#the bf in question is calum as one does
calumsash · 2 years
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I know the world's a broken bone...
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taleofharrison · 4 years
Sk8er Boy | Michael Clifford
Summary: based on sk8er boy by Avril Lavigne enogugh said
Warnings: kinda cliche
Requested: yes by an anon
Word Count: 1277
A/N: I have been trying to write stuff i have the ideas and i don’t know how to put them together and since this is one of my favorite songs ever this came out so naturally and I hope I can get back to writing soon anyways enjoy. 
The 6’1 guy dressed in all black clothes was drawing all the attention in the studio, you don’t expect to see a guy like that at a ballet class for sure, even him was surprised he stopped by at a ballet class but there he was, he just wanted to see you even for a moment.
Michael sighed; he knew he wouldn’t have a chance with you.
“Come on!” Calum brought him back to reality “you’ll be late for rehearsals.”
“Yeah…I-I’m on my way” he mumbled; his moment became longer without noticing.
The guys left almost at the same time you left the studio; you weren’t wearing your ballet clothes you were more than ready to go home and relax.
“Y/N! come on” your friend shouted, “what are you doing?”
“I thought I saw Michael” you said thought I could say hello but…”
“Y/N” she sighed “Michael again? You know that dude’s not good enough for you.”
“Why’s that?” you replied quite upset you were having this conversation again “you barely even know him you act as if he didn’t exist at school all the time.”
“But you know he always gets in trouble; he skips class most of the time” she reminded you “so it does feel as if he wasn’t there with us you deserve more than a bad boy.”
“He’s not a bad boy” you defended him “he happens to have different ambitions you know? He works hard to get his band to the next level.”
“You barely talk to him how do you know?” your friend fired back at you with your own argument “come on we gotta get home.”
The next school went as always with an empty space a couple rows in front of you that was Michael’s seat, he would always skip math class especially if it was the last class of the day or even ditch the whole day of school like he did today.
“Hey Y/N” Michael said approaching to you his skateboard under his hand. He had been waiting for you to come out of school.
“Michael” you exclaimed suddenly feeling flustered, he was actually talking to you “you know school’s over now.”
He laughed at your small remark “Just wanted to see you. Can I walk you home?”
“Y/N” your best friend called you out making you roll your eyes “what are you doing we need to...”
“Sorry Y/BF/N” you interrupted her “I wanna talk with Michael.”
“Are you insane?” she questioned you again “he-
“He offered to walk me home” you finished “and to be honest I’m tired of you talking shit about him all the time. I’m going to spend some time with him you can walk home on your own, I guess.”
“You’re gonna regret that” she spat “have fun with mister drop-out.”
“Sorry about that” you quickly apologized to Mike.
“No! don’t worry about that, happens all the time” he shrugged “nobody really believes in me.”
“Well, they should” you assured him “I’ve seen your band you got what it takes to go far.”
“You really think so?”
“Know so” you smiled “so about walking me home?”
“I’d love to walk you home” he smiled back.
Michael made you laughed and his heart skipped a beat both of you thought it was stupid not to talk to each other before and letting the nerves take over.
“I’ve seen you around the studio” you suddenly told him after a comfortable silence “where I take ballet.”
“I’m so sorry!” he quickly apologized “I don’t want you to see me as a creep or something it’s just that I didn’t know how to talk to you and…”
“Michael is okay” you laughed cutting his rambling “everybody at school knows I’m taking ballet plus it’s an open class people can stop by and take a seat and I also happen to know that your band practices near it so if you want to say hello one of these days you are more than welcome.”
“Ok I will” he sighed.
“This is my house” you told him “see you later boy.”
The club was packed with people some of them fans of music only there to have a good time, others were important people looking for a new band to sign with their labels. This was the first big opportunity for Michael and his band, and you couldn’t have been prouder.
“5 minutes guys” a member of the staff told the guys.
“That’s my cue to leave” you said leaving Michael’s lap.
“No” he pulled your arm “stay with me until the last minute, please.”
You could tell he was nervous, his bandmates were too, but Michael was your boyfriend however you did your best to calm down their nerves.
“I have to get a good seat plus I’m sure you’re gonna kill it and you guys are going to get more than one record deal offer trust me” you assured the guys.
You quickly kissed Mike on his lips “see you later boy” and finally left his dressing room.
After the gig the guys had gotten at least 3 cards with different phone numbers to call they didn’t know which label to pick they were so excited and decided they would make a call on Monday.
“Told you guys you’d make it!” you exclaimed “I’m so happy and proud of all of you.”
Michael gave you a hug lifting you in the air making you giggled he loved you so much you were there at every rehearsal and defended him every time you could he was so grateful you were in his life.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom then we can go celebrate wherever you guys want.”
You left the guys still looking in disbelief at the cards and telephone numbers in their hands this was their someday.
“Y/BF/N what are you doing here?” he asked shocked it was clear she wasn’t fan of his or the band for that matter.
“Well, I found out you were going to play here” she said, “this is the biggest club in the city only special bands get to play here.”
“Yeah, it was a dream come true” he said not wanting to be rude.
“Was wondering if you would like to you know celebrate this with me tonight” she offered “how about we leave now?”
“I’m sorry but no” Michael replied, “you were so rude to me and my band from the start and I don’t want you to ruin our night.”
“Plus, Michael’s girlfriend is here” Luke added.
“Oh” she sounded disappointed “and that is?”
“Y/N” Michael answered with a smile you were coming back from the bathroom at the same time.
“Ready to go, babe” you said not acknowledging the girl in front of him at first.
“Y/N!” she exclaimed “you chose her?!”
Your now ex best friend was trying to flirt with him not that you were jealous you trusted Mike you found it ironic since she always thought so low of him.
“Yeah” Michael said as if it was obvious “I’ve had on crush on her for so long and she stood by me and the band from day one she saw all I could be even when even I didn’t see it.”
“Now if you excuse us, we are going to have a sleepover at my house to celebrate” he added “see you later girl.”
You giggle see you later was your thing and way to say goodbye to him.
“You guys sure don’t want to go partying?” you asked making trying to be sure.
“Yeah, I just want to be with my best mates and my favorite girl for the night.”
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