#that's right vera's a sass purple hawke all the way hahah
klc-journei · 8 years
Bran: pistol, Maeve: sing, Vera Hawke: law c:
Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence? 
He is a two-handed melee warrior and a prominent one at that. As a Templar, he also draws the ability to deny magic (however if he’s Inquisitor, he specs as a Champion out of the headcanon that he joins Cullen in lyrium withdrawal). Pre-Inquisition, many forget how well-versed he is as a fighter due to his teasing manner. Several occasions leave him in the dirt due to lack of focus.As far as his opinion of violence, Bran strives for order. He will fight if he must, and will make the first blow if it comes to it, but his main goal is protecting innocents. 
Sing :: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head?
Maeve enjoys music, but she’d never join a choir to that extent. As a child she used to sing during the Chantry services but lost that passion as the years passed. Now, Maeve is more attuned to humming to herself and often to Maryden’s songs in the tavern. Calling her out on her humming makes her defensive. 
Maeve can also play a lute as well due to her aristocrat upbringing but nothing extravagant. Seeing the instrument sitting in her quarters at Skyhold makes her wonder if Leliana discovered that bit of information. 
Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it?
Ha, rules?! Vera can only be as good as the typical trickster. She leans more with Varric’s side of it, as both are of similar spirit and delight in causing mischief. Being around Aveline makes her a shade more behaved but only slight. The main time she was outright rebellious against rules was when Bethany was being taken to the Circle. This aggression brought on by a need to protect her family but she relented to Bethany’s word.
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