#the bit about Kira and terrorism is soo funny because IF ANYTHING the Bajoran resistance to Cardassian occupation is obviously an allegory
feuilletoniste · 2 months
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We can all agree that this is just antisemitism, right? There’s no other more appropriate word for it, really.
(Context: Ira Steven Behr, who is Jewish, was one of many celebrities who signed an open letter criticizing and condemning director Jonathan Glazer for the speech he made at the Oscars in which he said "we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked" -- according to him, "I refute my Jewishness" was not how he intended his words to be interpreted, but if true, that just means it was a very poorly worded statement. This woman described Ira Steven Behr’s signing of a letter saying Jonathan Glazer said something antisemitic -- which he did, intentionally or otherwise -- as "morally unconscionable." This is just lunacy, actually.)
This video (I didn’t watch it in its entirety but I read the entire transcript) hits pretty much all of the antisemitic talking points people use when talking about Israel’s war on Hamas: genocide, Zionism, saying the reaction to the deaths of the WCK workers is "only coming because white people died" (what the fuck!), blaming Biden, neoliberalism, "the conflation of Israel the nation and its actions with not only Judaism but also the entire people of Israel," whatever.
One of the claims made in the video is (verbatim), "Ira Steven Behr is supporting Israel’s actions through his condemning of Jonathan Glazer’s speech." This is nonsense! This is "so you hate waffles"-levels of stupidity. Another claim is that the situation with Behr is similar to the situation with Joanne Rowling and transphobia, which is, hmm, very telling in terms of how you see the concept of Jewish people supporting our homeland.
Anyway, Jessie Gender then goes on to compare Major Kira ("a former terrorist who fought back against the fascist occupation of her land by the alien Cardassians, a settler-colonial government that not only store resources from her home planet of Bajor but also genocided her people") to, uh, Hamas I guess??????? I have only watched one of this lady’s videos besides this one but wow she sounds like a fucking idiot.
(To her credit, she does say, "this is not me approving … of all of Kira’s actions nor of Hamas specifically, but to understand the situations that people who are undergoing a genocide endure and the choices that they have to make in order to fight for their own liberation and personhood," so at leash she’s not openly supporting the real-life terrorists, I guess!)
Another very interesting (and saddening) part of the video is when Jessie says, "I know there will be some people in the comments that say, well, Ira Steven Behr must be facing a ton of pressure to sign this letter, as many Jewish people within the Hollywood industry and within America generally are feeling the pressure to do so -- certainly we have seen many people lose their jobs and places [sic?] for speaking out against the Palestinian genocide; I myself have lost connections both personal and professional, as well as had certain parts of my career hurt, because I have been very vocal about what is happening to the Palestinian people" (emphasis and punctuation mine). What a really shitty thing to say, the idea that Jewish people can’t support Israel without being pressured -- literally, in this case, by (((them))) -- to do so.
Anyway, one final note: Jessie says at one point, "Rick Burman, someone who I don’t have a ton of respect for, at least understood this [that the Bajorans were apparently an allegory for Palestinians]." To paraphrase an all-timer: you do not, actually, have to hand it to Rick Berman.
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