#thats the big fic on my docket
ghouljams · 3 months
“And I’ll do it again” okay, so what’s the next au? Business rivals? Fae x Fae? Mermaids? SPILL THE AUS LIKE ITS TEA
Witch/Price immortal/historic fae au that's a giant metaphor for living with chronic illnesses and coming of age in your 30s.
Working title is: "The Price of Fire", but might change to "Until the Sun Stops Shining"
I have 6 chapters outlined. It's a slow burn, We learn Witch's name, and it takes place over 200 years as Price and Witch navigate their budding relationship and their seemingly unchanging bodies while the world around them hurtles towards the present day.
Guest appearance by Ghost and Love.
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volsungar-the-mighty · 7 months
I read your back alley blowjob story because Liam and Parrish just hits that sweet spot for me lol and god I love it! Just needed to convey that your brand of filth is my brand of filth and, on the sly, anything on the docket?
Well, I really appreciate that man! Always good to hear someone liking my particular brand of filth.
I'm really glad you liked that particular fic too! Fun thing...i'd had it in my WIP'a for like..2 years before i finished it...only after I'd transitioned into that brand of filth.
So, whats on the docket? Thats a good question...always asking myself that. Got a few good ones. Namely, my fic "In the Doctors Office" has a few chapters in the works yet. The next one i have thats half done is Parrish's chapter, so keep an eye out on that. Parrish's particular...quirk is that he really likes it when someone says he's "moaning like a bitch in heat". It's like a trigger phrase...leaving him changed until someone says the phrase again.
Another fic in the works thats been going on and off for about 2.5 years now is one kinky ride. Liam and Parrish as brothers (no need to think too much on the specifics of how that works) who are probably a little too close for most brothers, if you catch my drift. They literally cant stop fucking...like rabbits. Lets just say that Liam is a horny little shit who is jealous of his brother, and magical shenanigans ensue.
I was also going to write a sequel to my fic Save a horse, ride a demon, though it would have been entirely from Theo's perspective. The first fic ends with Theo falling under the influence of the same spell book that Liam had fallen to, and Theo speeding off, suddenly needing to summon a demon of his own. Instead of summoning the demon Abaddon like Liam had, though, he summons the demon Fenris, the literal god of werewolves, who see's Theo as a disgrace to werewolves, due to being a chimera. Fortunately for Theo, he gets made into a sex slave for Fenris, to appease the god. Unfortunately for Theo, Fenris isnt as keen on Theo's ass like Abaddon would have been. No...Fenris is a little more into sounding and urethral play then anything else.
There's a few others that are in the works, but those are the big ones for the moment. Feel free to ask about any others!
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stedebonnit · 2 years
Oh wow I loved that vignette so much! It's SO right and it's lovely having hive mind sometimes, yes? I'm over the moon cuz I'm working on a fic where Ed learns about Stede's birthdays from a diary that he didn't toss overboard (thank goddess for hidey holes and sekrit passages)... I thought it might be fun to share a scrappy bit of that s a way to thank you for the wonderful drabble! Anyway, have a bite of wee!heartbroken Stede:
Father says I’m stupid. I do well at school and I’m very good with figures but it doesn’t matter because everyone is supposed to do that. He’s right that I’ll never amount to anything. Even the Badminton twins know that. It’s wrong to hate them but I do.
I was happy yesterday when he told me to bring our best duck up from the pond. I thought he wanted to meet Petunia and pet her. When he put the cleaver on the killing block and told me to hold her down I tried to take her and keep her safe but I fell. She was a good duck. I loved her very much. She would be back in the pond with Peanut and their ducklings if I wasn’t so clumsy and scared. 
I ruined my birthday supper. I tried not to be sick but I couldn’t hold it in and made a mess. I always ruin everything I touch. I don’t mean to hurt anyone but I always do no matter how hard I try. 
xo and if you build yours into a longer piece I'll be dying to roll around in it!
Oh my god
I am OBSESSED with this. Please please send me a link to this when its finished, i would LOVE to read it!!
I have so many fics floating around in my head, and three on the writing docket right now, so i doubt I'll turn this into a full one (though I did post a part two hehe), that said - I had a fic in my head for a long time (that I'll probably never get around to) thats based on the song 'so its ur birthday' by Xana, and I had this whole idea of a modern AU where Stede and Ed meet in university and then Stede, pressured by his family, decides to propose to Mary instead of pursuing Edward, and they spend a few years apart. Every year on their birthdays, they write letters to each other that they never send. Until one day, Frenchie finds all these addressed letters and drops them in the mail. Stedes birthday is fast approaching, and he's planned a party, but day of, no one shows.
Until Ed steps in. He got Stedes invitation, and the letter he'd sent:
"So its my birthday, baby. I wonder if you hate me. Cause i love you more than the moon and the stars. You could take a picture wherever you are, mail it my way like a postcard, and sign your name with a big heart."
Attached is an invitation to Stedes birthday.
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