#that's what i was afraid about with all their activity last week
goldenpinof · 9 months
i'm not home and i don't have a laptop here so i can't really concentrate and take notes but there's so much to unpack here. dnpgames mentions left and right?! and the info he is giving isn't particularly new, so the fact that he decides to come back to the "dead" channel again and again is way too interesting. the house tour? the house STILL not being finished!! i started to believe they keep saying this to not give us any proper tour but then why mention tour at all. weirdos <3 Phil kissed 3 youtubers + obviously Dan. let's just not think about it. Dan and Phil podcast can actually happen? or are we in the same situation as with the gaming channel when Phil is up for it and Dan is like "no, thanks".. i would really like to know where Dan stands with a podcast or semi-regular liveshows. that one section of wad didn't give much hope. the insides of Phil's job??! this is what i've been waiting for! give me more. i definitely forgot something and i don't CARE. don't put uno cards up your butt!!
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