#the ads on there suck so i have it set to airplane mode whenever i draw on it :<
plaguedoctorjester · 1 year
Actually drawing Revali for once instead of MSPaint shitpost doodles what???
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Love In Hell
By Stephen Jay Morris
Monday, February 25, 2019
©Scientific Morality
 It was the Summer of ‘69 and I was all of 15 years old. Life, at that point, had become a major exploration trip.  I’ve laid out the details of that summer in my manuscript entitled, “Hidden in the Rotunda.”  This article focuses on one Monday, that of July 28, 1969.
 I went to my first Love In at Griffith Park, which took place at the popular “Merry-Go-Round” area, in 1969.  During the Summer of Love, back in 1967, there had been a Love In at this exact location.  By that time, the term “Love In” was laughably passé.  About 500 people had shown up, clad in their head shop-slash-thrift shop, chic clothing, posing for the news media.  The gathering was comprised mostly of art fart types who hadn’t had enough time to grow their hair long.  But some of them had long sideburns and the females were sporting Carnaby Street fashions on their svelte, white bodies.  Groovy, baby!  
A couple of years later—1969—the unwashed masses amassed in this hilly, city park.  Not only did the so-called Hippies show up, but there were also Bikers, Chicano gang bangers, homeless people, Krishna devotees, drum circle freaks, Anti War activists, Black Panthers, and New Left activists.  It was an outdoor party and it was freaking me out, man!  Oh, yes—the pigs (cops) showed up in full riot dress.
I don’t recall how I initially found out about this event. Maybe it was through an ad in the L.A. Free Press, or a friend had told me about it.  In any case, I went.  It was summer vacation and what better way to spend it than by going to my very first Love In!?  I asked my friend, Philip, if he wanted to go, but his parents said “No!”  My parents?  I just told my mom I was going to visit my friend and I’d be back in time for dinner. What I didn’t tell her was that I’d be with a few thousand friends!  My dad, well he couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what I did on vacation.  Matter of fact, the longer I stayed out of the house, the happier he was; shit breath didn’t love me at all.  Only my mom cared.
It was mild for a summer day; the temperature topped out at 71 degrees.  One thing I hated about summer in L.A. was the humidity.  It was typically cold in the morning, so you’d end up having to carry your jacket around almost all day.  I remember wearing a work shirt that once belonged to my grandfather. In knew my dad resented me for wearing it, but he never said anything.  Go figure.
I left my house on Martel Avenue.  Looking north to the Hollywood Hills, there was the familiar, brown haze of smog.  In the wintertime and early spring, and sometimes in autumn, the view of the hills was crystal clear.  Once, a few years earlier, I saw snowcaps on those hills, just after a rainstorm.
I walked eastward down Beverly Boulevard toward La Brea.  I was planning to take the public bus to the event, using my student discount card.  I wore my Levi’s jeans, a black Tee shirt, and black deck shoes.  I’d put on boxer shorts as well, although a lot of “hip kids” didn’t wear underwear.  I had my grandfathers work shirt on over my Tee shirt.
Now on weekends, buses kept different schedules than they did on weekdays.  They came just once every hour and stopped running at midnight.  By then, the oil companies had ruined public transportation in Los Angeles.  I waited and waited on the northeast corner of Beverly and La Brea.  Four gas stations flanked the intersection:  Texaco, Chevron, Exxon, and Gulf.  L.A. was indeed a “car town.”
Hitch hiking was the standard “hip” mode of transportation. It was viewed as an expression of collective sharing among your brothers and sisters; just like sharing a jug of wine or a joint.  Taken to the extreme, there was the sharing of your boyfriend or girlfriend in the name of “Free Love.”  As a rule, I didn’t hitch hike much.  Middle-aged perverts who wanted to suck my cock would often pick me up.  On the other hand, I didn’t want to wait another hour for a bus, so I stuck out my thumb and hoped for somebody who was heading for the same destination as I was.
Ten minutes later, a 1949 VW Beetle ambled up the street toward me, a trail of smoke behind it.  At the time, a lot of young people painted their VW bugs with colorful floral designs and symbols, such as the Peace sign.  Well, this little car was a real wreck!  It looked like it had been entered into and ejected from a demolition derby.  One taillight was cracked, a door was taped up, and the paint was peeling with age.  The body was covered in dents.
But, you know what they say:   “Beggars can’t be choosers!”
The door opened and the driver asked, “Griffith Park Love In?”
I said, “Yep!”
He jubilantly replied, “Get in!”
A passenger closed the door behind me.  The driver looked like a college professor from the 80’s. He was a white guy in his 40’s with shaggy, curly hair and an unshaven face; his specs sat halfway down his nose. The radio was on; a vintage A.M. model with one speaker.  It was tuned in to some Top 40s station; a teenybopper song was playing.  I think it was “Baby I Love You.”  When it ended, the DJ announced loudly, “That was Andy Kim! Going up the charts like a shooting star!  Now the news!  Headlines:  Nixon says 25,000 troops will be withdrawn out of Vietnam in a couple of days!”
What I hated about VW Beetles was that noisy, sputtering engine and the smell of gasoline.  I prayed we’d get to our destination soon, before I got asphyxiated! Thank Buddha, somebody lit up a doobie, which effectively covered up the gas odor.  Hey, I would have been happy if somebody had simply burned some incense!
Someone from the back seat addressed the driver, “Hey, Dean! Are you going to that Woodstock Arts and Crafts festival?”
He blissfully replied, “Hell, yeah. I’m going!”
I asked, “What’s Woodstock?”
He laughed and answered, “Only the biggest concert in the history of humanity!  It is going to be bigger than the Monterey Pop Festival two years ago.  I heard the Beatles are showing up!”
Somebody said from the back seat, “I heard the Stones and Dylan are coming, too!”
I asked, “Where is this going to take place?”
“Upstate New York!”
I replied, “Oh.”  I thought to myself, ‘They’ll be lucky to get Joni Mitchell to play at an arts and craft festival.  Whenever I think of an arts and craft festival, I think of the Renaissance Fair. My dad took the family to that fair once and it reminded me of an outdoor mental institution.  No thanks!’
Driving south on Los Feliz Boulevard reminded one of how poor they are.  There were these giant mansions built in the 1930’s, worth millions upon millions of dollars!  Even the Art Deco apartment buildings looked luxurious.
Finally, upon arriving at the Mulholland Memorial Fountain, I knew we’d arrived at the entrance to Griffith Park.  Just a right turn on Crystal Springs Drive and then north to the park.
Today, though, was different.  For the first time since I’d driven there with my parents, there was a traffic jam.  Lines upon lines of vehicles, of all different shapes and kinds, were backed up to Los Feliz.  Those inside were mostly collage-aged kids, smoking grass and banging on tambourines. Crystal Spring Drive was a two-lane road next to the side of a hill, a distance of about a mile and a half to our destination, the Merry-Go-Round.  At a grueling 10 miles an hour, it took us about 25 minutes to get there!  It was 11:35 a.m.
Only three bands were scheduled to play the Love In. They were “Ace of Cups” (stupid name), “Sons of Chaplin,” and the “Jefferson Airplane.”  In December that year, I would see The Airplane perform at Altamont Speedway’s tragically-iconic, free concert in Northern California.
Behind the Merry-Go-Round, there was a small meadow in which hundreds, if not thousands of people, had gathered.  An area had been set aside where the band would play; not an elevated stage or platform, just open, flat ground.  This area was on an incline, so mostly people who located themselves far from it could see the bands.  All of this was set up behind the public bathroom building.
I walked alone among the throngs of smelly Baby Boomers. There were peddlers selling everything—and I mean everything!  I came across one member of the Black Panther Party selling his party’s tabloid, “The Black Panther.”  I’m glad for that; all of the misinformation I’d been told was dispelled later that night.
Cops were strolling among the crowd.  There were some kids walking around butt naked. This was supposed to be for making a political statement.  If you’d asked me, I’d have said it was just good old fashioned expositionism!  If you’d seen their bodies, you’d have hoped they were arrested!  A cop would yell to one nude dude, “Hey!  Cover up or you will get busted for indecent exposure!”  The lawbreaker quickly tied a shirt around his waist. As soon as the fuzz left the area, he got naked again.  It was the same thing with pot, which was still illegal in those days.  Some cops would tell a pot smoker, “Put that stuff away or I will have to run you in!”  Overall, the cops wanted to avoid any rioting.
The Chicano gangs were drunk on wine and barbiturates, or “Reds.”  The Bikers stood by their Harley Davidsons while they got drunk on beer.  The more they drank, the more pugnacious they got.  Fights broke out everywhere.  Ultimately, the event was more like a “hate in” than a Love In. What I could never understand was why Bikers attended every Love In or Antiwar protest if they hated Hippies so much! I suppose it was for the dope and the chicks.
The Hippies were just toking on weed and passing around gallon bottles of Red Mountain wine.  Sharing like this was a sure way of getting Hepatitis C.  I avoided the ritual as much as possible.  The Hippie chicks had this proclivity of dancing by themselves.  They looked like blow up dolls in the wind.  Alas, everybody was compelled to express themselves in those days.  It was a great argument for Fascism.  
Oh, there was music…sort of…kind of.  Two bands were playing your generic twelve-bar blues. Then came the Airplane.  But, every song they attempted to play was stopped in the middle.  Why? Because the sound system sucked shit!
I got bored and left.  As I looked at the crowd for the last time, I thought, ‘This is not going to last.  Most of these kids will get married and have kids financed by their careers.  By the 1980’s, they will become Republicans.’  I wish I’d written that down.  Who is going to believe I ever had those thoughts?  No one.
I took a bus home, had dinner, and went into my room. I read “The Black Panther.”
I’ll say this, it was the most interesting Monday I’d ever had.  
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tech-latest-blog · 4 years
The "Google Play Authentication is required " this is a common error that can be fixed very quickly in just some small steps. But sometimes, such small issue sucks when you need an app instantly and the error prompted up saying Google Play authentication is required, you feel helpless and don't know what to do. Don't worry, we will discuss all the possible methods to fix the error Google Play authentication is required.
It is so much annoying whenever you try to install any app from the Android's most common app store by Google, Google Play Store, and an error pops-up saying Google Play authentication is required. Interestingly, it also lets us realize how much we are dependent on Google products for our normal, quick tasks. Anyway, let's start with the fixes and resolve the error Google Play authentication is required.
Fix Google Play Authentication is Required Error
Before you Start
Before you proceed further with any fix, try these short-tricks, maybe these small tips might fix your issue
Try to refresh your network. To refresh your network you can Turn on Airplane mode, and then turn it off after a few seconds.
Try rebooting your smartphone, in most of the case, rebooting solves many issues.
So let's begin with the possible fixes, and fix the error Google Play authentication is required.
1 - Clear Play Store's Data
Go to the settings of your device.
Go to Application management or Apps.
Select Google Play Store.
Now, tap on Clear Data.
Or you can do it more easily
In your smartphone, press and hold Google Play Store icon.
Tap on the icon "i" inside a circle.
Go to Storage Usage.
And then clear data.
That's it, this may resolve the issue, if not so proceed to the next method.
Also Read: How to Fix ‘No Audio Output Device is Installed’ Error in Windows
2 - Uninstall Play Store Updates
Some time the problem caused because of the play store itself, and not with your credentials. So you can try to uninstall play store updates, and in most cases, this method resolves the issue. To do so, follow the following steps
Go to the settings of your device.
Go to Application management or Apps.
Select Google Play Store.
Now, hit Uninstall updates
Or you can do it more easily
In your smartphone, press and hold Google Play Store icon.
Tap on the icon "i" inside a circle.
And tap on Uninstall updates.
This method may fix the error Google Play authentication is required. If not, so proceed with the next method, it may help you out.
Also Read: How to Download Songs from SoundCloud
3 - Remove and Re-Add Google Play Account
If the system, is showing error with your credentials, so you can try to remove the account from Play Store, and then re-add it.
Go to the settings of your device.
Scroll down, and go to Accounts & Sync.
And simply tap on remove the account.
Once removed the account now re-add your account.
Again, Go to the settings of your device.
Scroll down, and go to Accounts & Sync.
Now, tap on Add account.
Follow on-screen instructions, to complete Adding Google account procedure.
Open the Play Store app on your smartphone.
Tap on the hamburger menu from the top-left corner of the screen.
Check, with which account you are logged in and use the arrow to switch to different accounts.
Also Read: How to Restore Windows 10 PC Using Media Installation
4 - Try to Refresh Sync
It may be possible the accounts aren't synced due to some internal as well as external error. You can try to refresh the sync process. To do so
Again, Go to the settings of your device.
Scroll down, and go to Accounts & Sync.
Then go to Google.
Now, tap your email address, and then sync all.
Go to Google Play Store, and check whether the issue is resolved or not. Or you are getting the same message again saying Google Play authentication is required.
Also Read: How to Mirror Android or iOS Screen to TV
5 - Use Browser Instead of App
If nothing is working, and you are still stuck with the error Google Play authentication is required, so you can try using the Google Play website instead of the browser. You can simply open any browser and go to the Play Store's site, or click here to visit the Play store website. Search the app, and try to install it. I hope this method resolved your issue.
Also Read: How to Reset Windows 10 To Factory Settings
6 - Restore Factory Settings
If you are reading this it means nothing worked for you, and you are tired of reading and following different methods. So you have at last you can try resetting your device to the factory settings.
Make sure before resetting the device, back up all of your important data. Backup your data to any cloud service, or any other device. To store data in cloud know the best cloud services available right now.
Go to the Settings of your device.
Then to additional Settings (this may vary from device to device).
Go to Backup & Reset.
And then to Reset to Factory Settings.
Here, you can choose whether you only want to reset system settings, or you wish to delete other data too.
So, tap on reset system settings only.
Now, your device will reboot, and take some time. Follow all on-screen instructions properly and. Setup your device once again.
That's it, these were some methods to fix the error Google Play Authentication is Required. I hope your error has been resolved, let us know in the comment box. If not, so write your issue at Google Support to file a bug. If you have some more suggestions, so please share them with us in the comment section.
via TechLatest
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Mapping my weeks: my current favorite productivity hack.
*image cred.
I’ll just start by being honest: I went through a series of weeks at the beginning of this year where I wasn’t getting anything done. The slump didn’t last all that long but while I was inside of it, feeling like I was just treading water but not making an impact, it felt eternal. My time felt spread too thin. I felt chaotic whenever I would go over what needed to be done in my mind. I wasn’t making progress and I was getting sucked up by distractions.
I was wasting time on social media. I wasn’t writing. I was doing a series of menial tasks and making no real advancement towards projects that actually mattered to me. But in the last few weeks, everything changed.
I’m a sucker for productivity hacks. I live for them. However, I am learning that everyone operates differently. What works for me may not work well for you. Regardless, I think we all need some systems in our lives. Systems stabilize. Systems clear out the chaos. Systems help us get stuff done. 
I believe we are living in an interesting time where people talk (really loudly) about life and living life but aren’t actually doing it. I feel like we’ve become spectators. Some of us have stopped doing the work. We’ve lost hours to social media and it’s time to claim back that precious time. At the end of the day, I believe the most valuable resource I have at my fingertips is time. I plan to use it wisely. I plan to be a doer, not getting to the end of my life and having to say, “I watched too many people live. I never thought to put down the phone and own my life instead.”
You being here matters. You get a designated load that has your name on it. You get the chance to leave your fingerprints on the lives of people and projects. But no one will know if you never wake up and live. No one will bother to write an article about you or thank you for your service if all you ever do is sit back and scroll. I’m not trying to be harsh, I’m just needing to be honest.
One system I’ve been implementing every Sunday is taking an hour or so to map my week out and make a massive to-do list. This happens before I do anything else.
It looks like this:
  And this halfway through a week:
What the colors mean:
Yellow highlights: There are a few tasks I will highlight in yellow before I go over them in orange. The yellow tells me something: this is a task you are planning to get done today. It helps me to see what takes priority on a Monday or a Thursday. It’s a bit of a roadmap in a sea of tasks.
Orange highlights: Plain and simple, orange means completed. I get so much satisfaction out of getting to check something off the list.
What gets listed:
It’s basic. There’s no huge science to it. I only include what is necessary for that week and I do not allow myself to overflow into the next set of pages. My whole week exists on two pages and it allows me to believe I can conquer what is to come.
Tasks & projects:
I write down all my work-based and personal tasks that are necessary enough to make the to-do list. I dump my brain out onto the pages of a bullet journal (yes, I am obsessed) and I get to it. Sometimes I miss things that needed to be added to the list but if the task is something that can happen the following week then I slot it away for next week’s workload.
Where to be: 
I keep a running list of places where I need to be throughout the week. Mind you, I use a monthly calendar on a daily basis. I don’t leave home without it. I am proud to say I am still functioning with a monthly paper planner in an iPhone world! This monthly planner is my roadmap for the week but the “where to be” section of my list preps me to show up for these events, meetings, and occasions.
If you introvert hard like me then it can seem like getting over a mountain just to jump on a phone meeting. The homebody inside of me wants to stay in my creative zone all day and talk to absolutely no one. Being able to highlight these meetings off my list upon completion helps me breathe knowing I showed up and made it happen when I wanted to stay in sweatpants all day.
I can guarantee that no self-care would happen if I didn’t add it to the bottom of my weekly lists. I list simple things like a workout, a study session with my Bible, and personal tasks that are good for my heart. Last week I challenged myself to mail two love letters to people in my life. This week I’ve been tracking all the foods I’ve been consuming to get extra protein into my diet.
I used to struggle with self-care because it seemed selfish to me. I now believe self-care is the opposite of being selfish. When you take care of yourself, you are able to take better care of others. By getting a workout in, studying my Bible in the morning, and checking a number of water bottles off my list, I can give people the best version of myself. Taking care of yourself matters. Don’t be afraid to make it a priority.
A note to the hustlers with anxiety:
I feel you. And this productivity system of mine was largely created because of all the anxiety I deal with throughout a given week. Yes, I face anxiety but I refuse to let that anxiety hold me back from all this week has to offer me. What this system does, more than anything else, is give me a map. I need a map. Otherwise, I tread water. I fill the air with self-deprecating words about myself. I fail before I even begin.
I can honestly say that since beginning this system, my productivity has doubled. I’ve yet to have an unproductive workday with this list in front of me.
Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset
Some tips to get you feeling productive:
What you likely don’t need right now: It’s very likely that you don’t need another planner. I love planners and I love supporting planner companies. But I used to be a chronic planner purchaser. I would buy a planner whenever I felt like I wasn’t being productive enough. I would blame my old planner and think the solution was a new planner. Turns out, the planner wasn’t the key to the productivity. The key to productivity is simply putting your head down and doing the work. Easier said than done, right?
Start before the week begins: I’ve reoriented my weekends in the last few months. Sunday used to be my day of ultimate rest but I’ve recently shifted that day to Saturday. Saturday is my actual sabbath where I don’t do any work, don’t bother checking email or being “on.” I relax. I eat brunch. I sip my coffee slowly (after sleeping in). I spend time with Lane and friends.
It’s honestly my own fault that Sunday became more of a workday. A few months ago, I was failing to write the Monday Morning Email in advance and it ended up being a Sunday night task. I don’t recommend waiting until the last-minute but establishing Saturday as my Sabbath has freed me up to do a little work on Sunday. That might seem crazy but a) I love my work and I am happy to do it any day of the week and b) I really love getting a head start on a Sunday evening. It relieves the pressure that so often comes with a Monday.
Diversify the tasks: I write it all down. Everything. Writing down only the big tasks can be overwhelming and writing down just the little ones seems trivial. When I look at my list, I am able to choose. I can choose to dive into a big task I know I want to tackle or I can start getting into the workflow by tackling something little. I don’t scale my tasks in order of importance. If it makes the list then that means it is important to try and accomplish the task that week.
People, Plans & Projects: This is what matters most to me. I wrote a blog about it last year if you want to know more about how I manage my priorities in these 3 areas!
Eat the frog: My friend Christina told me about this method and it really is a game changer. Look at your own to-do list (if you’ve got one). Locate the task that is the most important but also the one you’re most likely to procrastinate on. That’s your frog. Your frog is the thing that NEEDS to get done and may even take only 10 minutes to do but you’ve been dreading it. Don’t delay any longer. Do that thing. Make it happen. I try to “eat the frog” every week, early in the week. It helps me look forward to the tasks on my to-do list rather than dreading the things I have to do that week.
Airplane mode: This is a huge key to having a productive week. Be willing to turn off the noise to plug-in and be productive. Social media is great but does it really make you more productive? When was the last time watching other people live their “best lives” helped you go out there and tackle Monday? I use airplane mode heavily throughout my weeks. Social media can wait.
I am very productive: Ever get to the end of the week and feel like you’ve done nothing? This hack helps you defeat that feeling. I can look back on the last few weeks and see all I’ve done, all I’ve accomplished, and all I’ve managed to steward well. It’s pure proof that I am productive, moving forward, and making little dents in my corner of the world.
    I am planning to let this system evolve and change in the next few weeks so let me know in the comments if this was helpful or you want me to write more about these productivity hacks and systems. I am always happy to share my process as I grow and learn! 
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