#for JEWISH PEOPLE and NAZIS. fucking dumbass!
feuilletoniste · 6 months
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We can all agree that this is just antisemitism, right? There’s no other more appropriate word for it, really.
(Context: Ira Steven Behr, who is Jewish, was one of many celebrities who signed an open letter criticizing and condemning director Jonathan Glazer for the speech he made at the Oscars in which he said "we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked" -- according to him, "I refute my Jewishness" was not how he intended his words to be interpreted, but if true, that just means it was a very poorly worded statement. This woman described Ira Steven Behr’s signing of a letter saying Jonathan Glazer said something antisemitic -- which he did, intentionally or otherwise -- as "morally unconscionable." This is just lunacy, actually.)
This video (I didn’t watch it in its entirety but I read the entire transcript) hits pretty much all of the antisemitic talking points people use when talking about Israel’s war on Hamas: genocide, Zionism, saying the reaction to the deaths of the WCK workers is "only coming because white people died" (what the fuck!), blaming Biden, neoliberalism, "the conflation of Israel the nation and its actions with not only Judaism but also the entire people of Israel," whatever.
One of the claims made in the video is (verbatim), "Ira Steven Behr is supporting Israel’s actions through his condemning of Jonathan Glazer’s speech." This is nonsense! This is "so you hate waffles"-levels of stupidity. Another claim is that the situation with Behr is similar to the situation with Joanne Rowling and transphobia, which is, hmm, very telling in terms of how you see the concept of Jewish people supporting our homeland.
Anyway, Jessie Gender then goes on to compare Major Kira ("a former terrorist who fought back against the fascist occupation of her land by the alien Cardassians, a settler-colonial government that not only store resources from her home planet of Bajor but also genocided her people") to, uh, Hamas I guess??????? I have only watched one of this lady’s videos besides this one but wow she sounds like a fucking idiot.
(To her credit, she does say, "this is not me approving … of all of Kira’s actions nor of Hamas specifically, but to understand the situations that people who are undergoing a genocide endure and the choices that they have to make in order to fight for their own liberation and personhood," so at leash she’s not openly supporting the real-life terrorists, I guess!)
Another very interesting (and saddening) part of the video is when Jessie says, "I know there will be some people in the comments that say, well, Ira Steven Behr must be facing a ton of pressure to sign this letter, as many Jewish people within the Hollywood industry and within America generally are feeling the pressure to do so -- certainly we have seen many people lose their jobs and places [sic?] for speaking out against the Palestinian genocide; I myself have lost connections both personal and professional, as well as had certain parts of my career hurt, because I have been very vocal about what is happening to the Palestinian people" (emphasis and punctuation mine). What a really shitty thing to say, the idea that Jewish people can’t support Israel without being pressured -- literally, in this case, by (((them))) -- to do so.
Anyway, one final note: Jessie says at one point, "Rick Burman, someone who I don’t have a ton of respect for, at least understood this [that the Bajorans were apparently an allegory for Palestinians]." To paraphrase an all-timer: you do not, actually, have to hand it to Rick Berman.
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troybarnesbucky · 5 months
just returning here after 2 years of not being on this cursed app to say one thing and one thing only. i LEFT this app because of rampant antisemitism and dehumanization that i witnessed two years ago. my last post was about the death of sarah halimi z’l, which you were all silent about. today, six months after the most violent and deadly attack on jews since the Shoah, i return to see how the virulent and disgusting antisemitism that pushed me away from here is even worse than it ever was. i was on tumblr, with various accounts, for more than a decade. it was NEVER this bad but then again, the dehumanization of jews has become so normalized in the last five or six years, so idk why i’m surprised.
well i’m not really surprised. but i’m here because i want to say i told you so, but it’s pointless. you all don’t care. you don’t care that jewish people in your own countries, let alone israel (god forbid lollll) are being abused, attacked, bullied and dehumanized at pre-Shoah levels. you would rather that happen than exhibit nuance, empathy for everyone, or stay silent when you don’t need to say a fucking thing about a conflict miles and miles away from you, in distance and in reality. i’ve lost friends, i’ve lost my last year of education, i lost my mental health, all because when it comes to jews, no amount of repeating the same stupid, violent pattern of dehumanization will teach you non-jews (and yes, some of you jews too) the lesson of antisemitism and its poisonous, conspiratorial and dangerous nature.
we know you don’t care. it’s been made so abundantly clear, not just now but in the last six, seven, eight years. when the only antisemitism you cared about was in a harry potter book, or in trump’s dumbass comments, or in a movie about a jew with a prosthetic nose. and even then most of you didn’t care, you didn’t let us jews define our oppression — so we know you don’t care enough to give us that “privilege” now.
but i know, maybe twenty or thirty years from now, you’ll look at pictures and maybe even history books and remember what you said, did, and fought for. maybe you won’t. maybe you’ll still be sick, poisoned by antisemitism and unable to shake it off. or maybe not, and only then will you realize that you perpetuated this violence, evil, this dehumanization of jews. you called us nazis, you spit at our faces while we begged to be seen, you engaged in violent antisemitism comparable to nazi-era rhetoric. and maybe THEN you’ll feel bad. but then it’ll be too late.
to any jew that comes across this post, you’re not alone. my DMs are always open — i don’t come on this app much but will always be happy to talk. am yisrael chai ❤️
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ilovekimpossiblealot · 2 months
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So this got back to me, let's unpack-shall we?
The post was deleted, it was Kim Possible of all things.
Assuming all Jewish people are Zionist is a form of antisemitism, dumbass.
Here's proof that Lily was friend with a fucking Neo-Nazi
Here's a clip of Lily calling me an ableist slur, so I guess it's fine? (2:19)
Here's a fun post just for the hell of it:
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angelsanarchy · 10 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series PRT 25
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
TW: Antisemitic verbiage, hate speech
Oystein had gone to work the next few days trying not to smile so much. Y/n called the shop everyday and they talked for almost an hour. The others thought he was jerking off in his office because he kept locking the door. The last thing he needed was any of them getting suspicious or asking him too many questions about his private life.
Today was different though. She walked through the door with a smile on her face and a brown bag in hand, ignoring everyone else in the shop.
"Hey." Oystein couldn't help but smile looking at her.
"Hi, I brought you lunch." She held the bag up and he laughed.
"I didn't even order anything yet." Oystein looked in the bag and she rolled her eyes.
"As if you weren't going to order from us anyway." Y/n leaned on the countertop and Oystein leaned forward to steal a kiss.
"Thank you. You want to stay and eat with me?" He asked extending his hand. She nodded taking it and following him down stairs instead of to his office.
"Let me grab a drink." He had never taken her down to the Black Circle hangout. She waited in the doorway as he retrieved a coke and a beer from the fridge. She doesn't bother talking to any of the others. She keeps her eyes on Oystein but when Varg stands up, both their attention is turned to him.
"Aren't you a Jew?" Varg blurted.
"Excuse me?" Y/n responded.
"I was going to ask what your thoughts were on these church burnings but then I realized how disgustingly Jewish your last name was." Varg's words were dripping with disdain but everyone else remained silent.
"Back off Varg." Oystein crossed the room towards Y/n but she held up her hand letting him know she was okay.
"That's a lot of talk coming from a guy who had to change his name to fit into his own bullshit narrative." Y/n's words made some of the others look at Varg confused.
"You know, you have some nerve coming in here. You aren't one of us. You could never be apart of what we're creating." Varg seethed.
"You're hanging out in the basement of a record shop talking about idiots who burn buildings down as if that's going to overrun the faith of those people. Newsflash, dumbass...they're buildings. No one was praying in them anyway. They were all rundown and considered historical." Y/n argued.
Varg made a move towards Y/n and Oystein put his hand on his chest.
"I'm serious...back off." Oystein was stern making Varg grit his teeth.
"I don't care if you're fucking her or not. She doesn't belong down here. She clearly doesn't agree with things the Black Circle does so she needs to be gone...now." Varg locked eyes with Oystein and he knew how tense the situation was.
"You're fucking a Jewish chick?" One of the others asked.
"Who I fuck has nothing to do with any of you jerkoffs." Oystein spat.
"Then don't bring a kike in here!" Varg challenged.
"Trust me, I don't want to be in your black metal circle jerk-" Varg shoved Oystein and this time the room moved. Hellhammer stepped into Y/n's side and pulled her back into the hallway to get her out of the fray as Oystein and Varg started arguing. He escourted her back upstairs and he told her to stay in the office. When Hellhammer got back to the bottom of the steps, Oystein ran into him.
"Is she okay?" He asked in a rush.
"She's fine man...but he's right." Oystein looked offended but Hellhammer quickly explained.
"She's not safe around Varg. You know that. He's fucking crazy with that Nazi shit. You know I don't have a problem with her at all, just maybe keep her from downstairs." Hellhammer watched Oystein's face soften before giving him a nod. They both could hear the others talking about gassing her just a few steps below but Hellhammer put his hand on his shoulder.
"Fuck them. Just go eat lunch with your girlfriend man." Oystein continued up the steps thinking about what Hellhammer had just said. He hadn't actually talked to Y/n about being exclusive but he knew that he wasn't seeing anyone else. He could only assume she was only talking to him as well. He also made a great point about Varg.
For some reason, Y/n was able to get under his skin like no one he had ever seen before. It was scary. Oystein walked into his office and saw Y/n sitting in the chair in front of his desk.
"Are you okay?" He asked frowning. He sat across from her sitting the drinks down on the table. She nodded her head.
"Are you burning churches down Oystein?" She asked sounding exhausted. He let his head fall slightly and she sighed.
"Please tell me I'm not going to regret getting into this with you. I need to here, out of jail, not dead. I can't handle losing anyone else." She explained reaching out for his hands.
"I know. I don't want you to regret being with me. I want to give you a reason to be a proud girlfriend." Oystein tried making her laugh.
"You just trying to slip that in there huh?" She put her hand on his cheek and he gave her a soft smile.
"I'm sorry that the answer to your question is disappointing but I won't be involved moving forward. You have my word." Kissing her hand.
"Good because I'm not visiting my boyfriend in lock up." She smiled making him laugh.
"Wow you wouldn't visit me? Not even to sneak in some good food?" Oystein teased.
"Not even then. You'll have to tough it out but you'll definetly need to cut all that pretty hair if you have to do an extended stay." She ruffled Oystein's hair and he leaned over kissing her lips. The two of them heard the others being loud downstairs and he walked over to lock the door so they could enjoy their lunch together. This is the life Oystein never expected to love but sitting in a record shop that belonged to him, with the girl he loved, eating his favorite food...this is the life he never dreamed of but was damn happy to have.
In the back of his mind though, the fear of having someone so precious to him near people as violently motivated as Varg put him on edge. He had to keep Y/n safe from this world.
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menlove · 9 months
Antisemitism is so rampant in leftist spaces it’s disgusting. My ex friend would repeatedly say “black people are the real israelites” and referred to her classmate as “jew boy”, but claimed she wasn’t antisemitic at all. even after our jewish friend told her multiple times that she was being offensive!!
the way I simply
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it's sooooo painfully obvious that no one takes antisemitism seriously at all. like I'll still never get over a pretty popular blog on here saying "yeah antisemitism sucks but bc it's not a systemic problem it's just a personal issue" LIKE....... and it's just not questioned!! and so many popular leftist blogs on here have reblogged that dumbass post about the idea of judaism as an ethnoreligion being fucking nazi race ideology. it's such a shit show.
like my gf one time was having a good conversation w a guy at a bar abt leftist things and then suddenly he starts talking abt how minorities tend to be poor "except the jews" and my gf was just like "great tell that to my single jewish mother raising me on fucking nothing" (& they can correct me if I mistold any of that) & they just didn't talk for the rest of the night
it's just so painfully rampant and even ppl that will acknowledge many other forms of oppression don't take it seriously in the slightest. even if they get called out on it the reaction isn't "I'm not antisemitic" it's "okay and so what if I am? that's not the point right now" like????
idk the left has such a weird culture around antisemitism & it's of a Slightly different flavor from the right so they think it's fine. like yeah okay you're not wearing a white hood or a swastika. you're still being shitty.
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bottlepiecemuses · 5 months
So what you're saying is that if they Were a majority then they'd be killing entire other countries too????
How the FUCK do you hear yourself and think you're NOT spreading blood libel????
Literally NO group should have the right to murder like this in the name of "safety." And no other groups Does have this imagine if Black people or natives or the Irish decided they were just gonna kill everyone instead of fighting for rights.
In the mystery land of yours that has oppression Olympics how does that work exactly?
Do Black Jewish Natives get to kill everyone else? Or do you support Native Americans killing Black and and Asian and Gay and Jewish people too?
Like who deserves the Most safety? And who is it okay to kill to get it when we apply your shitty Nazi logic to other countries?
Oh gosh you dumbasses really have no logic.
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I had a conversation the other day with two of my sister's friends (one of whom is jewish and has relatives in Israel) about Palestine. It's incredible how people will bend over backwards to deny that what is happening is a genocide.
Talking about Netanyahu she said that "no one in Israel likes him and he's just a dumbass who keeps making stupid decisions" as if exterminating people could be considered a stupid decision.
"oh but it's because of Hamas and October 7th" "it's a war they started" "they want the israelis dead too" ok let's say they do. but who's actually exterminating the other?
And when I mentioned that what israel Is doing is a lot like what the nazis did to jews they said "but you can't really compare what happened then to what is happening now!" Why not? Concentration camps, dehumanization, racially-motivated slaughter, the burning and destruction of their history, shall I go on?
And one of them said "oh yeah I've seen some photos online and I got so upset I had to silence the Palestine tag" and I'm just fucking tired
I just can't fucking believe everyone is just allowing a genocide to happen because they're too goddamn stubborn or blind to believe what the media tells them because it serves their beliefs. They just want to live a comfortable lie and believe they are in a moral high ground by justifying or undermining everything.
And you know what? Those people would have reacted the same fucking way during the holocaust unless they themselves were the ones affected.
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atthebell · 9 months
i don't want to shame people for not realizing what they're spreading around esp if they just really didn't know but at a certain point as a jewish queer seeing so many dumbass gentiles parroting nazi slang gets fucking tiring learn the meaning of the words you say ffs
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moderndayamymarch · 5 months
ranking downton abbey characters:
edith’s newspaper man- died punching nazis, can’t get more iconic than that
2. rose- flapper icon!! best fashion sense, married a cute jewish man, living my dream life
3. cora’s family- PLAYED BY SHIRLEY MACLAINE AND PAUL GIAMATTI, move over england the twentieth-century is america’s time to shine, it’s just funny that the family acts like they’re so above the americans but they’re the only reason y'all still have a house, like you hate us until you want our money
4. maggie smith- 1900s lucille bluth
5. thomas- often diva a down, i love a good schemer, only one real enough to call out the class divide
6. tom- HE’D BE HIGHER BUT THE WRITERS HAD HIM SELL OUT HIS SOCIALIST, IRISH NATIONALIST IDEAS IN EXCHANGE FOR BECOMING A COG IN THE WHEEL OF BRITISH ARISTOCRACY AND SPOKESPERSON FOR CAPITALISM. why. let my man burn down symbols of imperialism. i was in love with him season 1 and 2 but after? as joyce would say he became a jester at the court of his masters.
7. sybil- feminist icon, she would’ve stopped tom’s whole arc if she’d lived
8. mrs. hughes- she’s the only one keeping these ppl alive, bad bitch, also only servant aware that this is a job in the end and while she respects her employers she doesn’t worship the ground they walk on
9. matthew- he was cool, is the reason the rich people know what a weekend is, mary’s best love interest and I miss him
10. cora- american dollar princess!!
11. bertie- i love that he’s like toby from the office but if toby was the one promoted to corporate (not ryan). like a w for dull, normal people everywhere! (not an insult this is most everyone)
12. matthew’s mom- she could be a bit much at times and a bit of a nancy pelosi kinda progressive! like the family rolled their eyes at her but she was the only one of them actually doing anything useful for society so i’m not a hater. also i love her friendship with queen maggie smith
13. edith- the best scene of the whole show is the one where she finally called mary a bitch.
14. the cook- she’s cool
15. the dad (what actually is his name?)- he’s such a dumbass, walking example of why we shouldn’t give money/land/power because you’re related to someone, i did like the scene where he vomits up blood in the middle of dinner like finally something interesting
16. anna- stand up girl. be your own individual person
17. carson- ugh
18. mary’s second husband (henry?)- the male version of the horse girl: car guy
19. mary- a bitch but she often ate I fear (except the time she was cold/uncaring and MADE JOKES about newspaper man being killed by the nazis… it’s giving melania when she wore that “i don’t care, do you” jacket. like the man died standing up against what will be a fascist regime. what exactly have you done? )
20. daisy- just annoying
21. bates- i hate this man. he is a sanctimonious, sydney carton wannabe who makes his wife’s assault ABOUT HIM. to the point that her main concern after it happens is that he doesn’t find out to avoid him getting angry. and when he does find out, he broods. he thinks he’s better than everyone and i hate him so much. like in the first season when he refuses to say why he was arrested for stealing silver because of virtue or whatever, like who gives a fuck, just tell em it was your wife. that’s how i know this show isn’t about americans. we have no problem throwing someone under the bus to save our job. americans are nothing if not the prioritization of self-interest/individualism in the name of retaining power in the marketplace.
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adelle-ein · 2 years
h!rry p0tter stans are pathetic, disgusting brats and i want them all to block me now so i'm going ahead and posting a rant about the terrible wizard books and their terrible fandom and their embarrassing fucking behavior just to get it off my chest and hopefully get them to STOP FUCKING FOLLOWING ME i swear they just keep popping up with their dumbass usernames and slytherclaw in their descriptions. this is long and rambling but i just really need to scream into the void for a bit
this also goes 99% only for adult hp fans. if you are fourteen and still obsessed with hp that's okay. you're fourteen. you'll grow up someday.
Unfortunately i must give my stupid "qualifications" to hate hp and its fans first i guess. Yes, from ages 8-17ish maybe, I loved hp, it was my main special interest/ocd obsession for pretty much the entirety of that time. blah blah read the books a zillion times wrote fanfic first tumblr fandom *checks watch* went to the theme park owned merch was in the high school hp club etc. I still unfortunately have a hp username in some old things where usernames are permanent. Stuck and unchangeable! Alas. Okay are we done? Do you understand that i used to be one of you morons before i got old enough to have critical thinking? am i deemed worthy to talk about this now???
cool great thanks. Anyway. I'm TIRED of being expected to be patient with hp stans!!!. It's their childhood! It's nostalgic! It's their hyperfixation and their special interest! Wizard boy SAVED THEIR LIVES and you have to be PATIENT with their clinging to it twenty fucking years later!!! ...No actually. No i fucking don't. No trans person, no jewish person, nobody needs to put up with your sobbing speeches about how actually you HATE jkr but you just LOVE hp so goddamn much and you're sTILL A REAL ALLY. can you at least, at the bare minimum, if you MUST engage with HP content, SHUT UP about it?? why can't you even do that??? good god.
I think people are still clinging to the idea that JKR is actually a liberal who's just really stupid on trans rights. Don't get me wrong: that's still awful that they're willing to throw trans people under the bus like that! If that was true I would still be saying to not support her and to shut up about hp for thirty fucking seconds! However, that is just...objectively not true. Woman is a fascist. Woman is constantly expressing support for conservative laws and measures. She has done effectively nothing to support abortion rights or feminism or lgb rights in years, she LITERALLY ONLY cares about hurting trans people and preventing Scottish independence and keeping her taxes low. I believe she recently dusted off her old fucking charity to sponsor the education of some women in Iran? She used to do stuff like that pretty regularly but now she so, so rarely does. And even when she does it's just like. ticking off a box and she's back to going on another unhinged rant about trans people. The people she has allied herself with are far-right, neo-nazi, white supremacist groups. She has happily expressed support for anti-abortion activists, pro-LGB conversion therapy pundits, self-professed fascists, people who believed jews control the universe, and even rapists including depp and m. manson and various horrific "gender criticals". OVER AND OVER. She's fash! She's far-right all the way fash! Any "lefty" terf who's allying themselves with her is straight up in the frog/scorpion situation and i will point and laugh while also being amazed just how incredibly stupid and selfish people are. And she keeps siccing her followers on small trans accounts without money or fame on their side, who then get harassed for fucking YEARS on end! She knows what she is doing! She is a bitter, twisted, evil lady!!!
anyway. What I know most about, being jewish, is what she's said and done in the jew hating department. so now i'm gonna rant about that specifically jewish stuff.
I am sick of her antisemitism being reduced to "there are goblins" and similar. Especially bc people then point to, like, fucking owl house and whatever and go "see this is also antisemitic!!" Well, technically, yeah. it is. but like...accidentally. I'm pretty used to seeing evil big-nosed money-loving freaks and lizard people all over media, I've just kind of grown up with that. Jo's antisemitism is not accidental. Joanne has Griphook as the *literal* devil on Harry's shoulder throughout the gringotts saga of book 7. He's the one who convinces Harry to start using unforgivable curses (remember that shaun video in which he points out that the potterverse has no "bad actions" only "bad people?" yeah harry uses the torture and mind control spells like, repeatedly, with ZERO FUCKING REFLECTION OR CONSEQUENCES OR CARE and it's fine, they're such bad books man.) Griphook literally leads harry away from the light of christ and backstabs him. bill warns harry that goblins are Not Like Us, because they have evil and weird and unholy traditions and magic and steal power from wizards. jo specialized in studying the historical roots of legends and fairy tales throughout uni and has talked about them at length. she literally dual majored in "classics" (and french, strangely, considering how she writes french people lmao. failing upwards?) And yet she managed to go as dark and bad as possible on every occasion. Joanne knew exactly what she was writing. AND EVEN IF SHE DIDN'T, somehow, she has doubled down in subsequent years. There was no, "yeah, sorry about the goblins and the house elf shit, I dunno what I was thinking but we won't be doing that anymore!" House elves and goblins continue to be featured and doubled down on, between pottermore, the terrible fantastic beasts movies, and this game (you can own your own slaves in the game i believe, hooray!) Fantastic beasts even features a ***part-house-elf*** woman. Let THAT horror sink in. The franchise has doubled down on and actively CHOSEN TO FOCUS ON its worst and darkest parts and there is no more way to hide behind any semblance of ignorance at this point.
(The same goes for Umbridge being raped by centaurs. There is NO FUCKING WAY that was not deliberate. The woman literally studied english fairy tales for school. SHE KNEW. Rape is a punishment in HPland. Hermione literally gets sexually assaulted by a guy and Harry tells her it serves her right for leading him on and the book nods right along with him. Joanne hates cis women too lol)
People have written at length about the game's plot and why it is clear, blatant, not accidental antisemitism and blood libel. The game's original director was a far right gamergate lunatic and I SINCERELY doubt he was the only one of the crew who was. None of this was an "oopsie poopsie we made a big nosed shady advisor" and the devs are not the sweet widdle victims you morons want them to be! And continuing deeper into the franchise: there's a whole lot of nazi imagery surrounding Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts (originally played by fucking Depp the wifebeater who collects nazi memorabilia for kicks so that's on the nose). Guess which main character turns to the dark side and starts doing evil nazi shit? The one named Goldstein. The Jew. Yay! Also she was, like, mind controlling her good christian boyfriend to force him to marry her, so there's a lot going all the way down on that one huh.
And honestly, even when people are expressing allyship it's all so fucking performative! You all just keep going "oh there's goblins" and then recommending fucking alternatives. I don't want to hear about how pjo/earthsea/witch hat atelier/owl house/twilight/animorphs/whatever is Wholesome And Perfect and Good! This is not an opportunity to stan! Do you people really think, when discussing a violently antisemitic game that's part of a franchise made by a fascist, the appropriate way to end your twee little thread is by promoing some OTHER children's media that you think has the morally pure high ground? Do you realize how performative that makes your so-called allyship feel?? Do you genuinely believe that these GROWN ASS ADULTS simply did not know that other children's media about wizards and magic exists in the world and that is the only thing driving them to keep worshiping at joanne's feet even now?? You think they just genuinely believed this video game is the only video game in the universe? The really rich rec I keep seeing people give is fucking NARNIA, which features all the blatantly Muslim-coded characters being rejected from heaven and presumably ending up in hell when the world ends. Like Susan will one day, because she turned away from Jesus and is a disgusting slut who likes boys and lipstick too much. Narnia fucking sucks. Even the shriekcast people cannot stop sucking off narnia it's so goddamn annoying
The whole thing reminds me of how, at peak 3h-popularity-fighting, there were many long threads going around twitter about how Hubert falls into the "shady advisor" stereotype and how Rhea and co are secretly lizards and how that's not great. Yeah, sure, not great, old stereotypes rooted in antisemitism that media can't seem to turn away from. And then those SAME PEOPLE would talk about "instead stan tellius!" Tellius which features these characters, who form a tribe specifically known for being backstabbing greedy traitors obsessed with money, who sell one of their blond white beautiful allies into slavery for money. THAT tellius. And that's what i mean by performative fucking allyship. Based on their own behavior, none of those people appeared to give a real shit about Jews. It looked like they were only pretending to so they could come up with a way to dunk on Modern Fire Emblem and encourage people to play Classic Fire Emblem. And not that the modern games didn't deserve criticizing! But it was so, so clear that none of them had any fucking clue what they were talking about, were just pointing to tropes and going "antisemitic!" without bothering to learn the hows and whys and critically analyze the context. So I do strongly encourage people to try and learn about WHY certain media is so bad and, while intent certainly isn't the be and end all, why certain portrayals are so much worse than others. Naesala is a damn sight more of an antisemitic caricature than Rhea, and fucking obviously the wizard school game is worse than owl house! Also reminder that the great ace attorney localization uses antisemitic slurs and everyone in the fandom ignored that :) performative asses
aNyhoo. The antisemitism in HP is not just "there are goblins." It is much worse, much more insidious, and Warner Bros, avalanche, etc have all joined right in, doubled down, and made it very clear that antisemitism as well as slavery apologism is a key part of the series and not going away for a good long time by making it EVEN WORSE in the games and movies. even if she wasn't seeing a penny of any of it (lol!) her ideas are being happily and uncritically spread by you fucking lunatics.
and every time someone gets an anon going "maybe don't support hp?" and you clutch your fucking pearls and fall to the floor crying about how it's TRANSFORMATIVE and YOU HEADCANON HARRY AS TRANS and IT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD and blah blah fucking blah i both lose even more respect for you and become even more certain that this franchise is not worth transforming. it's simply not. hp is rapidly becoming a symbol of hate, one that fascists flock around and support (yes, they were burning the books twenty years ago, but IT IS NOT TWENTY YEARS AGO YOU ARE AN ADULT NOW MARJORIE, it's a franchise that the fash love now, and why wouldn't they? it espouses all their ideals!)
Just grow up. It is really, and i mean this from the bottom of my heart, genuinely unhealthy and sad to still be so deeply tied to your favorite book when you were ten. It's time to move on. It's past time to move on. Thank the books for what they did for you and let them go. Personally, I can't engage with any HP media. I derive zero joy from it and haven't since like...I don't know, 2016ish maybe. Even the last dregs I clung to were more fond memories of sharing the books with friends and family. I truly don't understand how anyone can still like them knowing what they now stand for. But even if you're not like me, even if you've managed to fool yourself into believing this is a franchise about love and kindness and leftism (lol), it's time, it's PAST time, to move forward. Nothing wrong with liking old media or children's media or even problematic media (to an extent ofc). But when a series is doing this much tangible harm, when you are so deeply entwined with it that you feel you have no identity without it, when nostalgia has become more important than your principles...then you need to let it go. If you don't care enough about trans people, or Jewish people, or rape victims or Black people or Chinese people or Irish people or Scottish people or gay people, then do it for yourself, because being shackled to your childhood like that is simply not healthy.
Okay that was the only paragraph I was going to be nice in back to bitching. Read another fucking book, engage with other fucking media and no i am not going to give you recs and hold your hand and tell you you're a good person for doing it!! do it yourselves you are ADULTS. and remember: the difference between kanye and jo is that one of them has lost his filter and is saying the quietest parts the loudest, and also is black, and you should think long and hard as to WHY you find one of them acceptable to support and not the other, because they very much share the same views and have expressed support and love for the same people.
Personally I don't see why you'd even fucking pirate this game. It looks like another cookie cutter blandass triple a runs like shit but gets straight 9/10 mess. like it's just cyberpunk again but wizards. it's yet another flat bland Skyrim Two. by devs who are known for their crappy shovelware. And every hp game that has come out has sucked (did you know they had a pokemon go clone? i think it only lasted like a year. lots and lots of shitty f2p stuff in general.) Why do you need this game so badly? why are you SO wrapped up in nostalgia that you're willing to support terrible shit and play a meh game? there is something fundamentally wrong with your morals if this is where they end. always the same people who cry about how there are good slytherins or whatever but don't give enough of a shit about people to care about, like, real things.
Also if you truly believe you need to "support the devs" by buying this game: where do you draw the line, then? What makes these particular AAA devs need my $60 so badly? By that logic I apparently need to buy every single game in the world to support every single dev in the world?? WHAT??? If you say this you are PROBABLY lying, but if you truly believe it you are incredibly stupid. thanks.
Also professor fig dies at the end in all endings and rookwood is the one behind anna's curse he framed the goblins for it <3
(also this all goes for diehard aot stans too i want you and your nazi propaganda anime to fuck off too thanks)
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seventh-ending · 7 months
Nazi dumbfuck
I'm not a Nazi, how could I be a Nazi when I don't hate the true Jewish people, when those zionist fucks believe in a man who is dead, I thought he would be able to come back oh wait that's Jesus not a man, also Jesus was made up by emperor Constantine of Rome, you're a zionist fuck who hail's Hitler like a dumbass, also you have nothing on you're profile so you don't matter then or is it because, I hate new Hitler (trump)
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official-oshun · 11 months
fuck off kapo, if you think Jews are white and don’t need to defend themselves against a literal terrorist organization trying to wipe us all out then you should just go join hamas yourself
wow calling me a nazi collaborator thanks buddy try saying it off anon would u? race is a social construct dumbass. in the usa, the 3rd most populated county, most jews are considered white. as i said they are usually ashkenazim or sephardim (or neither and they are converts with no claim to either-- but still jewish!) i actually do think jews should defend themselves against terrorist wholeheartedly but the avg citizen in gaza is not a terrorist and these reckless strikes are getting more people than needed killed. sorry that hurt ur feelings to say statistically the people of palestine are in more danger than the people of isreal i hope you understand one side has a modernized military behind it with nucular weapons and the other is not even an official government.
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makiruz · 1 year
Wait, wait, "And then you go on say 'we', by which you mean gentiles, 'must be wary' of jews (red flag) who use Zionism- the understanding that our homeland is the levant- as 'a shield' against 'antisemitism' (red flag)"
I meant Nazis you moron! Nazis use Zionism as a shield to hide their antisemitism! Oh my god. Are you troll or you cannot read? And "we" was everyone, but sure, go off
Oh my god, and this is someone who clearly needs to learn the history of Liberia (you guys should look into it, it's very revealing)
Oh and since we're ranting, gotta love people trying to claim that because Israel is racially diverse it's not an ethnostate; like first off let's ignore the racism against black Jews in Israel, and then remember and I'm Latina so I know race and ethnicity aren't the same, like you can be white and Latinx, you can be black and Latine, you can be Asian and Latinx; so racial diversity doesn't change the fact that Israel is based on Jewish ethnic identity.
Shit, forget what I just said! They do mention Latin America! So they don't know who they're talking to; and what is this bullshit? "Does the state religion and mostly latino makup of every south american country, formed from actual imperial colonialism make them catholic ethnostates?" "mostly latino makeup"? What the hell is "latinx make up"? Like, being vaguely brown? a Mestizx? Mestizxs look like anything because genetics are funny like that! Like the triplets from Encanto, one is super white and red head, and the other 2 are notably brown and that's totally realistic (maybe not with triplets, but siblings); holy shit what the hell are you talking. And by the way, no country in South America has a state religion, some like Argentina and Peru recognize the Catholic Church's as important, but it's not the state's religion; the only country in America with a State Religion is Costa Rica (where I happen to be from, yay), which is in Central America (well, Dominican Republic, also in Central America, has Catholicism as "official religion", but no state church); and even here with our State Religion, the discrimination is de-facto not legal, you can't legally deny citizenship to someone based on their religion, and you can't legally give different rights to people based on their religion or ethnicity; which isn't the case in Israel.
The next part of this dumbass post is more "I don't know about Liberia" nonsense.
"'ancient' arab palestinians never existed" what?; it's KGB propaganda, apparently; and anyway, I don't give a fuck about "ancient", nobody cares about ancient, only Zionists trying to justify the oppression of the Palestinians care about ancient peoples; we care about the Palestinian people who currently live there as second class citizens and the Palestinian people who were already there 70 years ago and got ethnically cleanse; that's it, nobody care about ancient fucking times
"fact free opinions" that's why it's called a "rant" dumbass. And I never said that most Jews I run into are Zionists, that's projecting. Most Jews I run into here are normal, it's just that I have twice provoked the Zionists accidentally; but that's okay, I blocked everyone so it's not gonna happen again
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clonehub · 3 years
That one anon pissed me off. You can support getting rid of sinophobia, racism, anti-semitism, etc in a show even if people don't like the ships you like. It's not hard at all to agree on one thing and work together on that one thing then go separate ways. That anon pretending otherwise is ridiculous and incredibly entitled! "I can't be bothered to worry about things that dehumanize others because someone was mean to my ship! 😭" bullshit.
Yeah like this ties into the whole thing with the person who leaked the link.....was that really your priority? A blocklist that wasn't going to see the light of day anyways? You started all this shit and got a person harassed and possibly jeopardized the credibility of an anti racism movement over ships?
And like I've seen what folks have been saying about what's now being dubbed "list gate" or something (HDAKBDMANSMANA) like........they made a brown man a violent dumbass. They have a whole greedy lizard woman and they hired a Jewish woman to hire her. Echo is constantly cast aside and we can tell a huge part of it is because he's disabled. They had a fucking Tiananmen Square parallel and they were so excited to do it they forgot their own Empire = Nazi Germany metaphor. Like. they equate ships as being on the same level as all that.
I can see these people acting like they care about uwwtbb, but then who go write essays about ships while not saying anything but a really impotent "I think whitewashing....isnt super good" lukewarm take and they still want to be patted on the back for their backhanded activism.
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever rlly experienced any anti-semitism but what annoys me is a lot of people still make a lot of ignorant ass comments about Jews and Judaism bc they don’t know shit about it and that’s what pisses me off. The main thing that bothers the shit out of me is people not even knowing that Judaism is an ethnicity AND a religion. So many people think it’s just a religion and so they stereotype every single Jewish person and assume that person is religious and practices Judaism which is NOT true at all. You can be a Jewish person ethnically and not want to join the religion or be very religious and it’s the same vice versa. Someone without Jewish ethnicity/heritage could make the decision to convert to Judaism if they want to. It’s SEPARATE. When people dismiss Judaism as an ethnicity it’s really insulting to the people who suffered through the holocaust for racist reasons. There was this dumbass comment Whoopi Goldberg made on The View recently where she said the holocaust wasn’t about race and she’s like “it’s about man’s inhumanity against man” what, so it’s not about race just bc it’s a group of white people going after white people? The Nazis targeted the Jews and hated them bc of who they are as people not bc of their religion, and they specifically look for distinguishable characteristics in their looks and appearances that separated them from everyone else. Like especially in those anti-semitic cartoons forever ago where they would draw Jews with big noses and shit. So yeah I’m not an SJW and I’m not asking anyone to kiss ass to Jewish people like they do with other communities but I feel like having the decency and awareness to know what the fucking difference is between ethnicity and religion is enough to ask of someone LOL. Not every single Jew goes to a synagogue and eats kosher and lights candles on Hanukkah like bitch…that’s like assuming every Mexican person wears sombreros and shit on Cindo De Mayo. And just like how not every American is Christian, and not every Arab is Muslim. This is honestly why I’ve always hated speaking about my Jewish heritage in the past bc then it’s like people just jump to conclusions and make all these assumptions that I’m this super religious person when I’m not religious at all.
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eaudrey35 · 3 years
Florida Bill Protecting White People’s ‘Discomfort’ from Racism Advances
@iamaffscandallover these ppl kill me. They make these Bills against CRT which isn't even taught because they don't want white ppl to feel uncomfortable Abt how this nation was truly built. U can't hide the history of America u fucking dumbass. The fact that they r ok with Black children Hispanic Jewish Asian and others learning Abt Hilter the Nazi's the Holocaust that which our kids have to sit thru even though it is uncomfortable.
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