#fire emblem takumi x reader
lexsssu · 2 years
Fate (Takumi)
Flufftober Day 22
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TAGS: Takumi/F!Reader
He is falling.
He sees the light getting farther and farther away until it becomes a mere speck in the distance as his body plunges into the deep dark abyss.
Takumi knows that there’s no way he’ll survive this, just as he’d wanted.
The proud prince of Hoshido would sooner off himself with a blade, or in this case, throw himself off the Bottomless Canyon than surrender himself to that traitor Corrin and his band of Nohrian scum.
His only regret is that he will never see his siblings again.
He will never be able to see you again.
“ I’m sorry. ”
Takumi sat up in a cold sweat, pearlescent strands sticking to his skin as he tried to manage his breathing. Although he couldn’t remember the exact details of his nightmare, he knew that it was something he’d never want to become a reality.
“Did you have a bad dream, anata ?”
Relief washed over the prince at the sound of your voice, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his lean yet strong arms around your smaller frame.
“Yeah, but I’m alright now.”
And he is because you’re here now in his arms. The familiar weight of your body, the smell of your hair, and the sound of your voice are like a balm to his soul.
“Alright, but don’t be afraid to tell me anything, okay? You know I’ll listen to anything you want to say,” you burrow your face into the crook of your husband’s neck, returning his embrace and similarly basking in his presence.
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for the flower prompts! Could we get orange rose with Takumi pleaseee
Orange Rose - experiencing constant as well as distracting thoughts of the other person
Takumi is sincerely glad no one is around today to watch him practice his archery. Not a single arrow has reached its target. Some have almost completed avoided it all together. The reason for these disastrous shots is why he's glad no one else is around.
If Ryoma or Hinoka saw him miss so much they'd ask what was bothering him, and the thought of having to explain that he can't think properly is embarrassing. He tries to steady his breathing, emptying his mind upon pulling back the drawstring.
"There's no greater comfort then knowing I have someone as skilled as you looking out for me." His breath hitches, your voice echoing loud in his mind. Your warm smile as the words casually fall out of your mouth causes the loud thrum of his own heartbeat to surprise him.
He releases the arrow, it fails to reach the center of the target. He grumbles to himself. 'Get ahold of yourself.' It's not going to work. The several missed shots from the same mental image evidence enough. He sighs. Deciding ultimately to give up on practice for the moment. 'Who even says things like that?' It's a silly thought. He already know who does. You obviously.
You stood by and quietly watched him. He was glad you hadn't made your presence known until after he ran out of arrows to shoot. At times your mere presence makes him miss. "Practicing again?" You asked, moving closer towards him.
"I need to keep my skills sharp."
"I'd say they are already rather sharp given all those bullseyes."
"It's not enough. A target that doesn't move isn't the same as one that does." He paused. "How could anyone rely on an archer that can't shoot a moving enemy?" How could I protect you if I can't do that? Is a question his mind thought of but his mouth left unsaid.
"I think you're quite reliable." He had said nothing, simply staring with doubt. "There's no greater comfort then knowing I have someone as skilled as you looking out for me." He had been stunned by your words, spluttering out something that barely resembled a response.
"I- uh. Well. Hm. I'm glad you feel that way." He was glad.
So glad that days later he's still plagued by the memory of your words. His heart thrumming and mind racing just as fast as they had when you first said it. Still wondering if you even knew what your words had done to him.
Still waiting for the off chance that you'll comeback and watch him, and say something similar to him again.
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robynmizore · 1 year
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Vote for Takumi in the fe fuckability contest, link below. Help him win ;3
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frickingnerd · 12 days
Birthright Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
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husbandomail-archive · 9 months
December 14: Christmas cards happy birthday Takumi! I was thinking FEH MC for this one lmao
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“Ah, Summoner, there you are,” Takumi pops his head through the doorway of the castle’s library, clearly looking for you. “I was wondering where you’d disappeared to.”
You glance up from your crafts just long enough to greet him with a smile. “I’ve been here!” Your voice is chipper; clearly whatever you’ve been doing has lifted your mood.
Takumi steps over to your desk, his eyes wandering across the mess splayed on top of the wood; a thick ream of blank paper, a pile of brushes in different sizes, bottles of ink in plenty of colors. Your hands are stained in color and there’s even a bit of green smeared across your face. “What’s held your attention for this long—?”
“Christmas cards!” Your face lights up happily as you explain. “Where I’m from, we send them out for the holidays— I figured this winter festival is a close enough equivalent, so I’ve been working on ‘em all day.” You pause to hold up one of the painted sheets; still adjusting to Askr’s written language, it had taken a lot of effort to get it to look good. Takumi laughs lightly.
“You should be proud of coming so far,” he says, kneeling next to you on the floor. “Even just a few months ago, you would’ve spelled that entire sentence wrong.”
“Shush!” You shove him playfully, and he laughs— Takumi is firmer than he looks, and doesn’t budge in the slightest. “It’s not like you know everything about this country either!”
“At least I can spell my name,” he points out slyly. You pout up at him, but there’s clearly no winning this conversation; instead, you turn and shuffle through the pile of completed cards at the edge of the desk. Takumi watches with interest as you grab one in particular. “Oh? Did you have someone in mind already?”
“Mhm,” you nod, and then you grin up at him. “Happy birthday, Takumi!”
He blinks in surprise, slowly taking the card from you. The writing on the front is shaky, but the decorations are carefully hand-painted; it was obvious you’d taken your time with this one. He glances up at you and you toss another soft smile his way. “You’ll get one for Christmas too, don’t worry.”
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Day 1
Pairing: Takumi x reader
Prompt: Brittle
Description: It was scary, letting people. Being soft--vulnerable. Takumi had been hurt doing that before and he wasn't keen on doing that again. But, with you, being brittle, falling apart, seemed easy.
Rating: sfw
Content warning: None
Word Count: 757
Notes: happy 6th of march gamers I decided that I would start a daily prompt thing almost a week in! lets see how this goes! The main goal is to get me back into writing so, even if I don't finish... at least I'm writing!
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Letting in someone new was… hard. Just as hard as it was to build up his walls. One’s he had thought were strong, secure in his hold. To make sure he would never hurt this way again. But, to you, they were oh so brittle, crumbling before your wake.
Did you know you held his beating heart in your hands? Perhaps not. It wasn’t your fault he hurt like this. But still, Takumi can’t help but feel a little… bitter. That you let this happen. Let him hurt like this. When you were the one that wormed your way in, the walls around his heart nothing in the wake of your sweetness.
“Takumi?” Your voice is soft, the look on your face is concerned. You hand is half raised towards him in concern. He shakes the look off his face. Clears his mind.
You haven’t done anything… yet. It was him who fell in love.
“Sorry.” The word leaves him with a heavy breath. He closes his eyes another moment to collect himself before opening them again, speaking again. Your hand in resting in your lap again, anxiously pulling at your clothing as you look his way. He can’t meet your gaze.
“Just, tired is all. Thinking a little.” His words are mumbled out, halfhearted and quiet.
“I understand…” He sees you bob your head a little. “We’ve been fighting a lot lately. It’s hard to find a moment of rest, even from one’s own thoughts.” He catches you biting your bottom lip slightly. As he finally looks up fully at you, taking in the worry on your face, Takumi realizes your likely haven’t been looking straight his way this entire time, either. It looks like you want to say something more, however. Takumi stays silent, lets you find your thoughts before you speak once again.
“But if… you need to talk, or just need someone to be there for you, I’m here… you know?” You finally catch his gaze, smiling at him despite the obvious way this makes you nervous.
“You mean, like this?” Takumi manages to crack a small smile, one that makes your own grow in size.
“Well, yeah…” You giggle softly, a sound that lifts the shadow over him somewhat. You kick your feet a little where you seat, gaze circling back to his own. “I guess so. I just want you to know that I’m not going anywhere. I’ve noticed you can get well… really down and closed in on yourself sometimes….” You heave a sigh, fingers curling in on your clothing. “...I can get like that sometimes, too. So I just wanted you to know you’re not alone.” You’re looking away from him now. The golden light of the setting sun hides your features.
“That…” His words catch in his throat as Takumi’s heart picks up it’s pace. He awkwardly clears his throat. “I… had no idea.” He admits softly. “Thank you for um…” He hesitates. “Just… thank you. It means a lot.”
“I’m glad…” You meet his gaze with a slightly bowed head, pretty eyes looking up at his through your lashes. “I… care about you, and I want you to be happy.” Your words are careful, but they can’t help but make Takumi wonder.
Maybe, he didn’t have to hurt. It was wrong to think that you would want to hurt him… Moreso then him wanting to believe you felt the same, your words were… genuine. Something people say out of concern.
Perhaps you loved him, or perhaps you didn’t Takumi wasn’t sure. But… you cared about him either way. So, maybe it was okay to be a little brittle. To let someone in. It might hurt a little, to be vulnerable…
But how else do you show others you care too?
“You know…” He’s surprised by the sound of his own voice, but you look attentive as he tries to speak, gentle, sweet smile still gracing your lips. “I’d… like to be there for you, too. I-if that’s okay?” It feels awkward asking, after you were able to say that to him without fear of judgment. He’s got a long way to go, though.
“I’d love that.” He viably calms at your words. “It’s… very comforting to hear that, in fact.” You sigh softly, closing your eyes to rest.
Takumi watches you, soft smile taking on his features as well. It was comforting, being vulnerable with one another. It was scary… but so so sweet. He could get use to this.
Get use to being brittle with you.
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♠️ Okay, wonderful! For the event, would you be open to writing for a F!Corrin with Takumi and Jakob (separate)?
I would love to see you write something centered around a curse on Corrin...maybe her voice is stolen, her memory of her loyalty to Hoshido/Nohr goes away, she's put to sleep...? Just some ideas. Excited to see what you come up with! ❤️
THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL! I could write so many curse prompts... Maybe I can do it as an event in the future?
Takumi and Jakob with cursed Corrin
Corrin here is female
Starter for both
Corrin had been waiting for some free time to visit the realms and see her two adorable sons.
Unfortunately though her husband was busy handling variety of tasks she couldn't help with... But that'd mean that she'll just have to give her sons twice the attention to make up for it!
Traveling alone to the realms went smoothly. But trouble started once she was heading back.
Suspicious mages were found not far from the portals and naturally she decided to investigate to make sure what their goal was.
To put it simply- she got unlucky and caught. Turns out the group was just beginner mages that liked to play around with curses and Corrin ended up as their test subject.
She managed to fight them off... But she didn't come back unscathed. Although it'd be a matter of time before the curse takes it's effect...
Takumi- Sleep curse
The moment he was done with all his tasks he noticed that his wife didn't come back yet. Which made him worry greatly.
So the second he was notified that she came back he went to see her. He wanted to know if anything happened or if she just lost the track of time.
He happily greeted her and she seemed normal as ususal. She was just as full of life as always.
Suddenly her head started hurting and she felt weak. He immediately caught her in his arms and lead her back to their quarters so she can rest.
"Takumi...? What's happening to me?" it felt scarry to be so helpless. He wanted to lie to himself and say that she was just a little tired but everything came so suddenly there was no mistaking that something else is the cause.
When he helped her lay down he only then noticed a mark underneath a cape on her back.
He immediately wanted to get help, but at the same time he didn't wanted to leave her.
He recalled how he was cursed and he definitely remembered how scary it was. Especially to forget hurting his friends. Luckily it doesn't seem like she'd be under a similar spell.
When she closed her eyes is when he started to panic more. So he immediately went to look for someone who could help.
Fortunately the curse wasn't strong. The people behind it were clearly an amateurs. It was easily broken.
The whole thing didn't last even an hour but he was a little paranoid that Corrin might never wake up.
When Corrin woke up Takumi immediately hugged her like he was never going to let her go. He was dead worried but now everything was alright.
But the happy moment had to come to an end sooner or later, because now they had to take care of those mages before more people get hurt.
Jakob- Memory loss
He was happy to hear that she was back from her trip... But he also wanted to scold her for losing the track of time so easily.
She was acting normal for a moment but then she suddenly started acting confused by everything.
The realization hit him when he spoke to her and she said "Do you know where I am? Who are you?" not being recognized by her hurt more than getting stabbed.
He thought it was impossible for her to not remember him. But there you had it.
She was still just as kind and sweet. Somehow the curse only affected her memories but not her feelings. So she acted a little shy around Jakob like she had a crush on him.
Which was honestly adorable but he didn't wanted her to be like this. Although she didn't lose her feelings, she doesn't know who he was to her. He thought this kind of thing could only happen to someone like Silas, not him!
He was sure it was a curse, what else could it be? So naturally he looked for someone who was more experienced with dark magic.
As they walked around he held her hand and it made her rather flustered, but she didn't stop him or even ask where he was taking her.
It wasn't anyhow an advanced curse so it wasn't hard to get rid of it. Still the whole thing made him angry.
Now that she remembers everything it'd be loveley if she could tell him who had cursed her. In that case he could make sure nothing like that would ever happen to her... Well anyone but he only cared about his wife's safety.
~Mod Bernadetta
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divinesayer · 9 months
commission info!
hi, i'm kay! i'm an english BA & creative writing MA graduate who is opening fic & poetry commissions via my kofi! i have a few different tiers:
fics/original prose is priced at the following: 200 words - £20 1000 words - £50 2000 words - £100 5000 words - £150 (please message me regarding any alternative lengths)
poetry is priced as below: short form (2-3 stanzas/one prose paragraph) - £10 long form (4+ stanzas/two prose paragraphs) - £20 (please note that rhyme schemes are an additional £5)
please send a message with any questions or requests; i'll do my best to accommodate!! see below for extra information.
if you do not see anything on this list, please ask about it! i probably haven't thought of it lol. feel free to message regarding anything i will write with limitations too. please see here for fandoms/ships i will not write for.
here are some things i am happy to write:
prose, poetry, lgbt content (especially sapphics!), romantic ships, platonic & familial relationships, horror, mild gore, smut (with limitations), kink (with limitations), fics with your ocs (includes oc/canon), self-insert (not x reader, sfw only), any pov, letters from a fictional other (sfw only), mecha (sfw only), fantasy/sci-fi, monster of the week concepts (includes original monsters), vampires, werewolves (sfw only), genderbends (trans headcanons, cis-swaps - please specify), historical fiction (with limitations), fics based on songs/albums, age gaps (adult/adult only), mild violence, angst, dubcon (nothing too intense though), characters from media i don't know (please provide info!!), polyam ships, AUs, crossovers, pregnancy (sfw only)
things i will not write:
incest, underage smut, adult/minor ships, noncon, suicide, dead dove, smut for minors, aging up minors for smut, zoophilia, rpf, hard gore, hardcore kink (please ask if you need clarification), furries, mecha nsfw, x reader, nsfw self insert, hard violence, major character death, over 1000 words, multi-chapter (with exceptions), human/non-human (excluding vampires), omegaverse, zombies, prison aus, royalty aus, sex worker aus, slavery aus
some fandoms i will write for:
yugioh (duel monsters, gx, 5ds, zexal), the x files (seasons 1-3), death note, doctor who (seasons 1-4 of reboot), superstore, how i met your mother, madoka magica, fire emblem (sacred stones, awakening, fates), legend of zelda (botw/totk), marvel (mcu up to phase 3, + dsmom & wandavision), howl's moving castle (studio ghibli movie), classic literature (rebecca, wuthering heights, sherlock holmes), pokemon (most familiar with gens 1 + 5 and original anime run), avatar (atla), twilight, five nights at freddys (no ships), sabrina the teenage witch (seasons 1/2), stardew valley, + more as i think of it
ships i enjoy writing:
my faithshipping, mulderscully, doctorrose, lawlight, gx rivalshipping, matsuda/misa, peachshipping, violetshipping, scoopshipping, amy/jonah, lily/marshall, barney/robin, zelink, howl/sophie, chrom/robin, chrom/frederick, bella/alice, leo/takumi, bella/rosalie, bella/edward, ironstrange, stevetony, peppernat, tonynat, pepperony, palmerstrange, homura/madoka, frostiron, strangefrost, wandavision, doctor/jack/rose, misa/rem, doctor/jack, matsuda/light, mello/matt, gameshipping, mastershipping, fianceshipping, chaseshipping, puzzleshipping, thiefshipping, sherlock holmes/professor moriarty, dragonshipping, wishshipping, heathcliff/catherine earnshaw, edward/jacob, katara/zuko, katara/aang, sokka/zuko, + more as i think of them
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duskdawnduodual · 1 year
The Rising of Dawn and the Shadow of Dusk: Meet Your Champions For Each!
In other words, the contestants have been selected and here are your duos!
Remember, the relationship definers afterwards come from the submissions! Also odds are if it was submitted as romantic, it will depend though, I will also add an or platonic seeing as there are always multiple interpretations of a duo! If there was no specification or vibe that seems to align with any it will say any! And If it says Familial and I see anyone shipping those contestants, it will be a block.
Rai Suwa and Kazuki Kurusu from Buddy Daddies (Platonic)
Vagabond Cookie and Rebel Cookie from Cookie Run: Ovenbreak (Romantic or Platonic)
Lunamon and Coronamon from Digimon (Any)
Sayori and Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club (Any)
Anders and Fenris from Dragon Age (Any)
Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and Allen Avadonia from Evillious Chronicles (Familial)
Leo and Takumi from Fire Emblem Fates (Any)
Toru Honda and Kyo Soma from Fruits Baskets (Romantic)
Kaeya and Diluc from Genshin Impact (Familial)
Scaramouche and Kazuha from Genshin Impact (Any)
Astraeus and Eos from Greek Mythology (Romantic)
Killua Zoldyck & Gon Freecss from Hunter x Hunter (Romantic or Platonic)
Megumi Fushiguro and Itadori Yuugi from Jujustu Kaisen (Romantic or Platonic)
Rumi and Peter Sqliont from Just Roll With It: Apotheosis (Romantic)
Riku and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts (Romantic or Platonic)
Kirby and Meta Knight from Kirby series (Platonic)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug (Romantic)
Celestia and Luna from My Little Pony (Familial)
Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (Any)
Starburst and Starlight Glimmer  from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Platonic)
Sasuke and Naruto from Naruto (Romantic)
Atsushi Nakajima and Ryuunosuke Akutagawa from Bungou Stray Dogs (Platonic)
Temenos and Throné from Octopath Traveller 2 (Platonic)
Kim Dokja and Yu Junghyeok from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (Any)
Dusk Mane Necrozma / Dawn Wings Necrozma from Pokémon (Platonic)
Lycanroc (Midday, Midnight, Dusk) from Pokemon (Platonic)
Evelyn and Morgan from Pokemon (Familial)
Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Bros. (Familial)
Klavier and Apollo from Ace Attorney (Romantic or Platonic)
Midna and Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Romantic or Platonic)
Rui Kamishiro and Tenma Tsukasa from Wonderlands x Showtime - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage (Romantic)
Garroth and Laurence from Minecraft Diaries (Romantic or Platonic)
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Headcanon: Takumi With a Depressed S/O Would Be Like...
Request: Hi! So, I’m actually not sure if one shot requests are open(I’m on mobile) but if they are am I allowed to request a Takumi x a depressed s/o who tries to hide being depressed? I’m really sorry if it isn’t aloud, but I love your work anyways!
Requested by Anonymous
Word Count: 315
Warnings: Talking about depression (nothing severe or graphic)
A.N.- This is mostly based off of my own experiences and what helps me most like knowing that I’m not alone. I know that everyone’s experiences are not the same but I decided to use my own experiences rather than try and take a stance that I haven’t experienced myself.
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When Takumi found out you were depressed, he would be upset with himself for not seeing the signs.
He wouldn't want you to hide anything from him. He would like to know everything, especially if you are having a bad day.
Takumi would take it upon himself to research depression. He would want to learn more to find a way to best help you through your episodes.
Takumi would ask you if he could tell his siblings about your depression. He knows you do your best to keep it a secret, but he is concerned about your well-being and wants you to know that many people care about you.
Takumi knows that he might not always be there for you as a prince, and that thought terrifies him. He is scared that there will be a time when you need him, and he can't be there.
Takumi would be cautious if he checked in with you while you were around other people. Since you hide your depression, he leaves it up to you who you want to tell and who you don't.
Takumi would be glad if you came to him on a bad day. He would be upset that you aren't feeling the best, but he would be grateful that you trust him.
Takumi would take a mental note of your actions and speech patterns so he can start to know when you have an episode to help.
Takumi would also take note of things he does that help you. He remembers what works for you and what doesn't, so he can be better at helping you next time.
Takumi wants to help you with your depression as much as he can. He knows that he can't fix everything himself, but he always wants you to know that he cares about you and he is always there to support you whenever you need him.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Hii! Can I request the SFW Alphabet for Takumi from Fire Emblem Fates 🤪🤪 Y, I J and if you want, C. Thank you! I miss pineapple man sm like fr fr >~< even though I'm nohrian scum
Character(s): Takumi
Notes: don’t worry, i’m also a nohrian scum I also love Takumi and ur request is so adorable 💞💞 Hope you’ll enjoy this! (I had so much doing this X3 u can tell by how long this is HAHAHAHA)
Warning: soft Takumi—
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Y= Yearning (Do they long for you? Will they find themselves missing you while you’re away? If so, how will they cope with it?)
♡Yes, even though he’s a bit (what do you mean by a bit?!) tsun-tsun but he longs for you. He’s always been insecure in his life. No one ever praise him, no one pays any attention to him. So when you came to the picture, he wants you to stay (why is this turning to a yandere—).
♡Takumi might not be the best guy out there but he tries his best. He conveys his feelings for you through concern of your battling skills (he reminds me of felix—) and your personal health. He would be very subtle about his feelings for you. So you need to be able to pick up on this or else you two will go nowhere 🙃
♡Yes. Whenever you go somewhere that isn’t in Hoshido, he will find himself missinv you. But, in true Tsundere fashion, he denies it 🙃. Of ccourse his retainers will pick it up immediately and tease him relentlessly. (Takumi is now a tomato—)
♡But everyone is wishing you’ll return this instant because they can’t bear to see the 3rd prince of Hoshido so lost and clumsy. Like srsly. You’ll find him lost in thought while twisting fhe object he has on his hand (one time it was an arrow and he managed to stab himself with it 😐). So please, for everyone’s sake, come bak—
I= Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do you two often go on dates?)
♡Takumi is nervous and might be a bit clumsy when showing affection. But not to fear! He’ll immediately fall victim in your embraces and kisses. He’ll leave kisses on your forehead when you two cross paths (yes, even if someone is there).
♡Takumi might not look like it (or act) but he’s actually romantic at heart. He plans dates for you two ahead of time. It usually includes stargazing, picnic date, lazy dates, or just plain walking around. Even if its simple, I feel like Takumi makes it more romantic (with Oboro and Hinata being his wingman and wingwoman).
♡Not really often, but still enough. Like I said, he plans the dates ahead of time. If there is a festival, then why not have a date there? If he found a spot abundant of fireflies, okay, lets have a date here. Yeahh.. I’m in love with him but I’m a nohrian scum—
J= Jealousy (How often do they get jealous? Do they get easily jealous? How will they react?)
♡Takumi is easily jealous, it stems from his insecurities. When he sees you talking with his retainers or brothers or anyone in the camp or a random person, he would immediately be jealous. But it’s not like he doesn’t trust you! He trusts you but.. he can’t shake the feeling that he can easily be replaced. He knows he isn’t special, only having his Fujin Yumi as a weapon that makes him special.
♡Takumi being jealous is quite often. Especially if he’s having a bad day. Though if its a normal or happy day, he might tone it down a bit...
♡Takumi would glare at them from a distance while eyeing you two and crossing his arms in front of him. His grips on his sleeves tightened with each minute that passed. (His retainers are snickering behind him—) Until he can’t take it anymore and stomped over there. The next scenario now depends on who that person is.
♡ If its his brother and sisters, he would excuse you two politely. If its his retainers, he would just excuse you two and drag you away without waiting for their reply. If its someone in camp or random person, he might not as well speak and just drag you sway. (Unless thats Azura or Corrin, then he’ll politely excuse you two). It either ends up with that person smirking (his retainers), sighing (siblings) and plain confusion (random people).
C= Cuddles (How often do they cuddle? How are they when they cuddle? What cuddle position do they like best? Are they the Big Spoon or Little Spoon?)
♡Quite often surprisingly. I can see him actually being touch-starved, so he might cling to you a bit. I will, and must, compare him with a koala (HAHAHA). He will cling to you like that so that you can’t escape ( and leave him ;-; i love u so much bby—)
♡Takumi usually cuddles if he’s tired and worn out by all his training, or just wants to shut down. He gets depressed easily, so he’ll immediately seek you out for comfort. This’ll also be the only time he lets his guard down completely, cherish it while you can—
♡He actually likes being the Little Spoon surprisingly. Even though he should be the big spoon (because, duh, his pride), but he just wants to unwind in your arms. So he likes the little spoon better than being the big spoon. He wants to feel protected, loved. And that’s the way he feels with you.
♡He loves to put his head on your chest, ears on your chest, listening to your heart beating. It calms him down so you better let him do it— his arms are loosely yet firmly wrapped around your waist. You can also remove his ponytail and run your fingers through him. He might be able to sleep if you continue doing that—
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robynmizore · 1 year
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Vote for Takumi in the fe fuckability contest on my profile!! Help him win!!
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frickingnerd · 2 years
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number of requests i'm working on: 15
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⋆˖⁺‧₊ ANIME ₊‧⁺˖⋆
⋆˖⁺‧₊ CARTOONS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
marc x reader x nathaniel poly
⋆˖⁺‧₊ BOOKS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Percy Jackson
piper x affectionate s/o
⋆˖⁺‧₊ VIDEOGAMES ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Ace Attorney
klavier x idol!reader
fuyuhiko x ff!reader x peko poly
yandere izuru
yandere naegi
yandere hajime
yandere k1b0
Fire Emblem
sakura x nohrian s/o
yandere takumi
rivals to lovers with hana
lumera x mortal s/o
Kingdom Hearts
Xenoblade Chronicles
yandere ventus
makoto yuki x reader ball dancing
proposing to melia
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sleeeeepytea · 5 years
Maybe first date HCs for s/o with Leo and/or Takumi?
i'm sorry this took so long nonnie!! i hope you enjoy it nonetheless ♡♡ i had fun with this hehe
first date headcanons with leo & takumi
♡ leo is a nervous wreck when it comes to your first date. he won't show it, of course, but internally he is running through every scenario that could go wrong. he had planned the date out thoroughly (with the help of camilla and laslow, the self-acclaimed romance extraordinaires) and ticked off every box on his hypothetical "what y/n likes" list - but he still is incredibly worried.
♡ when he invites you to go on the date, it's abrupt and to-the-point (he apologises for this later) and you notice the slightest blush on his cheeks. you accept the offer and you swear his face lights up; how could you refuse?
♡ the date is simple, but incredibly sweet. he seemed to wrap up your favourite pasttimes, environment and foods all in one little package!! 
♡ he is still incredibly nervous on the date itself and actually catches himself stutter a few times (which is absolutely humiliating in his opinion)! you seem to find it all endearing, which melts him just that little bit more; you're such a light in his life and he makes sure you know that.
♡ he ends it with a kiss - a little inexperienced but sweet nonetheless - and keeps his hand intertwined with yours as you take a lavish carriage back to the castle.
♡ takumi is a goddamn perfectionist when it comes to planning your first date. he wants nothing out of place nor any mistakes made so it takes him a while to actually plan it!
♡ he's made sure he listens to you intently to get some ideas as to what your ideal date is and casually runs it by you "hypothetically" speaking (you see right through this - takumi is literally incapable of not being blunt with his intentions, whether he covers it up or not).
♡ while he wanted the date to be a surprise, he couldn't handle keeping it from you. after all, how else would he know what you would like? takumi genuinely worries that this date would shape your relationship, so you have to assure him that you'd stay with him no matter what.
♡ and boy, are you spoilt! a bouquet, gifts, even handmade sweets sakura made (takumi insists that he helped). it's very lavish and almost overwhelming with how intensely he wants to prove his love for you.
♡ takumi tries not to show his anxiety about it all, but it falls away somewhat once you reciprocate his advances. he'll try to be a gentleman, really! but sometimes he finds it hard to be extra polite. but you assure him, it's a somewhat endearing trait. somewhat.
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midnight-write13 · 4 years
Just here to do some writing for smaller fandoms! I’m definitely no professional, but I’ll do what I can! I might also post some art here, so keep that in mind~
Feel free to just talk and ask me questions too!
I only write reader x character, sorry
NSFW requests are allowed
I will take headcanons and one-shot/scenario requests
Please do not spam me, I will get to you as soon as I can
Reader will be non-binary unless you request otherwise
Please specify if you want a head on on or one-shot/scenario! Thank you
Fandoms I will write for:
Bungo Stray Dogs (manga and anime)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Owari no Seraph (anime only)
The Arcana (Main love interests only)
Durarara (Anime only)
This list will probably get more things in the future.
Characters from other fandoms I’m comfortable writing for:
Takumi (FE: Fates)
Uno (Nanbaka
Alfonse (FE: Heroes)
This list will also probably get more things in the future
Thank you for stopping by!
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Master List: Fire Emblem Fates
Azura: Pluviophile, “It’s okay to love me. Please, love me.”,
Camilla: Hot spring confession,
Corrin: Tea time Confession,
Forrest: mtf trans reader; real gender reaffirmation hours,
Leo: I have no future if it’s not with you,
Niles: Bloodied and Beautiful, Season’s Delight,
Odin: Uncanny, “God, you really have no idea how amazing you are.”,
Reina: “Is it okay to want you all to myself?”, “I just want to show you how much I love you.”, “I’ll kiss away the pain, doll.”,
Ryoma: self insert vent piece, Hoshido’s new queen, Ryoma kidnaps the summoner Because He Can,
Shigure: Soulmates; red string of fate, Euphonious,
Shiro: “When do you want these back?”,
Takumi: Fallen Takumi “If you leave me, I’ll die!”, I love you “said not to me.”, “I don’t mind sharing, as long as I’m with you.”, remember to remind Takumi how much you love him!, Sydney tries to write away her bad habits (and fails) part 1, Comforting him after a particularly bad nightmare, Brittle,
Xander: “I want to touch you so much I can hardly hold myself back,” “If I don’t protect you, who will? You can only rely on me!”, Xander comforting his commoner s/o,
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