#the EPS were so good!! i wanna draw a bunch of things let's see if i have time for it :)
bigshoeswamp · 9 months
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Hunter the gardener!
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party-gilmore · 3 years
...well, I managed to get to literally JUST BARELY before the actual smut starts, so please enjoy this unbetaed 2k word teaser prologue of "demi/grayace Parker doesn't feel like she's Enough for Eliot without Hardison around, so he sets the record straight."
Set during The Hurricane Job, because who gives a damn if the ep is even OUT yet, am i right? XD
“Room 236.”
“What was that?” Eliot hums. His voice is muffled beneath the heavy, sopping weight of his jacket as he tugs the damn thing over his head. His shirt peels off right along with it, so he just shucks the whole shebang in the generic direction of his luggage. He’ll have plenty of time to see to it properly tomorrow - the storm will have them trapped at least another day. With a groan, he stretches out his bad shoulder. It’s not quite dislocated again, but it’s not quite right either. Two nimble hands sneak up from behind and flit their way over the shoulder blade, one bracing against the wet neck of his white tank top while the other presses swift and hard on the joint - and ‘pop’ goes the weasel.
Eliot flashes Parker a pained but soft smile through the old dresser mirror, but it falters when he catches her eyes peeking over his shoulder. There’s a look in them he isn’t familiar with, but doesn’t think he likes.
“Park-” he starts to turn around, but she manhandles him back away from her and shoves her hand into the back pocket of his jeans. No small feat tonight, they way the rain has soaked and damn near suction cupped them to his ass. “H-hey, woah, alright there darlin’, slow it down a bit,’ he chuckles, reaching back to feel for her, but she’s already hopping back and flashing a small, colorful rectangle at him.
“Room 236,” she repeats, flipping it around her fingers like a coin. Eliot frowns. They’re in room 225, just down the hall. They’d found what the crooked cops were after with time to spare, so there was nowhere left to search. Why then, would he still have a room key for-
Oh. He reaches back and pats the offending rear pocket, flushing as he remembers Marshall Shipp’s parting flirtatious wink and accompanying gentle smack on the ass as they’d parted ways a half hour ago. He hasn’t exactly been… discouraging her interest. It's felt good that women are still interested in him even as he’s put a few more miles on, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the attention - especially from someone as 'his type' as Maria.
Well, what used to be his type, at least.
He shoots a sheepish, apologetic grin at Parker. Maria’s ‘interest’ was quickly becoming ‘intent,’ and now Eliot needed to find a way to nip that in the bud sooner rather than later.
“Damn, I should’ve noticed the reverse lift,” Eliot clears his throat, toying with the edge of the pocket absentmindedly. “She must’ve slipped it to me after we completed the radio broadcast. I was uh, distracted by our success I guess.”
“Bet that’s not all she’d like to slip you,” Parker’s voice takes on a bit more of a playful tone for a moment. Cheeky, teasing. It feels like solid ground.
“Hey now,” Eliot teases back, starting to undo his belt, slow and deliberate, as he begins toeing out of his boots. “I can’t help that I still ‘got it,’ darlin’. I can think of a couple folks I know offhand that might like to, uh… 'slip me a little something' right now, 'specially since I'm properly alone with one of 'em for the first time since-” The only problem is, he forgot how damn difficult these boots are to get off on a good day, let alone when soaked through with salt water. Swearing under his breath, he abandons his attempt at being suave to sit at the end of the bed and fumble with the ties. He should know better than try to look cool for either of his partners nowadays. It never works out quite right, and he’s starting to get to the age where he doesn’t even see the use of that kind of posturing anymore himself. They’ve seen him at his worst already - mentally, physically, emotionally - so what would be the point, really? On top of that, he may make a fuss about his ‘cool points’ in front of Breanna, but he knows Hardison’s sneaky ‘dorkification’ process he's been slowly contaminating Eliot with over the last decade is almost complete. He's still drawing the line at DnD, but he doubts that'll last much-
“...or, if you wanted, you could go let her slip it to you.”
Eliot is too caught up in his own head to really register the suggestion at first. He's busy ruminating on how differently his younger self would be handling this whole situation - all smooth moves and hot edges, shucking off clothing with a kind of casual grace.
‘Yeah, those days have long passed,’ he thinks, hunched over and fighting the waterlogged leather of his boots with fumbling, aching fingers. He gets the first one yanked off his foot less than gracefully, wincing at his ankle’s unsubtle protest, before what Parker said finally processes.
Slowly, he sets his singular boot the side and shifts enough to face her. Parker’s tone didn’t hold any bitterness or bite, just nervousness and a bit of resignation. She isn’t looking at him, but out the window, arms wrapped tight around her midsection in a way he hasn’t seen her do in a while. She bounces restlessly on her heels. There’s a clear energy inside her looking to get out. The thunder rumbles lowly through the suddenly silent room, murmuring a warning through the curling reverberation in Eliot’s gut.
He starts out gentle. Easy.
“...now why would I wanna go an’ do somethin’ like that?” Sometimes it’s easiest to bring things to Parker head on, and she’ll respond in her usual stark, frank manner. Just lay it all right out in the open to be picked apart. This isn’t one of those times. Eliot can read that much in every restless tap, every rapid twitch of her eyes to some place else in the room, any place that isn’t him.
“She’s your type, isn’t she?” Parker’s voice is a higher register than it should be, but not quite into her panicking zone yet. That’s a start. “She’s badass, sexy… passionate.”
Eliot notices her leaning heavy on that last word, and frowns.
“So are you, Parker.”
“Not in the same way!” She turns a bit, still looking outside, but her arms unwrap from herself to gesture between them. “Not the same way you and Hardison are!”
It’s quiet for another beat. The white noise of the hissing rain against the window settles into the room with a steady, thrumming tension. Eliot doesn’t jump to demanding clarification like he might’ve done a decade ago, doesn’t snap and tell her to stop beating around the bush. He’s learned that Parker tucks away all the information he needs to understand in every phrase, no matter how inane or incongruent it may seem. So Eliot holds his tongue and chews on the words for a while.
“Me and Hardison, huh?” He leans forward, elbows on his knees, and rubs his jaw in a performance of pensiveness. The movement draws Parker's attention and she finally looks over to him, following the back and forth of his fingers. He presses on, carefully. “Thought we were talkin’ bout me and the marshall. What’s Alec got to do with this?”
“Because he isn’t here!” Parker breaks, not enough to falter or crumble but enough to say what's on her mind before she can overthink it. "He isn't here and it's different! I can feel it! I'm not-" she fumbles her words for a minute, just waving between them again. "-all passionate about the whole sex thing like he is!"
There's that word again. Eliot knows where to go from here, at least. It's all about that word. He stands up, albeit a little awkwardly with one foot still in an inch high boot.
"Sure it's fun and I like it sometimes, but not like you two do! Alec balanced me out, could give you what you needed! I'm not… by myself, I'm not enough for… for y-..." Parker cuts herself before she can grow any more manic, bunching her face up and looking away again like she does when trying to stave off any waterworks before they can start.
Eliot can see her closing up again as her words fail her, but that's alright. What needed to get out made it out. He can take it from here. He hobbles over in his awkward, single-socked gait until he's close enough to take her shoulders in hand, but he doesn't pull her in for the hug. Not yet.
"Now I want you to listen to me, and listen good." Eliot makes sure his tone is firm, but gentle. Parker responds the way he'd hoped - still not looking, tilting her head down, but leaning toward him. Into his space. Receptive, and ready to hear him. "Yeah, it feels different. That's cause you and me? Are different from me and Alec. We're always gonna be. 'That makes us, us,' remember? Just like that's different from you and Alec. It's all part of 'us,' yeah, but it's… we got our own thing, Parker. And sure, we might like it best when it's all three of us, just because we love him so, so much, yeah?"
He lifts one hand from her shoulder and tucks a bit of hair back behind her ear, giving her a chance to respond if she wants. Parker murmurs a quiet "yeah," and steps in a little closer. Eliot tugs her in the rest of the way now, assured that she's open to the touch. She pillows her chin on the shoulder she fixed, and Eliot lays a light kiss to the outside of her ear before continuing in a lower voice.
"So… we miss him, when he's not here, and we don't have the 'all three of us' thing right now. That doesn't make our thing, the you and me thing, any less good. It doesn't- Parker, you're so much more than just enough for me. You're who I need... especially when we don't have Hardison. Don't ever doubt that."
"I'll try," Parker turns her head and mutters it into the crook of Eliot's neck, and he loves her all the more for it. It's better than any empty promise of 'I won't,' because he knows the honesty of it. Knows it's not just an empty platitude of 'I'll do it,' but the vulnerable admission of 'I want to, but don't know if I can.'
"That's all I ask, darlin'."
Because it is. That's all Eliot ever asks of her. To try. Never demands that she change, never insists she should be thinking of herself differently or more kindly than she does. Just that she tries to.
"Now. About this whole 'passion' thing," Eliot sighs, pulling back so he can do that thing he does to Hardison that Parker loves to watch him squirm under, but likes it a lot less when it's turned on her. That thing where he ducks his neck and tilts his head and looks up at her through his hair with that serious, intimate look that makes her want to run because he for sure can see all of her secrets like this but also want to sink deep into that comforting gaze and never leave it. "I don't know where you got this idea that you're not passionate from, but-"
"Yeah, but it's not-!"
"The same?" Eliot cuts off her half-hearted attempt at argument. "Course it's not the 'same' as us, Parker! You aren't us. So, you… you don't lose yourself in it the same way me and Hardison do, okay? Him and me, how we get high off each other, the way we act... so you don't do that. That's fine! That’s only one type of passion, darlin'. You can't tell me,” he lets his hands skim down Parker’s arms until they meet her own palms. “That the way you focus so damn hard on taking us apart - taking me apart…”
Eliot brings Parker’s hands to his hips, and her fingers start to fidget with the hem of his shirt. Anchoring herself with the ribbed texture of the tank. Starting to explore up his stomach the way Eliot knows that Parker knows he likes. She’d ferreted that one out of him ages before they’d even thought up this whole ‘you and we makes three’ train. He lets his voice go a little breathy, a little raspy, makes sure she notices how she's affecting him. “-the way you always know exactly how to do it, piece by piece, single-mindedly pulling me apart like a damn puzzle, Park… you can’t tell me that ain’t some kind of passion.”
“Yeah, but that’s just the same way I steal stuff,” Parker giggles a little, the familiar flutter of Eliot’s sides under her deft fingers grounding her and soothing some of the unease. He’s right about this. How she knows what to do with him. How good she is at it. But that’s not anything special, it’s just-
“Exactly, Parker,” Eliot is trying to walk them back toward the bed, but it’s not really working out well. Between his having only the one boot on and Parker actively seeking out the ticklish bits of his belly that make his knees go all wobbly when she scrapes her nails down them, it’s comical enough to startle another giggle out of her. Or it’s a sob. Or it’s a hiccup. Or it’s some weird combination of all three, she isn’t really sure, but it doesn't seem to really matter either. The sound is whatever it was, just like she is whatever she is.
“It's just like that. Just like how you plan your next score. And that’s your Thing. Like me and food, Hardison and his nerdery... Do you realize how that makes me feel? Knowing you treat me like a heist? Like the thing that you let define you?”
“Yeah but that’s not a sex thing, it’s just a me thing.”
“It doesn’t matter that it’s not a sex thing, Parker, it’s your passion. Your Thing. Yours.” Eliot finally makes it back to the edge of the bed and drops, pulling Parker into his lap. He guides her wandering hands to his chest so she can feel the rumble in his voice as he growls.
“Darlin’, you treat me like damn masterpiece. Like I’m standing smack under a spotlight in the middle of the Louvre, and the only thing in the world that matters to you is how you’re gonna pick through my security piece by piece until all that’s left under your hands is a canvas stretched tight as it’ll go and a picture meant only for you and the people you choose to see it."
Parker’s nails scrape against the skin of Eliot’s collarbone as her fingers instinctively curl in, wanting to grip take steal hold climb, and he barely restrains himself from throwing his head back in a moan. He needs to make sure Parker’s in the right place first, before he gives himself over to his own wants.
“Wow,” she whispers, damn near reverent now as she looks down at him. There’s a dawning in her eyes that tells Eliot they’re alright. That they’re gonna be good. That it’s okay to pull her tighter and ask her to go ahead and steal him again tonight, since he knows her rigging is secure.
"I can't imagine anything more passionate than that."
“Uh-huh, ‘wow' is right,” he laughs breathlessly, and reaches up to take hold of her chin. It’s a light grip, barely any pressure where he between his thumb resting on the front and the rest of his fingers curling around under her jaw, but she lets Eliot guide her down until their lips touch. Not kissing, yet, just touching. His mouth moves against hers as he speaks, tongue briefly darting out to wet two pairs of parched lips. “-so tell me, why the fuck would I want to go to anyone else?”
“Maybe if you got some bad advice,” Parker murmurs, voice strong and confident again for the first time since they wrapped up the con. “From someone who didn’t realize she made you feel that way?”
“Hmmn, that could make sense,” Eliot hums back, resisting the urge to roll up against her in wet jeans that would only serve to chafe rather than provide any of the friction that having Parker in his lap always makes him crave. “If someone could help me get this damn boot off, maybe I could get to work making sure she’ll never forget it?”
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
in your starlight (AO3)
“I had a dream about you once,” he said quietly into the dark room, the sleeping girl in his arms stirring awake.
“Mmfmm,” was the only reply he got.
“Yes, very much, mhm.” His lips twitched, eyes twinkling with the amusement and affection he felt for the girl.
A weak hand lightly swatted at his chest, then remained there, fingers curling into and bunching up his t-shirt. He smiled, entirely content with the way she was clutching onto him.
It was quiet again for a while, lying on Julie’s bed with her warm body draped haphazardly over his, the sound of her gentle breaths coming in and out extremely calming to Luke. If he really strained his ears, he could even hear her heartbeat - which was admittedly his favourite sound in the world.
“I thought ghosts didn’t sleep,” came the muffled answer a few minutes later, her face soundly pressed into his chest.
“Mm, you’re right. Ghosts don’t sleep.”
“Then how did you dream of me?” He’s not sure how, but Luke could just feel her brows furrowing as her sleep muddled brain tried to work through his words. He chuckled, the vibrations lulling Julie into a deeper sense of contentment.
“I dreamt of you back when I was still alive, back in the 90s.”
“That’s not possible. I wasn’t even alive back then.” She giggled, going quiet for a second. “Old man.” She continued laughing at her own joke, shaking slightly with the mirth escaping her body.
Luke couldn’t help but feel his chest warm up, his smile stretching even further across his face at the joy radiating off of Julie.
“Ha ha, you’re so funny, Julie-bean.” He pulled her closer against him once, her giggles intensifying before his arms slackened once again, still wrapped loosely around her. He waited for her giggles to subside, before continuing. “I’m not really sure how it’s possible, but I know for a fact that you were the girl in my dream.”
“Oh? How so?” She turned her head facing him, her face no longer pressed against his chest.
He shrugged, not seeming too worried about the improbability of his statement. “I just do.” Luke lifted an arm off her waist, reaching over to move a few curls blocking Julie’s face from his gaze. “Remember that night the other week, when we spent it lying on your terrace, stargazing?”
“The night we finally figured out our ‘interesting little relationship’.”
He hummed in reply, the arm still wrapped around her tightening its hold on the girl with his heart.
“Yeah.” Even in the dark he could still see the incredible depths to her eyes, staring back at him. He could even convince himself that he sometimes got glimpses of her soul, a pure shining light guiding him out of the darkness.
“I had a dream the summer before we- well, the summer before the Orpheum. It’s the only dream I’ve ever managed to vaguely remember. In it I remember lying down on a blanket, next to this beautiful girl as we stargazed on that same roof terrace. Back then I was confused, it felt like it was Bobby’s house, but at the same time I knew it wasn’t.”
He paused for a few seconds, remembering the feelings that washed over him in his dream. His hand, still wrapped in her curls, let go so he could trace the soft curve of her cheek, his eyes intent on hers.
“Turns out I was right - it was Bobby’s house, but also wasn’t. It was Bobby’s house 26 years into the future.”
She sat up a little, shifting and coming to rest on her elbow so she could look at him better, still careful not to move away from their embrace.
“Wait, hold on - What do you mean? As in you had a dream about the future? The future where you are a ghost?”
He shrugged again, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes roamed her face.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. I was somehow lucky enough to get a sneak peek at what was waiting for me.” His hand lightly trailed her jaw line before coming to rest against her cheek.
“Death? Living life in limbo as a ghost?” Her voice quiet, a sad tinge to it. Her head tilted, snuggling her cheek against his palm.
“No. You.”
“No, none of the rest matters. I have you, and that’s the only thing that matters to me.”
Julie lifted the hand that rested against his chest, placing it over the hand that still held her face. “But how are you so sure?”
“When you, dream you, future you, turned around to look at me, your eyes - I don’t know if I can explain it but I- it really felt like I finally found my way home.”
Luke shook his head slightly, still in awe of the feelings Julie pulled out of him.
“It’s hard to explain but yeah. Everything about that dream felt natural, and everything I did or say was just guided by instinct.”
“But that doesn’t mean it was me. Just a dream girl your mind conjured up for you.” She flopped back down, her cheek coming to rest on his shoulder. His hand followed suit, still cradling her other cheek.
“I mean sure, but I’ve only ever had one dream girl, and that’s you. Plus I’d like to think I’d recognise those eyes and that smile anywhere, even before knowing who you were.” Luke paused for a second, eyeing Julie’s skeptical look, before trying again.
“Alright, you know how I’ve told you that you make me a better writer?”
“We make each other better,” she mumbled into his shirt.
“Yes, sure. But I really meant it - these last few months, writing with you has made me feel like I’m invincible. Every song I try to tackle I somehow manage to finish, because you’re there with just the right word, or the perfect melody.” He stopped to make sure she was still following, her gaze unwavering.
“I remember waking up from that dream, being the most inspired I’d ever been in my entire life. It was like I couldn’t write fast enough, the words and the chords and the melodies just...flowing out of me.”
“That doesn’t mean anything...”
“It would if you’d let me finish.” He stuck his tongue out at her, and she returned the favour barely a second later.
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I couldn’t stop writing. And the minute I took a break and just pictured your eyes staring at me in the dark, another wave of inspiration would hit and I’d be scribbling away like my life depended on it. By the end of it I had like 4 pages full to the brim with ideas, which lead to the first song on the EP.”
It was quiet for a while, Julie seemingly processing his words, while Luke was happy just to watch her, his own personal muse. His hand shifted, letting go of her cheek so that his fingers could trace down her jawline.
He broke the silence, wanting to make sure she fully understood what he was saying.
“You’ve been my inspiration from the very beginning Jules. Way before you were even born.” He bopped her on the nose, for good measure.
“You wrote a song about me?” Her voice was small, almost shy. He laughed.
“I’ve written many songs about you. But yeah, In Your Starlight was one of the 5 songs included in Sunset Curve’s first official EP. I know Alex said I wasn’t a romantic, and I’m not, or at least wasn’t - but that song’s the closest thing I’ve ever gotten to writing a love song.”
“I’d like to hear it.” A yawn made its way out, her hand quickly smacking itself against her mouth.
“We’ve got all the time in the world, Jules. But I think for now it’s time for the human to go to sleep.”
“But I don’t wanna go to sleep,” came her automatic reply. And although Julie was very obviously tired, she still managed to inject a little whine into her voice, ending her sentence with an adorable little pout.
Luke had to try very hard to restrain himself from kissing away her pout, knowing full well that she needed her sleep, first and foremost. He could pepper her face with kisses as much as he wanted to the moment it was time for her to wake up. For now though, he had to make sure she got enough sleep.
So he did the one thing he knew was a sure way to nudge her into unconsciousness: he slowly started rubbing circles on her back, sometimes switching and drawing little stars with his finger, constantly keeping up with the repetitive movements.
Not even five minutes later, the girl of his dreams was asleep, her hands back to gripping onto the front of his shirt, her head snuggled onto his chest.
He may not understand the way of the universe, but he knew one thing for certain: he had somehow managed to dream up his dream girl, and have her waiting for him on the other side.
you were like a shooting star,
blazing across my darkened sky,
i closed my eyes and made a wish,
now here you are in front of me,
please let me stay close by your side,
forever basking in your starlight
taglist: @moreflowersthanweeds , @thesunsetcurvephantom , @fanfics-she-wrote , @pink-flame , @molinashimbos , @ourstarscollided , @ace-bookworm , @williexmercer , @star-astro , @phantomsandsunsets , @heademptynothoughts , @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was , @candycornmgg , @blush-and-books , @radioactive-rosh, @tmp-jatp
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
If you could give Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori their own crests, what would they be?
This is a really tough one!  I do love that they “inherited” crests; the whole “these kids gets mentors” was so cute?  A great way to bring back the older kids in a meaningful way.  I personally think the 02 crew “had it together” in ways the original crew... kind of didn’t, lol!  But they did have a lot of benefits (ability to go home, Koushiro as an advisor, mentors, two members who already knew what was going on, etc).
I also really love the observation that Adventure emphasized individual development (finding and earning and internalizing their crest traits, evolution is triggered by understanding yourself) and 02 emphasized team development (jogress/evolution triggered by strong bonds between teammates, inheriting wisdom from the ones who came before).  So...  I guess I hate to mess with that?  But I do also see the appeal of giving them their own traits...
THIS GOT INCREDIBLY LONG, but it’s a really cool post, I think!  So please read on beneath the cut!
Honestly, I think miracles works pretty well?  I’ve heard people say that Daisuke just...  Does whatever he wants/follows his gut, and it tends to work out; ie he’s more “lucky” than “an effective leader.”  
Personally, I...  Truly admire Daisuke’s faith and optimism and just...  Just raw belief in everyone?  I have anxiety, so sometimes my brain loves to tell me that a thing I’ve done a million times with no problems will somehow explode in my face.  Can you imagine just...  Choosing to always believe, and acting like everything will be okay?  I don’t mean “sticking your head in the sand and going LALALA THIS IS FINE,” I mean taking action without hesitation, even when things are scary.
Like, yeah, maybe that’s not always valid IRL- you need to plan and be realistic and accept and reevaluate when your plan isn’t working- although I’d argue that Daisuke learned to do that over the course of the series (I remember him saying the team should rest at some point, and everyone was surprised that he didn’t want to press on, except Ken).
But I also maintain that Daisuke’s ability to believe in himself, his team, and just a general “things will be okay” is what creates success that almost seems... miraculous!
Also, I think he is suuuch a great meld of courage and friendship, because he pushes on when things are scary (courage) and is able to do so because he believes in everyone (friendship).
So, I’m thinking something like faith/confidence/trust.  And having listed some similar-ish words...
I’m going with trust.  
What incredible things you can do, when you believe in yourself, your team, and the future.
I’ve seen other people assign her the crest of “passion,” which I think is great!  
I think the thing about Miyako is that she’s, like...  Always on, always 150%, so dynamic and vibrant and just... her cup overflows with energy and... Miyako-ness.  
It’s clear to see how she relates to her “purity” side.  It took me a long time to understand what I think the crest of purity means, thanks to a lot of... ickiness around the word “pure” in western tradition, which is also why I am loathe to throw the word “innocence” into my definition.  Basically, I think the crest of purity means that Mimi and Miyako don’t dissemble/hide how they really feel.  You’re always getting their raw, honest truth.  And, because Mimi in particular is spoiled, she can come off as childish- which is where people like to throw in the word “innocent.”  
[The general selfishness of children is related to them not knowing yet that they aren’t the center of the world- psychologically; Freud would call it “being ruled by the id.”  It’s just a developmental stage, and doesn’t really indicate actual selfishness.  You know how Winnie the Pooh is a sweetheart, but can make things miserable for other people by just assuming he can help himself to everything?]
But Mimi also displays a child’s heart in terms of being kind and sweet and sensitive and wanting to help... and then swinging back towards the id at the drop of a dime, lol!
Like Mimi, Miyako is very comfortable giving her opinion and drawing attention to herself, and she doesn’t seem to be holding herself back...  But we do eventually see that things can weigh on her, and that she’s sometimes putting up a front when her energy actually isn’t at 150%.
I think the “love” part is a bit harder to pin down, but then...  The word “love” is incredibly vague, and means a million different things to different people, which is why I kind of hate discussing the crest of love!  I like to think of it as “the crest of compassion” to focus discussions; sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.  
It’s kind of funny to think of Miyako with the crest of love compared to Sora.  Sora tends to show love by watching over people, being kind and supportive and brave even when she’s struggling and hiding the signs of her struggle/dismissing her own struggles, doing things for others, often without even letting people know she did anything.
In comparison, Miyako shows compassion by being present for people she loves, telling them bluntly when they need to shape up (which, frankly, a lot of Digimon characters really need.  We need waaaaaay less staring into each other’s faces and never answering concerned questions and waaaaaaay more *slap* GET IT TOGETHER!  God, ilu Miyako), and being honest and open about how much she cares for them.
So yeah, passion!  
One of my favorite Chosen, this sweet good boy that I lovelovelovelove!
So one thing about Iori is that, while I can write big honkin’ analysis of how Daisuke and Miyako show their inherited crests...  Um, I think Iori is his own thing.  Like, I don’t... super get honesty and knowledge off of him.  I mean, the honesty thing, sure.  His Grandpa taught him not to lie, we had a whole ep based on that alone.  As for knowledge, yes, he wants to know the truth and get to the bottom of things.  
But...  Neither crest ever felt like a slam dunk for him?  Even though it’s easy to see how “honesty” and “knowledge” coalesce into “a desire for truth,” which is further illustrated in his career as a (presumably upright and truth-seeking) lawyer.  Like, it’s right there in front of your face, Hidden!
The thing that, to me, stands out about Iori most is that he’s grounded and centered.  Have you seen that post recently that explains how Daisuke tried, just one time, to treat Iori like a little kid (he says, “shut up, little brat”)?  And Iori- who is about three years younger than Daisuke, and much more withdrawn- politely but firmly replies, “Please don’t talk to me like that.”  
Iori is like...  He’s like eight, my dudes!  Rolling with a bunch of eleven-ish year olds!  He’s personal friends with Miyako, a twelve year old, before Adventure 02 even opens!  And we don’t often see him being doted on and protected like Takeru and Hikari were in the same situation.
YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?  The simple answer is that he’s mature, but I wanna say that he’s grounded, the ultimate earth sign type (I think Digmon is a pretty clear metaphor).  He doesn’t get flustered or swayed.  He knows where he is, where he stands, what he must do.  On the one hand, this makes him mature beyond his years, reliable, able to stand up for himself and be an equal team mate among kids who are older than him.
The downside is that “that which cannot bend must break.”  I’m sure you’ve read a zillion metas about how Iori sees in black-and-white originally and has trouble changing his world views and learning to forgive...  But he does all of those things, maturing further into possibly just... just...  Can you even imagine him as an adult?!  HE’S TOO POWERFUL.
So, if he were an Adventure character, I’d say that his crest is integrity, and he has to go through his adventure to learn what that really means for him- to develop from stubborn, black-and-white thinking to true integrity.
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seekingthestars · 4 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part thirty the untamed boys
(aka: oh ho ho you thought we were done, did you? [she did too.])
uhhhh. yeah. oops? no one will care about these but i.love.them. so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the untamed boys, ep 1:
ji li complaining about waiting forever lol
and cyc complaining about being hungry bc he had to wait so long for ji li XD
fanxing is like…not even paying attention, he’s just playing on his phone HAHAHA
ji li “how about THIS i’ll cut yu bin’s hair doing a handstand, i want to cut his yellow hair” he is truly chaos
yu bin and fanxing just lounging all over each other is adorable, i love this uncle and nephew
bowen LOL “bring it on, who cares.”
fanxing pouting and clinging onto yu bin and yu bin just letting him and hugging him back, fanxing is a koala and stupidly adorable
ji li sliiiiiiding around XDD
“This is our cultivation process” JI LI ILU
jiyang’s FACE when he says he’s lost a lot of hair already fjeaoiwfjw
[ it’s time for Ji Li’s nonsense ] OH GOOD :D :D :D
“can you control your child please?!” NO BOWEN, NO ONE CAN CONTAN JI LI
jiyang in this pink and white striped sweater is Peak Softness
the choreographer being grumpy at fanxing makes me ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yu bin going to pat him makes me ;u;
zfx saying he wanted to give up and pull out so he would stop dragging the rest down makes me ;AAAA;
when fanxing goes “i forgot my actions just now” and puts his hands to his head it is VERY cute but also i just wanna wrap him up in fifteen blankets and tuck him in bed and give him his preferred bedtime drink and tell him he’s doing amazing TINY BABY ;;
AWWWW they got a Halloween cake!!
you’re ALL doing great my lil beans, i proud of youuuu
the untamed boys, episode 2:
dammit all, xiao zhan is so pretty
cyc with his hair all pinned up out of his face so he can get his makeup done is freaking adorable
zheng fanxing is so small and cute i will protect this bean
i appreciate that ji li’s jacket says “Maniac” on the back bc.....yeah. i know it’s part of the brand, but STILL. appropriate. such a good boy though, saying he wants to walk around and put everyone in good spirits for the show
fanxing eating his banana CUTIE
i love xiao zhan’s little hat omg
wyb “I don’t think you have ever beaten me before” LOL SASSY
xz talking about how hard his solo song is to sing but he does such a great job of it, i love his solo song ;~~~~;
good god yu bin saying they rehearsed for 13 hours and slept for like 1-2, how the heck were any of them alive enough to do the show dang
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ji li in the audience cute cute
yibo 😭❤️
jiyang’s fan dance!!!! i love jiyang’s fan dance!!!!
FANXING T______T he’s crying so much he’s shaking omg baby omg now i’m gonna cry ;;;;;;;;;;
cyc is so pretty ugh
god every time fanxing cries i just want to wrap him up in a million blankets and rub his back until he feels better
them all saying goodbye to their characters is so EMOTIONAL, and they’re all emotional and xz’s voice cracked and i lost it ;AAAAAAA;
xz and wyb closing it out, my heart ;~~~~~~;
the untamed boys, episode 3: I’m so freaking excited about this chaos oh my god
THE LITTLE FOX PIN THING ON ZANJIN’S SWEATER. CUUUUUTE. also i like that sweater, do want
they get in the van and ji li IMMEDIATELY starting his chaos by yelling at zanjin omg i am living
them pretending to see Disney omg they’re all so dumb
they look so COOOOLD little penguins
fanxing shielding zanjin’s eyes from the sun like the sweet little bb he is
yu bin with his famous poem he’s such a DORK
fanxing time! “i think the boxes are where our staff is” LOL big brain energy from the small boy
ji li and zzj together!
Bowen’s little baby hop to reach the box fjewiaofawe he’s so TALL
“Why!!!!” omg he’s found two and can’t get anything open XDDD
YU BIN’S CACKLE WHEN HE FOUND THE BOX HAHAHAHA and he got it open! such an easy question, he’s so pleased hahaha
“Wow this game really makes people confused” poor Bowen with the empty brain XD “WHAT.” “HOW MANY CHICKENS DID HE STEAL.” i’m dying HAHAHAHA
fanxing found a box!! so smart, this one, he has much knowledge
oh my god cyc and he peng tormenting ji li and zanjin is hysterical, they’re so chaotic
ji li changing what was in the box L O L and STUFFING THE CLUE IN HIS SHOE L O L
bowen is so sweet “i need to hurry up and find a box for fanxing!!!!!” but fanXING ALREADY HAS ONE XD
oh nooo zanjin found a box but it’s the one fanxing already opened XDD
FANXING’S VOICE IS SO SOFT every time he speaks i’m just like FJEWIOF WAIT
he is a BABY
calling fanxing “little a-yuan” look i am weak and i am soft
i love how so far everyone’s been eliminated for just attacking the wrong person lol their web of lies and deception is so deep
why is yu bin stroking bowen’s face lol
omg it’s yu bin’s gross marshmallow time
did they just stick entire unpeeled bananas on the grill 
ji li singing XDDD
yu bin using the eggplant as a mic for bowen XD
cute bunch of boys c:
the untamed boys, episode 4:
(How drop-dead gorgeous they are!) -- Correct caption is very correct
“Can we have something to eat inside?” “Or anything to drink~?” PLS JIYANG AND FANXING TOO CUTE
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cyc: “HE LIKES SLEEPING NAKED” fanxing: slowly covers ears  XDDDDD
yu bin’s guess of “he talks with a doll before going to sleep” omg i’m dying
jiyang’s like “when did i act cute” and then poUTS AT THE CAMERA fjewioafjawe
them guessing all of jiyang’s before he can even pick a person LOLOL
ji li going “yu bin sent me a message once and i replied 14 days later” LOL I RELATE i have legit done that, not on purpose, i just forget, i’m really bad at forgetting to reply if i don’t see the message/notification constantly, i have goldfish memory
ji li “I quit, I don’t wanna compliment him anymore” XDDDD
fanxing is so small and cute pls he’s like four someone get him a juice box
jiyang, bowen, yu bin VS fanxing, ji li, yuchen!
YUCHEN DANG but also fanxing going “OHHH!!!” and clapping and hopping along in excitement jfeiowafw
fanxing with the big paw gloves omg
yuchen is so good at this
ji li: “it hurts!!” fanxing: runs up to him and cups ji li’s cheeks in his giant paw gloves all concerned SO. CUTE.
them all being dumb and dancing around during halftime fjeiowaf
fanxing sneaking a snack in XD
fanxing trying to grab the ball and just falling over with it PLS SOMEONE PROTECT HIM HE IS SO SMALL
cyc and ji li are both surprisingly good at this, esp. cyc
and then he whacked ji li in the face feioawjfawe POOR JI LI
yu bin’s hat falls off “THIS IS MY LIFE WHICH CAN’T BE LOST” XD
the untamed boys, episode 5: dinner party time! /chants WZC WZC WZC :D :D :D
WZC WZC!!!!!! “I’m just hungry” LOL
nom nom eat up hungry boys!!
ohhhh everyone got hidden tasks oh fun!
yu bin just singing omg fjiewoafjwaeo; XDD
everyone in this cast in their own brand of chaotic, it’s so great 
the interview part with cyc in that suit and those glasses HEART EYES
jiyang’s drawing is cute!
wzc about yu bin: “he’s the fish who loves singing in my heart!” XDDD
yu bin’s scribbles of ji li BLESS IT “I usually don’t get what he means, just like this drawing that’s not understandable.”
“what about the lost arm????” “HE DID LOSE IT AT THE END!!!!!!” ilovejili
omg they’re gonna be baristas omg so CUTE, the coffee shop AU of everyone’s dreams thank you 🙏
ji li’s face when he tries the drink HE made XDDD and fanxing consistently refusing to try it XD
fanxing and yu bin duo is the CUTEST and fanxing’s constant little pouty faces when they can’t get anyone to agree to coffee jfieowajfawe
ji li and yi zhou are doing no better XDD 
bowen seeing the puppy and immediately stopping what he’s doing to run after it screaming “OHHHH!!!!!” is such a mood
bowen is so chaotic, chasing puppies, screaming at people in boats XD
fanxing chasing down the foreigner omg lol
they made such a mess of the cup lol but they’re so CUTE i would forgive them if they were my baristas
nie bros got a customer!
“I’m the wiiiiiinner, sorry!” JI LI THAT WAS STUPIDLY CUTE SHUT UP
“What winner, you’re the waiter.” LOLOLOL YU BIN
literally the coffee shop of my dreams, pls, all the cute waiters
yu bin just swooping over and shoving ji li out of the way to talk to the lady XDD
fanxing talking to the lady washing dishes and about his mom and all the part time jobs he had and he is such a soft sweet little bean
and we did it! that’s a wrap on The Untamed Boys! (er, the show anyway lol) that was fun, I enjoyed myself and laughed a lot bc they’re dumb and adorable :’)
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hmm here’s me talking about su sort of lmao like i said i’m not here to be particularly scentamentle?? just say funney stories....and some opinions.....it’s really been a hot minute and i haven’t been making Long text posts about things so i can throw one out there even if it’s got no thesis statement
also like i said i just so happened to like, actually watch the first ep on actual tv when it actually premiered....all i super remember knowing about it beforehand was like “oh rebecca sugar getting her own series right on” and i was gonna check it out on that alone and then also i remember before it debuted there was an article about it in the wapo in the sort of “local”-ish section b/c it was like. hey this is based in uh yknow the dmv....delmarva area.....this whole Region.....and i (from nova and in nova at that time, and flipping thru the print wapo every day) was like haha. neat. also god damn it was 2013, hell of a year. i can tell you little about it b/c it was so crappy i just like did not bother much with things like “distinct memories” lmfao. great to have like, a weekly thing towards the end of that hot mess (november??? or smthing??) back when....god........it aired weekly.........anyways yeah i was pleasantly surprised from the start i don’t Get when people are like “can’t watch this in order :/ the first few eps don’t sell it well” like okay speak for yourself god dman....more on that later i’m sure lmfao. hot takes
my brother started watching it too just cuz he’s game for shit that way and i was keeping up with it. like i remember i thought cheeseburger backpack was extra fun and i think i showed him a rerun and i remember he thought it was funny lol the Raft Gag......and when i was watching tiger millionaire i kept For Real Laughing and he came over like what is going on.....and i think he was signed on from there........again pretty fun for it to be this weekly thing. also maybe i’m not here to be Sentamental but i was also like “oh no that Spoke to my feelings unexpected :(” during tiger millionaire when amethyst was all “you can’t let anyone make you feel like garbage” and “i only feel how i wanna feel” like guess who was in the early stages of “my self esteem is so crappy it’s starting to circle around into [trying to increase self esteem]”.........like i said hell of a time. though then that’d be 2014 by then i think?? still a hell of a time
started to get “i think i will draw the same character one million times” about it at some point in 2014 too lmfao......every instance of [me drawing the same shit one million times], which is the only way i ever draw anything, then like, benefits whatever i draw later cuz like. sure get some practice out of it. and even though like, it wasn’t quite as huge an Internet Thing as it was gonna get once i started to draw shit, it was already like, classic-me Kinda Niche to be like “hey gang who is going ham about the bored dumbass teens”....not so niche that there weren’t other people going “yeah i am” at any given time tho. and then we put our hands in the middle and go Yeah!! and jump up hsm style. it was also a great time for something Fun and (easier than marble hornets lol) to draw b/c. it simply was a good time for it.....struggling to draw shit back then even more than is like, usual. oh and also i forget but i had sort of Withdrawn from the mh fanbase b/c it got this whole influx of randos after fjsfdking the Video Game we all know the one and i was like. i am gonna.....sidle over here. nobody Likes to be in a fandom actually lmfao. and i mean even while su was getting to be A Whole Thing i was like. bro i am over here in the Donuts section and it is a little quieter and i use the tag sometimes but i’m all set, thanks. still the least Niche niche i’ve been in probably lmfao....see: the fact that probably still way most of my followers are here from su times even tho idk who’s even active still
also had a high time making some great Long Text Posts. i kind of always fail 2 grasp that even as much as my drawings that stuff leads to me actually getting to interact with people, b/c like, those text posts have me actually saying Words in them, which helps lmfao..........i think it’s like, these posts are probably Not That Fun for most people, but then for the people who Are like “oh sweet this is something that i actually want,” that’s obviously a helpful way to find a kindred spirit lmao.....like hey cool you already know i can’t shut up and am opinionated and obviously a lil much? fantastic let’s do this. plus idk it’s fun to Not Shut Up Actually. like, not the biggest deal. ppl can just Scroll Past. or not
speaking of “getting practice Not Shutting Up and Drawing Shit”.......hilarious when in late 2018 i find myself like. oh so you’re telling me this excellent character who is a self-sabotaging struggling-to-know-how-to-cope-with-shit-and-connect-with-others insecure af Teen is not appreciated / ignored / deemed Awful (and then ignored) by the majority of the fanbase?????? hahaha you don’t say....but No Problem. let me just talk about how this person has Complexity actually and is a lot more sympathetic than not and i hate all of you omg like do we have to do all of this ourselves lmfao........guess so, Fine
what am i talking about funny stories who is this funny to lmfao. okay no but okayyy what an experience when the island adventure preview came out and for like the next 4 days i did not experience depression lmao........i Jumped on the opportunity b/c it was like, early fall i wanna say??? i think sept?? 2014 and i was kinda mulling over going to gmx (which was this convention the Marble Hornets gang kept getting invited to & i’d been 2 twice b4 but missed the previous yr coz it was 2013 and i was way not thriving) and yeah jumped on the “depression / (as much) anxiety who???” superpower to Ask if it was cool if i went to a friend’s wedding in georgia for a weekend. there was no friend’s wedding in georgia. and then i went to gmx AND. ironically (not really im sure. idk what irony means and idc) gmx weekend ended up being the same weekend island adventure actually aired and when i left that morning (gmx being in nashville) my lil bro (getting up for school) was like GO GO and i actually made it in time to catch it in the hotel room but. they didn’t have the channel despite it being listed on the channel guide. i about flipped lmfao but i did see it later that weekend and flipped again. gmx was an a-okay time as well lmao that was the last time i made it
they may have never sold a licensed Lars S1 Green/Purple Snake Tee but look when i have this green racerback with a neat snake print & this necklace of purple quartz crystals and also when i was at gmx i bought this necklace with one (non purple, non actual crystals but plastic shaped like it / glossed) pendant In The Spirit Of It All and it gets compliments. anyways the point is. indirectly representing
speaking of crystals = lars i’d just like to reiterate that i’m always right. like sure i was like “look i don’t know how lars could have Crystal Magic in him but something is up with the fact he’s = pink magic flowers with crystals inside them Means Something.” i think it’s reasonable to Not have predicted he dies and gets revived w/ crystal magic that’s in him now. but that’s still a Win for realizing somethings up....tfw as early as like s2 times i’d be like “well the donuts gotta get involved in the center of adventure at Some point and also i Know it is important that steven is just lars’s rly annoying little brother and y/n do you think lars would die to protect him i think he would...” like. i didn’t wanna be That right :/
tfw me and my brother were watching rose’s scabbard while my mom was napping it out in the armchair and like silently Sharing A Look at the whole “she was beautiful” thing like. lol harold
i still don’t know how much of a Thing(tm) magfest is but as far as i can figure it it’s No Comic Con (like, thank god :| ) but still kind of a thing. anyways i learned of it cuz i saw there was gonna be a couple su panel thingies & i looked it up & we were less than an hour away and so it was like midnight but i ask my brother like hey wanna swing by this thing on this one friday. and he was like Sure. so i made it happen and he was 17 so we had to drag our dad to the bank to Notarize a form that he was allowed to be there accompanied by me. it was a big place and it also took us a while to find Registration or whatever and when we tried getting sandwiches later it cost like $7 each go figure. anyways but we were just there for the one Event & there was a room like filled with arcade games and a bunch of other consoles (also Retro though. like old computers n stuff) and they had Galaga, thank fucking god. we 2 playered that shit and wandered around and also 2 playered a game called toobin, which was funny. real gamers know. 
when we were in the (pretty long) Line to get into the Panel, i actually like. spotted a then-mutual who i (was pretty sure i) recognized from her occasional selfie lol and who i guess had travelled all the way from the west coast for the weekend. when we were actually Seated she happened to be a couple rows back and both of us on the end of the aisle and i asked my brother if he could read her nametag (to verify lol) and i bopped over to have the cringe and fail exchange of “hey do you have a Tumblr” and then i was like “haha i’m milo i’m ummmwine” and she got up to hug me and then i had to scamper back to my seat cuz shit was starting lol
like my life was not changed by this event but we had fun and. the Hilarious story is that it was also partially a Q&A and i had a Q and my brother encouraged me by again whispering “go go” as soon as the first syllable was spoken implying Line up For Questions.....i was in like, the last idk, haaalf dozen or so ppl who made it to the mic? and look i knew i was gonna be asking a niche question that like 3 other people of the hundreds in the room would care about but So What. deal with it gang, let’s have some Variety. but i was still nervous. and when i’m nervous, i a) Have A Script and b) get even chattier. and right after the person Right In Front Of Me got their answer, i guess it was noticed that it was getting down to the wire so they were like “haha okay lightning round :)” and i was like NO.......GOD..........lmfao like too late im sorry i Can’t make it lightning round. i was muy anxious.....just that, again, hundreds of people there, i have the floor, nobody’s gonna Like my quastion......and they didn’t know the answer (which i figured was v possible lol) so i was like oh no sklfjd hope this entire room doesn’t hate me. i mean of course i didn’t care if they did too much but, Nerves....also im valid, but were the like half dozen people who asked prior to me about shit that would CLEARLY be too spoilery to answer valid????? no lmfao. cmon. that’s what’s Really cringe
well here we ffw a bit b/c Mid To Late 2015 is certainly a time for me and it doesn’t really make for an interesting story so just to tldr it lmao like, got some beautiful moral support from someone as i was makin a Lifestyle Change lol and continued to get beautiful moral support from that same person and i continue to benefit from it....You know who you are!!!! tyvvm....and it occurred to me that the reason i am where i physically am is via someone i met thru su-posting.......which is true of the You Know who you are person too, which is why i brought it up lmao
uhh god not as many Stories after that lol.....def got to engage in “i’m ___ i’m gonna [draw the same character i always draw] so i won’t be so ___” during interesting times lol. love that for me
tbh the uh. Wanted arc was truly one of the best Serial Arcs, just dramatic & solid af and also it’s lars time and for a second i go “god well at least maybe now ppl will acknowledge lars is a gr8 character” and then a second later i go “Oh No they’ll only say he’s a good character *Now*” and that’s exactly what happened lmfao but well we still got as much lars fanart as we ever got outside that couple weeks aftermath... l o l . . . i had to wait One Zillion Years for my little brother to catch up to this b/c. he was watching via hulu i think where like, a full season would come out a good while after the finale. seriously i think it took him almost 2 years. im like dammit lmfao this is What Matters dfslk....fond memories when hulu was free / no login req’d / shit would be available like the day after airing
uhhhHHH crazy how this show muscled through the weird scheduling change where it was like “no weekly eps Only Erratic Hiatuses”......ppl were so foolishly Into the first “5 eps in a row” release and i was like “no i don’t like this” and then a year later i was like “you see. You See.” rip
i think we can even ffw to sutm at that point lol....im like im in this for lars okay lmfao kinda Shrugggg @ things by this point lol like finale shminale. where’s he at. and i really wasn’t paying a world of attention to like, prior-to-release lore n announcements so i was just plunged into this chaos of like sorry???? excuse me?? of all the people in the world sarah stiles?????? lfsdj like noooo don’t show me these tweets lmfao......truly it’s fine i’m being Hilarious but it’s also very real that like, when i see things like “showtime(tm)” or “SHO” or “billions content” i’m just doused with Dread b/c i hate this series lmao i swear to christ. but it’s really Fine lmfao like. i was kinda “eh :/” to “yea this is alright” about the rest of it but spinel was The Highlight lmfao and having $50 to go ham on her animation was great but really the voice acting Made It.....like the entire takeaways was uh the other friends sequence and fuckin uhh this part. fuck it up ms. stiles........hit it out of the park..........cain was the first funny bitch and spinel was the second. that thought just came to me and i will not elaborate. call that a revelation. oh and also it was a relief cuz i was like “i s2g if this Antagonist is like, aquamarine-style annoying af....i will die” but No. spinel is annoying af in another way which is her rights and i don’t want to die about it lmfao. she’s good.......i don’t even resent the “how come whenever some rando shows up ready to literally kill everyone for no good reason, all of you are ready to be like ‘wow an icon’ and we can’t have 10% of that energy for the teen who’s kinda bitchy b/c he’s annoyed by life and crap???” thing b/c i mean, she had her whole Arc all at once and also is good enough for it i think. the nadir was when the one rando shows up for like One episode like “i Don’t want to kill everyone :3 syke >:)” and for some reason people were like “omg iconic. call them on their ‘don’t kill everyone’ bullshit” like lol i hate you guys
well i like lars’s [last outfit we see him in] and i feel like it only backs up the bi agenda. another epic gamer moment had been when it became a Popular Hc that lars is trans b/c he is lmao. and everyone was all “why is everyone sayign this why would you want him to be trans he sucks” like get good grandma!!!!!!!! it’s too late. well that’s the end of my post. me in 2014 being like “wow way to have something to keep up with b/c now i have to outlive it to get all the dnads content i guess” and here i am. but it’s almost April 2020 so. haha 
hmm what’s a less ominous ending. oh shit another thing that was funny is i was like So about these Skull Plugs featured in this semi-official drawing of lars once and then horror club came out (fun b/c i like horror) and had the skull plugs for Real & they were glow in the dark. that was a big day for me even seeing the promos lmfao. except then i guess it was foreshadowing, so again i end this with Death. don’t we all
wait no lsfdjs What tf was matthew moy talking about “i like your hair.” dude dropping an i-guess cut line on us lmfao. alright alright im done
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
we watched 2 whole more eps but we’re abt to vacay so i better recap this biz now before i forget
ok so we finished the zoldyck arc and uhhhh gotta say we werent expecting like any of that to happen lol 
ok ill back up so we start w/killuas mom (i dont think we ever heard her name) confronting gon & co....and canary (i lov her) is not dead which i assumed but thank goodness. 
zoldyck mom was totally using nen. also she is off her rocker gotta say. tho that visor is super cool, albeit confusing - is it connected to a bunch of security cameras or something? how does she see all that shit? 
granpa is wild. his tunic thing that says ‘one kill a day’ or w/e is kinda hilarious, it reminds me of the ‘apple a day keeps the dr away’ saying...a murder a day keeps the....idk away????
i love that killua makes it abundantly clear that he couldve like escaped at any time lol. also tho why didnt he just escape....baby boy just leave 
killua getting all serious and threatening milluki if he messes with gon....my boys got it BAD 
this family has so many communication issues hvbjadkfbjaskdfj nobody is on the same page at all 
the butler guy continued to remind me of kuro one piece this whole time...i was waiting for him to bust out the ridiculous cat claws
oh my GOD wait the flashbacks of EVEN BABIER KILLUA were so precious ;_; he was soooo tiny and cute oh my god. so precious. and canary was also so tiny and cute 
baby killua really just wanted a friend :(((( and canary wanted to be friends w/him but knew that mom zoldyck would kill her if she overstepped like that :( thats so tragic mannnn
also canary is so cool man. her beating up all those guys was epic
ok that whole scene with killua and his dad was like, such a rollercoaster lmao
like....it was all over the place for me...first of all the ambiance was wack, the room lighting was weird and im p sure killuas seat was an electric chair??? and the dad was in a coffin thing..???? like....interesting aesthetic choices all over the place here 
also i see now where killua got his hair and also his catboy tendencies. the zoldyck catboy genes seem to trace back to zoldyck dad, who has kinda scary cat eyes 
also im guessing that the dad is the blood zoldyck and the mom is the one who married in. they sure seem to put a lot of emphasis on like, family legacy or w/e, but the two parents certainty go abt it in different ways 
the whole convo b/w killua and his dad was wild, it totally didnt go where i was expecting it to. his dad was weirdly chill while also being super intense? 
killua happily telling stories abt gon was so sweet....baby boy baby 
and his dad telling him ‘never betray your friends’ was rlly interesting...i wonder what his reasons were for saying that 
cause then he tells killua he can leave, and killua does, but then dad zoldyck tells mom zoldyck (i rlly need to find out their names) that he thinks killua will come back on his own time....inch resting 
i wonder if dad zoldyck made killua promise that bc he was trying to set killua up for failure - as in, he tells killua to never betray his friends, thinking that killua inevitably will & be distraught abt it, and then turn back to the zoldyck family when this happens. idk
also its interesting to me that zoldyck dad wants killua to lead the family someday. like, illumi is right there, hes the oldest and clearly dedicated to being an evil assassin, and he seems p good at it...i wonder why killua is the favorite....the grandpa (i think) did say that killua is Special(tm) which...yes he is a special baby boy i love him. i wanna see more zoldyck family flashbacks/interactions so we can see what led them to this point 
oh lord that reminds me of illumi briefly appearing in the killua flashback and hes just like, suddenly there, wearing some gay ass sweater....like ok dude did you just come back from the Evil Assassin Library or st?????
that reminds me too, ruth tells me that apparently in the manga illumi and hisoka got married or something???? to which i say, thats fucking wild, but also it makes sense, those two are both horrible and disgusting and they absolutely deserve each other hbvajvhsdfjbak peak evil nasty gay rep, i love it. i cant wait to see whatever the fuck the context to that is bc, thats fucking wild
ok back to the plot so like its so wild to me how smoothly everything went hvubsjduhfbjsh like....killuas dad was rlly like ok u can leave and killua just went to the butler house and then canary woke up and was like ok gon & crew lets go to the butler house to see killua, fuck the rules, (and she didnt even get killed for ‘disobedience’ or w/e, or more likely - in most big shounen, she wouldve been attacked by the other evil butlers and gon wouldve had to fight them)
killua Rlly was like fuck this place im leaving my boyfriend and his parents are here to pick me up [puts on gayest outfit he owns and skateboards away] hvbhsjdfbjdkf
i love killuas weird gay preteen fashion so far and i cant wait to see more 
killua telling the butler guy to let him know as SOON as gon gets there cause he wants to see him AS SOON AS HE CAN ;_; bro they r....in love 
of course the butler is trickey tho lmao, any other shounen this wouldve turned into an 8 ep long fight scene sequence where gon has to fight the butlers in order to see killua 
and the of course gon is the same way, gon is like i need to see killua RIGHT NOW take me to him!!! ohhh my god babies
the whole coin game was wild, it was funny when the other butlers got involved too lmao 
when gon was like ‘hey leorio can i see your knife’ i was like OH NO I DONT LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING. and i was right bc OWWWWW baby boy oh my god!!!! but that seems to have solved it even tho thats NOT how swelling works at ALL- 
anyways gon is a cute smart good boy and i also find it funny how killua eventually gets impatient and just busts in on this whole dramatic situation (and the tension immediately deescalates as a result lmao) 
tangent but god its so funny seeing all these butler guys deferring to killua, an actual 12 yr old....i wanna see the hilarious and hijink-filled results of killua being raised as a rich spoiled assassin prince. thats a lethal combo thats gotta result in some wildly skewed perceptions on how things work, especially paired with gon ‘probably eats dirt for fun and sleeps in trees’ freecess 
godddd gon and killuas lil reunion is SOOO cute they were so happy to see each other ;_; bro they are SO cuteeeee augh. two tiny babies
killua being like oh hi also uh kurapika andddd [looks at smudged writing on hand] lorpo 
hvhhbajfbs dont do my man leorio like that killua hes a hardworking father 
the fact that they just like. LEAVE...thats so wild. i cant believe how little fighting this arc had. this all wrapped up SO much faster than i could have ever anticipated lmao 
where the heck was alluka!? i assumed she’d show up here but uhhhh guess not......in the silhouette shot of all the zoldycks she and killua were holding hands ;_; my fucking uwus bro 
we also didnt see the grandma or great grandpa so im guessing theyll appear later 
gon being like fuck it im not using my hunters license til i punch hisoka in the fucking face hvbhahsfbjsk thats hilarious 
also a convenient way to let him have his hunters license but not utilize it til later in the story...its so early for him to have achieved that big chunk of his goal, which just shows that hxh is Not your typical shounen and isnt gonna just be centered around gons quest to become a hunter 
so we finally found out what hisoka said to kurapika....just as i thought, it was st to do w/the phantom troupe. so theres a handy setup for the yorknew city arc later. bam 
hisoka just being like ‘hey meet me in this (presumably) very large city on this date. no i will not tell you where in the city to meet me. bye seeya there’ 
tbf hisoka is very hard to miss 
god when they arrive and kurapika is just like ok well we got killua so im out lol bye everyone....bro hvbjkhgbfjhdksfhjk that felt so abrupt 
and then leorio was like oh yeah same i gotta go study time to take the fantasy MCAT or w/e
AND THEY BOTH LEFT....now gon and killua r chilling but im like oh my god no leorio kurapika come back, we need some (questionable) adult supervision over here 
and like immediately killua is like ok gon do you have money. and of Course gon doesnt have money. so killua is like well you need money and you need to train so you can deck hisoka, so lets go to a fantasy version of an underground fighting ring! this is why kurapika and leorio needed to stay 
tho they probably wouldve just gone along with it 
they did all promise to meet in yorknew city, but thats apparently like 6 months away. are gon and killua rlly gonna spend 6 months at heavens arena
the part where killua draws the diagram demonstrating how much of a n00b gon is....hvbajdkhfbhajskf
AND THEN when he drew himself into the diagram and was like :3c wow im so modest HBJHSKHDFHBJS that was so funny
it was like that post thats like ‘you can tell when a cats pupils change and they just shift into Silly Mode’ thats what killua looked like...catboy
so thats basically it i think, gon and killua are heading to heavens arena to join fight club or whatever. tournament arc time! 
i doubt this is the last weve seen of the zoldyck family. i mean we havent even met 3 of them, and we barely saw the ones we did meet...idk when theyll come back but i suspect theyll be making some big money moves later on and fucking shit up somehow 
i think maybe illumi or someone will like, spy on killua sometimes to keep track of him. or theyll track him by other means
ill use the prediction corner to reflect on incorrect predictions so heres a few. i rlly thot killua was gonna be more edgy than he is but hes rlly just a good boy huh. like hes a gay baby assassin catboy but hes so cute and good too. he just wants to live his life and hang out with his tiny bf like... omg :’) 
also i thot hisoka held a totally different narrative role lbvahkfjhjjaksfl i thot he was like main villain guy....hes more like an annoying creepy clown dude who (probably) shows up a lot to bother the main cast. we’ll see, but thats what i think of him now
like i thought hisoka would be like p1 dio, where hed be/quickly become a powerful antagonist who would amass a bunch of followers/minions (when actually the only person he seems to hang out w/is illumi, and theyre more like equals than an evil guy/minion dynamic)...or like i thought hisoka would be very well known as a scary evil guy but nope he was just another participant in the hunter exam, albeit a weird freaky one whose rancid vibes everyone seemed to pick up on 
anyways actual predictions, i think hisoka is gonna be at heavens arena, which would be super funny. gon is like im gonna train to beat hisoka and he shows up to do that and hisokas just there like >;) hey
i think if i had to guess, the zoldycks will show up again (in a plot important way) at the end of the yorknew arc/before the greed island arc. i know basically nothing abt any of the arcs but i do know the order they go in so theres that
i do think illumi will show up earlier than the other zoldycks tho, since he seems to be out doing his own thing more than the rest. also we still really havent resolved the whole mind control thing that im still convinced of 
i think nen will finally be introduced/alluded to heavily in this arc...or like, characters will use nen and gon will be like whoa whats that 
i think killua knows what nen is...maybe? it would make sense since im sure all the zoldycks can use it (at least, we saw mom zoldyck use it, probably)
can killua use nen already? that would be pretty funny. i dont think so tho. maybe u learn nen at a certain age. i have no idea what nen is 
also isnt gons nen power the power to like, turn into a really buff version of himself or something. how the fuck does that work 
ok enough nonsense its bedtime zzzzz
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 12
I don’t want to do this.
I haven’t seen the next/last episode yet this week, each time saying there was some conflict or other keeping me from sitting down and watching. But looking back it’s mostly pretty weak excuses.
In reality, I have to accept the main reason that I’m typing this out rather than pulling up Crunchyroll: As long as I don’t see the finale, I can avoid the truth. I can avoid seeing whatever ending Urobuchi’s cooked up, and live in blissful ignorance that somehow this all works out ok. That despite each and every time before Madoka somehow survives this and doesn’t go Witch. That even after coming to the brink of despair Homura will get a happy ending. That I won’t have to see an ending that I keep imagining gets worse and worse, except that whatever I can fear I know the Urobutcher will manage to surpass.
Goddamnit, I just wanted a cute little show! I knew PMMM was a magical girl show, and I knew that for whatever reason it was incredibly popular. Music, animation, cute moments, whatever. I started PMMM thinking it’d be a good, happy time. Jesus was I wrong.
This show has put me through an emotional wringer. All this death and despair… without any warning from you jerks!
Do I think that it’s good I’ve seen this show? Yes. The production value is excellent, the twists were very engaging, and the philosophical discussions it has prompted are far more than I expected from it. Maybe when this is done I can sit back and enjoy watching others encounter the show, contribute to the discussion.
But I sure as hell don’t want to push the play button this time. I don’t want to see the end result. One way or another, Madoka’s story is coming to an end. The longer I put it off, the longer I can imagine that she survives and is happy. Despite everything…
Damn it. I want to put it off, but I can’t. I’m here, the finale is pulled up, and I’m out of excuses.
Let’s get this over with.
PMMM Finale Ep 12: My Very Best Friend
We open where we left off. The city is devastated, the technicolor Walpurgisnacht hovers in the distance, Homura is trapped under rubble, and Madoka looks towards the Witch with the Incubator at her side.
“Homura, I’m sorry. I’m going to become a Magical Girl.”
Homura looks on in horror as Madoka calmly talks about how she finally found a Wish she truly wants granted. And just as calmly says that she’s going to use her life for it.
GodDAMN it, Madoka! Stop being so fucking calm about selling your soul! Stop being so calm and peaceful and nice and AAARGH! Stop being such a hero! Be selfish for once in your life!
Yes, thank you Homura! Use every tool you have left to stop this travesty. Guilt-trip her with the countless times you’ve tried to save her, ask what the hell it was all for if Madoka insists on being the hero each and every time.
Madoka walks over and hugs Homura as the Magical Girl music starts up. She apologizes, but says that she’s the person she is now because Homura tried to protect her for so long. And asks that Homura trust in “the answer she has found”, swearing that she won’t waste everything Homura’s done for her.
“Now, Kaname Madoka. What is the Wish that you will pay for with your soul?”
Alright. Wish time. What’s it going to be? Wish for your friends back? Wish for Homura to find peace? Wish for the Incubator to go die in a fire?
“I wish…”
Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale.
“I wish to erase all Witches before they are born. All the Witches in all the universes, both past and future. With my own hands!”
Waitwhat? What just- Can she-
Um. There’s a bright pink glow. That Wish is valid? She’s turning into a Magical Girl?!
The Wish to fucking erase all Witches is VALID?!?!
“That prayer… If a prayer like that were granted, it could unravel the fabric of time itself! It would go against the very force of karmic destiny!”
No shit, Sherlock! Holy crap, this isn’t just Homura’s multiverse-hopping, this a core aspect of all of the universes! A Wish can do that?!
Did… did I just get out-minmaxed by a pink-haired middleschool girl?
Did this seriously just happen?
Did Madoka just effectively tell the DM “Yeah, no. I’m rewriting your setting”?
“Do you truly intend to become a god?!”
Holy crap. Madoka just wished to replace the DM.
I… I can’t even…
“I don’t care what I become. All those who have fought against Witches, who believed in hope as Magical Girls… I don’t want to see them cry. I want them smiling to the very end. If any rule or law stands in the way of that...I will destroy it. I will rewrite it. That is my prayer… That is my wish.”
Don't underestimate us! We don't care about time or space or multidimensional whatevers. We couldn't give a damn about that. Force your way down a path you choose, and do it your way! That's the way Team Dai-Gurren rolls!
I did not expect PMMM to have a Badass Creed rivaling fricken Simon the Digger.
“Now, grant my wish, Incubator!!”
The powerful glow around Madoka explodes, and the screen whites out.
And then the title comes up? Showing the reset of All Time, then?
Oh, the episode title finally appeared.
Final Episode: My Very Best Friend
A piece of cake? Mami’s place?
“Kaname… do you truly understand how fearsome a Wish that was?”
Yeah, Mami’s place, one of her customary tea parties with elaborate cakes. So is she alive again, as there was now never a Witch to kill her?
“It means that for all the past and future, and throughout all of time, you will have to continue fighting forever.”
Is that how it works, then? Madoka Wishes for the power to destroy all Witches, so she has to do it personally?
“In doing so, you will certainly wind up losing all traces of your individual self.”
Aw crap. The downside. There I was getting all optimistic, thinking that “Holy crap we actually get a happy ending?” But nope, Madoka will wind up essentially a completely different person.
“Simply dying would be a kinder fate. For all eternity, you would continue merely as a concept, a principle that destroys Witches.”
Damn it Urobuchi, I get it. You can stop hammering the point home.
But of course, our Protagonist is fine with that.
“If someone says it’s wrong to have hope, then I’ll tell them they’re wrong, every single time. And I know I’ll always tell them so.”
Wait. So… she’ll keep her core? She’ll stay Madoka at her heart, with her belief of hope? She won’t completely lose herself? Can I hope for that, or is Urobuchi going to step on that again?
“Then it’s fine, isn’t it?” Kyoko! Chowing down on a slice of cake. She’s serving as the determinator of the bunch, pointing out that now Madoka’s found her reason to fight, all that’s left is to run full steam ahead.
Daw, and now Mami gives Madoka back her old notebook of drawings.
“You aren’t just giving us hope. You’re becoming hope, itself… The hope of us all.”
Whiteout again. And here’s Magical Girl Madoka, in all her glory. Homura’s all but blinded by the light, the Incubator stares ahead, and… oh yeah. Walpurgisnacht. That’s a thing.
The orchestra begins to swell as Madoka readies her bow. A great sigil appears in the sky, and Madoka shoots it to blast away the stormclouds, revealing a bright blue sky. It then shoots out ALL OF THE ARROWS.
Cut to someone falling in grass? Oh, another Magical Girl. With a dark Soul Gem beginning to crack. She looks scared and begins to cry… when a burst of pink light falls from the sky and reforms as Magical Girl Madoka? Who purifies the Soul Gem… and then the Gem disappears? Hold up, what just happened? The Soul Gem vanished and the girl looked happy for a moment before closing her eyes. Is she sleeping, no longer a lich? Or did she just ‘die’ because Madoka took her purified soul somewhere else? Urobuchi, stop distracting me with this amazing music, I’m trying to figure this out.
Ok, the girl’s body just faded away before the screen went white. So Madoka’s stopping Witches by going back to just before the Soul Gem breaks? And then does something to the soul, takes it away somewhere? If she’s powerful enough to be a god now, is she… what, taking all these girls to Magical Girl heaven?
Many, many more bursts of pink light, more scenes of Madoka appearing to siphon away despair and vanish Soul Gems.
“I won’t let your prayers end in despair. None of you have to hate anyone, or curse anyone. I will bear all of that cursed destiny for you. So, please. To the very end, keep believing in yourselves!”
Ok, two things: one, I wanna see Madoka and Kamina meet up now to try and outdo eachother regarding “believe in yourself” speeches. Two, the scenes of magical girls are including I believe Cleopatra and Joan of Arc.
Back to the present, countless Hope Arrows continue to fly about, many shredding the madly laughing Walpurgisnacht until it’s only the giant gear. And still Madoka calmly speaks to it, staying that it no longer has to hate or curse. Because she’ll go back before it began and take the burden. Which creates a humongous explosion. Homura covers her face, the screen whites out again…
Weird technicolor lights, like a corrupted Soul Gem…
Homura opens her eyes. Does a rapid turn. Is on the moon?
She rightfully wonders where the heck she is. Hmmm, who do we know who could provide some exposition on the result of a Wish?
“The universe is in the process of reordering itself, based on Madoka’s new laws.” Homura’s present because she can control time-crossing magic. And so the Incubator says they’ll see
“-what kind of end the existence called Madoka Kaname will meet.”
GOD. DAMN. IT. We were SO CLOSE. We ALMOST had a good ending, but NOPE. UROBUTCHER STRIKES AGAIN! “Let’s see, we’ll just set things up with some inspiring hope quotes, show Madoka taking on the burdens of every Magical Girl ever… yes, that should do nicely for a literal god-damned Soul Gem.”
Because yeah. Madoka took on all those cursed destinies. She brought forth enough hope to create an entire universe. So for things to balance, that universe will now be destroyed.
“It’s only natural, right?” Fuck off, Incubator.
And the Super Soul Gem cracks, creating a Witch that dwarfs even the tower from Homura’s last timeline. Welp, I know what’ll be in my nightmares tonight.
The maddened laughter begins again.
“No, it’s all right.” Wait, Madoka?! But- the Super Witch-
Oh. Oh yes. YesyesyesYESYESYES
Wait, Puffball?
“My Wish was to erase all Witches…”
New outfit? Huge white dress and Rapunzel-length hair?
“And if that prayer really comes true… then even I… should have no reason to despair… ever!”
Super Magical Girl Madoka (?) readies her bow, another friggen big sigil appears, and ALL OF THE ARROWS blast away at the Super Witch, causing another huge explosion, the Witch is blasted away, Homura is- blasted away?! Hold up- the screen whites out again…
Did Madoka just blow up reality?
Screen comes to a shifting background of pinks, purples and whites.
“Madoka. With this, your life has ceased to have either a beginning or end. No trace of your life on Earth, nor a single memory of you will remain anywhere. Your existence has shifted onto a higher plane, and all that will be left of you here is a concept. No one will ever be aware of your presence again, and you will never be able to interact with anyone. You will have ceased to exist in this universe.”
...so it’s a mix of Madoka staying true to herself, but also elements of Mami’s warning?
Homura speaks up whoa ok, glad I’m not watching this when anyone could walk in. I thought you guys said there weren’t any questionable scenes?
“What are you saying? That Madoka wished for such an ending?! You think this is a fair reward for everything she’s done?! Don’t be ridiculous! This… is even worse…than death would have been…!”
God-damn it. (Or is it Madoka-damn it now?) Madoka’s safe and free from the cycle of Witchification, like Homura was aiming for. But she’s done it in such a way that Homura can never see her again.
“No, you’re wrong, Homura.” Madoka! Please put on some clothes, this is getting awkward!
Madoka says that as she is now, she can see everything that ever has or will happen. Universes that could have been, and might be. And now she knows all Homura’s done for her, in all the different timelines.
Guys, I’m really digging this scene, the great music and colors, the culmination of Homura’s efforts and Madoka’s growth… but seriously, Urobuchi? You couldn’t have this while they were in their uniforms? I’m loving the scene, but the awkwardness has to be mentioned.
“I’m sorry I never knew until now… I’m so sorry.” Homura breaks down crying.
(Is… is it safe for me to ship again? Because if so, all aboard the MadoHomu!)
It wasn’t until Madoka became what she is now that she truly understood Homura. “To think that I had such a precious friend with me all this time…!”
Wait. God-Madoka damn it, are you really shooting down my ship with “friend” now? I think this scene goes a little beyond friendship!
Also, I think Sayaka might be a little miffed about all these “best friend”s being thrown about.
Homura raises a good point, that as sweet as this scene is Madoka no longer has a home, and she’ll be separated from everyone she loves (*cough* like her *cough*) to live all alone in a psychedelic realm like this forever.
To which Madoka just smiles and giggles. “But I’m not alone. All of you will always be with me. Because I will be everywhere at every moment from now on.” (Oh my God-Madoka, she’s Santa Claus! Or the NSA!) “So even if you can’t see me or hear me, know that I’ll be by your side, Homura.”
But Homura will still forget her… “It’s too soon to give up yet.”? After all, she managed to follow her all the way there…
So there’s a chance? There’s hope? Urobuchi’s not going to swoop in and ruin this?
Madoka unties her ribbons and gives them to Homura, saying that maybe she’ll still be able to remember.
“After all, Magical Girls make hopes and dreams come true! And I’m sure that if it’s just a little one, real miracles really can happen. Don’t you think?”
They’re floating apart now, Madoka has to go meet all the others.
“I’ll see you again one day, Homura. So for just a little while until then, I’ll say good-bye.”
Not gonna lie. Tearing up right now.
Scene change, city at night. Concert hall, person walking on stage. Kamijo? An audition it looks like, performing “Ave Maria”. An excellent piece!
Hey, Sayaka and Madoka are listening from the seats! Sayaka apologizes for causing “a lot of trouble”. But of course Madoka says that she’s the one who should apologize. Actually, seems she’s apologizing for leaving her “dead’ in order to save her. As… oh! If she did save Sayaka, then Kamijo wouldn’t have been healed, and that’s not what Sayaka would want.
Heh. Funny moment of one judge trying to talk to another, only to get a “Shush, I’m listening to the music.”
Sayaka talks about how she just wanted to hear him play again, for others to hear him play. Well, she is bothered about one thing (Hitomi watching from behind the curtains stage left). Ha! Sayaka says that Kamijo doesn’t deserve such a great girl. But she’s sure they’ll be very happy.
The two girls fade away as Kamijo finishes “Ave Maria.” And damn boy looks good older, in a tux in a schmancy concert hall in front of a huge audience. Sudden start? “...Sayaka?”
Cut to a Witch burning away, Homura snaps to along with Mami and Kyoko, the latter asking where Sayaka went. Mami says that she’s gone, led away by the Law of the Cycle. She used all her remaining power in that last attack. So from now on Magical Girls ‘fade away’ from using up their power, instead of turning into Witches? But then how do they get more Witches to fight?
Kyoko calls Sayaka an idiot, letting herself vanish just for some boy she liked. Sorry Kyoko, but Ship of Death, remember? “Idiot… just when we were finally getting to be friends…” Friends. Right. Seriously, what is with this finale and Urobuchi trying to sink my ships?
So the new rule is that before the hope of their Wish summons an equal amount of misfortune, they have “no choice but to vanish from the world.” Instead of the Incubator’s ‘balance’, we get a greater amount of good over harm then. That’s good for humanity!
Hey, the ribbons! Homura opens her hand to show the two red ribbons, then breaks down crying. “Madoka…!”
The others turn. Is this the first time Homura’s shown emotion in the new reality in front of them?
“Akemi? ‘Madoka’...?”
“Who’s that?”
We’re in a park with light piano music. WAIT, hold up. It’s the kid, the little brother whose name I can never remember! Madoka’s brother! He’s drawing in the dirt/sand, it’s a picture of Magical Girl Madoka! Does he remember too?!
Homura stops by and daw, she’s wearing one of the ribbons in her hair. That’s a good look! And yup, little bro is babbling “Madoka, Madoka!” now. Does he not remember, but Homura tells him stories about his ‘sister’? In any case, she compliments him on the drawing.
He starts to reach for the ribbon, but Dad to the rescue (with a name, Tatsuya!). Aw, but he thinks that he was about to pull on Homura’s hair. Although they seem confused when he babbles about ‘Madoka’. (Not going to cry, not going to cry…)
Later that afternoon (as Tatsuya plays with his dad in the park, guh that’s adorable) it seems that Homura’s explained that ‘Madoka’ is Tatsuya’s imaginary friend. Mother makes idle conversation about the name, how it “seems to have such a nostalgic ring to it”. (Not going to cry, NOT GOING TO CRY…) And then remarks that the loves Homura’s ribbon, that it’s almost shockingly like something she would like. Homura offers it to her, Mother waves it off, saying she’s too old for it. Maybe if she had a daughter who could wear it… (Not. Going. To…)
It’s a full moon now, and WHY?! Why did you leave the Incubator in the new reality, Madoka?! Grrr… Wait, is that Homura’s Soul Gem? Surrounded by a bunch of small black cubes, drawing darkness away from it?
The Incubator’s remarking that a system like Homura apparently just described could theoretically have worked. She idly picks up one of the cubes, says that the system was real, and tosses it back, for the Incubator to catch in its back. What, is it a mini-Grief Seed? Anyways, it seems that the Incubator has no way of verifying the story that Homura’s saying. And since she’s the only one who remembers that world, well… he puts it less bluntly, but there’s no way of telling if her memories are real or if she’s crazy. Homura just tosses back another cube.
Oh, so Soul Gems shatter now when they become “too sullied?” Which would prevent a Witch being created, and the Magical Girl dies instead of changing. But what do they fight, if there aren’t any Witches?
Ugh, but the Incubator is focusing on the “Witches” of Homura’s story, as an ‘appealing’ method of gathering emergy. But since they aren’t in this new reality, the Incubators didn’t follow that method. Instead they do something with cubes?
Wait, ‘wraiths’? So there is something about this reality for Magical Girls to fight. Is that what was burning when Homura woke up, then? And they’re connected to collecting curses?
“Just because Witches are no longer born into this world, it doesn’t mean the curses of mankind have ceased to exist. The distortions of this world have merely changed form, and now attack people from the depths of the darkness…”
Guh, white Ringwraiths! So these are the ‘wraiths’ then? Not corrupted Magical Girls, but some other sort of creature? Based from humans, or just creatures of darkness? Details, please?
The Incubator remarks that the ‘miasma’ is pretty thick tonight, the wraiths just keep coming. Homura admonishes it for complaining, and steps off the construction site for a dramatic monologue.
“Though this irredeemable world continues repeating its hatred and tragedies… this is still the place that she once tried to protect.”
Whoa, big purple wings arrest her fall, she lands and is immediately surrounded with wraiths. But she just pulls out… her weapon is a bow now.
“I remember that. And I will never forget it. That is why… I will keep fighting.”
End credits.
...wow. Just… wow.
Guys, I went into this episode fearing the worst. I was just bracing myself for Urobuchi to make everything terrible. But then, things looked ok? Then they looked awful again. Then the looked good, but with some major downsides. Up and down and up and down… and then we reached the ending.
I’m going to need some time to process all this, to write up my overall thoughts on the ending. But damn me if this wasn’t an amazing show. I- hold up, started typing this while listening to the credits music for the last time. There’s an after-credits scene?
After credits, opens on a windy black and yellow setting, one person with long hair (Homura?) walking in the distance.
“Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.”
Zoom in to yup, that’s Homura. Facing a crowd of wraiths. She holy fudge what is that. I expected the pink wings from before, but these are more like tears into a witch’s labyrinth. Homura what the hell are you doing?
Madoka’s voice. “Do your best…”
Homura smiles, and the tears spread across the screen. Camera backs out to show her with her freaky wings, she then leaps forward and then bursts of blackness start exploding everywhere. Screen blackens- all five magical girls, facing away? Sound of film reel spinning loose? Girls fade away? Final picture of a Soul Gem?
...What the fuck was that?!
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu! Episodes 66-70
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Tag yourself, I’m Seira.
Time for our daily dose of ogkatsu.
I'm really tired today so, sorry if sometimes I sound like I'm not interested or something, I'm just exhausted. Anyway, let's talk about the episodes.
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Episode 66 had a lot of potential, they could've done many different things with the situation they had in hands, sadly they decided to go with the cheapest way out of this and I didn't buy what they were trying to sell. But Kii was very cute in this episode so it kinda balances everything.
Now here's one thing I didn't understand, wasn't Mizuki hiding? Didn't she say a couple of episodes back that she didn't want to be noticed? Why did she show up to Kii, and why didn't Kii jumped with a whole bunch of questions about her being there? Am I missing something here? Did I misunderstand Mizuki's words from the Kouhaku episode?
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Anyway, Episode 67 was very boring, I never thought I would ever say this about a Ran focused episode, but I can't lie here this episode was very boring. They tried to do something nice showing how Ran and Sora are very different, almost opposites, and that would've been amazing to explore. But no, this was a bland episode about making sushi and I probably yawned 15 times while watching it. I also don't like how it's another draw when we see a competition, especially in this one where we could've seen Ran lose and get herself some interesting character development with a message like "you can't be this serious all the time, relax". So disappointed *sigh*
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The same problems I had with Sora's debut episode are repeated here on Episode 68, so I won't repeat myself and talk all that again. I feel like in this case, these problems hurt more than when they happened in Ep. 61 because Maria isn't as interesting of a character, at least for now, so this was another episode that got me yawned like crazy. However, the episode has something great that is the performance, it ain't very energetic but the song is good, Eri's voice is amazing, and the Aurora Fantasy constellation dress is also very pretty. If these elements were enough to "save' this episode, I'm not sure. I wanna say that it didn't but I'm afraid that this is my tired brain speaking louder and clouding my judgment, but it is what it is, not the best.
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Things get better on Episode 69. I wouldn't call it good, but it was an improvement from what we've seen in the two episodes passed. Maria got some depth to her character, which is nice, her story with Aurora Fantasy was pretty cute as well and added more to her so she's not as plain as a piece of white bread anymore., Of course, if they had cut a few scenes from the beginning to give us more about Maria this could've been even better, but I'm glad with what we got. I wish I had more to add but not a lot happened and I don't see anything worthy of comment. I have a final complaint about this one, that live was super random, we didn't have the need of a performance on this episode, I feel, and if the performance was bound to happen Maria should've been on stage alone, at least in this case.
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But none of that matters because Episode 70 is a drama episode, and drama episodes are always a treat. This time they mixed Charlie's Angels and Indiana Jones and it somehow ended up being awesome. I think what I liked the most is the distribution of the characters, like each girl got the part that it's most different from their personalities, then Soleil gives them a lecture saying that there's actually a hidden meaning behind each one being chosen for that specific character, but in the end they still remained themselves and they created something new and exciting that was a joy to watch, and I think this is why they won the audition and it was well deserved.
If I could make a change in this one it would be removing Soleil+Otome as being the villains in the audition, if those were just generic actors playing villains the effect would be the same but it wouldn't steal the spotlight from the DreAca girls. But I honestly don't think this is a big issue so it doesn't bring the episode down, this still remains amazing.
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On a final note that isn’t exactly related to the episodes, aren’t we getting these constellation PRs way too fast? Like we already have 6, and episode 71 apparently Aoi is getting hers so it’s already 7 out of 12/13 and we’re not even in the middle of the season yet. Did this ever bother anyone else? Or it’s just a problem with me because I’ve been watching these episodes back to back every day so I don’t really have a sense of time passing?
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In any case, that's it for Aikatsu today. Now if yall excuse me I'll be going to bed to cuddle with my cat becAUSE I NEED REST. Have a nice day and I'll see yall tomorrow for Symphogear and more Aikatsu. See ya~
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop Ship for mind666blown
Holy smokes after what has been nearly half a year later, I’m posting ships again! I am so excited to be shipping the lovely @mind666blown here today, so without further a do, let’s get into it! 
These were the ideas I got from your request to help me ship you: 
170cm(5′7sih), long blonde hair, blue-green eyes
You are a Taurus 
A bit serious and reserved at first but you love outgoing people because they help you open up 
Friendly and reliable while also being sarcastic and blunt with no harm done
You don’t take bulshit I love
Really cares for others
You love to travel, love music, drawing, and photography 
You also prefer to stay inside, but a nice walk outside at sunset would be awesome
In your request you asked to be shipped with BTS and NCT! Sit down and get buckled up because here we go!
BTS: Yoongi 
I wanna start off with saying that I can see a lot of similarities between you and Yoongi, and I’m really getting the feels from your interests. You two would also be one of the cutest introverted couples ever. Your interests would kick off your relationship. You two would be mutual friends through Jungkook. You two would get along pretty well and you two would playfully flirt with each other through sarcastic comments- and everyone would notice(although you two would be in denial that you were being flirty). You two would really connect when Yoongi would ask you to help with a project for one of his classes in uni we’re going non idol here btw. Yoongi would have to make an EP and he would have to document the process of making the EP and since you did photography, he’d have you come in and snap some shots of him working. You ended up being really into the process and you’d ask questions and Yoongi would be more than happy to answer. You two would end up talking about music for HOURS and next thing you know, it’s nearly two am. You’re too tired to drive home, so Yoongi suggests you two sleep in his studio since it’s pretty comfy. You sleep on the couch and Yoongi is on the floor, but you magically wake up in his arms when you wake up. When Yoongi wakes up, he’s totally flustered and he explains you woke up in the night and you were cold so he snuggled you to keep you warm. You two would only go up from there. You two also always kept that night a secret to keep the people guessing, you gotta have a little fun ya know? You two would become such an iconic duo- the adorable artsy couple. You two would be so chill with each other, no jealousy problems or overly clingy problems- you’re two best friends who love each other and it shines through. Yoongi would also have simple date nights with fun and exciting endings to get you out of the apartment, and some of your best memories are from those dates. SUPER DUPER cute and cheesy ‘I love you’ texts from Yoongi all the time because he can’t help himself. And fun day trips to places that Yoongi would see on TV and nearly getting lost half of the time because he would have no idea where you were going. You two are so cute, I love! 
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NCT: Johnny 
I was conflicted between two members and after some help and deliberation, I decided to choose Johnny! Based off of what I have learned about you, you sound like an ambivert, and I also see Johnny being an ambivert and you two would make an amazing couple! The very first thing I thought of when I thought of you and Johnny was date night. Date night can either be at an arcade playing all kinds of games then dinner, or ordering take out and having a Disney movie marathon, it’d be a perfect balance. I can also see you and Johnny as that artsy couple that are goals with an one room studio apartment with a bunch of plants, it’s such a nice aesthetic. I feel like Johnny would be into a little bit of PDA. Coming up to you from behind, wrapping his arms around you, and pecking your cheeks with little kisses, very soft and sweet. Snuggles all around! You two would also take such good care of each other. As any perfect couple, you two have each others backs, always thinking about your events that you’re having or just keeping you in check and de-stressed during a stressed week. You’re nearly like parents to each other and although you get teased by your friends that you’re like parents, they’ll go to their classmates and gush about how you and Johnny are actual couples goals which Johnny actually loves that because he loves hearing people know that you’re his girl. Johnny and his friend group, the infamous boy group that has somehow managed to stay friends from high school and to college. With that amount of people in one friend group, there was a LOT to take in. You would be so used to your little group of friends that a 15+ member friend group would be a little overwhelming for you to get used to. Johnny was honestly nervous about having you meet the boys since there are so many of them, but you two would talk about it and you’d come up with a plan that would have you meet the boys in groups, and you’d meet them gradually. By the time you would meet the group, you’d fit right in with the group and it would be a huge weight off your shoulders and off of Johnny’s shoulders as well. We all know that Johnny is loyal to his boys, and he would’ve been upset if you didn’t get along with some of them, but you were welcome with open arms. You would give the boys so much inspiration for their projects and they would give you inspiration on projects as well! You would even influence the Dreamies to expand their music horizons! Then at the end of the day, you and Johnny would have soft pillow talk sessions before bed. No electronics or distractions. Just you, Johnny, and conversations that could last for hours. It would be perfect!
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And that concludes the ship! OMG I had S O much fun shipping you! You sound like a lovely girl and I hope you enjoyed your ship! Lemme know if were to guess your bias too, I’m curious hehehe,, Thank you so much for requesting and once again, I hope you enjoyed! <3
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50thirdand3rd · 5 years
Writer, producer, Poptone drummer, and co-founding member of Tones On Tail and Love And Rockets takes us back to his Bauhaus roots with The Bela Session EP and his new coffee table book, Bauhaus Undead and teases a few hints at what he has in store for 2019!
  Bauhaus – photo by Graham Trott
Kevin Haskins, the elusive Bauhaus drummer is quietly powerful behind his placid, penetrating expression. The jazz trained boyish younger Haskins brother who drew more inspiration from Stephen Morris than Gene Krupa paid his dues in bands with older brother, David J. before forming what would eventually become Bauhaus with friend and fellow art student, Daniel Ash and Daniel’s friend, Peter Murphy. The band’s chemistry was instant and Bauhaus began playing shows wherever they could and on January 26, 1979, the band recorded their iconic debut single, “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” at Beck Studios in Wellingborough a mere six weeks after forming the group.”Bela” was just the beginning and soon Bauhaus found fame and an early fan in the late John Peel who kept the band in heavy rotation on his legendary Radio 1 program. By 1980, the band released their groundbreaking debut LP In The Flat Field to mixed reviews further solidifying their status as post-punk icons with their dark fusion of glam, punk, jazz, dub, and disco and gained a rabid cult following among the cool kids in black on both sides of the pond.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0bLCILyVRk%5B/embedyt%5D
  Shortly after Bauhaus called it quits in 1983, Kevin and Daniel continued a fruitful collaboration in the short-lived and lightyears ahead of its time, Tones On Tail with bassist and former Bauhaus roadie, Glenn Campling. TOT scored a dancefloor hit in the US with their 1984 “Lions” b-side “Go!”.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TJC48BRBn8%5B/embedyt%5D
  Two years later, Kevin and Daniel reunited with David J. to form Love And Rockets, who found success with early singles “Ball of Confusion” and “No New Tale To Tell” before scoring a breakout hit with their ubiquitous 1989 single “So Alive” which spent 20 weeks at #3 on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L41MhFPU9s%5B/embedyt%5D
  After 40 years of forward motion with not one but two highly influential post-Bauhaus bands, Kevin takes us back to his Bauhaus roots with his new coffee table book, Bauhaus – Undead “The Visual History and Legacy of Bauhaus” and The Bela Session EP which features four previously unreleased tracks along with the iconic 9:37 opus that started it all.
Photo: Jenna Putnam
50thirdand3rd: So, can we talk about Bauhaus Undead?
Kevin Haskins: A good friend of mine who works at Cleopatra, Matt Green, suggested the idea. He knew that I had this big container full of memorabilia. I was the guy who collected everything, kept everything. So, he says, “Why don’t you make a coffee table book?” “Matt, that’s a great idea.” And then he made me an offer to put it out on Cleopatra and I just felt that I would like to self-publish it. So he said, “Of course, that’s your decision. Go ahead and good luck. Wish you all the best.” And so, I went off on my merry way and so along into the process, I ran into this guy, Jeff Anderson, at gigs. And it seemed like fate kind of brought us together. On the third meeting, I said, “What do you do?” And he said, “I make box sets and re-releases for bands and so, I went to his house and I saw these amazing box sets from Sigur Rós and Roger Waters and Beck, Nine Inch Nails, The Pixies – beautiful ones! I thought “This was a no-brainer, let’s do the book together!” He was really excited working with me on that. He brought in a great design team and off we went. And I just sat down and started writing stories which I’ve never done, before.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aOk0A4pnN8%5B/embedyt%5D
  So, it all took about two years and we designed this huge book with a slipcase and it was this huge, crazy size book! Basically, we really didn’t figure out how much it was gonna cost to make and how much it was gonna cost to ship and Jeff really wanted to use his regular printers in LA. Anyway, a month before, we put on a pre-sale to raise money to have it made. A month before the pre-sale ended, I found out how much it was gonna cost to have it made and it was ridiculous, it was like over $100 to make, in the end! (laughs) I spoke to publishers after the fact, who were very impressed with how many I sold, because it was like $180 or something. But I didn’t raise enough money to get it made, so I had to refund all of the money. Then I went to a bunch of publishers and got a lot of interest from boutique publishers, but they really didn’t have the means to do what I wanted to do, but I did decide to make this book a regular size book, so that we could sell it at a decent price and make it cheap for people.
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And basically, about two years or three years after Matt gave me the idea, I went around his house and he showed me a book that Cleopatra had just put out. I think it was Hanoi Rocks or something and he said it was a great deal for this band it was really great deal and I said, “Oh Matt, could you do the same deal for me, please!” Because I was back at square one, I had nothing, but I did have a book already made, all the layout was all done, all the stories were written, it was proofread. It was just ready to print. So, I was kinda handing him a gift, really, on a plate and he said, “Kevin, I think we can do your good deal.” Which they did and it ended up coming out on Cleopatra, so I did this complete circle, so, now I know everything about printing and shipping and fulfillment companies.
50thirdand3rd: You got a real education on the process.
Kevin Haskins: Yeah, it was a mixture of extreme pain and pleasure. (laughs) I’m really proud of it, it’s over 300 pages and it has some great content. We were all very art inclined so we do a lot of drawings and doodles and I kept all those and I think that’s the stuff that’s very interesting for people. Very personal stuff like that and handwritten lyrics. And when we went to shop “Bela Lugosi’s Dead”, Daniel wrote out all the names of all the companies we went to, EMI and Polydor, all the huge companies and what they said. They all rejected us, so he wrote a kind of note to them, it’s very scruffy, very Daniel and all over the place and there’s drawings of Bubble men all over it. It ended up the last piece that went into the book. I was kind of done and he had just come back from England and raided his mum’s attic and said, “Look what I found!” I’m like, “Oh my god, I’ve gotta get that in the book, it’s so cool!” So, it’s got a lot of funny stories and great memorabilia.
50thirdand3rd: Awesome! I understand you did a book signing at Rough Trade in Brooklyn, this past summer, was it? How did that go?
Kevin Haskins: It went great! We were on tour with Poptone and I set up an In-store for my daughter’s band, Automatic, they were supporting us. 
50thirdand3rd: And that’s your daughter, Lola’s band, right?
Kevin Haskins: Yes, Lola (Dompé), Izzy (Glaudini), and Halle (Saxon Gaines). And then after they played, I did a signing and it was nice, you know, it was my first time in Brooklyn if you can believe that.
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We’re playing rough trade tn bbs come through
A post shared by Automatic (@automatic_band) on Jun 29, 2018 at 1:15pm PDT
    50thirdand3rd: Wow, how’d you like it?
Kevin Haskins: We loved it. My wife came out and we rented a really nice Airbnb and got to really walk around, check it out.
Photo: Jenna Putnam
50thirdand3rd: Very cool! How’s the response been with the book?
Kevin Haskins: Really good. Yeah, it’s been great, people love it! I don’t wanna boast but I’m very proud of it and people respond really well to it. There’s a lot of good content in it and I was really happy with the quality and the printing and everything.
50thirdand3rd: It sounds awesome and you had some of the other Bauhaus historians kind of help out, too, with the timeline, did I read that right?
Kevin Haskins: Oh yeah, a guy called Andrew Brooksbank and also I should mention Vincent Forrest and they were very helpful. Andrew is kind of the Bauhaus historian and when our old label, Beggars Banquet, put out re-releases, he always writes the sleeve notes. He’s an extremely organized guy and he’s a good writer and he created this timeline of every show and every radio, like interviews, TV appearances, that type of thing. So, that was really so valuable to me because I can’t remember what I was doing.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5UFgXuz1Gc%5B/embedyt%5D
  50thirdand3rd: Right, because you were like in the center of the storm.
Kevin Haskins: Yeah, I was. And he was a great resource and I think he gave me a few items. A few scans of this and that and also helped out in that way. So, it was nice to have fans included, there were people whose names, sorry, I can’t remember, right now, who sent me some great pieces to put in, so it was nice to include people, as well, like that.
50thirdand3rd: That’s really exciting! Seeing it all together in the context of a timeline, how was that? I imagine that would have to be a little awe-inspiring, like “Wow, I did all this!” Like, looking back on it?
Kevin Haskins: Yeah, I’m surprised at how many shows we played because I didn’t think we played that many, but, we did. We really worked! We started from nowhere and the only really then to get known was to play, you know, to get the ball rolling. So, there was a two year period where we were just slogging away. Just trying to get shows when we started, we played in the weirdest places. (laughs) Like, I got a gig, there’s a little village called Ilchester and it was a Sunday lunchtime community center and it was bright sunshine. It was in a modern kind of bland hall with big glass windows, very bright, and there were kids running around playing, parents just eating, and Bauhaus were playing to these people. It was completely ridiculous! And then Peter got us a similar thing but in a working men’s club on a lunchtime.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5DUQuY1mf4%5B/embedyt%5D
  50thirdand3rd: Oh, wow! How was that?
Kevin Haskins: After our first number, this old character, this old guy who worked there came up to us and he said, “What are you trying to do? Blow the bloody roof off? Play something that people know! You know, something we can tap our foot to!” (Laughs)
50thirdand3rd: Character building, I imagine!
Kevin Haskins: Yeah, blow the bloody roof off! So, we would play anywhere we could. Actually, and I wrote about this in the book. Really, our first show, I think went kind of undocumented. Daniel got us this rehearsal room at a teacher training college in Northampton and we were in a kind of portacabin, this kind of a prefabricated classroom, you know, it was kind of like a trailer. 
50thirdand3rd: Oh, okay.
Kevin Haskins: It was outside the main building, just adjacent. And it was adjacent to the student union room where they would have bands play and they had a bar. It was winter and it was snowing, I remember, and The Pretenders were playing that night. So, we were rehearsing late afternoon and we kind of finished and we were like, “Is anybody going to see The Pretenders?” “Yeah, I am.” Kinda fancied that and then one of us had this idea that why don’t we just follow them? “What do you mean?” So, the next minute, we open the door, dragging up our gear up this, it was like an incline, covered in snow, dragging all our gear, and there was the French door, like this big glass door that opened up and we just opened the door and we just set up really fast in the corner of the room and by this time it was like 7:00. People were just coming in and The Pretenders had just done their soundcheck and we just set up and started playing. So, a crowd appeared around us, and we got about two or three songs out of the way, we didn’t have many songs, we had just started, and the student union came up and he was like, “Wait a minute, stop, what are you guys doing?” We’re like, “Oh, we’re the support band.” And he’s like, “Really?” And we’re like, “Yeah, we’re the support band.” And he was like scratching his head and like looking at us very suspiciously and he turned away and he walked away and he was kind of looking over his shoulder. And we sold it and then we’re like, “Get into the next song!” And we managed to get two more songs done and then he brought everyone from the student union and they shut us down. They said, “Hey, you’re not the support band!” So, we supported The Pretenders, punk rock Guerrilla style. (Laughs)
50thirdand3rd: That’s awesome!
Kevin Haskins: I’m sure Chrissie Hynde would’ve appreciated that. I don’t know if she heard that we did that.
50thirdand3rd: I hope she finds out!
Kevin Haskins: We were dying to play, all we wanted to do was play.
50thirdand3rd: That’s really cool! So, The Bela Session EP you recently put out, could we talk a little bit about that? I understand it was the first time you guys worked with Derek Tompkins. Like, he was really important to like Bauhaus and he produced Love And Rockets, too, right? Like he was Engineer/Producer at Beck Studios for you guys, can you tell me a little bit about that?
Kevin Haskins: Sure, we’ll start with Derek. I think we went to Beck before Bauhaus, we were in other bands, like The Craze, Jack Plug and The Sockettes, these kinds of new wave bands, but it was Peter’s first time in the studio when we went with Bauhaus. And Derek was this amazing character. I always kind of viewed Derek as our George Martin. Mainly because he was older than us and he really didn’t know anything about fads or fashions which was good because he just approached it from what sounds exciting and what sounds good. He just instinctively knew how to produce bands and also he was a bit of a rogue, he was a really funny guy, very smart, very opinionated, a bit of a rebel. And he had a great stutter, he stuttered and just consumed endless cups of coffee and cigarettes. Like really unhealthy, but he kind of like built the desk. He built of a lot of the equipment in the studios. 
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So, anyway, The Bela Session was the idea of Andrew Brooksbank. He emailed me one day and he said, “What do you think about this idea? Why don’t you release the entire recording from the day you recorded ‘Bela Lugosi’s Dead’?” Three of the songs had never been released and I just said, “This is a brilliant idea! I can’t believe no one had thought about it, before!” And he said, “Yeah, it would be the holy grail of the band’s fans.” And I said, “Marvelous idea!” And for some reason, he had the original 1/4” tape and box. I don’t know how these guys get hold of these things, you know, I know they’re in good hands. And so, his idea was to use a scan of the tape box and it’s to the cover and I later thought, it would be great for the inner sleeve. So, that’s what the inner sleeve is and you can actually see the front and back of the original tape box. It’s marvelous, it’s got the aged patina and the picks, crossing things out and notes, so it’s a wonderful thing just to view.    
50thirdand3rd: That’s really cool!
Kevin Haskins: Yeah, and just for the cover we came up with the idea of just doing a negative of the original cover, so, it’s white on black and yeah, so it has three unreleased songs and they’re interesting to hear because, you know, some of them, one of them, in particular, I think “Some Faces” doesn’t sound like Bauhaus, at all. It’s kind of a chirpy, bright sort of a new wave song, but it’s interesting to listen because you can kind of see a bit of an evolution. Right, like this is us. We had only formed about six weeks before, I think. So, it captures the band in a period of its formative period. 
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV772Ht1Sys%5B/embedyt%5D
  And we ended up going with Leaving Records which are an imprint of Stones Throw and they did a marvelous job, I think. They really chose a great kind of engineer and they’ve really been wonderful, I’m so happy with the product and also Bela hasn’t been available on vinyl for, I don’t know, twenty years or something crazy. It’s really nice to have it in record racks, again. And I just remembered another story from that day. So, “Bela” is about nine minutes long, but we actually laid down eleven or twelve minutes.
50thirdand3rd: Oh wow!
Kevin Haskins: And we kind of listened back and we thought, “This is a little bit too long.” And we could kind of imagine if we cut three minutes out of this, we’d probably be good. And Derek said, “I..I can do that!” And we were kind of naive and it was probably only our second or third time, Peter’s first time in the studio. And he (Derek) disappeared and he came back with a little razor blade and he got the tape and he laid it down and we were like looking at him like, “What’s he doing?” And then he began bringing the blade down towards the tape and we all knew we had recorded something really special and he was gonna cut the tape and we were like, “No! Stop!” “What are you doing?”
50thirdand3rd: Gasp!
Kevin Haskins: Then he like turned around and he’s like saying, “What’s your problem?” And he explained that he’s done this many times, before and not to worry, you know, you can always put it back together, again. And he did a great edit, you can’t hear the edit if you really listen out for it, though. He did a very good job.
    50thirdand3rd: That’s awesome! So, if I can nerd out on you, for a sec, I know John Peel was like one of the first people to really play “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” on his show. Could you tell me a little bit about getting to go to John Peel’s studio?
Kevin Haskins: Sure, yeah. I actually devoted a story to John in my book. I cannot stress how important he was to bands such as us and I guess, after us. I mean, the airwaves were really, this was pre-internet, of course. The airwaves were really controlled just by the BBC. There were a couple of pirate stations, Radio Powerline and Radio Luxembourg that you could tune into and that was free radio but the BBC really controlled everything. They had John Peel on at 10 o’clock at night and they probably weren’t really listening to what he was doing. (Laughs) And his taste was just remarkable and I remembered he kept devoting his two-hour show to punk rock and in ’76, I think “New Rose” by The Damned had just come out and you know, there weren’t many punk records, back then, right at the beginning. So, he did this whole show and put bands that like influenced this new movement. So, there’s The Stooges and the MC5, bands like that and then he played every punk single that was out and it was a wonderful show. And he got a lot of hate mail, apparently, from hippies of the old guard saying, “How can you be playing this rubbish?” But he went on undeterred, he wouldn’t listen to anybody, he just played what he liked. So, he was invaluable to getting bands known. And it really helped us and a load of other bands.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMuB2PjjRic%5B/embedyt%5D
  So, anyway, we heard “Bela Lugosi” and I think we just drove down to London, which I think was like an hour and a half’s drive and we went to the BBC Studio building and went to reception and we said, ”We want to see John Peel” and the receptionist looked at us like, “Who…Are you kidding me?” And she said, “Oh, well, I’ll call up.” And she did and his producer said, “Oh, show them up. It’s fine” which was remarkable, really. He was in the middle of a show, so, they let us come up and to us, we were in awe. It was amazing, we were actually in his studio with John and he offered us some red wine and we had a little red wine in BBC paper cups and gave him the record and he kind of sent us on our way pretty fast. He told us he’d play it and I remember, you know, when he played it for the first time, we knew that this night was gonna do it! We all lived in this house 37 Adams Avenue, it was like a little terraced house in town and you know, we would cook these awful meals with like vegetables because we were on the dole and we didn’t have much money. And it was freezing cold in this place and it was kind of haunted, it was kind of in a slum (laughs) but we were kids, it didn’t matter. But I remember we were all huddled around this transistor radio, listening to the show when he played our song. That moment is just imprinted in my mind because it was just remarkable to hear your music coming out of a radio, you know, it was just so exciting and it was like a benchmark moment. So, now, I remember that really clearly and yeah, I paid homage to him in my book and wrote a nice piece about him.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMLNwT4v5Rc%5B/embedyt%5D
  50thirdand3rd: So, I’ve gotten really hooked on Poptone, recently and I was watching the tour livestreams you guys were doing on Facebook from last year. It looks like you guys were having fun, especially with the fans. Can you tell me a little more about how those tours have been going?
Kevin Haskins: Well, it was great but we kind of wrapped it up, over the summer. Basically, we kind of exhausted where everywhere people wanted us to play. It was great, it was so much fun! You know, Daniel’s still a very close friend of mine and we always have a laugh hanging out, we got on really well and then I was so glad to have my daughter involved (Diva Dompé). She plays bass and keyboards and backup vocals and she was amazing, she really brought so much to that project, I felt.
Photo: Paul Rae
50thirdand3rd: Yeah, she’s rad!
Kevin Haskins: She had big shoes to fill, she was playing my brother’s bass lines, Glenn Campling’s amazing bass lines, I mean I can’t say enough great things about Glenn’s playing in terms of what he brought to Tones On Tail. Like, those bass lines are just remarkable, there’s just so simple but so powerful, you know, kind of like riffs and so it was it was a great pleasure to play that music. Yeah, I knew that would be an attractive thing for fans just because we only played one little tour over a year and that was in the UK, so you know, it was fun for us to play those songs, again.
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwYq2FfsBKo%5B/embedyt%5D
  And I think people really love to hear them, we had a great crew, just like a small family, and we had a marvelous time. I was really taken aback in a marvelous way with the audiences who came out to see us. They were so appreciative and towards the end, I would out after the show to the merch table and sell my book, Bauhaus Undead by Kevin Haskins, *plug*. And then I’d get to meet all these wonderful people and they were so happy and appreciative that we were doing it, so it was like a whole celebration. 
It was marvelous but it’s kind of on the back burner, now. I mean it is something that we could pick up, again. We did record an album, you know, it was kind of a retrospective project, just for people who were unaware, we were playing the music from Bauhaus, Love And Rockets, and Tones On Tail and we recorded an album. We did it as a Part-Time Punks session, Part-Time Punks radio station (KXLU) in LA and then Michael Stock he also puts a club night on and he’s a wonderful guy. So, we just kind of played pretty much live and put the songs down and that’s been released out on Cleopatra Records and so, you can go to Bandcamp and buy that or listen to it.
Poptone poster by Paul Rae
  50thirdand3rd: Can we talk a little about the FOXES TV show you’ve got coming up and how you got involved in that?
Kevin Haskins: Sure, yeah! So, I met Tina and Julian (de la Celle), they are the creators of the show. I met them at one of their events. They put on events around Los Angeles, they get local musicians, they’ve done kind of thematic events where they portrayed Andy Warhol’s Factory, they had a bunch of young bands get together and play Velvet Underground songs. They did the same with CBGB’s and the Bat Cave, they’re really nice people, they love music and fashion, it’s such a strong passion for them. They have a magazine called FOXES and it’s a beautiful magazine, comes out twice a year, and they get really great photographers to shoot for them and they do interviews, so, I did an interview about my book, Bauhaus Undead, my coffee table book, plug! plug!  
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50thirdand3rd: Right, yeah!
Kevin Haskins: There’s a singer from the New York Dolls who goes under the name, Buster Poindexter, now, and does kind of a lounge act, he was in the issue. I think Duff from Guns ’n’ Roses and they have these great fashion spreads. It’s shot very beautifully, kind of cinematic and stylish, stylized. So, they decide to turn the magazine into a TV show because there’s nothing really to watch like that, you know. So, anyway, they approached me around September time, last year and asked me if I wanted to be a producer and music supervise and I thought it was an exciting new challenge. So, we just kind of went on from there and the three of us kind of learned how to navigate the industry and what you have to do to get a TV show made. So, it’s taken us this long to really figure that and so we made like a great concept sizzle reel where we’ve taken slotage from other shows like The Tube and fashion show footage and just still photography and it really sort of represents the aesthetic of the show. And then we worked together a treatment which is kind of PDF, you do a similar thing, just for people who don’t know what treatments are, you explain what you’re going to do, you’ll explain what the episode will look like, and the sequence of events during that episode. You put bios from everyone who’s attached to the project. Your dream hosts, presenters, so there you go! So, when Richard submitted that to the network to my agency and we’re now waiting to hear back.     
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cd1LlXP_pk%5B/embedyt%5D
  50thirdand3rd: This sounds really cool! Can you tell me a little bit about what views can expect to hear and maybe see?
Kevin Haskins: Well, the original feel for the show is very rock and roll. Basically, Tina, Julian, and I, we love glam, punk, post-punk rock and roll, you know, that area of things. But what we’d really like to do is we’d really like to broaden it more, now. Hmm, I don’t know who would be on the first show, I know Tina loves Duran Duran, so our dream show would include them, maybe for an interview or performance. And the project has to depend on who’s available for the team.
50thirdand3rd: Of course.    
Kevin Haskins: And we want to give space for unheard of bands that we really like. Actually, we did shoot my daughter’s band, Automatic.
50thirdand3rd: Oh, cool!
Kevin Haskins: They’re worth checking out. Also, there’s a band called POW! I would definitely have them on. Other LA bands, Froth, Numb.er, and then, I’d love to get Nick Cave on, for instance. You know, it’s really wide open but they’re the artists that come to mind, right now.
Photo: Jenna Putnam
50thirdand3rd: Cool, I can’t wait to check that out! So, do you have any other music projects coming up for this year?
Kevin Haskins: Well, I’ve actually been invited to kind of produce, also, I’ve been kind of involved in writing on another tv show and I can’t say much about it for obvious reasons, but it’s a comedy set in Los Angeles. One of my close friends has created it and helped me write it, now, which is something I’ve never ever done, before and it was challenging and it was fun, so, I’m excited about that. I feel that it could really work out well, so, a completely new thing, once again, like the FOXES TV thing. And I have a new musical project that I’m very excited about. I don’t know if I can say much about that, but, I’ll give you some cryptic hints. There’s primarily three of us and we’re looking for a vocalist, right now. We’ve put word out to who we really want. We’re going to be recreating music from the bands we were in and also creating new music, but the instrumentation is very particular and different from what you might expect. (Laughs) And I think I’m going to leave it at that, but it’s a teaser and you’re really the first person I’ve told about.
50thirdand3rd: Thank you very much! An Exclusive!
Kevin Haskins: And the way things are going, we’ve got quite a ways to go, there. We’re just starting out and we haven’t got a full band, yet, so it might be the fall until we play or release something but we are going to work on a release and I’m really excited about it. It’s got great potential.
50thirdand3rd: Very cool!
Pick up a copy of Kevin Haskins’ Bauhaus Undead from Cleopatra, Rough Trade, and Amazon. Pick up Poptone’s self-titled LP and follow Kevin Haskins Official Facebook and Instagram for the latest on FOXES TV, updates on his next series, and more on his upcoming music project —You read it first, here at 50thirdand3rd!
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50THIRDAND3RD INTERVIEW: Kevin Haskins Writer, producer, Poptone drummer, and co-founding member of Tones On Tail and Love And Rockets takes us back to his Bauhaus roots with…
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jim-reid · 6 years
Sporran Co-Despondents
Keith Cameron / NME 24.09.1994
After ten years on the road, The Jesus and Mary Chain find themselves in pretty much the same place they've been for years: on licensed premises sitting at a table filled with margaritas and naked dancers. But, reckon Jim and William Reid, the place may be the same but they've moved on. Keith Cameron drinks his fill. It is across the road from the Moulin Rouge. There appears to be an al fresco Ann Summers party in full swing just next door. And our chosen late-night Parisian refreshment stop rejoices under the name Lili La Tigresse. Yet the ultimate piece of circumstantial evidence confirming that this is not the place to come for a quiet lager top and quick game of dominoes hangs above the bar, in the form of a trapeze, a young woman of insufficient dress straddles it and begins to swing extravagantly. Her stilettoed feet come within inches of grazing the startled features of one Mr Jim Reid. Well "Hey! Hey! Hey!", as the man himself has been won't to utter on many an occasion over the past ten years. What more could you want from a Paris rendezvous avec le Jesus et Mary Chain? There are frozen margaritas on tap, dodgy-looking heavies in every corner and the naked chicks are said to "do" "it" "all night long". Pretty soon we'll hit the sidewalk take ourselves to the dirty part of town; you know the place, where all our troubles can't be found. Whaddya say, Jim? Jim?? Hey Jim, where ya goin'?! "Gotta get some kip. 'Night." Aw! Never mind, here's William. Yo William! Have a seat, have a drink, lets talk about the last time you were here and got chased out of town by the local vice squad in cahoots with a gang of machete-wielding LSD-crazed nuns. "Aye, I went to the Highlands for my summer holidays last year. Fuckin' rained every day. Hey, did you just see a girl with no clothes on dancing on the bar just now? Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, the ferry to Skye was a bit choppy, though..." The Jesus & Mary Chain are growing up so gracefully that their unrelenting progress is hard to believe. Some would say this is just as well. We are ten years since they stuck a pointy boot through the ear of a nation and screamed "Fuck" for 20 minutes before trashing the joint and still getting home in time to cop as much sulphate as they could before maw and paw came home from bingo. It's not pipe and slippers time yet but we can forgive them for at least beginning to consider acting their age. Even in a dodgy bar in Paris at two in the morning... This ten year-year tour of duty in rock's field of dreams has seen the brothers Reid resolutely ploughing the same furrow, against the odds and expectations of others, unearthing different ways to say much the same old things. "Fuck with me and I'll fuck with you / Isn't that what we're supposed to do / Kick me down and I will kick you too," sings Jim on 'Dirty Water', a new Jesus & Mary Chain song. "But you break me in two / And you throw me away / Knock me on my back / I'll send a heart attack," sang the same man on 'You Trip Me Up', a ten-year old Jesus & Mary Chain song. To the band's detractors, the fact that either lyric could conceivably fit in either song proves that the Mary Chain are a pair of con-men, desperately flogging their one trick pony 'til the poor beast can take no more. OK, so the early song was soused with feedback while its junior sibling bathes in a soothing acoustic balm – no matter, both are cut from the same starry-eyed cloth. Of course, claim the fully-paid up Chain-holders, this is the whole point. Rock'n'roll's corpse has been exhumed and defiled so often that nothing truly new of worth is ever likely to emerge. What makes The Jesus and Mary Chain so remarkable is that through persistently drawing upon the same chords, the same words, the same obsessions – they manage to continually reinvent themselves as a slightly but subtly different version of the old model, and still succeed in being unique. For, as much as they sound like other bands, no other band sounds quite like the Mary Chain. It really is ten years, then. Ten years of proving that the rule book need never be purchased, let alone read and its strictures followed. Compared with their contemporaries only the Mary Chain have enjoyed continuous chart success allied with critical acclaim. Primal Scream's star might have shone brighter at times but at others it's resembled a black hole. Ironically, in view of their early hell-raising activities, the Mary Chain have assumed the role of rebel rock's dependable elder statesmen. This month's new jacks come, last year's young things slip into oblivion, but Jim and William just keep on playin' their song. How much longer they are inclined to do so seems the not unreasonable topic for discussion this morning after the night before. Reeling from the dual impact of hangovers and a day-long interview schedule, both Jim, in his 33rd year, and 36-year-old William betray the haunted look of men for whom this business long ceased to be a respectable occupation. "It feels like it's getting hard to deal with as the years go on," considers William. " 'Cos I think the business side of it it getting less and less interesting. Making records, writing songs is just brilliant. It's brilliant to be able to do that and it's good to be good at it. But the rest of the stuff it's appeal is wearing thin. To be honest, for me it was only the first five months being in the group that was any real fun, and after that it seemed a chore." "I still like touring, though," adds Jim. "I still like seeing new places, still like to get around. I mean, I'd rather be sitting in Paris talking, than some shithole in London." The Mary Chain are in Paris not just to shoot the breeze with a chorus line of earnest local hacks. Last night they had performed live for only the second time with their latest out-of-studio line-up, following a bizarre liggers-only set at Soho's sleezemungous Madame Jo-Jo's the previous month. Joining guitarist Ben Lurie, who has been part of the set-up for five years now and is therefore eligible to sit in on interviews, are bassist Lincoln Fong (Moose) and former Curve drummer Steve Monti, who as well as hoping to make the Mary Chain his new regular seat of employment is also currently a Blockhead. "Great fun," he says of working with the venerable Mr Dury, Curve, he says, felt like playing with U2. And this lot? "Well it doesn't feel like U2, put it that way." The performance for French national radio's The Black Session – hosted by Bernard Lenoir, whose fierce enthusiasm and avuncular appearance result in him routinely being dubbed "the French John Peel" – was by the band's own admission "rusty" but proved them still capable of bristling the neck hairs when it counts. Moreover, in front of a rapt audience it served as a graphic demonstration that outside their own country at least the Mary Chain are still very much regarded as mythical rock'n'roll outlaws. At home, however, it's different. Or that's how the Reid brothers perceive matters, certainly. The generally cool critical reception meted out to the new 'Stoned and Dethroned' album seems to have confirmed their opinion of Britain as a fickle place that refuses to accord them their deserts but instead views them as a faintly comical cabaret act. "This record's been reviewed all over the world but it's been reviewed particularly fucking nastily in Britain," says William. "It's like it's the worst record in the world. I wish I could have somehow released the record without our name on it, as if it was by a new band, 'cos I'm sure it would have been seen differently. I'm sure it would. But no, it's The Jesus & Mary Chain and we've got a lot to live up to." "There seems to be no way we can win," sighs Jim. "You make a record with loud guitars and it's like (tuts)'Mary Chain, still got that feedback thing...'You make a record without feedback and it's, (tuts) 'Mary Chain, softening getting old..." Such are the problems of having made one of the landmark albums of the 1980s – people will always insist on remembering it. But aren't you proud of the fact that you carry this baggage around with you, that you made such an impact on the national pop psyche that people maintain these preconceptions? "I think I would be if it wasn't such a fuckin' albatross around our neck," says William. "We do get a lot of respect outside Britain. We're seen as an important band. But in Britain it's totally different, we're just a bunch of old fuckin' has-beens... Which is not true. Yeah, the baggage we should really be proud of, but when you read a review of your record you don't wanna hear about 'Psychocandy'. That was almost ten fuckin' years ago. We're different people and we cannae make that music. We've done it, we've done it as best we could and we moved on. And I think we've kept moving on." So how would you prove to someone that you weren't an old has-been? William: "I'd say listen to our new record. This record's pretty mellow, it's quiet. But it's no' because you get to a certain age and then all of a sudden realise, 'Oh, I don't know how to make noise'. It's just because we wanted to make this record. We recorded the (decidedly un-acoustic) 'Sound Of Speed EP' at the same fuckin' time." Jim: "I wouldn't even try. It's ludicrous. Anybody that thinks it can never really be convinced otherwise." If only bands were somehow incapable of reading their own reviews. Despite the fact that their records sell more than respectably, Jim and William's assessment of their esteem in Britain appears entirely based on what the press has said about them. This goes a long way to explaining why it's been over two-and-a-half years since they toured this country and why they have no plans to do so again for the foreseeable future (though they're off to the USA soon for six weeks). Which in turn might have something to do with why one of the bands that supported them on that last Rollercoaster tour – Blur – are a considerably hotter property than the Mary Chain at this present moment. As they are no doubt aware, making good records is not necessarily enough. But if that is the only aspect of being in a band that gives them any joy then why bother with the rest? "Unfortunately," says William, heaving a gargantuan sigh, "we are not in a grand economic situation. We're no' rich. Our records don't sell millions. So to maintain the sales we've got to do the interviews and photo sessions and 'travel the world'..." He spits the words out like someone has laced his mineral water with prune juice. "He says Paris is as good a place as any to be," nodding across at his brother. "I don't think so. I don't want to be in Paris right now. There's other places I'd like to be right now and people I'd like to be with. This is my work. And the reason I say I love songwriting is 'cos it never feels like a job. It's a pleasure. The rest of it's abstract. I wonder what would happen if we never did it, never spoke to people, never did photo sessions, TV interviews..." "I imagine," counsels Ben, "that people would think we're a bunch of snotty bastards." "But people already think we're a bunch of snotty bastards!" yells William. Couldn't you afford to give it a try? How well off are you? "We're no' poor. But if we stopped making records we could be poor. If we suddenly gave up we couldn'ae easily survive." "I had to fire my butler last week," Jim deadpans. "Caught him stealing the last hundred quid out of my safe." In many ways, Jim and William are ill-suited for life in this, the fifth decade of that multi-formatted, superannuated behemoth known as Rock (Inc). Despite their artful manipulation of video imagery they are deeply uncomfortable in front of any type of camera lens. Nor are they the most natural live performers in the world, which led to a notably traumatic experience on the second Lollapalooza tour in 1992. William: "It was the most soul-destroying experience I've ever had in the group." Jim: "Going on at four in the afternoon in broad daylight, it's not what the Mary Chain's about at all. And then there was all the backstage bullshit with everybody talking about guitars and having this wild great time...We shouldn't have been there. We thought it was gonna be more like a European festival on the road, and we get there and it's 4pm with a bunch of American kids sitting there waiting for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. You're playing your heart out and there's silence. Ten weeks' worth. It was hellish." "It's happening to Nick Cave this year," adds William. "He's stiffing badly. When we play live there's got to be a certain mystery to the show, because we're not the greatest showbiz performers, and the same with him. When you see Nick Cave you wanna see him in darkness with a bit of smoky atmosphere. Broad daylight in Oklahoma just isn'ae sexy! "Lollapalooza was an exercise in hypocrisy, the whole thing. The philosophy behind it was freaks, weirdos and outsiders get together and let's all be free. But backstage we kept to ourselves and instead of letting us be free about that people got fucked off with it. It was supposedly a celebration of freaks and weirdos but we weren't allowed to be freakish or weird." Perhaps unsurprisingly then, the Mary Chain turned down the offer to play the great celebration of freakish weirdosity and 13-dollar pizza that was Woodstock 2 ("it sounded tacky," sniffs William, "and it was!"). Can it really be that after ten years they still find the most fundamental aspects of being in a rock'n'roll group problematic? "I think we've settled down a bit," says Jim. "We don't fuck up as much as we used to, 'cos the whole situation was a lot more intimidating at the beginning. We just didn't think we were good enough. We believed in the songs but presenting the songs to an audience scared the shit out of us. So we used to get really shitfaced before we went onstage and there was always some incredible fuckup gonna happen. These days it's a lot more relaxed and it seems to be in front of people who want hear the music and accept it any way you give it to them." See? They've always wanted to be a regular band. Which perhaps hits the nerve as to why when some people listen to 'Stoned and Dethroned' and hear the groovy swing of Jim's duet with Hope Sandoval or the Drifteresque hand-jive of new single 'Come On' they maybe think, "This is nice but..." In conquering the demons that once led to their shows being so singularly chaotic, the Mary Chain succeeded in removing much of the excitement. "That might be true," ponders Jim, "but it's easy to be exciting onstage. You could walk onstage with a gun and shoot a dog. That's exciting, but so what? There's more to what we do than sheer in your face excitement, that's only one element, a small element, to what a band should be about. So OK, we don't walk onstage and fall over, you lose something if you don't do that. But I think what you gain from not doing that is more important. Excitement is easy, you just walk on with a road drill and destroy the stage. But anybody can do it. And if that's what you're into buy a road drill and a stage and do it yourself!" Every revolution eventually assumes the robes of the regime it succeeded. But maybe The Jesus And Mary Chain were never the revolutionaries some of us took them to be in the first place. And it might well be that they're getting tired of being misunderstood. "I'm sure there's gonna be an end to The Jesus & Mary Chain." Says William, "and sometimes it feels like it's right around the corner. Right after Lollapalooza I was thinking, 'I don't want to do this'. Same with him – you go through phases where you just want to stop it." "I think recently I've felt it could finish," nods Jim. "Whereas before we've just kinda talked about it. It seems more real now. I can actually imagine life without the Mary Chain. These days I could easily do it. Sometimes you just wonder, 'Is this worth it? I could do something else with my time." Such as? "I'd still like to make music but just not within this band. It's just the fact that we've been doing this for years and years and years and years. And you like to see there's some kind of progress in terms of people listening to your music, and sometimes we get really frustrated. You play the same clubs as you played in 1985...It's a thought." And one they seem reasonably preoccupied with at the moment. The previous evening, oblivious to the theatrics at Lili La Tigresse, William had expounded at length and with utter enthusiasm about the simple pleasures of music, of picking up a guitar and writing a song, purely for his own enjoyment. He'd said he writes maybe 40 or 50 a year, of which maybe eight are deemed worthy of recording ("ten, if you're lucky"). As the margaritas kicked in, your correspondent blithely predicted that they'd write ten more classics to shut the doubters up. Suddenly, William Reid's ebullience melted away. "We might. We might...Remember when you went from primary school to high school? They're just one summer apart but it's like moving from complete innocence to total cynicism and world-weariness. That's what the music business is like. We're hard. We started out and we thought we were soft as shite but we've been here for ten years now and we're hard. We've seen a lot and we've changed. Sometimes it's best not to know certain things."
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randomliven · 4 years
Ep 1. Rewatch Long postb
Ya daddy still obsessing about yo mama history.
Tree to tic "i almost didnt recognize you without those coke bottle glasses on"
( maybe the boy in the library was tic)
Sammie to tic "fit expensive enough to be a police man" (william)
The block party Ruby singing "i need a tall papa"
Slick willie "why America cant trust bill clinton
See yea leti didnt even remember tic
(& yes ive been very wrong that Ruby didnt really kno tic)
Ruby has been applying steady
Leti talked about pioneering and working in the
department store make money to get a house
Two shattered kneecaps
Hypo "got this crazy idea to get out on the rode ... What if them crazy white men "
Unc seen the reaper Dee drew on the map before they left. Drew other goblins.. Also drew the castle.
Drew where the kkk where known to he
Devon county may be good trip
" Not after you see this" ( shows dee drawing of the reaper)
The Count of Monte Cristo
The pic of dorris unc and mon falls from the pages
There is a fist hole in the wall
Tic calls Ji for the 1st time
Tic sees leti
The checklist
Flares came in handy
1st foreshadow of Aretha Blue
James Baldwin
The segregation at the ice cream parlor
The monkey mocking
Leti calms down tic
He buys a flower for leti
The american way
Tic taks a hoe bath
The rabid dog
There are fire burns on the next building
The white man immediately leaves
2/3 hrs till leti brothers place
What he do to ms. Lydia.
Why is the white house white..
Woddie got great tires
"Let me drive" says unc
My name NOT GIRL letitia fucking lewis
Christina came outta NoWhere
Force field
They all couldnt figure out what happen so they made up whatever could make sense
Hung a woman who slept with a demon who looked like a negro man
Bunch of missing people due to the sheriff
Naacp complaint file (cuz who you call the police on).
Middle of nowhere, no guide (safe) spots
Called to repair broken spaceships and telescopes (diana got the gift of foresight)
Unc saying he wants hyp to come along on the next trip
Tic being triggered by the fighting
Ruby and the brother left letit to deal
Reporter came by to interview about being a negro solider, "inspire others to make the same stupid mistake"
Montrose wanted to know about tic just didnt kno how to speak on it. Wouldnt go home till unc brought it up
Ya pops was "....he took the brunt" shoulda protected him ... I was small too " you never protected me"
Leti couldnt stay
Devon county
"Pull over"
Dont wanna be out here after dark
Something in the woods
Issa a shoggath... Lovecraft creature( it aint real
A blood with 100 eyes
Unc cant out run one
(For shadow as fuc)
Yea we kno
Sundown county. Id be my sworn duty to hang you from them trees
6min south speed
Head north
Tic shallows his Whole pride
"Let this smart nigger make a uturn here"
Cant speed( did they have speedometer)
Woodie window still blown out
They thought they made it
If you like" "did this nig give me permission
Soon as tic was in danger the shaggoths start
Tic and leti both left unc
If those things wanted unc hed be dead. They watched him, that lil light did nothing
They only ate what was after tic
Why blow a hole in your only safety
How you making commands wit ya shoulder missing
Unc recounts "listen to them children of the night, what music they make"
Leti ran track in highschool
I walk through the valley of death
Journee killed that run
The pig starts to change, why ol dude was like 'you ok( bruh he changing before yo eyes)
"You need to shoot him"
Yea them things were made from pink meat
Leti didnt kno dude changed so why she just run the car into the house
The whistle
They see the silver car (Christinas car)
William opens the door
We've been expecting you welcome home
0 notes
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I SENT AN ASK TO @breastforce​ A WEEK AGO, HOPING IT WOULD GAIN TRACTION WHILE I DIDN’T HAVE THE ENERGY TO POST MY WANTS AND NEED FOR (more) WHEELCHAIR USER REPRESENTATION  IN THIS SHOW AND FANDOM AND HOW I REALIZED ECLIPSA WOULD BE THE PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR IT, I WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO TAG @breastforce, @marcodiazisatransgirl and @starbutterflyisautistic in my post addressing it to help spread the idea and gain more traction,since I love their ideas and representation they’ve created for themselves within the fandom and this has nothing to to do with anything but like, after ‘Girls Day Out’ I just got really pissed, for all the love these random side characters get, that nobody in general was drawing or even talking about Toby, or how Star vs. The Forces of Evil was the first children’s cartoon in an entire decade to, not only have a wheelchair user in their storyline, but also be the only wheelchair user on a children’s cartoon in an entire decade have their wheelchair users storyline not revolve around educating abled bodied people. While also having that character be BLACK. #DisabilityTooWhite (even in cartoons) 
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And afterwords, everyone was just all: Oh. That Episode Was Cute. :) I Guess. :) Nothing to write home about tho. :) Just Cute Fun Filler Fluff! :3  No Big Deal. :))) JUST WISH SOMETHING BESIDES FILLER WOULD HAPPEN FOR ONCE  NEFCY, LOL!!! XD 
MEANWHILE, MY CRIPPLED ASS IS OVER HERE, REWATCHING ALL OF TOBY’S SCENES AND PRAISING MY FAERIE GODMOTHER HAHA TOM I KNOW YOU HATE PHYSICALLY DISABLED PEOPLE BUT I FOR ONE AM HAVING A MOMENT!!!!  (also, can i just kinda.... give bonus for like, having a joke about parking spots but like, later making a point to show the person who actually needs it EXISTING??? Without having them be the butt of that joke because like... good writing???) So, after I’m done crying my happy tears about all this, I start thinking that the only thing that could make this even better is if the show featured another wheelchair user who was a girl... Cause aside from this bitch who’s name I had to look up from The Wild Thronberry’s, all the major wheelchair users have been boys. Then “Into The Wand” came out... and in my obsession with Eclipsa’s Tapestry I had an Epiphany ... THAT ECLIPSA IS THE ONLY QUEEN....
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I START THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE. AND MY HEAD CANON MAY NOT BE A “THEORY” (bc in the case of wheelchair users we .... can’t exactly have coding the best we get is a cane your theories are still valid and needed and important an’ I wouldn’t have the courage to post this if it wasn’t for you I love you guys I’m so sorry .... ^ ^; <3 OX)  BUT MY POINT IS 
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(The rest of this post will be put under a “READMORE” and been de- italicized, de-highlighted and de-bolded as above, for reader convenience)
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   🎵 GONNA GET A LIL’ GRIM GONNA GET A LIL’ DARK, DONE LARKING ROUND’ HERE, FLEEING THE MEWMAN  DIMENSION  🎵 See? You know you love #GrimDark, just like you love my #DisabledQueenOfDarkness head-canon and now you have a ship name to post content in so you can stop causally forgetting the big ugly monster when you draw her, and don’t worry about how the  chair effects their relationship, it’s not like Ze wouldn’t need to kneel down to her to get on her level anyway, and in the words of Margo Diaz, the ship name itself is meant to be ironic humor on the shows nature, since I suppose  people want Star Vs. to be more “GRIMDARK”  I mean ...when I realized that short version of Grimalkin would be “GRIM” and Eclipsa is the (DISABLED)Queen of (DARK)NESS  so it’s perfect, no? Move over S/T/A/R/C/O and moontoffee this couple deserved all the attention AGES is ago, and for those of you already comparing the dreaded(CO)Couple to this one since ‘Baby’ I made the the Monster Lover Non-Binary and use ze/zir  pronouns, since Margo is Trans and “Grimalkin” is traditionally the name for an old female cat who is commonly a companion of witches. You’re welcome. 
Also, I’ve decided that Grimalkin is a Cheshire Cat/My Neighbor (Totoro) based Ancient Species called Ches(SIRE) not really sure how to spell this right yet but u know how it’s supposed to to sound in ur head, right? ^^; That basically zir job is Guardian of The Spooky Forbidden Dark Forest Just Outside of Mewni TM and to protect other creatures and Monsters from the Mewmans and Demons who want to kill them; i.e,   Zie hunt and kill the demon who want to kill the unicorn for their blood and demons are actually zir primary food source living in the forest and when you eat a demon you absorb their power (hence zir horns and size) and sometimes, more often than not, zie nurse the creature/monster who was being hunted back to health, should they be hurt (hence the SIRE part) cause like, Totoro, there’s a condition on if you can see them: If your heart is dark. So yeah, Grimalkin The Forest Guardian, feel free to recreate the Totoro poster now bc I just realized Umbrellas
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Just make sure to draw Eclipsa in her wheelchair when you do!!!! ^ ^ <3  When I sent this ask to Red however, it was because, with all the bombs coming down after ‘Baby’ it was because I felt as though I was... well running out of time, so to speak .... 
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How amazing foreshadowing would it be though after Toby and everything, if Eclipsa were actually a wheelchair user too and all the Past Queens of Mewni had different disabilities? And we had fan content to reflect that too like Autistic Star and Princess Margo? I'm making a post about it but like #DisabledQueenofDarkness & CpunkPastQueensofMewni should be a thing and after todays ep, I wanna get it goin' b4 Eclipsa is probs gonna get revealed to be abled bodied. Post for ppl to reblog?^ ^; ♥
So I asked @breastforce  (Red) to post that specifically so that people (the viewer) [her followers] could do one simple thing 
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The ask has  42 notes not excluding my own like, so surely that means at least HALF those people must’ve REBLOGGED IT to spread the word, right? 
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Huh ...  I see 38 apples with heart shaped holes 
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A cute baby narwhale in the ocean (who still couldn’t be bothered to reblog tho) @natiacollins <3
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And only three people who actually care.... 
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Why did I ask Red to post this ask again? Oh yeah... 
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And WHAT happened today? I HAVE TO DEAL WITH +5 POSTS THAT SHOW ECLIPSA STANDING UPRIGHT PARALYZED IN ICE AND NOT A PARASOL CANE TO STAND ON (she uses her Parasol/Wand for a cane/to push her chair sometimes, like Autistic Star sometimes bites her wand and uses it for other things, you’re welcome <3)
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 ....GIMP GOAT .......
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THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR ECLIPSA /NOT/ TO BE A WHEELCHAIR USER AND FOR HER LOVER TO /NOT/ BE NON-BINARY. THIS FANDOM HAS THE MOST DIVERSE FREAKING NICHES I’VE EVER SEEN!!!! HECKAPOO! THERE’S NO REASON FOR STAR BUTTERFLY NOT TO BE IN A WHEELCHAIR /AND/ BE AUTISTIC!!!! “Star On Wheels” Hello?! Back when that episode first came out, I remember someone made this disgusting ablest comment about Star “becoming a Paraplegic lolXD” so please draw her in a wheelchair just to spite them!!!! OX <3 
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GET. OUT!!!!!!!!!
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So before I publish this, I just wanna add in the few things I forgot do to tiredness. 
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And that’s when Eclipsa gets 100% serious and her tone get’s kinda sad and soft like “ So because ze stepped in and zir part demon, zir just evil and an accessory for ‘Bad Girls’? Like those Scissors?” 
And Star’s like “HOW DID YOU-” but then Margo comes back with her mom and dad following and Rafael scoops Eclipsa off the floor and she’s like “Ooooo, Angie! Your husband is so strong ... Wait’ll you meet mine!” And Angie’s like “HAHA THANKS!” *whispers to Margo* “Howdoessheknowournames?”  
Rafs all insecure like “Whoisherhusband?”
Then later, they have her settled on the couch with a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea, Margo realizes Eclipsa has a permeant disability but still doesn’t trust her (thinking she’s faking, putting on some cliche act) so she just drops the bomb of “LOOK .... I know you’re a Granny and all, but ....aren’t you a bit too YOUNG to be disabled?” 
And without missing a beat, right in front of her parents, Eclipsa just grins and goes “Aren’t you a bit too young to have lived 30 years of your life in an alternate dimension and have the mark of Heckapoo,  JENNIFER RINK? ;3 ”  and goes right back to sipping her tea.
“....30 /WHAT/?!”
“....... Mark of /WHO/???!!!”  
*Raf gets sidetracked seeing her do a lil’ magic with her tea spoon when her eyes start to glow* “I’m sorry if this is invasive to ask, Mrs. Eclipsa, but ... Can you shoot lasers out of your eyes like these puppies?” 
Margo’s still horrified.  “STAR. HOW DOES SHE KNOW THESE THINGS????!!!??” 
Star’s just like “ CAUSE GRANDMA’S KNOW, JENNIFER! Grandma’s know!!!” 
Eclipsa’s like “That’s my girl.” 
“But Queen Eclips- ...GRANNY! You never answered Mr. Diaz’s question!” 
*sips tea* “The answer is that I most certainly can, Star.” 
*takes another sip of tea before adding* “But I only use my laser powers in the most EXTREME of emergencies.” 
*Finally finishes tea and there’s a flash of light and Eclipsa appears to be gone before Star feels something warm and fuzzy curled up on her lap * “Unless ... Anyone would like to see what I look like as a laser kitty? :3″ 
And I WILL make a post for all the Past Queens disabilities, it’s just I came up with a cute little pun for mine and I don’t feel comfortable making Mewni style puns for other peoples disabilities... ^ ^; So when I make that post the disabilities will just be listed as they are on Earth and #STARVSTHEFORCESOFABLEISM seems like a better catch all, since the term “CPunk” was coined by somebody else and means a very specific thing... ^ ^; 
But Eclipsa’s disability is called “Celestial Purrsy” (a play on my own disability, Cerebral Palsy)  and it basically means she has all the advantages/disadvantages of a cat ... ^ ^; It’s taken as a birth defect by the Mewmans because she looks like she has DNA from   different dimension? ^ ^; Like this is gonna sound kinda morbid and dark but they suspect she’s a “changeling” and that the alternative version OF Eclipsa (like the one of Star we see in “MathMagic”) 
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Somehow replaced/possessed the “REAL” one at birth because she was born with her little kitty eyes/mouth 
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and paws 
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Which she’s been made to cover up since birth in order to look more like a “normal” mewman , like think of the old wives tale of cats stealing babies breath and the dreaded dimension of Star vs. where cats  have human faces, on Mewni there’s basically this old wive tale of “Mewmans who have cat faces” and if they’re born that way it’s Bad Luck because they’re “The Cat Who Snatched The Mewmans Body” and that’s what they think happened to Eclipsa. That’s why they call her “Eclipsa” because they think “a dark shadow was cast over their baby” A “Fairy Godmothers curse” (The character of ‘Baby’ is actually described as “Star’s Fairy Godmother”in wikipedia summary. So maybe they think Eclipsa’s cursed with a cat face because the Fairy burped on her or or something AND THAT’S WHY THEY HATE HER SO MUCH OH MY GOSH. GET IT? AN OLD WIVES ABOUT BABIES BREATH? A FAIRY GODMOTHER CAT NAMED ‘BABY’? OH MY GOSH. They blame things like Eclipsa’s size and her love of food on Baby too, but that’s just another part of the stigma Eclipsa faces because her parents are arseholes. 
Eclipsa even went through Mewberty “wrong” because her Mewberty from actually looks a lot like Baby ... And other Mewmans are like “Eeew, what are you? you silly Cat/Bug/Moth thing we’re supposed to be strictly INSECT BASED!!!!” 
And instead of “BOYS” all she wanted to do was play with balls of yarn ...  She hoarded all the yarn, and then she actually CREATED the “Worlds Most Dangerous Creature” we see in ‘Inter-Dimensional Field Trip’ WITH THE YARN...  
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For what purpose though, her parents were concerned... 
She was basically treated as more of a prized house pet than a mewman, a Familiar meant to serve rather than the Queen she was met to be, and, like Star, she didn’t know basic magic ... As Queen of Mewni, she was a Familiar/Figure head, an “inspiration” to the kingdom more than anything and her husband at the time, a boarder-line powerless Mewman who never left his mewberty form by choice,  King Lunar (LOO-NAR) used her for her magic, she was barely allowed to use her wand and the parasol was always opened up and propped on her wheelchair behind her where she couldn’t  reach it in order to “shield her from the elements”, as Lunar put it. 
They married because he took her out to The Bloodmoon Ball on a pity date, dancing was required according to their parents, and their souls “accidentally” bonded.  Just as they intended.  
SO you all know cerebral palsy is a muscle thing, right? Well with Eclipsa, her “Celestial Purrsy” is A BIT more exaggerated like someone (Glossaryck) will sneak up on her and she’ll have a muscle spasm, even if she’s prepared for it, but if she’s not wearing her seat belt, she’ll do that kitty thing where she’ll end up clinging to the ceiling, cat noises and everything, and she has those weird ticks that I have where she’ll get a twitch through her body like .... 
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It’s less pleasant than Jiji’s in the context of that gif, but t that’s the  only way I know how to to describe it ... And then Glossaryck tries to get her to relax and “dip down” to try to get her off the ceiling but she just ... can’t do it... not because she’s afraid (it’s just an INVOLUNTARY REFLEX, EVERYONE CALLS HER A “SCAREDY CAT” OR APOLOGIZES AND NOBODY GETS  IT...) but because her purrsy effected muscles are so tense and she can’t unclench them cause ...her body is afraid it’ll hurt? ^ ^; So Glossaryck will have to call Lunar to help get her down and he’s part moth, so he’ll like make a big show of like, crawling up the ceiling to get her and he’ll do it extra slow just to freak her out more because he knows that she hates it when she touches her but she can’t show it cause he’s her care giver and her husband and she feels guilty for doubting his love and daring to think he makes her uncomfortable on purpose... yeah marriage problems ... ^ ^;  Sorry for creepy imagery ... ^ ^; 
Glossaryck tries to talk to Lunar about it and suggests that MAYBE she’ll be more comfortable around him if he actually lets her USE HER WAND... since she hasn’t  touched it since she was a teenager and WHO KNOWS HOW HER PERSONALITY HAS CHANGED SINCE THEN ... So Lunar’s like “FINE!!! HERE ECLIPSA!” (he can hand here the wand without effect on him since he doesn’t actually have hands to hold it with... he has feelers and mewberty goop... so everything just kinda... latches on to him all sticky ..... yeah, sorry for nightmare fuel again) Aaaaaaanndd we get our first glimpse of our Queen of Darkness then, wardrobe change and everything (the thorn crown doesn’t come in until she spends more time with Grimalkin and more specifically, when she’s evaluated by Baby and grows her apple tree later, when she’s been living with her Lover, they ask the Fairy Godmother to marry them right there), everyone is surprised by the transformation expect  for Glossaryck, who’s like  “Somebody’s been suppressing a lot of ANGER ....” *Looks over at Lunar* “Wonder what could be the cause* And then Lunar looks over at Eclipsa who looks about ready to KILL HIM an’ he snatches the wand away as quickly as she had it via his gross Mewberty goop and he’s like “SEE?! All that power is far too dangerous for someone so small look at what just happened! You just turned yourself into a monster when your supposed to be my sweet little muffin!”
 Now we get to Toffee’s relation to Eclipsa.... after the whole wand thing happened he was actually (supposed to be) her aid. Cause King Lunar become paranoid of his wife becoming “out of control” and needed someone to “control” her when he wasn’t there because                   “ (ableism) I’m too busy to be scrapping you off the ceiling every time you have one of your episodes!!!! (ableism)” So .... he tries some of the Mewman staff at  first ... But they’re all ether too condescending or just plain afraid of her and don’t even wanna touch her ... and Eclipsa knows this and plays it up to her advantage... So Lunar finally get’s this idea ... And he picks who he deems the most “intelligent” in the ... lizard prison... tells them that they’re going to “Keep an eye on the Queen”, takes them to Eclipsa’s room and Lunar’s like “Okay LIZARD I’m gonna show you what you’re working with here” And it’s just Eclipsa, alone, by herself, eating this big bowl of candy with her gloves off and pawing at the wrappers... 
And the lizards like “She looks SLIGHTLY less bored than I am...” 
“She’s hysterical ...” 
*mumbles* “ComingfromLunarTheLoon....” 
“What was that, REPTILE...?” 
“Nothing...! Yourbugeyedbenevolence...” 
“If you’re so keen on insulting someone today, just make sure you speak to HER in the slowest, weirdest voice possible!” 
Then the door slams and it’s perpetual “SURPRISE!!!!” voice until Eclipsa goes “Oi Lizzie! You like some tea from all that Buff- frog in ya throat?!” 
And then Liz drops the act like “Oh, I don’t eat garbage...” 
“Well, had me confused, you are what you eat...” 
“And you’re hysterical...” 
“Mm. So I’ve heard. But I’m sure the Buff-frogs don’t like hearing their fellow monsters think they’re ‘garbage’. That’s not a very nice thing to say about someone, is it? Even if it is used as an excuse not to eat them.” 
“I suppose that’s true... Are you going to strike me now?” 
“Why would I strike the hand that feeds me?” 
“On days like this, I can think of many reasons, especially if you’re hungry.”
*She edges the bowl of candy over to him* “Please. :3″ 
“...Thank you....” *Being the ... picky eater that he is, (or making certain it’s not poison) she notices him carefully searching for his favorite candy and laughs when he gathers a handful of it* 
“There you go!” 
*Mouth already full of Saltwater Toffee* “Whut ...?!”
”I think your name is Toffee! What would you say about that?” 
*he looks guilty for all the candy pieces he’s holding in his hands* I’d say that it would suit me, Queen Eclipsa, Thank you!”  
“Your very welcome, Toffee! Also, that reminds me, we need to buy you a suit, it’ll look more official when you help me boot out my bugger of a husband! *ironic ship teasing/future ex girlfriend reference bc she later falls for someone who wears no suits at all, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT* 
Toffee can’t help but find this amusing and smilies “You want me to... AIDE you in starting a rebellion against your husband?” 
*Eclipsa borrows a piece of his toffee, pops it in her mouth, and grins* “Now look who’s hysterical...” 
The very next day, Toffee returns to Eclipsa all beaten and bloodied up. His tail is missing and , he’s pretty much dying. Eclipsa is freaking out...realizing her wand is gone too, doesn’t know what’s going on but has a pretty good inkling of who’s behind it. Next thing you know Lunar comes in all like “Hm. That’s two things that don’t belong to me now, or is it three? You’ll never get your kingdom back.”
 And Eclipsa is tears “I don’t care about the kingdom! What did you do to to Toffee?!” 
And Lunar throws the tail and the and the wand back to their rightful owners and says “What I could never do to my bugger of a bride!” before slamming the door on them again. 
The second he leaves, Eclipsa drops herself out of her chair unto to the floor, crawls over to Toffee, asks him to tell her what she can do to to help him, and he tells her  weakly that he’s heard of an ancient being in the dark forest who supposed to heal monsters, Eclipsa’s like “Alright, we’ll go there. Right now.” Takes off her hat and props it under his head, then goes over to her bed to get some pillows, where her book is laying. 
Glossaryck pops out and is like “What are you doing?” 
“You heard what just went on.” 
“You’re going to The Dark Forest to seek Grimalkin.” 
“ Gesundheit.” 
“No no. Grimalkin is the name of the HEALER. Trust me, if I  sneezed, you’d know it.” 
“Get away.” 
“Eclipsa, I’m you’re teacher and YOU NEED ME.” 
“No I don’t.” 
“Fine. Be that as it may, I will accompany you on your journey.” 
“...Whatever. Help me pad my chair with these pillows while I lift Toffee up, and hurry.” 
“...Maybe if  you cast  ‘LEVITATO’-” 
“I KNOW!!!!” 
Toffee protests to taking Eclipsa’s chair but Eclipsa says that right now, he needs it more than she does. “Besides, I have my Gait Trainer, silly Gator!”  They secure some rope they got from Eclipsa’s curtains to the chair and Toffee’s under the impression that Eclipsa’s going to tie the other end around her waist and pull him herself, so he objects to that too. He earns some perfect shoujo laughter and a “Don’t be ridiculous, Toffee!” Before giving a sharp whistle and a small usher of rats scurry out from under the bed “I mean, I would if I had to, but there’s no need. Follow Mummy babies!” and just like that they grab a hold of Toffee’s rope and follow her out every door, with to rats stationed in front of her to help open them.
 One of the servants asks if they should do something, watching her head towards the dark forest from the window, to which Lunar responds “Nah, curiosity killed the cat.” And the rest is history. Basically because Toffee made her PROMISE to come back and visit him every day because he heard what Lunar had said to her before and was afraid for her at that point. Which Grimalkin allows because he BEGS xem and the Guardian sees how this monster cares for HER. Plus she looks too exhausted to do any real harm at the moment.  
Eclipsa promises Toffee that she’ll come back, and she’ll start working on her spells for self defense. 
When Eclipsa asks Grimalkin tells her that Toffee’s tail can’t be re-attached, and it could take a while for the other lizard monsters who to live there to teach him how to regenerate, maybe even generations but zie CAN preserve his life. Maybe even raise a new life from the old tail.
 When she hears this, and she’s letting it sink in that Toffee almost died,  Eclipsa considers making up an immortality spell so she’ll never have to worry about the scare of losing him ever again. Then Eclipsa tells the guardian about the prison and zie promise to see what can be done. Also this happen at some point, after they’re at least on a more friendly/flirty basis ...
“You’re a healer, right?” 
“You know what I am.”
”Yeah, well...How come other people don’t know I can’t be cured?” 
“I mean I know I KNOW...and YOU KNOW, so how come THEY dunno? YA KNOW?!”
”The answer is as mysterious as my origins, Purple One.” 
“YOU’RE A PURPLE ONE! Also, your stripes are really pretty!” 
“So are your paws.” 
“May I feel your pretty stripes with my pretty paws? :3″ 
“You are MARRIED! Also, I am not purple, I am  Magenta.” 
“ And I’m Sorry I Asked! ;W;” 
Toffee is watching them like “Pfft ... FURRIES!” 
When things start getting more intense between them (Grimalkin & Eclipsa) later, Eclipsa tells Lunar over dinner that she wants to  make other living arrangements, of course, the tyrannical King laughs in her face. THIS is what leads the Lovers to make arrangements of their own behind the King of Mewni’s back, at least until they can get away, they’re hoping ...  
That’s pretty much it, sorry for going into a bit a mini fic mode, I just really wanted to sell the idea of Eclipsa... being a disabled person so that people would actually, you know... want to draw her as such. ^ ^; Since I don’t think it’ll happen at all in the show, twice, although it would be a freaking miracle if it did ... ^ ^; 
I’m also sorry for the snobby way that I think some of this post is worded? ^ ^; I’m not trying to play the oppression game with anyone here .... ^ ^; It’s just, people see a character and they think of ways to see themselves.... and anyone can draw a missing eye, limb, or cane as a cool character trait or accessory but absolutely NOBODY (as far as I know)  sees a character and thinks “I’m going to draw that “abled-bodied” character in a wheelchair, so people who maybe don’t have the physical ability to create sometimes can see themselves too”. Which is why I think starting a movement along the lines of #DRAWHERSITTINGDOWN, or more inclusively #DRAWTHEMSITTINGDOWN would be SUPER IMPORTANT. 
I mean, at least it’s better than saying “cripple the bitch”. Which in retrospect I’m surprised hasn’t been turned into some kind of revolutionary artistic  renaissance or reclamation movement made exclusively for disabled artists to draw what disabilities they’ve envisioned for the abled-bodied characters that they adore already (in a way that’s not the result of villainous violence or results in vendetta, unless of of course they’re a villain or simply have a vendetta against our abled-bodied overlords whom  oppress us so, that would be an excellent excuse to have those elements included in the explanation of how their disability effects them, like I just did with Eclipsa ).      
Because I feel bad and embarrassed because every time I want to see an “abled-bodied” character in a wheelchair, I think of the phrase “cripple the bitch” and then my internalized ablism thinks up some horrible accident they were in order to “make them that way”.  Because nobody draws an “abled bodied” character in a wheelchair just because. Unless it’s the disability sign. And we need to start.  
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I’m sorry that I feel like I’m playing the oppression olympics right now, like I’m wheeling over eggshells with every word that I type, but I know I deserve better, I really do! I deserve my Disabled Queen of Darkness, Eclipsa. And she and her wheels deserve a spot on Daron Necfy’s Diverse (and I’m not being ironic because I LOVE YOU FAERIE GOD MOM <3) wall of art, along with an actual (and still autistic)  Star on Wheels . And so do Eclipsa’s husband and their son, Toby. Like all four in the same picture; a family portrait. That Would Be AMAZING!!! Especially if “Grimalkin” was like, like both Eclipsa AND Toby up on each arm IN THIER WHEELCHAIRS like they were lifting weights like in a “strong man” pose cause they’re arms are definitely big enough to support two manual wheelchairs that weigh virtually nothing them cause they’re so strong and they just ... can. 
And Star is parked on the floor in front in her power chair ... with “The Gang” (Trans Marco, Jackie,  Tom, Janna and Starfan13) all gathered around her and they’re all just being happy an goofy and Janna’s in Star’s lap, probably. Starfan13 didn’t have enough room so she’s like, squishing Star’s face with her’s in a hug, you know that cute squishy hug face? 
Ingrid’s in the picture too, sitting in the monsters arms at Toby’s side holding his hand cause he’s a little nervous that he’ll fall. She wanted to be in the photo too and Grimalkin understood her cause they also speak German and they asked her if she could keep Toby company so he wouldn’t be scared. She said okay, but she’s not giving up her comfort item for nothin’, also it will cost The Queen her guillotine. 
Eclipsa’s over on the other arm just lookin’ as chill as ever. Cause she knows that her Lovie would never let her roll off. 
That would look PERFECT on Daron’s wall! Hopefully #DISABLEDQUEENOFDARKNESS becomes as popular as other fanon so we can make that happen! Feel to use any of the tags I’ve created to start posting!!! Maybe even said some Disabled Queen of Darkness to Daron!!! (And me of course, if I’ve convinced you that Eclipsa Is Disabled and you want to actively draw her and write her as such please send all your content to me!!! I’d love to see it!!!! <3)    
I have other thoughts on the monster themselves, their love for Eclipsa, it’s importance to the entire freaking plot of the series, and the way they’ve been treated in favor of Toffee and Eclipsa herself, like that line about treating the monster lover as an accessory was there for a reason and I’m pissed, but I’ll write up why later because YOU KNOW WHY... and I wanna go ahead and get this posted before the final airs.  
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I encourage everyone who sees this to reblog this even if they’re not in the Star vs. fandom! Like you can consider this a one fandom/character/headcanon/masterpost thing but I feel like it’s a great way to get the general tags of #DRAWHERSITTINGDOWN and #DRAWTHEMSITTINGDOWN started!  Also, REMEMBER: DO /NOT/ USE THE WORD “CRIPPLE” IF YOU ARE NOT PHYSICALLY DISABLED!!!!! 
I know using “if” in an apology is wrong but I don’t know how else to word this so ... I’m genuinely sorry if any other physically disabled people reading this are uncomfortable with my usage of the word in this post? ^ ^; It’s just it’s used as a catchall by other people in our community and after finding cpunk, I recently started identifying with the word to help me find other people ... ^ ^; <3 OX 
Also  people, when you reblog this, please clarify whether or not you physically disabled in the tags in order to help me find other people...  ^ ^; <3 OX I’ve never done this before, so words of encouragement and feed back would also be appreciated, and if you said something ... vaguely kind or encouraging before? ^ ^; <3 Know they still are (just now is your chance to reblog ^ ^; <3 OX)  
I really would appreciate it if @starbutterflyisautistic     and @marcodiazisatransgirl would reblog this too since *themorrison’svoice* YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL!!!!!  ❤ 
And SPEAKING of cool criminal individuals I just want to thank Red for publishing my ask in the first place. She’s helped and inspired so many with the Trans Marco theory and she’s the one who helped me realize I had a basis for my Disabled Queen of Darkness too. Also, she’s the one who inspired the idea of Eclipsa’s husband being some weird bug thing who preferred to stay in their  Mewberty stage, “like an invading body snatcher virus took over.” Because it shows some real contrast between some monsters and the mewmans I think, rather than just being some humanoid oppressors afraid of the scary monsters because they “don’t understand”. Because they had this “mewberty” thing happen to them, where they ether “wouldn’t be back to normal”, or they made the conscious decision to stay in or out of it, good or bad, and if they understood exactly what they were doing to the other monsters and enjoyed it because they considered THEMSELVES the“ideal” of what a monster should look like. And then that bad history was erased through centuries of .... literal humanization I just think there’s a bit more to explore through that narrative then having Eclipsa’s former husband be some cliche Gaston stereotype, or even the “well meaning Nice Guy TM who lets the girl go” trope. 
And I know that making the Mewman King Eclipsa was married to a tyrant is a bit of a cliche as well, but striping Eclipsa of the powers she’s supposed have because of that, giving Eclipsa a physical disability and have her be oppressed because of that, like Star would be with the autism headcanon... It would kinda level the playing flied between Eclipsa and the Monster a bit because THEY’RE BOTH MINORITIES!!! THEY’RE BOTH OPPRESSED!!!!  The Monster a bit more than Eclipsa but still ... the thing common helps them understand each other a bit more and helps this become much more than “ I married my oppressor because I changed them and they changed me” “love” story, because c’mon, so far, the basis for these two finding a connection in these fandom has been “You’re not bad for a ______” AND WE ARE SO NOT DOING THAT WITH WHAT’S SUPPOSED TO BE AN ALLEGORY FOR AN INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIP C’MON .... 
And I wouldn’t have thought any of this if it weren’t for Red, she’s our rebel princess, she’s the best, loves the wayward sister in the purple dress, she’s given me the courage to fight, for Heckapoo On Wheels, Disabled Dark Queens and Butterfly’s ....and TOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! 
Okay so I hope that wasn’t too corny but like, seriously, I love you Red!! You are ROCK and are (truly) an inspiring beautiful person who’s fun to be around and I hope this isn’t embarrassing or too much because I know we only ever had contact from that ask, but I owe you so much credit for inspiring me to claim Queen Eclipsa for myself as well as the other Past Queens of Mewni for other people with disabilities because it’s amazing that you and Daron have made me feel comfortable in my own skin enough to do that! I love this show and this little niche fandom of Wayward Princesses SO MUCH and it all means so much to me you have no idea and I am SO GLAD you’re a part of it!!! I’m worried that some of this post as well as that ask was worded with some twinges of jealously ... and maybe that’s why it wasn’t originally reblogged .... because I sounded so ...impatient? But I want you to know that I mean this, un-ironically, from bottom of my heart and I’m not just saying for notes or popularity: You are important. You are loved. You have done so much for the community and so much for me and so many other great things and more than enough things for me to thank you for so you don’t need to feel pressured to reblog this, Red! Just know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart and you’ll continue to do even more, I wouldn’t have known there was an interest in Eclipsa being disabled or have the courage to write this if it weren’t for you!! So Thank You!!! OX ❤
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If it’s okay, I just want to link everyone to Red’s Princess Marco and Star vs. Trailer’s since they’re Hecka magical and wonderful, haven’t gotten comments in a while and all you Poo heads should leave some more love for them!!!!!   ;)  ❤ 
Princess Marco Trailer: 
Star Vs. Trailer:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qkjUFB-NcA  
Congrats on Trans Marco being canon, everyone! ;) ❤ OX 
Well, here I am, 12:50 AM, Monday. The night before they air the final. About to get my hand brace in the morning. About to finally post something that’s been  in my drafts for a week, with spelling errors and other things I can’t be bothered to fix, with this post being the best post about Eclipsa that you will ever read. With Eclipsa (probably) about to be confirmed to be the abled-bodied ice pop I was worried about. FANON DON’T FAIL ME NOW!!!!!!! ❤ OX  
(Get it...? Cause the saying is? And I’m? Yeah ....Side note about the goat and my sense of humor earlier DO NOT USE THE WORD “GIMP” IF YOU ARE NOT PHYSICALLY DISABLED ETHER, NOT EVEN IF YOU’RE USING THE BADLY NAMED ART PROGRAM TO DRAW ECLIPSA, THANK YOU!)  
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   ♠💜😈💋♠❤AND MAY YOU ALL .... DRAW HER SITTING DOWN... ♠💜😈💋♠❤
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uniformbravo · 4 years
since it seems to be steadily taking over my whole brain now im just gonna let myself ramble about yugioh for a bit
idk i just keep thinkin abt how it was my favorite show when i was a kid... like not just i liked it a lot, but u know how when ur a kid u pick ur Favorite things & it’s a big deal, like i had Declared this as my Favorite Show
i honestly don’t rly even remember my experience with it in terms of my Feelings like i dont remember having a favorite character or anything like that, i just have a lot of Evidence of me liking it lmao like. u know those school folders they sell at like walmart that are themed after different shows n stuff, i had a yugioh one & it was cool af (i still have it actually, i’d get it to take a pic but it’s in my brother’s room & its almost 1:30 am). i remember my best friend at the time (like. 3rd grade) said she hated yugioh so she would always scoff at my folder lmaooo but like i knew she was wrong so
o shit i found a pic of it online tho here it is
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gangs all here...... dam when they droppin their latest single tho lol
i also got this yugioh play set for christmas once, it was like. a plastic dueling arena that u would set little monster figurines on and each player had a bunch of little orange plastic balls that they would take turns shooting at each other’s monsters until urs were the last standing, or something like that? all i have left of it are the little orange balls and a couple of the hologram projectors that went in each of the 4 corners of the arena. i wish i knew what happened to the monsters tho, bc they were actually pretty cool. there was like. a blue guy. and a gold one. i think one of them might have been the summoned skull? i think they were mostly monsters that became plot important later in the show & i’ll definitely recognize them when they show up but i haven’t gotten there yet.... im pretty sure they were basically exodia’s pals tho, like reputable monsters. the Big Boys
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every bone in my body just liquefied and became nostalgia from looking at this image GHRGHGH I WANT IT SO BAD
ofc i also have a deck of actual cards w/ such iconic features as the dark magician (which is Shiny), summoned skull, change of heart, and this one rly beat up guy i found half buried in the sand on the playground at school one day named griggle, my prized possession
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(imagine this but more fucked up looking)
oh and how could i forget, i fuckin. made my own deck of cards, it’s like a bunch of cut out pieces of scrap paper that are all different sizes & i made up a bunch of monsters and drew them & my favorite part (i looked thru it the other day) is there’s a couple cards in there with just numbers on them which i assume was either meant to be added to the monsters’ attack or ur own life points, but one of them is 500 and the other is 50,000,000,000 which is absurd i literally just wrote as many zeroes as i could fit on the paper & it shows, imagine drawing that fucking card my god. i imagine that in my mind it was like, meant to be really rare & hard to get but like. the whole deck is only like 30 cards? so i guess @ whoever faces me u better fuckinnn say ur prayers
that’s all the physical evidence i can think of, but i do have some memories..... fuck i remember watching all the new eps air on saturday mornings aaaa oh man there are a few Classique moments of the show im excited to get to, not by virtue of being particularly Good but because despite having been such a big fan of the show i like barely remember anything from it at all, so these little bits and pieces that i do have r like. exciting. im arranging them into a bullet point list
first of all, and i may be wrong, but i stg at one point pegasus drops someone thru a trap door in his castle or smth??? or someone gets thrown out a window or Something idk why this moment stands out so much but if it doesn’t happen then i will be Very disappointed (i think it was bandit keith. get fucked)
this one’s already happened a few times but for some reason a memory that stood out to me from this show is yami yugi being like “pegasus!” in his Deep Man Voice all like >:o so i was v happy to hear that. also while im here this is pretty obvious but the way he says “previously on yugioh” at the beginning of eps is great, love it, having a blast w/ that one
one saturday there was a big two-part hour long special called “joey’s betrayal” where like idk joey has to duel yugi for Evil Reasons or something and i was SO HYPE for that special bc i was like O Shit joey’s Evil now and like. this was around the time that my sister kinda stopped wanting to get up early for saturday morning cartoons lol so she was sleeping but i was So excited for the ep & i didnt want her to miss it so i left her a note on the desk in our room for her to see that had all the info abt the episode like the title & the time it would be on so u know she could like, wake up & See it & come out n watch it, but the whole thing went by & she never woke up so i had 2 go back in there & take the note down & throw it away looooooooool. but yea so im REALLY excited to get to that episode due to its Impact
eventually i kinda lost interest in yugioh & stopped keeping up with it but obvs the show kept going on w/o me & one day i turned on the tv & it was on & it was like, tristan was trapped in the body of a teddy bear or something? & i was like wow thats weird glad i stopped watching & i never looked back but now I Am Looking & i can’t wait to get to that episode, however-old-i-was me was a Fool
this one doesn’t count but i remember thinking the theme song was SO COOL (and i was right that shit slaps so hard )& being disappointed there were no lyrics i could sing along to..... except for when it was time to d-d-d-duel ofc
FUC I JUST REMEMBERED ANOTHER THING I OWNED HOW COULD I FORGET oh my godddd it was a yugioh poster that i had on my wall for so long & i am EXTREMELY sad that i don’t have it anymore, idk why i thought i could just Throw It Out like a CLOWN, but it was like. it had yugi and friends on it (tho i think one of them might have been missing, it was either tristan or tea, also i just learned how tea’s name is spelled fuckin HUH), & yugi is like, he’s little yugi & he’s got his hands & maybe part of his face? pressed up against the “glass” (the barrier separating his world from ours, keeping him Contained), i remember this detail clearly bc i looked at it a lot and learned how to draw that effect from that specific poster... anyway the best part of the whole thing is that it came from like a scholastic book fair or something so it said in big letters “it’s time to READ!” it was SO good & im DEVASTATED i don’t have it anymore........ to gaze upon its brilliance one last time....................
anyway i think thats all my yu-gi-oh related childhood memories woah why did i type out the whole ass title like that this time damn what the fuck lmaooo 
rly sad abt the poster actually the more i think abt it the cuter it sounds tbh i wanna see that art again..... how could this happen.... i tried looking it up like the other stuff but i couldn’t find anything at all u_u
ok it’s late af now i need to go to bed before i pass ou
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Kado 7 (includes notes on Kado 6.5 + Tsukigakirei 6.5) | Boku no Hero Academia 21 | Grimoire of Zero 7 | Royal Tutor 8 | Tsukigakirei 7
Kado 7 (includes notes on Kado 6.5 + Tsukigakirei 6.5)
Some notes on the recap: It’s interesting they styled the title card to be like a silent movie, but the embellishments in the top corners are high-tech. Tsukigakirei’s recap was a slog because it awkwardly cut, but because of all the indications of time and the fact there’s already a narrator, this show fits a recap style much better (but the titlecards and changing of the eyecatch make this ep feel fresh, which is great!). Also, it seems I was wrong about how it had been three days since Kado’s appearance (see ep 5’s commentary), because the counter hits 5 days when the first passengers are released.
Wait…that “brain” was a device???
“Hi Setten”, LOL. Also, I found out “kado” (with this combo of kanji -> 過度) can mean “excess” or “immoderation”, and “setten” means “settings” or “options”...I first remember seeing the word in the Boueibu game, where “setten” of course would refer to things like “volume on/off” and that.
Apparently, the Google CEO’s name is Sundar Pichai…I thought it was Larry Page and Sergey Brin as co-CEOs, but I guess I was wrong…Also notice Ward’s iPad says “ihou sonzai” (anisotropic being).
Oh flap. Adam’s pulling a Great Fitz here…
I’ve seen the “I can’t dry my laundry!” screenshot before, but seeing it in context is funny all over again. In fact, it makes it even funnier.
I was worried about how the show might get a little too philosophical after ep 6’s end, but it’s good to see Hanamori retains his sleeping capabilities. *stifles laughter* They even rendered Hanamori’s bedhead.
“Kado comes here, and instead of running, they find a way to market it.” – It’s an interesting, yet extremely obvious point that we tend to ignore because we’re so used to it. That’s why tourism – even fake tourism - sells. Why do I bring this up? Because I want to, for one, and because I hope to exploit this angle for Half-Paid Heroes. (I wanna know how to make Kado cake, too…)
CR subbers, I thought Gonno’s first name was “Takumi”?...
That’s cute, it’s a helicopter landing spot, complete with “H” marking.
If I didn’t know any better, I might’ve called Shindo zaShunina’s sidekick. (LOL)
This “stacks of books” scene is something like what I imagined when I wrote White Parasite’s La Luna’s hideout in the mountains…that’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to give Kado and zaShunina an unyielding love. Also, I thought the promo 2D Shunina looked creepy, so this 2D shot of Shunina stole my heart!!!
The cube seats remind me of those child corners in libraries and that, where you have mini stools for playing pretend. Oh. Speaking of which, it reminds me of this Rubik’s cube.
Okay. I thought Kado would be a show devoid of such things, but let’s play the game of “What drugs were the producers on today?”
Okkkkkkkkkay. (stifles laughter) Did you realise the Shunina heads made a heart, with the “real” (existing in the normal dimensions) Shunina in the middle? Hahaha…
Wait. That screaming thing in episode…2, I think it was? The bit where Shindo grabs his head in agony?...was Shunina giving him (Shindo) the sense of the anisotropic? Ahhhhhhhhh. That makes sense now!
“They were good humans.” – Just in case you didn’t forget Shunina is an extradimensional bishie being. I guess it’s kind of along the lines of Kai’s (Royal Tutor’s) “You’re all good boys!”, which is true both there and here. In most cases (except maybe Shunina and Ward), the boys of Kado are good boys.
A bookmark. For an avid reader like Shunina (or myself…haha), it’s a perfect gift. Just make sure they’re not so heavy they fall out of books, because then they’re useless.
They put the festival scene in 2D! (It would be a cost cutting measure for sure, but…you know what I said about 2D Shunina previously? Yeah, that.) Also, it just goes to show you even a high concept sci-fi show like this goes for the jugular in depicting fanservice for the “people who like hot guys” and “people who like tsunderes”. However, did Shunina change his own clothes? Did Shindo or someone else get the yukata for him? Does Shunina even have the concept of “changing clothes”???
Fake Nintendo Switch. I’ve also seen this screenshot making the Tumblr rounds before.
LOL, giant turtle. I like turtles.
Haha, negotiating even at a festival. I LOLled too hard at the line, “What is buttered potato?” (but I also like buttered potatoes…I like a lot of things).
“Saraka-san, zaShunina, you, and the turtle will be in group B.” This typo’s the same case as the Gonno one earlier this ep.
“Are there any negative effects?”
How do you lose an anisotropic being at a festival? I actually hope he isn’t being rabidly devoured by a bunch of girls who think he’s hot.
Just seeing the credits reminded me that Shinawa was absent this ep (which was good). Also, has Natsume appeared in every ep’s credits so far? I don’t remember because I normally don’t watch credits.
Boku no Hero Academia 21
“Sparking Killing Boy”, LOL.
The more I watch Mei, the more I feel like I’m watching The Truman Show (where there’s one woman who advertises things near the beginning of the movie).
The belt transformation refers to sentai heroes.
Hmm…I agree with Deku on Aoyama’s strategy, since his laser is best used from afar.
That was an unexpected (for me) win for Tokoyami. I knew his Quirk was good all around, but I thought Yaoyorozu would win for sure. It’s just the difference in confidence, eh?
“…focussing on the shield Yaoyorozu made.”
I kinda get what Uraraka’s saying. After all, she might end up dragging Deku down one day by relying on him too much.
Grimoire of Zero 7
It annoys me how tavern girl looks so similar to Zero.
Why do fantasy travellers (or Brock in Pokémon, for that matter) never have big packs? You’d think they do…
The colour of the night sky in this episode is pretty.
This wolf’s like Sonic (One Punch Man). Such a sore loser.
Hey wait, did Thirteen see her…uh, assets? Did he dress her wounds?! Eep! I do not ship this. *shakes head*
Royal Tutor 8
Ouch, Licht, you got burnt! On the other hand, I agree with Bruno that he should sleep forever, noting past comments I’ve heard him (Licht) say.
Ah, the zoo. What nostalgia that brings. I’ve been to the closest zoo at least twice…thrice…four times…? I don’t remember anymore, but the zoo is always a fun place.
It’s smiling, ReLIFE style!
Braunbar (with umlaut over the second a) is German for…wait for it…brown bear.
Bunnies can bite you when you least expect it. From my experience, they don’t draw blood though. (How do I know this? There’s one outside my window as I speak. He’s probably someone’s stray, although no one’s come for him so my family have had to take care of him.)
Shut up, Licht! That’s not comedy, that’s just killing time!
I still wonder…how does Kai actually wear that jacket? It must be troublesome to put on if he’s always wearing it like that.
Ahhhh! Dangit, Kai’s too good for words. The only thing that can quell my “fan of bishies” heart is fangirl screaming.
Those “tricks” of yours didn’t work, Licht. Get out. Besides, Bruno, I barely remembered that brick joke.
My heart sank a little when I saw they weren’t using the cheesy live-action version of the ED. Still the next episode looks like it will address some plot-critical things, and I’m worried for Kai because he’s the sort who can’t get over his problems easily. (As a sidenote, a similar tabloid article shtick was used in SGRS, so I welcome this plotline.)
Tsukigakirei 7
Vita Sexualis is a Mori Ougai work, so I’m kinda on edge about it…knowing Bungou’s Ougai, that is.
Why does this ep’s title sound like it should be a Boueibu one instead???
These (mostly still) shots of theme parks just make it seem like the staff are scrounging for money.
According to the omake at the end of one ep, you’re meant to ship Roman with the teacher (as ick as that is), so I can understand why Roman’s on his lonesome.
Stop egging her on, Hira! She’ll get nervous! (I say that because I don’t like roller coasters much.)
I feel like the word “viva” is being overdone, attendant person. Google-sensei says the word means “live (verb)”, so it doesn’t make sense at all.
Hira’s freckles really don’t seem to be a mistake. Also my brain can’t make sense of “sorabune” – the word for ship/boat is “fune”, but it doesn’t become “bune” when attached to another word...not that I know of, anyway.
Yamashina? We’ve never been told Roman’s surname before…
Potori Water, LOL. Parody on Pocari Sweat if you didn’t know that.
It’s nice that they didn’t do the full-on “can on face at aumsement park” thing I’ve come to expect from romances, because Detective Conan kinda solidified that as the norm for me.
The Big O in this case isn’t an anime, it’s a Ferris wheel.
Josei Next Door did a CR article where she suggested people needed to talk to each other more, and while it was on The Royal Tutor, sometimes I wish Akane and Kotarou would talk to each other properly too…welp, I spoke too soon (sort of).Why “sort of”? Because Kotarou is speaking to Hira, but he ain’t speaking to Akane.
I feel a twinge of guilt in that I wanted Chinatsu’s and Hira’s dreams to be shattered to make way for the canon couple, and Chinatsu’s tears exacerbate that feeling. I guess this is what it’s like to be a shipper, eh – to ignore the feelings of couples in order to get your own way, knowing your dreams may not even become reality? (But can’t these kids all be happy??? It could easily be a “pair the spares” situation, now that I think of it.)
The takoyaki’s nice, but that background with the screaming girl is creepy…It appears to be a parody on Beavertails, for some odd reason. Why is there a Canadian product being used as product placement in an anime (and why a product I’ve only ever heard of from a Canadian TV show, to boot)???...*record scratch* Okay, I’m weirded out, and I admit defeat. Beavertails exist in Japan.
Couple selfies. That just goes to show how much trends can permeate culture…hey, does that mean people may one day use memes in anime? (Even though anime creates memes?) It’s meme-ception!
It seems live action footage was used for this show, if you look closely, and it’s not just the OP I’m talking about…
Finally, a part of Tsukigakirei I can get behind! These night scenes are so real! If it weren’t for Kotarou and Akane, I’d think these scenes to be photos and not animation at all.
I get this feeling that we’ll end with either their graduation or them as adults, with Kotarou telling their kids “…and this is how I met your mother.” Which would be awkward as all get out, but okay. (I haven’t seen How I Met Your Mother by the way, although it sounds like a scenario that would happen in it…)
Aw, dangit. They got their kiss interrupted. At least it wasn’t by Chinatsu, that would’ve caused more tears on her end.
Mireta (used in “Did you see the fireworks?”) seems to be an odd formation of mieta, but in slang, people break the grammar rules all the time, so I’d suspect people break the spelling rules too.
I was surprised to find out this ep’s ED LINE chat is a wife to a husband. That confirms my How I Met Your Mother thoughts, somewhat. (The husband had overtime and got the wife juice. It seems they were going to an event, because the wife says to check the invitation guest list...and so on, so forth.)
Oh? There are more omakes? I’ll watch ‘em someday when I’m bored…I guess.
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