#the battery wont fucking charge
voidimp · 6 days
was going to draw something for olis birthday but my tablet has decided to kill itself while updating again. if i am late just know i tried
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despite-everything · 2 months
i hateeeee planned obsolescence
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theonyxranger · 2 years
Plugging my ipad in every few months to play kotor or read manga on it is so stressful lmao is it gonna turn on?? Who fucking knows!!
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itsjustrosee · 2 months
Stranded (Minho x fem!reader (one-shot))
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pt. 1, Pt. 2
ok so this is my first time writing any sort of fanfic but I thought I would give it a shot!
Warnings: contains spice and mild cursing
Context: high school au with everyone from the glade plus people from the other mazes like Sonya, Aris, and also Brenda. Minho's on the track team (obviously) and reader is on the debate team. Enemies to lovers
Word count: 4.4k
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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You were in your junior year in high school, and you had already gotten a couple months into the school year. It was early October and the weather began to change, becoming slightly colder and colder each day. You could feel a cold gust of wind hit your face as you walked out of your school's double doors. You walked over and lent on one of the pillars your school had built in front of the main entrance as you began to slip your phone out of your pocket.
You only had one new notification from Brenda which read,
'sorry girl I won't be able to pick u up tdy. I got an email a couple of hours ago from my mom saying that I needed to pick her up from work because her car broke down, so I wont be able to work on our social studies project. Sry!'
You honestly didn't bother to read anything after the 'won't be able to pick u up tdy' part. What were you supposed to do now? You didn't have that many other friends you could just text and get them to pick you up. It's not like you were unpopular or didn't have many friends, you actually were quite known around school. It would be relatively hard for someone to hear your name and not know who you were. After all you were head of the student council, captain of the debate team and on your way to being valedictorian next year. So needless to say, you were far from being unpopular. Although you always preferred having a small group of really close friends, though you were friends or friendly, with many other people in your grade.
Unfortunately, you weren't quite close enough with any of your other friends to just text them and ask them for a ride out of the blue.
And almost as if being stranded at school couldn't get any worse, you look at your battery percent and see, oh great, 1 percent. You shut your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, taking a second to curse at yourself for forgetting to charge it last night while you were sleeping.
But you calm yourself, thinking that it'll be fine. You'll get a ride home someway or another, right?
Well you thought wrong.
Right when you look back at your phone screen, its black. You stare at your phone, jaw dropped, continuously clicking at the power button, but to no avail the screen stays pitch black, leaving you to stare at your reflection wondering, 'how the actual fuck did I manage to be this unlucky.'
You tuck your phone back into your bag and you realize you really only have one way of getting home. Walking.
Wow this is just so amazing because of course this happens the day you get out at 5:30 because of a debate competition. Meaning you had to wear black heals and tights, paired with a tight pencil skirt that only went up to your mid-thigh, and a black blazer with a white undershirt that revealed more of your chest than you wanted it to.
Majority of the outfit was borrowed from Brenda, and you had changed into it at the end of school. Giving the clothes you were wearing the whole day to her because you didn't want to carry them around. The plan was for her to bring the bag of your clothes with her as she came to pick you up after your debate comp and drive you both back to your place to work on your project, where you would swap the clothes back.
Was it a semi overcomplicated plan? Yes. It definitely was, and you were now cursing at yourself once again because of it.
However, right as you come to terms painstakingly long and difficult journey you're going to have ahead of you, someone behind you speaks up.
"Hey (Y/N). What are you still doing here?" A familiar voice says, sending shivers down your spine. You could recognize that voice anywhere and you didn't have to turn around knowing that the person behind you was Minho. Godamint of course it was him, the dude who had been picking on you since kindergarten, the dude who you hated, and also the dude who got surprisingly hot over the summer. He was by far the last person you wanted to run into after your day was already totally trashed.
You turn around slowly so you can face him and as you do, you see him towering over you. He looks like he'd recently stepped out of the shower with his wet and slightly towel dried hair. Minho was on the track team and you were aware that on Friday's and during most days of the week, he would stay at school late because of practice. And based off of his hair, you could assume that he showered in the locker room before heading home. You gave yourself another moment before responding, as you look at the grey sweatpants he's wearing as they lay low around his hips, and at the black compression shirt he had on which complimented his physic quite well by it's ability of defining his muscles.
God what were you thinking? You couldn't help but think he was hot. Even though he had made it his mission to annoy you ever since he laid his eyes on you.
"My debate competition just ended." You say dryly while snapping back into reality, shaking off what you were thinking of moments before.
He checks his watch before responding, "Oh right. But didn't that end like ten minutes ago?"
"Yeah.. it did." You confess, realizing that you had stayed here sulking for ten minutes when you could've just accepted your fate and given yourself a head start on walking home. And maybe then, you wouldn't have had to run into this guy.
"why are you still here then?" He asked in a confused tone that lacked little to no concern.
You glare at him for a second but before you can give your embarrassing answer, he speaks again.
"Hey I'm just wondering, no need to get all mad. I just thought that you would've had a ride by now, princess." He says with a grin forming on his face while he puts both of hands up as if he's surrendering. He's clearly trying to do anything he can to get some sort of reaction out of you, and he knew that by using his little nickname he'd made for you at the start of the year, he'd get just that.
"Well actually if you could just shut up for a second then I would've been able to answer you." You snapped at him before continuing, your voice much softer now out of embarrassment, "I um, I don't actually have a ride. Both my parents are out of town for the weekend and Brenda bailed on me so I'm probably just going to walk."
"Really? Dressed like that?" He questions with a chuckle while teasing you and gesturing to your outfit. However he can't help but blush when he see's you dressed the way that you are. Most of the time you tend to wear sweatshirts and baggy clothing, but seeing you in clothing that complimented you curves- wow- It didn't fail to catch Minho off guard.
"Well, what other choice do I have?" You say as your words come out slightly more desperate then intended.
"I could give you a ride if you want." Minho responded, and Minho shocked himself just as much as he had shocked you by saying this.
You and Minho I have seen each other a lot this year because you both actually shared a decent amount of classes together. Although everybody knew him as being super athletic and really popular, he was a lot smarter than people, (a.k.a, you), gave him credit for. And even since you both had known each other since forever, the sudden offer was still odd. Considering how hostile you were to each other obviously.
"I'm not sure. I bet I can just walk home."
"Seriously? You'd probably give up walking home in those heels a mile in." He said with a chuckle, slightly mocking you but you choose to ignore it.
You roll your eyes at him, "Fine." you say with a huff while you both begin walking into the parking lot. "where's your car?"
"Who said I'd be driving you home in a car?" He responds as he tries to fish something out from his sweatpants' pocket, and when he finally pulled out what he was looking for, you see him hold up a key.
You look at him confused until you keep walking with him and see that you're headed towards a black motorcycle.
"Oh absolutely not." You say as you immediately stop in your tracks and Minho walks over a couple more steps and unlocks it.
"Come on it's just a motorcycle."
"Dude are you serious. Do you know how many people die on those things yearly?"
"No, how many?" he asks while looking at you with a smirk, already able to sense your bluff.
"I don't know- but probably a lot!" You answered because of course you don't actually knowing how many deaths motorcycles cause, but you thought it was safe to assume that they caused many.
"Thank you for the offer, but I think I should just start walking home now if I want to make it before it gets dark out." you say while walking past Minho and his stupid motorcycle. But Minho grabs your wrist before you can walk away any further. Feeling his skin on yours sends a jolt of electricity through your body. You turn around to face him and he keeps his hand on your wrist but his grip softens.
"Do you even know the forecast for today? It's supposed to start storming around six, and I don't think you want to get caught walking home in the rain right?" After he says that you look up at the sky and see that it's already being filled up by dark and angry clouds that could start raining down on you and Minho at any second, then you look back at his motorcycle.
Minho takes in your silence and speaks again, "Look, if you don't make your decision in the next five seconds then I'm leaving with or without you alright? I really can't be driving while it storms so I'll need to drop you off as soon as I can if I want to be able to make it home too."
"Alright fine." You say as you sigh, clearly defeated.
Minho leads you back to his motorcycle and sits down, his bag slung over his shoulders and onto his chest rather than on his back so that you can sit behind him. You tell him how to get to your house and you mutter a silent prayer as you sit down behind him, hoping he doesn't notice how far your skirt is riding up your thighs.
You aren't quite sure where to place your hands so you opt to cross them at your chest. Minho adjusts himself and turns his head slightly so you can here him better, "You know, you might want to hold onto me while I drive."
"I think I'll be fine." you snap at him.
"Suit yourself then." He shrugs as he faces forwards and presses on the gas, much faster than you expected.
You let out a yelp and immediately you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer into his back, and you basically cling on to him as if your life depends on it. You dig the side of your head into his back and shut your eyes.
You can already tell he has a wolfish grin spread across his face as he says, "What did I tell you?"
"Yeah, ok whatever I-I get it I should've listened." you blurt out quickly, not trying very hard to disguise the fear in your voice. Minho slows down as he leaves the parking lot of your school and he realizes that he can feel you trembling.
"Hey, hey, its okay. I'll be more careful alright?" He says in a caring tone while he places one of his hands on your knee.
"Just... please go slow Minho." You reply as you hug onto him even tighter.
"I will princess don't worry. I promise I'll get you home safe." He says while thanking god that you can't see how red he's getting. Something about the way you had said his name altered something in his brain chemistry and he would do anything to hear you say it again. And you on the other hand felt that he was being genuine when he said that he'd keep you safe, and it really did sound like he cared. It only took seconds for your face to get as red as a tomato and though you were glad he couldn't see you, you were praying he couldn't feel how hot your cheek was getting on his back.
Your grip on his stayed just as tight and if not tighter for the remainder of the ride home. Although, during every stop you would loosen your grip slightly and Minho would place his hand down by your knee or lower thigh again, rubbing his thumb in circles on your skin which never failed to give you butterflies in your stomach each time he did so.
The silence between the both of you hadn't been awkward at all, if anything, it was quite comforting. Being in each others presence was enough for the both of you. And if anything, the quietness allowed you to think about Minho and how you felt about him now.
Though you didn't really want to admit it, something about the way he was acting towards you now, made you see a very different side of him, and it gave you a reason to like him. But then again this is Minho your talking about. He could have any girl he wanted, practically the entire female population at your school flocked to him. But you are thinking about this as if you don't have boys coming up to you, trying to talk to you at your locker every day. Or like Gally in particular hasn't been begging for you to tutor him since freshman year.
Regardless of the amount of times boys came up to you, you always rejected them, because you had never really felt that way for anyone. Except right now. Because you could practically feel yourself falling harder and harder for Minho every second.
Little did you know that Minho was thinking the exact same way about you, and though he would rather die than admit it to anyone, he's liked you for the longest time.
Do you guys ever remember getting bullied by a guy back in elementary school, and when you told your parents about it they were just like 'oh its just because he has a crush on you!' well that was Minho. Minho was that little boy tormenting you all those years ago because he had the fattest crush on you and just didn't know how to express it. And he never grew out of that habit either. Sure when you guys grew up he would still pick and tease on you but he'd kept getting bolder and bolder, hoping you'd pick up on it one day.
A sudden drop of water on your heads knocked you and Minho out of your thoughts and snapped you back to reality.
"Shit." Minho mumbled under his breath. You finally peaked for head up a bit and opened your eyes to see that he was driving into your neighborhood but it was too late. The light sprinkles of rain soon turned into a downpour after mere seconds. Minho quickly pulled into your drive way and you unbuttoned your blazer and put it over your head to try and keep you at least a little dry until you reached the front door. You got up from your seat and only made it a couple steps forward towards your house until you realized Minho wasn't following you.
"What are you waiting for? Do you want to stay out in the rain and get drenched?" I asked him.
"You don't want me to leave?" He questioned, a bit of hope surged through him, making him think that maybe you didn't hate him as much as he thought.
"Leave? You can't leave now, do you see how hard it's raining? Never mind that, you said that it was going to storm and I can't let you drive home knowing you could just get struck by lightning or some shit." You explain, trying to make it seem as if you didn't care about him, but you definitely did care and you sucked at not making it obvious.
Minho couldn't even respond, he just stared at you, a grin forming at the edge of his lips.
"Can you- stop looking at me like that! Just come inside before I change my mind." You say, turning away and heading straight to the door because you can already feel your cheeks getting red and you don't need to hear Minho's snarky remarks over it.
Minho wouldn't be lying if he said he was a bit flustered too because he hadn't expected you to say what you just said- I mean, inviting him into your house? Minho was absolutely over the fucking moon.
He dashed into the house and got in right after you did, shutting the door behind him. You set down your bag and began taking off your heels before facing Minho. He also dropped his bag and took off his shoes. He looked at you as you cleared your throat.
"Thank you, for um, driving me. Sorry I got kinda freaked out." you say, the redness in your cheeks this time weren't because you were flustered but rather because you were embarrassed. As you looked down, expecting Minho to make fun of you over the way you clung onto him, he takes your chin in his hand and moves it up slightly so that you're now looking at him.
"There's no need to apologize princess."
you just stared at him, too shocked to move because of the contact he'd made with you. Even though you both could've stayed in that position forever, you moved your head to the side, severing the eye contact you and Minho were making, and making him take his hand from your chin.
Immediately Minho began cursing at himself for being so bold. I mean it was amazing enough that you invited him into your house but he totally just ruined it. He just couldn't wait any longer for you, but he got impatient. At least that's what his overthinking ass assumed.
"Minho, I-" you started. You were taken aback by the action but it's not like you didn't like it. In all the years of teasing he had never been that bold or genuine. You couldn't tell if he was still just messing with you for fun.
"No, that was- look I dunno why I did that. I didn't.." He scoffed while looking away.
"Minho look at me." you said while turning your face to look at him again.
He just silently took his hand away from his face and looked at you.
"What's been up with you this year? It's like, you keep teasing me, but then you call me princess and do things like this- It's just- what's your deal? I can't tell if you still hate me, or if you like me or something." You blurt out, way more intensely then you had expected. You couldn't tell if this was just a whole joke or not, like if he really just found pleasure by getting some sort of reaction out of you. Whether that be you getting flustered, or annoyed at him.
"No I don't- I don't hate you at all (Y/N)." He paused while sighing. "This is going to sound stupid but I've liked you since before I can even remember. I just never knew how to tell you, so I just tried to get more bold, and hope that maybe you would catch on, I guess."
You just stared at him with a dumbfounded look on your face, not quite too sure if you were hearing him correctly. But he seemed so sincere, you really wanted to believe he was telling the truth.
"God okay I never should've said anything. I'm sorry, that was all so stupid. I'll leave right when the rain lets up-" Minho barely finished what he was saying as you leaned in and grabbed his shirt, pulling him into you as your lips merged with his.
After a moment of him not reciprocating you pulled away, "I'm sorry I thought-" But before you could say anything else Minho began kissing you again.
You melted into his touch as he slid his arms around your waist and pulled you into him closer. His grip around you was firm as he held onto you as if you could just slip away if he didn't hold on tight enough. You flung your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss between the both of you. It had started out gentle and soft but it only got more and more desperate and passionate as time went on.
"I like you too." You mumbled against his lips between kisses, and at this Minho only became more and more hungry for you. You allowed his tongue to explore every inch of your mouth, and he grew desperate for your taste.
All while holding the kiss he lifted you up by your hips and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed you into a nearby wall in your house.
He kept one of his arms on your waist while the other slid down your shirt and up your back, his cold fingers traced around your spine which only made you arch your back further into him. A slight moan escaped you which only made Minho tighten around his pants. You could feel him harden between your legs, and considering your skirt was far up your thighs by now, and your tights and panties only provided a thin layer of clothing between the both of you. You could feeling yourself throbbing down there as well.
Minho could tell by the way you were fiddling with the hem of his shirt that you were trying to take it off him. Minho pulled away and removed his hands from you and tossed off his shirt, leaving you to stare at his amazing physic.
I mean come on, the guy looked like he had been carved out of stone.
You both took no time at all to crash your lips onto each others again as your hands began to roam all over his chest. He took both of his hands and placed them on your ass in order to keep you propped up on the wall as he continued to pepper your lips with kisses.
He bit against your bottom lip causing you to moan again, but a phones ringtone of the song 'Eye of the Tiger' interrupted you and Minho from continuing.
He murmured a curse to himself and you giggled as he took his phone out of his pocket and answering the call and putting it on speaker. He used one hand to hold his phone as he kept the other on your ass.
You took this as an opportunity to start kissing down Minho's neck, moving down to his collar bone and sucking on it, making sure it would leave a mark. This caused Minho to make a soft groan but since the call was still connecting, the other person wasn't able to hear it.
"Dude where the fuck are you? You were supposed to come over after your practice to help me with our Latin assignment." The very clearly annoyed boy with a British accent questioned. You could tell it was Newt immediately, I mean, not many people have who go to schools in America have British accents.
"I'm sorry I got kind of caught up with something." Minho huffed out. Clearly trying to hide his moans as you continues to leave a trail of kisses and marks along his chest and neck.
"Holy shit you sound like you've just ran a marathon. Wait are you even at home right now?" He asks, this time much more confused then he was before.
"Uh no- I'm not at home right now."
"Then were the fuck are you?"
"At a- friends house."
"Which friends house?" Newt was interrogating Minho as if they were a married couple and Newt caught Minho coming home at 3am smelling of liquor and another women's perfume.
"I'm at (Y/N)'s house.." He said softly, hoping his friend would maybe keep his cool after he said this.
"Hi Newt!" You chime in after leaving several knew hickeys on Minho's neck.
"Jesus Christ I knew it. You've liked her for years! Good job Minho, you finally had the balls to tell her." You hear Newt laugh along with several other people in the background.
"Godamit Newt who else is with you?" Minho says, his face growing redder every second.
"Oh you know, Thomas, Gally, Fry, Alby." He says while trailing off.
Just then you can hear someone grab Newts phone on the other line, "Just letting you know (Y/N) you could do so much better." He says while everyone else with him chuckles, and you can tell it was Gally who said it.
"Oh shut it Gally. Your just mad because she chose me over you. And maybe this way you'll finally get the hint and stop asking her to tutor your dumbass." Minho snaps at him, his protective and jealous tone turning you on way more then you thought.
After Minho says that you can hear everyone on the other line burst out laughing, and even you let out a bit of a laugh afterwards as well.
You can hear Newt take back the phone and say, "Alright we'll leave you to it." as he hangs up the phone.
You look back at Minho as he puts his phone away. "What if I do want to start tutoring Gally?" You say with a smirk as you tilt your head to the side, teasing Minho.
"Oh please. Your mine now princess and I'm not letting Gally, or anyone else for that matter, anywhere near you." He says, and even though he's ginning while he says it, you can tell that he's being completely serious. "Now where were we?"
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ok guys this is it!! plz lemme know if u liked it or if theres anything you guys think I should work on/ do better whenever I write these in the future. Also if u guys want to give me any other prompts for me to write, or if yall want a pt. 2 with yk smth a lil more spicy then tell me
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wonderhecko · 1 month
sony linkbuds 1.75 year review:
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excellent design, we love hole. hole allows you to hear things around you without any of that hacky speaker relay shit all the other competitors do. the sounds good for something with a hole in it. excellent for working where you have to hear voices + sounds. excellent if you just hate closing your ears off to the world with earbuds or headphones.
the case holds up for durability. its not flat like the airpod styled ones but its compact enough where i havent had issues putting it into a pocket. dropped it a billion times from varying heights. connects well. tap controls work okay but there are compromises. set it too sensitive and clicking your tongue can pause.
decent runtime and case capacity...wait im getting word here that theres a problem
batteries are cooked. case doesn't hold a charge anymore and the headphones run out very quickly from full charge. don't know how many cycles this went through but it was not daily use. several times a week id use these things for hours at a time.
are we just expected to throw these things out after 18 months? i understand we're making compromises for size but fuck dude, at least put that on the box. "this shit will die sooner than a pet rat and we made it impossible to fix despite knowing the central point of failure". putting aside the dongles you have to use for wired earbuds/headphones now, thats an impossible use case for me. i cant have loose cords while im working.
if it worked id give it a 4/5 but i have to deduct 4 points because it doesn't work. will give fixing it a go bc the batteries are 20 dollars total but that wont fix the score
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kingprinceleo · 1 year
You got all the latest drivers / updates? Is your pen charged / batteries (if needed), is the nib pushed in fully? If it’s a cintiq are all the cables fully connected?
Huion: its up to date, battery free pen, swapped to a new nib, cables are all in, restarted my laptop, reset to default tablet settings but heres the REALLY fucked up thing: the tablet registers where im hovering, and it registers my clicks ONLY in the huion tablet desktop app (on both the tablet screen and desktop screen) ????????? it wont click anywhere else ?????????? how did this happen WHAT it was literally working like 1 hour ago!!!!!!! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING????
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queenpinesofdomino · 11 months
Thoughts on season 2 because I’m hurt and i want to talk about it
Ep 6
Fuck! into the abyss we go!
Things Aziraphale has in the bookshop because he has trauma from the fire.
fake candles with batteries
and 4 fire extinguishers
at Heaven
Crowley somehow knows Muriel’s division
Crowley is soooo gentle with Muriel I love it. I think that in season 3 Crowley will be helping Muriel adjust on earth. Maybe he wont be going back at the bookshop but he might be popping up here and there like he did with Aziraphale.
“throne or dominion and above.” *casually opens the files* QUESTIONS!?
Crowley is surprised when Saraqael addresses him with his demon name and again doesn’t remember them but I think he’s lying this time. I wonder if Saraquel and Crowley were on the same division.
Ok here’s the thing. On the trial all the high up angels see and talk with Metatron BUT later they don’t recognize him. Not even Aziraphale’s recognize him BUT Crowley does.. if Gabriel had his memories would he recognize him as well? Is that a hierarchy thing or is it because he fell? Did Crowley talk with him the same way Aziraphale did last season and then took the decision to fall?
Metatron said that Gabriel couldn’t fall cuz they could only allow one prince to fall and that clearly is a Lucifer thing right?
Beelzebub is so gentle with their flies ,so cute
When Gabriel and Beelzebub held hands Aziraphale put his hand on Crowley’s shoulder (yes im normal about this)
I can't with Crowley! he’s sending them to Alpha Centuri lol
Question. What are the consequences of letting an Archangel and a Duke of hell leave. Like Lucy and the other angels the first time left because there was no “bad side” and someone had to be it, so they fell and made hell, but now it's bc the want to? Like they are not becoming humans they are just peacing out. And they are the “leaders”!! If Aziraphale and Crowley left they would have being just replaced but you can’t replace a fucking Archangel and a Duke can you? They do put Shax and Aziraphale (allegedly) but can they actually replace them?
Shouldn’t there be a hierarchy requirement for that like… Aziraphale is a principality how low is he? Muriel is the lowest and Metatron is the highest. Then there is Gabriel the Archangel who is in charge but they say that he is higher than Michael for some reason even tho google says there are three Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. So technically those three should be the same level no?
Then is Uriel and Saraquel.
If you don’t want to put Michael into Gabe’s position why not Saraquel?
I get the demon’s thing bc they are more chaotic and Shax is the smartest demon after Crowley and Beelzebub, but the angels confused the fuck out of me
And on that is God and Satan aware that this is happening? Are they just vibing with this whole situation? What the hell is happening?!
Im so here for the coffee theory
Metatron gives me the creeps
“Except the dim one” about Muriel. Interesting because so far they are the only angel dosed in light whenever they are on screen. Plus if we want to be literal she is the purest angel in that room all the other angels have “sinned” one way or another.
Insert coffee theory
Aziraphale is very cold at the beginning when talking to Metatron, then he drinks from the coffee and then when he listened to Metatron’s proposition he became warmer (but in the end he got manipulated into it)
“it’s very delicious”
“yes…I jolly hope so” that’s sus as fuck.. also he wanted to say damned but cant cuz he is the Metatron.
Aziraphale looks at Crowley for permission to walk with the Metatron and they give Crowley the MEANEST NASTIEST DEATH GLARE!!!
“we need a little US time” yes. please, fuck
Also I wonder what book Muriel was gonna take originally
“There’s only one candidate who makes the slightest bit of sense, you” WHY THO?!! You want a puppet. Someone to execute the plans that God and Satan have without asking questions or saying no. That’s why you let Crowley go and that’s why you fired Gabriel. Michael and Uriel are as powerhungry as angels can be but why not put Saraquel ?! Aziraphale is literally going against the status quo, albeit accidentally yes, since the Garden so why him?
(i have a theory on that)
Moving on
 “Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever” WHO GAVE YOU THIS IDEA THO? You collect books. Yes you know that nothings lasts forever cuz you are an immortal being living among the mortal but that is a “new” mentality for an optimistic character. Again you collect books. Books that are made from organic matter. Books that almost got burned. Aziraphale didn’t stop having the bookshop after the fire, he took precaution so that it wont happen again. That’s not an “nothing lasts forever” mentality if you ask me. It was either from the coffee or he was meant to say something else.
I would like to point out that Crowley took his glasses off when he tried to speak first and put them back on after “nothing lasts forever”. Thank you im not ok
And he’s hesitating HAAAARD
Like he knows that’s the wrong choice. He even tries to change his mind, or change the terms of the agreement but decides not to.
I AM DECEASSED. And im going to bed..jesus   
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frostyreturns · 1 year
When my last computer died I vowed I was never buying Apple or Windows ever again, now I’m vowing to never buy an acer chromebook, these computers are pieces of shit. I bought it when everything was locked down and I didn’t have much choice or money.
- Battery already giving me problems wont charge beyond like 12% so the battery life is now like ten minutes. And its built like a macbook where I can’t just pop it out buy a new one and replace it.
- functionless desktop..there’s no desktop shortcuts I can’t drag and drop icons to and from it for easier access I just get a big blank screen that doesn’t even have a functional wallpaper system. If I want to post a custom photo as my wallpaper I have to dig through every single image on my computer to find it because it only gives you preset google provided images and one giant folder labelled “my images” 
- It has a shelf/dock but it constantly removes items I put there everytime I’m not looking. I keep tryint to pin my settings to the shelf and yet eveytime I go to use it the icon has disappeared from the shelf. It’s like im in a fight with a roommate over where a table goes but there’s no roommate and every day I just find the table in the spot where I moved it from before bed. You’re my fucking computer you are a thing, I own you, I paid for you, you don’t get a say... do what I fucking tell you.
- Flimsiest fucking plastic piece of shit I’ve ever seen in a piece of technology. The plastic on the screen feels like it’s made out of what chinese knockoff toys at the dollar store are made out of, you have to brace the entire screen with both hands when opening it and closing it or you’ll snap it. 
- Every once in a while will just randomly shut off and not turn off, figured out that a little garden varety static was shorting it out.
- keys not backlit, so it’s unusable at nighttime.
- no compatibility with anything, wont recognize or run an external disc drive so I cannot use it for any physical media whatsoever. Can’t watch dvds on it, can’t upload music to it...nothing. 
- Every browser other than chrome is suspiciously unusable. Browsers that on every other device run and work smoothly run like bricked dogshit.
- Worst of all it makes you sign in to google to use it at all. 
- Awful word processer, you can type words and that’s it. Making it useless as a writing laptop. Your options are use google docs and upload everything you ever type straight to google or here’s a text program that lets you type words but has literally no other function at all. Makes everything a formatting nightmare if I actually have to send something to someone.
There are no good options for computer anymore, you just have to find the one that doesn’t suck complete ass and it’s none of them. They’ve taken all the fun out of technology and the bad parts just keep getting worse. Fuck everyone at apple, fuck Bill Gates and everyone at microsoft and fuck everbody at google I hate you all you’re all bad people and you’ve all made the world a worse place eat shit and get fucked.
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snorfbin · 6 days
im the fucking idiot for expecting companies to be honest about what their products can do 🫠
a friends birthday is coming up and since were both getting back into pokemon go i thought itd be nice to get us both our own power banks so we can hunt pokemon together without having to worry much about our battery life. its the perfect gift bc i can hang out more with my best friend whilw doing fun stuff with them!
i got 2 power banks just yesterday evening and theyre each like $35 so p cheap. they promised 14 hours of charging time so it seemed like a good deal. i noticed neither of them was fully charged out of the box so i charged them both up until they said they were at 100% and then tested one out on my phone which had died
it didnt even last long enough to charge my phone to max.... from 0% to 100% my phone takes 2 hours and 15 mins, that is well within the stated 14 hours of charge time but it only lasted an hour before it died!
not the worst thing ever. in a world of mass production theres bound to be duds for every product, maybe i just got the short straw here. ill test out the other one to confirm that works too, if it works then ill give it to my best friend for their birthday present and exchange the shitty one after the birthday. the second one died after an hour too....
neither of them lived up to the promised 14 hours of charge time! the box says 14 hours but they both died in an hour! thats like 7% of the promised effectiveness!!! i know you get what you pay for and i bought the cheapest ones available but im not even getting what i paid for!!! if i was getting a nice money to effectiveness ratio compared to a more typical $90 power bank then these ones should last more like 4 hours!
i decided to investigate the labelling on the box and power bank. the bank says its a 5000 mAh battery but since i ignored everything about electricity in grade 9 science i decided to look up what that means exactly. a mAh is the amount of power used in an hour, a 5000 mAh batttery will put out 5 amperes of energy in an hour. now to put that in relation to batteries; its a low tier power bank. a 5000 mAh power bank like the ones i bought would give an average smart phone a decent charge before dying which makes it good for folks who dont use their phone a whole lot in a day. nothing i read about it screamed that itd be anywhere near the 14 hours i was promised! thatd be over 50k mAh, thats a heavy duty power bank!
im so fucking mad that they claim its 14 hours when its only 1 singular hour. its not even enough to fully charge my phone once, my friends phone drains a lot faster than mine too so theyre in need of something better than just 1 single measly hour. theyre also my tech wizard friend so im taking their word on it when they say theyve done everything in their power to minimize their battery usage by doing stuff like closing background apps and programs
like i guess itd help them out, at least by a little tiny bit, to be able to have just a little bit of charging time but i really dont wanna support a company that just fucking blatantly lies about the capability of their products. thats just straight up false advertising and vague as fuck. i guess they determined its charge time based on some other device, one that doesnt use as much power as the average smart phone since it doesnt specify itd charge your phone for 14 hours, just that it can charge for 14 hours
i know im gonna get mine refunded. i wont leave the store until they give me my money back. fucking 14 hours my ass!
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kindlyfunkn · 5 months
car's not dead dead nor is the alternator shot thank god. not sure what was wrong with it, got the battery charged (brought it into auto shop lol to be certain its 100%) and fixed some rattling but engine still wouldnt start, fucked around with the gears and then it was purring once more (engine started. idk why i said it like that, keeping it there tho to laugh at myself). car was in full park so we arent sure if a mm of difference caused it to kill itself but idk. the car has a lot of dumb problems. also it died some weeks ago and presented the exact same way except the jumpstart worked, which was why we're scratching our heads.
if it was as simple as just not all the way in park (hard to notice bc my driveways on a slant i have to use the handbrake) being the issue (which is just a theory that cannot be confirmed bc it's working now), i wont even be mad or annoyed bc i didn't have to spend any money lol
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4rs3nal · 7 months
anyways im pretty sure i broke my airpods 🙁 the airpods themselves are fine but they ran out of battery because my fucking case wont charge 😞 back to the chunky jbl headphones we go 😭😭
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zzeldasnowward · 8 months
hi tumblr reminder to take your laptop off charge while youre using it i fucked up my battery, if i take my laptop off the charger the percentage will go down and i wont be able to turn it back on until i can get a new battery. its stuck on 9% until i get like $100
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chapter-17 · 1 year
Last year I finally got sick to death of watching the grass grow for months at our house waiting for mom to pay hundreds of dollars for someone to cut the grass for her. For years I had labored under the impression that the weed eaters we had available just didn't work, and required expensive, complex repairs to be functional again, which was OBVIOUSLY a long complicated process that would fill me with anxiety just to think about, so I never tried to just use them. Eventually the idea of mom having to stress and spend money over this got unbearable enough that I decided I would undergo the ORDEAL that would be getting these machines to work again after laying unused for probably a decade.
First off obviously I would need to get some replacements for the batteries, there's no WAY they would even hold a charge after so long out of action- oh they just charge up perfectly fine without any issue. Okay then well THAT might have been fine but surely there's no string left on the- oh there's lots of string left already loaded and it dispenses automatically. Well that's good but surely it's far, FAR too dirty to still be operable- there's like just a few bits of dirt and grass stuck on there that come off easy but were in inconsequential places anyway. Right, fine, that's good, but surely my OBSCENE LUCK will run out when- the battery fits in place just perfectly. Surely this success is a deception leading me to a false promise, it definitely wont- it just fucking WORKS. UM... WELL I MEAN THE GRASS IS PRETTY THICK SO THERE'S NO WAY IT'LL- IT FUCKING CUTS THE GRASS JUST FINE AND DOESN'T EVEN WEIGHT THAT MUCH.
Why did I mentally construct this impenetrable labyrinth around a very simple task to the point where I was repelled from it by the sheer anxiety?!
That was a rhetorical question, I know exactly why, even though I am not allowing myself to just ADMIT IT without a medical diagnosis because I don't want to feel like an impostor just making excuses for himself. I fucking hate myself with ADHD/ADD/whateverthefuckitisexactly.
At least THIS YEAR I'm hating myself while getting the weed eating done for mom for FREE.
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royal-songbird · 10 months
aaghdgshbf i think my phone broke this is Not Great
im not even sure what the issue is because it was working perfectly fine yesterday and all morning until i dropped it and it turned itself off. it wont turn back on and when i plugged it in the charger symbol kept flashing on the screen like it was struggling to charge ?? and also theres something weird going on with the back so my working theory is that the battery is somehow fucked up ?
issue IS i cant remove the back because theres like. something sticky holding it down and idk if its an intentional thing or not so im just. gonna wait until my mom wakes up so i can talk to her about it
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undyinglantern · 3 years
always absolutely insane to me when people say merlin's value has been devalued because of oberon and vitch's addition to the game. oberon and merlin have anti-synergy and you'll never be using them together so that's fair, but oberon's buster steroid has such a large demerit attached to it, you better be sure you didn't miscalculate your damage before using it. and vitch just doesnt provide survivability period. hell, she actively deletes 1k hp instead. sure vitch can be used to 3 turn farm, but by that metric oberon shouldn't overshadow merlin either. oberon's typically only used for wave 3 damage and merlin (when actually used for farming) is used for the charge on his charge on charisma on turn 1 -and both with plugsuit, mind you- so theyre on roughly equal footing for that too.
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tranzgayz-moved · 3 years
anger violence anger
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