#the amount of arguments I would get into with people on that hellsite was insane
I believe that if you have been active on the Glee subreddit in the last 5-10 years, particularly in the pandemic era, you deserve financial compensation, a Medal of Honor, literally anything for being in the trenches on that thread. Every time I log on to check and see what’s up, they are literally posting the most rancid takes and excusing homophobia or racism or both. It was truly were nuance and analysis would go to die, especially for characters like Santana and Quinn who didn’t fit into the nice near boxes of the show.
If your a fellow deserter/former member, you have my upmost respect
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snapedefender · 6 years
I hope this is the right place to do this your blog seems to get a lot of traffic. I'm sorry if I got the wrong place but if it's is would you mind posting it anyway and tagging the right blog for this? I just feel like people need to be warned after the hell I've been through. I got into a really triggering argument with this anti slytherinpokegirl trying to explain to her why the Snape is an incel posts are not ok and how some of us have had real experience with men like that. This is msg 1-3.
I made the mistake of sharing really personal reasons why it's a issue. That was stupid of me I know. sorry. And no matter what I said she just turned it into a competition to make it this pain olympics thing to invalidate my feelings. When I saw she was just manipulating me and I wasn't the only person trying to reach out to her about it she was doing this with I gave up. But the next day someone sent me really violently graphic snuff 'porn' in my submission knowing it would trigger me.
I totally shut down and I missed work without calling in and I'm trying to fix it w/my boss. My roommate found me curled up in bed sobbing. I don't want trouble which is why I'm doing it this way instead of making a public post on my blog. People still need to know to block her. I'm pretty sure it was her but I can't prove it anyway. I've blocked her and turned off everything which is upsetting because people sent me nice things before this. I feel unsafe on my own blog I may even delete. 
hey love! you sent me this a few days ago but i’ve been thinking it over before i decided to share it, sorry it took so long.
first, i’m sorry that happened to you. it sounds like a super shitty situation all around and you didn’t deserve it. you weren’t being stupid to share a personal reason for why it’s an issue and that person’s choice to be an especially shitty human being isn’t on you. you dealt with it as best you could and i hope you can fix things with your boss so that this doesn’t hurt you any further than it already has.
second, i talk a lot of shit on this blog. a LOT of shit. but i do think it’s important that we step back, take a breath, and take a moment to regain some of our humanity. because no matter how much shit i talk, the sheer amount of apathetic hatred it would take to knowingly trigger someone astounds me; i can’t imagine doing that. i can’t imagine how anyone would be so willfully, blindly hurtful to someone else.
we shouldn’t have to lay out our painful personal histories and traumas to justify our feelings or our reactions to things. we shouldn’t have to hand out these insanely private details to be taken seriously. and we especially shouldn’t have those traumas and triggers used against us after exposing them. triggers are serious and harmful; they’re not jokes, they’re not something you “get over” and they’re not something anyone should try to knowingly set off. 
dude, if you need to delete your blog to find peace, do it. if being on tumblr is making you unhappy, scared, or unsafe, leave. i mean it. you should never have to spend time in places that make you uncomfortable or unsafe, especially not online, where you can tailor so much of your preferences. that’s the one great thing about tumblr; unlike unsafe situations in real you, you can actually just bail from this hellsite without many repercussions. 
what’s important is your mental health and overall well-being. so make a decision that’s most going to benefit those things, okay?
as for this slytherinpokegirl... well, i don’t block people normally. for me personally, it always feels like i’m conceding to them in some sort of way (not to say people shouldn’t feel free and confident to block - it’s a really beautiful, useful tool, just one i myself have problems using out of personal pride lmao). but this person wanted me to spread her message, so i’ve decided it’s for the best to send out a warning about this person. i would also encourage everyone to read raptured-night’s responses on that recent post about antis posting in the general tag - she had a lot to say about the op there and some people want to block them as well if they haven’t already.
and finally, this is a reminder that fandom spaces should be fun and open and celebratory. i know i’m not the best person to say that since i spend approx half of my time just Yelling here but it really disheartens me to see this kind of bullshit happening in a space that’s supposed to be about collaboration, listening, and, more importantly of all, fun. 
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unelectedofficial · 3 years
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✧・゚  @double-knots​​  asked  :          go ahead, give me the essay about why im so great, go ahead, im waiting        -- (this is a joke, carly. for legal reasons, this is a joke--)
     a  joke  ??  sorry  ,  i  don’t  understand  it  --  can  you  explain  it  to  me  please  ?  anyway  ,  because  i  don’t  really  get  the  joke  you’re  trying  to  tell  me  ,  i  present  you  with  this  :  carly  rambling  about  how  amazing  max  is  at  3am  ,  an  essay  !      my  first  point  is  that  max  is  an  amazing  content  creator  .  this  in  it  of  itself  is  a  huge  claim  ,  i’m  aware  ,  but  most  (  if  not  all  )  fellow  tumblr  users  would  agree  with  me  .  he  has  an  insane  amount  of  ocs  that  are  all  absolutely  amazing  .  i  want  to  write  with  all  of  them  --  and  one  day  i  will  ,  just  wait  >:)        not  only  that  ,  but  max’s  canons  are  ALSO  written  so  well  and  he  takes  characters  and  truly  does  fix  them  ,  you  know  ?  a  true  blessing  to  everyone  who  has  some  problems  with  the  way  that  canon  ruined  some  characters  .      and  ,  of  course  ,  i  couldn’t  stop  this  essay  without  including  max’s  art  that  he  does  of  pretty  much  every  character  .  that’s  a  lot  of  art  ,  and  it’s  all  so  detailed  and  beautiful  !  his  character  designs  are  all  so  fitting  ,  gorgeous  ,  and  he  is  such  a  talented  artist  :)      my  second  point  is  that  max  is  one  of  the  kindest  people  on  this  hellsite  .  he’s  always  willing  to  help  others  and  is  the  first  person  that  will  offer  to  teach  something  new  ,  include  you  in  the  rpc  ,  and  will  always  gush  about  your  muse  with  you  !  his  streams  are  always  so  fun  to  be  in  and  i  have  some  of  the  best  times  there  .      my  third  point  is  that  max  is  his  confidence  and  dedication  to  all  of  his  muses  !  he  truly  does  inspire  me  to  stick  to  tumblr  rp  and  keep  striving  to  develop  my  characters  more  and  more  .  maybe  ,  one  day  ,  i’ll  have  as  much  character  development  and  depth  to  nessa  as  max  does  to  99%  of  his  ocs  (  the  1%  are  the  characters  that  are  SUPER  new  ,  but  they  too  will  eventually  be  moved  to  the  99%  )        in  conclusion  ,  max  is  amazing  and  there  is  no  argument  that  could  ever  invalidate  this  opinion  .  actually  ,  it  isn’t  an  opinion  because  i  just  gave  evidence  that  cannot  be  argued  against  .  so  ,  actually  ,  it’s  fact  .  and  i  win  <3
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