, He Does Enjoy The Company Of Others (Smiling When Being Praised For His Cooking Skills in Shadows Amidst Snowstorms). Albedo is Also Intelligent and Seems To Always Have A Plan (Using The Avalanche as A Cover To Draw Out The Whopperflower, and Well He's An Alchemist). He Also Is Pretty Curious About Things and Likes To Do Research About Otherworldly Anomalies (Albedo's Story Quest with The Traveller) and Investigating Things About The World In General. As A Painter He Does Also See Beauty In Certain Things, Whenever Albedo Sees A Beautiful Scenery He Enjoys Sketching It Out and Painting It (See Chat: Still Life).
Overall You and Albedo Share Many Qualities, Being Intelligent, Private People Who Enjoy Seeing The Beauty Of Things. You May Struggle With Social Interaction, But You Both Have People Who Care A Lot About You and Whenever You're In Trouble, They're Sure To Help
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