#so hopefully so i can go back and get more soil and finish repotting things
jedi-bird · 9 months
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My little baby avocado is 9 months old and just got his permanent pot. There's no way I'm going to be able to get a bigger pot than this nor move it once it gets bigger. At less than a year old, he's already taller than most avocado trees are at three years. Now I just need to get some rolling stands for the larger pots and work (yet again) on tidying up the yard and rearranging the pots.
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thatvampk · 1 year
Pansville- greenhouse rewrite
It was the fourth year and Pansy still hated herbology. It was her worst subject; she just didn’t understand the importance of plants. They were once again repotting mandrakes and she absolutely hates these things. Neville, who was stationed beside him, was already on his fourth re-pot when she herself was still struggling to pull her first out. “Miss.Parkinson if you want to be out of here by classes end you better get a move on, you have 3 to go after that” professor sprout called out to her. Pansy looked down at her pitiful attempt to re-pot and frowned. She didn’t have any classes after this but that didn’t mean she wanted to stay late. She reached out gripping my mandrake tightly, giving it a sharp tug. Nothing happened. She let out a loud groan “fuck this” she said annoyed. She reached out to try again, this time more determined she definitely didn’t want to stay. 
She would probably get roped into sweeping the greenhouse till after nightfall like the last time she had to stay back. Grasping the mandrake tightly again she feels another hand place on top of hers tightening her grip and holding the pot . “On three.1.2.3 '' on three she gave a sharp tug and a loud screech started. Smiling widely she quickly dropped the mandrake baby into a new pot covering it with dirt. No wonder this mandrake was so hard to pull out, it was a really fat and heavy one. “Oh thank you thank you” she turned to her side to find Neville smiling down at her she gave him a tight hug. She quickly turned and looked at the clock for 5 minutes. How was she meant to finish? She gritted her teeth turning back to her station grabbing the next on gripping so tightly her fingers turned white giving a tug, hearing a screech dropping and adding soil a total of three more times to equal five total repotted plants. 
“Alright class that’s all the time we have for today if you didn’t finish please stay behind. Pansy that means you” professor sprout shouted out. “Actually professor I completed all of my reporting” everyone’s head snaps to my station eyes wide with disbelief as I have to stay after every class. “Neville here demonstrated how I was supposed to be doing it properly.” I added on “very well then 10 points to Slytherin for the courage to accept help when needed and 10 points to Gryffindor for helping another student succeed” professor sprout replied. I smile to myself pulling off my garden gloves putting them in my herbology bag along with my apron. She looks around for Neville to see him nowhere near. She quickly grabs her herbology bag from under her desk and her school bag from the shelf in the front of the room rushing outside to see if she can catch him. There he was a few meters ahead walking with Dean, Seamus, Hermione, Harry and Ron “hey Neville wait up” the entire group turns to look at me as I jog up to them. “Yea” Neville replied blushing “what’s up?” I smiled “I just wanted to say thank you for the help I’ve really been struggling. Um I was also wondering if maybe you want to go to hogs-mead with me this Saturday we could get tea at the cafe” I say looking at him hopefully “ohhh Neville’s got himself a date” Ron calls out “shut up Ron” Hermione says pulling Ron who grabs Harry away. “YES! I mean I’m yea sure” Neville shouts out. “Okay perfect then I'll meet you outside the Gryffindor common room at 8:15 sharp” she leans forward and pecks his cheek before dashing off to meet with her friends.
“What was all that about? '' Draco, one of the friends she's had since she was a baby asked. “Neville, he helped me out in herbology and im taking for tea saturday”. Blasie, Matteo, and Theo stop walking, shocked at what she had said. “Damn it” “fuck” “bloody hell” they say one after the other. “Thanks a lot Pansy, now I'm 50 galleons short”. I turn to face them confused “what?” Draco smirks and sticks his hands out collecting the three bags, one from each of them. “We bet on you and Neville, Draco said that you would make the first move.We said otherwise.” Theo says in despair. “Thats so fucked up, but i respect the hustle. Um, dont yall have advanced potions with Snape?” The look at the grandclock down the hall “holy hell bye” I laugh and go to my dorm to chill. 
It is now Saturday, it's 30 till 8 and I'm FREAKING out. I had nothing to wear. I grab my wand “Accio Draco” I hear a thud on my door, I open it up “Draco so glad you can make it” he looks pissed “are you fucking kidding me Pans I told you to stop using that spell.” I turn around looking at him, my eyes wide while one is twitching. “Draco please help me, what am I supposed to wear?? I can't find anything, all my clothes look filthy rich, and I don't want to show up in my Zabini, or Parkinson and Malfoys, or even my Greengrasses. And don't even get me started on my shoes. Draco please help me” He starts laughing, “Blaise, theo bring it in.” Blaise and Theo walk in with a box. “Here, muggle clothes.” I opened up the box and smiled. It was a tee that had the letters ACDC in a cool font, some blue jeans similar to what I've seen Hermione in and some shoes that had a badge on the side ankle part that looked like a star. I smile, pulling them all into a hug. I quickly pulled off my sink nightgown and began to get ready. “Dayummmmmm, should have tapped that when I had the chance” I snapped my head around my pants halfway up my butt. “Draco shut the fuck up please. Get out all of you.” They laugh while walking away. I finish getting ready and check my clock on the wall. Five till 8, I'm going to be late. 
I'm running through the halls, and of fucking course the stairs the began to move, I pick up my pace to make it before it moves off this floor. I jumped into the stairs, almost falling. I sprint looking down at my watch, im late by five minutes fuck. I'm barely halfway to the Gryffindor common room. I get to the last turn “I knew it, this was all a joke.” I sprint around the corner. “Neville no wait, this wasn't-'' I bent over breathing, “it wasn't a joke i'm just running late. I'm so sorry I couldn't figure out what to wear because I didn't want to make you feel bad by wearing my designer clothes so I was panicking but then draco and the others surprised me with muggle clothes so that I can fit in, and I was coming from the dungeon and it took such a run im so sorry.” he begins to laugh. I look up at him, “is that” I laugh. “I see you did the same as me, are you wearing Zabinis?” I pull him into a hug, smelling his dirt and fresh cut grass scent. 
“Okay let's get going” I grab his wrist pulling him along, “come come i'm so excited im going to show you my favorite bakery, it's very exclusive, and by that I mean Theos mom runs it for all the rich spoiled brats, aka me” We make it to the shop, “Stacy's Bites” I hold up my arm and it scans my parkinsons crest mark. The door opens. “Pansy it's so lovely to see you how have you been, oh this must be thay Neville boy you are always talking about.” My face drops “oops sorry sweety” I grab his arm pulling him to a booth. I laugh awkwardly “eh sorry about that, that's theo's mom” he laughs his cheeks a little pink. “That's alright I talk to my Grams and friends about you too” I smile looking at him happily. “Heh so um what do you normally get” he asks me. “Well, I normally start off with fried pickles, a delicacy I had in the states once, then I get the buffalo habanero wings, and for dessert I get one lemon macaroon, and 2 birthday cake ones and tea with sugar and honey.” He looks at me with a smile. I love fried pickles, although spicy foods aren't my thing so I'll get the honey BBQ ones. “Hello I'm Maya and I'll be your server for today. What can I get yall started with?” I smiles “Um…” neville looks down, obviously too shy to place his order, “Hey Maya, I'll get my regular but can I get two orders of the appetizer and the dessert, but for the wings can i get my regular and for the other order of them to be Honey BBQ.” She smiles writing it all down. “So we have two orders of Fried Pickles with a side of ranch, buffalo habanero wing and Honey BBQ wings, two Lemon macarons, two birthday macaroons, and two hot teas with sugar and honey.” I nob. “Yes, send the bill to Draco Malfoy please.” she nobs walking off.
“Bill it to draco? I could have afforded to pay, you didn't have to do that” I let out a small laugh. “No, I'm billing Draco because he's an ass to bet on me asking you out.” he smiled. “Wait, are you the reason that he stopped picking on me after the first year?” I look down, “you remember when he came to class first year with black eyes and busted lips? Yeah I got mad and beat his ass for making fun of you for not knowing how to properly fly” He smiles at me. 
Neville was now walking me back to the slytherin common rooms, “this was a really fun date, um would you maybe want to have another, tomorrow maybe, a picnic in the gardens?” I smile, “yes i would love to go on another date with you” he smiles down at me pulling my waist in. He leans his forehead on mine and lets out a sigh of what I'm guessing is relief. I step onto my tippy toes and kiss him. 
I knew this was the man I would leave riches for.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Ten: High Class ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Uchiha Fugaku] [ SasuHina, vulgarity, alcohol ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
She’s always hated gatherings like this. High class shmooze fests of elbow-rubbing and ego-stroking.
No wonder her father loves them.
After all, he’s been on the city council for ten years running, now. There’s no one of importance in this city that he doesn’t know...or at least know of. He keeps tabs on everything, if only because he wants to have a hand in every pot.
Hinata’s not the sort to care about money or power. All she’s ever wanted was a simple, run-of-the-mill life. But Hiashi’s influence and public image meant having to have perfect daughters. And perfect daughters go to private schools and join clubs and run for student council, just like dear ol’ dad.
All she’s ever dreamed about is working in a little floral shop where she can be surrounded by flowers and plants and soil all day long. It doesn’t have to pay well. It doesn’t have to go anywhere. She just wants to pour her heart into her passion.
Why can’t he understand that…?
School, at least, let her join the garden club every Spring. She even took a few horticulture classes. But now that she’s on her way to college this coming Autumn (or...so she’s told), Hiashi is taking a far more commanding role in her education. Business, he advises. Create a career, like he did! Let the money and employment hierarchy take you to great heights!
Psh...yeah right. And become a soul-sucking agent of greed like he is? She’d rather leap off the balcony.
All this she mulls over in silence, standing and hardly listening as Hiashi woos a small gaggle of donors. This particular event is one to help fundraise the local police and other emergency services: firefighters, EMTs, and...whatever else. In all honesty, she hasn’t been paying a lick of attention...because she knows what this all really is. Campaigning, bribing, putting the right people in the right spotlights. It’s not about the fundraiser’s target, it’s about the people who fund it. These do-gooding people putting their money where their mouths are.
...yeah, right. They just want an image boost. They want voters to like them, to like the causes they stand for...all to keep lining their pockets.
“Ah, there he is! One of our men of the hour. Fugaku, how are you?”
Dragging herself from her reverie, Hinata looks up as a group of four people approach. One she knows as the chief of police, Fugaku Uchiha. Someone her father doesn’t always agree with, but does his best to be on good terms with. The police are quintessential, after all. Beside him, all smiles and beauty, is his wife Mikoto. The only genuine person in this room, as far as Hinata is concerned. While this event is catered by those self-serving, she puts on at least one a month that benefits real organizations in their city - not anything politically aligned.
She’s the only reason Hinata has any hope for things like this...and any inclination to follow in one’s footsteps, if they could be hers.
Bringing up the rear are their two sons. The elder by five years, Itachi, is still in college to her knowledge. Admittedly, she doesn’t know his major. They rarely speak beyond the expected pleasant small talk.
The younger, Hinata’s own age, is Sasuke. A bit of am enigma. She knows so little about him, and his cool, aloof attitude means rarely getting any glimpses. The only one he seems to converse with to any real degree at these galas is his brother.
The pair, as far as she knows, are rather close knit.
Rather...unlike the Hyūga sisters. Hanabi isn’t even here.
Giving Hiashi a rugged smile, Fugaku claps him on the back. “Oh, hanging in there. Our city never sleeps, after all...and neither do we.”
“True, very true...but I’m glad you could spare yourself for one night to help herald your cause!”
From there, the two enter a spiel about the police and other city services that - to Hinata’s practiced ear - is so clearly rehearsed it makes her eyes roll as she turns aside. With her father far too absorbed to mind her, she simply excuses herself to get another drink. She’s not yet old enough to have any spirits, but...well, there’s a few plain options to be had. Swiping a soda, she decides to find that balcony she was thinking of earlier.
The summer evening is waning, city lights replacing sun as it sinks behind the horizon. Cool air breezes past her face as she leans against the railing, expression listless. She’d much rather be at home doing...anything else. Maybe trimming some of the potted plants in her room...the sun in her windows the past month or so has seen them explode in size. She might even need to repot some of them soon…
Startling, she nearly drops her drink of the balcony. “Wh-?!” Heart leaping to her throat, she turns to see...Sasuke? What is he doing out here…?
“Out for some fresh air?”
...he’s just...talking to her. Why? They’ve hardly ever spoken. “I...y-yes, I...I guess so.”
“Was it that...or sparing your ears from the bullshit?”
She blanches a moment at the foul language. “...I beg your pardon?”
“C’mon, I know you could tell. I’ve seen your face at enough of these to know...especially when you think no one’s looking. You hate these things almost as much as I do.”
Still a bit tense, Hinata tries to reestablish her posture. “...they’re not my favorite things, no...great in concept. T-terrible in execution.”
“Glad someone agrees. My brother always just tells me I’m being overdramatic. That it’s just how things work. Like I was born yesterday. Cops’re supposed to uphold the law, and protect their citizenry. Not…” A hand gestures back behind them. “...this. Sitting all pretty and obedient like a dog for anyone that’ll throw money their way like a bone. I hate it…”
“...my father’s the same way. It’s all about money, appearances, i-influence…” Why is she telling him this? “...I just want to have a nice, calm little job...a little apartment...and mind my own business. Not...anything like this.”
“Exactly! I dunno how these people can stand themselves. Cuz I sure can’t.”
Unbidden, she looses a snort, failing to catch it in a palm. That was rude...but… “I don’t know...but it’s unfortunate.”
“Honestly m’tempted to just...leave. My dad won’t even notice until he realizes one of his props is gone.”
...she...never considered that. Just leave? Could they…? “...how m-mad do you think he’d be?”
“I don’t care. I’m tired of this. Tired of drowning in cologne, and hearing all the boasting, and seeing all these gloating faces.”
Hinata mulls that over. “...did you drive here…?”
“Nah, we all rode in together. Doesn’t mean I can’t take a cab, or just go for a walk.” Sasuke gives her a glance. “...feel like tagging along?”
Teeth nibble her lip, glancing back toward her father. He’s still hamming it up with the rest of the Uchiha. She’s going to get in so much trouble for this… “...okay.”
Doing their best to look nonchalant, the pair move to the elevators, taking one down to ground level. From there, they just...walk.
Of course, Hinata’s wearing two inch heels...not a killer, but not fun to take very far, either. They’re right in the middle of downtown, too. “So...where are we going?”
“Anywhere. Feel like doing anything in particular?”
“Um…” Looking around, a Starbucks catches her eye. “...want some coffee?”
“...eh, sure. Why not?”
The pair are...very overdressed for it, and the stares they get only prove it. But they take a table and just sit.
Sipping her mocha frappe, Hinata watches the street through the window. This is...oddly liberating. She’s still a little nervous - she very rarely dares to defy Hiashi, let alone this directly. But still, this is...nice.
“So...you want to head back eventually, or find a way home?”
“Well...m-maybe leaving entirely would be a bit...much.”
Nursing his own drink, Sasuke hums. “...suppose you have a point. We’ll chill here a while, then head back.”
Silence stretches for a moment. “...did you - did you really notice my face, earlier? I mean, my being annoyed?”
“Uh, yeah,” Sasuke replies bluntly, giving a snort. “Not gonna lie, watching you react every time we’re both at one of these things is the one entertainment I find.”
Her cheeks puff. “...glad to know I’m a joke.”
“Nah, not a joke. Just funny. At least you react. I’m so dead inside, I just stand there with a blank look all night.”
It’s Hinata’s turn to snort. “...that’s fair.”
For a time, the pair just...sit and chat. Nothing elaborate or meaningful. Just smalltalk. But it still makes her feel like she can understand him a bit better.
“Well...I think we’d better head back. Auction’s due to start in fifteen. They’ll definitely notice by then.”
“Yeah…” Finished with her drink, Hinata follows as they walk back toward the hosting hotel. “...that was...fun.”
“Wasn’t too bad. Definitely not the worst coffee date I’ve been on.”
Hinata jolts. “D...date?”
“Kinda was, wasn’t it?”
Well...maybe it was. She doesn’t refute it.
“Maybe we can have another sometime without all this hanging over us, huh?”
Is...is he asking her on a date? “...I, um...sure…?”
...well that was easy.
They ascend back up, finding the party just as they left it. Their fathers have separated, but neither seem aggravated...yet.
“Well, see y’around, Hinata.”
“Yeah, um...you too. Did you…?”
“Did you want my - my number? For the...for the, uh, date?”
“Oh, yeah. Sure.” Taking down her digits, he gives a mock salute. “I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“...okay.” A bit...taken aback, she rejoins her father.
“Ah, there you are.”
“Sorry...went for some air.”
“That’s fine - the auction is about to being. Ready?”
     Another late night, blegh.      Just some modern shenanigans. I think I did one...a bit similar to this. It's getting a bit hard to remember at this point, but...hopefully no one recalls or minds xD      But uh...yeah. It's veeery late, so I'm gonna head off for the night. Thanks for reading!
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thatvampk · 3 years
Pansville- Greenhouse
It was forth year and Pansy still hated herbology it was her worst subject she just didn’t understand the importance of plants. They were once again repotting mandrakes and she absolutely hates these things. Neville who was stationed beside he was already on his forth repot when she herself was still struggling to pull her first out. “Miss.Parkinson if you want to be out of here by classes end you better get a move on, you have have 3 to go after that” professor sprout called out to her. Pansy looked down at her pitiful attempt to repot and frowned. She didn’t have any classes after this but that didn’t mean she wanted to stay late. She reached out gripping my mandrake tightly giving it a sharp tug. Nothing happened. She let out a loud groan “fuck this” she said annoyed. She reached out to try again this time more determined she definitely didn’t want to stay she would probably get roped into sweeting the greenhouse till after nightfall like the last time she had to stay back. Grasping the mandrake tightly again she feels another hand place on top of hers tightening her grip and holding the pot . “On three.1.2.3” on three she gave a sharp tug and a loud screech started. Smiling widely she quickly dropped the mandrake baby into a new pot covering it with dirt. “Oh thank you thank you” she turned to her side to find Neville smiling down at her she gave him a tight hug. She quickly turned and looked at the clock 5 minutes how was she meant to finish. She gritted her teeth turning back to her station grabbing the next on gripping so tightly her fingers turned white giving a tug, hearing a screech dropping and adding soil a total of three more times to equal five total repotted plants. “Alright class that’s all the time we have for today if you didn’t finish please stay behind. Pansy that means you” professor sprout shouted out. “Actually professor I completed all of my reporting” everyone’s head snaps to my station eyes wide with disbelief as I have to stay after every class. “Neville here demonstrated how I was supposed to be doing it properly.” I added on “very well then 10 points to Slytherin for the courage to accept help when needed and 10 points to Gryffindor for helping another student succeed” professor spout replied. I smile to myself pulling off my garden gloves putting them in my herbology bag along with my apron. She looks around for Neville to see him nowhere near. She quickly grabs her herbology bag from under her desk and her school bag from the shelf in the front of the room rushing outside to see if she can catch him. There is is a few meters ahead walking with Dean, Seamus, Hermione, Harry and Ron “hey Neville wait up” the entire group turns to look at me as I jog up to them. “Yea” Neville replied blushing “what’s up?” I smiled “I just wanted to say thank you for the help I’ve really been struggling. Um I was also wondering if maybe you want to go to hogs-mead with me this Saturday we could get tea at the cafe” I say looking at him hopefully “ohhh Neville’s got himself a date” Ron calls out “shut up Ron” Hermione says pulling Ron who grabs Harry away. “YES! I mean I’m yea sure” Neville shouts out. “Okay perfect then I’m meet you outside the Gryffindor common room at 8:15 sharp” she leans forward and pecks his cheek before dashing off to meet with her friends.
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