#the answer is because he'd block evade her.
chimichaching · 3 days
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I know it's bland, having an art block type moment ig.
After fiddleford left the project, Ford started to become delusional, having no one to keep him grounded in reality. He lets Bill possess him more frequently, to keep the one he trusted in the most in his life, he isolated himself from everyone, and Bill was all he had left. He hears Bill in his head, in his thoughts, and sees him in his dreams. When he wasn't in them, Ford would beg, or pray, to bill, afraid he'll lose him. Sitting in his room full of bill cipher relics, drawings, and tapestries for hours, he'd be finishing up the portal as Bill requested. When Ford did go out for food and toiletries, he'd ramble to others about Bill, how powerful he was, and how they'd benefit from his wisdom and power. Some would brush him off, others, looking for answers and already suseptible to manipulation and promises of an easier life listened. Bill, the narcissistic being he is, commands Ford to grow a following, a place of worship, Ford being the priest, his disciple.
As Ford loses his sanity, he believes anything bad or good that's happened to him was because of Bill being either pleased or displeased with him. He sees him in anything that had any resemblance of Bill, a yield sign, triangle perfume bottles, children's books, hell, even pizza and doritos! Feeling as if he was watching, anywhere at anytime.
Ford has finished the portal, or has put the finishing touches on it, allowing Bills plan to finally begin, Ford, his henchmaniacs and his cult help Bill in various ways, destroying the forcefield around the town, Bill begins his never-ending "party" with Ford as his devoted disciple and partner. The world goes into chaos.
The twins, dipper and Mabel, never visit gravity falls, Stanley never getting that call from Ford. The twins were not born yet, never stopping Bill, fiddleford still created the blind eye, but the group is forced underground to avoid danger as the cult grew. "The all seeing eye" was Ford's new cult he made for Bill, mocking the blind eye's group.
Dipper and Mabel are born into chaos, raised to fear and worship Bill and his henchmaniacs, however they rebeled, Dipper researching how to stop Bill, his henchmaniacs...and his grunkle Ford. Mabel has a knack for building weapons and is able to evade detection from gangs as she searches for food, water, and supplies for her and dipper in their hometown, piedmont, California.
Ok, ok, I know it's long, but i just needed to put this somewhere, I'm not a good story teller and I haven't truly read the journals or the book of bill just yet, I'm going off by the little I know from the show and what I've seen and read. I wanted to see an angsty AU, didn't find one or just didn't search hard enough, so...forgive me if it's totally out of order, thank you for reading and I hope I did ok. <3 it's also 4 AM where I'm at..so there might be mistakes.
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saturdays--sun · 8 months
truly one of the funniest bits of my insert's lore is that she continues to just have izaya's number in her phone. girl, i thought you hated him. why have you not blocked it yet? 🤨
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daughterofcain-67 · 9 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt. 8)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After Beau and the other officers found nothing, they look for any other way to find you and they block the roads to make sure no one gets out of Helena. Beau is determined to find you before it's too late. He just has to hope that 'too late' never comes.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: shooting (during a chase scene), mention of Y/N's r@pe, stabbing, nothing graphic. I think that should be everything.
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When Beau finally found the entrance to the basement he couldn’t help but feel at least a little relieved. He busted the door down but what he saw was not what he was hoping for.
You were nowhere to be found! The handcuffs were lying on the floor, the chains that kept you there were empty.
“Beau, no one is here.” Jenny said when she found him.
Then it was like the walls around Beau were crumbling down. He didn’t know what else he was supposed to do so Beau ended up punching the wall in front of him. He punched it so hard he was positive he might’ve busted the skin on his knuckles.
“Damn it!”
This couldn't be happening...
Beau had to be dreaming. They were so damned close to finding you and just when everything was in place, you were just.. gone? His officer's were quick to get to this blasted place, how did Andre's men move so fast?
Beau's head was spinning as he walked out of the basement empty handed. When he made it outside, he told one of the officer's to take Andre down to the station so they could get him booked. They had more than enough to hold him and he was sure Agent Sampson had more evidence to solidify his arrest.
When he ran his fingers through his hair, Beau felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked and saw who it was, he tried not to be so tense when he realized that it was just Jenny with one of those empathetic looks on her face.
"We'll find her, Beau. We've got Andre and maybe we'll get some answers from him." She tried to reassure but Beau knew it wouldn't be easy. Then Agent Sampson came up.
"Speaking of holding Andre... Beau, I think it would be wise if you didn't interview him when we get to the station." He said, and Beau glanced over it him with his brows narrowing slightly.
"Why the Hell wouldn't I interview him? I'm the Sheriff of this town, remember?" He asked.
"Yeah, and I'm the FBI Agent handling this case and I have jurisdiction on this one. You're lucky I even let you get as involved as you are, despite your interest in this case. Or did you forget about that?" Sampson reminded.
At this, Beau went quiet. He knew Sampson was right and he may have blown things by getting angry. But when Andre admitted to him what he did, and so haughtily too, Beau couldn't help losing his cool.
"Arlen, as much as I like you, I really don't think he'd give you any answers you want after your, um... confrontation. Something tells me it was a little more than evading arrest or self defense. Do you really think he would willingly cooperate with a guy that just kicked his ass and got him arrested in the first place?"
"I get it, okay? I messed up. But at least we've got him and we're taking him down to the station." Beau said as he started taking off the bulletproof vest and he tossed it inside of his car.
"Beau, what did Andre admit to you? Maybe we can add that additional charge to everything if we have the right evidence." Jenny said, trying to uplift things a little before the sheriff got too discouraged.
"Trust me, we don't have the right evidence yet." He said.
"What makes you say that?" The agent questioned, then Beau explained what exactly Andre said that made Beau lose it for a moment.
"Andre... he admitted to assaulting Y/N. We don't have any evidence yet because we still haven't found her yet, and it's not like I got a recording of his confession. So I'm not sure effective that'll be while we hold him."
"Holy cow..." She breathed out, "I can't imagine going through something like that..."
"But it is an additional charge. Once we find Y/N, we'll do a rape kit and use those results as evidence against him." Agent Sampson agreed.
"Let's get to the station and see if we can get some answers. Maybe we can still get surveillance on other vehicles. I told officers to keep an eye on any other cars that were at this location for the past few days so maybe we'll be able to find out who left this place and-"
"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Beau asked, "Have you heard anything back? Has anyone called anything in?"
"Not yet, which is all the more reason t get out of here." Sampson continued.
So that was exactly what everyone did.
Beau got into his truck and started driving down to the station to get some kind of info an any of the other people that happened to be there. Maybe they would still have some time to get some roads blocked off before you'd be gone for good. They were running out of time and Beau wanted to make sure they were doing everything in their power to get you back.
Once they made it back to the station, Beau went to Poppernack's desk and saw him there already typing away at any surveillance footage they could get.
"What do you have for me, Poppernack." Beau said.
The deputy looked a little shocked that Beau was using his real name this time around, but he also knew now wasn't the time to linger on his surprise as he focused on the screen in front of him, "Naturally we've got Andre's truck whenever he left to go see you, Boss. But I'm assuming right after Andre's chat with you he must've made the call to the people on the inside."
Beau took a look on the screen and sure enough, another vehicle came by. It was a large, black van and Beau could see two men carrying you by your arms. You were fighting as best as you could but you ended up in the back of that van and the doors slammed shut.
The two men got into the van and then a woman stepped out, she was on the phone looking like she was making some kind of arrangements while she started heading to some kind of silver hybrid.
"How long ago did they leave?" Beau asked.
"About ten minutes before we all arrived." Poppernack answered.
"Ten minute head start... That doesn't give them a whole lot of time so maybe we can get to them. Zoom in on both their plates and track them down. Start looking for where both the cars went and send people to block the roads leaving town." The Sheriff said as he straightened up.
"On it Boss."
With that, Beau walked towards the interrogation room. He may not be able to interview Andre, but he could at least watch and see what would come of all of this. He wanted to know what kind of progress they would be able to make and see how cooperative Andre would actually be with this.
"Sheriff, I don't think you're supposed to be here." One of the officers said and Beau looked over.
"I'm not interviewing the guy, I'm simply an observer. This is still my department." He reminded, even if the position is supposedly temporary.
When he looked through the window, he saw Andre sitting there with the most arrogant posture. It was as if he really thought they couldn't get anything on him, and that drove Beau crazy.
"Look, we just want to know where Y/N is. And after your little confession to the sheriff, we know you know where she is." Agent Sampson spoke and Andre cocked a brow.
"I knew where she was back where she was still held in the basement. I wouldn't know where she's headed now." Andre said as he leaned back into the chair.
"But we know you can find out. Better yet, you can give us the names of the people that have taken Y/N." The agent continued and he leaned over and he placed a file on the table top. He slid three pictures in front of Andre.
"These people, your family members, I know you're involved with them. We know you go by the King, your sister is the Queen, a little cousin of yours, Matvey, is Ace. Then you've got another man coming in as the Jack." He began, "We also know that you've kept your hands clean up to this point and you've let people like Ace take the fall. Are you really willing to screw all of that up?"
"From the way I see it, and from the way your Sheriff friend was so determined to get me here, I'd say it's already my time to go to jail, yes? So why would I help you?"
"Come on, Andre. You act like FBI haven't made deals before."
"If you wanna cut a deal, talk to my lawyer."
Beau's jaw clenched at the mere idea of striking a deal with a scumbag like Andre. He was trying his best to bite his tongue for this. He crossed his arms over his chest and listened.
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You stared down at your wrists. They were bound yet again, just after you thought you were free from the handcuffs, they put you in zip ties. It didn't feel that great against the wounds you had on your wrists after getting out of those cuffs. Now these zip ties gave you no wiggle room to try and get out of them.
You leaned your back against the wall of the van since the seats were taken out of this thing. So many thoughts were swirling in your mind.
How would Beau find you now? How would he be able to track you down now? What if they didn't know the plates of these vehicles? What if they would be too late again? What if you would never see Beau or Cadence again?
What if you really would be sent out of the country and end up with a lifetime of torture with whatever trafficking circle you'd be sold to?
What if there wasn't any hope left after all?
You lifted your bound hands and put them to your face, palms pressing against your eyes as if you were trying to wake yourself up from this nightmare. Where did it all go wrong?
You wished you hadn't gone on that date with Andre, especially if you would have known his involvement with this group. You wished you would have been smarter about everything.
The one thing you could say you did somewhat right, was get Jenny to do some kind of background check on Andre. And even then, who knew if Andre would get out of this with his reputation unscathed? The chances of him having to deal with any consequences was highly unlikely, much to your dismay.
"I can't believe we're in this fucking mess because of this chick." Jack said, causing you to lift your face from the palms of your hands and you notice his gaze on you was dark, unforgiving. You didn't think he would be the type to kill you though - it seemed more Ace's speed.
"You just had to go and scream out on King's phone call. What a bitch." He glared at you.
"Yeah, yeah. She's the source of today's problems. But you know King. He can't resist the ladies. If they resist him then... well there's one more sold off." Ace said, never taking his eyes off the road since he was the one driving the car.
Wait, Andre's done this to multiple girls? How many times has he done this and not gotten caught? How many girls were suffering because of him? Would they ever get any justice?
"Son of a bitch..." Ace grumbled and started to put on the brakes, "Gag her and put her away. We can't have her loud mouth alerting anyone."
"Ace? What's happening? What's going on?" Jack asked.
"Traffic on this highway's turning around. This road's blocked so we need to find another way out. Gag her incase they're doing a search and put the blankets on her or something."
The next thing you knew, Jack put some duct tape over your mouth and he pushed you down, pulling a knife out and pointed it at you.
"If you get up, make a sound, or do anything that will get us caught, I will slice your throat." Jack told you, and seeing as you didn't want to piss him off you simply complied.
All you could think of that you could do was just close your eyes. When they closed, you focused on the blackness surrounding you and you just tried to get lost in different thoughts, anything to distract you from the current situation.
But nothing positive came to mind. All you could think of were all of the 'what ifs' that repeated in your mind like a broken record.
"Hello, Officers. How can we help you?" You could hear Ace ask.
"The roads are closed off and we're looking for a girl. We're going to have to search your vehicle before we allow you to turn around." An officer said.
That sounded so hopeful! If they were searching the cars, then the officers would find you and then you would be free from all of this! You could go home!
You stayed still because you didn't know if Jack was still next to you ready to strangle you if you made any movement, but you could hear the doors of the van open. The next few sounds horrified you...
Gunshots rang out from inside the van and you could only imagine from beneath the blanket covering you, that Jack was the one pulling the trigger. While this was going on, you felt yourself being tossed around the back of the van and you could hear the screech of burning rubber, knowing Ace must be making some kind of U-turn to get out of there.
The blanket fell and you could see Jack getting up to shut the back of the van before the cops could shoot the inside. You carefully sat up and you wondered if the cops would be able to catch this van, if Beau had other officers on the watch for you.
You lifted your hands and took off the tape since its not like they remembered to have your hands behind you. You winced a little since it stung when the tape was ripped off your skin, almost like a band-aid. When you leaned forward to try and look out through the windshield, you saw your surroundings and knew they were headed to some back roads.
But if they're going through the back roads, that means there are no security cameras. And if there are no cameras, how would Beau be able to track the vehicle?
Soon enough the car came to a stop.
"Ace? What the Hell are you doing? This wasn't a part of the plan." Jack said with a slightly panicky tone.
"Well the roads shutting down wasn't exactly in the plan either, now was it? Get her out." Ace said as he got out of the driver's seat.
They were ditching the vehicle. Right here and now?
Jack pulled you by your arm and dragged you out of the back of the van and you could feel the rocks and twigs against your bare feet.
"We're going on foot from here since the roads are blocked. Send a message to Queen." Ace said.
"I don't think there's any cell reception from here but I'll give it a shot." Jack said and pulled his phone from his pocket with his free hand.
As Jack was distracted, you bit your lip as an idea formulated in your mind. It was a long shot and you didn't know if you had the physical strength to do this, but you had to try something.
So with all of your might, you elbowed Jack in the side which caused him to drop his device. When you moved to try and make an escape, Ace grabbed one of your arms. You took your hands and formed them into fists so you ended up punching him with both fists and you watched Ace cover his nose.
"Ah, you bitch!" Ace snarled, although it came out muffled.
You looked and Jack was running towards you, and you ran back to the van looking for anything you could use to help with your self defense and that was when you saw the blade that Jack must've dropped earlier when Ace made that turn-around.
You picked it up and you aimed it at Jack.
"Now you don't actually know how to use that thing, sweetheart. How 'bout you give it here before you do something stupid, huh?" Jack said and you clenched your jaw.
"You stay away from me before you get yourself hurt." You said back.
"Why you little-"
When Jack lunged forward, you had an overwhelming dose of adrenaline rush through you and you ended up stabbing him somewhere in the abdomen. You hoped that you didn't kill him, since you didn't want murder on your conscience, but it was clearly enough to get Jack to back off.
You could hear his scream from the pain he was feeling and he grabbed his side and leaned against the van. You kept the knife in your hands that were still tied and you hopped out of the car. But you still had Ace to deal with.
Ace came at you and tackled you to the ground and you landed on your back and it knocked the wind out of you for a moment. But when you realized that Ace was on top of you, it took all of the strength you had to use your legs and you kicked him in the groin. It was one way to get him off you.
He rolled over in pain and you turned around, scrambling to get up again. Then you took the gun that was in Ace's belt, you used the butt end of it and knocked Ace out.
While you were finally catching your breath, you looked over and saw that Jack was still in the van, losing a lot of blood. You walked over to the van, picked up the blanket and tossed it as best as you could to Jack so he could try and get his own bleeding to stop.
Then you hopped out of the van once more, picked up the knife since you knew you would need it to unzip your wrists. Then you bent down to pick up Jack's phone that was still miraculously unlocked through this whole endeavor.
You quickly dialed up Beau's number since he told you to memorize it just incase. You held the phone up to your ear as best as you could as you rushed off into the woods before Ace would wake up and before Jack could regain any strength.
"Sheriff Arlen. Who's this?"
God you couldn't have been more relieved to hear the sound of his voice.
You just hoped that the reception wouldn’t be too bad where you were and that he would be able to hear you as you went deeper into the woods.
"Beau? It's Y/N..."
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Thank you guys so much for reading!
Tag List:
@deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373 @chriszgirl92 @nancymcl @fanfic-n-tabulous @globetrotter28
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treatian · 14 days
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Domestic Battles
Chapter 47: Something There That Wasn't There Before
Something was wrong.
Sleep always came easy for him when Belle was by his side. And though he hadn't experienced true bodily exhaustion since he became the Dark One, he did experience exhaustion of the mind and knew just how effective a night in her bed could be at relieving that sort of weariness. He needed that now. After the day they had both had, all he wanted was to close his eyes, experience oblivion for a few hours, and wake the next morning to a fresh start. New day, new beginning. Out with the old, in with the new! And yet…
The hours ticked by throughout the night. He stared at the ceiling. Watched the clock. Listened to the noises of nighttime in Storybrooke. Sleep evaded him. And he refused to guess why. The Dark Ones in his head, laughing at him throughout the night, had several suggestions that he was using every ounce of his tired brain to block out. Beside him, Belle slept on. Despite the day and her tearful good night, she had eventually fallen into a familiar pattern of rest that he usually found comforting: her slow and steady heart beating against his ribs, her breath falling gently over his chest, the occasional twitch of her fingers against his skin. It should have lulled him to sleep hours ago. It should have cleared his mind and let him sleep, and yet here he lay, still awake, still rubbing her back, still thinking and plotting and stewing and-
Next to him, Belle gave a deep sigh as though she was potentially coming to, finally rousing from the night, a dreaded sign that he could no longer ignore that the night was over, and it was morning.
Only instead of heaving that sigh and looking up at him, she pulled herself away, wrenched herself out of his gasp, and moved to the side of the bed as if she was about to reach for something.
And then she stilled.
The cool air pebbled against his skin as he stared at her back, waiting for her to say something to answer him.
But she just laid there. Just lay there and breathed, not uttering a single word.
"Belle?!" he questioned again, moving onto his elbow to look her over only to realize…her eyes. They were still closed.
She was still asleep? Soundly? No, that wasn't possible! Every night that he'd ever slept with her, every single night, she slept against his side, never moving, never stirring. The only time she moved was when she woke for the bathroom or water or him!
A spell, then! It must be!
"Belle!" he cried, letting his magic sweep over her. He looked for the problem, for the signature of whoever had done this to her. All the while, the Dark One's laughter in his head rang out suddenly, sounding like Zelena. There was no spell! None that he could find! What was happening?! "Belle, what's wrong?!"
Another deep breath had her rolling over and sitting up in bed, glancing over to look at him with alarm before she glanced around the room as if expecting an attack!
"What? Nothing! Nothing's wrong!" she insisted as she looked back at him with concern and confusion. All emotions that he should be the one to lay claim to because she didn't yet see what had happened. "Why? What makes you say-"
"You were asleep!" he breathed. It was such a simple concept, and yet, for him, it was damning.
"Yes. Yes, you woke me, what happened?"
The impossible had suddenly become possible, and for no reason, he could identify.
He let himself sink back into the mattress as he stared up at the ceiling, the same damn spot he'd been staring at all night just so he could be there for her, only for her to just…
What the fuck was that?! What had just happened? Something was wrong. With him? With her? Them?!
"Rumple, you're worrying me, what's going on?"
"You were asleep," he explained. "You were asleep, and you rolled away. You rolled away from me, out of my arms. You've never done that before. Why…why would you do that?"
You know why…
No, he didn't know why, he didn't understand! This wasn't just some fling or a marriage of convenience. Hell, in many ways, it was the most inconvenient thing he'd ever done in his life! But it was worth it because she was worth it! Because every night he got to hold her made him feel grounded and whole! But for her to just roll away from him like that, after yesterday, given the true location of the dagger and the secrets he was hiding.
"I'm…I'm sure it was nothing," she attempted to excuse, but he could hear the worry in her tone. Even though she knew that she never did this, never left his embrace, that something was wrong. "I'm sorry," she apologized, rolling back over and fitting herself to him just as she had been, just like she always did.
Until just now.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to panic you, I must have just…"
She paused in the wrong place, just as he was hanging on her words, wondering, hoping that she was about to offer up an excuse that would be acceptable. A limb that had fallen asleep. A full bladder. A dream that was too vivid. Anything!
But she offered nothing. She didn't finish the thought. Just let it hang there between them, a crushing weight he hadn't expected to encounter this early in the morning.
Something was wrong.
"I'm sorry, I have to go…"
He wanted to rebel. He wanted to fight back. He wanted to probe her mind and figure out what the hell was going on and why she was suddenly pushing away when all she'd ever done was go out of her way to pull herself closer to him. But those answers terrified him. He wasn't quite sure he was ready for them. And so he nodded in response and kept his eyes staring at the ceiling, trying not to think about how it was far too early for her to be out of bed.
Her fingertips traced down the side of his cheek as she turned his head to where she lay and put her mouth to his. It was a peck. I swift kiss that didn't offer the opportunity for him to grow it into anything significant. Which was also damn near unheard of in their bed. What the fuck was wrong with them?
"I love you," she muttered, moving herself so that she could lean her forehead against his own, force him to stop staring at the ceiling. "I love you, and if I could, I'd spend all day with you right here just to prove it."
"Then do it!" he challenged quickly. A day where they told the world to go fuck themselves and stayed in bed, offering no explanation or justification for their actions…that did sound like them! "Stay here. Let the others deal with the Snow Queen today and stay here with me!"
Could he afford to let the Snow Queen go for the day? No, he couldn't. But that was the point. Letting her drop off his radar was nothing he couldn't fix in the days to come. But this, whatever had happened this morning, whatever was happening now…he had the sense that if they didn't fix it now, then it might lead to something catastrophic. He had the sense, but he didn't know. Oh, what would he give to have his gift of the future back?!
He stared up at her, looking into her eyes as she considered it, his hands itching to be playful and cheerful, to pull her back into his embrace just so he could hear her giggle before she screamed his name because if she chose to stay then that was exactly what they were going to do!
"I'm sorry," she apologized as her voice cracked in sorrow. "I can't. I have to go. I have to."
Without further explanation, she pulled herself away from him again and hurried into the bathroom, where she was safely out of his reach and wouldn't come back to him. It left him looking at the place where she'd been in utter shock. He stared at the door, that stupid two-inch barrier between him and her as though it was the toughest foe he'd ever faced. Odd…
She'd offered no explanation when she went into that bathroom, but he didn't need it. The Snow Queen was something he could afford to let go of for the day in order to have her by his side. Anna, on the other hand, was not something she was willing to release for him.
Wasn't being honest supposed to set one free from the weight of secrets? She'd been hiding something from him ever since Elsa came into their lives, and he'd felt it every day until yesterday when she'd confessed that something was Anna. Now that they had the truth, wasn't he supposed to feel like there was nothing between them?
Why did he feel like Anna was a barrier between them, now more than ever?
What the fuck was wrong with them?
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