#the anti-social whos a bit too dependant: eijiro (ndfm)
It's under the cut! Bc ofc it'd be a bit long lol
• Mary
A normal girl who loves video games and anime. She has a rather bold personality, whereas she's quick to take action instead of sit and think of the outcome first. Jonathan is her good friend.
(She's the one who has destroyed everything. She's the one to blame.)
• Jonathan
A quiet boy who has a hard time socializing with others.....until Mary came in. He has a deep fondness for gardening and floral things in general, so it's pretty obvious why he'd be in the school's gardening club.
(He's the one who has always been so serious over things like jokes and pranks. He's the one who made his relationship with his sister in shambles.)
• Rey
A girl who's pretty chill and friendly......if she's not around Finn. If she IS around Finn, then she'll be acting like a complete tsundere towards him. She doesn't exactly know that he can't exactly tell her scolding and overall tsundere-ish act towards him that well. She secretly feels bad for acting mean to him, though.
• Finn
An upbeat and energetic boy who's really good at any sports possible. He stops acting so happy once someone acts mean towards him or scolds him for whatever wrongdoing he does. Nobody exactly knows why, though. He's good friends with Rey and Kai, not knowing that the two are....basically fighting for his love....?
(He's the one who kicked them out just because of his own foolishness. He's the one who had to witness their best efforts in bringing hope back to their world fail just like that.)
• Kai
A boy who's pretty serious and not that approachable at first sight, but is actually a kind person somehow. He's not much of a pessimist, but when it comes to the possibility of his feelings being reciprocated by his dear friend Finn, he immediately could tell that day would never come. He's well aware of Rey having feelings for him, and despite him knowing that Finn would never feel the same way about him, he still somehow fights with Rey over his love.
(He's the one who tried to stop him from kicking them out. He's the one who had to witness their best efforts in bringing hope back to their world fail just like that.)
• Berry
A girl who may look cute appearance-wise, but moral-wise? Fuck no. She's somewhat of a prankster, whose pranks are a bit....too extreme for everyone else's own liking. But even so, despite the teachers' scolding, she still pulls these pranks either way, finding them funny, when in reality, they're not funny to others at all.
(She's the one who pulls pranks that are too extreme for her sister's liking. She's the one who made her relationship with her sister in shambles.)
• Natsu
A boy who loves summer and free time, but hates school and work. He's lazy and only really does his work once the deadline is near. Even so, he's a bit mean sometimes, but in reality, he just wants to at least be free from the stress of school.
• Nozomi
A genuine fantasy lover ever since she was young. She'd always gush to others about any fantasy-based media she's obsessed with at the moment, and she even dresses up like a character from a fantasy show themself. People find her weird, but not Kurayami, who decided to stick with her despite everything.
(She's the one who wanted to bring hope back to the world. She's the one who miserably died failing in the end.)
• Kurayami
A girl who hates positivity and hope, but still decided to be friends with the hopeful and positive Nozomi either way. Why? She doesn't exactly know either, but she'll just brush it off as "feeling bad for Nozomi". She's negative and has been driven to despair long ago, and is quite pessimistic too. Secretly, she wishes she could bring only despair and darkness into the world.
(She's the one who decided to join the enemy's side. She's the one who died because of betrayal.)
• Kaito
A student council member who loves helping others when he gets the chance to do so. No matter what the issue is, he'll wholeheartedly help you with anything. It's his hobby and favorite thing to do, after all! He's pretty good friends with Eijiro too.
(He's the one who worked so hard to live through life to the fullest. He's the one who had to get killed off in the end.)
• Eijiro
A boy who doesn't exactly have too much hope for his life, but somehow found light in the dark once Kaito offered to be his friend. He's a bit anti-social, but not exactly around Kaito. Kaito's his only friend too, so nowadays, he feels like his life depends on Kaito the most. Kaito, Kaito, Kaito, Kaito, Kaito.......Damn, Eijiro really needs to get a life, and he's fully aware of that.
(He's the one who's jealous of him for his wonderful life. He's the one who felt guilt in the end.)
• Mayu
The school's so-called 'Monochrome Princess'. She's quiet, anti-social, and is somewhat of a mystery to the other students. None of the students know much about her, not even the teachers, and yet here she is, roaming around the halls of school like a normal student would.
(She's the one who treated her servants like garbage. She's the one who lost her color because of it.)
• Akira
A quiet girl who has always been curious about her world around her. Curiosity always plagues her mind somehow, to the point where she has to admit, her brain felt like rotting everytime she thinks about a possibility.
(She's the one who she didn't need anymore. She's the one who discovered another her in the end.)
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thesiaswritingblog · 1 year
Shards of Glass, A Memory Recalled
No this isn't abt Arcaea this is yet again ANOTHER OC ONE SHOT I'M GONNA LOSE MY SHIT
TW: Description of being stabbed in the abdomen, implied murder.
Kaito has always felt uneasy—or even uncomfortable—when he's around glass shards. Whether the shards of glass originated from a broken window, or a broken vase, or anything else, he'd always feel an odd sense of discomfort whenever he sees them.
A few days ago, a few children who were playing outside nearby his house accidentally threw a ball into the house, breaking the window of his room in the process. Kaito was quick to deal with this matter, having a person fix the window and pay them for it. However, it did come at the cost of his sanity.
Seeing those broken pieces of glass scattered on the floor and on his bed made him uneasy.
It felt like he was going to be stabbed in any moment now.
He felt like he might puke at the sight, so he had to quickly clean the mess up before he lost his mind.
The piercing glass on his abdomen hurts.
After the window was fixed, he could finally rest easy on his bed. However, he always did wondered why he felt so weird around glass shards. It's a reoccurring thing from when he was little. He never really pinpointed on the reasoning behind this.
He could feel his consciousness slipping away as the other man before him rushed to him and caressed him in his arms.
And here Kaito is now, defending a friend...with glass shards? Why? What happened?
Earlier, Kaito and Eijiro ran into a bunch of bad guys. They're apparently thieves who are somewhat interested in whatever Kaito owns. Obviously Eijiro isn't happy about this, and fought them to the best of his ability. However, Eijiro didn't realize that he was fighting only one of the bad guys, since the other one was quick to threaten Kaito.
With a broken glass piece too.
That reawakened some fear in Kaito, because obviously this fear has been with him ever since he was younger for some reason. Seeing the sight of a shard of glass made Hikaru felt weak. He couldn't fight back. He could only feel so much despair.
Eijiro lost the fight, and now he's all bruised and battered here and there. Kaito won't allow that. He won't allow a bunch of stupid thieves to just rob him and get away with it. He won't let that fucking happen.
And then, a light blinded their sights for a split second, before revealing that it was Hikaru who was the source of the light. He managed to beat the thieves with the glass shards.
Such an odd new power.
Kurayami would like to know about it.
"How....how did you managed to do that?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know...those new powers you got."
Kaito fell silent at Eijiro's question. He didn't know how to explain it without seeming—or sounding like a crazy person. Sighing, Kaito then explained everything.
"....I had a past life."
"B-believe or not, it's true! I can recall that I was the same there, but I just go by the name Hikaru. I think I remember the vivid memory of me fighting with someone who I think is you. You ended up killing me, though."
It was Eijiro's turn to be silent now. Everything is a bit hard to process, but especially the fact that he murdered his own friend in his past life.
"Are you fucking crazy, right now? I would never murder you!"
"I really am not! I think we weren't friends back then, and then we have our clashing differences. Remember when we first talked to each other and you ranted to me about how jealous of me you are?"
"Yeah! That! We never talked to each other back then to the point where we barely knew each other. You were jealous of me and I was unaware of your existence. That's what led to that fight."
"Jealousy, huh..."
Even more silence came between them as the two ponder on the situation now. Now that they know the truth of their past lives...what are they going to do with their friendship now?
"We can still be friends if you want. Our past lives are called past lives for a reason, y'know?"
"Huh, well I guess you're right."
Eijiro then jumped onto Kaito and hugged him tightly, catching the boy with strawberry blonde hair off-guard. "What?" "Whatever I did to you back then, I'm so fucking sorry! I was jealous, like what you said, right?"
Kaito—no, Hikaru simply smiled at that. "Haha, no need to be sorry. The past is in the past, leave it behind." He then hugged Eijiro—or should I say Yuuki—back with the same gentle, warm, and kind embrace he always gave to others who needed it.
Hikaru knew that he had to be the light in other people's lives.
Especially Yuuki's life.
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