#the avocado was pretty good about being transplanted and putting up with getting a real support stake
jedi-bird · 9 months
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My little baby avocado is 9 months old and just got his permanent pot. There's no way I'm going to be able to get a bigger pot than this nor move it once it gets bigger. At less than a year old, he's already taller than most avocado trees are at three years. Now I just need to get some rolling stands for the larger pots and work (yet again) on tidying up the yard and rearranging the pots.
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
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((Requested - It's readers birthday and Heartman surprises them with vines.
It's not very long but I really hope this is kinda what you were after????? Enjoy!!! 👍🏻💙))
Happy Birthday Raven! I Can't Swim.
"What do you fancy for breakfast?" You asked Heartman as you walked to the kitchen.
"Now that you've gained some strength back after your surgery you can have whatever you want. My treat."
You were so happy that he finally got a heart transplant meaning he didn't have to stick to his twenty one minute cycle anymore. You had been together for about a year when he agreed to it having fully moved on from the search for his family.
"Can I get a waffle?" He asked with a grin. He had been on strick healthy foods to help with the recovery so he was ready to get his teeth into something tasty.
"CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!" Your brain had the words out before you even thought about it. The reaction was so natural considering how long it had been since you had watched that video.
Heartman jumped at your sudden outburst making his glasses go askew. You laughed again at his reaction, he was so cute sometimes.
"(F/n), you can't go making me jump, I still don't know just how much this new heart can take." Heartman joked.
"I know," You laughed. "I'm sorry Heartman. It was instinct, honestly. I used to love vines."
"Vines?" Heartman asked carefully adjusting his glasses before looking over them at you.
"Yeah, Vine." You grinned excitedly.
Heartman squinted in confusion and you felt your smile drop.
"Oh come on! Please tell me you know what vines are!"
"I can't say that I do (f/n), sorry. What are Vines?"
"Oh my God, how did you miss out on vines?! They were short videos on the internet before the Death Stranding. Just a few seconds long but they were so hilarious! Me and my friends used to communicate solely in vine references, it was great!"
Heartman smiled at your enthusiasm despite not having the faintest idea what you were talking about. He could tell that these 'Vines' meant a great deal to you.
"Ah well," You sighed fondly at the memory. "I'll get you those waffles!"
You beamed at him before returning to your task.
He watched from his chair as you pottered around the kitchen making him his food. The smell floated through the air and made his mouth water. He adored you and appreciated all that you had done for him over the past few years. You were his rock when he lost him family and when the Death Stranding finally ended he realised that you had become his world. You were always helping him in some way. Whether that be through his mourning or getting him waffles.
Heartman knew your birthday was tomorrow and he was yet to find a gift for you. Despite knowing you so well he still struggled with finding gifts for you. He had been searching for a way to show you how much you meant to him but nothing was as heartfelt as you deserved. He had considered proposing to you but he didn't want to be cliche and wanted to make it really special.
However, now that he had found out about your love of 'Vines' he thankfully had a few ideas. He decided he would wait until you went to your meeting with Die-hardman before getting started since he knew you would be trapped there for hours.
Heartman had missed his research and now he had something new to get his teeth into. Due to Sam successfully connecting the Chiral Network it meant that he now had access to archives from before the Death Stranding. He quickly typed in 'Vines' into the database and thousands of folders popped up. At first all he could find was information on plant samples but he was determined to find what he was looking for.
After an hour and a half of searching he finally found a folder containing videos and social media posts. From what you had described he thought he was in the right place. He browsed the video titles and found one called 'Iconic Vines That Cured My Depression And Watered My Houseplants' and decided it was a great place to start. He opened up the video and watched intently not sure what to expect.
"Two bros chilling in a hot tub. Five feet apart cuz they're not gay!" The video was of two men and lasted only a few seconds.
"What on earth?" Heartman said pushing his glasses up his nose. He leant in closer to the screen.
"Every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in your no yelling sock and pretty soon you'll have a weapon to bea-"
Heartman couldn't help chuckle at that one. The more he watched the more confused he became in the most wonderful way. The humor was ridiculous but he loved it and found himself laughing along with them. Before he knew it he had binged several compilation videos and had a whole set of notes to create some birthday surprises.
Your cuff flashed as you sat in yet another meeting signaling you had received a message. You were thankful that this was the last meeting of the week. They were getting more and more frequent as they were discussing plans for repairs to old delivery equipment. Of course this meeting just so happened to be on your birthday. Lucky you right?
You hadn't gotten the chance to speak to Heartman before you left. He still slept a lot despite his recovery almost being over meaning he was still fast asleep when you were getting ready. He looked so peaceful and you kissed his forehead and snuck out the door, careful not to wake him.
After half an hour more of listening to renovation plans the meeting finally came to an end allowing you to check your mail. You felt a smile tugging at your lips when you saw Heartman's name pop up. You always loved seeing what he wrote to you.
"Good afternoon love, I'm sorry I wasn't awake to see you off. I hope you're having a great birthday and I can't wait for you to come back home to me. Missing you always,
- H x "
You grinned at your cuff before making your way back home. You knew the drive would take forever.
Heartman stood back to admire his creations. Truth be told he was really proud of himself. He never considered himself good at gift giving but this time he was excited. He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you saw what he had been planning. With a grin Heartman placed the last tray down on the table and waited for you to arrive home.
When the door finally slid open Heartman jumped up and ran towards it to greet you.
"Happy birthday (f/n)!" He said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and gave you a kiss.
"Close your eyes." He said before you could come any further into the house.
You looked at him suspiciously before doing so anyways. Heartman took your hands in his and began leading you through the house and into the living room area.
"Okay (f/n), you can open them!" He said awaiting your reaction eagerly.
Slowly you opened your eyes and were met with trays of food on the table.
"Welcome to Chilies! I hope you're hungry!" Heartman's grin grew wider.
"What is all this?" You laughed looking at the strange choices of food.
"Could I interest you in some Freeshavoca-do?" Heartman asked pointing to some guacamole in a bowl.
You felt your smile widen.
"Or perhaps some hurricane tortillas?" Heartman could tell that his references were being recognised.
You were beaming at this point. You couldn't believe what he had done for you. Now all the foods made a little more sense to you.
Heartman gestured at a plate of chicken strips.
"Fuck ya chicken strips!" You both shouted in unison. Heartman's new heart melted at how happy you were.
"Oh Heartman!" You pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much, this is the best present ever!"
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
"This is actually your present." He said taking a step towards the table and picking up the gift box from it. He handed it to you and waited.
You bit your bottom lip as you took the lid off. When your eyes fell upon the wrapped object you started to laugh knowing full well what was under the paper. You quickly ripped it open and put on your best child's voice.
"An avocado... thanks!" You giggled and placed the box back on the table.
"Actually," Heartman laughed. "This is your real present." He pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to you.
You took the second box and opened it still laughing from the avocado. Inside was a USB stick. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrow.
"It contains thousands of vines so you will never have to miss them again!" Heartman looked so proud of himself. "Happy birthday (f/n)."
You brushed your finger over the USB stick and felt tears come to your eyes. To anyone else they were just stupid videos but they held so many memories for you. They transported you back to before everything went to shit, made you relive moments with those you had lost a long time ago. No one had ever given you a gift that thoughtful before.
"Heartman... I... Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me... How much you mean to me..." You smiled blinking away your tears. "I love you so much."
"And I love you too (f/n)." Heartman rested his palm against your cheek and you nuzzled into it. "We could make a night out of this and play them on the big screen if you'd like? I've grown quite fond of them."
"I'd love to!"
You quickly ran to set it all up while Heartman shut out the day light and set the lighting to pink and blue.
The whole night was amazing. You both cuddled up and feasted on the vine related food while laughing like a pair of hyenas. You were over the moon that he seemed to enjoy vine humor just as much as you did. When it started getting late and you started yawning Heartman stood and switched the screen off.
"Come on, you look tired." He smiled warmly, hold out his hand to you.
You took his outstretched hand gratefully with another yawn. You went to start grabbing the plates but he stopped you quickly.
"Don't you worry about those love, I'll tidy this up. It is your birthday after all." Heartman smiled grabbing the plates from the table. He hummed to himself as he made his way to the kitchen area.
"This bitch is indeed empty. Yeet." Heartman chuckled loudly throwing the plates in the dishwasher.
You shook your head and laughed at the butchered attempt of a vine quote and wondered how you ever got so lucky. This truly was the best birthday you could have ever asked for. Vines, food and Heartman. What's not to love?
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