#the Cayde Logs
destiny2skeleton · 3 months
Warning… sickness AU concepts up ahead.
This is horror. So please do not continue if not comfortable.
Warnings ahead:
A bit of a “log” of our hunter primal when he first.. sees “it”
Log:2: corrupted;error
‘ ‘This is. One week in recovery.. after I was rescued from that Crota battle, I’ve been feeling… strange. I mean of course cause my limbs are gone- replaced with metal.. shown what I truly am.
But this isn’t about that. Fuck, I saw something when I passed out. It kept.. calling to me… whispering…it didn’t look fucking normal. It didn’t look right. It said it knows who I was, that I can have what I wanted back. What does it even mean?! Fuck.. it sounds like that voice from… back in the day. Andal warned me about this shit but I can’t remember-
What’s in the corner of my hospital room…?’’
End of log.
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knghtlock · 1 year
she's alive.
her ship is trashed , but did its job: with the help of her allies, it was reinforced enough to pierce the veil with magic & tech & other arcane shit that she couldn't understand. the good-luck charms she got from her faily & friends survived, too: tucked safely into her belongings & plucked from the broken cockpit. her she stands inside the traveler, a world that felt like a dream, defying the odds to retrieve a friend. it's a miracle she survived, but after ikora's comms went dark ....
it felt just like the prison of elders . like cayde's hand stroking her hair before going cold, cold, cold . like the rattle to his modulator when he told her that where i'm goin', you can't follow. like the grief that ate her alive, ravaged the tangled shore, & resulted in the birth of crow, her brother, but the brutal death of uldren sov.
she refuses to let her grief swallow her whole again, mangled cybernetics reforming & snapping back into place with the help of lumax's light. she can't. she won't, gritting her teeth as she rises from the ashes, running on sheer force of will & her unbreakable spirit. and as she rises from the wreckage in this strange new world , hotaru rededicates herself to bringing her vanguard leader, her friend home. by any means necessary, even if she died trying.
but that was three days ago.
three days without hope until her eyes catch the smoke of a campfire atop a hill.
she scrambles up the cliff-face with newfound purpose despite her injured state - some injuries that she's nursing the old-fashioned way in case lumax needs to rez her. the warlock screams ikora's name until she shatters apart into streaks of light that burst up the hillside, until she's shooting up to the top & ----
well, ikora's not here. but her belongings are: knowing her, she's off investigating, like the brilliant warlock she is. ( like the warlock hotaru wishes she could be. )
but he is: a sucker-punch of a sight for sore eyes that abruptly snaps her back together, streaks of lightning colliding to re-assemble the sum of their parts. somehow, wherever this is, cayde-6 is alive , breathing , as bright & beautiful as the day she lost him.
she stumbles slightly upon landing - cyan eyes boring into his in deafening, uncharacteristic silence. ( in denial, in grief , in mourning , in a sliver of hope that hasn't entered her eyes in five long , long years. )
his death cast a long shadow upon them all , but she was cursed to be ground zero , cursed to hold him until the warmth faded from his metal frame . & there are so many emotions in in this moment that tangle & writhe in her chest , from a wound that never truly healed in her heart. demanding to be felt properly, in their entirety.
( a wound left behind by a love that lived in every atom of her being . )
one step forward . then another , than another , until she's right in front of him. until she's grabbing his face & pulling it down to hers , until her lips are on that stupid mouth of his because the best time to kiss him would've been at least two centuries ago, & the second best time is now . brief and fleeting as it was, exploding every synapse in her with joy , with longing , with love . it's the same emotions that live in her eyes when she pulls back , just as quickly as she slammed into him.
" ---- sorry . uh . not for kissing you ! i mean, unless you didn't want me to? i mean, i really should've done that... before. but i should've asked, & --- " a frustrated noise escapes her , her hands scrubbing at the tears in her eyes as hotaru's frame trembles ever - so - slightly , before beaming up at him with a watery, fanged smile.
( she hopes that he still recognizes her with her arc-bleached hair , with five years of grief & change. she hopes that he can still see someone that loves him with every atom, shred, & speck of her being. )
" did ya miss me , sunshine ? 'cause in case you couldn't tell, i really , truly missed you. " / @adeth
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epsilonhybrid · 4 months
guys dont log into destiny 2 until next patch theres a glitch going around in the servers when you play the intro mission to final shape your guardian and cayde-6 start making out with tounge and u squeeze his butt a little :/ it was really scary pls dont log in until bungie fixes this
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thefirstknife · 4 months
ViDoc... 2!
A lot of cool stuff shown, my favourite being the strike, but first I want to mention this:
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They said that when looking at Ace of Spades they realised they have the potential to make the rest of the deck of cards so this is why TFS weapons look like this and have character portraits; they're a deck! And specifically, these characters were chosen because of their ties to Cayde's story.
Obviously we have the generic Warlock, Hunter and Titan to symbolise the Guardians, but then there's others. Ikora and Zavala are obvious. Bottom left is most likely Shiro-4; hooded Exo with Hunter knives, I'm not sure who else it would be. The hood first made me think Elsie, but the Hunter knives don't make sense then.
Bottom right? That's Maya Sundaresh! Both as human and as Lakshmi-2, as we've learned from Veil Logs. It helpfully also has the Ishtar Collective logo. For those that don't know, Cayde worked as her guard, as an Exo, while she was still with Ishtar on Venus so that's why she's connected to him.
And top right? We have the "neoteric kiyot" cloak with the symbol of the Six Coyotes. Six Coyotes Exo member with ties to Cayde? That's Micah-10. Micah-10 category 10000 event.
Also for those that don't know, back in Beyond Light we got a really neat story about Micah-10 as a child in the lore book Your Friend, Micah Abram and some associated lore pieces that confirm Micah-10 is this kid. In one of the entries from the lore book, Micah is exploring Europa and accidentally alerts two Exos who then end up panicking, trying to shoot the intruder and then catching the kid. Then on one of the raid armour pieces, we have Cayde's flashback to this event from his POV, showing us that he was one of the Exos (as Cayde-1 then). He tried to shoot Micah, not realising it's a kid, then later grabbed them and held them up; the implication here that this is almost certainly the source of his mismatched memories that made him think he had a son. Him holding Micah is what eventually progressed in him simply remembering holding a child and constructing a story to go with it.
Micah-10 is an incredibly interesting character in general, as she is the closest thing we have to someone fulfilling the prerequisites for a speaker; even as a child, she was having strange prophetic dreams where something was speaking to her (most likely the Traveler) and showing her as an Exo. As a Guardian, she has the unique quality of being followed by Ghosts and has the title of "den mother of Ghosts."
She was also illustrated for the Volume VI grimoire collection, the one about Ghosts! Her Ghost Stories lore book is featured there accompanied by an illustration which shows her with a sniper, which the weapon with her image in TFS seems to be:
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And yeah the sniper appears to have trans colours which I can't see as anything other than deliberate because Micah-10 is canonically trans! (Link to my post about it with links to a few more posts about it)
Incredibly exciting to see her featured on one of the TFS weapons, especially after she was featured in the grimoire and also in the TFS CE, in the autograph book where she left her own message, and so did the Ghosts that follow her. It's also interesting to tie her to TFS when we're going into the Traveler, given her unique relationship to the Traveler that she's harboured since she was a child. Can she become more than just a lore character now? Please?
Destiny fandom when a minor lore-only character gets one new mention be like: time to write an essay.
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exo-cooch · 3 months
────. 「 guardian_loggings 」
####-##-##. after pondering the question with rhys over and over again, we have made a decision concerning our combined sources of grief. we’ve decided to address it.
i don’t want to mention that it was, indeed, one of ada’s ideas to deal with the issue by commenting our logs more often than not, and i know for a fact that it will not last, but i have nothing against trying. i just wish it would all go away, actually.
it’s been more than a long time since i’ve commented any of my logs so bare with me.
ever since the fall of the witness and the numerous deaths that brought us where we are now, i haven’t been able to sleep. my mind is still stuck on what i could’ve done differently. i have had enough space- enough time, but there’s something i still lack.
everything is different in every way. i’m almost ashamed to say that my hatred for crow has disappeared. i should probably thank him for allowing me to see cayde again. the fireteam has spread out a bit. xaav has gone back to his family. spending well-deserved time with them. g is doing his thing. been hanging out with ada a whole lot, which i never thought he’d have the balls to do.
dying has never brought us closer together than when we had to face it head-on and i’m still forever thankful for finding them, but..
bass’s death weights as heavy as i thought it would. losing him twice makes it all feel pretty much hopeless. i do feel like forgetting about what happened would make my grief disappear, but forgetting about bass would just break my heart.
saint has tried to raise my spirits, but every time i see how much trust and love he feels for osiris, it makes the thought of bass ever so difficult to bare. he was my osiris.. it was supposed to be one last mission..
.. actually, close this thing, rhys.
「 connection_ended 」
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
My Destiny OCs: #1
Acelyn (Ace) Spade
Human Solar/Stasis Titan
Sparky - He was damaged by the hive while searching for his guardian in the earlier days causing a crack in his optic that never fully healed and occasionally sparks with arc energy shocking anyone or thing around him. This led to him not being well liked and avoided by other ghosts which gave him a bad attitude. His only ghost friend in the tower was Pulled Pork/Glint who was also unnamed and searching for his guardian at the time.
She was resurrected by Sparky on Europa outside a testing facility that the pair of them assume she had tried to escape from only to die in the cold. She had a medical style bracelet on that had the name Acelyn.S on it along with a few codes and numbers.
She was rezzed looking something close to sixteen which upset Sparky who felt the Traveler had to be messing with him or that he had made a mistake due to the damage he took earlier in his life, however while trying to find a ship and escape Europa the pair bonded and became extremely close.
They also find some of the testing logs for the experiments Ace was a part of. They find out that Ace's father was dragged into the Exo program and that her mother passed away due to health issues leaving Ace in the custody of Braytech until her father's time with them was up. She learned she wasn't the only one in a similar situation with many teens and children having ended up in the custody of the group.
Acelyn also has very vivid dreams which she learned were also present during her life and were part of the experiments she was a part of.
She ends up using Solar as her main subclass as she really hates the cold after so long on Europa and it makes her feel safe however when she's incredibly stressed or upset she slips into Stasis instinctively. She doesn't know what Stasis is at first but it was another part of the tests on Europa she was a part of.
During her time on Europa she becomes close to a fellow new light named Cullum who was also raised in the lab by his ghost Lilac. However they get separated by the Vex and she doesn't find him again before being rescued off the planet.
Saint-14 was the one available at the time to check out the distress signal sent to the vanguard that Sparky and Lilac managed to rig up together, so he is the one to rescue Ace and bring her back to the tower. He ends up in a mentor/parent figure role for her after that point.
Due to her connection with Saint she also gets close with Osiris and he helps her decipher the weird dreams she has believing them to be visions not unlike the type he himself has experienced.
As a titan, Zavala is her vanguard and she does talk with him but she finds him intimidating and tries to avoid contact when at all possible.
And yes, she is the Ace that Cayde-6 can't quite fully remember due to his resets and resurrection as a guardian. It is something she becomes aware of while going through the information she collected from Europa. Whether or not she reaches out to him changes depending on the story.
She ends up in a clan with many of my other OC characters including Cullum, Lenore, Fenris, Kori and Azrael. They call their clan the Time-Stompers and their symbol is a broken hourglass.
Fun fact:
It is my headcanon the Guardian's physical forms are manifestations of their light/spark/soul and therefore can change over time or even be purposefully changed if their ghost has the right information.
As such as Ace matures as a guardian she also matures physically allowing her to reach adulthood despite now being technically an unaging immortal being.
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echosong971 · 2 years
so um.
for me to talk about my headcanons for Void Frenzies, I gotta first talk about the Void and how it relates to Nightstalkers especially, cause, y'see-
The Void is a quirky lil thing.
There are numerous accounts and lore bits that talk about how the Void is, even though it's technically Light, almost like an entity unto itself.
"...I've discovered another little trick to getting in good with that yawning mouth of nothing we call the Void: exhaustion. When I start slipping into that twilight, where I'm not sure if I'm awake or dreaming, I can feel the absence. It's close enough to touch. I guess it doesn't matter if it's literal or metaphorical. The Void just likes it when I'm running on empty." - Nightstalker
"The Void ain't special. It sure is creepier than Solar or Arc, that's for sure. But it isn't special. Just show it respect, thank it for a lovely evening, and make sure you always pay your bill. So to speak. Then you've got nothing to worry about. See?" - Shard of the Traveler (Nightstalker)
"There are those who see the Void as dark. It is the folly of the simple mind, unable to perceive the brilliant richness of nothingness. The Void is not only the absence of Light, but Dark..." - Apotheosis Veil
Even further, countless lore tabs talk about the risks of using the Void and the reasons why it can be detrimental to use, especially for Nightstalkers, who balance on the knife's edge of powers and abilities that could prove to be exceptionally dangerous if not exercised with paramount discipline:
"I've had a dozen Hunters ask me why it's so hard to summon a Dusk Bow. I asked 'em what they thought of the Void, and their eyes told me everything. You can't be afraid. That's the secret. No fear." - Tevis, Log Entry 19338
"Picking it up is the easy part, Hunter. Putting it down again, well, you’ll find that it’s addictive, that power. This weapon is something special. Your Light gets twisted. Changed. You find the power to punch through and borrow something from the other side. The Void opens up a hole, and draws from the deep. Go ahead. Carry it a while, Hunter. You’ll feel how heavy it can get.” - Cayde-6, The Nightstalker's Trail
"Doesn't matter how good you are—you stay out there too long, you're not coming back. Not the same way you left, anyway." - Tevis Larsen, Graviton Forfeit
So I asked myself, what happens when a Guardian does go too far into the Void? What happens when the Void they take from finally decides to take something back?
And that's when the idea of Void Frenzies came to me.
So, how do they work?
I imagine they happen to Nightstalkers more often than Sentinels or Voidwalkers just due to the nature of their class and how it works, as well as my own personal knowledge being more expansive when it comes to the Void subclass for Hunters compared to Void Titan and Warlock. So for brevity's sake, I'm going to solely be referring to Nightstalkers for this. Although y'all can feel free to add on your own thoughts on how this might happen for Sentinels and Voidwalkers!
There are a few ways that Void Frenzies can be triggered, but more often than not they tend to be caused when a Nightstalker overtaxes themselves and overuses their Void without giving themselves room to breathe or time to calm down. Huge bouts of emotional turmoil and/or copious amounts of stress can also make a Nightstalker more susceptible to snapping thus triggering a Void Frenzy.
The telltale signs of a Void Hunter experiencing stress that, if it becomes uncontrollable, could lead to a Void Frenzy are as follows:
Living things such as trees, flowers and grass begin to die and wilt around them and any living creature feels like its energy is being siphoned from their body, mirroring the effects of the power we know as Devour.
The temperature of the air around them suddenly drops and turns stagnant. It's not just cold, it's also thick and musty. Unnaturally still. Entropic. Dead.
Void energy begins to course along their arms and face. It creeps under their skin like dark tendrils that they seem to be unable to control, as if it's infecting their very body. The Light underneath the skin of Awoken Guardians turns a dark purple. Their eyes, and the lights in Exos' mouths and optics, turn a brilliant violet, and their sclera—the whites of their eyes—turn black. Energy seeps from their eyes like thick, smoky tears. Purple smoke also can escape from their nose and mouths, even billowing up from the hollow cheeks of Exos.
They seem distant. Hungry. Tired. They become far more prone to spacing out. More often than usual. The Void likes when they run on empty, and the emptier they are, the stronger their connection to the Void becomes until, without proper discipline and control, it consumes them.
When a Void Frenzy occurs, it begins with the Hunter expelling a MASSIVE amount of Void energy around them as if they were casting a Super. Void Light bathes their form and often times will manifest in bladed weapons that look much like Spectral Blades, or in some cases, claws. This varies from Hunter to Hunter.
After this point, they have slipped into the grasp of the abyss and it will refuse to let go. They're only goal will to be to kill and consume as much energy as they can to feed the insatiable appetite of the emptinesses gaping maw. They cannot differentiate between friends and enemies and will attack anything that they see. The Void does not discriminate between energy sources and now neither do they. They do not control the Void anymore. The Void is in control of them. They are ferocious, insatiable, and extremely dangerous and will not stop consuming everything in their path until they either pass out or get shot.
The only ways to combat a Void Frenzy is to wait until their own energy has become exhausted and they burn out (which is not recommended as trying to contain Hunters in a Frenzy has proven to be nigh impossible), by suppressing them with the very energy that is controlling them and thus severing their own connection to the Void, or by killing them and allowing their Ghost to rez them so that the Light bathes and grounds them. The Vanguard tends to opt for killing Guardians in Void Frenzies on sight as it acts as a sort of hard reset that has proven to be the most effective and reliable method for quickly snapping a Guardian out of a Frenzy without causing too much extraneous stress, trauma or damage.
Guardians that have suffered from Void Frenzies are often given a one to two week mandatory leave of absence from their duties—the length being determined by the severity of the incident—and are encouraged and given the resources to take care of themselves until they have recovered enough and feel fit for duty.
In the fight against the Darkness, the last thing they need are Guardians losing themselves.
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under the fractal sun; guardian & crow & cayde ficlet;
my Guardian has a complicated relationship with Cayde, but I think it will be... interesting when he returns, in whichever shape or form 👀 dealing with those thoughts by imagining what the meeting between her, Cayde and Crow might go like. bungie?? also on ao3
She looks unto the valley, where it spreads miles and miles in all directions. Serene, perfect. Only one strange blemish on the landscape, the gate, the doorway to the Traveler, its bright fractals glowing like a sun.
But there is more. She looks up to someone she thought she would never see again. Cayde's glowing eyes, overflown with energy - Light? - meet hers. She knows he is smiling.
"Hey kid," he gets up from the log by the fire. On his hip is the unmistakeable shape of Ace of Spades. Strange, paracausal, shouldn't be here?
She sways on the spot, backwards from him, but then makes a step forward.
A whole whirlwind of memories, how long has it been? She remembers his eyes, Light fading away. A trigger to what changed her life and put it upside down. Uldren's eyes turning to her before leaving. A revenge trip with no goal. Grief-stricken world, weighing down on her, and then on Crow with the entire might of anger and confusion.
And then, a journey towards healing, long and excruciating.
She feels Cayde's hands squeeze her shoulders, holding her upright. And she embraces him, not knowing what to do with her arms anymore, or thoughts anymore.
She feels him freeze for a moment, and feels the vibration of his voice against the top of her head.
"Huh. And that's him? Damn, kid, you have a way of making friends, don't you. I'm not even surprised, no, really! And a Hunter, too!"
There is no mean colour to his voice. Cayde sounds amused, if anything, and when she pulls away to turn and look at Crow who awaits behind her, Cayde waves him closer.
Crow doesn't say anything, not even when Cayde draws him into a hug, too. Brief, strong and reassuring.
"You are one of us, yeah? Good. Good."
She turns to look up at the sky, the ever developing fractals of the Traveler's gate move and fluctuate. Her heart is pounding in her ears, and she barely picks up on the wind that swirls around them. But she does hear Cayde's voice when the three of them face up towards the sky.
"The Traveler sure has a wicked sense of humor."
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failsafes-guardian · 2 months
The Cayde Ones - yeah these ones just contain cayde, thats it.
Two convos which Cayde-6 is present, because I really need to get these down and start writing new stuff.
[Cayde's Concern - Originally written on 06/22/24]
"Hey Failsafe, I got a question."
"(depressed) yes cayde unit?"
"You know Charlotte right? Cute thing bout yay high, usually silent, good with a cannon?"
"yes, and?"
"Do you think she's been actin weird lately? Usually she goes solo wherever she's needed but she hasn't been doing much work lately."
"(Cheery) She's been talking to me a lot and sounds fine!"
"Oh! That's uh, good. Good for her, she seemed lonely a lot."
"She's very sweet! She describes other planets to me so I can imagine what its like outside of this husk of a ship!"
"Oh wow. She's never really been talkative enough to anyone to do something like that.."
"(depressed) weird, she loves doing it for me, she talks about how much I would have loved io a lot and where she would take me."
"Are you.. two, like, a thing?"
"(Cheery) I hope so!" --- I don't have any huge comments for these but I hope that people enjoy my Cayde writing as much as I do. ----
[Sometimes You Don't Even Know You've Got A Winning Hand - Originally written on 06/23/2024]
"Hey kid, got a second?"
"of course."
"Great, awesome, I've been wondering and uh no disrespect or anything, not gonna scold you, but you've not been on a lotta ops lately."
"oh. yeah, uh, just wanted a break i guess.."
"I've seen your logs kid, im not gonna pry buuuuttttt, you've been to nessus a lot. wanna tell me the details?"
"i- i mean-"
"It's failsafe ain't it? Little robotic heart in there feeling a little warm? Nothin wrong with it, I get it even, yknow, ba-"
"ssshut up. she just, had a low battery and i needed to clean her solars and refill her generators.."
"You'd think your helmet would make you better at bluffing, its why I always sweep you in poker."
"you sweep everyone at poker."
"not the point but thank you, my point was- uh.. where was I?"
"Ah! Right, yeah her, it doesn't take 10 trips over the course of a week to clean some panels and fuel up her generators kid."
"I've been mentoring you for, god I can't even remember how long, but I know the face you're making right now, i've got you."
"I know what's up, and I don't wanna say this because failsafe already dislikes me but, on the down low kid. She likes you too."
"Yeah, don't worry, nobody needs to know, it'll be our little secret, you've got a winning hand if you play it right."
"… thanks cayde."
"Anytime kid, anytime." --- Cayde is such a good wingman, forget hunter vanguard, get him on the bachelor or something.
these ones are kinda long to put together but i mostly just need to get through the rest of my backlog.
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microraptorreactor · 6 months
Spire's Destiny Experience 3: Who Burned Down The Library?
So for starters, I've skipped to D2. D1 was fun, but I was struggling due to my shitty PS4. Combined with finding out that the Grimoire is not easily accessible, and how im going to have to spend money on abandonware if i want to find out about Skinny Jeans Robot through anything other then a wiki page, I decided I got what I needed. I have friends who play D2, so the jump seemed easier.
(I might revisit it for Exo Stranger. She was really cool.)
for what's left of D1: I was getting into it with the whole plot about Razputin the massive supercomputer, then hit a wall with a vex fight that was definitely intended for more then one player. When talking to a friend about it (who has played destiny in the past) she said I should just skip to D2. (Tbf she was more then a little biased bc she wanted to play the game with me and didn't have a PS4.)
But now for a rant: who's idea was the grimoire. Who put all the lore in a box that is also super susceptible to web rot. They should have used Warframe's codex, which is hosted in the game and won't evaporate unless the game also disappears.
But anyways, Vex cool, Exo Stranger extra cool (I am gay for her), the awaken sure are. a group of people.
D2 thoughts: I wish I got this thorough of an opening with D1. I now know what's happening. That's nice lol.
This is just the same opening but with less snow. Labeling my new exo (who is exactly the same as the old one) Pyre-20. Her ass got rebooted.
They changed the intro from when I played this in like 2019. Who is this man. I dislike him already. Why did he get separated from his squad. Why couldn't he just go with them? I appreciate him trying to keep me out of harms way though. Too bad Pyre-20 is NOT listening to his ass.
Then my friend logged on and we played half the recap quests. RIP Cayde-6 you were a dumb fuck back there but clearly people liked you. They sure gave this himbo a whole lot of political importance huh. (Who adopted the hunters after their collective uncle died?)
Exo stranger is still so cool. Love her.
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destiny2skeleton · 4 months
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Witness Sickness
Log {Redacted}; Primal-Hunter;[Error:Location]- Lotus Recording:
Data Date not Found:
‘ ‘ I don’t know what happened during the battle with Crota. . . I mean I know my own fucking limbs are gone- finding out I’m some fucking weird robot. But, these, symbols? They aren’t coming off, I keep repairing over and over- and yet they won’t come off… I feel like something is tugging at my light from so far away.. I hear whispers. Maybe I could ask Eris about this..? ‘ ‘
Lotus; ‘ ‘ What about telling Cayde..?’’
‘ ‘ . . . Not until I know this isn’t dangerous.. I don’t think he can see me the same way right now.. ‘ ‘
[ End of Log ]
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knghtlock · 2 years
      it’s  been  ...  strange,   since  she’s  returned  from  whatever - the - HELL - happened   when  she  fired  chaos  reach   two  years  ago .      being  trapped  in  a  screaming  vortex  of  arc  energy  will  do  that  to  you :   or  so  she GUESSES,   because  hotaru’s  the  only  warlock  that’s ...  SURVIVED  such  a  unique  situation  ,  according  to  ikora .  
    (  which  is  REALLY  OMINOUS ,  in  her  opinion ,         even  if  hotaru  knew  it  could’ve  been  worse !  ) 
      but , let’s  be  honest -  even  by  her  standards ,    this  is  still  pretty  fucking  bad .
     the  random  “ glitches ” -  which  is  just  a  really ,  really  nice  way  to say  “ my body  completely  destabilizes  into  pure  arc  light , again  ,  & snaps back together  like  a  rubber  band  seconds  later “  -  are  less  painful  &  frequent  than  they  used  to  be .    hell , she’s  pretty  much  in  control  of  them  -  like  right  now ,   as  she  zips  through  the  snowy  streets  of  the  last  city  in  flashes  of  blue  light  that  materialize  into  a  red ,  thick  coat  &  an  oversized  hood.
   the  biggest  problem  is  her  completely  fucked  sense  of  time . 
     for  instance :  she  burnt  four  separate  batches  of  dawning  cookies  today  because  one  minute ,  she’s  in  her  kitchen  &  everything’s  completely  fine --- &  then  she  blinks ,  or  loses  focus , and  suddenly  her  beautiful  hand - made  cookies  are  little  flaming  lumps  of  coal  that  lumax , bless  her  light ,  tries  to  put  out  by  herself .
   (   the  cookies  she  made  for  cayde  are  a  little  too  dark  around  the  edges  still ,  the  frosting  not  as  crisp  or  clean  as  she’d  like .  HER  HANDS  ARE  STILL  SHAKING  FROM  THE  EFFORT ,   gloved  &  holding  onto  the  small  parcel  for  dear  life .  she  wanted  them  to  be  perfect .  )
    still ,  despite  ikora’s  insistence  that  she  rest & avoid  active  duty , this ...  was  rest !   it  was  making  dawning cookies ,    for  light’s  sake !   especially  because  they  were  for ... 
     for  someone  she  hurt , deeply :    someone  she  loves  &  can’t  stand to see so  miserable .     maybe , maybe  if  she  had  told  him  what  she  was  planning  on  that  day   , they  could’ve  found  some  other  way  &  -- 
    (    she  doesn’t  have  a  right  to  be  here ,  clutching  a  bag  of          shitty  dawning  cookies  like  it’s  just  another  normal , cheery ,          happy - fuckin ‘ - dawning .  &  yet ,  she  turns  a  familiar           corner ,   gloves  gripping  a  lamp - post  to  launch  through           the  air .   it’s  better  than  not  trying  at  all ,  right ?           )
    one  last  surge  of  arc  energy  forward  ,  & she’s --- 
      [   BAM  !   ]
         --- she’s  slammed  face - first  into  cayde’s  door , hasn’t  she .  (  so  much  for  the  image  of  a  graceful  warlock !  )
      “ traveler’s tits .... “ the  warlock  groans ,   before  floating  into  an  upright  position  &  frantically  dusting  the  snow  off  her  skirt ,  because  she  definitely  DIDN’T  fall  on  her  ass . 
      “  HEEEEEEEEEY !   @adeth !   I  GOT  A  DAWNING  DELIVERY  WITH  YOUR  NAME  ON  IT !     c’ mo - o - on , cayde ,   it’s  COLD  out  here ! “
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championofravens · 4 months
I'm all caught up looking at TFS cutscenes and spoilers.
Uneducated thoughts from someone not playing it:
This was the wrong expansion to end on a loss. I felt similarly after Lightfall but it's really stunning and egregious that the campaign ends on our Guardian and the Vanguard fleeing and Mara consoling us that the raid is soon and we can kill the Witness then. I really think Bungie needed to end on a big fat W of some kind to give satisfaction to all the casuals who are buying this game, playing it, and then putting it down. As is, the climax just delivers "that's it?" and a timer. Bungie's decision to simplify story and lore for the casual bulk of the player base, but still putting in time gates and forcing everyone to log on again to get a happy ending is bad.
The casual Crow/Holliday canonizing. Lol. Lmao. Etc.
I think the entering the Traveller cutscene was silly, hamfisted, boring iconography that didn't do anything. And I think we didn't need a Cayde stuck in purgatory cutscene either
The Zavala turn is very boring. Not giving Targe his own goddamn voice actor is INSULTING. They picked Zavala for the evil turn entirely because they knew he was the least likely. Really pisses me off that Ikora has been the one more in conflict with her faith and more itching to abandon her role for YEARS and she can't have the edgy arc
Targe how did you even get past the barrier unseen- whatever. Bye Targe. Sorry
Crow pulling out his stupid Iron Lord axe from Season of the Sending Saladin to Prison. Yes it was cool. Yes I hated it. Both can be true
God I hope this shit resolves good in the raid.
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thefirstknife · 4 months
Incredibly urgent information found in post-campaign. This is the Lost Ghosts quest from Micah-10. This one is "Oracle" and happens on Nessus. The quest from Micah is about finding various Ghosts that got lost during missions on locations. For the one in Oracle, you had to run Insight Terminus strike to find data.
Running Insight Terminus here is confirmed as canon! Kargen we fight is apparently a clone! More importantly, this reveals a few pieces of information that I am completely and totally normal about.
First, Kargen's clone is once again looking for OXA and OXA is canonically confirmed to be similar, if not the same (!) to the Device of the Future War Cult.
Second, Otzot is the one who ordered this and the order is recent. Otzot is, with this, confirmed to be alive and active. She is also in a faction NOT loyal to the Witness. Otzot is also apparently interested in Sol Divisive's information on the Veil. I am thoroughly losing my mind about this. Ghost is also confused about how these things connect and I'm LOSING IT again because I talked about this well over a year ago in this post, and recently in this one. Prediction machines, Vex technology and the Veil have something going on together, I agree Ghost. I am obsessed with this.
And third, the interference is confirmed to be from Maya Sundaresh which also further confirms her involvement in the Echoes. It has to. I've already speculated on the Echoes image we can see in game as the mysterious figure being some form of Maya/Vex Maya/her simulation, but this confirms it. I've never been more normal than I am now.
Transcript of the video below:
Ghost: I've got Bean's signal. It looks like he's gone deeper into Nessus. It should be easy to follow him. As for what Kargen's clone was doing here, it looks like he was trying to access Vex data on OXA again. Micah-10: That's the Psion prediction machine, right? Sees the future in branching paths? Future War Cult had something similar. Ghost: Based on what I'm seeing here, I... I can't be sure they aren't the same thing. The same design. But I don't know how that's possible. Kargen was trying to access the Sol Divisive's research on the Veil as well. I don't understand how all these things are connected. But I can tell where the orders are coming from. A Psion named Otzot, and these orders are recent. I think there might be defector branches within the Shadow Legion... Ones not loyal to the Witness. Micah-10: And they're trying to pin down potential outcomes, make plans for what, the even of our success? Ghost: Maybe. But it looks like something's blocked them, but I... I don't know how that's possible. Micah-10: Why? What stopped Kargen? Ghost: If this log is correct... Maya Sundaresh did. Cayde-6: Maya, wha- why does that name sound so familiar? Micah-10: Why don't you and I talk about that offline, Cayde. Let the Guardian and Ghost track down Bean. Cayde-6: Yeah, yeah, that- that- that sounds good.
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midnightfiireworks · 1 year
Cayde is so fucking wet, and so fucking hard.
He keeps his hands by his side, as instructed, but it's obvious how desperately the urge to touch himself fills him from the way his Light sears, contrasting against the calm, collected cool of Ikora's own Void. The thought of how his gear is gonna need cleaned doesn't even cross his mind. "Please, 'kora, please," she hasn't even touched him yet and his voice is already laced with a haze of static overlay, "let me take my pants off at least?" The normally-protective armour is now a makeshift prison, ever obvious by the way his cock strains against the material. But his desperation for her isn't entirely dictated by his desire for pleasure, at least not wholly. Cayde had opened his heart to the world in the expectation that he would die on that day in the prison, the Guardian had found his stashes while he was cold 'n' out, and now everyone who has access to those logs knows. Sure, that group of people is real small, but Ikora is one of them. Things have been...awkward. At least for the past little while. Cayde likes to think he's good at reading others, but that's been proven wrong ten times over with all of those messages, and Ikora isn't a particularly open book to begin with. Despite that, she seems to want to clarify exactly how she feels about him. And that's why he's currently on his knees, hanging onto her every word, even more restless than he would normally be in this scenario. Cayde is desperate for her and her attention, her approval, her love.@explosivehead
she cannot speak of the emotions that rolled when cayde fell.
the ahamkara ensured that she would never feel as she once had. she has laughed far less since the day it crossed her path; she has forever remained a closed book. but ikora had believed if she could not express her emotions, then showing them was good enough. shared jokes between meetings, stolen moments after battle— they were how she bared her heart.
and yet it wasn't enough. that was perhaps the worst part of it all. as cayde healed, they all learned the truth. as he slept and recovered, ikora was forced to face the fact that her dearest friend believed she hated him. night after night, she replayed the message in her head. i never could tell if you liked me, time and time again, hoarse and filled with static. you probably killed me.
the void had nearly consumed her in that moment. she could not share outwardly the grief, the rage, the panic that consumed her, and so it turned inward. it gnawed at the meat of her ribs and bit into the wet flesh of her heart. it left her gasping and raw.
he had been her best friend, the only one capable of making her laugh— and he hadn't even known it.
so she stands over him now, clad in only her familiar purple robe, leather gloves, and a pair of knee-length boots. she holds her head high, chin lifted, so the only way to look at cayde is by cutting her eyes downwards. her lips press into a fine line. brows furrow, deepening the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes.
"i don't think you've earned it, cayde," murmurs his fellow vanguard. she steps forward, the click of her heels muffled by the office's carpet. "in fact, you haven't proven to me you deserve even the slightest reward for your behavior."
quick as an asp, her right leg kicks out, knee hooking over his shoulder. the sharp of her heel presses dangerously into his bare shoulder blades. her expression never falters.
"correct that."
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thecorazone · 1 year
OC questions based on @just-admech-thoughts ask post (just-captain-thougts)
(Because I know no one would ask me and I want to flesh my characters out. Any questions I answered in my sheet I will not answer again) ((I will post the link to ask at a later time))
1. Where was your guardian raised?
In her original homeland of Greece, looking for her previous home.
5. Defining features?
Admes has a very distinct accent that has lasted through both her resurrection as an awoken and a guardian.
8. How do they view their revival?
A gift from the Traveler. She hold strong in her faith and duty to it.
9. Guardians preferred weapon?
Admes prefers to use shotguns, grenade launchers, rockets, trace rifles, fusions, pulse rifles and hand cannons.
11. Guardians subclass?
Admes tends to go with the flow of whatever is happening and very energetic, so she tends to lean heavily into the free flow of arc.
12. Is your guardian picky or a hoarder when it comes to weapons and materials?
She is particular with both materials and weapons, only taking what was needed.
13. Is your guardian stealthy or "Stealthy"?
Out the Fireteam Fenrir, Admes is the loudest even compared to Xäræswulf. She has the most trouble keeping herself quiet and from bumping into things.
14. Guardians view on the factions?
She had far more important research to do so she practically ignored them all. She found Dead Orbit too nihilistic, and Future War Cult too bloodthirsty. She was however, part of the New Monarchy for a time until their differences concerning the house of light.
15. Is your guardian friendly with any of the eliksni houses?
She regularly visits the house of light and has good knowledge of culture of other eliskni houses.
17. How old are they?
Her age before her first death when she was an awoken of the distributary is unknown. However, she was rezzed a short time after twlight gap so she may be around 100 years old.
18. Do they remember much of their past life?
No, she remembers nothing. The only indicators of what she once was is her name, skills, and files found in a golden age facility in Greece with her name on it.
19. If your guardian left audio logs behind like Cayde, what would they say and who would they address?
She would leave logs detailing important knowledge for those left behind.
20. Is your guardian jaded or bitter, or still doggedly determined?
She is the most optimistic of fireteam Fenrir
21. What do the vanguard think of them?
Ikora adores her as a student and likes the energy and effort she puts into being a Guardian. Cayde thought that she was a squirrel who swallowed an energy drink. Zavala likes how she is a good role model to younger guardians.
22. What does their ghost think of them?
Othonos thinks she can be too energetic and reckless, which scares him. He loves her dearly, though.
23. How many exotics do they have?
Not a lot, considering she steals most from Xäræswulf. The only ones she personally owns are her armor and a few weapons.
24. When or if they die, what will they leave behind ?
Piles of work and research. She is an "in the moment" type of person.
25. If they had a unique exotic, what would it be and what would the flavor text say?
She is currently trying to make one that augments her arc melee, preferably something fun looking. Name Pending.
26. How long did it take them to get to the last city?
She was in the middle of the fireteam when reaching the last city a decade at the least.
27. What were their first thoughts upon seeing the traveler for the first time?
Like staring a God in the face, she was enraptured. She thought this was what she was rezzed for.
28. Their reaction to Caydes death?
She was in deep grief at his death, she locked herself away from others for a time.
29. What did they feel when they lost their light during the Red War?
She was incredibly frightened and lost, and constantly worried about her fireteam.
30. If your guardian lost their ghost, what would their reaction be?
She would be almost catonic and a shell of her former self. She would completely isolate herself from others
31. If they died, what would the city's reaction be?
She would be mourned by multiple small groups about the city but not much more than that
32. What would their Vanguard think of the guardians' death?
Admes was a close student and friend of hers, so her death would hurt her deeply.
33. Guardians favorite weapon?
Vex Mythoclast
34. Least favorite weapon?
She hates autorifles and does not discriminate
35. Guardians preferred look?
Dark blue and Eliksni themed with the Capreolinax ornament.
36. What ship do they fly and what does holiday think of it?
Her ship is Centerfire and Holiday thinks it's a fancy and fitting ship for the researcher
37. How is their flying?
Amanda really wished that she was not licensed to drive one but it was too late
38. Which faction would they have killed the most?
The eliksni considering how long she's been around.
39. What was your guardian before they were a Guardian? Do they know?
A meteorologist and biochemist on board the Yang Linwei
40. How long was your guardian dead before they were revived?
At little under a century but this is a guess because I have no reference to when the battle of six fronts happened.
41. What does Shaxx think of their fighting and performance in the crucible?
He facepalms everytime she walks into the crucible. He sincerely hopes that her fireteam will kick her into shape.
42. How loyal are they to the city and the traveler? What would have to happen to test it?
She is incredibly loyal to the city and traveler, in the same vein of guardians who sought guidance from it. However, when Savathûn gained the light, her faith was shaken and she is still trying to come to terms to this day.
43. If your guardian is the type for it, what is their method of pranking?
She is knowledgeable of how people function, so personalized attacks are her go to.
44. What do other guardians think of them?
A warlock way too supercharged on coffee as well as a model guardian
45. Do they fit class stereotypes?
Yes, but only to the extent of her research. Otherwise, her hyperactivity kicks her out of the realm of "normal" warlocks.
46. Are they no nonsense type or jokey type?
A very happy and playful type.
47. Guardians worst fear?
That her faith in the traveler has no merit considering how long she has looked to it for guidance.
48. Guardians favorite Food?
Seafood, especially if it's bite-sized
49. Guardians favorite location?
The dreaming City, due to her distributary Awoken heritage. She also feels some connection to Greece as unknown to her, this was her home country before she was turned into an Awoken.
50. What is your guardians view on gambit?
It makes her supremely uncomfortable, using the darkness in such a way. She tries to avoid it as much as possible.
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