#if you were a Quinn or Santana defender I just know you went through it
I believe that if you have been active on the Glee subreddit in the last 5-10 years, particularly in the pandemic era, you deserve financial compensation, a Medal of Honor, literally anything for being in the trenches on that thread. Every time I log on to check and see what’s up, they are literally posting the most rancid takes and excusing homophobia or racism or both. It was truly were nuance and analysis would go to die, especially for characters like Santana and Quinn who didn’t fit into the nice near boxes of the show.
If your a fellow deserter/former member, you have my upmost respect
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fandomcelery · 3 years
Feelings are complicated, aren't they?
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce
Word Count: 2107
Rating: Teens and Up
Tags: Sexuality Crisis, Internalized Homophobia, Pining
Beta: @useless-fanfictions helped me out a lot on this fic, especially since I'm just starting out writing, so a big thanks to them!
Summary: Walking next to Brittany felt normal and right, but at that moment it felt slightly wrong. A bunch of questions were running through her mind. Was she acting differently? Was it obvious that something was off? Oh god, does everyone think that she’s gay?
Or, the one where Santana realizes she might have feelings for Brittany and panics over it.
Read it on Ao3
For the Glee Character "This-or-That" Challenge: @gleethisorthatchallenge
Prompt: Sharing a bed or Sexuality Crisis
The way Santana feels around Brittany is normal, right? Sure, she’s never felt it for any other person—not even any of her previous boyfriends—but it’s a completely normal feeling. And yeah, okay, she also defends Brittany all the time when people insult or make fun of her, and when Brittany sticks up for her and is always by her side, she can never stop smiling. She always feels warm whenever she compliments her about literally anything that she’s wearing, or how her hair looks that day, or really anything that makes Santana feel pretty.
There’s also the fact that they have sex regularly even though they’re in relationships with guys who would willingly have sex with them as well, but that’s different. It must be different, because if it’s not—
No, it’s not an option for it to not be anything but platonic. It’s got to be, it just has to be.
Even though Santana hates when people flirt with Brittany and will usually try to scare them off when others aren’t looking. Or when they get into fights or arguments, big or small, she feels like shit when she can’t talk to Brittany, and then that means they can’t have their sweet lady kisses that make Santana feel like they are the only two people left on the entire planet.
Feelings are complicated, aren’t they?
As long as she always stands her ground, keeping their relationship just friends, and convincing Brittany—and a little bit of herself—that even though they’re in relationships they can have sex and it’s not cheating because they’re both girls, she will be fine. She just has to keep telling herself that their relationship isn’t anything, that they’re strictly friends and that she doesn’t have feelings for her best friend, because if she did then she wouldn’t know what she would do with herself.
She’s not homophobic, and just because Kurt freaking Hummel struts around with his gay flag waving in the air doesn’t mean that everyone can or has to. And even if they do, they’ll get bullied and harassed, just like him. It’s the way that everything goes, the straight popular kids are on top, and the gays are at the bottom, even though that’s ridiculous, it’s the way it goes.
She’ll just keep it to herself—even though there’s nothing there, obviously—and everything will be fine. She hopes that if she keeps telling herself that then maybe it will be.
Of course, that’s not what happens. The following Monday, after the weekend Santana had realized that something is different, it seemed like everyone has been staring at the two of them differently, but it might just be her paranoia talking.
Walking next to Brittany felt normal and right, but at that moment it felt slightly wrong. A bunch of questions were running through her mind. Was she acting differently? Was it obvious that something was off? Oh god, does everyone think that she’s gay? She is suddenly on the defensive side, glaring at the people who she thought were looking at her and Brittany weirdly. Maybe people always looked at them this way and neither of them ever noticed or cared; except now she did.
She knows the route they take to get to their next classes by heart because they always walk together, even though their schedules don’t really line up. Most people think that all the Cheerios just walk to class together in groups because the outfits look good together—which they do, she thinks conceitedly—and because of the cheerleading cliques. For a while that’s why Quinn, Brittany, and Santana would walk together, but then they actually got kind of close because of Glee Club, and now Quinn walks with Finn to her classes and Santana walks with Brittany.
During her fourth period that she has alone she can’t stop thinking about Brittany. How when she walks to class she hugs her binder to her chest, or how during class she always fidgets with her pencil when she’s in between writing, or how even if she doesn’t care about what people are talking about, she’ll listen to them anyway (like this one time a few days ago when they had arrived early to glee club and Rachel had come up to Brittany and her to ask for dance lessons, going on and on about something that had to do with her being a star and needing to know how to dance better, and Santana had only been paying attention to Brittany and ignored Rachel’s harping), Santana admires the way Brittany exists, and how it seems like nothing really bothers her. She doesn’t know why all of the sudden it’s hitting her, especially since she’s been friends with her for so long, and no, she doesn’t have feelings for her, they’re just friends.
They walk to their usual seats during lunch together, every now and again bumping shoulders with how close they are while they’re talking. Santana sits down across from Brittany, as she doesn’t miss a beat from what she’s saying to sit down.
“And I swear that Lord Tubbington has a gambling addiction, but he won’t stop—” she takes a bite of her food, “—and I don’t know what to do.”
“Why don’t you just take away his laptop privileges?” Santana suggests, also taking a bite of her own food. It’s not bad, however, it’s not good. Then again, it’s the school’s food. When she looks up at Brittany, she looks quizzical, like she hasn’t thought of doing that.
“That probably would work,” Brittany responds, and continues eating.
Santana’s focused on something else. That something else is Brittany’s physical appearance, everything about her: to her flashing smile, to her thin and perfect eyebrows. her slim waist, long legs, and her torso—which she shouldn’t be staring at in the middle of school, and yet she is. She is stunning to Santana, with her lean appearance and bright golden colored hair pulled perfectly back into a ponytail. Her blue eyes seem to twinkle all the time.
“Santana?” Brittany asks after she’s been staring for a moment or two.
“Huh, what? Sorry, I was just, thinking,” she responds quickly and looks away to other tables where other kids are sitting, she lets go of her lip that she must have been biting on.
“About what?” Brittany takes another bite of her food, almost finished, whereas Santana has barely touched hers.
“Nothing important,” she mumbles, taking a drink from her water bottle. The answer seems to satisfy Brittany and they go back to normal and easy conversation like Santana hadn’t been just staring at her best friend’s boobs.
Glee Club isn’t that different. Rachel and Mercedes are fighting for a solo that Mr. Schue handed out, he doesn’t know how to handle it, and so they’re trying to argue over one another. Finn, Puck, Matt, and Mike are making bets about something in football. Kurt, Tina, and Artie are talking about something—she can’t hear their conversation, and honestly doesn’t care—and so it’s Quinn, Brittany and her talking about the Cheerios like they always are.
“Sue’s been on our asses about winning at Nationals,” Quinn comments as she sits down next to Brittany.
“She’s just concerned about staying on top,” Santana remarks, looking around the choir room. She looks up at the two who are arguing over one another and laughs a little bit. Everyone knows that Rachel’s going to get the solo, she usually does. Mercedes probably knows that, too, and yet she’s still going to fight for it.
“And her paycheck,” Quinn adds.
Eventually Mr. Schue stood in front of the class, apparently they had sorted it out where Rachel got this solo and Mercedes would get the next one.
This Glee practice they were going to focus on their choreography added with singing, and it wasn’t that big of an issue for the three cheerleaders (and it was mostly for the jocks to practice anyway, since they were the ones having problems, other than Mike, surprisingly).
Afterwards everyone was tired and sore, they had to start over a bunch of times because someone kept messing up (Finn). Slowly the choir room emptied, and Brittany and Santana walked to their next class together. They were going to walk with Quinn, but she had muttered something about a “troll trying to steal her boyfriend” and went off to walk with Finn. They separated at their different classrooms, and the three of them were going to meet up for Cheerios practice that was after school, which was their usual plan.
After practice Santana was even more exhausted than when she left Glee rehearsal. She grabs her water bottle that she had placed in her locker when she first got there. She gulps down a quarter of the bottle before putting it back.
There are many girls around her, yet the only one she’s focused on is Brittany.
Ever since they walked into the locker room, Brittany, and another cheerleader—Hailey was her name—were talking nonstop to one another. It’s not like Santana was eavesdropping, but it’s not her fault they were standing so close and speaking so God damn loudly.
“One time she made a girl cry just because she talked back,” Hailey continues while she brushes her hair in the mirror.
“I know, I was there,” Brittany responds, leaning up against the lockers next to Hailey’s that no one’s using. “Sue can be a bitch sometimes.”
Hailey wraps her hair in a ponytail and starts to put the hair tie around it. “Don’t let her hear you say that she might move you down the pyramid,” she jokes, which gets a laugh out of Brittany. “However, she is the best cheerleading coach McKinley can offer, so I guess we’ll have to put up with it,” Hailey states.
They all know that that’s true, no other teacher will coach the Cheerios, and she’s the only one that’s gotten them to Nationals and gets a pretty big paycheck put towards the cheerleading team.
And listen, Santana doesn’t do jealous, okay? And she’s not. She just doesn’t like Brittany hanging out with another person so closely. And it’s because no one understands her like Santana does is all. And sure, Brittany has other friends, but usually they go through Santana to talk to her, so she knows them, or they’re all in the conversation. This is an entire new person, and they’re jokingtogether, which Brittany can do on her own, of course, but-
“Stop pining and either go talk with them or leave already,” Quinn mutters behind her.
Santana whips around and glares at her, and Quinn smirks.
“Oh, come on, don’t think I didn’t notice.” She walks past Santana to get to her locker, and Santana decides to do what Quinn suggested.
She grabs her water bottle from her locker and makes sure all of her things are put away before she leaves to head home.
She can’t be in love with her best friend, right? Sure, she and Brittany are close, and they do practically everything together, and Santana loves everything about Brittany, but that doesn’t mean she’s in love with Brittany.
Those thoughts are how Santana finds herself pacing in her room, not for the first time in the last few days, lost in thought. She looks over at the photos that she has on her walls of all of the Cheerios, but there are a few of either her, Brittany, and Quinn, or just the two of them.
She walks over and picks one up to look at it. She gets the same feeling that she’s been getting every time she thinks about Brittany, yet she’s been ignoring it for a while now. Except this time, she doesn’t. She feels butterflies in her stomach and doesn’t even realize she is smiling at Brittany’s picture. She sets down the photo when she does catch herself, and goes to lay down on her bed.
Even if she was gay, how would she know? Would having feelings that aren’t actually feelings enough to be considered gay? And what would everyone else think? Maybe she should turn to the internet, she thinks. She sits up and grabs her laptop that she keeps on her bedside table and loads it up.
A few searches later she realizes that maybe terms like bisexual or even lesbian fit her. Some more questions pop up in her head after that realization, but at least one thing’s certain.
Santana is in love with her best friend, and she has no idea what she’s going to do about it.
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angelhummel · 3 years
i just saw a post on pinterest that was entitled "the power of finn" and explaining how finn "gave everyone the courage to follow their dreams and be themselves" and the points made were:
"finn inspired rachel to believe in herself" he literally couldn't think of one thing she was good at besides singing
"finn saved sam from a life as a male stripper on kentucky" which might be the funniest sentence i've ever read but. finn didn't get sam to "save him" he just needed a 12th member for sectionals
"finn was the reason why schue continued to teach the NDs" this one is kinda true i guess?? the don't stop believing performance was finn's idea and it was what made schue stay so
"finn defended kurt against his homophobic tormentors" FINN WAS KURT'S HOMOPHOBIC TORMENTOR!!! he called him the f slur in his own home! he conspired to keep kurt away from sam bc he didn't want sam to be weirded out by him (bc can you imagine a straight guy not being weirded out by singing a song with a gay guy)
"finn gave santana the courage to come out" the fuck he did??? he literally OUTED HER TO THE ENTIRE STATE OF OHIO!!! oh no wait how could i forget he then proceeded to sing a slowed down version of girls just wanna have fun so :)
"finn supported quinn through her teenage pregnancy"... didn't he threw her out (i'm actually asking i have no idea)
anyways sorry for the size of this ask, love your blog ❤
alkhfskjdfhksj pinterest is SO fucking funny omg. The comments on that site are literally some of the most brain dead takes you've ever seen in your life. I like to read em just for a laugh sometimes
Like something that completely tone deaf and dumb just HAS to be a parody but also like. You never know because some people really are That Stupid. So you just can't be sure
And yeah about Quinn. She stayed with him for like three weeks I think. And then he found out the baby wasn't his and yeah, I understand getting pissed off for being lied to about something so serious. But he had absolutely nothing to do with her once he found out the truth. And then he only wanted anything to do with her in s2 bc he had a chance to hook up with her and get her to cheat on Sam at the same time lmao. Quinn literally points out how hurt and upset he was when he knew she cheated, so why is he willing to do the same thing to another guy? And Finn is basically like "cause you're cheating WITH me this time" lol
And it's so funny cause like. When they're grasping at straws in 2009 to come up with positive things to say about Finn (bc we went back in time so Finn isn't the saintlike god of the glee club who can never do anything wrong. not yet) Artie is the only one that can think of a genuinely good thing Finn did. Kurt is like "he let me take off my expensive jacket before standing complicity by while his friends threw me in a dumpster". And Mercedes is like "he COULD'VE called me fat. but he didn't". What a gentleman. And Tina just thinks he's cute. And Rachel wants to have his babies. So... 1/5 can think of an actual good thing to say about him. And honestly they're still trying to push his sainthood status like canonically before the show even ever really started. I hate it
Anyway don't worry about how long the ask was bc it gave me a good laugh lmao. Finn is such a fucking moron and that post only manages to highlight why he sucks so fucking bad. I sincerely hope whoever made it did it as a joke but. You honestly can't be certain
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 years
Christianity in Glee
So let me point out that I have not fully watched Glee. I first found glee through fanfiction and I watched multiple clips on Youtube. I also watched a few full episodes on Amazon Prime to satisfy my curiosity. What I do know is that the Christianity portrayal in Glee felt off, even though Glee is kind of a satire what from I understand. Here is what I think of the so called Christian characters.
Honestly, Quinn's family seems to be one that is just culturally Christian. Quinn puts on a front that she is virtuous like with the celibacy club but her life is obviously not influenced by her faith at all or very little. While her thing with Puck may have been little noncon due to alcohol, a real Christian woman would not cheat and lie to the men in her life the way she does. What I like about her as a Christian though is her loving nature (eg. eating disorder scenario with Mercedes) and her conservative yet stylish fashion.
I would not have painted Sam as Christian. He's cool but I didn't know he was a Christian until I saw the God squad. Honestly, he seems just culturally Christian too. I don't remember him mentioning his faith at all and I think in season 5 it was mentioned that he does not go to church? While the plot line in season 5 about him wanting sex with Mercedes was understandable, it made me feel uncomfortable that as a Christian woman I may have to defend my virginity against a guy who claims to be Christian as well. Why is it a problem for guys to control themselves? Sam makes it out that urges are stronger than will and values. Shame really. In a time where LGBT+ people attack Christians for being homophobic left and right, it would have been heartfelt to see Sam be a close friend to Kurt/Blaine not in spite of his faith, but because of it. It is possible for Christians to be friends with people who they disagree with!
Didn't watch much of Joe but I like his caring and laid back personality. From what I recall, he treated Quinn well and I liked his talk with Sam about sex. Good bonding moment to see different views. What I don't like is how much he is pushed aside. Why does a genuine Christian character have to be weird and isolated from the real world like that? Being a Christian does not automatically make you lame and out of touch. I also hate what Santana did after the Stereo Hearts performance. I am conflicted about Santana - she has her good and bad moments. But when she asked for a song for Brittany, she was obviously being malicious to Joe. She knew it made him uncomfortable but she doesn't care. As a Christian, I would not ask a (atheist) gay friend to go to a bible study with me unless we were super close. So I would expect my gay friend to respect my faith and not ask me to go to a pride parade. Why is MUTUAL respect so hard? Santana plays victim with her sexuality but she is one of the biggest bullies in Glee! At least people like Puck, Quinn and Sebastian apologize at some point.
Finally queen Mercedes! I like Mercedes and I relate to her a lot. Feeling as if no guy wants you and wanting to save yourself for someone special. Her friendship with Kurt is amazing and her faith is more genuine and obvious compared to Sam and Quinn. From Glee fans, I get the impression that she was a bit insensitive in how she handled Kurt when Burt was hospitalized but her heart was in the right place I think. Her comment about a gay disciple was a bit awful but it's Glee. I really liked how much her faith meant to her when deciding whether to have sex with Sam. Not sure if she did, but I hope she didn't. It would have been refreshing to have a glee member who could actually keep it in their pants for once. Also her family is a more genuine Christian family compared to Quinn's. I love how her family took Quinn in when she had nowhere to go. A shame that friendship went out the window :(
Anyway, just to reiterate these are some rough thoughts from watching bits and pieces of the show, and reading fanfics. I just wanted to share how I felt about these characters as a Christian.
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gleegirlimagines · 4 years
Quinn’s Defender
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If you would have told Quinn Fabray 2 years ago that she would be gay and fall for McKinley's resident badass soccer captain that also happened to be her best friend, she would have told you to go to hell. Yet here she was, at lunch, daydreaming about Y/N Y/L/N. Santana poked her side, pulling her out of said daydream. "Yo, Q. I asked you a question." Quinn shook herself out of her Y/N induced state. "Sorry San, what did you ask?" Santana smiled at the blonde. "Did you hear that your girl got into a fight with a hockey player today?" Quinn froze. "Excuse me?" Santana nodded. "Yeah, he apparently got under her skin somehow and she beat the crap out of him. Walked away without a scratch." Quinn breathed a sigh of relief. "Where is she? Does anyone know?" Santana shook her head. "No, sorry Q." Quinn thought about where she could find the girl, and then it hit her.
The soccer field.
After the bell rang, Quinn all but ran to the soccer field. Thanking whoever was watching over her, she managed to avoid Sue as she ran to find the person she was hunting down. She found her target on the soccer field, practicing penalty kicks. She stood and watched for a while before said target spoke up. "You just gonna stand there and watch me Luce? Or are you gonna ask me the question you wanna ask?" Quinn stepped forward. "What the hell happened? Why did you fight that hockey dude?" Y/N sighed/ "He was talking shit on you." Quinn stepped closer. "What?" "He called you a slut. Talking about how if he had the chance he would've pulled a Puckerman and fucked and dumped you." Quinn flinched as Y/N aggressively kicked a ball into the net. She grabbed the taller girls hands to inspect them. Her knuckles were split open and the blood had dried as Quinn gently brought her hands up to her lips to kiss them. Y/N watched her intently as the blonde looked up into her eyes. "Thank you for defending me. But please don't get into anymore fights. You could’ve been hurt." Y/N chuckled. "I've been through worse Luce, you know that." Quinn wrapped her arms around the taller girl's waist and buried her head into her chest. "Just, no more fights." Y/N kissed blonde hair. "I won't."
It was pouring down rain when Quinn was woken up. Her mom shook her awake at two-thirty whispering about needing help downstairs with something. Worried, the cheerleader got out of bed, slipping one of Y/N's soccer sweatshirts and some shorts before heading downstairs. As she reached the last step, she heard whispering and soft groaning. Confused, she turned the corner to the living room and gasped. Y/N, her crush, her best friend, laid on her couch, bloody and bruised. Her mom was tending to her injuries as Puck came in from the kitchen with ice and towels. Quinn's fists were balled at her sides. "What. Happened?" Puck jumped at the sound of her voice. Y/N spoke up. "Is that you Luce? Whatcha doin so far away?" Quinn automatically went to Y/N's side, kneeling next to where her head was located on the couch. "Hi baby. What happened?" She pushed Y/N's damp hair back from her face. Y/N smiled and nuzzled into Quinn's hand. "I was walking home from a little workout and that Rick dude on the hockey team came up to me with some of his teammates. I guess they didn't appreciate what I did to Josh. They said some mean things about and you and your mom and I tried to fight but there were too many of them. Puck found me when he was walking out of the football locker room and I told him to bring me here." Quinn kept smoothing Y/N's hair. "You're safe here bub. My mom will take care of you okay?" Y/N nodded and closed her eyes. Quinn let out a deep breath before kissing the soccer player's head and letting her mom do her thing. She ran upstairs to grab her phone to text Santana and Brittany letting them know she won't be at school for the next couple days and asking if they can bring her and Y/N's homework to them.
She went back downstairs to see that her mom was done and Puck was gone. Her mom sat on a chair next to the couch, waiting for her to come back. Y/N was asleep on the couch, soft snores coming from her mouth. Quinn smiled at the sight and gently lifted Y/N's head to place it in her lap. Her mom smiled at how domestic the sight was. Quinn spoke up. "Thank you mom. You can go back to bed if you want. I'll stay down here with her." Judy smiled and stood, bending down to kiss Quinn's head before heading upstairs. Quinn sighed and looked at the girl in her lap. She stroked her hair and took in all the details of her face. She jumped when Y/N spoke. "I can hear you thinking Luce." She opened one eye. "Whatcha thinkin about?" Quinn smiled down at her. "About how much I love you." Y/N sat up. "That's funny, because I was thinking the same thing." Before Quinn could get a sentence out, Y/N's lips connected with hers. Quinn sat shocked at first but then kissed back. Fireworks went off in Quinn's mind. She had never felt like this with anyone else. The kiss ended too early for Quinn's liking before Y/N spoke up. "Holy fuck. That was amazing. Why didn't I do that sooner?" Quinn giggled. "Well you can do it more." Y/N smiled and kissed Quinn once again.
Quinn hated Rick but she apparently also needed to thank him for bringing them together.
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jazziehart · 4 years
My Glee Life
Hello wonderful followers,  It’s been awhile since I posted something more lighthearted on my Tumblr and I figured this would definitely be the time to do so. This whole post is inspired by a thread my good friend Sarina made that I somewhat edited and my other good friend Esme actually talked about their Glee life so this is what I kind of envisioned for myself had I been a part of Glee.
I would start out as a sophomore (wanting to graduate with the OG Glee Cast) who is mostly a loner but with dreams of making it big in the music world. Much like Kurt, I would be bullied at the beginning for dreaming big and wanting to make something of myself and I believe my main tormenters would be the Cheerios and Jocks with Santana and Puck leading the charge against me. 
When I find out there’s a Glee Club starting off I’m actually excited. Finally, a chance to showcase my talents as a singer and I quickly would sign up, unlike most of the others who were afraid, I would actually be excited and confidently sign up, which would probably lead to me getting slushied but oh well.
My audition song as said in my post would be Christina Aguleria’s ‘Reflection’. It’s a song that I relate to so much in that I wish people could see me for who I really am instead of just some loser that they make fun of. For me, it’s the perfect song to define myself and really is my signature song.
Once in Glee Club, I definitely forsee Rachel hating my guts just because I want leads as much as she does and would kind of view me as competition much like how she was towards Sunshine. Being the person I am and not confident in the slightest I probably wouldn’t fight back with her but would definitely get fed up with her behavior early on.
In the early days of Glee I think Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and Artie would be my closest friends being that we’re original members and I would fear Rachel. I think I would have a friendly relationship with Finn but wouldn’t be around him as much due to both Rachel and Quinn kind of competing for his attention and fighting constantly over him. Once Brittany joins I actually think I would get along with her as well but much like my fear of Rachel, I would fear Santana about getting too close with Britt. When the football players join I definitely see myself bonding with Matt and Mike since they’re two of the nicer football players, meanwhile I would also avoid Puck at all costs just because of his reputation and the bad vibes he gives me.
As Quinn’s pregnancy is revealed, I would try to be a friend she could lean on, especially when she loses everything, something I think she’d be grateful for and sorely needed in Glee. I could see her confiding in me the truth about Puck being the father and how scared she is for word to get out which I will promise her will stay between us.
Unfortunately, our rival Rachel reveals all to Finn which in turn hurts Quinn. I could see myself much like Mercedes offering to let Quinn stay with my family and us being close because of it. And that’s my Season 1 story arc.
Moving onto Season 2, where I would be a junior, I would have a bit more confidence in myself and be somewhat less of a loser due to my friendship with head cheerleader Quinn. I know I’d be crushing hardcore on Sam but be totally shy about it (I have no confidence in myself and wouldn’t think he’d be into me). I’ll be a supportive friend through Quinn and Sam’s relationship, happy Quinn has someone who treats her well, something she deserves. I also will be really bummed when Kurt feels he has to transfer due to the Karofsky harrassment. I feel like Kurt, Quinn, and Mercedes would be my core friendships and losing Kurt would hurt since we both kind of went through bullying together. I feel like Rachel would continue to be incredibly jealous that people like me and I thankfully would have friends to defend me like Quinn and Mercedes. 
Once Sam and Quinn breakup due to Quinn being well...not herself, I probably would try to be there for both of them, especially Sam. I see Santana being slightly annoyed that I’m hanging around Sam and reigniting her feud with me wanting me to stay away from her beard. Once Santana breaks things off with Sam however, I feel we’d be hanging out together a lot and I would try to help out with his family as much as possible. I enjoy kids so helping him babysit would be fun and much like Quinn I’d probably do girly things with Stacey. I could see it possibly blossoming into something more since I’ve been there for Sam and we would end up going to Prom together. At the end of S2 we would be the secretly dating couple.
Now moving onto Season 3, Senior Year! I know I’d be bummed with Sam moving over the summer and probably would have lost touch with Quinn due to her punk phase. I most likely would be hanging out with Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Tina, and Mike over the summer and applying to colleges (something I didn’t do in real life because of fear of rejection but fictional me will have more confidence). My dream school has always been Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee and I forsee a lot of my storyline revolving around me trying to get into that school to pursue my dreams of being a recording artist. When Quinn returns to the school I would try to talk to her and find out what’s going on trying to be a friend for her to lean on. When she goes a little crazy I will also try to talk her out of it knowing it’s ruining her life. However, the one thing I wouldn’t discourage her from is telling about Shelby sleeping with Puck. That was so disguisting and was something she absouletly should have reported. Shelby’s the one who made the bad decision that could cost her Beth. I always hated how the show portrayed Quinn to be the bad one in that situation when she was doing what was absouletly right.
When Sam moves back to McKinley High I would be elated and if he wanted to start up our relationship again, I’d be all for it. I would’ve truly missed his presence in my life and having him back would’ve brightened me up. I believe we would talk about the whole long distance relationship with me going off to college and him finishing his senior year in high school. Nashville’s only about 6 hours from Lima so I probably would try to come in on weekends and visit. It would be different but I’d assure him we’d make it work. I also would try to help Quinn through her accident and truly be a friend to her, encouraging her along the way to get on her feet. 
Once I graduate at the end of Season 3, I will be on my way to Belmont University for Season 4. Much like many of the others I would come back occasionally and probably spend a lot of time with Sam whenever I’m in town trying to keep our relationship alive and well. Same goes for Season 5. I would come back for Prom to be Sam’s date, attend his graduation, and of course be back for the end of Glee Club. 
The time jump in the second half of Season 5 would probably when things would get dicey for me. Sam would be out in New York with the others while I’d be in Nashville but I could see me having a dilemma and ultimately deciding to move back to New York to be with Sam and try my hand at getting a record deal which would hopefully be successful.
Season 6 with Sam back in Lima, I probably would go back to Nashville and finish up my degree or be pursuing a recording contract. I would definitely come back to Lima a lot for Sam much like I had done before and might end up settling down there as my home not wanting to be away from him. 
In the 2020 time jump, I would be a successful recording artist and may be opening for artists I love like Demi Lovato or Christina Aguleria. Sam and I would end up together and settle down and have a family. 
And that is what I would envision my Glee life to be. I hope you enjoyed this little journey. It was fun to write out an imaginary life for myself.
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wheresmynaya · 5 years
Two Ghosts Ch.12 | Brittana
Yet again should be doing uni assignments but a new chapter comes out instead lol. Enjoy (my procrastination)! 
 In a perfect world, Santana would never have to see Sam’s face again after her humiliating argument and it would never have to be brought up again, but sadly that world doesn’t exist. In the real world, Santana has to own up to her mistakes and deal with her shit even if she’d rather not.
“Hey Santana,” Sam says with his hands dug deep in his jeans pockets. He gives her a friendly smile but there’s a slight uncertainty in his eyes as he stops at the bottom steps of the bleachers.
Santana instantly feels a little guilty for the unnecessary amount of distance he keeps between them, but that’s fair when the last time she saw him was in the parking lot after practice and she went completely off on him and Brittany. Since then, she hasn’t seen him around so she hasn’t exactly apologized to him either.
So she swallows hard and smiles back, “Hey Sam. How are you?”
“Yeah, I’m good. How are you?” Sam smiles too and nods to the crowd of dancers, “Why aren’t you out there?”
Santana shrugs because even she doesn’t have a reasonable answer, “You here to see Brittany?”
“Kinda. Mr. Schue invited me for the Glee Club performance later but I saw you sitting alone over here so I thought I’d say hi.” Sam answers and Santana hates how he is still a genuinely nice guy, it makes her feel even more worse for going off.
“That’s cool.” Santana nods and they both look out at the bonfire, an awkward silence falling around them. All the things left unsaid weigh heavily on Santana’s shoulders until she can’t take it any longer.
“So..” They both say in unison.
Sam chuckles and Santana shuffles uncomfortably in her seat.
“Is this weird? This is weird.” Sam mumbles awkwardly.
Santana smiles weakly and  remembers a very brief time back in high school when they dated, Santana obviously didn’t have real feelings for him and she just used him for his status and to cause a little drama, but the person she was then to who she is now is so different. She played him like a toy, but now all she can think of is how wrong she treated him.
She inhales deeply and turns to look up at him, “So, about the other day in the parking lot. I was clearly in the wrong for saying what I did. I-I didn’t know anything and I-“
“Don’t worry about it,” Sam stops her as Santana begins to fumble for the right words. There’s a kind smile on his face, one of understanding, as he climbs a couple of steps closer.
Santana’s brows scrunch in confusion but then it clicks.
“Did Brittany talk to you?” Santana asks and Sam nods as he settles in the spot next to her.
“Yeah, she told me a couple things.” Sam replies softly.
Santana sighs and lowers her eyes, “I’m sorry, Sam. I shouldn’t have been so harsh when I didn’t know what was really going on. That wasn’t cool.”
“Hey, it’s alright.” Sam chuckles and nudges Santana’s shoulder so she looks up at him, “I kind of missed your witty insults. No one has called me Trouty Mouth in years.”
Santana chuckles too and she feels a little more at ease.
“I haven’t had the chance to say this, but I’m really glad you’re back. I know I might’ve had something to do with you two not keeping in contact over the years and I hope you know that was never my intention,” Sam says and Santana stiffens at his serious tone, “I’ve been by her side through some of her really rough times, but I know a piece of her always wished it was you instead of me. Not that she said that, but you can just tell sometimes. I could just tell. She doesn’t open up to me about things like she would with you. She barely talked about MIT or her parents or you,” Sam pauses and scuffs his shoe against the ground, “She’s kept a lot of things to herself, bottled up, so I guess I’m just trying to say be careful with her.”
That sparks Santana’s interest and she looks up at him again but this time her tone is sharp as she speaks, “Be careful with her? What’s that supposed to mean? Did you come over here to warn me? Make sure I stay in my lane? News flash, maybe she just didn’t feel comfortable opening up to you?”
Sam lets out a sigh and shakes his head, “Why do you have to do that? Why do you have to get so defensive? I wasn’t trying to pick a fight.”
“Are you sure because that’s not what it sounds like.” Santana snaps, “You might’ve been around for a hot minute but I’ve been around longer, maybe not recently, but I will know Brittany better than you would ever hope to, Trouty, so don’t come over here trying to pretend like you do. You don’t.”
Sam’s shoulder drop instantly but he doesn’t waver, “You’ve known Brittany way longer than I have, I don’t doubt that, but what I was just trying to explain to you is that Brittany’s my best friend too and I care about her and I want her to be happy. You remember what that feels like, don’t you?”
Santana grits her teeth as she thinks about his words. Does she know what it feels like? Is he serious? Of course she does! Once upon at time, Santana was the one that knew Brittany better than anyone and for Sam to suggest otherwise is insulting.
“I don’t want to see her get hurt,” Sam adds, “But that’s what happens when you’re together. You hurt each other.”
A lump forms in Santana’s throat and she purses her lips tightly to try to stifle it.
Sam turns to her and speaks attentively, “Look Santana, I know I’m not your favorite person but we do have something in common and that’s caring about Brittany. I was here when you weren’t and that’s not a jab at you and everything that has happened between you two, I’m just trying to say that I’ve earned my title as her best friend too. Like I said, I don’t want to see her get hurt and I know that’s a common thing that happens when you two get close.”
Santana’s jaw tenses as Sam’s words hit low in her gut. She’s at a loss for words and she can feel herself lashing out at any moment because how dare Sam talk about she and Brittany’s dynamic as if he knows anything about what they’ve endured. She thinks about shoving him down the few steps but it wouldn’t do nearly enough damage, but then she imagines Brittany’s disappointed face after seeing that happen and she decides to take the high road.
“Maybe that’s true but whatever happens between Brittany and I is our business and you really don’t know anything about what we’ve gone through. Thanks for your concern, I’m glad Brittany has a friend that looks out for her like you do but we’re just friends so you don’t have to worry about that.” Santana replies, there’s still a slight edge in her voice. Just off in the distance, Santana can see Quinn walking towards them with a perplexed look on her face. Brittany’s too caught up in talking to Mr. Schue to notice though and maybe that’s a good thing.
Sam just ducks his head slowly then moves to stand up, “Okay, I guess I’ll see you around then.”
“Bye Sam.” Santana says and watches as he nods again before making his way down the steps.
“Hey Quinn.” He says in passing as Quinn approaches.
She gives him a polite smile and says, “Hey Sam.” Then she looks to Santana who rolls her eyes and she waits until Sam’s just out of earshot, “What was that about?”
Santana lets out a deep sigh as Quinn settles in next to her. Santana crosses her arms tightly across her chest, defending herself from what feels to be a ten degree drop in the temperature but she also feels a little vulnerable after some of the things Sam said.
“Just Sam acting like he knows anything about Britt and I when really he doesn’t know shit.” Santana bites, still staring daggers into the back of his head as he approaches Brittany and Mr. Schue. She grimaces as Brittany turns to him with a smile and gives him a big hug, “I can’t believe you and I fought over him.”
Quinn just chuckles, “If I remember correctly, you stole him from me.”
“If I remember correctly, you were cheating on him with Finn.” Santana smirks and Quinn begins to blush.
“God,” Quinn sighs tiredly, “Don’t remind me. High school sucked.”
Santana just laughs, already feeling slightly better, but then her eyes settle on Brittany again just as she turns to she and Quinn. Brittany waves in their direction but the smile that accompanies it is different than how she looked at Sam. Maybe it’s just Santana’s eyes playing tricks or maybe it’s just her over-active imagination, but she looks happier.
Then she gets to thinking; if it wasn’t for high school and joining the Cheerios and Glee club, her relationship with Brittany would’ve never happened. Maybe they would’ve never dated? Maybe Santana never would’ve had the courage to acknowledge her feelings for Brittany?
“I don’t know,” Santana says as Brittany nears, “High school had its perks.”
Quinn ponders a moment then shrugs, “I suppose.”
“You so missed out!” Brittany teases Santana as she hops up the steps easily, “Dancing around a fire is so like invigorating! We should do it more often.”
Santana giggles at the little spin Brittany does before settling on the steps in front of she and Quinn, but just as she is about to reply a chilly breeze sends a shiver down her spin.
             Of course, it doesn’t go unnoticed and Brittany’s quick to place her warm hand on the side of Santana’s arm. The touch burns in the best of ways and suddenly Santana wishes she could have that feeling all over.
             “Oh my God, you’re freezing!” Brittany gasps.
             “See, this is why you shouldn’t dress like a hooker in the middle of Fall.” Quinn jokes which earns her a stiff shoulder bump from Santana.
             “I’m fine,” Santana lies with a roll of her eyes, “I’m immune to it, it’s my Latina blood.”
             Brittany lets out a belly laugh then shakes her head, “Yeah right! I know how cold you get, you don’t fool me.”
Then in an instant Brittany stands and whips her sweater off in one flowing motion, the bottom hem of her long-sleeved undershirt bunching just under her bra to reveal Brittany’s toned stomach. It’s only for a split second before Brittany’s pulling off her sweater completely and adjusting her undershirt, but the image of her pale skin is etched in Santana’s mind and it makes her swallow dryly because it’s no surprise Brittany’s still in great shape.
             Brittany tosses her sweater at Santana and when it lands in her lap, Santana can already feel the warmth it emits but she can’t accept it.
             “What are you doing?” Santana asks and holds it up to Brittany, “Put this back on, you’ll freeze!”
             “Says you,” Brittany says firmly, “I’m too hot from dancing so you can wear it.”
             Santana turns to Quinn, looking for back up.
“Don’t look at me, I’m not lending you mine. I’m cold too!” Quinn laughs, tugging her cardigan closed.
“I don’t want it because I’m not cold,” Santana rebuts, “Tell her to put this back on.”
             Quinn just shakes her head, “You’re literally turning blue. Why are you fighting this?”
             Santana’s shoulders drop with Quinn’s betrayal, but she knows why. There’s too much meaning in borrowing Brittany’s sweater, she can’t do it without feeling certain things that she’s not meant to feel about her friend. It’s like being marked as hers even though she’s nowhere near close to that. She remembers how she treated the first article of clothing Brittany ever loaned her, a sweater too, and she remembers how she’d wear it all the time like it was a constant hug, comforting her and wrapping her up in Brittany when Brittany wasn’t around.
             Things aren’t like that now but it’s still hard for Santana to separate those feelings from Brittany’s innocent gesture. She remembers when she and Puck were a thing and he’d lend her his letterman jacket to wear because it showed the guys that she was his, but Santana always hated how it felt with him, like she was his property in a way. With Brittany though, it was different. In the beginning, it was scary wearing Brittany’s things. They would get away with it sometimes because they were best friends first and it wasn’t weird to borrow a jacket or sweater, but deep down Santana knew that they didn’t share clothes backed by the same feelings they had as friends. Back then, before she came out, she thought everyone could see that and she became paranoid with how people perceived them. As she got older though and became more comfortable in her own skin, she realized she spent too much time worrying about things she shouldn’t. She wore Brittany’s things and Brittany wore hers, proudly so.
Yet now, she’s finding herself in the same position as before. Worrying about what people would think because she and Brittany aren’t together but they’re starting to do things that they did when they were but those things could also be what friends do as well and it’s all so confusing for Santana.
But Brittany looks at her worriedly for a split second and says, “Please San? I don’t want you to catch a cold.”
It’s the first time she’s called her San in years and it makes Santana soften. She puts all those thoughts on the back burner for now and relents.
             “Fine.” Santana jokingly grumbles and pulls the sweater over her head, instantly trapping herself in Brittany’s scent but also so very warm. She adjusts the sleeves that are just a tiny bit too long and looks to Brittany, feigning annoyance, “Happy?”
             Brittany smiles triumphantly and says teasingly, “Yep, very cute.”
             Santana blushes slightly at the compliment but she rolls her eyes, “Whatever.”
             Brittany chuckles and nods over at the bonfire, “I’m going to go dance more before the Glee Club’s performance.”
             Quinn and Santana nod and watch as Brittany bounds away again. Santana goes back to picking at her sleeves but she can’t deny how she’s already warming up and how grateful she is that Brittany was so quick to give her the sweater. She finds herself smiling at how good of a friend she is when she hears Quinn stifling a laugh.
             “What?” Santana asks confusedly.
             Quinn just shakes her head, still smiling, “It’s happening again and you don’t even realize it.”
             Santana frowns, “What? What’s happening?”
             “Really?” Quinn asks but finds Santana’s genuinely clueless, “Nevermind. You’ll figure it out eventually.”
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gleekto · 6 years
All In the Past (12/13)
Prompt: You were the bane of my existence in high school but now we’re going to college together AU
Cheerio!Kurt/ Jock-Football!Blaine
Summary: Kurt Hummel is tolerating his senior year of high school. He’s head cheerio, which affords him some protection from the hamhock bullies who ruined his designer knock offs in his first few years. He can manage his one last year with that new charming transfer student, Blaine Anderson. swooping into his school, rising to popularity, and completely ignoring him. Next year he’ll be free from a world where everyone is afraid of the gay kid.
He just didn’t expect Blaine Anderson to swoop into his college world too.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Part 12: News
They still have two days before they leave for homecoming when Rachel makes the post on her Facebook page.
Rachel Berry is dating Jesse St. James.
She shows Kurt the messages flooding in fast and furious.
So sorry about you and Blaine.
What about Blaine?
You scored the former lead vocalist of Vocal Adrenaline?!  Great news! Or is this great news?! Is Blaine okay?
You’re both still coming to Homecoming, right?
Later she posts a picture of her and Blaine together smiling,  each making a thumbs up. Blaine and I are all good. We’re better off as friends! We’ll see you at Homecoming!  
Blaine leans over their table in the cafeteria to show Kurt the post which was followed by 20 likes and numerous thumbs up emojis. “So you’re really doing this, huh?”
“We are. Yeah,” Blaine says.
“I don’t need credit for your coming out.”
“Wouldn’t be worth it otherwise,” Blaine shrugs. “Though I do look forward to the looks on Karofsky’s and Azimio’s faces,” Blaine sighs almost happily.
“You’re not scared?”
“I’m scared,” Blaine says matter of factly. He takes Kurt’s hand across the table and interlaces their fingers. “But I also don’t care.”
It’s been three days since they slept together. Three days of Blaine’s texts  -
Can you meet me? Need to copy your sheet music from last week before glee club
Ran into Jenny on campus. She was so thankful - I think we did a good job ;)
Winky emoji. But he’ll forgive him.  Mostly because that text was quickly followed by Only you could pull off that white strait jacket shirt. So hot. And then “I’m willing to watch you escape....Too much?” Kurt laughed out loud in the otherwise quiet library and quickly stopped himself.
Lucky for you, you have one get out of jail free card, Kurt texted back.
Blaine also called him on both nights “to plot the homecoming reveal” but they ended up talking until 2am. They went through the requisite opinions on professors versus McKinley teachers, Kurt wondering at how Blaine put up with that dweeb Mr. Schuester all year. Though Blaine had a point that Kurt had put up with Coach Sue - Didn’t she call you Lady Hummel?
“That was Santana,” Kurt laughed fondly. “But I warned her to stop or else I would drop her from top of the cheer pyramid. Sue just called me Porcelain.”
“You’re anything but fragile.” Blaine was already defending his honor. Unnecessary but kind of nice.
“Because of my ghost white skin.”
“Mmmm,” Blaine hummed. “That’s not that bad.”
“Santana was worse. Be warned, when she finds out about this - God-” Kurt stops.
“Let’s just say to expect inappropriate questions about what I look like naked.”
“I like what you look like naked.” Blaine didn’t miss beat.  
“Am I embarrassing you?” The voice at the other end of the line was surprisingly relaxed.
“Not really,” Kurt huffed. “Sort of.” He heard Blaine hum affirmatively, inevitably thinking it was cute. Forget that. “You can go on.”
“Go on?” Blaine sounded surprised, pleasantly.
“Well, I’ve got to know exactly what you plan to say to Santana about my porcelain white body.”
“I can’t figure out if you’re actually shy or not,” Blaine said as if that was an answer. Kurt was pleased. He may have nerves but he likes this feeling and he will just breathe through whatever jitters arise if the result is hearing Blaine swoon over him. His body. God, it’s so weird. But amazing.
“I’m an enigma,” Kurt said. “Go on.” He heard Blaine’s breath shiver.
“I can’t wait to see your body again,” Blaine answered this time. “I’ve been thinking about it.”
“Me too,” Kurt interrupted in a moment of well-faked boldness. Blaine continued so it must have been okay.
“I want to do what I did again. And more.” And more.
“I’ll do it to you too next time,” Kurt quickly defended. “What you did, I mean.” Kurt was so red, he was eternally grateful Blaine couldn’t see.
Blaine’s breath hitched again. “I’ll go to sleep thinking about it,” Blaine said quietly before the call ended.
How the hell was he supposed to go to sleep? He didn’t, obviously.
Kurt now looks around them at the bustling students crowding the cafeteria, paying no attention to them just sitting there holding hands. The whole scene is novel for Kurt, his eyes flitting everywhere confirming the ordinariness of it. But Blaine is cool as a cucumber, eyes only on him.
“You’re really not tortured about this gay thing, are you?”
Blaine laughs. “I was never tortured about this gay thing. And definitely not tortured about this gay thing,” Blaine squeezes his hand. “The closet was torture. Especially with you in that red stretchy McKinley cheerleading uniform-”
“Kurt, Blaine!” Matt from the LGBT Centre. Matt of the ill-advised matchmaking.
“Oh my god,” Kurt quickly grabs his hand back. He’s been caught.
“Glad to see there were no fights at the shift the other night,” He winks. As if he knew the whole time. “Or you know, maybe there were. Whatever works for you.”
“Shut up, Matt.” Kurt sighs.
“Turns out you actually like him, right?” Matt is enjoying this way too much.
“Turns out,” Kurt blushes.
“Nobody wants to be on the wrong side of that wrath,” Blaine adds.
Matt laughs, “Think I might’ve been for all those shift set-ups.  But now you can just say I have great intuition, right Kurt?” Kurt rolls his eyes. “Just remember to send an invite to the wedding.” Matt claps them both on the shoulder and practically skips away.
“Just so we’re clear, I’m not ready to get married,” Blaine says, half in jest, all in earnest.
“How about you start actually talking to me with our high school friends and then we’ll talk venues,” Kurt deadpans as his phone buzzes. “Speaking of which-” Kurt holds up his phone for Blaine to see Santana’s text.
Santana: Given that I’m leaving the Greek islands to return to the world’s most  boring town, I assume that at least you’ll be there to provide a little New York intrigue at our Cheerios pre-party at Quinn’s?
Kurt: I’ll be there.
And I’m bringing someone.
He looks at Blaine before he hits send. Blaine nods, and then it’s done. Barely ten seconds go by before Santana buzzes five times in a row.
Kurt smirks down at the phone, satisfied.
Yes, a guy.
He goes to NYU.
Be nice. Or I”ll never provide New York intrigue in our boring town again.
Kurt has never been one to shy away from a dramatic entrance.
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thequeensfan1117 · 6 years
The Jagged Little Rewrite (Draft 1)
Fandom: Glee Summary: Quinn overhears what Santana is saying to Kurt and decides to step in. Characters: Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry Notes: Like lots of viewers when the episode originally aired, I had rage. RIB had gone too far in their criticism of Kurt. A couple of years too late, I decided to do my own take on this scene.
Read on AO3.
“Maybe Blaine grew weary of dating a breathier, more feminine Quinn Fabray.”
Kurt could do nothing but stare at the woman he ’d considered a friend for years. He knew that the things he’d said to Brittany and Santana back in the choir room did not necessarily ring true for them the way they had for himself and Blaine, but did it warrant the verbal assault he was receiving right now?  
She opened her mouth again – to unleash more of the ‘Snix Juice’, most likely – when another voice rang out behind her.
“Maybe you can tone down the attitude just a bit, Santana.”
Glancing over Santana’s shoulder, Kurt watched the aforementioned Quinn make her way toward the trio. Rachel seemed relieved to see her as well. Santana, however…
“No one asked for your opinion, Fabray,” she snapped.
“Ah, but I did hear you say my name just now.”
Despite the light tone of her voice, Kurt could practically feel the disapproval radiating from Quinn as she stopped in between the two of them.
“And Brittany asked me to come after you and make sure you didn’t kill him before your wedding.”
Santana scoffed. “Like he’s invited after what he said.”
Kurt felt a sharp pang stab his chest at those words. After living together in Bushwick and bonding ever-so-slightly after the club’s impromptu memorial for Finn, he’d honestly believed he and Santana had worked through all the issues in their relationship and become a family. But really, deciding to not invite him to the most important day of her life – without consulting Britt, no less? This just proved that the two of them couldn’t be that close after all.
“Santana, you don’t mean that,” Rachel offered weakly.
“You know what? That’s not the point. Hummel just tried to crap on my engagement to the love of my life, and you two are defending him!”
“I was just speaking with your best interest in mind – ”
“That is bullcrap and you know it.”
Once again, Quinn interjected on his behalf. With a sigh, she placed her hands on the Latina’s shoulders, refusing to let Santana shrug them off.
“Look. I am not defending what he said or saying he has a point. You and Brittany will make this work and be happy together. But you lashing out and verbally attacking things about him that he can’t change? That’s not okay, either.”
That seemed to take the wind out of Santana’s sails. She finally turned the full focus of her dark eyes to Quinn.
“Seriously, Q, you should have seen the way he hung around a nursing home and played Peter Pan for them.”
Or not. Kurt sighed.
“Santana, that was important to Kurt,” Rachel replied. “And if you didn’t really want to support him, you shouldn’t have come with us to see it.”
Kurt held up a hand to stop anyone else from responding.
“Quinn’s right about one thing. I was seriously out of line back there. This thing with Blaine… I just don’t want you and Brittany to jump into something you’ll regret and be unhappy for the rest of your lives.”
Santana managed to get Quinn off of her and faced Kurt once more.
“Look, Kurt, Britt and I don’t have Blaine’s wandering eyes… or his tendency to blow almost everything out of proportion. And maybe I shouldn’t have said you were a sexless, self-centered baton twirler. But you really pissed me off, okay?”
He nodded.
“I know. And I’m sorry. It really wasn’t my intention. You know what? You guys can handle the lesson. I’m going home. And Santana, tell Brittany I didn’t mean to ruin this for her.”
Rachel gaped a bit at his declaration.
“Kurt –”
“Let him go,” Santana said. “He probably has a lot of wounds to lick since he regrets throwing the hobbit on his ass. And I said pretty terrible things. We should take a break from each other for a while.”
Rachel nodded reluctantly and let Quinn lead her back into the choir room.
“Those two should get a room.”
That got her a chuckle from Kurt. She once again turned her attention back to him.
“Look, I wasn’t trying to put all the blame on the breakup on you. I just wanted to go for the jugular. Tit for tat, you know?”
“Right. I’ll talk to you later.”
He turned to go, but she stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.  
“Berry was right. I didn’t mean it when I said you weren’t invited to the wedding.”
With that, she turned on her heel and headed back to the choir room.
Well, that went better than I thought it would.
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quinninthecity · 6 years
Three’s a Crowd | Smavebray
Who: Caroline Graves, Sebastian Smythe, and Quinn Fabray Where: La Grenouille, Midtown Manhattan When: Friday April 6th, 7:00 PM(ish)  What: Sebastian has dinner with his ex-girlfriend and his fake girl friend.
Caroline left the school, happy that it was the weekend, and that her only responsibilities were to grade some tests and get this dinner with Sebastian and his girlfriend Quinn over with. She's not entirely sure why she agreed to attend, why she had to be the one to remind if that he hadn't texted her, but here she was in front of the location he'd decided for them. The blonde didn't have time to change out of the clothes she'd worn to teach but as usual she dressed to the nines and her outfit was appropriate enough for the fancy and rather expensive place her old boyfriend had chosen. After waiting around outside for a few minutes the girl took a deep breath and made her way inside and faced the host. "A reservation under Smythe." Caroline says carefully before she's lead to an empty table. "A glass of your best red." She says without being prompted, hoping the wine would come before Sebastian and Quinn. She needed a bit of liquid courage to get through this, to sit through this and smile, like it didn't bother her.
Sebastian was extremely nervous. He was mentally absent for his entire work day and he was embarrassed; he never would have thought that dinner plans would affect him so much. Dressed in a navy blue suit, after checking his hair in the mirror about a dozen times, he headed to the restaurant, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. As he stepped out of the Uber, he took in a deep breath before heading in, hoping he was the first of the party to arrive. He gave his name and they led him to the table, spotting Caroline by herself. He swallowed hard before putting on a smile. "Hey," he greeted simply, taking a seat at the table before glancing at the door with a bit of wishful thinking that Quinn was right behind him. "How was your day?" He turned back to her, eyes running over her as he took in her beauty. "You look really great."
Caroline looks up when she hears Sebastian's voice and she sits up straighter, plastering a smile that she lets falter when she sees that Quinn is not with him. Would it just be them? Or was he seriously with someone who couldn't bother to be prompt and on time? "Hello. My day was fine, happy it is Friday. I ordered a bottle of red, hope you guys like that. Is Quinn still coming?" Caroline continue smiling, happy when the waiter comes with the wine, filling the pairs glasses. "You look quite debonair." She meets his eyes a smirk forming, "Who exactly are you trying to impress Sebby?"
Sebastian: "Red is great," he replied, mentally cursing himself, wondering if everything he said this evening would be 'great'. "Oh, she should be here any second." He held back taking another deep breath, his chest feeling heavy as Caroline smiled at him. His goal was to not make a fool out of himself in front of her once again, and he honestly wasn't sure whether he'd be able to do it or not without Quinn. "Thank you," he grinned, feeling a sense of pride at the compliment, but it wavered as she continued. "I just... I dress like this all the time. For dinner, I mean. At places like this." He bit down hard, clenching his teeth to physically stop himself from talking anymore. He couldn't believe the ridiculous word vomit he spewed when he was in front of Caroline and it nearly caused his cheeks to flush.
Quinn spent the afternoon preparing for her dance classes the following day because while she didn't expect to be out to late, she wanted to be ready just in case. By the time 5 o'clock rolled around, she thought it best to start getting ready. This was something she really didn't want to do, but when it came to Sebastian, he was one of the few people she'd do almost anything for. She dressed in a simple, but sexy, black dress and pulled her hair back into a simple ponytail, and slipped into her favorite pair of red pumps that matched her red lipstick. Sure she wasn't really dating Sebastian, but she still wanted to present herself in a way that would compliment him. Quinn purposefully set her pace to be the last to arrive, she wanted to make an entrance. So she was pleased to see the two of them waiting for her already by the time she was escorted by the host. Hazel eyes went to Caroline first, wanting to get a good luck at the girl who had her best friend acting so crazy, then she shifted her gaze to her 'boyfriend'. "Hi, love."
Sebastian didn't notice Quinn come in, too distracted by his own babbling, but when he heard her voice he let out a sigh of relief. He stood up to greet her, as any good boyfriend would, gazing over her body and damn, did she look good. "Hi, gorgeous," he smiled, stepping towards her and wrapping an arm around her waist before leaning in for a soft kiss; it wasn't in his plan, but it definitely helped play into their lie. "We both just got here." He led her to the table and pulled out her chair for her, letting her sit before following suit. "Care, this is Quinn," he introduced them, not even realizing the nickname slipping out. "Quinn, Caroline."
Caroline just sits back, swirling the wine in her glass, before taking a sip. Letting Sebastian revel in his nervousness. It shouldn't make her feel so good, but she figures it is better than feeling bad, or feeling jealous. Except she's cool and collected until the next blonde walks in and her own eyes widen, not ready for the pairs interaction. Not the huge, not the kiss, not the cute "love" that rolls of Quinn's lips. "The pleasure is mine." Caroline says coolly, "I'm glad that you could join us. I hope you're in the mood for red wine." She grabs for the bottle and fills Quinn's glass before receiving an answer. "I don't think Sebastian has told me much about you. What is it that you do?" She raises a shaped eyebrow, still feeling tingles throughout her body at the nickname the man had let slip.
Quinn: It was a good thing Quinn was an actress. She had not been expecting the kiss, but fell into it as if she had been. Taking her seat, her eyes were back on the girl of the hour. It was clear by her cool greeting that Sebastian's plan was working so far and even though this was all just a ploy, Quinn still felt smug about the fact that she was able to make Caroline jealous. Or seem jealous at least, she couldn't speak for the other girl. "Red will do perfectly." Quinn picked up the glass, giving it a few swirls to aerate the wine before taking a sip and grabbing Sebastian's hand on the table. Perhaps she was better at this than she gave herself credit for. "I'm currently working on my MFA at TISCH School of the Arts and teach ballet classes at a studio in Manhattan. I can't say that Sebastian has said much about you either. What is it that you do?”
Sebastian felt a fraction of weight lifted off his chest with his best friend sitting next to him. She was of course far more relaxed and much more eloquent than he was in the moment, and the comparison made him want to try even harder. When she took his hand he felt another wave of relief wave through him, the action comforting a bit. He took a sip of his own wine to keep from talking -- not to mention he might need a little liquid courage to get through that dinner. They make it seem like discussing up ex-girlfriends with current girlfriends is a common practice, he thought, defending himself although he wouldn't dare vocalize it.
Caroline: "An actress." She repeats, letting it roll off her tongue. Caroline is disappointed that she can't find anything wrong with it- but as cold as she often tried to come off, she'd never been the type to judge someone on their job status. "That sounds interesting actually. Ballet. So you're dedicated then, yes?" Caroline looks to Sebastian out of the corner of her eye before focusing back on his girlfriend. "I'm teach French at a high school in Brooklyn actually. I'm hoping to become a translator eventually but I'm happy where I am right now. The summers give me time to study new languages and hike."
Quinn: "Well, they focus on more than just acting, but yes that's my focus," Quinn corrected as she offered a smile and took another sip of wine. It wasn't often that people linked dedication to dancing ballet, but Quinn appreciated that Caroline was able to, even if she was really annoyed that she was able to agree with her. "I suppose you can say that. I've been dancing since I was 4, so I figured I could share what I know and make a decent amount doing so. At the mention of teaching in Brooklyn, Quinn wondered if Santana knew this girl. As big as New York was, it seemed as if everyone else in her life had this way of finding each other. "Is that something you always wanted to do? Teach?" Quinn asked curiously. She always wondered who actually picked it as a career or who fell into it like she did.
Sebastian kept his mouth shut, wanting to stay quiet for as long as he possibly could. He wanted to prevent any more absurdities from slipping out and embarrassing himself even further in front of his ex. He was completely oblivious to the fact that her tone seemed a little edgy, too distracted by by the way her hair fell on her shoulders and the way her dress seemed to sit so perfectly against her body that it must have been custom-made for her. He was also too distracted to notice that it had taken him less than five minutes to finish his glass of wine.
Caroline: “Well I’d hope it’s more then just acting, but it’s your end goal? You hope to be an actress?” Maybe it was stupid of her to be making assumptions but she doesn’t feel like she can be wronged with associating TISCH and wanting to become famous. She nods though as Quinn divulges in minor details about the classes she teaches. “That seems reasonable enough. It’s why I teach French, because I’m passionate about it. I’m glad your students have you. It’s good to teach people passion and dedication. Sticking with something since four is rather impressive.” Caroline finishes her glass of wine, before looking to Sebastian who was rather quiet. He doesn’t seem to be dying to say something so
Caroline: She turns back to Quinn. “I think it was always in the cards. I graduated high school and went right into hiking all of the Appalachian mountains. When I finished that decking what I wanted to do with school just seemed effortless. I’d still be learning languages but it would also allow me to pass them on. I do still hope to become a translator but now is not my time.”
Quinn: The fact that Quinn was the least to finish her first glass of wine was a clear indicator that she was the least stressed in the situation, though to keep conversation flowing as smoothly as possible, she signaled for the waiter to come and refill their glasses. There was no point in changing the selection, the wine Caroline chose for them was suiting her taste buds just fine. She nodded in agreement at the comment about teaching passion and dedication, it was something she always tried to instill in her students. "I've always wanted to be more adventurous, but I don't think I have it in me. The Appalachian mountains must have been extremely beautiful." She turned to face a still silent Sebastian, giving his hand a slight squeeze as a way to try and provide some comfort. He didn't need the reminder that she was there for him, but they always did better with actions than words. "Being a translator seems like the perfect job for someone who seems as adventurous as you, I'd imagine getting to travel around the world for work is very enticing." As the waiter came back around to take their orders, she let go of Sebastian's hand so they could both better look at the menu. "Why don't you order for the both of us, love?" Quinn asked facing Sebastian, both to help solidify the illusion they were trying to portray and to provide him with something to do while she continued her conversation with Caroline.
Sebastian let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in when Quinn squeezed his hand. The gesture knocked him out of his zoned out state and back into the moment, turning to look at his faux girlfriend and giving her a smile. Although it was forced, he pulled it off well, and no one would be able to tell the difference. Taking a menu, he scanned over the dishes, hoping that his nervousness would eventually subside and allow him to at least enjoy his dinner. When Quinn suggested he order for her, Sebastian leaned in without a second thought and gave her a peck on the lips. "Sure," he answered softly, turning back to the menu to select their dinners. After a moment he looked back to the waiter and with his flawless French accent, gave him their orders. He collected all of their menus and handed them to the waiter before seeking out Quinn's touch again, this time resting his hand gently on her knee.
Caroline: "What is there to have in you? You just do it." She shrugs, like it was that simple. Of course it wasn't but she liked to believe it was. That everyone is the same as her, there for they are all the same. After all their fate is decided in the same way- so weren't they, the same? "They were beautiful and it was quite the experience. I liked meeting the different people along the way and hearing about why they were doing the hike. It was fascinating." Caroline just smiles, glad the other blonde could understand why the job was perfect for her, not many did. It was frustrating her because despite her having no right to be jealous that Sebastian is happy with someone, she is, and that someone happened to be Quinn who isn't half bad despite who she gets to kiss and touch. Her eyes must be burning into their skin as she watches their interactions, so simple, so sweet, so everything she wishes she had- and maybe even with Sebastian. She places her own order and goes about focusing on her wine, taking a large gulp, no longer focused on pacing herself. "So how did you both meet? It couldn't have been school..."
Quinn Though it had been a while since they 'faked dated', Quinn was surprised by how easy it was for them to fall back into their roles. She regretted not putting a cap on how many kisses she allowed him throughout the night, the second one surprising her a bit, but she should have anticipated it. She knew exactly how Sebastian was when he was nervous and it was very clear to her how nervous this girl was making him. After their orders were taken and the conversation was brought to her and Sebastian, Quinn was glad that she was already prepared. The best part about fake dating in the public eye meant there was a lot of evidence in their favor. "We met here in New York actually. I traveled up with my father from Savannah one Summer and since our fathers run in a lot of the same social circles, our meeting was inevitable. We've basically been together ever since." She turned to smile at Sebastian, linking her fingers with the hand that rested on her knee. She took a small sip of her wine, pacing herself. Especially with how fast the other two were drinking. Someone needed to be the responsible one.
Caroline: "Endearing." The girls says with a small smile because really who was she to deny her first and only love happiness- especially when she had been the one to deny it for herself. They were cute together and they seemed to have things in common, at the surface anyways. "Well, may I raise a toast." She looks Sebastian in the eye, her own words surprising her. "For the system to be in your favor." Caroline toasts at the air before finishing her glass- realizing where this evening was going to end up. "Have you two been here often?"
Sebastian felt another wave of relief wash over him when Quinn began to answer how they met. She seemed to have no problem taking over the conversation with Caroline and he had no problem with that at all, but he couldn't help but wonder whether his silence was becoming suspicious or not -- or if he could just be paranoid. Whatever the case, with a glass and a half of wine in his system, he felt a little more relaxed, a touch more confident, and he decided he could attempt to rejoin the conversation. He rose his glass to the toast, although his brows furrowed in the slightest way at the wording. It was strange and perhaps insincere, but he didn't dwell on it as Caroline continued on. "Every now and then," he replied, his speech much more eloquent now that he had some liquid courage in him. "We've spent a couple anniversaries here...special occasions...you know."
Caroline: "And how long have you been together?" Her cheeks tinge pink at the fact it had taken her this long to ask, especially when they'd just gone into the details of when the pair had met. "And have you spent any anniversaries outside of New York? Anywhere cultured? France maybe? I know how much France means to you." Caroline looks to Sebastian before eyeing Quinn, hoping she knew that as well.
Quinn was surprised at the gesture that was offered by Caroline but still raised her hand in unison with the other two. She didn't really care in the system or the prospect of relying on it to gain happiness, but she knew she needed to act like she did for Sebastian's sake. At that point, she finished her second glass and asked for a refill, nodding along with his claim of them spending special occasions at this restaurant. At the other girl's next question, she took a moment and tried to make it sound as believable as possible. "There were some off and on moments, I mean were barely adults when we first met, but I suppose you can round it all up to about 8 or so years." In Quinn's mind, as long as she could prove her story, they were all good. "We haven't made it to France, yet. But it's in our plan for the next couple of years. Sebastian has been promising to take me for years, but with TISCH and Law School, it's been kind of crazy for us." She turned to him and offered a sweet smile. "I'm sure we'll make it sooner rather than later." When the waiter came with their food, Quinn was relieved for the distraction, she could play this game of make the ex jealous any day of the week, but the sooner this dinner was over, the better for her it would be. Even if Caroline wasn't that bad.
Caroline: "Hm. Maybe it would be the perfect place for marriage then." She says as calmly as she can, unsure why she would even say that when it hurts so much. Sure being 16 was against them, as was the system, it still hurt a lot to know the boy she had loved could move on. But who was she kidding, honestly? A catch like Sebastian needed to be caught, needed the happiness, she'd been so sure she couldn't give him. Is still sure she couldn't give him. Their food comes and Caroline starts with her salad, not sure how much she could actually eat when it felt like there was a rock sitting in her stomach making everything feel heavy. "You'll both be done with school here shortly, yeah?"
Quinn almost choked at the mention of marriage. It really was a good thing she was an actress. She smiled through that and the mention of both her and Sebastian coming up on their second degrees. If they weren’t best friends, they really would be the perfect couple.
The rest of the night was filled with shallow pleasantries with lulls of quiet as they ate their food and finished another bottle of wine. Quinn wasn’t sure if Sebastian had gotten what he wanted out of this, but she hoped she didn’t need to endure another painful dinner with his ex girlfriend who in any other situation, she would have gotten along with really well. 
@smytheactually | @tombescaroline
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queenscntanalopez · 7 years
Hit me with your best shot || Quinntana
WHO: Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray
WHEN: October 2nd 2017 
WHERE: Tutoring center, girl’’s bathroom
SUMMARY: Santana and Quinn fight. 
Santana was still reeling from the stupid math test she hadn't studied for. From the looks of half the people walking out of class with her at least she wasn't the only one still confused. With her dance eligibility hanging by a thread she knew she needed to get at least a c in order to keep her status. Eventually she would make it happen. As well as being stubborn the girl was driven. Knowing that she couldn't risk eligibility she stopped putting things off and called into work to let them know she needed to study. Walking past the tutoring center Santana rolled her eyes as she saw Quinn. Santana had always had a few spats with Quinn. Over the years their relationship had grown and then flourished. Clearly now it was fizzling out. Santana's blood still boiled at the thought of Quinn mentioning her family. Mention her that was one thing, but mention her family and what they went through or just what her sister needed to do in order survive and the gloves came off. Not even bothering to speak she just continued giving Quinn a dirty look as she dropped one of her books onto the table. The gum in her mouth formed a bubble before popping almost like her emotions would if Quinn spoke to her. Opening her book to the page she had already stuffed a pencil between she attempted to go over something she should have learned.
Quinn was still angry about what had conspired between her and Santana. She wasn't even really sure how it had all started. One minute they were arguing about her relationship with Sam and the next thing she knew, the Latina girl was calling her family the real-life Lannisters and out came the one thing Quinn knew she would regret saying. Of course, she was called out on it, and of course Quinn was stubborn and she wasn't planning to apologize for her words unless her friend did so as well. She had just finished up helping a lowly Sophomore with some geometry when she saw Santana walk in. She caught on to the other girl's icy death glare. "That'll be it for today, Cody," she icily dismissed towards the Sophomore boy as her eyes followed Santana. Quinn swiftly rose from her seat and strode over to where her friend had took a spot. Her Cheerios skirt swayed swiftly as she moved. Reaching the Latina, her perfectly manicured hand reached under the math textbook and swung it closed. "What the heck is your problem?" she quickly demanded as Santana glared at her once more.
Without a second passing Santana stood over the girl, towering over her in her pair of heels she had just gotten. "Really? You're asking me what my problem is when you're coming here closing my book? Don't act like you can come step to me just because you think you've got some kind of reign over the tutoring center." Santana didn't back away from the girl and instead talked down at Quinn. "You know what my problem is so unless you're coming here to apologize I suggest you gets out of my face." With that Santana glared and even moved her face closer to Quinn's. "Walk away."
"Please. You're in my territory now, Santana," the blonde scoffed. "You're the one waltzing in here like you own the place when you don't," she declared, leaning farther into the Latina's personal space. "I happen to work here, so I need to be here. You? Not so much. Last I checked, you and your boyfriend could care less about school and grades," she continued. "Besides, I'm not apologizing until you apologize," she grumbled back with finality. With the Latina's face now mere inches from hers, she mustered up all the energy she could, swung her arm back and let her hand collide with the Latina's face. She probably left a mark, but in the moment she didn't care.
Before she could even get time to tell her about how she didn't have any territory contrary to how much she and her dad thought they owned Dillon, Santana felt the sting of the slap. Fight defenses reacting as quickly as they could Santana returned the slap as hard as she could pushing Quinn away from her she gave herself more room. Now more angry that this girl thought she had a right to hit her she continued swinging. "Bitch. Don't you ever lay your hands on me." Striking her repeatedly she started seeing red. All of her frustration that she had yet to let out of years of fighting for her family was finally coming to the surface. Santana tugged at the girl's hair. Bringing her head down more she kicked Quinn's shins. "You spoiled snob." Keeping her own head far from Quinn so that she didn't reach for her own hair she loosened her hold momentarily only to pull her back down and inflict even more pain. "You don't know a damn thing about me or my man so how 'bout you just keep your trap shut." Pushing her away she loosened her hold. Still holding her ground in case Quinn felt bold again she squared her hips. "I'm not apologizing for shit." Now she felt like she had even less to apologize for.
Before Quinn could even blink she was being slapped and her hair was being pulled at and her shins kicked. What had the two girls come to? "You're the bitch, Bitch!" she yelled back as she reached for the Latina's top. With a tight grasp, Quinn swung her around, knocking the Latina into a book shelf. "How about you don't know anything about Sam and I's relationship" she snapped back. "You always butt your stuck up nose in where it doesn't belong! If you were really my friend, you wouldn't feel the need to ruin my relationship!" she yelled as she began pulling at the Latina's hair. She thought she felt an extension break loose under her grip and in the moment she didn't care. She was going to stand up for her family and the things Santana had said about them.
"This doesn't even have anything to do with your sham... of a relationship dumbass." Now going back to defending herself she pushed the girl again now to the floor. Angling her head so that her hair wasn't pulled too hard she straddled the smaller girl keeping her pinned underneath her. "Stay on topic." Balling up her fist she punched Quinn's face hopefully leaving a bruise for later. "Don't you ever talk about my family." holding her head down with her left arm and hitting with her right she screamed at the fact that she was even fighting with the girl. Flipping her hair while she stayed on top of Quinn she stopped swinging before placing her knees on the girls forearms. Keeping her from moving beneath her she looked down. "Touch me again and I'm gonna make sure you never touch anyone ever again." Her dark eyes turned colder. One last swing she hit Quinn's nose just enough to cause pain but not break it. "Don't try it."
Quinn huffed as she got up. "You better pray to God that you didn't break my nose, you bitch," she snarled at the Latina. "Don't you ever talk about me or my family or my relationship again," she spat at Santana threateningly. Her eyes bore into Santana's one last time as she spun around on her heel and made a beeline for the ladies' room. She took one look in the mirror to inspect the damage her former friend had done. There would definitely be some bruising later on, but nothing a little makeup couldn't hide. She hoped she could say the same about her nose, but that would probably be swollen for a day or two.
Allowing Quinn to get a few feet ahead of her she scoffed. "Now that I think about it I should've broken it." Following after the girl she shook out her hand that was throbbing. She crossed her arms as she walked in. Looking around to see if anyone else had followed she stared down a few girls that straggled behind gawking at Quinn. "Out," she snapped at the girls.
Once they were away Santana stepped forward. Her heels making a sound on the tile. "You know what. You really don't know me at all do you? You wanted to say you're my best friend. You wanted to say that we were going to be friends forever. That was bullshit if you were able to say what you did without any kind of remorse." She shook her head. "You asking me for an apology is just another way for you to try to make yourself seem better than me-- but you know what, Quinn, you're not." She snarled at the blonde giving her a once over with a look of disgust. "You know what you said. You know how much my family went through and just how we earned that reputation you wanted to spit back in my face. All because of what? Me joking and saying that your brother liked you or Frannie?" She shook her head again, eyebrows furrowing at how confused she was to try to find reasoning behind Quinn's anger. "You want to mention your relationship when that's not what we're arguing about then fine. I explained your bullshit relationship because you didn't even know what you wanted or if you could picture a future having the merman's kids and being married to him. If you worked that out then fine, but you don't get to try to lump those two separate issues with this. I talked to Sam. We're good. You on the other hand had your chance to say your piece and didn't take it so don't try to throw that in my face now." Santana's voice calmed a bit as she spoke. "And next time, if you can't finish something, don't start it because next time you swing at me trust and believe that I'll make sure that nose of yours is down to Voldemort level."
Quinn figured walking away would be no use against Santana. She could try, but her eyes rolled naturally when she heard her enter the bathroom. "What do you want, Santana? To give me another black eye?" she remarked sarcastically as she heard the brunette approach. "Look, what you said about my family is no better. Just because my parents do look like they could be related doesn't mean there's any incestuous family ties there, then or now," she countered to the Latina. "To be fair though you attacking my relationship with Sam is what started all this," she snapped. "Whether or not I can see a future with Sam right now does not give you permission to butt in and call what we have fake or phony. I really do love Sam and he loves me. Now, if we want to talk fake relationships, let's talk you and Puckerman," she countered, her arms crossing firmly across her chest as she spoke. "And don't give me that 'it's not fake' crap because I do know you, whether you believe it or not, and you don't do relationships. You roll your eyes all the time at Sam and I and any other couple here. So don't expect me to buy your whole 'we're a couple' act when you're not."
"What I said about your family? That your brother, the one I didn't specify but probably have still tried to hook up with, is incestuous? Quinn screw you. Your dad looks like Donald Trump and your mom looks like a Stepford wife robot so no you can't pull the whole they look alike thing to try and excuse what you said, because that's exactly what you're doing. You're finding excuses to try and justify what you said to me instead of owning your crap and admitting that you were being a shitty friend and trying to hurt me by mentioning my family." 
Santana scoffed and still didn't drop the subject. "As for what started this it wasn't your relationship with Sam. Besides, Sam and I talked and I already apologized to him about it and we both moved on. The only one still hurt about what I said is you because it actually made you reevaluate what you thought about your relationship and what really kills you is the fact that I know more about your own boyfriend than you do." Santana held her head higher as she continued. "As for my relationship. Hate on it all you want but it's real." She possibly wouldn't have been able to say that a couple of nights ago but now she was able to say that it was real. She was able to say that Puck was with her not because of some stupid favor she was doing but because she actually wanted to be with him. 
"The reason why I roll my eyes at you and Sam is because you don't have what Puck and I have. We're the real ones here. We don't hide how we feel. We talk about things that are bothering us. We go out on dates. The sex and making out is amazing. I don't do relationships with anyone else, but me being with Puck. All real." She rolled her neck knowing that her relationship had a strong enough foundation. Enough for her to be sure in the fact that there wasn't anything Quinn could say that would cause her to go running to Puck. Whatever stones Quinn wanted to throw from her glass house she couldn't throw them at Santana. "He's my best friend and if I was going to do my first real relationship it wasn't going to be with anyone else but him."  She sighed. "We're just not in the whole love thing because we don't jump to conclusions and we take things slow.  If something's just starting out no matter how long you've known the person you don't just go from zero to in love all while grasping at straws in order to make a relationship work." She scoffed knowing that was a jab at her relationship. "Like I said you don't know me. You're too self absorbed to even care about anyone but yourself. It's why you didn't even know about Sam to begin with."
"Me? I'm the shitty friend here?" Quinn half-laughed. "Please. You were the shitty friend first and you know it. A real friend wouldn't stand there trying to ruin a relationship I'm happy in," she snapped. "Why are you so hung up on us anyways? It's like you're obsessed with us or you like Sam," she continued to challenge. "I'm hurt not because you 'challenged' me. I'm hurt because you feel the need to ruin this good thing I have going in my life right now. Frankly, I think you're jealous of what Sam and I have. We're in love and that just kills you since we don't hang out as much anymore. You're just an insecure as you've always been and you just can't handle it. Face it, Santana," she shrugged. She was starting to tire of the Latina's antics and she didn't care what the brunette had to say anymore. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another person to go tutor," she muttered annoyingly as she shoved past Santana and out the door.
"Yes, you! Quinn you said it yourself when I asked you whether or not you could see yourself having a future with him. You didn't have an answer at first. When I asked why you were with someone you hardly understood your main reason was because he was nice. All things that if you really want your friend to be happy don't make up the best relationship. You can give me crap about how you're happy but the truth is it's not like you couldn't be happier with someone you actually understood. Besides, Sam had his doubts too and it wasn't til I brought up your relationship that you two finally started talking. Honestly I did your relationship a favor so don't sit there and try to say I'm obsessed with you or your relationship because I don't spend any more of my time talking about it. In fact, your boyfriend and I made a rule to not even bring you up in our conversations." With that she let the words sink in proving that she wasn't there to try to listen to even more excuses. "And as for liking Sam? Seriously, are you that insecure in your relationship that you can't see that not everyone wants to grab at your man? I'm with Puck, i don't need some other guy who's clearly too far up your ass that he can't see that you don't even know him.Santana rolled her eyes. "You're making this about some guy!" She was even more frustrated. "I know you're used to guys defining you, you're used to being Sam's girlfriend and playing the role of the fifties housewife cheering on the sidelines, but me being pissed at you and the reason why we're fighting had everything to do with you insulting the people I care about. Insulting my family and nothing to do with your toad of a boyfriend. And while we're at it don't flatter yourself in thinking that I'm sitting here whining about how we don't hang out. In case you didn't notice, you and me aren't as close as I am with other people. You came as a packaged deal with Britt. I'd always take her over you and it's not like I'm pressed for your company."
Quinn scoffed. "Oh really? I'm just dead weight to you? Let me tell you though that I'm no one's package deal," she snarled. "I'm not desperate to hang out with you either, so don't think that's some kind of insult." She once again shoved past Santana, making sure to shove hard enough to send her stumbling into the wall. "And that? That was for punching me in the nose," she snarled as she headed out the door and back to the tutor center.
Stepping quickly behind her she pulled her hair pulling the blonde back. "Don't walk away from me. Who the fuck do you think you are?" Her words came through a tightened jaw. Just to prove a point she punched Quinn's nose again feeling the cartilage bend and nasal bone pushed in as well. Letting go of Quinn's hair she pushed her towards the floor. "You might want to cancel that tutoring session." Eyes hardened as she looked at her former friend on the floor. "Like I said. Don't start something you can't finish." With that Santana walked out, slamming the bathroom door behind her as she left Quinn to deal with her broken nose in the bathroom.
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solarmason-blog · 8 years
chasing, relentlessly || mclopez
WHO: Mason McCarthy & Santana Lopez ( @trickstersantana ) WHAT: McLopez duels & chats. WHERE: Undique and then the cafeteria. WHEN: February 25th, lunchtimeish. WARNINGS: Violence, disturbing imagery.
Mason twirled his shillelagh over in low, slow loops, his mind everywhere except Udique. It was with Marley, with Sebastian, with Quinn and Madison...he shook his head at himself. He needed to focus. Fighting with Santana was something he could do, and there was no pressure - he wasn't bringing his ego to this. Sabia stretched out next to him, giving a big yawn. "Same," Mason muttered to her. If he could sleep through all of his problems, he would, but he couldn't, so he kept stretching as he waited for Santana to arrive.
Santana arrived already tasting her next victory and waved at Mason. ​ Ugh, he fucking went with that stupid wolf. Gross.​ She though showing her disgust. "Well, are you ready to forget about other people's problem and just enjoy a friendly battle?" She asked, impatient to start. "Want to bet the ingredients we have so the winner takes all?"
Mason smiled a little and waved back, a chuckle escaping as she spoke. "San, I don't want to bet anything this time," Mason said, shaking his head. "But yeah. Let's get on with it. The sooner you beat me the sooner we can get pizza." Mason grinned faintly. Banter felt good, natural.
Santana shruged "It was worth a try" she said. At least she was going to get pizza anyway. "Any rules you want on the game, or everything is fair until someone surrenders?" she ask before starting.
Mason considered, but shook his head. "Till one of us surrenders." Sabia stood and Mason rolled his shoulders, stepping to his side of the arena. "Game on."
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 4
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Mason shifted forward in the dirt. " <<Stones, rise and fly,>​>​" Mason commanded, his magic circle springing to life around his wrist. Stones emerged from the earth and flew toward Santana. He was frankly relieved his magic was even working, even if the stones weren't as big or as fast as he wanted them to be...
Santana easily dodged the stones while making a object-swap illusion so Mason shillelagh appeared to look as his fiddle "My my, still in love with that thing?" She said, just before also making the illusion of a little explosion to start on Mason's hand.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Mason didn't even have time to be bummed that his rocks totally missed--all of a sudden Fi, er, his fiddle, was in his hand and then she, er, it was exploding. Mason yelped and dropped it, scooting back a step - when he blinked, it was his shillelagh again. "Low blow," Mason said with a playful pout. "Maybe I should've made a rule against using embarrassing psychotrauma."
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 6
Santana laughs "You had your chance to make rules!" she said smiling while making some blue fire around Mason.
Mason laughed too, resisting his instinct to run from the fire. It's not real, he reminded himself. << "Extinguish these flames," >​>​ Mason abjured, and the fire died instantly, leaving the ground smoking at his feet.
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana saw how her fake fire dissapeared but smiled anyway. The party was about to begin. She made a small mist around Mason, and added some small distant sounds of people sobbing, while some dark uncanney almost-human figures made of black mud appeared from the ground around him to get him.
Mason tried to remind himself that it wasn't real, that he was just in the stadium with Santana, but then one of those Things lunged at him and he didn't even have the wherewithal to defend himself, he just tripped over his feet to run away. His heart was hammering loudly in his chest - he didn't hate illusions the way Madison did, but Aether he didn't enjoy them, either. "Aether, Santana," Mason breathed, shaking his head slowly. He tightened his grip on his shillelagh and the malachite crystal glowed dimly; he felt slightly less like passing out now. Slightly. "Thanks for the new nightmare material, I was getting bored of the old ones."
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 1
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Mason pulled a sigil stone from his pocket and threw it, without checking what it was - so he was surprised when it exploded midair into a bunch of confetti. "I...Don't even remember making that." Mason said, blinking slowly.
Santana keep smiling. "You are welcome!" she said with triumph "If you had nightmares, please, tell me, I will check that as another victory" she said turning the human mud figures into something even more off, like humans turning into monsters, and they keep going for Mason. "Nice confetti, perfect for parties" she noted.
Mason kept scrambling away, but not before one of the muck monsters slashed at him. He whacked at it with his shillelagh, but given that it wasn't real it didn't do much good. So unfair. Mason shoved off and let Sabia cover his retreat, though she was winded too. His stone glowed again, but Mason had to start being smart. He couldn't give up. He had to focus. He looked down at his shillelagh and brushed his fingers over one of the sigils carved there. "<<Protect me.>​>​"
Mason flipped a coin. The coin showed: Heads
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 5
Santana keep making more of the mud monsters go for Mason. If it works, it works.
Mason shook his head sharply. Not real, not real. His shillelagh was real, and he needed to get closer to her, destabilize her. So he mustered his courage and ran around the muck, into the mist; Sabia ran the other way and howled, giving him direction; he swung low and hit Santana in the side, though not hard enough to break her ribs or do any permanent damage. And Sabia was with him - he had to press his advantage while he had it, while he could.
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 1
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana looks again, annoyed at the wolf being there, making wolf noises, that she didn't notice Mason's attack and went back. "The wolf is better fighter than you" she said, not smiling this time, while she make dissapear the previous illusion to make a fake spear to make Maso go back.
Mason held up his shillelagh reflexively to block the spear, and it glowed faintly in his hand, his sigil activating and shattering the image of the spear. "Her name is Sabia, and she says thank you."
Mason rolled a die with 7 sides. The die showed: 5
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana is totally not going to call a stupid wolf for its name. She pretended to get a hand grenade, and showed it to Mason before throwing it to his feet, making another illusory explosion, sounds effects and all.
Mason yelled, " <<I am shielded!>​>​" and a sturdy green light surrounded him, but it only was able to absorb the worst of the blast. The aftershock was able to bring him to his knees, using his shillelagh for support - he glanced up at her and strongly considered another attack, but a warning whine from Sabia stopped him. With Marley, he'd gone until he couldn't go anymore, and he didn't mind her knocking him out. Santana was a different story altogether. And the thought of Marley just depressed him, so he let out a heavy sigh and held out his free hand, a sign of surrender. "Okay, San. You win."
Santana smiled even more when she heard the sound of her adversary surrendering. Sweet victory. She made a little bow, like a an actor recieving the greetins of the public at the end of a theatre play. "The honor is yours" She said "You resist well when things got hard, but don't have a good start" she said patting his head now that she could. "Did you had at least half as fun as I did?"
Mason rolled his eyes fondly, standing back up. He didn't mind the hair patting - his hair was soft, everyone should pet it - but his vengeance was that he towered over her when he stood back up. "Sure," he said with a shrug. He appreciated the critique; he needed to get over his aversion to immediate offense, but not be so stupid as to rush blindly in. There had to be a compromise in there somewhere. "Your illusions are great," he said, "but they'd be harder to fight against if they were of things that could be reasonably happening. Like, I'm not great at illusions, yknow, but when I tried one on Madison I didn't go for the muck monsters from hell. I just made her think the roof was caving in." Mason shrugged and leaned down to rub behind Sabia's ears. She really was a better fighter than he was. "Time for pizza? Loser buys, right?"
Santana looked smug. "I know they are" she said, proud of herself. "I know all the illusions tricks, Number 2, most of them I had to suffer cause they were aimed at me." She said because she was a total show off. She could explain him more, but that was too much information on her MO of fighting. "Loser buys" she nods.
Mason frowned slightly; he knew a little something about being attacked. He didn't push; he led them to the dining hall and got their food, waiting until his pizza was half gone and he felt less like he'd gotten his butt kicked before he broached what he actually wanted to talk to her about. "So, enough about other people's problems," Mason began, wiping his mouth and leaning back in his seat. "What happened to you on Sunday?"
Santana was happy eating her pizza, happy about how things where going without people talking about HER issues. She wondered if just hiding it will be more suspicious than just saying it. But she had a trick for these situations "What do you think happened in Sunday? C'mon, maybe you are smart enough to guess it, it's not that hard" she said, challenging him.
Mason squinted lightly at her, studying the expression on her face. Santana saying it wasn't that hard meant nothing, but one of the things he admired about her was her refusal to make it easy. Admired and hated, maybe. He shook his head to clear it, folding his fingers together. Problems could be broken down into who, what, when where and why. Who: Santana. What: Acting cagey and distracted, glued to her phone. When: Sunday. Why: ??? ...So that left where. "Assuming that you're not upset about missing Sunday service," Mason began slowly. "You thought you were home?"
Santana raised an eyebrow "What the hell is Sunday service?" she asked. Mason said the easy thing, and it was easy, she was surprised no one noticed. She guessed they didn't give her much attention or they just where really bad at geography. She shrug with a little smile. "Almost right" she said "One get nostalgic sometimes, that's all" She could say that wasn't her home, but that would be way too long, and the less personal the better. Sharing just the minimun to not get more question, and have excuses already prepared, just in case. She keep eating asi it was nothing. "And getting back to other's people problem, how is that affecting /you/?" She asked, more out of curiosity than anything.
Mason nodded slowly; he hadn't been nostalgic much since coming to NYADA, except in the moments that felt most confusing and strange, and even then, it wasn't out of a desire to go back to the Compound itself so much as it was a desire for the world to make sense again. Mason figured this had a little to do with his being at NYADA voluntarily, and a lot to do with his ability to go home whenever he felt like it. Mason didn't press further; almost right wasn't wrong, and she hadn't brushed him off--she was entitled to her privacy. "How does that affect me? You wanting to go home? It doesn't. In the moment it did because you were my teammate and I was worried about you." Mason shrugged and took another bite of pizza. "I guess now it affects me because you're my friend and I don't like seeing you upset," he allowed, "and if it was an ongoing thing I'd want to help you if I could."
Santana rolled her eyes "I mean everyone, in general, dumbass" She squint her eyes at him ​Fuck, he said the F word​ she keep eating anyway. "If you get affected by your own problems and other people problems, that's not going to do wonders for your mental health" she said, disinterested. "Don't offer help so fast if you are going to regret it"
Mason shrugged and averted his gaze. He wasn't sure he believed that she was genuinely worried about him, but it was sweet of her to say all the same. "I don't regret it," Mason said quietly. "I try not to regret the things I do. Life's too short, y'know? Especially for my line of work." Mason picked at his pizza. "I don't regret helping people. I don't regret getting hurt. I don't even regret Fred here," Mason said, holding up his wrist to show off his Watch Eye, currently in watch form. "Because it helped someone, in a roundabout way. What happens to me and how I feel is...less important than that." Mason shrugged again. "I regret hurting people along the way. That's what I need to be more careful about, is all." Mason chewed at the edge of his lip, then shook his head at himself. "But. Thank you. That's sweet of you to say." Mason glanced at her and smiled a little, though it quickly turned impish. “Don't hit me for calling you sweet."
Santana looked at him, doubting him. "You can regret the things you promise, specially to a trickster" She keep eating and listening, she wasn't a fan of regret either, but she knew other people tended to drown in it. "I know how short it is, yeah" She said, always remembering she should be dead already. ​But suck it, death.​ . "Fred, George and Eazy E, why are you slayers like that" She asked to the wind more than Mason. "It helped? How?" She blinked twice for the sweet comment, and then illusionated a box of sugar and made it look like she was taking it to throw it to Mason's face "Sweet. I'm surprised, I though you were the type to regret a lot"
Mason laughed, flinching playfully. "I dunno. I'm trying to be better about wallowing," Mason said. "What's done is done, y'know? Can't change the past, no matter how much you wish you could. Just gotta focus on making the next step better. And better, and better, and better, until you don't have anything to look back on and feel guilty about. Eventually your 'shoulda coulda didn't's will turn into 'shoulda coulda did's." Mason shrugged. "They said that our meeting with the guy who wanted the knife helped, because it proves there's more than us involved in this thing. We got it on camera, so they have something to go on." Mason smiled ruefully. "Guess I'll never know if they catch the guy or guys or gals or whoever is behind that part. I hope they move on Coleman soon, though, I'm getting tired of seeing his face around." Mason wrinkled his nose. "What about you? Do you regret much, San?"
Santana vanished the illusory sugar. "I agree, and well, technically you can change the past, but it's one of the Cardinal Laws I totally agree with it should all be banned... because when you can actually change the past, then you can't say 'We can't change it, just move on'. " She said. God, she hated time travels. She keep listening while finishing her pizza. "Oh, that's nice, I hope they caught him soon" Who knows how much were know, it was all very far away and everything always too slow for her liking. "I wish" she commented about Coleman being away. "He can go to Magic Harvard with the others Bloodline douchebags" She drank a bit and almost spit all laughing at Mason's question "Oh, my..." she tried to stop laughing "Please, Number 2, I don't regret anything I ever did. Regret's useless and I'm not a fan of useless things"
Mason chuckled and nodded. "Harvard can have him." Mason shook his head and finished his pizza, wiping his fingers off on his napkin. Regret could be useful, if it was a lesson, but Mason had a feeling that Santana either knew that and was choosing to ignore it, or found her teachings elsewhere. Either way. "Me either, I don't think. I try to find a use for everything," Mason added with a shrug. "Or else what's really the point? If everything has meaning, nothing's a waste." Mason smiled a little, hesitating for a moment before continuing, a little softer. "I'm glad we did this, San. The hanging out, I mean, but the duel too. It was a good distraction, and...it's nice, being 'okay' with you." Mason smiled simply. "How long d'you think it's gonna be before we're at each other's throats again?"
Santana doubted Mason actually tried to find a use for everything the same way she tried to find a use for everything. Not everything had meaning, but I guess some people though that. "Well, it was fun, not going to lie" She was actually kind of sad she couldn't tell Puck that Mason was better fighter than him, because it was much of a lie. "I give us a week, being generous." Usually she would think she would be the one screwing it up, but Mason had even a better record than her and without making the efford of screwing it out on purpose. "We can make it an enjoyable week, though." She sait getting up to leave.
Mason smiled in spite of himself. "That's real generous. See you, San." An enjoyable week sounded...well, it sounded impossible, but it was nice to think about. And she hadn't lied to him like, several times! That wasn't nothing; they were...allies, maybe. Friends. Currently-okay-with-each-other. He'd take it.
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angelhummel · 3 years
I’m surprised! Puck over Quinn? Can you explain why? I’m just curious lol
I just think Puck had better growth. Or like, any growth. I mean you look at him in s1 and s6 and he's a completely different person. Meanwhile in s6 Quinn is still being a bitch and shading Tina about the college she got into like ?? for what purpose?
It's my complaint with all the Unholy Trinity tho. Literally everyone else is growing up, moving on, trying to mature and make their own path in life. Meanwhile literally every time they show up it's to brag about how cool they were in high school, then put their old cheerleading uniforms back on and pretend to be the pretty popular girls again. Like... it's literally pathetic lol
And it's weird bc I think Quinn regresses the most but also I blame her the least bc we know RM had a personal vendetta against Dianna lol so... Idk. Like Brittany can't regress bc she's literally still in high school then disappears completely and Santana does okay until she runs off with Brittany about midseason five then by s6 all her growth is completely vanished. But I feel like Quinn just resets every time we see her
She grew so much in s1 just to be reset for s2, had a breakdown at the end of s2 and was dealing with that all through s3 just to get hit by a car?? Then more weird prom queen stuff and all that mess. And then supposedly she'd grown and matured but come Thanksgiving she's being a bitch again and thinking she's still hbic and slapping Santana for no reason.
It's a little better in I Do solely bc she isn't falling over herself for a guy and hooks up with Santana lol. Then she shows back up in s5 and it's the same old shit with some new asshole guy and she's acting stupid and pretending to be someone she's not and it's like we never learn.
Then in s6 again we're back to being a bitch, we're back to pretending to be a Cheerio, we're back to being mean for no reason. Why. I know the writers loved to fuck with Quinn but damn for what
There's a pitifully tiny handful of characters that I do think had consistent growth throughout the show. So of course I think Puck had his bumps in the road and his setbacks as well. But nothing as extreme as what Quinn went through. And nothing that ruined his overall growth in my eyes
I mean Puck is a genuinely good guy at heart. He was so determined to provide for Quinn and their baby. He was literally singlehandedly responsible for raising all the money they needed in Wheels. He was praying for Burt to get better when Finn was praying to be quarterback again aksjfslk. He stood up for Kurt more than his own fucking brother did.
Despite the fact that they rewrote history, Puck was always the one steering Finn in the right direction. Telling him not to just follow Rachel blindly and to have something for himself. Or telling him to buckle down and study to become a teacher. He came all the way to Ohio from California just to talk to Jake, whom he barely knew, and they formed a close brotherly bond bc Puck reached out to him
In s1 he's a cliche homophobic bully jock tossing kids into dumpsters. As early as s2, he's trying to defend Kurt, and then Klaine. In s5 and 6 he's complimenting guys' sweaters, calling them cute without a second thought, and helping them up instead of pushing them down. His little scene with Roderick is like 3 seconds long and yet I think it summarizes his growth perfectly and shows us how far he's come
Sure there are some bad things about Puck as well, but I think the main reason people hate him extra now is because of what a piece of trash the person playing him was. Same with Rachel, or Ryder. And in the opposite direction, it's why people seem to think Finn or Santana are beyond criticism. But obviously we're talking character here, and as far as characters go, I really do like Puck.
So look at my most recent character ranking and adjust it in your mind, put Puck above Quinn and Ryder, idk how that happened and I think that's where he should be. Actually maybe even put him above Brody. So he'd be 12th on my list instead of 15th. That sounds good
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gleegirlimagines · 4 years
Sibling Rivalry
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After getting kicked out of her parents house, Quinn had to stay with Finn, his mom, and lucky for her, (or unlucky, depending on who you asked), Finn's sister Y/N, aka Quinn's longtime crush. It was currently Saturday, the day after shit hit the fan, and Finn had left for football practice while his mom left for work. Quinn and Y/N were home alone and Quinn was freaking out. She sat on the couch texting Santana and Brittany. 
Q: Guys what do I do?
S: Tell her how you feel. Duh. Fuck Finnocence. He's a twat that doesn't deserve you.
Q: But I cheated on him remember?
B: And? If you have feelings for his sister, cut the ties with him and date her. He'll get over it. He's infatuated with Rachel remember?
Quinn sighed in frustration, throwing her phone to the side. A voice piped up from behind her. "Trouble in paradise?" She jumped and turned to see Y/N standing there, shirtless, with her sweats hanging low, exposing her v-line and the waistline of her boxers, eating a bowl of cereal. Quinn smiled at the girl. "No. I'm fine. Just Santana and Brittany." Y/N nodded and walked around the couch to sit next to the blonde. "I gotcha. But other than that, are you doing okay? With everything that happened?" Quinn sighed. "No. But I guess I'll have to be. My parents have always been in my back about everything so maybe this freedom from them will be eye opening for me." Y/N nodded, finishing her cereal, placing the bowl on the coffee table. 
The blonde watched as the girl wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You seem like something is bothering you." Quinn shuddered at the contact, warmth filling her body. "I have to tell you something. But you have to promise not to be mad or wanna kick me out." Y/N looked confused. "Okay?" Quinn took a deep breath. "Puck is the father." Y/N sat there unfazed. "Okay?" Quinn looked confused. "Aren't you mad?" Y/N chuckled. "I kinda already knew. I mean, Finn told me that you and him never had sex and that you told him that a hot tub make out session impregnated you. That's when I realized that my brother is an absolute idiot." Quinn giggled. "But I didn't know it was Puck. Knowing him, he probably had sex with you, got himself off, and left didn't he?" Quinn nodded. Y/N shook her head. "If I were him, I would've made your first time a memorable experience. You deserve the world Quinn. It sucks that your first time went like that." Quinn blushed. "Can I tell you something else?" Y/N nodded. Quinn got next to her ear. "I was thinking of you the whole time." It was Y/N's turn to blush. "Really?" Quinn nodded. "I have had a crush on you ever since I first laid eyes on you." Y/N smiled. "Can I tell you something? I feel the same way." Quinn looked shocked. "Can I kiss you Quinn?" Quinn nodded and pressed her lips against Y/N's. 
Quinn would never be able to explain how kissing the girl of her dreams felt. She felt warm, tingly, and most importantly, she felt safe and at home. They pulled away when air became a necessity. "Wow." They both started giggling as Quinn snuggled into Y/N's side. Y/N kissed her head. "Movie?" Quinn nodded as Y/N put on her favorite Disney movie. After a few minutes, Quinn found herself dozing off in Y/N's embrace. 
Quinn was woken up by what seemed to be yelling. She rubbed her eyes and noticed that Y/N was gone. As she woke up more, she noticed that it was Finn and Y/N yelling. She got up from her place on the couch and walked towards the yelling. 
"What the fuck were you doing cuddled up with MY girlfriend on the couch?" "We were watching a movie and she fell asleep! Why do you have to be so fucking thick?" Finn turned red. "She's MY girlfriend. Get over the fact that she chose me! You had your chance remember? It's not my fault I swooped in and got her!" Quinn's body filled with anger at the statement. "I'm sorry?" Both siblings froze. Finn turned first. "Q-Quinn! Hi baby! How was your nap?" He walked towards her to hug her, which she easily dodged and placed herself in front of Y/N. She turned to the taller boy. "What do you mean you "swooped in and got me"?" She put on her best "ice queen" glare as the boy cowered.
 "Um..I knew Y/N had a crush on you and I asked you out before she could. But I love you! That hasn't changed!" Quinn felt Y/N slide her arms around her from behind and she melted in the embrace. "Well I'm sorry to tell you this Finn but I feel the same way about your sister. My feelings for her are stronger than my feelings for you." Y/N rubbed her hands over Quinn's growing baby bump gently. Finn stares in shock. "But..you're carrying my baby." Quinn scoffed. "It's not yours. It's Puck. He's the father." Finn looked confused. "All that stuff in the hot tub? You just made that up?" Y/N spoke up. "You were stupid enough to buy it." Finn saw red as he lunged for Y/N who pushed Quinn out of the way to take the brunt of her brother. 
Finn began to punch his sisters face with force. Quinn tried to pull him off of her. "Finn stop! You're hurting her!" Finn stopped and turned to the blonde. "Don't tell me what to do! You lost that privilege when you whored it up with my best friend!" Y/N growled and tackled Finn. "Don't fucking talk to her like that!" She punched Finn a couple times before their mom walked in. "Oh my god guys! Stop!" They got off of each other. Finn's eye began to bruise as Y/N had a cut above her eyebrow. Quinn automatically went to Y/N to asses her injuries. Carol looked at the two as things began to click in her head. Finn shook it off, announcing that he was going to Rachel's. He left as the two girls were lost in each other. Carol smiled at the two before excusing herself. Quinn sniffled. "Can we go to your room?" 
After entering her room, Y/N was sat on her bed by Quinn as she went to get a first aid kit. After retrieving what she needed to clean Y/N's cut, she sat next to her and began her task. "You didn't have to do that you know. Get into a fight with him." "Quinn. I had to. I love you. Of course I'm gonna defend you like that." Quinn sniffled and pressed her lips to Y/N's gently. "I love you too." After she finished cleaning the cut, they both laid on Y/N's bed. Y/N laid her head gently on Quinn's growing baby bump as the blonde raked her fingers through her hair. Y/N began to softly sing to Quinn's stomach as the blonde began to drift off. 
Maybe she'd keep the baby.
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