#the archangels as abusive older sibblings
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Gabriel: For the crime of betraying heaven and dating a demon...
Aziraphale: Uh. I'm not dating Crowley
Gabriel: Lying is only going to make the situation worse. We have evidence!
Sandalphom: *shows photos of Crowley and Aziraphale lunch dates and holding hands at the park*
Aziraphale: That's just things we do as friends.
Micael: Mayhaps, but aren't you two a queerplatonic couple?
Aziraphale: A what?
Gabriel: *trying to not show he also has no idea what a queerplatonic couple is* hahahaha you're telling the truth.
Aziraphale: Why is this funny?
Micael: Let me get this right. You followed every single dating procedure to the point is punishable. Not only that but you betrayed us for your demon's sake-
Aziraphale: It was also for Earth's sake. I mean of course a part of it was for Crowley and our friendship but also stopping Earth for ending being the endgoal shows that saving the plane and it's inhabitants was a major player on my decision. Clearly?
Micael: *ignoring him* You did all that... and you're not even dating the demon?
Aziraphale:.. yes
Gabriel: *still laughting* Only you, sunshine, only you. Failing to date the demon you're getting punished for dating.
Micael: You know what I think we should send you back... see if you at least suceeds at dating the demon and them we punish you.
Sandalphom: *that really wanted to see a punishement happenig* What? Gabriel say something.
Gabriel: That's... genial, Micael.
Aziraphale: *confused but hey is a free pass* Is it? I mean it is!
Sandalphom: Why? Isn't it better that he didn't date the demon?
Gabriel: It's embarassing. What type of angel fails at a simple task like that? He likes the demon, the demon likes him at least say it to each other for heaven's sake! We trained him better.
Micael: Yeah. That's too much of a loser behavior, I don't want to make an example out of a loser. I'm here to punish a traitor.
Gabriel: You heard the lady, Aziraphale, chop chop, go date your demon so we can punish you for dating the demon.
[back at the shop]
Crowley: Angel! You're back! I was very worried. Had a cool plan to infiltrate upstairs and all.
Aziraphale: *shaking his head foundly* Of course you did, dear boy.
Crowley: Pray tell, how did you escape the archangels?
Aziraphale: *red as a tomato* I don't wanna talk about it.
[[Bônus ]]
Aziraphale: *reading about queerplatonic relationships* Crowley! Crowley! Look at that, my dear, I think we have one of those.
Crowley: *reads the page Azi is showing him* Yeah. It checks out.
*nothing about their relationship changes at all*
[[[At heaven]]]
Sandalphom: Micael, Micael, we finally can punish Aziraphale.
Micael: Are you sure? They have exactally the same dinamic they did and they weren't dating then.
Sandalphom: I think I heard they say they had a queerplatonic relationship to that wich girl once.
Micael: Did you check with Gabriel?
Sandaphom: He is watching The Sound of Music.
Micael: Oh Lord! You think it will last ten years again?
Sandalphom: I hope not. I still have Do-Re-Mi flasbacks.
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