#the amount of sex offenders who live on my fucking street is insane
embergalaxy · 1 year
i hate that i live in an unsafe area and cant go on walks by myself, not even during the day
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Night Twink
Just when I thought my will to live had hit an all time low somehow the world finds a new way to disappoint me.
It hurts me to even type the name “Night Twink”. Almost as much as it hurts me to read the description:
“While the powerful heroes take on the biggest threats, someone keeps the streets safe from the scum. It just so happens he's also a young gay twink. “
God. Fucking. Damn. It.  
I feel slightly offended that I even have to explain why this is one of the biggest steaming piles of shit I’ve ever had the misfortune of coming across on the internet, but it seems to have actually made it on the front page of tapastic, so I guess I have to.
Night Twink is an abomination of a comic right out of the gate. If the name wasn’t a tip off, it’s basically offensive gay stereotyping the “superhero comic”, starring an underage teenage “hero”. The comic opens with a description of how our teenage protagonist who apparently has had a good amount of gay sex at this point decided to become a hero to protect people like him. He saves another walking stereotype who then forcibly kisses him. Because, you know, having forced sexual contact with someone is a reward and all gay people are the horn for all other gay people at all times.
The comic goes on to exemplify as many gay stereotypes as possible, and hinges on a bizarre and ridiculous strawman villain who wants to destroy all the gays. It’s legitimately amazing to me how someone can want to make a comic so focused on gay rights and still be so offensive to the community at the same time. This is the gay equivalent of writing an anti-racism piece using nothing but the literal black faced caricatures of minstrel shows as your main cast. Every interaction is a scene right out of a shitty gay porno, every gay character is either super twinky and flamboyant, or a “bear”. It’s. Fucking. HORRENDOUS.
A hero standing up for gay people when nobody else will would be neat if written well. But this comic is legitimately one of the most insidiously creepy things I’ve read in a good long while.
The main character is drawn adult enough that I’m not going to accuse the author of writing child porn intentionally, but the fact remains the main character is underage, the comic repeatedly harps on that fact, and there’s a massive, unnecessary focus on his sex life, and his need to fuck and make-out with anything that moves. It’s insanely creepy, and made only more-so by the obsession with him being a “twink”, him fucking anything that moves, and the emphasis on how he really only exists as a sex object that sometimes punches people.
The “story”, as I said earlier, centers around this overblown gay-hating villain, and the main characters sexual adventures. Not much more to it really without me having to go into an insane amount of inane detail over a bunch of character interactions that don’t ultimately matter, hold any differences, or hold any relevance to anything. The plot moving forward relies heavily on everyone being violently stupid, oversexed, or having near omnipotent knowledge of shit they shouldn’t reasonably know.
The characters aren’t characters so much as unlikable stereotypes, strawmen, and walking plot devices. Most of them are terrible people, and it’s hard to feel sympathy for anyone when we’ve established most of the people being targeted are pieces of shit when they have any characteristics beyong “gay guy”. Like, yeah, bashing gays is bad, no fucking shit, but you can’t expect people to sympathize too heavily with drug addicts, cheaters, pedophiles, and generally unlikable assholes, especially when their only “sympathetic” trait is being a shitty gay stereotype.
Even beyond the disgusting premise, writing, execution, etc, the comic itself is just badly done. There are a good number of obvious typos. The text is placed in such a way figuring out what order anything’s mean to be read in is pretty much impossible some pages, and it’s honestly mildly offensive to the eyes. It’s mostly poorly formatted text on a black background with some pictures scattered haphazardly around. The formatting leads to a lot of bizarre breaks in scenes that make no sense outside of a limited print issue, and is incredibly distracting. It’s heavy-handed to the point I’m almost tempted to say it’s a satirical piece done by someone who’s actually incredibly homophobic, but I grew up surrounded by enough misguided “allies” to say this is probably just a case of someone being genuinely extremely ignorant, though that doesn’t excuse any of this shit. 
And the art. The art is hideous. It’s an anatomical nightmare. If I asked an alien to draw a human based off nothing but caricatures and the work of Rob Liefield this is what would come out. It’s bloby, and disproportional, and lazy.
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(Ripped from the most recent upload per my policy on only using the most recent art in critiques. This is one of the least egregiously hideous panels, I’m fucking serious)
Along with looking like aborted salami people, 99% of the other characters look like the same blond guy. I legitimately had a hard time understanding what was happening at points because half the characters look fucking identical. The poses are made to be as unnecessarily sexual as possible, at all times, no matter the context. I guess you could try to claim it’s a mockery of how women are portrayed in comics, but looking at the authors other work I seriously fucking doubt it. (also two wrongs don’t make a right, especially when the “male fetishization” is just gay fetishization, which we already have an ungodly amount of)
This is especially egregious when we’re literally dealing with someone locked up in some creepy rape den torture chamber.
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(This guy is literally a prisoner in a sex dungeon of some villains house, established as being a teenager, and no the fact that his “boyfriend” forcibly locked him in there doesn’t make it better, it’s still abusive and exploitative, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING GROSS THIS IS)
Overall this is one of the biggest steaming piles of shit on the internet and I regret that it exists, much less in my memory, and the memory of my computer browser. It should be wiped from the face of the Earth, and the author should feel fucking ashamed.
-Mod Dio
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