#the answer is: the marketing assistants were doing the fridays@3 programs so i could focus on the main show programs
ectonurites · 2 years
Robin Lord Taylor- the guy who played Penguin on Gotham- is gonna be in a reading where i work tomorrow and i really found out via instagram story despite working in the marketing office. how did i not already know this
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zorovevo · 3 years
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You have the same 3 trading strategy choices. Let Option Expire - usually because the market went up and trading them is not worth it, nor is exercising your right to sell it at the strike price. Exercise the Contract - Market declined, so you buy the stock at the lower price and exercise the contract to sell it at 40 and make your profit. Trading The Option - The market either declined, which raised the premium or the market rose and you are just looking to get out before losing all of your premium. Conclusion BasicsTrading Options carries nice leverage because you do not have to buy or short the stock itself, which requires more capital. They carry 100% risk of premiums invested. There is an expiration time frame to take action after you buy options. Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training.
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I find that it's quite suspect to receive trading advice from someone that doesn't trade themselves. If you don't think you need on-going options trading education and assistance, ask yourself these questions:� Why do professional athletes have coaches?� Why do Fortune 500 companies hire consultants?� Why does the President have advisers?The answer to all of these questions is simple:Mentors hold you accountable, help you define & reach goals, are on the outside looking in, and they can provide a wealth of knowledge when dealing with the subject matter at hand. Basically, mentors help you become BETTER traders. If you are serious about options trading, then it's worth your time to try a few of these steps out today. The more you hone in and apply a laser-like focus on your skills, the easier it will become to identify opportunities to make money in the market. Learn Options Trading - Option Strategy BasicsBefore you learn the basics about how to trade options and the strategies, it is important to understand the types, cost and risks before opening an options account for trading. This article will focus on stock options vs. foreign currencies, bonds or other securities you can trade options on. This piece will mostly focus on the buy side on the market and the trading strategies used. What is a Stock OptionAn option is the right to buy or sell a stock at the strike price. Each contract on a stock will have an expiration month, a strike price and a premium - which is the cost to buy or short the option. If the contract is not exercised before the option expires, you will lose your money invested in your trading account from that contract. It is important to learn that these instruments are riskier than owning the stocks themselves, because unlike actual shares of stock, options have a time limit. There are 2 types of contracts. Calls and Puts and How to trade them and the basics behind them. What is a Call Option and how to trade them?A call option contract gives the holder the right to buy 100 shares of the stock (per contract) at the fixed strike price, which does not change, regardless of the actual market price of the stock. An example of a call option contract would be:1 PKT Dec 40 Call with a premium of $500. PKT is the stock you are buying the contract on. 1 means One option contract representing 100 shares of PKT. The basic thought and learning how to trade call options in this example is you are paying $500, which is 100% at risk if you do nothing with the contract before December, but you have the right to buy 100 shares of the stock at 40. So, if PKT shoots up to 60. You can exercise the contract and buy 100 shares of it at 40. If you immediately sell the stock in the open market, you would realize a profit of 20 points or $2000. You did pay a premium of $500, so the total net gain in this options trading example would be $1500. So the bottom line is, you always want the market to rise when you are long or have purchased a call option. Trading Strategy vs. Exercising and Understanding PremiumsWith call options, the premium will rise as the market on the underlying stock rises. Buyer demand will increase. This increase in premiums allows for the investor to trade the option in the market for a profit. So you are not exercising the contract, but trading it back. The difference in the premium you paid and the premium it was sold for, will be your profit. The benefit for people looking to learn how to trade options or learn the basics of a trading strategy is you do not need to buy a stock outright to profit from it's increase with calls. What are Put Options?A put option is the reverse of a call contract. Puts allow the owner of the contract to SELL a stock at the strike price. You are bearish on the shares or perhaps the sector that the company is in. Since selling a stock short is extremely risky, since you have to cover that short and your buyback price of that stock is unknown.
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charitywaterblog · 7 years
Meet our Spring Interns!
This Spring, we were so honored to work with 12 amazing, talented, and ambitious interns who showed up every day with a contagious passion for changing the world. Say hello to our Spring intern dream team! 
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Name: Kelsey Thompson School: The King’s College Team: Marketing Hometown: Keller, Texas
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I wanted to get involved with a nonprofit organization and a lot of people at my school recommended charity: water!
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
I answer a lot of questions from supporters on a multitude of different issues, assist with merchandise orders, and help out at the reception desk!
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
The people! Everyone here is so nice and the office is always planning something interesting.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
Lots and lots of studying! But other than that, I love hanging out with my friends and when I’m not seeing Broadway shows, I’ve probably got the soundtracks stuck in my head.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Remedy Diner on the Lower East Side or Union Square when the weather is nice.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
It’s kinda of a surprise to everyone, including myself.
Fun Fact: When I was young, there was a period of time in which I would not respond to Kelsey. I made my family call me “Ariel” because I loved The Little Mermaid so much.
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Name: Laura Heilburn School: Auburn University Team: Key Relationships - UK Initiative Hometown: San Diego, CA
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
Public health and preventative medicine are strong passions of mine, so to be able to join charity: water in pursuit of worldwide access to clean water is an incredible privilege. charity: water has chosen to face the water crisis head on as well as challenge pre-existing and inefficient charity models with their 100% model. I am endlessly inspired by their impact as well as the courage they provide those facing enormous obstacles of their own.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
Working on charity: water’s expansion to the UK means I get the wonderful opportunity to work with many different people in various departments. It has been invaluable to see the inner workings of this organization and the different roles it takes to support the mission for clean water.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
You could not ask for a more kind and passionate group of people to work alongside, and I mean both staff and supporters. It is reassuring, especially during times like these, to see the good happening on a daily basis and to work with people who are not discouraged by the size of a problem but instead determined to do something about it.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
Outside of charity: water I make a living as a graphic designer. If I’m not working on any projects you can find me snapping some photos, strumming my guitar, or scheming up a new adventure.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
I love to be wherever the music is. From subway stations and Washington Square Park to Carnegie Hall, this city is filled with so many talented musicians! (I’ve skipped many a train just to hear another tune).
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
I have a forecast of about 3 months right now, but please introduce me to someone with a 15-year plan, I could learn a thing or two!
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Name: Shaikh Moin School: Fordham University Team: Water Programs Hometown: Jamaica Estates, NY
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I had a friend who interned at charity: water last semester and the work that she did was so impactful. I was really inspired by her to apply and get involved in helping solve the global water crisis.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
It varies so much! Recently, I have been working on researching potential partners for new grants. In the past I’ve helped Anna with Monitoring and Evaluation or Water Program Officer’s with photo review.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
Beer and Pizza! I love the workplace environment here.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
I love spending time with my friends and exploring NYC. Typically that means going to concerts or trying new restaurants.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Mugz’s Bar and Grill
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
Professionally, I see myself working in humanitarian aid or medicine, ideally somehow combining the two.
Fun Fact: I somehow have chipped a tooth every year for the past 6 years.
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Name: Emily Manser School: New York University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Hanover, MA
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
The moment I heard about charity: water I knew it was an organization I wanted to be a part of, being able to intern here has been a dream come true.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
Every day here at charity: water is different - whether I’m circulating the office, asking for signatures on Jerry Cans, sending birthday gifts to our Well Members, or putting together The Well Newsletter, I am always keeping busy.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
I have always wanted to work for a nonprofit and being able to start my experience at an org with the mission and values like charity: water has been amazing. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
As a college freshman, my schoolwork keeps me plenty busy when I’m not in the office.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
I love spending time in Washington Square Park during the week but on the weekends you can find me exploring the entire city.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
I would love to continue working in the nonprofit sector, maybe even start one of my own someday.
Fun Fact: I was born and grew up in Switzerland before moving to Massachusetts, so I am always craving Swiss chocolate!
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Name: Ashley Echols School: University of Washington Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Waco, TX
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I studied abroad a few years ago in Bhutan where I did research on how water resource infrastructure affected villages socioeconomically and fell in love with water. I then pursued a masters in environmental engineering with a focus in water resources. Upon moving to NYC, I started researching water nonprofits and loved the model and ideals of charity: water.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
I’m usually working on completion reports and drinking copious amounts of coffee.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
I love being a part of an organization where the people are all so passionate about what they do. There are such positive vibes around the office and everyone’s upbeat spirits are so infectious.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
When I’m not at charity: water, I’m usually spending time with friends, going on spontaneous road trips, or hunting the next best donut.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Gowanus
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
I hope to be working in international development in the WASH sector, traveling the world, and surrounding myself with good people. I also hope there are puppies involved.
Fun Fact: I have held security clearances for both the US and British governments.
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Name: Cristina Gnecco School: NYU Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia, and Bogota, Colombia
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
To contribute to the end of extreme poverty by helping people gain access to clean water! It’s really challenging to find organizations doing truly amazing work that have the funding models and attitude necessary to make impactful change. After researching hundreds of organizations, I fell in love with charity: water’s innovative model and amazing (yellow!) brand.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
Coming in and catching up with the other interns and team members about the day’s tasks over snacks and giant mason jars full of water. This usually includes sending fun gifts and thank you’s to our amazing supporters, researching new potential donors, and helping out with any events that are coming up. Lots of spreadsheets and research!
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
Everyone works hard and plays hard which creates an exciting and productive atmosphere that’s fun to be a part of. It’s the kind of job that you look forward to going to on a Friday (or on Monday or Wednesday or any day for that matter), but especially Friday because we have beer and pizza at 5pm.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
I love to run, boogie around the town, pet dogs, and take naps.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Any sunny spot with trees and grass!
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut but I’m too short. Hopefully, I’ll be making a meaningful impactful change, with my family, friends, and dog somewhere on Earth instead. Maybe Colombia?
Fun Fact: I hiked the Incan trail and got food poisoning the day I arrived at Macchu Pichu. I threw up all over the ruins!
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Name: Michael Martinez School: The King’s College Team: Brand Partnerships Hometown: Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I wanted to intern at charity: water because I believe deeply in its mission and wanted to devote my time to something bigger than myself. It was important for me to find an internship that would help me develop tangible career skills in fundraising and marketing and one where I could be around kind and talented people. With that in mind, charity: water was the obvious choice. This place is filled with some of the most amazing and sincere people I have ever met. The energy here is contagious and it’s amazing to be surrounded by a group of people who have dedicated their careers to solving the water crisis. From the second i stepped into the offices, I knew that I wanted to be an intern here and I haven’t looked back.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
I like to get an early start on my day here in the office and get to the emails waiting for me each morning. I typically am researching case studies and contracts with brand partners, updating our partner's contacts across platforms, tracking social media content from our partnerships, updating Keynote presentations, writing thank you’s, sending Jerry Cans to our friends across the world, and learning as much as I possibly can. For lunch, I always stop by the bakery downstairs, grab a sandwich, and catch a few minutes of my favorite podcast at the moment.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
My favorite part of interning at charity: water is the people. The staff cares so deeply for their work and for each other. Laughter fills the hallways here and I know that anyone I come across would grab a cup of coffee with me in a second. It’s so much fun to be here.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
Outside of charity: water, I am serving as my college’s Student Body President which keeps me pretty busy. Beyond that, I try to catch a comedy show or two in the Village, explore new restaurants with friends, read, or just enjoy the simple things.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
That’s a TOUGH question and it changes all the time, but right now, I’d have to say Governor’s Island.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
In 15 years I hope to be a better guy than I am today, doing something that I love, married with kids, living in NYC/DC/Boston/Denver, and making some sort of difference in the lives of others. I don’t know much more than that, but ask me again in 15.
Fun Fact: If you’re ever in Arizona, you can still see my face on a billboard that’s been up for 10 years now. I don’t know why they haven’t taken it down, but I hope it stays up forever.
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Name: Jennifer O’Neil School: Auburn University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Birmingham, AL
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
My freshman year of college, I was in a leadership program that supported the clean water crisis. I had never heard of the water crisis before that! But it struck a cord with about 10 of us freshmen, so we started the first organization on campus dedicated to the water crisis called Auburn for Water. Over the next three years, the water crisis became my passion! When I found out I could graduate a semester early, I was gung-ho on interning with charity: water after graduation and living out my dream in New York City. I wanted to learn everything about the operations of a nonprofit and how charity: water has been so successful in bringing clean water to those living without. And here I am! Happy as a clam.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
Number one order of business is grabbing a cup of coffee. Then I do a lot of work helping my supervisor, Brady (shoutout to her sweet soul), on donor research, inputting information into our new CRM system, or sending swag to our awesome supporters. Also, giving tours of the office and helping out with events we host in New York.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
Everything! Seriously, everything. I fall more in love with charity: water each day.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
I am constantly living to podcasts, exploring New York for yummy desserts, or working at Anthropologie.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Washington Square Park, specifically to people/squirrel watch.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
Working as a pediatric physical therapist in a city where there’s plenty of good food.
Fun Fact: I love giraffes and Italian greyhounds.
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Name: Sarah Nelson School: Fordham University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I’ve been fascinated by their 100% model and always loved the idea of something as simple as clean water changing an entire community.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
I always start my day with a cup of coffee and checking in with my (awesome) supervisor Maria. Then, I’m typically either updating Salesforce and spreadsheets or working on creating impact reports and projects to let our amazing donors know how much they mean to charity: water. I also help make sure our presentation materials are up-to-date.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
I absolutely love my KR team and the family atmosphere here. It’s so great to come to work every day with people who love what they do and each other.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
You can usually find me hanging out with my roommate or friends at one of our favorite restaurants in Hell’s Kitchen or nannying around the city.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Central Park’s Conservatory Garden in the Spring to see the gorgeous flowers.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
I hope to be working on mental health programming for refugees.
Fun Fact: I am starting my Masters in War and Psychiatry at King’s College London this Fall!
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Name: Natalie Tussing School: Fordham University Team: Water Programs Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I heard about it from a family friend that had visited the office. She raved about it and so I went on the website and read all about what they do. I watched YouTube videos of Scott speaking and was hooked. I always wanted to be a part of an NGO like charity: water that is highly organized, well-known and successful so I applied!
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
A typical day in the office usually involved utilizing charity: water’s grants management database for uploading invoice documents for specific projects and completing photo reviews of projects as well. I also help the water programs team with travel arrangements to the field (visa requirements), help to create presentations and keep records up to date.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
I love the snacks and pizza on Fridays, but my most favorite part would have to be all the valuable information I am learning about how charity: water works and what it is like working with a team.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
Outside of charity: water I am finishing up my last semester at Fordham University (Rose Hill Campus). I graduate in May! I also love finding new restaurants and delis in The Bronx Little Italy area (where I live), as well as visit the Botanical Gardens and do yoga.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Probably the New York Botanical Gardens, it is right across the street from my school.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
Hopefully settling down and starting a family while creating my own yoga practice and studio.
Fun Fact: My geography is impeccable.
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Name: Salisha Allard-Blaisdell School: Rutgers University Team: Office Operations Hometown: Grenada, West Indies
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
Having been born and raised in poverty for the first 18 years of my life, I have matured into a very service-oriented individual whose life is dedicated to serving others. I have been the recipient of many acts of service, some great, some small and have made it my life’s mission to serve and positively impact the life of others in whatever way I can. Upon my MPA completion in May ‘16, my Dad (who only became my Dad 7 years ago through legal adoption in California), who currently serves as the VP of Smile Generation, forwarded me one of his emails from charity: water and told me to look into the organization. Within of minutes of reading about charity: water, I felt so drawn not only because my Dad and his company LOVE charity: water, but because charity: water’s mission hit home for me.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
My day in the office varies. I come in the office three days a week and each day has its specific roles that I will repeat. But generally, I ensure the office remains in a safe, and inviting atmosphere. Thus, I purchase office supplies, replace light bulbs and try to ensure that our dedicated staff has both sweet and healthy snacks to munch on when they finally look away from their computers to take a few minutes break.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
My favorite part about interning at charity: water is getting this noble opportunity to work with dedicated men and women who are literally saving the lives of others (who at one point were just like me). There is such a strong spirit of love and unity here. I look forward to coming here each day. I admire how diligently the people work to make such an enormous impact on the lives of so many women, children, and their families.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
Outside of charity: water, I spend my time serving others. I currently volunteer with the American Cancer Society as the Road to Recovery Coordinator. I go out into various communities (hospitals, malls, etc) and recruit volunteer drivers whose roles are to take cancer patients, who have no other means of transportation, to and from their cancer treatments. In addition, I serve as the Young Women President in my ward (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints/Mormons) and get to work with girls age 12-18. Lastly, but definitely not least, I enjoy taking my precious 4 year old daughter to the park to ride her bike and give her lots of kisses while I express my love for her.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Central Park area. It’s such a beautiful scene, lots of nice places to eat and spend time with family.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
In fifteen years, I want to see myself working as an executive administrator in the Public Sector (most likely healthcare related). I hope to have purchased my first home, and celebrated at least my 3rd or 4th anniversary of the establishment of my orphanage in Grenada.
Fun Fact: Although I learned to read at age 12, both at my undergraduate and graduate level, I was selected as one of the top students to represent my schools on a national level. Once with presenting my own writing at the National Undergraduate Literature conference, 2011, and then teaming up with three other Rutgers students to compete at NASPA Stimulation completion, 2015.
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Name: Kavya Ravishankar School: New York University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Canton, OH
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?
I immediately fell in love with the mission and work at charity: water when I learned about the organization and wanted to get involved as soon as I could. I had the opportunity to help out at our VR event at Brookfield Place which really showed me how well the team was able to inspire others including me.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
I spend a lot of my time doing donor research. Also, I get to help our amazing supporters learn more about sponsoring water projects.
What’s your favorite part of interning at charity: water?
I love starting off the week with Bagels on Monday morning. The whole team comes together to hear updates at the office and get excited for the week.
What goes on in your life outside of charity: water?
I’m usually going on a run, at yoga, or exploring the many bookstores in the city. Archestratus Books + Foods in Greenpoint is filled with cookbooks and I definitely spend way too much time looking for new recipes and cooking up yummy meals for my friends.
What is your favorite place to hang out in New York?
Prospect Park when the sun is out and the birds are singing. I have a mild obsession with dinosaurs and I get far too excited knowing that the birds that walk amongst us now are their descendants. The park is an awesome place to bird watch!
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
I want to continue pursuing my passion for empowering others.
Fun Fact: I have my private pilot's license and want to fly around the world one day.
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see the options go to $0. 30 and get out. only to see the stock start moving in their direction. but no longer in the position. The same could be said for those who sell weekly options on Thursday or Friday. the options have the potential to move very quickly. if you're sized up too much. you'll be out of the trade with a loss before you even got a chance to see the idea play out. For longer term time frames you have to be more concerned about the volatility risk. A classic example is a biotech company that announces their drug results in a couple of weeks.
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This also includes knowing everything related to them like expiration dates to where they are found on basic option tables.
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Read Books on Options TradingTechnically, they don't have to be all about options trading since there is overlap in every investment book. The goal is to learn different approaches to trading the market. You'll learn about things you have not known about before and you'll even be able to refine your original trading strategy. One great takeaway from reading books is that you can also learn more about the hidden trading factors you don't see everyday like investor psychology or market psychology. Did you know that these psychologies are the reason why technical analysis exist?3. Streamline Your Technical AnalysisIf you are looking at 6+ more technical indicators and use multiple technical analyses concepts against other technical analyses concepts, then you're probably doing yourself a disservice. Simply learn and use the basics like MACD, support/resistance, trending channels, divergence/convergence, and moving averages. 4. Continue to Paper TradeJust because you are trading real money it doesn't mean you need to stop learning and trying out different strategies. You have to continue playing the market from all angles. If you are a market conformist (you tend to go with the trend), you can try a contrarian strategy.
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However, when some tell me their profits, relative to their account size. I won't hesitate to let them know if they're taking on too much risk and sizing poorly. Of course, some listen. but others will still size up to big. thinking that they will always have a chance to get out of position before it reaches max loss. But sometimes it doesn't work that way.
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Bet THAT wrong and you are in a world of trouble. However, put options leave the risk to the cost of the option itself - the premium. Learning or getting information on how to trade Puts starts with the above and looking at an example of a put contract. Using the same contract as above, our anticipation of the market is completely different. 1 PKT Dec 40 Put with a premium of $500. If the stock declines, the trader has a right to sell the stock at 40, regardless of how low the market goes. You are bearish when you buy or are long put options. Learning to trade puts or understanding them starts with market direction and what you have paid for the option. Any basic strategy you take on this contract must be done by December. Options normally expire toward the end of the month. You have the same 3 trading strategy choices. Let Option Expire - usually because the market went up and trading them is not worth it, nor is exercising your right to sell it at the strike price. Exercise the Contract - Market declined, so you buy the stock at the lower price and exercise the contract to sell it at 40 and make your profit. Trading The Option - The market either declined, which raised the premium or the market rose and you are just looking to get out before losing all of your premium. Conclusion BasicsTrading Options carries nice leverage because you do not have to buy or short the stock itself, which requires more capital. They carry 100% risk of premiums invested. There is an expiration time frame to take action after you buy options. Trading Options should be done slowly and with stocks you are familiar with. I hope you learned some of the basics of options buy side trading, investing and how to trade them. Look for more of our articles. American Investment Training.
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2. 00 (the value of the spread minus the premium collected multiplied by the number of contracts times the multiplier). $3 - $0. 57= $2. 43 x 20 = $48. 60 x the multiplier of 100 shares = $4,860However, the option investor is only willing to risk $1,000 on the position on a $50,000 portfolio. They will buy back the spread for a loss if it gets close to $1. 05. On 7/31/14, the UVXY exploded. moving up more than 16% and closed at $31. 70. The investor felt that this was a good time to sell some premium as the UVXY has a history of sharp moves up followed by sharp declines. Well, on 8/1/14, UVXY continued to climb higher as fears escalated both geopolitically and within the US equity market. It finished the day up nearly 10% and closed at $34. 73. The value of the spread closed at $0. 93.
anything could happen. For example, they could come out and say that will not have their results ready and change the announcement date to something else. Those who bought option premium will see the value of those options lose a lot of value because of the volatility crush. (For the record, I don't usually trade biotech's because of all these wild card factors)Putting it all TogetherRelative sizing is one of the toughest things to get right as an investor or trader. If you invest for a long enough time.
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Successful traders DO NOT make random decisions. Everything they do is calculated, measured, and analyzed. You can make an easy-to-follow trading formula based on technical analysis if you want to as well. 7. Wait For OpportunitiesThis is a huge problem for novice traders. It was even an issue for me when I started trading. I would have a few stocks on my watchlist that I wanted to get into, but knew it wasn't the right time. And then when I'm not looking the stock takes off. On a few occasions, I have actually chased stocks that eventually turned against me. These types of situations hurt in 2 ways: 1) dents your ego and 2) dents your portfolio balance. If you have the same issues, don't fret.
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option and stock bid/ask spreads widen.
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Too many times. traders will buy 20 or 30 contracts under the same risk parameters. see the options go to $0. 30 and get out.
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73. There is always something you can learn. For losing trades, look into why the trade lost or possible ways you could have prevented it from happening. Analyze your entry, the adjustments you made, the exit, and the overall market behavior. For winning trades, look into why the trade won and possible ways you could have even profited more. Analyze your entry, the adjustments you made, the exit, and the overall market behavior. For winning trades, look into why the trade won and possible ways you could have even profited more. Analyze your entry, the adjustments you made, the exit, and the overall market behavior. If you notice, it's the same analysis for both types of trades. After a few trades, you'll begin to recognize key characteristics to why some trades win and why some trades lose. From there, you'll be able to recognize what adjustments need to be made in order to mitigate a loss or increase profit gain. 9. Continue to Learn From Successful Traders that STILL TradeWhen you have a mentor, they will often look over your shoulder and ensure that you are setting yourself up for the best trade possible for the current market. You'll know that their advice is sound when you see them trading their own recommendations. I find that it's quite suspect to receive trading advice from someone that doesn't trade themselves. If you don't think you need on-going options trading education and assistance, ask yourself these questions:� Why do professional athletes have coaches?� Why do Fortune 500 companies hire consultants?� Why does the President have advisers?The answer to all of these questions is simple:Mentors hold you accountable, help you define & reach goals, are on the outside looking in, and they can provide a wealth of knowledge when dealing with the subject matter at hand. Basically, mentors help you become BETTER traders. If you are serious about options trading, then it's worth your time to try a few of these steps out today. The more you hone in and apply a laser-like focus on your skills, the easier it will become to identify opportunities to make money in the market. Learn Options Trading - Option Strategy BasicsBefore you learn the basics about how to trade options and the strategies, it is important to understand the types, cost and risks before opening an options account for trading. This article will focus on stock options vs. foreign currencies, bonds or other securities you can trade options on. This piece will mostly focus on the buy side on the market and the trading strategies used. What is a Stock OptionAn option is the right to buy or sell a stock at the strike price. Each contract on a stock will have an expiration month, a strike price and a premium - which is the cost to buy or short the option. If the contract is not exercised before the option expires, you will lose your money invested in your trading account from that contract. It is important to learn that these instruments are riskier than owning the stocks themselves, because unlike actual shares of stock, options have a time limit. There are 2 types of contracts. Calls and Puts and How to trade them and the basics behind them. What is a Call Option and how to trade them?A call option contract gives the holder the right to buy 100 shares of the stock (per contract) at the fixed strike price, which does not change, regardless of the actual market price of the stock. An example of a call option contract would be:1 PKT Dec 40 Call with a premium of $500. PKT is the stock you are buying the contract on. 1 means One option contract representing 100 shares of PKT. The basic thought and learning how to trade call options in this example is you are paying $500, which is 100% at risk if you do nothing with the contract before December, but you have the right to buy 100 shares of the stock at 40. So, if PKT shoots up to 60. You can exercise the contract and buy 100 shares of it at 40.
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right?(These kind of swings along with the wide bid/ask spreads and the upside risk are the reasons why I don't like selling call spreads in this ETF)The 52 week high in option volatility in UVXY is 185. 18%. Again, the investor in our example was probably thinking now is a good level to short some premium. However, they wasted all there bullets without any room for error. Going all in or full size was not the right play in this situation. You see, it's important to have some kind of perspective and understanding of the stock or ETF you're trading. The type of move we saw in UVXY is not uncommon relative to how it trades. The option investor should have been aware of this and sized smaller. Putting volatility levels into context is essential if you're going to be using options to express investment ideas. Examine the time frame?In my previous article , I share a story of one of my trades, where I had to close out a position because I was leaving to go to a dentist appointment. I bought back some short puts for $0.
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29. but no longer in the position. The same could be said for those who sell weekly options on Thursday or Friday. the options have the potential to move very quickly. if you're sized up too much.
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