#the actors for colin and pen are giving it all they can but they didn't give their characters a strong enough foundations in s1&2
girllookingoutwindow · 3 months
I guess people loved Polin so much because we've all been waiting for it for so long. The Nicola and Luke also have tremendous chemistry compared to the other leads. Daphne and Simon actors didn't give have much chemistry and I think Jonathan Bailey out acted Simone Ashley.
I didn't like Simon in season 1, or Daphne really. But I mean, it's personal. I connected more with Pen, because she's more related to me. Season 2 , I like the story, but I think the romance there, wasn't my kind of romance. I like more the soft and cute style. I like when the characters are kind with each other.
But I knew Nicola, I loved Derry girls and I was ready to love Nicola here, and I did. I believe she has good chemistry with Luke, and I like what he did with Colin's character, but I think she can have good chemistry with a rock too. She's too good.
I related more with the characters: the wallflower aspect, the characters being writers, she's to me like a role model, she grow ups too much. Personally, ai feel more identified with him, because he's a people pleaser. But I wish to be more like her.
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i have mixed feelings about Bridgeton s3 as a whole and while I think some moments were really good:
Pen and Eloise reconciliation and Eloise becoming more mature, by not seeing things so clear-cut
I liked the ending ball with the butterflies
Pen making amends with her mother and inviting her back into her life. All of the scenes with her mom and her were actually really good.
Cressida scenes were all so good, I enjoyed her growth
I enjoyed the family moments. Especially Violet's struggle to accept Lord Kilmartin but eventually accepted bc she valued her child's happiness over her own opinions
the fact that it's benedict's season next season
there are subjects that weren't fleshed out well that I'm frustrated about:
how they handled the conversation on gender and female identity: the show's description of it is a little surface level tbh and they did nothing to show how cruel women were treated [other than being forced to marry old men] that they could have expanded upon. I dislike how they tossed Cressida aside and pictured her as the villain when she was absolutely the victim. Yes, blackmailing someone is bad, but she was desperate and she did not deserve the ending the season gave her and it would have been a better writing direction to focus on the theme of forgiveness, by having Penelope, who was seeking forgiveness in the end too, to extend forgiveness to Cressida and offering a way to escape her woes and exposing Lord Greer and giving her some money to escape and find a new life elsewhere as an act of mercy. yk, treat others the way you want to be treated.
how they handled the conversation on privilege: they were almost getting somewhere when Cressida put Colin in his place about how she can't afford to choose who she marries because she has never felt the love of a parent, a fact that I think Penelope would relate to. The fact that Colin still talks this way in EPISODE 8, about "how her father will understand", in the LAST episode made me wince. Don't even get me started on his character development.
Colin's apology to Penelope: he didn't really apologize. I wish he had acknowledged what he said to her in anger. He keeps bringing up Marina (who lied to him but he seemed to let that go), to Pen and memorizing a list of her "crimes" until episode 8. I just don't buy his apology of him asking her for a dance after he said things like "I don't know [if i can still love you]", "I will never forgive you", or "you made think I was underserving of your love" [which he absolutely was, this man embarrassed her publicly and didn't even want to know why she started writing whistledown, smh], "you entrapped me" (?).
this is not a hate on anyone involved in the show, especially the actors, we don't hate here, these are just my thoughts.
I love the actors and there was a lot of heart put in the show, but i hope in future seasons there will be a lot more thematic direction driving their writing so it reflects why the show resonates with so many people which is the boundary pushing messages about social issues that are still relevant today.
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petalsmooth · 2 months
Book Bridgertons vs Show Bridgertons differ as far as to who holds my interest.
But in terms of the show?
Colin first. The show completely doesn't fully respect the character but he's the one I identify most with and genuinely LIKE the most. And I LIKE Luke's style of acting which is very expressive, which honestly needs to be since they don't give him as many lines as should.
Eloise second because even if she does frustrate me I like her energy and while her whole relationship with Cressida was extremely petty feel like she hurt herself more than Pen in the long run. I just feel she has a lot of room to grow and mature and the show might even let her.
Hyacinth and Anthony next. Anthony more because I love Jonny, not so much because Anthony is a catch as a romantic lead but just way Jonny plays him. My favorite moments are when he is blustering or upstaged by his siblings or mother or Kate or even Newton. lol
Hyacinth because so far probably reminds me most of book character.
Benedict next but like with Anthony feels more like the actor, because I can't stand the character as a romantic or sexual lead so far. I like him in scenes with family or Granville. Granville because connected about the only thing I've seen him have genuine passion about in this show but Benedict actually respected him enough to listen when his privilege was called out. But mostly right now he's just comic relief. We'll see how they write his season and if I can care about is love life more than casually. In fairness being used as the default stock character to have meaningless sex has not helped his appeal with me, maybe others but I'm not into that.
I don't know where to rank last three. I feel like Gregory is last because he's the youngest and I just can't see him as anything but a younger brother right now.
Daphne annoyed me as a character but as an older sibling I can kind of identity with some parts of her personality even if I don't love them. lol I still think season 3 was best overall season but I also still think if Rege wasn't her screen partner wouldn't have enjoyed near as much.
Francesca has had 2 actresses and I haven't connected with either of them. At least on the show. I love Hannah in her interviews. If she could somehow bring that part of her to the character, I might enjoy onscreen more. As is doesn't resemble book Francesca at all which...is not a deal breaker. But as an introvert didn't identify with how that was written/acted on the show either. I think I need her in next season to be in scenes with people that can bring more color out in her character. She was giving off perfect daughter vibes I hated in Daphne, only with Daphne it was more volatile that at least created drama while with Francesca it was bland. You got a hint maybe has more of a spark when sandwiched by her brothers (Colin and Benedict) and they all ganged up on Eloise about marital prospects. Maybe put her in scenes with them again to see if can expand on that.
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gleefullypolin · 5 months
Getting stuck in a single mindset is really very bad for the fandom at large. I've seen people fall in love with a theory then refuse to be swayed by the fact that it's likely that's not what's going to happen. Or to like a fic and then get mad at other fics for not being the same as the fics they like. There's a lot of entitlement in that sort of behavior and I don't think people realize how they're acting when they're in the middle of it.
It all depends on the ship dynamic for me tbh. Mostly it's canon because the ships I like are usually rife with chemistry and it works for me. Sometimes I just think these characters might go nicely together, ha.
That damn boy has absolutely flirted with Pen before and either not known it or didn't think about it. The whiplash he has probably given her must have thrown her for a loop. I know he's not an idiot and I could be wrong but I feel like it's been implied in some of the interviews that maybe he's known her so long that he's just not put her in that position. Something has to flip the switch and oh boy it looks like his switch gets good and flipped.
I didn't read much about the scene just that the balloon scene is a bit of Hero Colin so I haven't heard anything else about it but between the guy trying to keep the balloon under control and the one who looks like he's holding her as a shield, I pick the one trying to control the balloon.😭
My girl! I want her to stand up for herself. I want her to love herself and accept herself and grow into her voice. I also want Colin to stand up for her and I want her to stand up to Colin and whoever else gives her reason to (except maybe not the Queen, keep your head, Pen) and do it confidently and let them hear the smarts and wit that we know is laying underneath the girl who stumbles over her words when put on the spot. We believe in you.
The Hook nonsense was unreal. I think one of the dumbest ones of the later seasons, one where it was obvious Emma and Hook were ending up together was saying how he promoted rape culture. Literally they would throw whatever at the wall and see what stuck. The same people who wanted Emma to end up with Regina, mind you, were very very concerned with Hook's purported support of rape culture. Unreal. And you're right, his redemption arc was insanely well done. Media could learn a lot from how they handled his.
I know it's 3 weeks away but if it could be now that would be great, ha. I just want to knowwwww and see it for myself. Also to scream and kick my feet but whatever, I am very adult I will handle this like a mature person, I'm sure.
Yes you have to be willing to move from a mindset especially if its something you came up with from a spoiler or a snippet or your own headcannon. Or to attach any of the actors life to the characters life. I’ve seen it all and that behavior doesn’t sit well with me. And I can’t see how it can help your enjoyment of a show. If I felt that way about a character or actor I would stop watching it. In fact I have done that honestly. But sometimes the biggest thing to ruin a show is the fans LMAO!!
I’ve had a few where they started to gravitate a pair together but nothing ever happened and that was a bummer but never went goo goo over. It takes a lot for me to truly gravitate to ship tho.
Yeah I remember the scene in season 2 where he returned and he was hugging his family and then he turned to look at Pen and you thought they were going to hug before the kids came running in but the look he gave her was a look that NO platonic friend would EVER give another friend. That was longing if ever I saw it and I was like WTF was that! But then he would do these things where he would say lovely things to her and then boom…of he ran like a turd! So flip the damn switch Pen, talk about his eyes and blink those lashes and flaunt those boobies cuz boy needs a wake up call!
RIGHT I thought the same thing. Why is the veggie boy hiding behind Pen? Like boy stand up and stop touching her! Ok I’m really joining the I don’t want to like LOWK! Let’s start the fan club right now! We can be the founding members!
Yes I was working on some quotes for my countdown to season 3 and I love a couple of them where she’s speaking to Colin and he’s like omg I can’t believe you are speaking to me like this and I really want to see that Pen! I’m dying for that girl to come out! Cuz yes girl that’s the one that needs to speak to Colin and tell him how you feel! He already knows she is smart and witty and the best person he knows, but once he sees her as a woman that he wants its going to be FIRE!
OMG yes the damn rape BS with the Swan Queen and Swan Fire ships was so freaking annoying. Because he was anything but like that. It was just so ridiculous because Neal left her pregnant in jail and Regina kept trying to KILL her. But OK!! And all Hook was doing the whole series was trying to chase her across every realm in every story. He died for her how many times? Lol.
I had to create my count down because I can’t wait any longer. 3 weeks isn’t going fast enough. I’m over this. I am kicking and screaming now. This is taking tooooooooooooooo long.
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hessafeelsfordayss · 3 years
Some of my thoughts about Bridgerton season 2 (these will be out of order) MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS:
• First off, I just want to start out by saying that Simone and Jonathan's performances were out of this world. You could feel every emotion they portrayed; you could feel the yearning, the frustration, the passion, the angst, every single time they were in a scene together. They brought Kanthony to life better than anyone else could have ever dreamed of.
• Because of them, Kate and Anthony's chemistry was unmatched. Every touch, every lingering stare, every almost kiss, had my heart fluttering and me biting my fist from pure excitement. During their intimate moments it almost felt like I was intruding on their privacy. I felt like Anthony and Kate were real people, and not just actors playing a part. All I'm saying is Jonathan and Simone better get all the rewards!
• I've already stated this, but Lord Featherington and Portia's scheming 'romance' was really boring to me and also quite gross. The fact that it came out of nowhere and the lack of chemistry was a turn off.
• But I'm so so proud of Portia for choosing her girls without hesitation. She has made some questionable decisions no doubt, and isn't the best at showing her affection towards them, but I know she does love them and want them to be happy. If she didn't she would have gone with Lord Featherington, because she obviously did have feelings for him. Big props to her for that.
• I'm gonna get hate, but I don't really like what they did with Edwina's character. In the book Edwina is more understanding and happy for her sister, and knows exactly what she wants in a husband, but then again Anthony didn't propose to her in the book 😒 I can understand her feeling hurt, truly I can, but I feel like she took it too far when she told Kate that they are only half sisters. That was a low blow, especially considering Kate felt she needed to earn her way into their family, and set aside her own happiness to ensure that Edwina and Mary got theirs first.
• Even when she wasn't blind to their feelings anymore, and she could see how much they truly cared for each other, she was still acting bitter and treating Kate poorly and calling her an unkind person and not forgiving Kate until the accident. Edwina in the book would never do these things. I still love her though. She is only human after all.
• I saw a lot of growth with Colin towards Pen this season. The way he stared at her when he first saw her after a while, him protecting her and her family and telling her she's special to him... Only for him to once again regress at the end. I love angst though, so I'm not really bothered by what he said. It makes me think that in season three it will play a big part in his and Penelope's story. What I am upset about is how he laughed at the expense of her with the guys. That was really messed up, especially after he had just got done telling her she was special to him and that he will always protect her.
• I better see Penelope distancing herself from him, or better yet straight up ignoring him. I want him confused and I want him to pine for her presence without even knowing that's what he is doing. Most of all, I need Penelope to have suitors. I need obliviously jealous Colin like I need the air to breathe! I want the tables flipped, I want Pen to give up on the fantasy of Colin and actually show interest to these suitors. After the little stunt he pulled, I need Colin to be the one doing the pining this time.
• My heart broke at Eloise and Penelope breaking their friendship. I love them both dearly, but maybe this is for plot purposes? Like maybe so Penelope won't be around the Bridgerton' s anymore, which will affect Colin? And Eloise and Penelope as well. Because let's be real, Penelope and Eloise are for life. I just wonder if El is going to tell her family or anyone about Penelope's secret.. 🤔😩
• Loved all the Bridgerton family scenes, along with all of the individual family members. They will always be one of my favorite things about the show. The playful jabs and banters, all of them always being there for one another no matter what, the raw emotional moments, etc.
• When Anthony sniffed the air when Kate walked by and Lady Danbury caught him and loudly cleared her throat - that was peak comedy 😂😂 I snorted so loud I was afraid I woke the rest of the house up.
• Not to mention his reaction to seeing her bare thigh.. the man is a capital R Rake but was left speechless and flustered at just seeing her leg. He already had it bad. 🤭
• Marina being the number one polin shipper... Hell yess! I didn't see it coming, but I'm so happy about it.
• The Queen's storyline was boring as well, but I love her so much for putting her own desires aside and approving of Kate and Anthony's love. If it wasn't for her, I'm not sure how Kate and Anthony could have ended up together without tarnishing their families names.
• That's all I can think of right now, but if I happen to think of more I'll be sure to share them with you all!
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jeanvanjer · 2 years
The reactions to polin on Twitter have been so fucking funny. I hope Nicola and Luke stay offline because it’s brutal out there 😂 Everyone saying the prospect of Kanthony is the only thing keeping them remotely invested - exactly. Give Simone and JB their raises now.
I hope we get some Sterling casting announcement this week. If John and possibly Michael are hot I may tune in. If not I’ll watch the kanthony supercut on YT. Penelope is a **** who doesn’t deserve a HEA, she’s not getting my views !!!
After s2, I'm going in as general watcher and hoping they stick to the whole ensemble thing. I have little trust in the writers and I'll be tuning in for the sake of it. With Pen? I'm trying to be very diplomatic until the new season comes. If they can successfully redeem her along with portraying Polin as a believable couple, I'll be entertained. Maybe. Writing hasnt been their strongest point but who knows? maybe they were saving the best bits for s3? It really depends on how Marina ends up. The fact that they didn't need to go the way they did in s1 with Marina/Colin/Pen? Its not going to be fun watching Polin or Philoise for me as of now. But Im hopeful. Bigger miracles have happened.
On Luke N and Nicola? People need to relax with being rude to the actors. All this hate towards Simone, CC, now Nicola and Luke N? Ya'll have problems. Go chew on glass.
I doubt Kate and Anthony would get as much screen time as we're all hoping but whatever time they do get, I hope its well written and entertaining. And I need me my Sterling boys. I hope we get good development for them. At first I didn't want John in the picture because thats just depressing af but ya girls ready to cry at his grave just make him interesting. Michael's cousin, practically brothers, and JQ never even teased us with how charming John could be. Such wonderful potential. Fran has a type and it's definitely not boring.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
My thoughts about Bridgerton S3
First thing I will say is that I adore Benedict and Sophie, OFAG is my second favorite book in the series, but am I mad that they are not happening this season? Definitely not.
And I don't really get why people are surprised. I mean, in the book order it, of course, would have made sense but if we look at the story set up in S2 Benedict barely did anything except have a filler storyline about some art school. Anthony had much more than that in S1 when he was being set up as the leading man for S2.
Say what you want about Colin and Penelope, if you like them or despise them since I have seen both and won't comment on that now, but you can't argue that they had storylines in S2. The season ended with Eloise finding out about Whiseltown and Colin kind of helping the Featherintons. And the biggest this was that we saw the infamous "I will never marry Penelope Featherinton" line and Pen ending the season heartbroken and alone.
Was the show supposed to dance around that for an entire season before they could finally be addressed it, since I don't see how they could do that without giving them major relationship development which is supposed to happen in their own season.
To me, if I had been just a show watcher and not someone who had read the books, it would have been to most random thing if S3 would have all a sudden started to focus on Benedict.
And guys, I wanted to see Sophie too, and I really hope they cast an Asian actress to play her, but who says that we can't see her. Benedict can still have a storyline and we could even see the ball and him meeting the Woman in Silver in the end of the season. Then we head to S3 with that setup since there was 2-year gap in the book.
Alo i already have a feeling that we will see Francesca's storyline to take shape as well, since they recast her so we should be seeing more of her and didn't she meet and marry John in her first season. Two years from the should be S5 or 6 how even they want to order it now since I have no idea what they are gonna do with Eloise's storyline now that they have majorly changed Marina and Sir Philip and I don't want Marina to die and Eloise would be marrying her brothers ex-fiancee's widower, but l guess we have to wait and see.
Well that was just my opinion, feel free to disagree, but lets not put hate where it doesn't belong, like towards the actors.
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petalsmooth · 2 months
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They establish the esteem the Bridgerton's hold in the ton in the first episode which yes L.W narrates the first column to the audience but she is simply repeating what is accepted as fact in the ton at that time. Also, Queen Charlotte signals Daphne out all on her own. She didn't name her the diamond just yet but clear had favored her. Pen is NOT why they are considered powerful or perfect or highly esteemed. They are considered so best I can figure due to extreme generational wealth, the age of their title and connections obtained over those generations. Also appearance and comportment likely play a role too given how shallow the ton is. Lady Whistledown (Pen) had nothign to do with any of that.
She was however...agreed.. helpful to maintaining happiness/standing by rescuing from a scandal or two. If L.W Did NOT exist Anthony still would have run off Daphne's suitors and likely been left with just Berbrooke. And if no L.W Simon probably doesn't craft the staged courtship because he's annoyed with Lady W.D signaling him out. He would have still been the prize of the season to those mother's but not on blast in the pamphlet every single day. And Colin still would have chased Marina and actually married her. L.W did more good than harm there for the Bridgerton's.
I wouldn't say she made it easier for the marriage to be cemented with Simon and Daphne though. The Queen was dead set on the Prince and not giving into L.W. Simon is the one that made that marriage happen in the end.
I'm not actually sure L.W did much for anyone other than Gen's shop in season 2 until the end when threw the Queen off Eloise's trail. May be one of the reasons I disliked season 2, L.W didn't really play a significant role until the end. Queen Charlotte is the one that actually saved the Bridgerton's from the scandal of the engagement.
One of the parts of season 3 part 2 I DID like is that finally L.W returned to some relevance when exposed Cressida. I blame the lack of L.W/Queen in part one from actors being absent for Queen Charlotte filming. That Cressida reveal was vintage W.D. which made season 1 so popular. My problem is that they fumbled it all in the end with her apology circuit on the ballroom floor to those hypocrites. Should have kept the book scene.
Didn't really like the petty column of Colin either. Felt it very unlike L.W. This is where I think the ton should have considered L.W had some attachment to Colin because it was so unlike her. At best she takes a sentence or two shot at fashion like with Cressida. I was expecting a column on Colin, but honestly thought it should have concerned his comment about never courting Pen. Then L.W being petty wouldn't have felt out of left field.
I did like how L.W dragged Pen because book L.W. would do the same thing. I think the one thing lacking if they didn't have Colin note how she'd be harshest on herself. That would have tied it altogether better in his list of complaints.
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petalsmooth · 3 months
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Oh, I agree it did. The thing that is on the show for disappointing their fanbase. Fans shouldn't have to pretend they liked something to boost numbers for the show.
After all, it was the buzz from the fans that brought Part 1 such hype and numbers. Because their enthusiasm was genuine. The show fumbled those last episodes and derailed all that positive buzz all on its own.
Maybe if they are going to film episodes so far in advance and hold them for a year after that they should at least do better at having outside parties review so if something receives extreme negative reactions it can be fixed while still filming.
And really some of what was reviewed negatively should have been foreseen from the start. They KNEW fans were sensitive to Colin being an afterthought, yet still wrote him that way and used Luke little. Still included little of Polin together those last eps. And why is Luke T's screentime greater than Luke N's in his own season in second part? And why do we have the actors saying that more rom com elements were inserted after Nicola and Jess saw his play AFTER the season was filmed? Isn't it Jess' job to understand the actor's strengths? It just feels like the show didn't realize what they had in Luke and sidelined him because had no confidence could carry the show and relied heavily on Nicola/WD drama and more Luke T gratuitous sex as a fail safe and it fell really flat once they saw the audience response to Luke/Polin in that carriage.
I still feel they are discounting him as an actor or the audience disappointment at having so little regard for HIM as a character, only an adornment to Pen. If they truly got how disappointed fan's are wouldn't advertise them in season 4 as a malewife with Pen getting additional solo lw story.
And secondary to that, as a showrunner how do you think advertising the season as a rom com and getting the general audience all excited is fair to do when you KNOW you wrote the second half anything but? How do you even BELIEVE having all that drama and anger in last 2 episodes was a good idea? The announcement from the engagement was already weighed down by having the decision to change the book where he KNEW she was W.D before got together. You had her lie to him instead. Then you color their wedding and marriage with distance, hurt and anger. And you think this was a good direction to take a friends to lovers/rom com book?
At very least could have balanced the drama and angst but didn't even do that. It was a flat out drag to watch those two episodes. ANd of course you finally give them over an hour for the episodes while previous episodes were cut in time over previous season, but you give more time to the episodes that depressed people the most. Just bad plotting, bad editing, bad story telling all around
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Last part I don't feel is the show's fault of Polin's fans. If you, a general viewer, are turned off a show by some nutcases who can't distinguish between real life and fictional life than you probably weren't interested in the show anyway. I DO think some of the general audience did tune in heavily because of their obvious chemistry in interviews but that didn't go away just because has a gf. I do think those nutcases steered conversation away by Polin by focusing on that which yeah probably did hurt but not Luke's fault or ours to the shows. And IF the material on the show had been stronger the Polin fan excitement would have trumped that distraction.
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petalsmooth · 4 months
Over 2 year's of Luke hearing about how Colin has to grovel for like 7 episodes over one comment end of season 2 that Colin instantly regrets from Pen stans....then you have PEN fans mass quoting someone who thinks it's problematic Pen is lying about LW several episodes because sensitive to criticism of her?
Dudes...Colin did like one total thing wrong and it was treated like he should be hanged. Pen is engaged, having sex etc with him and keeping her identity secret despite knowing how he feels not only about LW and trust. If we're talking scale of worst offenses, why is it you aren't demanding she grovel for 7 episodes for forgiveness? AND I love Polin but doesn't mean I like this choice they made with the story.
They'll work through it, and I am not going to demand another season when grovels on her knees over it. But throwaway drunken comment is not the same as multi arc of deception and you know it or you wouldn't have taken to mass quotes, including private quotes over it. I'm just generally not in the mood to react the way Pen stans did and demand revenge porn over it because I want as many happy scenes with them as I can get. I also know of all drama they could give them, either of these things is a definite grade above what first two seasons had for conflict.
I love Pen, Colin and Polin but I do think people who are more Pen stans than they care to admit can be incredibly hypocritical and do NOT like admitting to her flaws and definitely too harsh on Colin because in the end almost view him as a trophy for her not a real character in his own right. Hell, you know how many times I heard it didn't matter if his story got fleshed out as long as Pen's did? Like hell it didn't matter. I am not shipping Penelope with a trophy husband. The whole idea makes me cringe. I am shipping two characters who balance and compliment each other and you only get there by exploring both. I don't want an empty headed nice piece to look at which some of them seem to. Nor do I think Pen wants that and I find it kind of insulting actually that you'd want that for her. Just as I am insulted some people actually think Debling sorting through the ton and finding a young, insecure woman he believes he can stash away to run his house and attempts to create children with every 3 years is an awesome life for her.
Pen and Colin are good together not just because there is insane chemistry with Luke and Nicola, but because they have similar interests. Similar humor. Both talented writers. And because they balance each other. His drive to have someone of his own to care for and protect vs her having been left on her own her entire life with no one seemingly caring what happened to her. His feelings of being unnoticed, unappreciated and overlooked in midst of a large family but Pen actually sees HIM not just his Bridgerton name. And for the faults I have with the SL, in the end she apologizes and admits wrong just as he admits and apologizes for being wrong in ep 1. Because they are not toxic, they work through their issues and not to proud to say sorry if needed.
There are things I will defend Pen over. I personally have NO issue with the LW column. None. I won't pretend I don't think consternation over it is entirely out of proportion and I know the actors have tried to say well how would you feel if your friend was secretly writing you up in a gossip rag and...nah....
First off I would have more of an issue if what was said in it was untrue. It never is.
Second...Pen isn't writing about Bridgerton's for the most part because she wants to write about them. She's writing about them because they keep THROWING THEMSELVES INTO SCANDEL. My general attitude is maybe own your own privilege that allows you to act without thinking because deep down you know you'll bounce back from scandal while others in the ton would not. Don't want it splashed all over? Don't go throw downtown London cavorting with single male printer apprentice's and put Pen in a position where there is no good way to extricate them both from the Queen or don't engage yourself to the sister of the person you actually love. And with Marina, no apologies there either, Marina brought that on herself and hurt or not Colin was saved from a manipulative woman who didn't give a damn about him.
Personally I identify more with the young woman who's family was perpetually on brink of bankruptcy with no marriage prospects looking to secure a financial backup to protect herself because no one else would. The one abused by her family, the ton and even ignored by her "best friend". Said best friend who upon listening to Pen for FIRST TIME EVER figures out LW and decides Pen could only have been so for the worst reasons ever, never allowing any explanation or understanding but promptly hooks up with Pen's bully and gives her all the understanding in the world. You will never convince me pen didn't tell Eloise because she knew Eloise really only valued Pen as a sounding board and follower. I think they love each other but Eloise was NOT a very good friend to Pen. If they are going to be friends in future, there needs to be a change there.
Whereas Colin is different. I don't know if she thinks he'd never forgive her, she might think that based on Eloise's reasons and her own expectation nothing ever goes right in her life. But if Colin can forgive Marina, he can forgive Pen. She and Colin are also incredibly intimate and to be married...I think these is less justifiable cause to keep a secret there. I think the real reason she does is because she's loved him forever and having a brief time with him after deciding would never happen? Now is terrified of losing him even more and....I can understand that. Doesn't mean she's in the right but I can understand why she struggles but I can also understand why he needs some time to think it through before forgiving her.
In the end though I do like that this couple doesn't have to be forced into apologies, they admit their wrongs and none of this need for drawn out revenge porn toxic elements in fandom sometimes require. All sins/missteps aren't the same and while I DO believe in redemption arcs...it depends greatly on what they need redeeming FROM.
Case in point...cheating plots. Sorry, but for me you have a character cheat than I am NOT just easily going to get over that. It's a violation of trust but also...a complete lack of respect for the person you are with. As you are saying you didn't respect them enough to just break it off before violating their trust. Relationships, successful ones, should allow for trust and respect and if you break both don't expect me to believe that can be easily re-established in 2 episodes. In real life it might never be recaptured but it's fiction...still not buying buying a happy reunion without the writers putting the work in first.
Another example...Cressida Cowper having a difficult family life so she has an excuse to bully Pen. Say what? Pen has had an awful life too, even worse than Cressida's. Her father was murdered over gambling debts. Cressida's problems are no different than most young women in the ton. The Bridgerton's are exceptions in the ton. Most are like Cressida. Little familial warmth, little to no say in suitors. Infact Cressida even being allowed to make it to her third season before her father forces a match is better than other women get. If you want me to buy a Cressida redemption, then don't tell me her back story gives cause to understand her actions when it does not. You need to write a present day event that changes her outlook instead and have her grow from THAT.
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