#brandan trevelyan
klc-journei · 7 years
I was tagged by @lafaiette​ <3 for this, which was based off this Dragon Age Zodiac post. But because it’s me, I did my three favorites, instead of doing just my Maeve.
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Maeve Trevelyan - Born 14th of Frostfall || Dragon 9:13
Satinalis: 23rd Harvestmere – 21st Firstfall Affectionate, curious, adaptable, expressive, quick-witted. Sociable and communicative, fascinated by the world and desiring new experiences. Creative and musical. Inquisitive and fun-loving, but can be indecisive or inconsistent.
Wow. Pretty good OP. 
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Kaaras Adaar - 3rd of Harvestmere
Toth: 23rd Kingsway – Born 22nd Harvestmere || Dragon 9:11 Loyal, kind, hardworking, practical, methodical. Pays close attention to detail, conservative and organised. A creator. Desire to serve and please others. Can become overly critical, anxious, or prioritise their work to an unhealthy degree.
Again, OP coming in for a second accurate blow.
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Brandan Trevelyan - 19th of Cloudreach || Dragon 9:09
Eluvia: 21st Drakonis – 19th Cloudreach
Artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise. Willing to help others without promise of return. Empathetic, faithful, and caring. Known for being extremely tolerant. Introverted and quiet. Can become isolated or martyr themselves for others.
LOLOL my Brandy’s not quite up to task along the description of being “artistic” or “introverted and quiet”, but he does key into the other traits listed. He can be just as tolerant as he is rambunctious lol
But 2/3 OP I’m still game. Good work. 
Tagging @picchar, @siriusdraws, @blue-starr-in-the-sky-port, @xfreischutz bc holy cow I’d tag more but it’s almost 1am??
Feel free to also tag me if you decide to do this, you know I’m game for reading about other Inquisitors/ Wardens/ Champions.
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klc-journei · 8 years
Blood Lotus and Rashvine for Maeve; Elfroot and Vandal Aria for Bran
Blood Lotus :: Is your character a lightweight when it comes to intoxicating substances? How did they come across this fact?
Maeve can actually take a few drinks and is quite moderate. Iron Bull really set new heights on her tolerance. Since then she refuses to get tied into any drinking games, but that doesn’t mean she’s not down for friendly bar time.  
Rashvine :: Who/what is the one thing or person your character simply cannot stand?
Her mother, in some cases. And by some cases, I mean like almost every interaction when she returns to Ostwick. Maeve feels like she’s suddenly a six year old around her mother and just lets out foul speech when all she wants to do is before more mature and show she’s not a little girl anymore.
Elfroot :: What is a small, mundane thing that brings your character great comfort?
Holding a small wood idol of Andraste, a gift from his parents before he left for his Templar training. Reading old letters dating back some odd years from Maeve back when he stationed in Ostwick’s circle.
Vandal Aria :: How well can your character bounce back from personal tragedies?
Bran doesn’t like to hold onto personal grievances for too long. He puts more focus on moving forward with new lessons learned. Thinking about it changes nothing. A surprising mature way of thought which surprises friends with his easy attitude. I suspect Maeve’s death, however, does linger. 
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klc-journei · 8 years
I have another Mage OC, Ludwig, inspired from siriusdraws' Haylan and the 'Templar Dogs.' Ludwig was an accomplished Knight Enchanter, becoming one of the best. When he learned all he could and earned enough of the Divine's trust, he managed to destroy his phylactery, kill Templars and Templar Dogs who pursued him, and escaped to join the secretive Mages' Collective. (Part 1).
When returning home after Ostwick’s Circle collapse, Bran Trevelyan did time to help the city guard with the stragglers of the faithful Templars who remained to help quell the madness. The chaos at the Circle haunted him, and little did Maeve know at the time was how their chess games during the helped distract him.
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klc-journei · 8 years
Missy Trevelyan used to like fire magic, but after the fighting broke out in the Circle, causing large parts of it to burn while people were still inside she became very opposed to it. She now uses ice magic almost exclusively. It makes her feel safer.
Bran had a girlfriend back in the Ostwick tower and when the First Enchanter was murdered, he refused to join his fellow Templars to mindless slaughter. The woman he was seeing, also a Templar, disagreed with him. They broke up needless to say
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klc-journei · 8 years
A Qunari OC I have was a General during the Second and Third Exalted March. He became disillusioned with the Qun when seeing so much chaos being caused by the Qun demanding 'Order' be brought to Thedas. He defected and came to Ostwick to warn them of an incoming invasion on their shores. Initially met with skepticism, they believed him when the Qunari did land to launch their invasion into Starkhaven and Kirkwall. He helped the people of Ostwick repel Qunari trying to take Ostwick. (Pt. 1)
Bran didn’t trust Bull at first, perhaps being an deeply rooted Marcher from Ostwick. But he gets over it, and comes to trust Bull in time.
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klc-journei · 8 years
My Dorian romancing Lavellan is a trans man and is covered in tattoos done by his ex-love rivain girlfriend. He doesn't like the girl anymore & would probably kill her, but he still loves his tattoos.
When he was a young boy, Bran wanted a tattoo. He’d take his calligraphy pen and scribble on his arms...then get scolded. Then pain his baby sister Maeve’s face to look like a Mabari whenever she lost at their chess games and she’d have to bark for twenty minutes.
He’d get reprimanded again. 
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klc-journei · 8 years
My Avvar OC Bryndis has a bad habit of starting fights just about anywhere, chances are if Bryndis shows up, there's going to be a fight of some kind.
Bran Trevelyan is an avid fan of Varric’s “Hard in Hightown” serial. Asked for an autograph when they met although Cassandra was there to remind him that it wasn’t the time. 
Tell me a fact about your OC and i’ll respond with a fact about mine
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klc-journei · 8 years
I’ll do my Inquisitors :)) because you didn’t specify soooooo I’m tak’n it.
9) Does your OC feel a pressure to achieve or are they content and calm with doing what they can at the moment?
Maeve: There’s a pressure to achieve, most definitely. From going unimportant and a spare to a sudden savior...this change has flipped her world. There’s this need to be the person the people need her to be and an equal mix of rebuking the ideal as she doesn’t believe she’s ‘chosen’. But overall aside from the topic of being “Andraste’s Herald”, Maeve’s a competitive person. She wants to learn and be more than she was supposed to be. She truly comes into her own person in Inquisition.
Kaaras: He’s very content with his life. True he’ll push himself when it comes to saving innocents but he’s grateful for the opportunities in his life. Kaaras works to be more accepted and less feared, that’s true. But he views it as a goal than “pressure”. 
Bran: Like his younger sister, he’s spirited. Compared to Maeve and Kaaras, Bran’s in the middle. Displaying a need to be the hero people need him to be but also content to know that he did his best.  
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klc-journei · 8 years
Bran: pistol, Maeve: sing, Vera Hawke: law c:
Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence? 
He is a two-handed melee warrior and a prominent one at that. As a Templar, he also draws the ability to deny magic (however if he’s Inquisitor, he specs as a Champion out of the headcanon that he joins Cullen in lyrium withdrawal). Pre-Inquisition, many forget how well-versed he is as a fighter due to his teasing manner. Several occasions leave him in the dirt due to lack of focus.As far as his opinion of violence, Bran strives for order. He will fight if he must, and will make the first blow if it comes to it, but his main goal is protecting innocents. 
Sing :: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head?
Maeve enjoys music, but she’d never join a choir to that extent. As a child she used to sing during the Chantry services but lost that passion as the years passed. Now, Maeve is more attuned to humming to herself and often to Maryden’s songs in the tavern. Calling her out on her humming makes her defensive. 
Maeve can also play a lute as well due to her aristocrat upbringing but nothing extravagant. Seeing the instrument sitting in her quarters at Skyhold makes her wonder if Leliana discovered that bit of information. 
Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it?
Ha, rules?! Vera can only be as good as the typical trickster. She leans more with Varric’s side of it, as both are of similar spirit and delight in causing mischief. Being around Aveline makes her a shade more behaved but only slight. The main time she was outright rebellious against rules was when Bethany was being taken to the Circle. This aggression brought on by a need to protect her family but she relented to Bethany’s word.
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klc-journei · 9 years
2. For Bran, 6. For Maeve, 8. For Karaas.
2) Does your character have a lot of friends or only a few?
Bran’s a guy who has a lot of friends. With his charm and sense of humor, it would be impossible not to. The down side is that he’s lost friends due to the Mage/Templar War and many of his colleagues vouched to hunt for the apostates then see reason. 
6) Who was their first friend? Are they still in touch?
Solas is Maeve’s first friend. After Trespasser...no. She still cares for him despite what has happened but she’s still determined to change his plan.
8) Have they ever had a friend betray their trust?
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klc-journei · 9 years
5,6,7,10,11 for Maeve, 12-16 for Bran :)
Pancakes or waffles? Waffles
Cereal with milk or cereal without milk? Cereal w/o milk / like me she has her milk separate to avoid mushy cereal 
Comedy or tragedy? Comedy
Sleep in goofy pajamas or nude? Uh...goofy pajames. Hell no, she’d never sleep nude. Nice try.
Camping or hotel? Camping. She enjoys the outdoors.
Sweet or sour candy? Sweet.
Walking or biking? Walking.
Fire abilities or ice abilities? Ice. 
Wooden pencil or mechanical pencil? Mechanical pencil. 
Hats or no hats? No hats. 
Modest clothing or flashy clothing? Modest. She’s prefers to be comfortable and simple. 
Finger-snapping or whistling? Whistling. 
Long hikes or long car rides? Long car rides.
Long car rides or travel by plane? Long car rides.
Stormy night or sunny day? Sunny day, he enjoys the sun.
Summer or winter? Summer. 
Game night with their family or movie night with their friends? Game night with their family. He loves his family and will put them over friends.
Chewy candy or hard candy? Chewy.
Band or football? Football.
Lucid dreaming or never having to sleep? Lucid dreaming.
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klc-journei · 9 years
7 and 20 for branDAMN trevelyan ;>
7.) how they like to dress
Like brother like sister, he prefers comfort to elegance but goes further with plain clothes that might mistaken him for a simple and ordinary man. He’d wear a loose tunic shirt and pants tucked into boots. A ready to work aura and with the people he swore to protect.
20.) their reaction to a mystery love letter
Bran would chuckle to himself. He can’t say if he’d answer those affections but he does appreciate the sentiments. 
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klc-journei · 9 years
#4 for Maeve #5 for Brandan & #23 for Kaaras? #7 for Salim & #24 for K.G.?
4.) their insecurities
When she was a child and even extending to current day, Maeve knew what her deep red hair looked like to others. It left her isolated, if not ridiculed, and even unnerved peers even when they did not voice it. This fear has lost it’s grip during the course of Inquisition but there were times when Maeve freaked still half asleep only to realize the blood she thought was her hair. 
5.) their shortcomings
Brandan is prejudice. A firm believer of the Chant, he is not so open to explore other cultures or religions. There is only the Maker in his eyes. 
23.) how they act when they're sick
A bumbling mess who tries to still help despite everything. He will apologize multiple times for this sorry state but still try to see how others are doing. Still, Kaaras is not so stubborn and will listen when the medics urge him to rest. Then he’s like a child. He might accidentally call someone ‘mother’. 
7.) how they like to dress
Oh boy, Salim dresses in three-piece suits, best of the best, and expensive obviously. Tailored with no single seam out of place. He’s powerful, he wants to flaunt it, wants to intimidate and influence. The world is his runway.
24.) what motivates them
(Kiara Grace, first and middle name but prefers her surname) Ambrose is fueled by her desire to protect others. She views herself as a tool than a person, a martyr willing to have blood on her hands to do the gruesome work that must be done. Her job isn’t easy but she’d have it be her than someone else. She has the power to protect and she will not abuse it. 
(Describe your OC)
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klc-journei · 9 years
45, 62 and 88 for Bran and Maeve. Chop chop
45.) What’s their spirit animal? What animal do they just look at and say, “That’s me”?
Huh, interesting. I had to look up animal totems for this one and took quizzes for them with each in mind.Bran: Bear: Worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing.
Maeve:  Owl: Intuition: ability to see what others do not see, Capacity to see beyond deceit and masks, Wisdom, Symbolic like a life transition/change (She’s also tied with Wolf totem for quiz: Sharp intelligence & instincts, Appetite for freedom, Feeling threatened/ lack of trust in someone or in yourself)They wouldn’t mind them. Though I suspect with Maeve’s tied totems, Maeve gets a (Solas Approves) hahahahaha
62.) What’s something that really repulses them? 
Bran: Corrupt Red Templars (he also doesn’t like the mushroom flavored Orlesian cakes, he thought they were chocolate)Maeve: Sleazy People (she’s had her fair share of encountering those minded suitors in the past)
88.) Assuming they aren’t one already would your character prefer to be a Vampire, a Werewolf, or a Demon? And no cheating, if they are already one of those they can’t pick the one that they are.
They wouldn’t want to be any of those things. But if I had to assign them to a specific, Bran would be a Werewolf. He could take heavy, and fatal, blows and heal up while working on active service. Despite the price of lunacy for full moons, he’d do his best to make sure he’s not around civilization.Maeve would be a Vampire. A bored, tired of staying indoors and wants to go out in the sunlight to see the world and have adventures, vampire. Definitely sees her immortal life as a cursed one.
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klc-journei · 9 years
25 for Brandan and 36 for Maeve?
(from this ask meme)
25) what is their favourite place within playable regions?
Hmmmm interesting...I would pin the Storm Coast for Bran. Despite the constant downpour, the weather it reminds him of home. 
36.) are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves? 
Haylan ( @siriusdraws ).I also would say Cole as some other members of the Inquisition do. And also, oddly enough, the Iron Bull as he’s on par with her being a fellow frontline fighter. Maeve is protective of her friends, especially when she’s grown fond of them. 
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klc-journei · 9 years
For the Inquisitor asks, #'s 5, 10, 16 for Brandan Trevelyan, please. :)
(from this ask meme)5.) what are their religious beliefs, if they have any?
Bran is Andrastian and very devout. 
10.) warrior, rogue, or mage? 
Two-handed Warrior and specializes as the Champion (hc that he is a Templar prior to Inquisition and makes a pact with Cullen to also stop his addiction to lyrium so Cullen doesn’t fight it alone)
16.) when are they the happiest? 
When he’s with Cassandra (bc romance), or even with his friends. Hearing from Maeve also makes him happy.
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