#the anakin vibes too were uncanny
kyshiwarrior · 7 months
WORD VOMIT RE: Jet's attitude towards his decisions.
another reason i wanna kiss whoever wrote and directed jet's episode is the fact in the cartoon, jet was absolutely hyped about blowing up the dam and knew deep down it was bad because he shielded the gaang from it even if he was upfront with the freedom fighters and confirming with the duke that innocents would die but thats the price --- but still later smiling and saying theyre going to have a great victory over the fire nation after sokka is taken away.
in the liveaction, the cockiness jet has is when he's amused the gaang thinks they're slick for trying to sneak in, when he's helping them sneak in because he thinks its amusing and a helping hand, and the face of a threat: when the fire benders are found waiting for him in the forest to kill him for spying on them and hes ready to fight them back. Then, he's smiling at the camp when he's announcing who they are and what their goal is: freedom and protecting their home because no one else has their back.
Outside of this, Jet is very somber and expresses a lot of stress. For example, when he stops Katara from making herself known too early when Sai is talking to the spy then when Katara confronts him. What really stood out to me was when Katara walked up and Smellerbee was exchanging a look with him. They both looked really stressed and uncomfortable before she even came around the corner, but then especially. The look Smellerbee gave to Jet really said a thousand words, like they've been having a lot of discussions about involving her in their mission and an almost 'I told you so.' (sidenote: they did a wonderful job with nonverbals). Jet immediately puts his foot down about it not being the time then also not denying what he was doing when confronted. When he explains why he’s doing it, even as he smiles a little when saying they know how to take out the trash, its spoken with so much ire because he’s doing what he feels he needs to — and it hurts its your own people that let you down. He smiles because he’s in pain and overall feeling of ‘This is what happens when these people think they could get away with it. They have us to reckon with.’
What was significant to me was the lack of ego. This was someone who had full understanding that what he was doing wasn't something to boast about, but a building frustration tying with "IF NOT US, WHO?" What Katara didn't understand was the difference between herself and Jet, what defines being 'the good guy.' Jet was someone so acutely aware of his lack of privileges and the fear that drives the 'hard decisions' for the sake of collective. Hard decisions that put the very people you're trying to protect at risk because they were in the wrong place and the wrong time, but more would be at risk if they didn't act immediately. It's ugly, messy, imperfect -- and Jet is aware. He is not excited about any of this. Instead, he's pissed he feels he has no other choice because no adult after his parents did anything to help him. So it's all up to him, to him. ((cartoon implied these attitudes but I still spent years trying to get it through jet anti’s heads ))
And assassinating a KING and almost effortlessly succeeding is ... quite something. Impulsive, but pretty impressive. Sad, too, that it would be so easy. Everything Jet had to say about Bumi in this universe was true. Bumi lost his nerve, he was surrounded in privilege, he wasn't doing anything to really stop the corruption, and he fell into despair. Sure, Aang got through to him. Sure, Sai changed his ways and drew away from his treason with risk following. Sure. But we know what's going to inevitably happen, unless they decide to change it: Bumi happily lets Omashu get overtaken by the Fire Nation and orders all his guards to "do nothing" without any explanation. We better see Jet in Season 2 talk about his perspective here because the changes they did have me buzzing with theories. He would be livid and seemingly 100% right about King Bumi. ((Unfortunately, he is also destined to die before finding out about Bumi's plans to take Omashu back the day of the solar eclipse, but it doesn't matter because Jet would not have forgiven him for that terror.))
Anyway, they did a great job humanizing him while making him a foil to her. In the original, Jet was Sokka's foil, but I think it works so well to make him Katara's -- as they both become the most vocal and impulsive social justice activists. So seeing them fight and discuss what it meant to be a 'traitor' and 'unforgivable' was fascinating. They were actually able to have two separate discussions on the matter -- one where Katara confronted Jet to call him a traitor and when Jet confronted Katara to call her one in return.
I love how in the original, Sokka was able to prove he is a good leader in his own way by showing empathy for all and not willing to risk innocent lives ever, which gets Aang and Katara's respect after so much ridicule and comparisons. In contrast, I also love how they decided to go an alternate route because with Jet's impact on Katara that had such a lasting impression, this change did their dynamic justice. It sets up season 2 very well in how they'll engage with each other again.
I also love how Katara is able to reflect on Jet with criticism, but also understanding and a moment of gratitude. It feels a lot better than his simple flattery followed with manipulating her for her powers, and audiences feeling unsure how much of his flirting was genuine. Mind you, helps her story and establishes trust issues around being used (factors into her other plotlines), but it's such a disservice to Jet in return. I'm a big advocate of 'you don't have to completely demonize and ruin a character for the sake of uplifting another, the other should be able to stand on their own.'
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tennessoui · 2 years
Hello!! I may not be making much sense, but in my defence, i just woke up and had a very cool dream, which is what i'm here about!
I had the very good idea of going to sleep after watching a playthrough of Bloodborne bc Bloodborne is very sexy, and my brain cooked a weird dream about it! And obviously, bc i am obsessed with Obikin, it super was about Obikin. And i just wanna talk about it before i forget or something!
I hope im making sense, but anyways here we go:
So, Anakin is half Force, bc Child of the Force and all that, which means he's very normal (in Anakin way, so not normal by normal). But sometimes he looks very weird or feels very weird, but you can't place how, weirdly uncanny and all that. Anyways, weird. And when he is very angry or emotional, he becomes very scary, and its very hard to look at him, he doesn't change or anything, but he hurts your eyes, kind of like a very bright light might. And the strongest in the force you are, the easiest it is to see (like the insight mecanism in the game) him as he is, which i cant describe bc i couldn't see in my dream.
Obi-wan noticed the pattern obv, but cannot look at him too long and stuff idk i dont very remember that.
There was a part, it was during Mortis arc i think? idk. And so, there was the Father, the Daughter and the Son. And there spawned the Mother, which was the Force, as in the whole force, represented by the Mother, which looked like something i cannot even describe bc dream. And she went to get Anakin back, bc she always wanted a kid, and never could have one, but she found a way to make one by using a human woman (Anakin's mother) and now she wants him!
And Obi-wan very much doesn't want the Force to steal him away, bc that's his Padawan, and he very much wants him there, with him, until forever probably, so he kinda negociates with the weird ass eldritch-monster-thing about it. He said things, which were very sexy and that i forgot, but it was basically about how Anakin was gonna die someday anyways and she can have him then but not a second sooner, bc once he's dead he's gonna be hers for eternity but now he's definitely Obi-Wan's. It was all very sexy.
I also remember that the Mother laughed and hugged him (Obi-Wan) with her weird not-arms, made him swallow something (forcefully) and then released him, and when he stopped choking on the thing (it was liquid, looked carmine red but gold at the same time?? i think it was blood) he looked at the Mother again and could see her somehow (still can't describe her bc i wasnt him so my dream didnt let me see :") ) and he heard her say "you can have him as long as you're alive, but as soon as you die, ill come get him", so now he has to stay alive to keep Anakin.
Also i think the Mother's blood that she made Obi-Wan drink raised his midichlorian count, so now when Anakin does his weird shiny angry thing, he can look at him without bleeding from the eyes or something.
Also i think there was a part about how the brighest lights cast the darkest shadows, Palpa-thing trying to corrupt Anakin, and Obi-Wan being able to literally see the corruption, and do something about it.
Gods i hope it makes sense.
Anyways i love you, i hope you're having a good day!
ahhh i wish my dreams were half as vivid or descriptive!!
this feels like perfect eldritch anakin vibes + plus a somehow becomes immortal obi-wan just so no one can take his padawan from him because i think he'd do something like that through accidental spite
i mean if anyone could defy the force through sheer willpower, it may be obi-wan idk
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