#that's sarcasm in case you couldn't tell lol
cq-studios · 6 months
Questions for 15 Friends Tag Game
Tagged by @corishadowfang ^^
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 15 people.
Not that I know of. I think my middle name was after someone but, if that's the case, I don't know who.
This weekend watching Days. That game breaks me every time.
Nope and don't ever plan on it.
Uhhhh, none.
I tried out for the basketball team twice in elementary school but didn't make the team either time. That school, and especially the coach, had it out for me though (I am neurodivergent had behavioural issues so they didn't let me do much).
If it counts, I was on the Improv team in middle school. That was a ton of fun and I would've kept doing it into highschool if the teacher who was in charge of the competitions didn't retire (no one stepped up after that)
Other than that not really anything.
Oh definitely. I grew up in an incredibly sarcastic household lol
Uhhh, I haven't really thought about it...
Probably hair? That's how I tend to recognise most people, which is most definitely unreliable (thanks for that brain lol).
Shout out to that one time my friend got a drastically different haircut than usual, didn't tell me, and I didn't recognise her until she spoke to me lol
Definitely happy endings. I have absolutely no tolerance for scary things.
My pour soul got nightmares so easy as a kid I wasn't allowed to watch Scooby Doo because it would keep me up at night lol
I'd feel weird saying anything artistic, because honestly I consider those skills more than talents (since they're something I actually work towards improving and not something that I can just do for some reason lol).
So alternatively, I think my talent is simultaneously have the worlds worst and best balance. Like I can fill up a cup completely (and I mean completely, there's a meniscus and everything) and I can bring that up to my mouth without spilling a drop, but at the same time, there have been several occasions where I have fallen out of chairs while doing nothing but colouring. I can walk across a completely rounded balance beam (like curtain rod look and size) eyes closed and backwards, but walking I'm tripping every other step.
I can also quack like a duck so convincingly I've tricked hunters lol
I'm not entirely sure...
Somewhere around the southern Quebec-Ontario border I think?
Drawing, animating, reading, writing, and playing video games (and doing stuff for local theatre productions if that counts).
Yes, currently I have a dog, Neve. She's a Golden Retriever-Labrador mix and she's very strange.
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My brother also has a cat, but she lives in the basement and I never see her lol
I couldn't tell you the last time I measured my height, but I'm only a bit taller than my mom (4"11 and a bit), so probably 5"-5"1.
I love chemistry. I love balancing formulas. I love the experiments and demonstrations (even if when I was doing them I kept burning my hands... I swear I was being careful I'm just cursed lol). I love learning about all the elements properties and stuff. The math isn't awful (like in physics). And it makes me feel smart.
My dream job is whatever I have to do to be able to make my own show (my current plan is making an indie studio) and also being able to make a living off of doing tables at cons.
I'm actually slowly but surely working towards both right now. A lot of just saving and planning at the moment but I'm getting there.
Gonna start applying for grants soon-ish, so wish me luck lol
I don't really have 15 people to tag so, uhh, open tag I guess lol
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shuinami · 1 year
"Gwendy + Peter Pan" nickname origin (excerpt from a scrapped WIP)
Not sure I'll get around to writing the fic, it was a cart before the horse kind of thing for my little AU or whatever that I'm working on but yeah, I still thought the part where Hobie teases Gwen about her crush on Miles was cute lol
wc: 622
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"So, where are we going?" Gwen asked from a few paces behind.
"First stop's meeting my bassist."
"Cool... is it, like, near anything I would know...?"
"Oh yeah. She actually lives in Buckingham Palace. Mad, innit?" Hobie snickered at his own sarcasm, "You ask a lot of questions, y'know."
"Sorry, I'm not the best at... conversations."
"How's your storytelling?"
"Cause I heard you're one of them lot that got into multiverse trouble a while back. What's all that about?"
"You know about that?"
Hobie shrugged. "Spider streets talk. I heard a bit, I know 'bout Kingpin and his machine and whatnot but Count Dracula don't really like us talking about you man too tough. Especially not, uh... was it 16...10?"
Gwen said the name in such a dreamy voice that Hobie was taken aback. He was no stranger to the feeling, as masterful as he was at hiding it - he knew a nasty case of love sickness when he saw it.
That was the first true aberration from the punk Gwen Stacy he had built up in his head; all he had heard made Spider Gwen seem like a real rebel, just like London's had been, but punk Stacy would never come off so head over heels. It seemed to always be about the fight with her.
"Miles, ay? Well, tell me more."
"Where do I start?" she said, mindlessly pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, "He- oh, right. You mean about the collider thing, don't you?"
"What d'you think I meant?"
Hobie looked back at her, incapable of hiding his smirk. The girl was as red as his mask.
"I'm just pulling your leg, love. Speed through the Kingpin stuff and then tell me about your little what's-his-name if you want. I love a good bit of goss."
There wasn't much speedy about her retelling of the events but Hobie was happy that Gwen seemed to be more comfortable talking. Childishly, he was struck with spikes of disappointment at certain points in her story, a little frustrated that 'Gwen Stacy wouldn't have done that', 'she wouldn't say it like that'. Each time he found himself holding his breath, Hobie actively had to remind himself of Jess' words: this wasn't just an American Gwen Stacy... who was alive. This Gwen was her own person - nobody to him, yet - and that was perfectly okay.
"As for Miles," Gwen continued with a sigh, "I don't know. I haven't really done the whole 'friends' thing for a long time... but Miles was different. We just clicked, it was nice to find someone like me, you know? Well, like us, I guess but, I don't know. We're close in age."
"What about the other girl... Peni, was it?"
"Well, yeah, but... Miles and I are both New Yorkers and we met first, I guess, and our personalities just... mesh. When we talked, I didn't feel like I had to be Spider-Woman, it was just like being a regular kid."
"Annnnd, conveniently, he's just your type," Hobie teased, leading Gwen into a jumbled defence of why, though Miles was not not good-looking, it definitely wasn't like 'that'.
She continued to trip over her words as she followed Hobie across the road without paying much attention until he turned around and stopped her with two firm hands to the shoulder.
"Relax, G. I get it. He's your Peter Pan."
"My Peter Pan?"
"That's right, Gwendy. He flies around all cool like," Hobie explained, gesturing to emphasise his web-shooters, "he makes you feel like a kid again and..."
He trailed off, holding off on his poking as he reached a row of run down lock-up garages, one of which was leaking music despite being closed.
"And what?" Gwen asked, arms folded.
"And... youwannakiss'im,"
As Gwen started to protest, Hobie cleared his throat and couldn't help his grin of amusement. "Right! We're here."
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nucrests · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to pop in a say that I’m in the process of working on another revamp set of mine which I hope I’ll be able to share soon(?) I’m actually kinda excited about this one bc it’s another personal fave of mine 😊
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rolanberry-rebel · 3 years
My favorite part of the FFXIV real estate market being as miserable as the real-life one is that not only does it make property impossible to own, but it also makes items you can only get by owning property also stupidly expensive. Really looking forward to spending 3-4 million gil to level my chocobo to max rank.
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missusgordo · 6 years
pixiesandenvy replied to your post “The first comic was good, I guess I’ll see what they do with Spike in...”
Is that the new comic? I thought it was more Highschool where Angel was present, so now they've brought more Spike in from day one?
well yeah it’s a reboot so new storylines and characters are different but yeah we might just get double the Sp*ke none of the Angel! 
I cannot contain my excitement... lol
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edengarden · 3 years
(google says about -18 celsius is the same as 0 fahrenheit) (also i’ve been reading way too many prep/jock x outcast fake dating fics recently) [tw cigarettes]
“so what’s your superpower, princess?”
[person b] adjusted their jacket, clearly nervous but clearly trying so hard to hide it behind a wall of disapproval. “not that it’s anything you’d need to know for a dumb fake relationship, but i can breathe smoke.”
[person a] took a drag of their cigarette. “so can i, cupcake,” they said, voice raspy as smoke indeed curled out of their lips, “got anything else?”
I've got zero experience writing for toji. i have never read toji fanfics ever. i barely have a grasp on his character. but fuck it, i'm writing a little something, this sparked it! Although i switched it up a lot lol
Make yourself useful
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x reader
Synopsis: When an intel agent and an assassin have to infiltrate the mafia as a soon-to-be-wedded couple to gain information. Oh; and as someone of more than decent intelligence, you’re not very fond of Toji. How fun!
Warnings: none, really. Toji being a flirt and borderline insufferable.
Dread filled your veins as you waited for your partner. The partner supposed to infiltrate some stupid mafia with you, posing as some stupid couple with. Honestly; there must have been better characters to enact. Better people to be than some stupid, fictional powercouple. You could have gone in as extra security, or cleaning staff, or you could have gone as simple acquaintances. Working individually couldn’t have been that bad, considering that working with him would feel the same, but worse.
Now keep in mind that, had your mission partner been different, maybe you wouldn't be pissed. The agency is full of very capable, very skilled and enhanced individuals. The asshole they paired you with was simply the exception to the rule. A fluke that had you hating this mission before it was even completely debriefed to you.
The doors of the conference room swung open, earning your attention as you watched that bastard of a Fushiguro walk in. The cigarette in his mouth looked fresh. You almost wanted to laugh at the thought of him lighting it simply for this show he was putting on. His eyes swept the room, giving you an acknowledging nod when they met yours. "You’re my fiancé?"
"No, actually, it's the chair." You nodded at the furniture next to you. Of course you were the pretend fiancé. There was no one else in the room, damn it. Your name was on the case file.
Your little outburst of sarcasm earned a chuckle from him. Toji sauntered to you, completely unashamed in the fact that his eyes were taking in every single part of you. As if he was evaluating just what he was working with. And, to be honest, he didn't find much on the surface. Because, unlike him, you worked with intel. While he was the brawn that would probably charge (and according to his mission history; kill) first and never ask questions, squeezing info from people (and leaving them capable of answering questions later) was literally all you knew.
"Well, my love," He crooned, fixing his already tight t-shirt that had been riding up his abdomen. "Tell me; what's your superpower, hm? Mind reading?" Turns out that he wasn't illiterate after all! He read a part of your file. But not the part about abilities, obviously.
"Not that it'll be of much help on the mission, but I can breathe smoke." You muttered, avoiding his expectant gaze. After years of making up for such a useless ability, you still couldn't quite escape the humiliation of it. Especially in front of a man who, as an assassin, probably expected to be paired with someone on his level, physically. He most likely was unaware that you were here to level out his... difficulties elsewhere. But mostly to monitor him.
The raven haired man let out another series of deep chuckles. His raspy voice, which was most likely a side effect of smoking (if he wasn't doing it simply for show), seemed to have travelled. It sounded near you. Out of pure curiosity, you lifted your gaze once more.
A sudden cloud of smoke had you squinting. You grimaced at the feeling of his hot breath on your face. When the smoke spread and dissipated into the air, you frowned at Toji. You weren't exactly enjoying his forced second-hand smoking. "That's not very special, darling. I can do it too." He breathed. Too close. This man, albeit his new status of being your fiancé, was way too close for this to be deemed professional. His eyes raked up and down your body again before they met yours, now hardening to send a spiteful glare his way. "Try to make yourself useful to me in other ways, baby. 'Kay?"
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healingthruhiking · 3 years
******Trigger Warning For Anyone Offended at Fat/Thick/BBW Girls Hiking********
If you're going to judge, ridicule, be negative, troll, creep, insult or otherwise showcase your severe insecurities, lack of self esteem, and project your own unhappiness through inappropriate comments, move on, find a therapist who can help and start working on yourself.....this post is unapologetic.
Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way 😅 I wanted to change up my normal blog for a hot minute. 🔥
For clarity purposes, I'm going to use the word fat. F. A. T.
If this bothers you, take a minute to reflect on why.
See, society has taught us that "fat" as an adjective is bad, negative and insulting. So we hesitate to use it, or we make other terms that sound more socially acceptable.
I'm not fat. I have fat. A little more than than average individual and I know it's not healthy (for me). But if I met another person, same age/height/weight I don't get to assume that they're unhealthy....I don't get to body shame or tell them what their body should be like.
Fat has a biological reason for survival. Too much can lead to health issues, including death. Too little can lead to health issues, including death.
Yet we as society continue to body shame. Every decade sides are chosen. In the 90s and fordt part of the 2000s, thin was in. Then 2010 happened....and curves, wider hips, thick thighs and full faces were the new rage.
The reality is the only person who should have an opinion about body types is the person who owns the body....not anyone else.
A few months ago I posted in a hiking FB group, asking for gear/clothing recommendations for larger/thicker hikers...specifically women. While 90% of the comments were supportive and helpful. A few were not. One group member took it upon themselves to DM me and told me "to stop eating and save some for the rest of us". Followed by name calling and using certain slurs I refuse to re type here.
A few years ago, this would have cases a major panic attack, with a depression episode to follow (I battle with PTSD, anxiety, depression).
But the more I've pushed myself on trail, the greater my own self esteem and self confidence has grown.....which has resulted in my ability to see the pain and insecurities behind people who fat shame and body shame, instead of exhausting my energy with debating and self hate.
I'm 5'6 and weigh 230lbs. Some days it's 235lbs.
Can I run a marathon? Hell no! But neither can my friend who's the same height and weighs 140lbs. Because it's not about the weight. It's about the training and conditioning.
Do I eat crappy cereal? Sometimes....I personally hate carbs and not because of a diet or fad....but because I think bread is gross (don't act like you don't have things you think are gross lol).
I'm a protein and veggie person (except celery....too hard and the taste is ewwwww).
But I also like sugar. Like a lot.
I try to make the best choices when I can but I'm not perfect. Food is fuel.
And sometimes you put fuel in your car for survival - like going to work.
Annnnnnnd.....other times you put fuel in your car to drive 3hrs NW towards Pie Town, NM on 3/14 because eating pie on National Pie Day is fun.
Sometimes I eat a spinach kale salad with pumpkin seeds, cranberries, feta and balsamic vinegarette....
And other times I eat a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream because it's the best (not up for debate). 🤣
And that's OK.
I like hiking. Most recently I've discovered thru-hiking and backpacking. I was scared at first. Living up to societies expectations, I always figured that the people who backpack and hike have to look like most REI and North Face models (calm down...up until 2020, neither company was pro-thick girl accommodating for gear...🥳 and yay.....they're starting to get on board).
I thought since I had extra fat on my body, I couldn't sleep on a 2 inch thick sleep pad, having thighs that touch (and not due to muscle) mustve ment no long hikes, and certainly eating dehydrated foods wouldn't be filling.
Thanks society for fostering a lack of self esteem and drive for exploring nature. *sarcasm*
So many people scream at people who are overweight to "go outside and move!"
Yet when we try to, we get scrutinized, judged, laughed, cyber bullied, and have to jump hurdles designed for horses.
We can't even walk into a REI and buy some freaking base layers....we have to "order online".
I'd like to meet the marketing reps for these companies and have a conversation about why only offering "plus sizes" online only continues to hurt us and isn't at all helpful.
Unlike *most* standard sizes....if I'm a size 20 at Torrid, I'm not at Lane Bryant. I'm a 22 at Target, but trying to order soemthing online is laughable because ummmmmm.....my thighs, waist, bust and hips are one-size-fits-all.
So without the ability to try on clothes at the actual store, I'm going to end up returning half of what I ordered....and feel like a reject.
Why can't outdoor stores also keep "plus sizes" on stock, in store? Don't tell me it's because there's not enough "bigger people" who want to hike.
Maybe we don't hike because we have almost 0 options when it comes to gear. And yes, Osprey, I'm talking to you!
My hips are wide and my booty is round and sound! Let's develope packs that are curvy friendly without costing $50-$80 more than a standard size. And no....it's not costing you that much more to make them, it's because most corporations profit heavily on their "plus size" products.
I can do a 10 mile, 2500ft elevation gain hike. I want to be prepared and safe. I want to have the same options as any other hiker/backpacker would.
My extra fat doesn't define my ability to enjoy and explore the world, but the lack of options and social constructs about fat does.
My wife and I are adventure buddies. We push eachother when on trail. We encourage one another to continue and not turn back. We have gone to Glacier, Yellowstone, Olympic, Carlsbad, White Sands, Rainier, Rocky Mountain's and other National Parks.
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