#the black wildcat for eura
gamerbearmira · 9 months
Spirit Animals takes place is a world called Erdas, where a portion of the population summons spirit animals, magical companions whose power can be drawn on to provide boosted or unusual skills and abilities. In Erdas, there are fifteen Great Beasts - creatures that possess great magic and that are tied to no human. In fact, a spirit animal cannot be the same species as one of these fifteen. However, several hundred years prior to the series, two of the Beasts, Kovo and Gerathon, reveled against their brethren and sought to command all of Erdas, causing a great war. Four of the Great Beasts fought back, but tragically fell in battle. The series kicks off with these Fallen Four returning to the world - as spirit animals! But also returning are the forces of the Reptile King, aided by the power of Gerathon's talisman, and seeking to further the cause of the two traitors. The four children who summoned the Great Beasts must then work to defeat the Conquerors, and keep the talismans of the Great Beasts out of their hands.
Then they have to track down the summoned of the rest of the Great Beasts after those guys yeet themselves into a tree - but hey! At least there's no more bonding sickness, because a Great Beast with bonding sickness would be bad. There's already at least one au of it on ao3. Also, something weird has happened to some of the ex-Conquerors who had only the false bonds provided by the Bile...
And oh! What's this! A mind-control wyrm, how delightful. Oh, and it's very deliberately infecting the Great Beasts. That can't be good.
And once they beat that, then there's people framing their multinational organisation for the assassination of the emperor of Zhong, so now they have to find these four magic artifacts infused with the power of incredible bonds between human and spirit animal, and figure out who they're actually fighting, anyways. Also, yes, Worthy does have a tail.
so yeah, that's the plots of the three arcs, hopefully without giving too much away. It's fun! The idea of doing an AU that's spirit animals but Encanto popped into my head the other day and while I don't have many details I know Mirabel gets to summon one of the Fallen Four and Isabela gets to fill Worthy's role in the narrative, but ex-circus tiger instead of a black wildcat cause a) they don't live in Eura and the wildcat has no cultural significance and b) parallels!
Interesting⁉️⁉️⁉️ reminds me of a ton of fandoms mixed together and that’s so rad. Also the animals are so cool, story seems real cool, like the roles and stuff. Ex circus tiger, off topic, but that is so silly 😭 AND PARALLELS YEAHHHHHHHHHH
Assassins in this is WILD 💀💀🫢 love the drama tho
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Petition to make an AU where Stetriol has its own bond token and we get to see the original water-holding frog/toad legend.
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