#that. yeah that was really therapeutic thank you so much 🀍 anon
babysizedfics Β· 4 years
HC 1/2: Might I project a little bit? Logan gets ocular migraines and feels generally miserable, but he also feels guilty on top of that because he cannot help Patton watch the boys. His head and eyes hurt to the point of tears, and it's likely he'll throw up. So Logan isolates himself in his dark, quiet room and figures Patton will most likely check on him when he can. But surprise! It isn't Patton creeping into his room some time later, but a concerned Ro.
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white heart anon i'm really sorry you have to experience that kind of stuff :(( but this is A+ headcanon material so thank u for sending it in
this is also super sad when you remember we said that logan is allergic to morphine because that means he can't have codeine which is a common painkiller - he might be allergic to more than one painkiller too just because im in that angsty mood tonight
i can imagine logan trying to power through it - he has always been very healthy though and when he got a migraine in the past he would take as many preventative measures as possible to not exacerbate it - but this is the first time it has happened while both him and patton had their hands full with looking after the boys
vee is particularly clingy today and will not let go of logan and roman has been so stressed all week because of an upcoming audition/show so they all know that its important for him to be little for a day to let go of that stress and responsibility
and logan has had a moderate headache all day which he just ignored but then he sees scotomas start to float around his vision and he knows it's a matter of minutes before the pain really hits
he very regretfully admits this to patton who of course is very concerned, but logan assures him he will be fine but... he needs to leave
and patton of course is rushing to pick vee up from his lap but the baby doesnt understand why and he whimpers and tries to cling to logans arm
'its all right sweetheart,' logan whispers, knowing his voice will make his vision swim if he speaks any louder. he's squinting to protect himself from the light of the living room. he leaves and tries not to feel absokutely horrible when he hears virgil crying as he walks up the stairs trying very hard not to fall
'mama will be back later its ok' he heard patton say and though its distant the sound feels like a cheese grater to his skull
he has been in his room for 2 hours now save for a very painful trip to the much too bright bathroom when the headache got so intense that it emptied his stomach
and logan is positively miserable now, lying in bed in the dark and not being able to stop from groaning in pain and simultaneously being in more pain everytime the sound echoes around his head
then theres a harsh click and even through his closed eyelids he can see the room has gotten lighter and it sends wave of nausea through him that he just about controls
'patton please close the door' logan whispers as faintly as he can and its shaky with unshed tears because it just hurts so much
the door closes so gently that the sound barely bothers him, then the mattress dips beside him and he fully expects patton's perpetually cold fingers pressing against his cheek or a whispered offer to get him anything
but that didnt happen. instead:
its was so gentle that logan couldn't believe his ears in thinking it was romans voice
he reluctantly opens one eye slightly, wincing at the sharp stab of pain in his skull
the room wasnt pitch black, it was quite impossible to achieve that in the middle of the day. it was dim enough that everything alpeared as dull greys. he saw romans worried face in greytone before he pulled his fingers over his eyes again and groaned
'roman i can't play right now' logan explains softly, and he's impressed by his own ability to sound gentle and loving even when he feels like he wants to scream with pain if only that wouldnt make it a million times worse
'i dont wanna play, i wanna cuddle' roman whispers
logan frowns 'im not sure if i can'
'please mommy?'
and logan can never deny roman affection when he uses that name. that name is not used lightly by the age dreamer, it's reserved for very dire situations when hes very upset or ill and really needs help
so as doubtful and nervous as he is that this is going to backfire, logan opens his arms and furrows his brow tightly to prepare for the onslaught of pain that is bound to come when roman rocks the bed and makes noise
but the gentleness with which roman crawls onto the mattress and wraps his arm around logans chest is astounding and it barely affects logans migraine
'aren't you scared of it being so dark?' logan asks as a sort of final offer for roman to leave
theres a pause and its clear that there was some truth to it, but despite the slight tremour in his tone roman says 'i know you'll protect me'
they settle in to each other with quiet sighs, roman's tummy and chest pressed into logans side, logans arms around his shoulders, roman's head on logan's chest
and it doesnt make things worse at all
for as loud and energetic as roman was 99% of the time, he seemed to make up for it in incredible quietness and stillness that logan had never experienced even when bottlefeeding a very sleepy baby vee or when wrapped in pattons arms in the middle of the night and sniggering at his sleep talk
and when waves of pain overcome him he squeezes roman just a little tighter and roman does the same. and when he groans in pain roman's leg shuffles to reat on top of his, and when another wave of nausea overcomes him romans hand very gently rasies to the pillow and takes a single strand of logans hair, delicately stroking it every few seconds
and it all makes it a whole lot easier to bear the pain when he has such a brave little prince by his side
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