raygirlramblings · 1 year
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All these sweet, talented people in the fandom coming up with amazing oc’s and having them interact with Rayman showing how much they love and appreciate him…
…and then there’s Raye 🤣
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feralaot · 4 years
attack on titan characters biggest character phobia?
this is gonna be a sad one but yes I will do it for you beloved
AOT characters + their biggest fears
warnings: phobias, obviously
god/gods/deities: eren believes that he has made himself into a false god (re: rumbling) and believes that when he dies, he will face eternal judgement by the “true god(s)”
intimacy: she’s come to realize that everyone she gets close to suffers in some kind of way and doesn’t want to build an intimate relationship with anyone out of fear that it might endanger them. this, and the fact that she was nearly trafficked as a child.
heat/fire/steam: he’s never been able to explain it because he doesn’t have memory of the event that caused this fear. anything to do with heat, fire, and steam evokes a response in him that makes his whole body feel like it’s burning up and that he’s going to die.
being trusted: jean fears being trusted by people because he still blames himself for marco's death. he believes marco trusted and believed in him, yet jean wasn't there to help him before he died.
change: from leaving her home, leaving the training corps, going to marley, everything feels like it’s happening too fast and without reason. she just wants things to stay the same; it’s all too overwhelming.
flying: being on any airborne vehicle; planes, blimps, etc makes him incredibly nervous, especially if there’s a way for somebody to get in from the outside while in the air.
needles: her biggest fear is needles because it reminds her of when rod reiss pressured her into becoming a titan and eating eren before inevitably becoming one himself.
unchecked power: having been formerly worshipped, the idea of having power that cannot be questioned by others is sickening. she always needs somebody to assure her that she’s making the right decisions. she doesn’t want to become corrupt with her own idea of power.
forests: on several occasions horrible things have happened to him in forests. one being losing his entire original squad during the 57th expedition and the second being when zeke turned his comrades into titans, and he had to slaughter them all. he also doesn’t like how the trees block out the sky; it makes him feel like a bird in a cage.
attachment: after being attached with sawney and beane to experiment with them, they tried to stop letting themselves get too attached to people hoping that this would make the goodbye process easier. this has caused them to seem distant towards those who deem them a friend. 
failure: he’s always been determined to achieve his dream and never let anything stop him. even in the face of death and as his comrades fall around him, he refuses to concede, as he could never live with himself if he had let it all have been for nothing. 
losing his identity: he’s already lost several of the people that made him who he is and his conscience suffers because of it. with a split personality he struggles to cling to who he really is and fears that one day he may finally go off the deep end and lose all sense of self.
lightning/explosions: he can't forgive himself for what he’s done. whenever he hears or sees lightning he feels deeply disgusted with himself and nauseous. if he hears anything reminiscent of an explosion, he can’t help but grab his own arms or face and make sure he’s still, well, himself. 
being underground: after being trapped in a crystal of her own making for four years and having nothing to look at during that time other than dungeon walls, being under the earth or buried in any kind of way makes her feel like she’s going to suffocate.
being taken advantage of: he’s always had trust issues but being used to break the warhammer’s crystal was the final push that made him isolate and never put himself into another situation where he could be used to somebody else’s advantage again.
guns: firearms of any kind make her feel sick. they remind her of when the crew in the cart’s gear was sniped out, one by one, and even as a titan she could hear the impact and the sound of shells clattering. when she handles a gun, she can never bring herself to pull the trigger.
abandonment: after being used by his father, having to eat the man he looked up to, and being betrayed by his brother, the thought of being abandoned once more makes him sick. he doesn’t let himself trust people anymore.
lobsters: he refuses to cook, eat, or even look at lobsters anymore because they remind him of sasha, being the first meal that he ever cooked for her. just thinking about them is gut wrenching.
rats: having been a soldier from a young age and fighting in a war for four years of his teenage life, rats in the trenches became a common sight. he saw firsthand how big they got and how they chewed on remains.
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