#the Paranoia bloopers are everything
haldenlith · 11 months
... That is fucking hilarious and exactly what that gremlin deserves.
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trying to go to sleep but my brain just decided to remind me of. c!dream living in de walls. c!dream mentioning c!tommy first in the l’manberg declaration of war and nearly forgetting everyone else. c!dream taking c!tommy’s first two canon lives. c!dream accepting a loss to his power- his perfect, happy family- in exchange for symbolic control over c!tommy. church prime. c!dream declaring himself god and c!tommy his prophet. c!dream giving c!tommy specifically gifts for pogtopia and a very personal letter to try and explain himself. c!tommy’s admiration for c!dream and his despair at being betrayed. c!tommy stepping down as president because he knew his and c!dream’s story wasnt over.
c!dream spending weeks meticulously framing c!tommy. “i don’t give a fuck about spirit.” c!dream taking pains to condition c!tommy into not only obedience but friendship. c!tommy viewing the abuse as bonding moments. c!dream sabotaging the party so c!tommy would believe only he cared. playing games with tridents together. protegeinnit. c!dream specifically not blowing up his own tent in logstedshire, so he could always come back. “he was here to watch me”. c!tommy desperately calling for c!dream when distressed. c!dream constantly looking for c!tommy even though he had no reason other than his own. 
the community house. doomsday. “you’re too fun.” a prison built with every trigger c!tommy has. a compass. c!dream forcing c!tommy to choose between his freedom or c!tubbos life. the mock execution. threatening to torture c!tommy forever. a spectacle for him. to make him beg and beg and beg. c!dream slinking back when c!tommy threatens to kill himself. c!dream desperately begging to c!tommy that they’re friends before pulling out the revival card.
c!tommy seeking closure. a book asking why. c!dream constantly affirming it wasn’t that bad. conditioned friendship and a knife in the wound. “my friends, my items, you.” c!dream brainwashing c!Ranboo to drop the bombs to keep c!tommy trapped. it’ll be just like exile. ““that’s the tommy I know.”” death used as a form of punishment. c!dream threatening c!tommy with immortality through a cheerful facade. c!tommy desperately begging to be c!dream’s friend. c!dream declining to torture him further. ghostbur’s death.
c!dream immediately crawling to logstedshire after the prison break. “i’ll kill you then revive you then kill you again.”” threats in friendly, casual tones. c!dream chasing and torturing c!tommy so much there was a blooper death. c!tommy deciding there was no point in life anymore. c!tommy deciding he was already c!dream’s puppet, pet, plaything (to quote him directly). the torture mixtape. ““miss me? :)”” the signs everywhere.
c!dream always looking at c!tommy, always. c!tommy falling into extreme paranoia when c!dream’s name is as much as mentioned. c!tommy hiding in a cave addicted to invisibility because he’s so scared of being seen. c!dream hiding in a decaying prison writing on the walls. c!tommy’s horror at the idea of killing c!dream even if he is his abuser. c!dream turning from surprise from c!clingy’s attack to tormenting c!tommy specifically immediately after.
c!clingy’s life only being spared because they begged and begged in terror. c!dream dragging c!tommy to the prison and beating him further when he refused to obey. burning c!tubbo’s items but keeping c!tommy’s in his inventory.  an experiment that either leaves him a test subject or has him as the one person defying c!dream as always. c!tommy falling into feeling helpless again once his symbols of freedom were destroyed. ““dream doesn’t want me dead.””
c!dream laughing at c!tommy’s pain like it’s entertainment. c!dream blaming c!tommy for everything even as c!tommy tries to show him kindness. murder and instant revival again to prove a point. pausing at a sense of understanding he’d have been furious for anyone else having. “i don’t want to be alone” as an explanation for tearing someone’s life apart. dying hand in hand the only way to end the cycle, and it starting up anew regardless.
c!primeboys makes me go so fucking bonkers like MAN. why tf is this in a minecraft roleplay this is insane the fucking themes and layers… and idk which ones are even INTENDED which makes it just so much more fucking one of a kind. i love them. they make me insane /pos
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