#thats what they get for dating tsunderes /j
agentplutonium · 1 year
"After a Long Day" Headcanons
I'm bored, sick, and thinking about a brief conversation that me and @penncilkid had the other night, so here's a list of different redacted bois coming home after a long day.
I'm not gonna do all the redacted bois, but here are the ones that are in this post: Milo, Asher, David, and Guy
Milo is always about physical contact. He usually uses this tactic for when Sweetheart is working too hard, but he loves being able to hold his mate close at any moment. When he's had a hard shift, he wouldn't even say anything to Sweetheart before dragging them to the couch and trapping them there. This always amuses Sweetheart. They would spend this time talking at to Milo, finding any way to kiss any part of him. There would be nothing going on, just Sweetheart's soft voice, their hands and lips against his skin, and the love that he feels for them.
Asher seeks out comfort foods when he gets home from a long day. Baabe would help prepare said food (most of it was junk, or things that he would make with his family, but it didn't matter to Baabe what it was as long as it helped.) After the things were made, they would build a nest in the living room and settle in it to play games for hours on end. They would eat, laugh, and make stupid bets while playing games just for the fun of it.
David is a tough guy, and he usually won't admit when he's tired after a long day. However, when he gets home and is just a little bit more clingy than usual, Angel usually catches on. This is where they would start to do damage control, complaining about how tired they were, and how much their coworkers got on their nerves, and "will you cuddle with me?"s until David 'gives in' because he'd do anything for his Angel. This was the first part of their plan. Angel would then get David to lie down in their lap so they'd be able to play with his hair. David would protest half-heartedly, but he never won the fight. Angel moved on to the third part of the plan, putting on a series of YouTube videos that they watched regularly and turned the volume down so it was just background noise. They would run their fingers through his hair, and David would slowly relax and close his eyes. Sometimes he'd fall asleep like that. Angel never did tease him for when he was like this, but they did take pride in the fact that he could help them relax.
Guy would usually be the opposite of how he normally acts, which is Honey's first clue to how his day went. When he's had a long day, it's usually because he had a lot of deliveries/customers and was just human'd out for the day. Honey would ask him point-blank if he wanted to have their presence or not. If he said no, Honey would give him a kiss before sending him to bed, telling him they were there if they needed him. They would get made fun of for being so soft, but he still listened. If he did want them to stick around, the two of them would end up on the couch tangled together watching one of their shows. Honey would be running their hands along his body in a soothing manner, sometimes running their fingers into his hair, but there would be no talking. There would be no expectation of conversation, or jokes, or anything like that. Guy appreciated it more than anything being able to just exist like that.
anyway that's all from me :D i hope you guys enjoyed this cause idk it was fun for me. i might do more like this in the future ngl.
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dootdootwriting · 3 years
i have followed the primogem here✨✨🤲🤲
primos pls— /j
on a seriouser note (if thats appropriate), i hope you're doing well!!! i am Here With a request of a tsundere reader or like reader 'who is normally seen as cold but tends to soften once you get to know them' hcs with zhongli and childe (separately) hc? 👀 and whoever you'd like to add!
im not sure if this is considered specific traits (?)— and if it is, and if you don't do specific traits, it's alright!! either ways i hope you'll have a fantastic day/night 😌
YEA also me too anon... *looks at my 124 primos and 0 fates*... my pity is over 50 now so maybe the game will decide i deserve One (1) five star soon...
also i added kaeya because imagining him with someone like this makes my brain go brr he would be So annoying but also very endearing yk. Man after writing his now i am Sad. kaeya my beloved you deserve so much more ;x;
Format: Headcanons Characters: Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya (separate) Pronouns used: none but i call you bro during kaeya’s bit Type: fluff Warnings: like one mild swear
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- when he first meets you he sees how you present on the outside and decides to respect your boundaries and give you your space
- he’s very good at reading people and also a very patient person, so when he finds someone he’d like to get to know better, he pursues the most sensible path: make sure they’re comfortable with him first
- since externally you’re so cold, he assumes you just like your space, so he takes his time to let you warm up to him
- he’s also pleasantly surprised when you come out of your shell!
- it’s a nice reveal for him; you must trust him and enjoy his presence, so you’re softer and more open with him
- it makes him feel proud :)
- of himself and also of you! he’s managed to get to know you fully and you’ve managed to open up to someone (and he’s so glad it’s him too man’s smitten)
- he learns that his original “diagnosis” was correct when he sees how you act around other people you don’t knoW (cold, like you were to him at first)
- he’s so happy and feels so lucky like “this person chose me to be close to”
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- polar opposite of zhongli. does everything in his power to break down your cold exterior As Fast As Possible
- man it gets annoying sometimes
- but this guy’s on a mission. he’s got his mind made up. and when he puts his mind to something NOTHING can stop him, not even the walls of ice you’ve worked so hard to build up towards strangers
- it’s actually kind of cute how persistent he is. he really cares about you now and genuinely wants to know you
- at first it was a challenge against himself to see if he could thaw your mask of ice but now... he’s gone too deep. he‘s invested in your life and in you and actually, he like you a lot
- it’s around the time he realizes this that you warm up to him and are softer around him
- i think he deadass forgot this was his goal. he‘s just too happy that you actually seem to enjoy him
- will tease you about it though
- “oh? you want a kiss now? i thought you were all mean and scary though... WAIT NO COME BACK I DIDN’T MEAN IT I’LL GIVE YOU KISSES”
- save this man
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- another relentless one but this time! he just flirts with you! good luck bro!
- he flirts with everyone but when people shun him like you do it becomes a competition. who can cave first? again: good luck bro
- he’s also got his flirty mask though, so... he’s one to talk
- you actually gradually discard your masks at the same time. and then somehow he’s his genuine self around you and you don’t act so cold to him all the time
- you become someone he can trust and vice versa, and he really really values that and then SOMEHOW you guys are tight friends and THEN you start dating
- sometimes you wake up and he’s next to you because there was a storm and he spent the night and you look at him and you’re like. man what how did this even happen
- he sees you act cold to strangers and looks at YOU and is like. man what i am so happy How did this even happy
- you no longer need luck <3
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stickcat-paradise · 3 years
my only question? stickcat copperright when- /j
HAHA! this time you officially GET RID OF THAT “/J”!! Cause it was actually going to be canon!!! I hope no one would find me messed up for it- especially of what happened the last time right and reg was mentioned on this blog ^^;
but in the start of the story, rhm and reg arent dating and are oblivious that they both actually love the other romantically. As Reg may be strict sometimes, he is actually very clingy towards Right! (projection time wootwoot /pos) while Right was soon going to show that he is the biggest 👏 tsundere 👏 you have 👏 ever 👏 seen (also a slight projection!) /POSITIVE
and luckily I have doodles, i felt like i have more but these are the ones that I am able to show!
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context for the first pic, bottom left section: it's Reg's first time witnessing RHMR sleepwalking! (you dont need context for the rest of the page really- /lh XD)
context for the second pic: i drew Right associating with two songs "Su-Suki Nanka Janai!" from Poppin' Party and "Romeo" from HoneyWorks. (fun fact, I was about to make a copperright illsutration associating with Romeo HoneyWorks but haha.... im pretty hesitant ^^; but i dont think you guys understand how much serotonin that idea gave me /POS)
Mann, i really REALLYY wish i could have introduced CopperRight sooner /gen but sadly I do have my reasons on why stickcat copperright makes me slightly uncomfortable to think of now (dont worry, its mainly cause of a dumb mistake i made ^^;)
but thats all i have on CopperRight on the top of my head! feel free if you wanna ask anything specific about it! ^^ 💝💝💕
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Hii! Can I request the SFW Alphabet for Takumi from Fire Emblem Fates 🤪🤪 Y, I J and if you want, C. Thank you! I miss pineapple man sm like fr fr >~< even though I'm nohrian scum
Character(s): Takumi
Notes: don’t worry, i’m also a nohrian scum I also love Takumi and ur request is so adorable 💞💞 Hope you’ll enjoy this! (I had so much doing this X3 u can tell by how long this is HAHAHAHA)
Warning: soft Takumi—
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Y= Yearning (Do they long for you? Will they find themselves missing you while you’re away? If so, how will they cope with it?)
♡Yes, even though he’s a bit (what do you mean by a bit?!) tsun-tsun but he longs for you. He’s always been insecure in his life. No one ever praise him, no one pays any attention to him. So when you came to the picture, he wants you to stay (why is this turning to a yandere—).
♡Takumi might not be the best guy out there but he tries his best. He conveys his feelings for you through concern of your battling skills (he reminds me of felix—) and your personal health. He would be very subtle about his feelings for you. So you need to be able to pick up on this or else you two will go nowhere 🙃
♡Yes. Whenever you go somewhere that isn’t in Hoshido, he will find himself missinv you. But, in true Tsundere fashion, he denies it 🙃. Of ccourse his retainers will pick it up immediately and tease him relentlessly. (Takumi is now a tomato—)
♡But everyone is wishing you’ll return this instant because they can’t bear to see the 3rd prince of Hoshido so lost and clumsy. Like srsly. You’ll find him lost in thought while twisting fhe object he has on his hand (one time it was an arrow and he managed to stab himself with it 😐). So please, for everyone’s sake, come bak—
I= Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do you two often go on dates?)
♡Takumi is nervous and might be a bit clumsy when showing affection. But not to fear! He’ll immediately fall victim in your embraces and kisses. He’ll leave kisses on your forehead when you two cross paths (yes, even if someone is there).
♡Takumi might not look like it (or act) but he’s actually romantic at heart. He plans dates for you two ahead of time. It usually includes stargazing, picnic date, lazy dates, or just plain walking around. Even if its simple, I feel like Takumi makes it more romantic (with Oboro and Hinata being his wingman and wingwoman).
♡Not really often, but still enough. Like I said, he plans the dates ahead of time. If there is a festival, then why not have a date there? If he found a spot abundant of fireflies, okay, lets have a date here. Yeahh.. I’m in love with him but I’m a nohrian scum—
J= Jealousy (How often do they get jealous? Do they get easily jealous? How will they react?)
♡Takumi is easily jealous, it stems from his insecurities. When he sees you talking with his retainers or brothers or anyone in the camp or a random person, he would immediately be jealous. But it’s not like he doesn’t trust you! He trusts you but.. he can’t shake the feeling that he can easily be replaced. He knows he isn’t special, only having his Fujin Yumi as a weapon that makes him special.
♡Takumi being jealous is quite often. Especially if he’s having a bad day. Though if its a normal or happy day, he might tone it down a bit...
♡Takumi would glare at them from a distance while eyeing you two and crossing his arms in front of him. His grips on his sleeves tightened with each minute that passed. (His retainers are snickering behind him—) Until he can’t take it anymore and stomped over there. The next scenario now depends on who that person is.
♡ If its his brother and sisters, he would excuse you two politely. If its his retainers, he would just excuse you two and drag you away without waiting for their reply. If its someone in camp or random person, he might not as well speak and just drag you sway. (Unless thats Azura or Corrin, then he’ll politely excuse you two). It either ends up with that person smirking (his retainers), sighing (siblings) and plain confusion (random people).
C= Cuddles (How often do they cuddle? How are they when they cuddle? What cuddle position do they like best? Are they the Big Spoon or Little Spoon?)
♡Quite often surprisingly. I can see him actually being touch-starved, so he might cling to you a bit. I will, and must, compare him with a koala (HAHAHA). He will cling to you like that so that you can’t escape ( and leave him ;-; i love u so much bby—)
♡Takumi usually cuddles if he’s tired and worn out by all his training, or just wants to shut down. He gets depressed easily, so he’ll immediately seek you out for comfort. This’ll also be the only time he lets his guard down completely, cherish it while you can—
♡He actually likes being the Little Spoon surprisingly. Even though he should be the big spoon (because, duh, his pride), but he just wants to unwind in your arms. So he likes the little spoon better than being the big spoon. He wants to feel protected, loved. And that’s the way he feels with you.
♡He loves to put his head on your chest, ears on your chest, listening to your heart beating. It calms him down so you better let him do it— his arms are loosely yet firmly wrapped around your waist. You can also remove his ponytail and run your fingers through him. He might be able to sleep if you continue doing that—
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starglitterz · 3 years
heyy your bored and im bored,, lets be bored 2gether 💗💗💕💕 here let me bless you with another hc <33 (not sure if you saw it but im totally 100% okay if you use one of my hcs <3)
hmm now that we talked about klee and qiqi, i feel like its only fair we talk about diona!
diona huh.. i personally associate her with diluc bc its ironic. they both hate wine and yet contribute to its success. personally i cant fucking see diluc being on twitch or streaming. dont think its his vibe,, WAIT🤩 HE OWNS A PODCAST!!
xiao and qiqi were once guests in the podcast, and diona watched the episode- and my god- was world war 3 coming,, diona couldn't believe her EYES
alsjspadjd your telling ME that qiqi is now the fan favorite instead of DIONA?!?? outrageous!! diona was FUMING when she found out. now she has this vendetta against qiqi and feels the need to always one up her, and what better way than to make xiao suffer? 😈😈
diona BEGS for you to interact and collab with diluc, its only so fans put more attention on the both of you and not xiao thus less attention for qiqi! and is xiao not happy with this...
hutao LOVES this plot twist! she finds it amusing to see xiao grumble and mutter under his breath about the article he saw this morning about how diluc would be better for you than him. (oo jealous xiao arc 👀)
sighs.. first xiao is being bullied by child and aether, then he cant even confess to you, and now he has to deal with diona's little war... when can he ever catch a break? 😔😔
omg bored 2gether,,, are you inviting me on a bored date 👀 /j LOL rin every time you come into my inbox i get hyped 2 read your awesome hcs ASDKJSK (omg i actually didn't see it so tysm !!!)
THE MEGA CUTE TRIO !! as we should they deserve the world i want 2 give them headpats and hugs <3
HELP I ALWAYS IMAGINE DILUC KINDA BEING LIKE A FATHER FIGURE TO DIONA??? ik she already has a dad and that's totally fine but in my magical hc world diluc is bad with kids bc he seems so grumpy but diona is a tsundere so she gets along fine with him after finding out that he too hates wine (that doesn't mean she doesn't scold him abt being a wine tycoon every day tho !!)
PODCAST DILUC GRRR BARK WOOF why is that so cool,,, i bet venti teases him and says diluc WISHES his podcast was as popular as genshin weekly (spoiler alert it actually is, hence why diluc is so rich while venti is decidedly not) LMAOOOO
y/n x diluc best ship 😍😍😍 you can bet your life xiao is majorly pissed when he sees this on his twitter tl he blocked that account so fast HELPAJSKDAKJS he probably complains on his spam account with some freaking bart simpson sad memes LMFAOOSAKDJAKSJ
honestly ik hu tao just likes it bc it annoys xiao and she LITERALLY ADDS FUEL TO THE FIRE by tweeting abt how cute the episode where diluc interviewed you was,,, she's like 'ooo new ship 👀' and xiao is like '😐😐😐 no.' JEALOUS XIAO ARC SO TRUE,,, and he can't say anything abt it bc the two of you aren't dating so what right does he have to fuss about who you're collabing with??? wait, does that mean if you date him the diluc x y/n agenda will be stopped ?! xiao suddenly gains the courage to FINALLY confess... and you accept and suddenly you're kissing him?! or so he thought, until he woke up the next morning and had to take a cold shower 😔
HELP I LOVE THIS SM 🥺‼ poor xiao omg 😭 and y/n is NOT completely oblivious but she thinks it's funny to tease xiao bc she's too scared to confess as well,,, so perhaps this is just a crazy way of weaseling a confession out of the super aloof xiao??? 👀
pov i wake up and rin has hacked into my tumblr account and finished cynosure,,, HAHAHSKJKSD /j pls don't hack me T_T LOL anyways ily darling !! i hope you have/had a great day, make sure to stay hydrated <3
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Overhaul / Chisaki Kai sfw alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Yeah... not very as you all may have expected. Chisaki is very reserved and his mysophobia doesn't help at all. Although, years of not touching nobody can do so much to a person and he MIGHT be willing to touch you after a few months... maybe years.
At the first few times he will only show his affection by giving you things. That's it.
But well, the wait is worth it. Chisaki is a gentleman by nature. Kisses on the hand whenever you pass by, forcing/invinting you to sit on his lap.
His forms of affection are from actions, not from words. He sucks with words, Im sorry.
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Something tells me that Chisaki would start a relationship only when the person gives him some type of interest. Personality, knowledge.... QUIRKLESS.
Really, he does care more about how intellugent or what they could be to him as a partner, appearance comes just as a bonus to him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Jokes apart, Chisaki is just as a stone when cuddling... if he is willing to honestly because this man is such a tsundere brat it huRTS-
He would slowly learn how to do it, but please give him time and espace, he never done this before God help him.
He is much more comfortable with you laying on his chest as he continues on with his paperwork, it gives hkm a sense that he is not alone and that he can spend time with you while doing something so tedious as paperwork.
BUT! On harsh days, as example got into a argument with pops or a bad day in general, he likes to lay his head on your lap and just forget the world exists as hugging you close and inhaling your clean scent.
Also well, enjoy when he is sleepy.
Also, cuddling only after a shower. No buts.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Well, he does want to settle down but as long as he can continue gis work on the Hassaikai then its nore than fine to him (if we're talking about after the raid THEN HE NEEDS TO SETTLE DOWN AND SOME THERAPY)
Cleaning master. Sucks at cooking.
Okay, he is not that bad he can make a toast, but he just really doesn't like to do it, since is just so messy. Really enjoys your cooking though if you know how to...
If not his poor childhood friend will become the chef of you two. Seriously Hari need a break-
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Fuck. If HE had to break up he would be straight to the point. Cold and uncaring. Not even the whole "is not you, its me" no no. Chisaki will make sure to tell that he is breaking up because of you and thats final, being on his good intentions or not.
Kai would break up with his partner if they did something like cheat on him or something... and he is from the mafia you rreally want to take the risk?!
Or he would break up due to his fear of you getting hurt. But this will only happen when his paranoia would take over him.
He doesn't want to lose you soon, affirmative.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He feels unnecessary before he mets someone he feels really in love with. He doesn't believed in love when younger so its a tragic change.
And no. Chisaki wants to make sure he knows the person very well before he goes to get down on one knee for them. And surprisingly, if he feels like he is safe and can be vulnetable around his partner? Then he is on the cloud nine internally.
Only time will tell when you can get engaged with this plague man.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Is that enough? No? Ok.
He is always scoffing and rolling his eyes when you are affectionate with him but ny god dont stop or else he will discount his rage and frustation on poor Rappa.
Although, when he gets a bit drunk or just overworked he is so gentle. Like, sweet words and all, it even shocks you sometimesm
For him, you are the light of his dark life, his angel. So he doesn't mind speaking behind closed doors on how much he loves you and cherish you being here with him. Likes to carres your cheeks with the back of his gloved hand or plant sweet kisses on your forehead, hands and most of all: lips.
Appreaciate it because his behaviour can change on how you take his words.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Nope. Only when he feels the urge to it, when he is tired or when you are down.
He is not much of a hugger. But is willing to give some to you since... you're special to him.
Although Chisaki hugs are like 👌😤. His arms caging you to gis chest and how warm it feels its just heavenly. He hugs you close and likes to give you little squezze that does not hurt to make you sure he is not letting go for a while.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Long. Long time until he says this.
Saying those three words means to him only one thing: vulnerability.
Its going to take a lot of time for Kai to let out those words, mostly sure that his partner will be the one to say it first, but Kai would jjst stay there and not reply.
One: embarrassed as heck; Two: he is sure that he loves you back but... he needs time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He is more overprotective than jealous. Yet he does feel it. A lot.
He doesn't trust OTHERS, he knows you love him. But the world around him failed so many times when he was young that this man has doubts even on his most considerate coomurate. He fears that they might take advantege of you.
A tiny part of him fears that you will leave him because he is not the mostproper partner, but his pride takes over that very easily.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft, passionate and hot.
As spoken before Kai loves to kiss your hand, forehead, cheeks and lips. Those are the cleanest and softest places he found to make you embarrassed and all soft.
He isn't much to being kissed... but he does love it when he is there working and then you rub his shoulder a bit before kissing his temple than pecking his lips softly.
Leaves him a blushing mess all the time.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
*laughs* ERI-CHAN-!
I have a few scenatios of him actually being a good dad so... I will just skip this one and let you all see it for yourselfs.
Although, one word. Strict dad. You guessed right.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Especially when he doesn't go to work because its only there that you can see his resting face on the pillows. Usually when he goes to work he gets up, dress himself and carres your check softly before leaving a kiss on your temple and leaving.
When he is free you're trapped. Cant get out of the bed until he does.
Sweet scraches and petting coming from him. TAKE THOSE.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Soft. Watching him, tired as always getting out of his clothes to put his nightwear. If neither of you feel like crashing down onto the dreamland, Chisaki will pick one book you may like, let you rest your head on his chest, shoulder or lap as he reads it out loud while scracthing your head.
If he is on the mood he might even sing you a lullaby... only if you're feeling down though.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
After a very long time on the relationship.
If he does have a mentalbreakfown he is blurting everything out like he is about to die and just needs to tell you everything. Although it would be almost impossible.
I feel like Chisaki would slowly reveal things of himself to you. Is the most like to happen.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Easy peasy little squeaky.
This man gets angry easily but he does know how to control himself over this situations... although when he loses his patience he does get pissed off (we saw him already guys with pops and the heroes)
In discussions he woudl rather distance himself then to just shout at you though.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He knows everything and more about you. Every little detail he will remember
Seriously, he might still have that annoyed face of his when you're talming but he is listening and paying attention.
Might as well surprise you with your favorite sweets or flowers.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
First kiss.
He never kissed someone besides you so all the memroy is very well guarded on his mind and he does cherish it everyday.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Overprotective. Will kill for you, overhaul and then kill again for you.
Chisaki is powerful, not only by his quirk but his status as well so only one look of his is enough to scare the others away.
Or his threatenings like... slipping his glove out and showing his victim his bare hand as a signal to not speak or dont come any closer unless they want to die.
Will fell weirded out if you protect him since like... he is a boss of the mafia? He doesn't need protection? He is your knight in shinning armor not the other way around.
... although it makes him a bit embarrassed.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
So much money that the Hassaimai is stealing from other gangs because of this asshole expending shit tones of moneh in your guys dates.
Everything you once thought or mentiomed for him is there. He is not afraid to spend money when it comes to you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Brush off something that its important to you bit seems unimportant for him.
Gets rude sometimes.
Always demanding on cleaning duty.
Wanting to keep his personal espace due to his mysophobia.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Not much. He only gives care to his cleaning habbits and his smell. Definitely not because you find his scent amusing and devine. Nope. Definitely not.
He doesn't care about looks. Really, do not give a shit. Is just a bonus to him. You're divine and angelic to him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Many thumbs up.
He feels extra annoyed and bothered when you're not around. Pls stay with this plague man.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cant sleep without you on his side. Really, he just cant. He tried many times already but just ended up scoffing and going after you just because he needed to sleep says him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He calls you brat as a affectionate nickname but seriously, he doesn't want a child as his partner, so dont be too childish. It irritates him a lot.
BEING ORGANIZED IS NOT A OPTION IS A MUST. or else it will feel like he is more occupied scolding you then loving you for that matter.
Hates. HATES. when his plans doesn't work well and when suddenly you cancel a date of you two or any plans in general.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Cling to you for dear life when he gets comfortable with you. And I would suggest you to stay awake for a bit longer than him since he mumbles in his sleep.
Might be nightmares of rombas chasing him with knifes or words of how much he truly loves you? You might as well find out.
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