#the blooming baby boss lady
weepingfireflies · 5 months
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[Photo ID - several images of Magnus Elvador from The Blooming Baby Boss Lady manhwa. He is a relatively androgynous-looking man with long red hair and golden eyes. /End ID]
I want this man's gender so bad I'm going to be sick
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redflagromance · 1 year
Deplorably Devoted to You
HEARTBREAKING: You’re the Worst Person You Know
You're an accomplished event planner- weddings, baby showers, moon abductions- you do it all. In fact, you're so good that your smoking hot eldritch boss Balthazar Grivus just made you his partner at your firm. It’s finally your chance to change the future of evil event planning. The late nights alone perfecting confetti-spewing bear traps as Barry’s apprentice are over, and now your schedule and heart are wide open.
Nefarious plots abound, and you have a bevy of romantic and professional interests to pursue: plan a wedding anniversary, push a rebrand of a struggling majority, prepare a getaway ship, and promote the fortress-warming party of the millennia. 
The Sorceress
The sorceress is a proud, luxury-loving lady of the ‘eye for an eye’ persuasion. Will you help her achieve vengeance and social satisfaction? Or will you disappoint her and doom yourself to eternal sleep?
The Gunslinger
Gene is a creation of his time- to be specific, the 1800s. In and out of jail for various ill-conceived crimes, he is now more comfortable in a prison cell than out of it. Will his zest for life and the finer points of dynamite light up your life, or blow your career out of the water?
The Florist
Your florist is a gentle, caring person with a heart of gold and a devastating fear of dogs. Their plant expertise, professionalism, contacts dedicated to violating the laws of nature, and tendency to not ask questions make them indispensable to you. But will you bloom together, or will they be uprooted?
The Orc
She is a union president, a go-getter, and forklift certified.  She’s also built like a brick house. Can you help her with the image rebrand that her people desperately need in the face of a global morality shift, or will you get eaten alive?
The Space Pirate
They’re fun. They’re spontaneous. And they’re not a felon in this galaxy yet. Their new ship is almost ready for takeoff- is their ship’s maiden voyage destined to shine brightly, or doomed to crumble into stardust?
The Super Hero
He’s big. He’s strong. He’s probably late for his next client at the gym. He’s as rough as the stones he loves to hunt for in his free time, and tougher than most of the criminals he brings in on late nights.
Your world and career are on the brink- but of success, or failure?
Can you have it all while throwing the best worst events of the season and getting the dark lord to notice you?
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capypub · 1 year
Without Warning - Mafia!Joel Miller Scene 12
Mafia!Joel Miller x OFC
Rating: T (y'all already know I love my f-bombs lmao)
Summary: Joel finally says those three words...
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Over the next three days, Joel went with Indi to her apartment to collect her things, insisting she stay with him while he deals with the David problem. Since she was still on break from her classes, it was easier for her to have constant security without school officials or her professors getting suspicious.
Tommy picks her up and stays at the bar her whole shift. Joel or one of his guys picks her up after and takes her home or wherever else she wants to go.  It sounded excessive, but Joel couldn’t risk losing her, not with a psychopath like David still breathing. 
They did talk about what happened when she was taken. Joel noted the details she described about David, relaying the information to Tess. He tried to keep Indi’s mind occupied with other things, giving her free range of the house, including the basement and his office. She also had access to his credit card, but he noticed she hardly used it for herself, most of the time using it for food for the guys or things around the house. He noticed a significant amount of candles and blankets appearing around the house, much to his amusement. 
The more she learned about him and the darker side of his life, the more she seemed to…thrive. She brought a warmth and brightness into the house that not even the occasional dead bodies could dampen. At first, Joel was concerned that she wasn’t more concerned about the stains and walls of guns and torture devices in the basement. She approached it with curiosity, asking questions as she held his hand and circled the dark room like they were browsing Home Depot. She was quite the enigma and he fucking loved it. 
He found her in the kitchen after they’d finally gotten all her stuff moved into his place or into storage. She was scurrying around the kitchen, arranging what looked like catering dishes on the island. 
“What’s all this?” he asked, amused by her domesticity.
“Tommy said a bunch of the guys are coming over tonight for some fight or game or something. I wanted to make sure there was enough food,” she shrugged, organizing a section for plates and utensils.
“You cooked all this?” he asked in disbelief, estimating there was enough food to feed at least fifty people spread out on the marble counters.
She scoffed loudly. “No, you ordered it on your credit card and had it delivered to the house,” she said with a wicked grin, moving towards him and wrapping her arms around his neck, stretching onto her toes to kiss him. 
“Oh I did?” he smirked, bringing an arm around her waist and pulling her closer, a sense of pride blooming in his stomach knowing he could provide for his girl and her wishes, even if it was for others. If it made her happy, he didn’t care. 
“Mhm, because you’re such a good boss who takes care of his employees,” she nodded against his lips.
“You’re spoilin’ them too much, baby girl,” he murmured, reaching around to grope her ass, making her giggle. 
When she nipped his lower lip, he instantly felt the spark of desire ignite. Lifting her leg onto his hip, he yanked her even tighter against him, her soft gasp making him smile against her sweet lips. 
The door to the garage opening and slamming shut startled them apart. “Damn, somethin’ smells good!” Tommy’s voice echoed through the house.
Joel rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his girl for indulging the guys in her hospitality. She pecked his lips, smoothing down the front of his shirt just as Tommy came in, trailed by seven other men who all immediately went straight to the island of food. 
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” Joel grumbled to his brother, one arm around Indi, the other on his hip. 
“Here to watch the game, brother,” Tommy said with his charismatic smile, “Your lovely lady here also said there’d be food and Indi, honey, you did not disappoint,” he said with a wink at her, snatching up a plate, piling wings, fries, and ribs onto it, grabbing a beer from the open cooler on the ground next to the island. 
“I’m gonna fight ‘im,” Joel grumbled, rolling his eyes after his brother disappeared into the theater room. 
“He’s only doing it because he knows it bothers you,” she soothed him, lightly scratching at his chest, a comforting sensation he’s grown to love, just as much as when she does the same to his scalp. 
“He’s askin’ for a foot up his ass,” he muttered, kissing her forehead. 
“Go sit down, handsome, I’ll make you a plate,” she insisted with a sweet smile.
“I can make my own plate, ba-.” “I want to, Joel,” she cut him off, putting a finger to his lips, replacing it with a coconut-scented kiss before giving him a light push towards the sounds of the beginnings of a football game in the other room. 
He wanted to say it so bad at that moment, looking down at her bright eyes and gorgeous smile. She cared for him in a way he’d never experienced before. In the short time she’d been staying here, his house felt more like a home than ever. The little things like finding her making coffee or coming across one of her books in the living room, it brought a sense of happiness he never thought he’d experience in his life. 
He strode casually into the theater room, collapsing on the leather recliner beside Tommy who was stuffing his face, wing sauce in his mustache. Joel shook his head at his brother, leaning back comfortably in the chair and focussing on the team about to kickoff. His men joined quickly, each of them looking absolutely elated with a plate of food and beers under their arms. Indi came in with Joel’s food, looking absolutely gorgeous in one of his t-shirts and a pair of tight shorts. Fuck, she made wearing his clothes look absolutely sinful. He noticed she’d handed him a different brand of beer, his favorite import actually. 
“Enjoy the game, no more bullets in the screen, please,” she said, leaning down to kiss his cheek as she set the plate down.
“You’re not stayin’?” he asked, a flash of disappointment in his gaze.
She smiled. “No, this,” she motioned to the screen, “is not for me, I’ll be upstairs with Ellie,” she added, giving him a final kiss on the lips before leaving them. Tommy gave Joel a hard side-eye after the national anthem, obnoxiously smirking at his brother as the first quarter started.
“The fuck are you lookin’ at?” Joel finally asked, glaring in irritation at the other man.
“You’re so fuckin’ whipped, man,” Tommy snickered quietly, “You’re not stayin’?” he imitated Joel’s deeper voice with an over exaggerated pout, breaking into another fit of laughter. 
“Don’t make me shoot you in the other leg,” Joel grumbled around the lip of his beer, keeping his eyes on the screen and voice low.
Tommy laughed. “I’m glad to see you happy, man, honestly,” he said sincerely, squeezing his shoulder, “Much less of a pain in the ass when she’s around, I’m not gonna lie,” he added, earning a hard punch to the shoulder. 
“You wanna watch the game at your place or what?” Joel fired back, the hints of a smirk on the corners of his mouth. 
“The fuck was that?! Come on ref!” Eric yelled from behind the brothers, breaking their private moment by more swears and groans from the room. 
They enjoyed the rest of the game, one or two more guys coming in right before half-time. During the breaks, they would occasionally wander back into the kitchen for more food. Joel hoped Indi had gotten something for her and Ellie before, knowing that everything on that counter would be gone by the end of the third quarter. 
He wouldn’t admit it, but he enjoyed himself that evening, actually laughing a couple times at the guy's jokes. Everyone left not long after the game, either to the bars or to their respective homes. Tommy took one of the guest rooms, having gotten a little too much into the bar at the back of the room, evident by his loud stumbling around the house. Once he was secured in a room, Joel went in search of his girlfriend and his child. 
Using the security app on his phone, he swiped through the various camera feeds around his house until he found Indi and Eliie sitting on the second-story balcony in the swinging bench they often smoked together on. Ellie had a sketch pad in her lap that she was very focussed on and Indi seemed to be scrolling through her social media. He couldn’t help but smile at the feed, thankful that his two girls got along so well. Upstairs, he found the doors to the balcony open, the girl’s quiet conversation drifting towards him.
“Does it hurt?” Ellie asked, her voice low as she stared down at the paper.
“Yeah, the first time for sure, but it gets less painful every time you do it,” Indi said casually.
Joel’s curiosity had him pausing in the doorway.
“Did you bleed a lot?” Ellie asked after a minute.
“Oh yeah,” Indi huffed, “But everyone’s different, it just depends,” she added.
Now Joel was concerned. “What’ve y’all been up to?” he asked, making both girls jump. 
When they turned to look at him, Indi smiled and Ellie rolled her eyes. He felt awkward, his body stiff, as he contemplated outright asking if Indi was talking to Ellie about…sex. He couldn’t help but grimace at the thought. Also, he didn’t know if he was completely comfortable with that, especially since Ellie’s girlfriend has yet to show her face. 
“I want to get a tattoo,” Ellie said decisively, holding up her sketchpad to show him a rough design of what looked to be some kind of gnome with a…tiny knife in its hand? He shook his head.
“Not ‘til you’re eighteen,” he grumbled, so relieved that they weren’t talking about sex.
“I was telling her about my first one,” Indi added, her eyes drawing him closer until he sat between them. 
“I can wait two years,” Ellie shrugged, stifling a yawn. 
“Get some sleep, kid, I’ll take you back to Bill ‘nd Frank’s tomorrow,” Joel said, affectionately rubbing her back and giving her a light push onto her feet. 
She said goodnight to both of them, wandering off into the quiet house to one of the empty guest rooms on the second floor. Joel turned to Indi with a lopsided grin, making her giggle. 
“What?” she asked, suspicious of the look.
“When I came in here,” he began, wrapping his arm around her, “I, honest-to-God, thought you were given’ her the talk,” he said laughing with a hard exhale through his nose.
“What do you…oh! Oh, God no,” she said, immediately blushing, hiding her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder. 
“Don’t know which one’s worse though, now that you got ‘er thinkin’ about a tattoo,” he said easily, grinning the whole time.
“Hey, I didn’t do anything, she started asking about it on her own,” she insisted, poking his chest. 
“You encouraged it,” he argued, obviously teasing her.
She retaliated with a swat to his leg. “Shut up.” 
They settled closer together, Joel eventually pulling her into his lap, right where she belonged with both his arms around her. She cuddled into his chest, nuzzling his neck and leaving soft kisses along his jaw as he looked out over the expanse of trees. 
These quiet moments with her were quickly becoming his favorite activity, getting to hold her close, no expectations to talk, just enjoying each other’s proximity. She fit so perfectly against him, his missing piece he never knew he needed. These moments had also become the moments when he wanted to tell her the most, to say the words that weighed heavy on his tongue.
“You’re thinking very loudly tonight, is everything okay?” she asked softly, playing with the button on his shirt. 
“I just…I want you know th-....” he took a deep breath, meeting her eyes when she lifted her head in concern, “Baby girl, I love you.” 
He did it. He said it and it was out in the open now. She didn’t seem surprised when he said it, offering that sweet smile he loved so much and kissing him softly, slowly, holding his face in both her hands. 
“I know,” she said with a soft chuckle, “And I love you too,” she added, those simple words shattering all worry in his mind, his body igniting with the adrenaline of her reciprocation. 
He kissed her harder, holding her tight against his chest. “What’d you mean you know?” he asked against her ear, his lips trailing down her neck and across her shoulders.
“You talk in your sleep sometimes…”
Scene 13
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mysweetgeo · 1 year
“This reminded me of you.” with george harrison please? if possible 65/56 era, shaggy haired geo supremacy 😫
i’m thinking reader is single on v day and so is george, so they both plan to surprise each other with gifts (mutual pining slay) but accidentally bump into each other while buying said gifts at a shop.
or literally just write any cutesy fluff i absolutely adore your writing😭
Picture Perfect
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Request: I'm thinking reader is single on V Day and so is George, so they both plan to surprise each other with gifts (mutual pining slay) but accidentally bump into each other while buying said gifts at a shop.
Prompts: "This reminded me of you."
Pairings: George Harrison x F!Reader
(SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY !! I’d written 99% of this prior to V Day and fucked off to England the weekend after and forgot about it entirely 😭)
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You and George had known each other for a few years, you’d initially met entirely by accident on the set of one of their photoshoots back in ’63. You’d been a photography assistant and had been asked to do a mundane task and had wound up spilling coffee all over George while retrieving coffee for the group. 
While George had found the situation hysterical, your boss had found it quite the opposite and fired you on the spot. 
This had led to you and George becoming great friends and you had made it a point to visit with him at every chance you got. 
You couldn’t help but feel something more than just a friendly adoration for the man, and what you had thought was just a platonic attraction had bloomed into something much more. 
It was hard to watch girlfriends come and go, but you stuck with him through all his heartbreaks. Always providing booze and jelly babies—which you knew he adored. 
With Valentine’s Day coming up, and George’s most recent girlfriend having just broke up with him last month, you decided a surprise gift would be an ideal way to help cheer him up. 
You’d stepped into the candy shoppe which was filled to the brim with Valentine’s Day paraphernalia. So much so that it nearly made you gag. 
You looked through the candy, grabbing several packages of jelly babies artificially colored with red and pink hues. You’d also grabbed a few packages of digestive biscuits to stuff in there as well. 
You were looking through the card section of the store when you heard a very familiar voice call your name. 
“George? What’re you doing here?” You asked, clearly taken off guard. 
“I reckon I should ask ye the same,” he said with a gentle smile. “What are you doing here?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, playing with a card in your hands, “Getting a gift for someone.”
George leaned an arm on the shelf to give himself a cool persona, “And who’s the lucky fellow?”
Your face tinged pink and you looked down at your feet, “Someone,” you managed to whisper. 
He laughed softly, “Do I know him?”
You flitted your eyes to see George’s amused face, “You could say that.”
“Well, any man who likes jelly babies and digestives is good in my book. How long have youse been seein’ each other?”
“We aren’t seeing each other, I’m just buying these for a friend,” you answered. “You never answered my question—why are you here?”
It was George’s turn to blush, “Well, y’see, I have this girl I know, right. And she’s a real good friend to me and I think I might like her, y’know. So I’ve just gone and gotten her a present that she’ll hopefully like and I needed a card to go along with the present. Somethin’ romantic-like.”
“Ahhh, so who’s the lucky lady this time ‘round?” You asked softly. 
George’s face turned even more red and he scratched at the back of his head. His hair had gotten much longer since you’d known him and his natural curls left his ends just above his shoulders. 
“Well—it’s erm, it’s complicated, y’know,” he huffed a laugh, “'cos I’ve known her for a few years now but I haven’t known how to say what I feel for her, y’know?”
Your heart fluttered in your chest, “I know exactly what you mean.”
George’s eyes narrowed on yours, “You do?”
You nodded, “I do, I really do.” You stopped yourself for a moment, did you really want to tell George how you felt in the middle of a convenience store?
“George I—“ You began but were cut off by him. 
“I think I love you,” George blurted. 
You heard something fall to the floor, not realizing it had been all of the gifts for George you were holding on to.
“George, I love you too,” You closed the distance and hesitantly touched his arm. 
“Oh thank God, I thought you were talking about someone else,” George laughed as he looked down at you. 
“Who else do you know that has an unrealistic obsession for jelly babies and chocolate digestives?” You said with a laugh.
“Thought you might’ve cloned me without my approval.”
You shook your head before leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, which were just as soft and full as you had imagined. 
When you pulled away for a breath, George’s eyes were still closed and his face mirrored your own—pure bliss.
“So what’d you get me?” You asked, breaking the comfortable silence. 
“Well I was walkin’ past this shop in the city centre right, and they had a couple real nice cameras. And I saw this *real* nice one and I dunno, it just y’know,” He paused and pulled a box from the small gift bag in his hand. “This reminded me of you. You said you’d need a new camera soon so I thought I’d help. I hope you like it.”
You could only bring your hands up to cover your mouth in reaction. “George—Oh my God,” You reached a hand out to take the box from his hand, “this is too much, this must’ve been so expensive. Look at you, you’ve gotten me a new camera and all I’ve gotten you is a card and some candy—I can’t accept this, its too much—“
Your ramblings were interrupted by George pressing his lips to yours once again. 
When you pulled away for a second time, George was grinning, “You’ll accept it and I’m sure we can work something out as repayment if you really think it’s necessary—which is completely unnecessary in my opinion.”
Your hand was wrapped around his bicep for stability, “You’re too much you know that?” You asked.
“Obviously, must be why I’m the ‘Quiet Beatle,’” he said with laugh. 
After scooping up the items you’d dropped, you made quick work of paying for them and heading off with George for some more impromptu lip-locking and candy eating.
And if a few photos were snapped of him eating said candy, well they were in good fun and great quality. 
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Valentine - Oneshot
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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Steven sends you flowers on Valentine's and sends you into a tailspin. Based on this song by Laufey.
Warnings: friends to lovers with Steven Grant, both Steven and the reader are inexperienced in relationships and essentially have really awkward conversations
A/N: Leslie Knope and Ann Perkins make a brief appearance at the beginning of this for all my Parks and Rec fans! I don't own photos, dividers or characters.
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Ann, the office receptionist’s desk, as well as the rest of the office, is filled to the brim with pink streamers, red heart chain links and little teddy bears holding hearts that say they love you. It’s all Leslie’s work, the miracle boss who could transform a whole building level into a Valentine wonderland overnight and still be able to lead the weekly Monday morning meeting with more energy than the whole floor combined. 
So, as you’re passing by Ann’s desk for a cup of coffee, you assume that the bouquet of roses was just part of the charade. Because there’s no way anyone but Leslie Knope would buy a bunch of, if you’re guessing, a hundred roses, surely causing a flower shortage in the greater London area. 
They let off a dreamlike aroma, as if you’re passing the door to another dimension, where roses rain from the sky and into the rivers. You pause, finger one of the blooms, flit your hands over the delicate baby’s breath lining the border of the bouquet. 
“Pretty,” you murmur to yourself. 
Ann looks up from her notepad and smiles at you, “They’re for you.” 
“Yeah right,” you scoff, leaning in and taking a final breath in of that divine smell. “As if.” 
But she barely bats an eyelash, making your heart falter as you look back at the roses and start to seriously consider that she isn’t joking. You feel something nudge your hand, you look down and see Ann holding out a small card for you. 
I love you bunches. 
You turn it around, still blindlessly in hope of some saving grace that will prove it as some sort of running office gag that you had to be at the butt of this Valentine’s day. The florist logo only looks back at you expectantly. 
“Ann, where…” The vase is massive to say the least. The flowers are going to take up at least half of your cubicle, leave alone the fact of how you’re going to manage to take this home on the tube. “I can’t take these.” 
“Well, you’d better!” Leslie’s chipper voice makes you start. She throws an amicable arm around your shoulders, pulls you into her without preamble. “Because if they’re up for grabs then I call dibs!” 
“I uh-” you’re not sure how Steven would feel if you gave his grand romantic gesture away to your boss. Steven loved Leslie, that much was for sure, but that much? You can’t even fathom Steven loving you that much. “I…Leslie-” 
“Ah, just pulling your leg,” she pokes your side, winking at you cheekily. Her phone goes off and she starts running towards the elevators with a, “I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!” 
You stare at her, stare back at the flowers, stare at Ann. She stares back at you, “Need help getting them to your desk?” 
“I…” the card weighs heavy in your hands. I love you bunches. It couldn’t have been anyone else but Steven. “No, that’s alright. I’ll go clean up some papers and I’ll be back.” 
“Alright, thanks hun.” 
The rest of your workday, you can say for certain, is lost to the wind. As soon as you manage to focus your scattered attention on a document, someone stops at your desk with a, so jealous of you and a lucky lady, reminding you once again of the flowers you’d never really had forgotten about in the first place. 
Previous Valentine’s Days were usually spent by yourself, a couple of other single friends at most. You’d sit around, drink some wine and half-watch a rom-com as the rest of the crew cried their eyes out and stuffed their faces with chocolates, lamenting about how single they were. 
Steven however, loved love. His apartment could give Leslie’s office a run for her money, what with his pink, superfood beetroot lattes, the paper hearts stuck in the windows and the extra pink knackage in Gus’ tank. 
But this?
You turn your chair to get a better glimpse of the flowers. 
This was a gesture that was supposed to be exclusively reserved for the Hugh Grant and Matthew Macfadyen primary male love interests. Gestures that make your friends cry and swoon all night long, lamenting about why they don’t make guys like that anymore. 
Not Steven. 
Your Steven. 
Steven Grant that you’d started seeing romantically for a few months at best. This was a gesture so bold and tacky that you wouldn’t peg it to be him had it not been for the note. At least, it seemed a bit much for where you thought you two were together. 
Your friendship with Steven had years to grow and flourish, having run into him at the gift shop after an exhausting day with your goddaughter. Your romance with him had had much less time. 
It had taken him close to four years to ask you out. He’d rambled and stumbled his way through his sentences on a night where he’d been more chatty and nervous than usual. At first, he was asking you out for dinner, then he’d thought the best of it and said he wanted to go rock climbing. He’d then remembered that his shoulder had been giving him some pain and he was surely the most uncoordinated person out there, so he settled for coffee. 
Steven had paused for maybe a second, before he started to correct himself to make sure that you wouldn’t think he wasn’t serious about this, just because he was asking you for a coffee and not dinner. If you wanted, he would take you to dinner, he had no qualms about that either, it’s just that he didn’t want you to think that he was too serious about this either. He loved and valued your friendship, above anything else in his life, and should love not work out for the two of you, then he’d want to still stay and friends and- 
Finally you had cut him off, took his hand in yours to make him calm down a little and had said that coffee, dinner or even rock-climbing sounded nice. That you’re scared of what this might mean for your friendship, but you’re willing to give it a try. 
Turns out taking a gamble on Steven was the best choice you’d ever made. Now that he had your full permission, he let loose all the bottled up, puppy-like energy he’d discretely expressed in little chunks. It’s a little overwhelming at first, having him not only listen to you looking at you like there was nothing more important in the world, but to also have his hands wander anywhere they wanted, making your head dizzy and fingers jittery. 
You can’t imagine going back to a life pre-Steven. A life where he wasn’t there to quiet down your screams as a fly flew from one side of the flat to the other, with Steven hot on its tail until it was chased out the window. A life where, after closing the window, he’d turn to you, breathless and sweaty, and say, “That ought to take care of it, love.” 
In two seconds flat you were in his arms, kissing him as if he were life itself. 
Two weeks into your relationship he told you he loved you. 
He’d done it at a movie night over at your place, a weekly tradition that hadn’t been broken with the change in your relationship. On habit, you’d drenched the popcorn in caramel. Without a second thought, you pull out a bottle of Irn-Bru, a Scottish drink, a favourite of his from the fridge. 
“Oh, you’re amazing!” he’s grinning wide at you, his whole face lighting up when you press the toxic orange-coloured drink into his hand. “Oh, I love you!” 
When he’d made no move to take back what he’d said, to chalk it up to a long day at work, you pointed it out to him. 
“Did you mean that, Steven?” you swallow thickly, your hands suddenly sweaty. “You don’t have to, we can pretend it never happened.” 
“Mean what, love?” His glasses are on, his left hand already sticky with sugar, his other holding the remote as he scrolls through the options. 
“That…” the words feel heavy and foreign on your tongue. There’s a strange feeling blossoming up inside you, one that you’ve been trying to tamper down for a while now. “That you love me.” 
“‘Course I do,” he says it as if he’s saying that he needs more vegan dark chocolate if you happen to pop by Tesco after work. He looks at you and smiles, half-munching on a mouthful of popcorn, “Don’t gotta say it back or anything, really. Just thought you’d like to know.” 
Truth be told, you’d never been in love. Ever. There were faint infatuations and obsessions that you went through in your life, if the layers of movie posters in your childhood bedroom had something to say about it. When you were older there were a couple of crushes that disappeared the moment they asked you out. Every time love had the faint chance of approaching you, you’d knocked it down. Had kept the walls around your heart tight, though you peeped in through the gaps and briefly fantasised about what would happen, should you let someone in. 
But Steven had already passed through the walls of your heart, had his own corner filled with his niche books and oversteeped, cold cups of forgotten tea. So, when he started to return the subtle affection that was growing inside you, your last line of defence had faded away and you were left with a strange feeling inside you instead. Weird. You felt weird. Steven made your heart flutter in palpitations that almost sent you to A&E, concerned that you’d had a heart attack. 
The feelings return that same night when halfway through the movie, he turns to you and tells you that he not only loves you, but thinks that you’re very pretty as well. 
You weren’t sure what to say back. Thank you seemed too self-absorbed, and Steven had scolded you enough times for you to know that denying the compliment would be worse. He’s looking at you expectantly, and you know that if you don’t say something soon he’s going to burst out in his nervous ramblings again. 
“You’re-” maybe it’s not the right thing to say “-you’re pretty too.” 
“Why, thank you, darling!” He bites his lip, chunkily leans in and brushes his lips against yours in a sticky kiss, smelling of Irn-Bru and love. 
So, though you had no doubt about how much Steven loved you, and how much you’ve grown to care for him in return, you couldn’t wrap your head around his over-the-top, tacky gesture today. Because the rest of your relationship hadn’t been necessarily tacky and over-the-top, and Steven, at least you thought, preferred to love you openly under the soft glow of the TV, behind cracked book spines and barely-there kisses. He shied away from loud noises, from praise and comments about what a lovely couple the two of you were, and turned red if your hands strayed to his lower back. 
The workday ends, though your despair about the flowers doesn't. 
Steven, on habit, is waiting for you in the lobby, his coat unbuttoned to reveal his appropriately matching, heart-scattered pink button down, his hair an unruly mess. He’s grinning as if he hadn’t sent you in a tailspin regarding the very essence of your relationship with him. 
His hug, as always, engulfs you. He leans the majority of your weight into him, presses his face into the side of your neck to murmur, “Happy Valentine’s, love.” Hours spent in his arms feel like seconds. In Steven you feel you’ve found your other half, your missing piece, the pearl to your oyster. He pulls away too soon, holding you awkwardly by your shoulders before he lets go and stuffs his hands into his pockets. “How was work?” 
“Good,” it surprises you that he still hasn’t brought up the rose garden he’d had delivered this morning. “I was distracted all day, however.” 
He pouts, “And why’s that?” 
Leaning up, you twirl a piece of his hair around your finger and shrug non-comitantly, “How was work?” 
“Fine,” you’re hoping he’ll take the bait and go off on a tangent about the new exhibit he’d started exploring on his lunch break, tell you how he’s going to take you to see it over the weekend. “I was distracted all day, however.” He grins when you realise what he’s done and start to hide behind your hands. “C’mon darling,” he gently prys your hands away, ducks his head until you catch his eye. “Didn’t you like the flowers?” 
“I did,” it sounds so shaky and unsure you repeat it over once more for yourself. “I did, really I did, Steven.” 
“But…” he’s fidgeting with the edge of his shirt, eyes flickering away and back to you in nervous movements that resemble a butterfly. 
“It took me by surprise that’s all,” you smile, tracing the edge of his eyebrow, following the line to tuck a curl behind his ear. “I didn’t think you were the type for grand romantic gestures.” 
“I’m not,” his eyes are sparkling. “But, you’re my Valentine, love, that’s what a Valentine is for. Grand romantic gestures and the likes, yeah?” 
Valentine. How did your Steven turn into your Valentine overnight? “I’m your Valentine?” 
“Well, at least I’m hoping you are. You are, aren’t you?” He scratches his neck awkwardly, looks down at his shoes and shuffles his feet together, and back out like a penguin. 
“I’m-” you reach for his hand and intertwine your fingers together, giving him a comforting squeeze. “I guess I am.” 
So many aspects of your new-found love with Steven feel childish, like they belong back in your school days with the harsh eyes of the librarian chaperoning your every move on the gym floor. At times, like right now, holding hands in a semi-crowded lobby filled with your co-workers, it feels just as taboo as it would if you were eleven. 
You decide you like navigating this dance with him, finding stable ground in an earthquake and holding on to each other like nothing else matters in the world. 
“Oh!” His face lights up as he goes digging through his bag and pulls out a pink-coloured box and a couple of other papers from work. It sends the both of you to the ground, him rambling on about his horrible lack of balance, knocking heads as you come back up. “I got these too-” he holds the chocolates out for you “-for you. Happy Valentine’s. ‘Course I told you that already but, ya know, thought I’d say it again. Chocolates n’all.” He averts his eyes away from you and back to his hands. 
“Steven,” you don’t care that he doesn’t look back up. That it isn’t the moonlit, romantic confession you dreamed about giving to your dreamy prince as a child. “Steven, I love you. And not because of the flowers or the chocolate. I just, I really love-” 
The chocolate box drops from your hands, spilling out truffles onto the floor. You don’t pay it any mind, what with your Valentine’s lips on yours, making your head spin and your heart beat erratically.
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Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you thought of it, it means the world to me! Masterlist here.
Everything tags: @whats-belay
Moon Knight tags: @alicetweven
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b0wie-st4rdust · 10 months
Oh???? Another person with an AU and their own versions of the Rogues? Which ones you got because I want to know EVERYTHING about them.
OKAY SO I have a list of Rogues that are gonna be in my AU and the list is a bit Long, some of these character still need to be fully shaped, but Asking Question about them is probably gonna help, so feel free to ask about any of them (Also I'm trying to organise the whole thing)
Leader of Crime Organizations and people attached to it:
The Penguin - Oswald Cobblepot
Flamingo - Edouardo Flamingo
Music Meister - Darius (Cobblepot) Chapel
Carmine "The Roman" Falcone (and his family)
Sal "The Boss" Maroni (and his family)
Black Mask
Talon and the Court of Owls
Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul and the league of Assassin
Mother - Christian Cain
The Big Ones (Very Important to the General Plot):
Joker - ???
Harley Quinn - Harleen Quinzel
Riddler - Edward Nygma
Two Face - Harvey Dent / Harv'
Poison Ivy - Pamela Isley
The Scarecrow - Jonathan Crane
(AU OC) The Mania - Marlene McCree
(AU OC) The Mourning Dove - Bo Hawkins
Dr. Hugo Strange and Dr. Jeremiah Arkham
The Others (some Still important):
Catwoman - Selina Kyle
Magpie - Margaret Pye
(AU OC) Soda Can - Cheryl Lee (Later Cheryl Chapel Lee)
Punchline - Alexis Kaye
Jester - Duela Jones (Joker Daughter in comics)
Mad Hatter - Jervis Tetch
Victor Zsasz
(AU OC) Madame - Camilla Shelley
Jane Doe - ???
Professor Pyg - Lazlo Valentin
DollMaker+Dollhouse - Barton Mathis and Matilda Mathis
Mister Camera - Alexander Gillian
The Eraser - Leonardo Fiasco
Man-Bat - Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Killer Croc - Waylon Jones
Orca - Dr. Grace Balin
Bane - ???
Firefly - Garfield Lynns
Anarky - Lonnie Machin
Ratcatcher (s) - Otis Flanegan and Cleo Flanegan
Clayface - Basil Karlo
Calendar Girl - Paige Monroe
Roxy Rocket - Roxanne Sutton
Baby Doll - Mary Dahl
Cluemaster - Arthur Brown
Clock King - William Tockman
Calendar King - Julian Day
The Calculator - Noah Kuttler
Bookworm - A.S Scarlet
King Tut - William Yasser
Catman - Thomas Blake
Lord Death Man - Tetsuo Fujiwara
Kite Man - Charles "Chuck" Brown
Mister Bloom - ???
Solomon Grundy - Cyrus Gold
Ventriloquist - Arnold Wesker
Character that I want to add but need to do more research on them:
Professor Achilles Milo
White Rabbit - Jaina Hudson
The Carpenter - Jenna Duffy
Cornelius Stirk
Toymaker - Cosmo Krank
Crime Doctor - Bradform Thorne
The Designer - ???
Deadshot - Floyd Lawton
Doctor Phosphorus - Dr. Alexander Sartorius
Ten Eyed Man - Philip Reardon (The Spooky Version)
Spellbinder - Charles Dante
Lady Arkham - Victoria Arkham
Merrymaker - Dr. Byron Meredith 
Polka Dot Man - Abner Krill
Killer Moth - Drury Walker
(and Captain Boomerang if I am peer pressured enough)
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pxmun · 2 years
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Darius and Romeo had left early that morning to talk to Lady about returning to the normal realm. Scotsman and Gordon were left with Cleo and Thomas as the two brothers thought it better to have Rusty take them to Lady and spare the gold dust.
Cleo was busy getting Thomas ready for the day. She was going to miss Thomas and everyone on Sodor, but her brothers and her already had lives back home. Despite Darius having to work two jobs that he didn't like, one with a boss that always complained over the littlest mistake, and Romeo being harassed and threatened by the local gangs, and Cleo having to deny herself opportunities for higher learning because it was too expensive for her family. Thinking on it now maybe the best thing for them would be to stay on Sodor. The Duke and Duchess of Boxford really appreciated Darius and Scotsman's help and even told the young adult that if he needed to be closer to his siblings, they would talk to the Earl and see if Darius and Scotsman could work for Ulfstead castle. Romeo wouldn’t have to worry about the gangs and could stay close to his Sodor friends both engine and human. Cleo really appreciated the Earl's help with researching on Dinah and Wendell, she also loved spending time with both Lady Hatt and Dowager Hatt, those two had been the closest Cleo ever had to having mother figures.  Despite how she felt when she first arrived on Sodor, the island and its inhabitants really grew on the girl. Even with its... “Cleo, Cleo”! Flying Scotsman shouted from a distance. Annoyances. Scotsman spotted the girl about to light Thomas’s firebox. Ever since Darius and Romeo left, Flying Scotsman had been practicing his big brother skills with Cleo and decisive to say it was really annoying. The larger engine was being overprotective, watching Cleo like a hawk. Scotsman rolled up onto the turntable and had his driver turn it to face Thomas and Cleo. “You shouldn’t be playing with fire young Cleo, let the firemen handle that.” Scotsman said. “It’s okay Scotsman, I’ve done this several times before.” Cleo tried to assure. By this point, Cleo had managed to ignite the match she had, this sent Scotsman in a panic. He had his fireman grab a bucket of water and extinguished the match; in the process he ended up drenching Thomas’s firebox and Cleo.  “Scotsman”! Cleo and Thomas shouted. “What? I’m just looking out for Darius’s little sister.” Scotsman said. “I don’t need looking after!” Cleo said as she tried to ring out the water in her hair. “I was only”. Scotsman was interrupted.
“Now because of the little shower you gave us, Thomas is going to be late running his branch line"! Cleo continued. “Cleo, I’m sorry.” Scotsman tried to apologize, but Cleo ignored him. “Thomas I’ll be back in a bit to dry you off, I need to change into something dry, then I’m going for a little walk by myself.” Cleo told Thomas before storming off. Thomas glared at Scotsman. “You really need to have more trust in Cleo, Scotsman. She’s a really responsible young lady and you treating her like she’s a helpless baby really hurt her.” Thomas told the larger engine. Scotsman wheeshed sadly. Sometime later, Cleo was walking along a nature trail through Henry’s Forest. She was still upset over the way Scotsman had treated her, not only Scotsman but Cleo also had to put up with Gordon’s teasing as well. The big blue engine would often tease Cleo that she was too small or not strong enough to properly help Thomas on his branch line.  Cleo soon came upon a unique looking tree, there were beautiful white and gold flowers blooming from its branches. The girl climbed up onto the lowest branch and sat upon it, her anger soon manifesting into tears. “Why do those two Doncaster brothers have to be so overbearing? I wish they knew what it actually feels like to be helpless”! Cleo voiced out. Henry soon arrived and Cleo wiped away her tears.  “Thomas’s firebox is all dry now and he’s ready to run his branch line, are you going to join him today”? Henry asked. “I think I will Henry, would you be able to take me back to the sheds”? Cleo asked. “Certainly! Hop aboard and I’ll get you there in no time at all”! Henry smiled. Cleo entered Henry’s cab and they were soon on their way to Tidmouth sheds. As they chuffed away, one of the flowers on the tree wilted away and was replaced by a strange looking purple striped fruit.  Once there Cleo thanked Henry for the ride and immediately ran off to find Thomas. She saw the tank engine coupled up to Annie and Clarabelle near the coaches shed. They looked worried. “Thank goodness Cleo’s back”! Annie said a bit relieved. “Maybe she knows what is going on.” Clarabelle said. “What is going on? Has something happened”? Cleo asked confused. “Oh, something has happened alright.” Annie said. “It’s Gordon and Scotsman, their, their, well how would you describe it, Thomas.”? Clarabelle asked, a loss for words. “I think it would be better if we showed her. Come on Cleo we need to go to Knapford.” Thomas instructed. Cleo boarded Thomas’s cab and the little blue tank engine rushed for the station. As they pulled in, Cleo could see a crowd of passengers confronting Sir Topham Hatt about a delay with the express coaches. Cleo looked around the station, there was no sign of the Doncaster brothers anywhere. Sir Topham Hatt saw Thomas and Cleo and ran over to them. “Cleo, Thomas, I’m so glad to see you two! We have a “situation” with Gordon and Scotsman, one I believe that can only be resolved with magic.” Sir Topham Hatt said. “What’s wrong with them”? Cleo asked. Sir Topham Hatt signaled for Cleo to follow him. The two made their way to the front of the express coaches. Once they reached the front, Cleo was shocked by what she saw. There in front of the express coaches were two little tender engines, arguing with each other. “This is your fault”! The blue engine said. “No, it’s yours”! Shouted the green engine. Cleo couldn’t believe what she was seeing, the two little engines looked and sounded young. Nevertheless, Cleo recognized them. “Gordon? Scotsman”? Cleo asked stunned. The two little engines stopped their squabble and looked over at the shocked girl. “Hi Cleo.” The two sheepishly greeted. “What on Sodor happened to you two”! Cleo asked. “We don’t know. We were big grown- up engines, then “poof” we turned into little young engines.” Scotsman tried to explain. “Cleo, do you think you can use your whistle to turn Gordon and Scotsman back to normal”? Sir Topham Hatt asked. “I’ll try.” Cleo said. Cleo blew into her whistle, with a huff and a puff, steam flew out of Thomas’s funnel and enveloped Doncaster brothers. To everyone’s horror, when the steam disappeared Gordon and Scotsman were still young engines. “It didn’t work”?! Cleo asked shocked. “Now what are we going to do”? Thomas asked. Sir Topham Hatt thought for a moment. “Thomas, Cleo, why don’t you two take Gordon and Scotsman up to Ulfstead castle and see if the Earl might know anything about what has happened.” Sir Topham Hatt instructed. “But what about the express"? Gordon asked. “Your way too small to pull the express.” Cleo told the little blue engine. “No, I’m not! I can still take it, right Sir”? Little Gordon asked. “I’m afraid Cleo is right Gordon. You and Scotsman cannot perform your task as you currently are. I’ll have to have Henry pull the express for Sodor and see if Spencer is free to take the express for the Mainland.  Now run along to Ulfstead castle and listen to Cleo and Thomas, they’ll be in charge of you two until we can get you back to normal.” Sir Topham Hatt said. Gordon pouted as Cleo and the three engines left. As they made their way to the castle, Thomas and Cleo tried to figure out what caused Gordon and Scotsman to be regressed like they did. “I don’t think it was the gold dust, Romeo and Darius won’t be back until this evening and the only time I used my whistle was back at Knapford.” Cleo said. “Then what else can it possibly be? If it wasn’t the gold dust, what kind of magic could have caused this”? Thomas asked confused. “I don’t have a single clue, Thomas. They were fine when I left for my walk- through Henry’s Forest.” Cleo responded. “Henry’s Forest”? Thomas asked. “Yes, I spent some time sitting on a funny looking tree with these beautiful white and gold flowers blooming from it.” Cleo said. Thomas was beginning to put the pieces together. “Um, Cleo you didn’t happen to wish for something while you were near this tree by any chance, did you”? Thomas asked nervously. “Yes, I was so upset with the way Gordon and Scotsman had been treating me, I wished that they would know what it was like to be actually helpless, but what does that have to do with our current situation”? Cleo asked. “Because I know what happened. Cleo, you made a wish on the Wishing Tree! It must’ve granted the wish you made”! Thomas said. “She what”! Gordon and Scotsman shouted, the two came to a screeching stop. “Cleo, you did this to us”?! Scotsman asked shocked. “Not on purpose! I didn’t know about the Wishing Tree until just now”! Cleo said. “Well, I think this is a well- deserved bit of karma after all the teasing and overbearing you two have done.” Thomas said. Scotsman and Gordon looked down in shame. “I guess I was being a bit overbearing. Cleo’s always careful when she is on the railway.” Scotsman admitted. “And I was being a big jerk when I kept telling Cleo she was too small to help Thomas.” Gordon said. The brothers looked at each other, then Cleo. “We’re sorry for treating you so poorly Cleo.” The two young engines apologized. “And I’m sorry for putting you two into this situation. So, let’s work together to get you two back to normal.” Cleo said. The two young engines cheered, and the group continued on their journey. Once at Ulfstead, they were greeted at the gate by Stephen and Glynn. “Hello, Thomas and Cleo! It’s good to see you two again. If you’re looking for the Earl, he’s in the courtyard.” Stephen said. “Are you here on history business Cleo? Did you and Thomas find out anything new about Dinah and Wendell”? Glynn asked. “Not yet Glynn. We’re actually here to see about undoing a wish I made on the Wishing Tree.” Cleo replied. “Undoing a wish? What did you wish for”? Stephen asked curiously. That was when the two old engines noticed Gordon and Scotsman, they immediately burst out laughing. “Well at least now those two are finally acting their age.” Glynn laughed. Gordon and Scotsman didn’t like Stephen and Glynn making fun of them.  After the two had their laugh, the older engines moved out of the way so Thomas and his group could get pass. The Earl was supervising some workmen who were moving a newly acquired antique into the museum. He dismissed the workmen for their break once he saw Cleo approach. “Ah, Cleo, have you come with a new discovery to document”? The Earl asked. “Not today sir. I need to look at the archives to find anything on the Wishing Tree. I need to undo a wish that is affecting Gordon and Scotsman.” Cleo replied. The Earl approached the two young engines and examined them. He had never seen anything like this. “My, my, this certainly is quite peculiar. I believe I do have a few documentations on that tree. Let’s head to archives.” The Earl said. Cleo left Thomas in charge of the young engines as she headed down to the archives. Once there, the Earl gathered up all the documents and material he had on the Wishing Tree. He laid them out on a large table for Cleo to sort through. Cleo found some old testaments from Sudrians experiences with the tree and even a note from Dinah and Ethan. From their letter Cleo discovered that the tree was given to Sodor as a symbol of peace between the inhabitants of the island and some unknown entities that had been censored out. There actually had been several things on the document that were censored which Cleo found odd, why would Dinah purposefully leave out pieces of her notes?  Unfortunately, there was nothing on undoing wishes. Cleo looked again through the testaments again and found one from a herbalist.  After visiting the Wishing Tree and making a wish for the weather to be extra rainy that week so their crops could get some much needed water. Unfortunately, the rain kept coming and was starting to flood the town. When the herbalist returned to the tree to try to see if they could wish the rain again, they discovered that some of the flowers that had previously been on the tree were replaced by fruits. They plucked one of the fruits from the tree and took it back to their office to study. After some research they discovered that the fruit was sort of an antidote for wishes that the wisher wanted to undo. All they had to do was to take a bite out of the fruit.  Cleo nearly jumped for joy when she read the document. She handed the Earl Dinah’s censored note before rushing out to the engines. “We need to head back to Henry’s Forest, there’s a cure for the wish”! Cleo told them. She hopped into Thomas’s cab, and they were soon off. They finally reached the Wishing Tree and with Thomas’s help Cleo was able to reach the closest hanging fruit. The girl took a large bite out of it. “How does it taste”? Thomas asked. Cleo’s face scrunched up in disgust, her eyes watering. “Eugh! This is the foulest thing I’ve ever tasted”! Cleo said as she resisted the urge to spit out the fruit. As soon as Cleo finished the fruit there was a flash, Gordon and Scotsman had returned to normal. “Cleo, you did it”! Gordon cheered. And with that Cleo and the three engines happily chuffed away.
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sunlightmurdock · 20 days
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WARNINGS: smoking; the fic takes place in the 70s and so 70s era things will happen; smoking weed; mentions of sw as a joke; this fic has mature themes and is intended for adults, minors pls dni. spooky stuff. word count: 6312.
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The summer in Atwood, Georgia, began as all summers in Atwood always had. Slow. Creeping in through the remaining breezes, blooms and spring showers. Fitting itself into the days so unsuspectingly. It never feels like it’s really summer until the sweat is already beading down your back and the girls’ skirts are an inch shorter than they were a year before.
There’s a spot around the back of Creekside Pines Retirement Village, covered by the shade of those namesake pines, where the girls who work there go to smoke. The Pines has been around longer than any of the residents currently in it; the Church started it decades ago and they made sure to keep it going.
Tucked under the shade of those thick, green pine trees, the branches provide a respite from the approaching early summer sun and also from your dirtbag boss, Conrad Wheelan.
Olive and you, you and Olive. Since Conrad hired you last September, the two of you have become quite the dynamic duo. Candy-striped partners in crime, experts at avoiding old guy sponge bath time. Smokers of cheap, gas station cigarettes. Gossipers of a truly impressive standard.
You’re sitting on opposite sides of the brick walls that bracket the stairs to the back door, your foot beside her hip and hers beside yours, your knees bent and a Marlboro between your index and middle.
“But anyway, I think she’s just jealous. He broke up with her for a reason.” Her face is veiled for a moment by tendrils of swirling cigarette smoke before the midday sun beams once again on her freckled face. She’s talking about a boy she has been fooling around with. He’s older, and he called off his engagement two months ago.
His ex really has it out for Olive. She’s a pretty little nurse at the local hospital. Her daddy went after the poor guy with a gun when the engagement broke. The ex went after Olive in the middle of Herb’s Wholefoods, shoved her right into the display of tinned peaches. But hey, your Mom got six dented tins for the price of one. Silver linings and all that jazz.
Your break was over twenty minutes ago, but the AC is broken and you’ve spent the morning choking on the smell of Eau de Old Lady — the smell of magnolias in bloom and Marlboros on fire are a much welcome change in pace.
Besides, your best friend is in crisis. She’s got a bruise the size of a not-tinned, regular ol’ peach in the middle of her back, a shattered ego, and apparently a new step-kid on the way.
“So, what’s he going to do about it?” You ask her, your face towards the sun, cigarette ash on the wall beside you.
“The baby? — I don’t know. She didn’t even want the kid until he told her he was leaving, now she’s suddenly Mother Theresa.” Olive says with a wistful sigh. Her older boyfriend got that girl in trouble and ran for the hills, but apparently he treats Olive like a princess. Your mother says she’s trouble, but you like her.
Girls like Olive will always pick the wrong kind of man. It’s that kind of No Man’s Land where human nature and fate come to make out — and that’s not Olive’s fault — she’s just at their will; like a puppet. Or a hamster on a wheel.
“You know, I think you’d make a pretty boss step-mommy.” You tell her, cocking your head the way that you do when you know you’re dancing right along her nerve endings. A smile creeps across your coral- glossed lips, revealing the coral-glossed ring they have left around the butt of the cigarette.
“Oh, bite me. You know I’d rather swap places with Hughie Marshall than get stuck raising her kid.” Olive scoffs out, flicking at the cigarette with a red painted nail and bending her bruised knees. That’s quite a thing to say around here.
You didn’t know Hughie, before. Not really. His dad was the principal of your high school, but you knew him after Hughie was already back.
Apparently before his accident, Hughie was a real stud. All-American with dark hair and a bright future. Then he stepped on a landmine in Cambodia; he wasn’t even supposed to be there by the official military statement. But he was.
He doesn’t leave the house anymore. His brain’s all mashed together and he’s got a metal plate in the left side of his head. One arm and no right foot, but worse than that — no jaw. Folks say it was taken clean off in the blast. They sent him out to California for a whole bunch of surgeries, but he still looks like a guy who has been pieced back together.
But Olive’s only kidding about wanting to be in his place. No one wants to be in Hughie’s place, especially not Hughie.
Her joke isn’t the kind of thing that needs to be laughed at, your polite exhale of amusement mixes with the soft rustle of leaves, a fleeting moment of rebellion against Dictator Wheelan and his reign of terror. Each smoky exhale carries whispers of things that would make your mothers shiver, but such is the way for two girls on the cusp of freedom.
In this hidden sanctuary, on the cusp of the woods, the two of you are a united front against the elderly residents of The Pines. Rather than the bell that signaled the end of your freedom in your school days, nowadays it’s the sound of heavy leather shoes on the linoleum that signal the end of your stolen respite.
“Shit.” The two of you agree, stubbing out your cigarettes and leaping up from the walls, throwing the butts into the mess of fallen foliage at the side of the building.
And at once, Conrad swings open the fire escape door and finds the two of you standing there in your candy-striped aprons, white stockings and pristinely white shoes. Like butter wouldn’t fucking melt.
He’s a towering man, maybe six foot five in his prime, but he hunches a bit from his constant slouching at his desk. He was a red- head once, but now his hair has thinned to the point of scarcity, and he’s usually got a razor rash on his neck from shaving a bit too hastily in the mornings. He knows damn well that the two of you were out here slacking.
“Ladies,” He tries, his smile tight-lipped and half frozen, like a salesman who couldn’t quite make himself look human enough to get the job. “If you wouldn’t mind, Mr. Halbert and Mrs. Knight could use some help in the dining room.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Wheelan.” Olive hits him back with a smile that comes much more naturally, and a cool shrug of her shoulders. She’s a real girl-next-door type. It’s why the wrong kind of guy likes her so much. You’re halfway certain that her killer smile and her long legs are the only reason that Conrad hasn’t fired her yet.
“Yes, sir.” You follow suit.
He allows the both of you to dip around him and just like that, you’re locked back in with the living dead. Old folks who seem just as confused as you about how they’re still hanging on. Oh, that’s mean, really — they aren’t so bad. They’re nice to you. You listen to them.
“I like it when you wear your hair like that,” Mrs. Knight tells you, sitting back uncomfortably. Her green eyes study you, her fingers curled around a shivering china teacup. “Much better than when it's down.”
You’ve learned by now that most of the compliments in this place come with a backhand. Your chin propped up on your palm, you answer her with an amused smile.
“Maybe you could do my hair like yours one day, June,” You suggest, stacking together the remnants of her lunch so that it’ll be easier to porter back to the kitchen. She used to own her own salon down on Mayfair Lane, your mother got her first haircut from June Knight. You shoot a look across the room at Arnie Knight, who is watching you care for his wife. “Teach me how to land a guy like Arnie.”
“Oh, honey — you know my Arnie’s one of a kind.” She giggles. Your mouth twists back into a grin. He sure is. He stormed the beaches in Normandy and still found it in himself to father seven kids once he made it back. In his day, Arnie sounds like he was a stud.
There aren’t too many studs left in Atwood these days. Those boys are either wandering hallowed halls, meat-heads that will be here forever or settled six feet under. Anyone more than four years older than you is either a war hero, or they’re like Hughie Marshall.
The ones that still wake up in Cole County aren’t the kind of boys you’ll be sharing your golden years with, anyway. No, you’ve got much bigger plans for your retirement.
Napa Valley, a sprawling house with burnt orange tile overlooking a vineyard withthat your silver-fox husband who tends to you while you enjoy the fruits of his labour and spend your afternoons tipsy, waiting for the party to start that evening. Far, far from the shade of the trees that line Marsh’s Creek, beside Creekside Pines Retirement Village.
That’s one day, though. For today, the excitement stretches as far as letting Billy Cline pick you up in his true blue 1965 Chevy short bed pickup. Just like most of the guys your age that are in this town, you’ve known Billy for a long time. Your mother still thinks of him as the sweet little boy with blonde curls and overalls.
He still wears overalls, but his blonde curls are now straighter, slicked back with a generous helping of pomade. He came right from work, the auto shop in town, to pick you up.
You change shamelessly in the passenger seat of his truck as he speeds along the old road out towards the Cole County airport, shoving your uniform into your bag and wriggling into the clothing you had smuggled past your mother.
“I’m not driving you home wearing that,” Billy chortles, eyes wide and already shaking his head as you pull the knitted halter neck over your chest, your lips pursed in concentration as you fasten the tie behind your neck. “I’ll stop at the Post Office and you can walk from there.”
Exhaling and kicking the bag into the footwell, you tug open the glovebox and start to root for the sunglasses you left in here last time.
“What? You don’t dig the orange?”
You know full well that Billy’s concerns about your outfit don’t start or end with the burnt orange color of your hot pants. He scoffs loudly beside you to agree as your fingers stumble across the little plastic baggie at the back of his glovebox.
“I don’t dig that your old man threatened to slash my tires last time he saw me rollin’ with you.”
That makes you laugh. You pluck the green from the glovebox and melt back into the blue suede seats Billy had spent all of last summer fixing up.
“Fred wouldn’t hurt you.” Your father talks a big talk sometimes, maybe that’s where you can get it from, but he likes Billy and he’s not the kind of father that spends his time worrying about which boy you’re messing around with. “Might trick you into doing some yard work for him, though.”
Straight, empty road for miles ahead, Bill turns his head and looks at the bag caught between your index and middle fingers, dangling toward him like the forbidden fruit itself.
“Great, so I’ll take you home high as a kite and dressed like a hooker and he’ll invite me to water his gardenias.” He hums, reaching out and snatching the bag from you. He still has every intention of lighting up, but he knows there’s a pothole about a mile ahead and the last time he let you roll up along this road wasn’t a pretty sight.
“Come on, Bill — now,” Your white canvas sneakers are still discarded in the footwell, you kick your bare feet up onto the dash. “That’s no way to talk to your best chance at ever getting laid, is it?”
There’s a fondness in the way he rolls those steely-blue eyes at you. There’s no real destination at the end of this long, empty stretch of road. There are one of four possible spots for the two of you to pick from.
Just far enough from Conrad Wheelan, and your father’s gardenias, and the Cole County sheriff's department for the two of you to crawl into the bed of the truck, light up and wait for time to pass.
It’s no way to spend summer, really. But this is the last May that your afternoons will look like this. Next May, you’ll be thinking about Olive and Billy from the Paramount Pictures backlot. Maybe Warner Brothers, you’re not in a position to be too picky.
As a kid, you had sworn that you would pack your things and head for the hills the day that you turned eighteen. Things hadn’t worked out quite that way, but now, you’ll be sitting in the Malibu sunshine before you turn twenty-three.
“Who the fuck is that?”
You drop the bag onto the bench and follow Billy’s eyes towards the rearviewrear view mirror, fully prepared to see your Uncle Paul’s police cruiser coming up behind you. Instead, you’re met with the picture of a very small heavy hauler. Cherry-red, coming over the hill like hell on wheels. It’s illegal to drive that fast, even out here. Especially in something that big.
The house that you pass on the left has two young kids who live there, and the Whistler family let those kids play in that unfenced yard all day long. A big, red truck coming along this country road that fast… bye, bye Whistler family.
“Fuckin’ maniacs.” Billy mutters, frowning and shaking his head. It almost makes you smile. William Cline, slipping back into the weepy little boy he had once been, a stickler for the rules back then. But you don’t have time to smile.
Your knees push up onto the suede, your palm flattening against the back window, sticking to the glass with a squeak as you slide it open. That cherry red truck is a lot clearer without the filter of dust and dirt between you, and a lot less small now that it’s getting closer.
“Probably late for a delivery or something. It’s gonna try to pass you.” You realise, resting your arms over the back of the bench. Billy almost forgets why that’s important as he glances across at the way those burnt orange shorts flex around your ass.
He swallows, checks the rear-view mirror and remembers the sharp bend coming up. There aren’t any signs and it kind of comes out of nowhere, and if this jerk tries to overtake him on it, his truck is going to wind up in a ditch.
He eases his foot onto the break and considers just stopping all together, biting the inside of his cheek. Out of towners. The truck grows bigger and bigger, the engine rumbling like a growl, until it’s close enough that you can see the man behind the wheel. His hair is longish and feathery, jet-black and his face is half covered by a pair of green lensed sunglasses.
By his side is a kid, already looking at you. She has long blonde hair tied back in two braids, and a strange look on her face. Like she is excited to see you. She sits forwards in her seat and cocks her head sharply to the side, her eyes tracking you as the truck whizzes by. The sharp motion makes you pull back swiftly from the window.
Her head twists to follow until she’s out of your view and you’re blinking at the painted trailer being hauled by the truck. Maverick’s Cabinet of Mysteries. A circus. Red and white stripes and a big, shining yellow font.
“Did you see that kid?” The words spill from your lips as you brace one hand against the dashboard, watching the rest of the truck whizzes by, trying to blink that awful, jerky, movement of her neck from your mind.
“What? — No, I saw that jackass almost take my side view mirror with him.” Billy huffs out angrily, putting his foot back on the gas the second that giant trailer is past him.
It’s not the only one. Right behind the first, is another truck that appears identical. You don’t get a look at the driver, just the red and white stripes and Maverick’s Cabinet of Mysteries in that shiny red and gold font.
“Who even goes to the frickin’ circus anymore?” Billy’s care for his truck spills out in bitterness as he steadies the wheel and watches the second truck be succeeded by a third. All three of them, red and gold and white death traps, growling as they speed along the road ahead of you.
The cold feeling from the first truck has passed by, now you’re at the mercy of the sun being at its highest point, casting out heat like a blanket, warming the cab of the truck like a greenhouse.
Twisting in your seat, your lips twitch as you find that the three cargo trucks aren’t unaccompanied. Behind them is a string of vehicles, lead by a pretty far-out Chevy camper with rad burnt orange racer stripes along the side.
You look back at Billy over your shoulder. “We could.”
It’s not like there is much else to do around this place. Beats the regular Friday tune of heading down to the Empire movie theatre by Lane Street and sipping at a sugary, fizzing coke while watching a Western.
As the camper draws closer, your gaze locks on to the two people sitting in the front. A dark haired woman, her lips red and round, sucking on a lollipop with her bare feet kicked up onto the dash. Her sunglasses hide her eyes, but you know she’s looking at you.
It’s almost at the speed limit, not quite at the same terrifying speed as the trucks ahead but still warranting a ticket. In the driver’s seat is a real stone fox, broad and tanned with sunkissed brown caramel-curls and a real Burt-Reynolds-in-100-Rifles kind of moustache.
They’re driving with the windows down, cooled by the breeze in their hair like they aren’t icy enough already. Her sunglasses are round and plastic-framed, with orange lenses. So cool— so California. And him too.
Even with his more standard gold-framed caravans, his barely buttoned blue short sleeve and the equally caramel coloured dusting of chest hair spilling out, he looks like a movie star.
You’re barely aware of Billy crushing your idea beside you. “Me? — Nah. Sorry, sister, no way — lame, lame, lame.”
Doesn’t matter, you’ll be going with or without him if Mr. Movie Star is going to be there.
His white camper with the orange stripes gets close enough for you to realise that it’s not just her looking at you, he is too. It’s a little narcissistic to assume that it’s for any reason other than the way you’re already staring at them, but the thought of the two of them liking what they see — thinking maybe you could look like them — makes your coral lips stretch.
Up close, you can hear the blaring sound of their radio. A guitar riff that you remember from somewhere deep in the back of your mind, something you know you’ve heard many times before but just can’t place.
You follow them, magnetized by the draw of their eyes, planting a palm right between Billy's greased overall thighs and leaning across the bench to keep staring through the rolled-down driver’s side window.
The raven-haired woman pushes the lollipop into the hollow of her cheek and tells him something. You can’t hear it over the sound of their radio blaring out. He responds with a just-can’t-help-it kind of grinning chuckle, turning his head to look across at you.
The door was open, and the wind appeared.
The candles blew, and then disappeared.
The curtains flew, and then he appeared.
Sayin’ “Don’t be afraid.”
On all fours, looking at him like he’s the new guy at the zoo.
Come on, baby (and she had no fear).
And she ran to him (then they started to fly).
They looked backward and said goodbye (she had become like they are).
Heat gathered across your skin, that knitted late summer sunset coloured halter stretched tight across your chest, scandalous by the standards of Atwood — downright foxy if you ventured further west.
Your hair has been freed from the tidy updo that Conrad Wheelan prefers it to be in while you’re working, but not quite tamed after that. Wild and free, as the wind whips through it.
As if to try to contain your grin, you sink your teeth into the coral of your bottom lip, beaming at him anyway. Then, you lift the hand that isn’t settled between Billy’s thighs, and wiggle your fingers at him in greeting.
“What the hell are you doin’? — I can’t even see the road!” Billy complains.
Mr. Movie Star couldn’t have heard him, but he shoots a look at the complaining driver anyway. Then, his attention is yours again. Still smiling that amused smile, he lifts a tanned arm from its perch against the open window ledge, and throws up a loose peace sign across the stretch of road between you. His passenger laughs around her lollipop.
”Sayin’ hello. It’s polite.” You tell him back.
Between his obnoxious music, the wind whipping between the cars, and the equally polite indoor voice you had spoken in, there’s no way that Mr. Movie Star could have possibly heard you. He laughs like he had.
With that, the camper passes by. It takes the song and the blaring guitar with it, the rhythmic picking carrying across the flat stretches of road. It’s got tinted windows all around the sides and back. A real pussy wagon, you bet. Mr. Movie Star has probably seen a lot of action in the back of that van. Queue the wistful sigh from you. If you could just stop from grinning.
“Get off. C’mon, put your seatbelt on or something.”
“He was really something, don’t ya think?” You say, still grinning dumbly as you retreat back to the designated passenger’s spot, tracking the camper along the old stretch of Airport Road.
“Yeah, yeah — mellow out before you ruin my seats.” Billy grumbles, frowning at his side-view mirror. Six more vehicles to go; none of them drive quite as wild as those first couple of big trucks.
“How long d’you think they’re in town for?” You prop one elbow against the side of the door and plant your chin atop your palm, staring after the camper as you kick your feet across Billy’s lap. “You think it’s like an all- summer deal or just a couple of weekends?”
Billy shoots a steely look across the cab.
Sure, he was kind of a weedy kid. Small for his age, with a mom who was rarely more than a stone’s throw away. He’s not bad looking. Stick thin with a long, straight nose but pretty blue eyes. There’s usually motor oil in his blonde hair these days.
Either way, he hadn’t always exactly been the pick of the litter but with the war and stuff, he’s not such a bad option these days.
And still, you’ve had him benched in the friend zone since freshman year. Both of you know that it’ll just take an especially dry season for you to finally do him, and you are good company, he likes having you around.
He doesn’t like the douchebag with the ‘stache moving in on the closest thing he has to a girlfriend.
“They might stop by The Pines — you know, like those folks from the fair did, that one time.” you’re really talking to yourself at this point.
Billy looks across, unimpressed as he’s overtaken by a 1959 Ford F-100, painted a faded shade of light green.
Three people are crammed into the cab, and as it slips in front of you, you find that the bed of the truck is also occupied.
Two girls and one hell of a guy. He’s sitting with his back to the cab, shirtless and golden all over with a cigarette dangling from his lips and a hand of cards held to his chest.
The two girls are wearing little tanks and coloured hot pants, conferring with each other while he watches, cool as ice.
He’s grinning, a smooth talker even when you can’t hear what he’s saying. It’s not money that he’s talking those poor girls out of either, that’s why one of them proudly has his t-shirt balled up in her lap.
“Mrs. Cavendish would have a cow if—“ your rambling trails and your smile spreads as Golden Boy looks up from his poker game and finds you watching. “Whoa. Where are they finding these dudes?”
“Probably jail,” Billy mumbles, begrudging the topless wonder in the back of the truck. “Or a register of some kind, if you catch my drift.”
Golden Boy’s lips stretch thin around his hand-rolled cigarette, his grin dimpling his cheeks. Totally jiving with the way you’re staring at him, stretching his already broad shoulders like a peacock would with its feathers.
He’s a sandy kind of blonde and maybe even more of a movie-star looker than his buddy had been.
He tips his chin and graces you with a nod of acknowledgement. Then, he looks down at the hand of cards and closes his lips around the cigarette, inhaling deeply.
With a cool shrug, he cocks an eyebrow and seems to dare his two lady companions to put their money where their mouths are.
Billy glances down at the bag of green still on the bench between the two of you, practically starting a mental countdown until the two of you are out by the Falls, high as kites. Far from tanned, muscled carnie folk.
The trucks and cars pass by and head for the horizon, and Billy’s blue Chevy hugs the curves of winding country roads all the way out past Route Thirteen. Past Airport Road, there’s no sign of your two new objects of affection — given the heat of the late afternoon, you’re starting to wonder if all of them were a mirage or something.
That’s what the boys who come back from war tell you they saw out there. Apparitions in the jungle, like ghosts, but nice. Tommy Holdman says he thought he had died out there, laying flat on his back after he lost his leg, and all he could see was miles and miles of coastline. A perfect, pretty beach. His own idea of heaven.
Yours, apparently, is something far different.
The Falls isn’t really a waterfall. It’s maybe a ten- foot slow incline in the river bend. It’s shitty enough to not draw too many visitors, unlike the much more popular swimming spot out where the old quarry is. That place would be packed on an afternoon like this.
Your spot is on the far end of the county, nestled a while back off the road but not too far into the woods. It’s a spot to cool off without having to commit to really swimming, and it’s the only spot you know where the fuzz wouldn’t come poking around at the smell of skunk.
No one comes out here, not even the cops.
The afternoon is all yours, right through into the evening. It didn’t take Billy long to get over his mood, he’s grinning when he drops you off, right by your front door.
There’s no way he would make you walk all the way from the Post Office, not really. Everyone’s heard those stories of girls going missing in small towns like this, and through all of her faults, Betty Cline had raised a pretty stand-up young man.
“See ya Tuesday, I’ll call you!” You wave to him as you jog up the front steps onto the porch of your parents’ home.
He waves back from the driver’s side of his truck, and drives home to his mother’s roast chicken the same way he always does. She still packs his lunches too.
Fred looks up from Hawaii Five-O, in all of its multicoloured, static-fuzz glory as the screen door rattles to an abrupt shut. He flinches as the heavier, wood front door slams behind it.
“Look at that, she is alive.” He calls from the living room, for your ears more than anyone else’s.
“Hi, Papa Bear. You worrying about me again?” You coo, kicking your shoes off by the door and strolling across the hardwood, bracing yourself on the doorframe as you swing widely into the parlour, where Fred sits in his recliner, staring at his prized possession — the color TV set he bought after the new year.
“Worryin’ about you is like worryin’ the fox might hurt itself on its way out of the coop.”
You don’t much mind the image of yourself, the sly fox, prowling around town and making all of those chicken-shit boys cry for help. Your mouth almost twitches at the thought as you plonk yourself down on the carpeted floor and turn your attention towards Steve McGarrett saving the day.
Clearly at some point after you have nestled onto the carpet with your back to him, Fred clocks the outfit you have wandered home in.
“Now, where’d the hell did you even buy somethin’ like that?” You can hear the wrinkled frown on his aging face. He’s only in his fifties now, but with deep wrinkles and freckles from years working outside.
“Church-sale, I think.” You answer back, wondering if your mother is still up. She goes to bed early on weeknights so that she can be up early for her work at the grocery store in the mornings.
Fred lost his sense of smell when he worked in the mines in his late teens — he couldn’t tell the difference if you smelled like Mary-Jane or magnolias.
“You were with that kid from the auto shop again?” Fred puffs on cigarettes like a chimney. It turns the white ceilings brown occasionally, but your Mom has always been ready with a tin of cloud-coloured paint to fix that.
“Uh-huh. You know Billy.”
“Yeah.” He decides. There are worse boys you could be running around with than that teary-eyed fella.
“Saw a bunch of vans out by Airport Road today. Setting up a circus somewhere near here.” You tell him absently, both of you watching the television set as you pick at the carpet.
“Heard somethin’ about that. Gus O’Malley’s renting his south pasture out for something like that, I think.”
“I was thinking I could maybe borrow the car Saturday. Take Georgie.”
Georgie is an accident; an anniversary celebration turned rambunctious fifth grader with a knack for messing with your stuff while you’re at work. But he’s a cute kid, you’ll give him that. The little booger is fun to be around sometimes.
With Georgie around, there’s something to do other than head out of town and drink or smoke or spend the money that’s supposed to get you to California. If you take Georgie, Fred usually sponsors the trip.
“This Saturday?”
“Yeah. Figured they’d be running by then.” You lean your palms back into the rug, worn velvet under them. It doesn’t bother you that Fred barely turns his head from the television — before that, it had been the sports highlights in the paper.
“If you’re going to get him all hopped up on sugar, do me a favor and drop him off at Grandma’s on the way back.” Fred chortles, mostly to himself, as he brings a half-warm Budweiser to his mouth.
You smile at that, remembering the days Fred threatened to do the same to you. You grab at the knee of his faded blue jeans to push yourself up from the ground.
“Thought I might drop him off by the interstate, set him free. Like God intended.” You tell the house, headed for the hallway with the end goal being your bedroom on the second floor of the humble blue craftsman.
“I-59, not I-75. Can’t have him finding his way home.” Fred calls as you take the first step out onto the stairs, your fingers trailing your work bag, discarded onto the chipped wooden post that ends the railing.
“Now where in God’s name did you find those shorts?” Oh, she’s awake. Your mother’s voice is behind you, and if you had to guess you would imagine that her head is poking around the doorway into the kitchen and gawking at your fashion choices. She is.
“You went out wearing those?”
You stand, frozen on the stairs for a second, stuck in a moment of consideration. Fred’s pretending not to hear all this, he prefers not to get involved. Joan’s not so forgiving.
Turning around will mean a certain lecture.
“Gotta be up early, I won’t wear ‘em again.” You decide, hastening up the stairs before she can call you on your lie. Your bare feet hit the landing and slip a bit on the loose runner your dad swears he’s going to remember to buy underlay for one of these days.
As you steady, the door to your right creeks open and Georgie stumbles out of his cowboy-covered bedroom, rubbing uncaringly at his eye socket.
“Hey.” He yawns, heading for the bathroom, his hand-me-down pyjamas hanging down over the tops of his feet as he shuffles for the bathroom.
“Hey. Wanna do something with me Saturday?” You ask him, already headed for your own room. He stops and turns his head, eyes no longer heavy with sleep but wide open with curiosity.
“Yeah. What?”
“It’s a surprise.” You decide, twisting the handle and letting the door creak open wide as muscle-memory guides your hand to the lightswitch and illuminates your bedroom. It’s not really a surprise, but he won’t go back to bed if you tell him now. “Night, Georgie.”
“Goodnight!” He calls back, closing the bathroom door almost all the way. The light bulb’s still out and he’s still scared of the dark.
You close your bedroom door, shutting all of them out and immediately reaching for the ties of your halter top. They fall loose and you shimmy out of the fabric, then the shorts.
Flowered paper on the walls, hardwood floors, this room is filled with the remnants of the little girl you once were in here. The shag rug and the Janis Joplin print above the bed are evidence of the newer, cooler woman who now occupies the space. The two of you coexist in this little space just fine most days.
Next comes the quest for a shirt to sleep in — sleeping in the nude doesn’t work when you have a Mom like Joan. She means well, you’re grateful for her. She’s the first person you’ll thank when you get your first award. Even though she still comes in without knocking.
Shirt acquired, you hear Georgie’s door click shut down the hallway as you scan the room for the book you discarded last night.
The window in your room faces miles of fields. In the far distance, you’ve never really noticed that you can see the O’Malley farm. Well, kind of. Ahead of that, there’s a small dusting of forest that hinders your view.
Your search for the book comes to a brief stop as you turn towards the open window and look out over the view. More specifically, of the red and white glint of weatherproof canvas that comes to a sharp point, dazzled with lightbulbs.
“Did you see what your daughter came home in?” Joan asks, shaking her head from her seat at the sewing machine. It whirs impolitely over the conversation, seeing blue thread through the hole in the knee of Georgie’s blue jeans.
“Sure did.” Fred drops his beer into the trash with a clang and rolls his shoulders back. He turns towards her, already expecting the worried frown he sees.
“People’ll talk.”
“Let ‘em,” Fred shrugs. He considers another Budweiser, but knows he’s got to be up early to get to the factory in the morning. “She’s a smart girl, she’s not out causing any trouble.”
Joan stops the machine and hums in consideration.
“Besides, I’m sure it’s a right of passage — wearing stuff that makes your folks’ blood pressure go crazy.”
She smiles, pushing up from the chair. Her socks pad across the green and yellow linoleum until she reaches her husband, her head tucking into the crook of his neck.
“You’re right. But I don’t like those shorts.” Joan decides as her husband takes her into his arms, smoky smelling and familiar.
Behind them, the morning’s paper sits discarded with only the sports section disrupted. Printed in an appropriately black ink, is the freckled face of Audrey Weiss. Her large-round glasses are still sitting on the bridge of her nose, her shoulders are angled and she’s beaming, looking front and centre. Above her portrait, the word MISSING is in the same shade of mourning-appropriate black ink.
That was a school photo. It’s old, her bangs have grown out already. Her round glasses are all torn up now, shattered and mangled — about 200 yards from her broken body, which is yet to be discovered in an empty stretch of red-dirt land off of a highway in southern Arizona.
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
Since I'm in love with your writings and your taste in reading too. I know that your favorite is Brother's best friend or Best friend's brother, I would like for you to recommend me some of them please ❤️❤️🙏
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꧁Brother’s Best Friend꧂
Clandestine by @junghelioseok is fantastic. Jeon Jungkook is the best friend of the reader’s slightly younger brother. He’s sexy and charismatic and DEFINITELY knows what he wants. The growth of his (clandestine) connection with the reader is utterly delicious. This one made me laugh and swoon.
Guarded by @xjoonchildx is basically legendary in my book. The lady in this story is not only Hoseok’s best friend’s sister—she is also his BOSS’s sister and by boss I mean mafia. This is the first installment in Ana’s amazing Rap Line Mafia Universe and it delivers on every level. Hoseok is tasked with protecting the boss’s sister after she is being threatened by sinister forces unknown and sparks fly.
Plums and Melons by @winetae is THAT FIC. The fic I just daydream about sometimes. It’s a fic about two people caught hard in eachother’s gravity. It’s so sexy and cerebral and the main characters are so hot. Jimin is just a guy trying to live his life, but whatever is brewing between him and his best friend’s sister is driving him insane. He wants to be a good guy, but she just isn’t playing fair.
Are You Sure? by @cutechim is such a swoon-worthy and touching piece of wonderful. I tell you I was MOVED. This is beautiful and emotional and EXTREMELY satisfying. Taehyung’s best friend has a sister who he has always secretly adored. When she comes to him and asks for some intimate experience, he isn’t strong enough to say no—not when she’s everything he ever wanted.
Drivers License and Detour by @gyukult is sweet and tender and just a fantastic coming of age story. The reader has been in love with her brother’s best friend, Park Jimin, for almost all of her youth... but what is going on in his head?It’s a tender story that really warms the heart. AND I am happy there is more coming. I would read about these two all day. She published the second part and oh my gosh it’s so incredibly perfect I could scream. This was just such a beautiful journey every step of the way.
Milestone by @1kook is probably one of the first brother’s best friend BTS fics I read and it is amazing. I adore it so much. Because Jungkook is your brother’s best friend he is there for every milestone in your life. But you’ve both grown up now and neither of you are kids anymore. It’s hot. Like really hot. Dialogue and set up are so sharp and fast paced I really loved every second.
Young God by @njssi is scorching hot smut with complicated feelings and warm revelations. You think it’s going somewhere and then it goes somewhere else and honestly it is so awesome the whole time. Jungkook was always your brother’s sweet little friend, but he’s returned determined to show you that he is all grown up.
Tease by @caiuscassiuss floored me. I loved it so much! I spent the whole story just squealing happily about everything. This story has it all. It’s scorching hot. It’s enemies-to-lovers. It’s Taehyung. Jungkook’s sister and Kim Taehyung do not get along AT all—so she decides to bring him to his knees by making him desperate for her. It’s a wild and completely awesome ride.
Wasabi by @ironicarmy is a classic. Hobi is a bad boy that Namjoon vehemently refuses to let near his precious baby sister. But love is too strong a force and soon Hobi and the clever object of his desire decide that some things are worth fighting for. It’s a really sweet story of facing challenges and relying on the people you love. Warm and fuzzy feelings abound, but it’s also super hot.
Forbidden by @btssmutgalore is a masterwork blueprint for this trope. Hobi is a carefree player who falls brutally for Taehyung’s sister. They two of them eventually give in to a VERY steamy series of secret encounters and feelings get very involved. This is hot, suspenseful, and emotionally satisfying. Excellent characterizations as well.
Prohibido by @personasintro is an office AU with a twist. Namjoon is not only her brother’s best friend, he is also her boss and the two of them have incredible chemistry. Watching them pretend that they’re not insanely attracted to each other is so endearing and hot. Reader is convinced her feelings are one-sided. It’s lovely and fun. Definitely a slow burn, but worth it.
Strawberry Kisses by @kimnjss is a fic that I devoured in one sitting and then re-read again immediately. Jeon Jungkook is a player who matches with a girl on a dating app and has no idea she is the sister of his revered mentor and close friend, Min Yoongi. I laughed. I cried. I GASPED OUT LOUD a bunch. It was a whole thing. This is a hybrid social media/written AU and it’s pretty much perfect.
Tempestuous by @ppersonna is so special to me because it was written at the very beginning of my friendship with Lindy. She was looking for requests and I was quick to request my favorite trope. Lindy is bae now and this fic she wrote is marvelous. You are forced to spend the weekend in the same house with your sexy arch-rival Taehyung who just so happens to be your brother’s best friend. Naturally snarky hotness ensues.
Off Limits @floralseokjin is basically a famous entry when it comes to this trope. It’s a Jin fic and Miss Jordan writes EXQUISITE Jin characterizations. There is a hint of mistaken (or unknown) identity in this one which makes it even more fun. Sparks fly between you and a devilishly charming Kim Seokjin at a party. You don’t find out until later who he really is—and why he’s off limits.
And finally I’ll recommend my own Brother’s Best Friend fic All I Want for Christmas is You featuring a charming Taehyung who falls for Jimin’s sister. Jimin basically blackmails his best friend into escorting his sister to several holiday galas. Tae and Jimin’s sister have never gotten along, but they soon discover (through multiple pranks and mishaps) that love (and desire) are out of their control.
Not Your Fairytale by @yeojaa is incredibly sweet and tender. Erin really does emotion so well and her Yoongi characterization is honestly so nuanced and brilliant. This story is about a girl who had her heart broken and instead of canceling the cake tasting she scheduled with her philandering ex-fiancé, she wrangles the tsundere best friend of her brother to pretend to be him.
Brother’s Best Friend by @bts-hyperfixation is a short and sweet moment between two people who have been fighting their attraction for each other. It is so hot and delicious I tell you. You’re in trouble and the person you call is probably the person you shouldn’t—but you aren’t the only one willing to take a risk tonight.
Off Limits by @kaddiiction will break your heart and put it back together again. This one was recommended to me by a reader and I cannot thank them enough. It is fantastic. Jimin is a player but he crosses the line when he begins a liaison with his best friend’s sister. Still there is far more to this situation—and Jimin—than meets the eye.
꧁Best Friend’s Brother꧂
Orectic by @gimmesumsuga is one of my favorite fics of all time. It is a hybrid fic where the reader is a cat hybrid and Hoseok is the brother of her best friend who comes to stay with her while her bestie is away... It is so tender yet SO HOT. I’m telling you I cannot even keep count of how many times I have read it.
Theophany by @ilikemesometaetaes was a JOURNEY. It made me so emotional. Like the story centers around art a lot, but let me tell you, this fic IS art. Jimin is just the man of my whole dreams in this piece as the brother of a former best friend with an irresistible allure. It is a coming of age story with the most beautiful twist. AND THE LOVE SCENE—oh my gosh I screamed it was so good. This story is just so so good.
Run by @neonlights92 is Jungkook’s story in the mafia universe I am COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH. You don’t have to read the whole series to understand it (BUT YOU SHOULD). This is best friend’s brother meets arranged marriage and honestly it’s fantastic. Jungkook doesn’t do love and affection and being forced into an arranged marriage with his sister’s friend who has always had a crush on him is just a blow to his freedom... or is she? GAH! This story—like all the stories in this universe—is superb.
The Magic to Happiness by @readyplayerhobi is a best friend’s brother meets teachers AU meets Hogwarts AU. Now... all of those are top tier tropes so finding them together is like winning the lottery. Hobi was once just a skinny kid who had obvious heart eyes for you (his sister’s best friend) but now he’s tall and confident and really attractive. The magic of this story is evident in every word of the sweet relationship that blooms between these two.
Problem with You by @monvante is so sweet and kind of hilarious. I giggled so much! Jungkook is your best friend’s brother and he is kind of too perfect and too handsome and he’s always around and you hate him and he hates you... Right? When you cross paths with the infuriating Jeon Jungkook at your best friend’s wedding, you discover that you may have been wrong about a great many things.
Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine by @ktheist is so so SO fabulous. I was obsessed with this (now complete) series from the very first installment. You and Tae are besties who have know each other since you were little kids, but lately Tae’s older brother Jin has been lookin mighty fine. Just how far can you push him till he breaks. And if he breaks.... what then?
This list is BY NO MEANS exhaustive. I just used it to compile some of my FAVORITES in this particular trope.
➪ Newer Additions are in PINK!
➪ Newest Additions are in BLUE
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j4gm · 3 years
A thread of lore, Easter eggs, episode connections, and background details from Adventure Time: Distant Lands: Together Again! Let me know if I missed anything! This is adapted from my original Twitter thread.
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Keep reading ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1. I was expecting them to perhaps do a classic style title sequence for this episode, but I wasn't expecting them to straight up use the original title sequence. The only difference is this final screen saying "Distant Lands".
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2. The background of the title cards is also the hill from the title sequence.
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3. The ice cream having "50 flavours" and having an image of an enlightened soul is an obvious reference to the 50th Dead World as we see it later in the episode.
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4. Continuing with the metaphor, the dirt in the ice cream could be a parallel to the fact that Jake's Nirvana actually wasn't perfect, because his inaction was allowing for injustice to perpetuate.
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5. This whole scene feels immediately slightly off. Finn has his Scarlet sword and is out on a classic Ice King adventure, but he speaks in his grown voice and all the slang feels much more forced than it did in the real season one. Turns out this was deliberate.
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6. The snow golem speaks with a baby voice like it did in the pilot episode, even though in canon it has a deeper voice. This further hints that something is not quite right.
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7. The first major break in continuity is these snow golems resembling Uncle Gumbald and Peace Master, who Finn didn't meet until later in his life.
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8. LSP sitting on Finn's head like this is reminiscent of Pen Ward's piece for the 2018 Ble crew zine.
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9. Finn being given the choice of helping somebody but ending up helping everybody reminds me of "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain". It's the kind of resolution that wouldn't happen so much in the late seasons of the show, which helps make this scene feel even further out of place.
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10. Jake is half frozen by Ice King in pretty much the exact same way as he was in "Prisoners of Love", and even has a very similar line.
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11. The Snail is seen here. The crew have said that the Snail has been deliberately left out of previous Distant Lands specials, so its placement here is another very deliberate hint that this whole sequence is "trying too hard" to be like the early seasons.
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12. The book "Mind Games" appears a couple of times, as seen in several previous episodes of Adventure Time. The first is as Finn is approaching the library in his dream. It also appears as one of the items in Finn's backpack later.
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13. Jake is hurt when Finn fist bumps him with his metal arm, revealing that this scene is not real. This is also a callback to the title sequences of "Islands" and "Elements".
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14. A whole bunch of familiar skeletons are seen in the bird's nest: Dirt Beer Guy, Abracadaniel, Me-Mow, Lemongrab, Mr. Pig, and the Snail again. This doesn't necessarily mean that all these characters are dead, since this scene is just a hallucination.
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15. Old Man Finn! He's still got the chest tattoo of Jake, and this time we know that Jake is dead, so the theory that Jake died before "Obsidian" seems pretty likely. He looks similar to his old man design from "Puhoy", with the same facial hair.
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16. There are several cameos of familiar characters who apparently died at the same time as Finn. The first is this duck, who previously appeared in "Ocarina".
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17. The second is Donny, from the episode... uh, "Donny".
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18. This goblin guy is an unnamed background character from “The Silent King”.
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19. This old lady first appeared in "The Enchiridion", way back in season one. Old ladies are a species in the Land of Ooo, so I guess she wasn't actually very old back then, given she just about outlived Finn.
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20. This is the cobbler who first appears in "His Hero". Amazing that he lived so long given all the trouble he got into in that episode.
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21. Land of the Dead! This place was first seen in season two's "Death in Bloom", and now we are finally learning its actual purpose. It's a sort of gateway and hub to all of the other dead worlds.
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22. There are some more minor cameos at the gates: a house person from "Donny", a soft person from "Gut Grinder", and a wood person from "When Wedding Bells Thaw". And, of course, the gate guardian himself from “Death in Bloom”.
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23. Finn completely ignores the gate guardian in the same way he did in Death in Bloom. This also has the convenient effect of not having to reveal how Finn died, leaving it up to the audience's imagination.
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24. Mr. Fox! We already knew he would die at some point because BMO had his skull in the finale.
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25. Finn has his design from the first Distant Lands poster in this scene. Turns out it's young Finn in old Finn's clothes. But they gave him a shirt in the poster so you wouldn't be able to see the tattoo.
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26. The clapping that Finn does while he's looking for Jake is a callback to "James Baxter the Horse", when Jake tells Finn to listen for that same rhythm if they are killed and need to find each other in the afterlife.
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27. Mr. Fox talks about a "past life quotient", suggesting that there might be some kind of limit to how many times somebody can reincarnate. Finn's reincarnations are also seen in this scene; a callback to "The Vault", and confirmation that reincarnations share the same soul.
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28. Boobafina, the goose who Mr. Fox was in love with in his debut episode “Storytelling”, apparently reincarnated into a tugboat. We've already seen that objects can have souls in the episode "Ghost Fly".
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29. Finn is initially assigned to the 37th Dead World, which is the same one that Jake went to when he died in "Sons of Mars". We can only guess at what the other numbers on the ticket mean ;)
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30. Tiffany! Despite several lucky escapes throughout his life, Tiffany has finally died. I like the use of this imagery to express Finn's conflicted feelings about him.
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31. The 50th Dead World has long been established as the "highest" dead world, and the one synonymous with Heaven within Adventure Time's universe. It was first mentioned in "Ghost Princess" back in season three.
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32. It's unclear what happens to souls which are destroyed within the dead worlds. It is a similar question to asking what happened to the ghosts that were killed in "Ghost Fly".
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33. Death doesn't speak at all in Together Again because his voice actor, Miguel Ferrer, passed away in 2017 long before production began.
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34. Finn phases through New Death when he tries to attack him, just like what happened way back in "Death in Bloom".
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35. The 30th Dead World contains Tree Trunks as well as many of her love interests; Mr. Pig, her alien husband from "High Strangeness", Danny and Randy who first appeared in "Apple Wedding", and several more who we don't recognise, including at least one who presents as a woman.
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36. Literally yelled when these two showed up. Joshua calls Finn a crybaby, which is a callback to "Dad's Dungeon".
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37. The wall of weapons in Joshua and Margaret's house includes the iconic Demon Blood Sword, which was broken in "Play Date", as well as Margaret's auto-loading crossbow from "Joshua & Margaret Investigations".
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38. Jermaine is sidelined a few times through the episode, in reference to his attitude in "Jermaine" where he feels that Finn and Jake were always their parents' favourites. I would have hoped things would be a bit better by now.
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39. Fern gets name dropped while Finn and Jake are reuniting. A shame he doesn't actually show up in the episode.
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40. In this scene, Finn says "What time is it?" This is a very subtle reference to the 2010 cartoon "Adventure Time".
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41. In a couple of shots during this fight scene it looks like Jake might have a tattoo. It seems like it only becomes visible when he stretches out his arm.
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42. New Death's amulet in this scene resembles parts of the Lich's cape, foreshadowing his influence on New Death.
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43. There are several more cameos in the 50th Dead World: Booshy from "High Strangeness", one of the Marshmallow Kids from "Scamps", and Ghost Princess and Clarence, who were seen ascending to the 50th Dead World in "Ghost Princess".
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44. Finn didn't interact with Booshy in "High Strangeness", but it seems they must have met at some point before they both died because Finn knows his name.
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45. It seems like people in the 1st Dead World are slowly melted away until they become part of the landscape. Nasty.
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46. Lots more cameos in this scene: a gnome from "Power Animal", a gnome from "The Enchiridion", a Bath Boy from "The Vault", Blagertha from "Love Games", Maja the Sky Witch, a troll from "Dungeon", Chocoberry, Choose Goose, Wyatt, a spiky person from "Gut Grinder", and possibly more.
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47. Tiffany's insults are consistently nonsensical and amazing, as they were in the original series.
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48. The Candy Kingdom looks extremely different. Peppermint Butler is wearing the crown so he might be in charge now, which is supported by the kingdom's very magical-looking augmentations. It’s not clear whether Finn and Jake were expecting to find Princess Bubblegum or Peppermint Butler, since both have the initials “PB” and both could be going by the title of “Princess”. Perhaps Peps and Bubblegum share the princess duties now that PB is living with Marceline more of the time.
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49. Peppermint Butler has a "Boss" mug, although it's not the same colour as the one from "Obsidian".
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50. Jake's ghost has the same design as he did when BMO killed him in "Ghost Fly". I also absolutely love Finn's ghost. This scene establishes that ghosts are just visitors to the mortal plane from the dead worlds.
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51. Life has only appeared in animated shorts before now. Namely, "The Gift That Reaps Giving" which establishes her relationship with Death, and "Frog Seasons: Winter". This episode gives her a concrete place within Adventure Time's pantheon: she is in charge of reincarnation.
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52. A translation of Life’s angry French dialogue by Shado: “After all I did for that boy. After all I did for him. No, it's not possible. It's not possible no, that... that makes me so mad but it's not possible.”
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53. We finally have in-universe confirmation that Shoko's tiger is a previous life of Jake. This was previously confirmed by one of the writers, but wasn't canon until now.
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54. I feel like Finn pulled off Shoko's look even better than Shoko did. I wonder whether Finn has gained the memories of his past lives now that he’s dead.
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55. No Easter egg here, just want to appreciate this image.
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56. There is an elemental symbol on the wall here, as seen in "Jelly Beans Have Power".
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57. Tiffany's dramatic internal monologue is a recurring gag, as is his habit of nearly dying from falling into holes.
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58. The Jake suit makes a cameo in the fight against New Death. It was last seen in the episode "Reboot”.
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59. Finn's backpack contains a few familiar items: the t-shirt with the pocket from "It Came from the Nightosphere", Finn's underwear from "Little Dude" and other episodes, and a copy of Mind Games as I've already mentioned.
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60. The Lich's Hand is present in the background of Death's... death scene. This is probably the unseen "friend" who New Death keeps talking about.
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61. The Lich's menacing monologues often begin with a single command. Previously they have included "Fall" and "Stop". This time, the command is "Burn".
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62. Jake uses the word "boingloings", which is a callback all the way to "Hitman" in the third season.
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63. Jake's blue shape-shifter form from "Abstract" appears very briefly during his fight with Finn.
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64. Finn's lumpy space person form also makes an appearance. This design was last seen all the way back in the second episode of the entire show, "Trouble in Lumpy Space".
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65. Jake steps on the Lich's hand in a very similar way to how he stepped on Ash in "Memory of a Memory", which is itself a Monty Python reference.
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66. The credits include a dedication to a few AT cast and crew who have passed away. Polly Lou Livingston was the voice of Tree Trunks. Miguel Ferrer was the voice of Death. Michel Lyman and Maureen Mlynarczyk were both sheet timers on the original series. Rest in peace.
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67. The message that Finn and Jake write out on the ouija board is "BUTT", which Peppermint Butler takes as a distress signal. This message is also used as a distress signal by the Hot Dog Knights in "The Limit".
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68. Peppermint Butler's reversed dialogue from the scene where he makes contact with Finn and Jake is "Kee-Oth Rama Pancake", the spell from “Dad's Dungeon” for banishing demons.
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69. That appears to be President Porpoise with all of Tree Trunks’ other lovers.
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70. In this scene, Life is humming part of "Lonely Bones", the song which Death tried to record for her in her debut short "The Gift That Reaps Giving". It's hard to notice because it's so brief.
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71. Finn and Jake's cover is blown while in the Land of the Dead because Jake loudly farts, which also happened in "Death in Bloom".
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72. The place where Mr. Fox explains the perception mechanics of the afterlife is the exact same location as the River of Forgetfulness from "Death in Bloom", which, as it turns out, was imaginary.
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These are sort of out of order at the end because I was adding stuff to the Twitter thread as it got discovered. That’s all for now!
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cleewii · 3 years
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nicknames he gives you (II) -hc’s
character(s): bennet, razor, albedo
rating: e for everyone
warning(s): none
tag list: @halethemenace​
a/n: ty for the request, doll! im so sorry it took so long 😀 i’ve had this buried in my drafts and forgot to post them. i hope these are alright! my apologies for leaving out aether, i still haven’t found the best way to characterize him i’m afraid
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- sweets, boss/boss lady/boss man, starlight
- sweets, because I believe this boy has a sweet tooth, and being with you fills him with the same sense of joy he gets after a nice sugary treat. 
- boss/boss lady/boss man, because although it may be benny’s adventure team, he look’s up to you and regards you as the leader to all of your next adventures with him. you’re the boss around here, and he’d follow you to the ends of the earth, excited for everything you have planned next as long as he can be right there with you
- starlight, because you remind him so much of the twinkling stars above. considering he’s been on his own for some time, he’s had the many constellations and galaxies above to keep him company. Much like the faces of his family, he remembers the patterns in the night as though they were his friends, making him feel at home no matter how far away from mondstat he may be. he had never expected to feel the exact same way when he’s with you, but he certainly isn’t complaining. you’re home to him, and you shine as brightly as the stars he’s been looking at all of his life
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- pup, flower, pretty
- pup, because he thinks you’re cute. he’s taken care of and guarded the baby wolves in his lupical before, and he finds them to be very cute, just like you. a protectiveness fills him when he’s around them, and he unknowingly finds himself becoming this way when he’s with you. if he can save you, prevent you from feeling pain or disappointment, he’ll do it. he knows you’re strong, you don’t need defending, he just wants to be strong with you
- flower, because you share the same beauty as the pretty blossoms that reside in the forest. he’s had years to admire the beauty of the world around him, the vast stretches of land and the large towering tree’s. he looks forward to the spring if only to be able to see the breathtaking fauna that blooms, because he sees that same beauty in you, and whenever he walks past a flower it reminds him of you, so please don’t mind the handfuls of flowers you’ll find at your door
- pretty, although it’s not much of a nickname, he finds himself calling you that more often than not. you’ll be off staring into space, and his eyes are glued to you, unable to stop the words from spilling from his mouth
“pretty.” “huh?” “you.” “you what?” “you’re pretty...”
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- darling, blossom, assistant
- darling, because of course he’d use this one. it just sounds so good coming out of his mouth, his soft voice lined with unwavering affection, all directed only towards you. there’s a soft look in his eyes when he uses this one, a gentle smile that takes over the methodically reserved look he typically wears
- blossom, because he thinks you’re as pretty as the flowers that line the mountain trails. he’s always amazed by the fact that life could prevail in a land so unforgiving, so he pays attention to the new blossoms he encounters. the delicate beauty forever encapsulated in the icy terrain, and a beauty that brings warmth to a place so cold. You’re like that to him. He’s a scientist with a clear objective, someone who could be easily brushed aside as cold and distant, as his passion for discovery outweighs all else. You’re warm and bright, a burst of energy with a contagious smile. You’re the beauty and kindness next to his logic and reason.
- assistant, because it’s humorous. it’s an inside joke between the two of you, “how do you do, sir?” “Lovely considering the weather, assistant.” a refreshing blanket of kind-hearted familiarity that he always appreciates after a long day in his laboratory.
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redflagromance · 1 year
Deplorably Devoted To You: DEMO RELEASE
Valentine’s Day Release! Demo now up here !~
HEARTBREAKING: You’re the Worst Person You Know
You're an accomplished event planner- weddings, baby showers, moon abductions- you do it all. In fact, you're so good that your smoking hot eldritch boss Balthazar Grivus just made you his partner at your firm. It’s finally your chance to change the future of evil event planning. The late nights alone perfecting confetti-spewing bear traps as Barry’s apprentice are over, and now your schedule and heart are wide open.
Nefarious plots abound, and you have a bevy of romantic and professional interests to pursue: plan a wedding anniversary, push a rebrand of a struggling majority, prepare a getaway ship, and promote the fortress-warming party of the millennia. 
The Sorceress
The sorceress is a proud, luxury-loving lady of the ‘eye for an eye’ persuasion. Will you help her achieve vengeance and social satisfaction? Or will you disappoint her and doom yourself to eternal sleep?
The Gunslinger
Gene is a creation of his time- to be specific, the 1800s. In and out of jail for various ill-conceived crimes, he is now more comfortable in a prison cell than out of it. Will his zest for life and the finer points of dynamite light up your life, or blow your career out of the water?
The Florist
Your florist is a gentle, caring person with a heart of gold and a devastating fear of dogs. Their plant expertise, professionalism, contacts dedicated to violating the laws of nature, and tendency to not ask questions make them indispensable to you. But will you bloom together, or will they be uprooted?
The Orc
She is a union president, a go-getter, and forklift certified.  She’s also built like a brick house. Can you help her with the image rebrand that her people desperately need in the face of a global morality shift, or will you get eaten alive?
The Space Pirate
They’re fun. They’re spontaneous. And they’re not a felon in this galaxy yet. Their new ship is almost ready for takeoff- is their ship’s maiden voyage destined to shine brightly, or doomed to crumble into stardust?
The Super Hero
He’s big. He’s strong. He’s probably late for his next client at the gym. He’s as rough as the stones he loves to hunt for in his free time, and tougher than most of the criminals he brings in on late nights.
Your world and career are on the brink- but of success, or failure?
Can you have it all while throwing the best worst events of the season and getting the dark lord to notice you?
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jiminrings · 3 years
hi hannah !! can i request a drabble where jungkook visits florist!y/n and he went “hi i’m here to get a flower for my girlfriend” and the girlfriend is y/n. i’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense 😭 love u <3
full blooms
love u too bestie <3
aka jungkook really should’ve thought this through!!
...... oh no
there are so many people in the shop
not just any shop though :D
sometimes you collectively forget that this is yOUR shop and you’re the literal owner of it and you’re not just working it
and sometimes, you forget just how influential things could be
case in point: kim taehyung !!
kim taehyung as in the hottest musician in the scene rn, who happens to be vante on spotify, AND someone who you just happen to know as kim taehyung!!!
kim taehyung as in the friendly customer who comes into your shop more oftenly to look at your flowers than to buy them
and you just let him look at them without buying anything because there’s no harm in it!! the guy is just straight-up Vibing looking at the flowers
(and he also leaves a handsome tip in your jar even when he doesn’t buy anything!!)
you just knew him to be that pleasant customer,,, not exactly a world-renowned musician you couldn’t exactly piece together
but apparently, you’re now more aware than ever lmao
taehyung sneaked in the name of your flower shop somewhere into the lyrics of the mOST famous song from his newly-released album
flowers from spring day on my mind, corner of the street with the neon sign, heaven on my mind and i spent no dime
it just so happens that you letting THEE vante look at flowers as he pleases has become his favorite routine and it just makes him so happy in general
so happy to the point that your shop is specifically mentioned
— so, so happy to the point that your shop had become fully-packed and was making single-file lines that stretched all across four blocks overnight
so sO happy to the point that he had unknowingly become a catalyst for your shop to be almost fined because so many people were clogging sidewalks and a warning to get it together so that there would be better organization
anyways, taehyung slipped in from the staffroom you mentioned to him in passing two days after he dropped his album, and then could you properly freak out about him
he was giggly the whole time when you were spouting out your disbelief for him but tHEN he also apologized for all the (positive & money-making) trouble he’s gotten you into
and he managed to sales-talk you (u swear u are the boss here) into collaborating with him for a limited collection with all the favorite flowers he’s taken note of so he could share it with his fans
he even brought you a notebook with all the illustrations and ideas he’s conceptualized so yeah,,,, there’s that
not only do you serve more than a full house in your flower shop and spend much more hours and energy, you’ve also agreed to add something big into your plate that’s easily getting crowded
what a good thing you have jungkook :D
you could literally not ask for a better boyfriend than jungkook
he’s been so supportive the whole time and he kept sHRIEKING when you casually told him that the frequent sight-seeing customer turned out to be vante himself
“all this time?! all this time and you fORGOT to mention to me that he wears a leather watch and a pearl necklace??? baby, those are basically his trademarks!!”
he supports you in ways you can’t even fathom <3
he was supposed to help you in the shop to help tackle the horde of vante-loving and flowers-from-spring-day enthusiasts, but he got an even better idea
he spent the whole week designing and building an online website for spring day from scratch!! he wanted it to be perfect for you and everything you stand by
also even him, a computer sciences graduate, had to back up the website extra nifty because he already predicts that it would get so much traffic (!!)
he took it upon himself to hire from his friends to be your helpers for the shop because ur severely under-staffed
he has tHREE more-than-willing candidates!!!
jimin’s summer job in college was him being a cashier in goddamn music festivals :D OF COURSE he’s gonna be the greatest cashier you’ll ever have!!! he can whip up change even before the customer hands the bills; he’s that good
he also has a great stern voice of making people stand in organized lines and not cut it so that would come handy
hoseok has a great instinct for color theory!!! he just knows what works and what doesn’t and you need an extra mind to help conceptualize arrangements in the blink of an eye
namjoon is a master of small talk and an all-rounder!! you have a loT of customers who have no gist whatsoever on what they want, and you don’t want to risk giving them an arrangement they loathe!! he knows how to hit it
he was actually so excited when jungkook pitched him a job offer
he could literally go “y/n, the lady in yellow has a dalmatian. i could tell she would tulips in her arrangement along with hydrangeas.”
so that’s that, basically
you and jungkook have been hectic and apart for a whole week because you practically sleep in the shop trying to keep up with everything
he’s actually keeping the website and sneaky hires from you as secrets in the meantime because he wants to surprise you!!! like literally right now
he enters from the staffroom and make sure none of the people waiting by the entrance see him because that would be utter chaos
the shutters are all closed so no one from outside can see what’s inside, but you actually fAIL to realize that your shop would still be closed for another ten minutes
the moment you hear a voice, your mind automatically goes to “hi! welcome to spring day. what blooms would you like?” mode :|
jungkook frowns because you look so haggard under his trained eye even if you still look well-kempt!! you can’t have your shops and yourself appear ratty in the eager instagram stories that taehyung’s fans take
but that’s okay!!! he’ll coax you to come home with him tonight because he’s gonna tell you about his hires this morning
“hi! welcome to spring day. what blooms would you like?”
you briefly look up to send a smile, already fetching your paper on your left hand and twine and scissors on the other
“hi! i’m here to get flowers for my girlfriend.”
“that sounds lovely. what would you-“
hold on a second
that’s jungkook’s voice....??
that’s your bOYFRIEND’S VOICE???
you mutter and the boy beams in return, registering the blank look on your face to be surprise instead of what you’re thinking
the tears suddenly pool at the corner of your eyes even before you realize
“is this your way of breaking up with me?”
“what? nO!”
your shoulders visibly sag in relief but jungkook’s clearly perplexed on how you even came to that
“why would i ever be dumb enough to break up with you?” he immediately consoles you when you bury your face in your hands, hopping over the counter to put you in a massive hug
“i-i haven’t slept, dummy!! and i figured that you hate me because we haven’t seen each other for a week and-“
you say in between sobs and chuckles, giggling when your cheeks are smushed and jungkook keeps peppering you with wet kisses
“ten minutes before opening,” kook sweetly reminds you, kissing you on the lips after an entire week that the sheer euphoria he’s getting now is enough to last another
“mhmmm,” you hum when he presses his warm hand on the small of your back, “tell me about your week in ten minutes.”
“sounds good,” he affirms, scratching your scalp that makes you relax even more until he stops red-faced —
“but like, while multitasking, y’know? kiss me while i tell you about my week.”
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
Wolfie’s Fic Recs | The Grand Library of Kink 1/2
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THE GRAND LIBRARY OF KINK - Allow me to give you a list of treats to quench the unbearable thirst between your thighs. 
>> Looking for part 2 of this list? <<
🖐WARNING: NSFW - SMUT below the cut 🖐
Author’s note: Let’s be honest. You probably are prowling the Tumblr grounds for the same reasons I am: there’s some darn good porn fics out here. And in the year I’ve been in the Cavillry, I’ve gathered a most wondrous collection of soft to extremely kinky fics. Time..to make a more comprehensible list of my favourites thusfar! (💦It’s long, so you better have some fresh panties at the ready💦)
In this library you’ll find:
Part 1:
Self-help 101  
Cherry Popping Goodness 
Vanilla With A Sprinkling Of Sex Toys 
Vanilla - Toybox Special 
Henry’s Hands Special
The Hook-up
Part 2:
Sensory Delights
The Triple Threat  
Fuck - The Geralt Special
Take It Like A Pussy - The Napoleon Special 
Hammer-time - The Walker Special 
Cpt. Cunnilingus - The Syverson Special
Thighs And Canes - The Sherlock Special 
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Self-help 101
[This one’s all about the act of self love - solo masturbation]
Toys are for boys. Unless it’s in the bedroom..right? Almost The Same by @lunedelorient  [Henry x Reader]
Mike can’t help himself as his gaze falls upon your lipstick stains on a beer bottle. Where else would he like those stains to be? Lipstick by @emyearns [Mike / reader]
A toy arrives to sweeten the lonely nights when Henry is away. There’s only one minor detail as the package is being unwrapped; she isn’t alone yet. Flying Solo by me [OFC x Henry Cavill]
I love fics written in Henry’s point of view. In this one Henry can’t take it no more. He simply needs to let off some steam; I Need A Woman by @chamomilebottom [Henry Cavill x reader]
This man gets caught..a lot, doesn’t he? You give Henry a helping hand as you catch him in the shower in Welcome Home by @rosethornsanddaisies [Henry Cavill x reader]
I wasn’t sure whether I should put this in the self-help section. So consider yourself warned: watch out..you’re in for a solo-lovin’ surprise in On Display by @ladyreapermc [August Walker x Reader]
Cherry Popping Goodness
[There’s a first time for each flower to bloom - loss of vaginal/anal virginity]
The bookstore meet-cute, the skipping heartbeats, and the fluster of cheeks as she just read a steamy passage of her book aloud. It’s the perfect recipe for romance...though there is one tiny, tiny... Her Minor Thing by @ladyreapermc [Henry Cavill x erotica novelist!OFC]
For one night only, gigolo August Walker will make all your fantasies come true. His specialty? Sweet, innocent little flowers. Velvet Chains by @littlefreya [August Walker x reader]
The morning after the cherry popping, a bud starts to bloom. White Honey by @littlefreya [Henry Cavill x reader]
This fic! This. Fic. I hadn’t seen I Capture The Castle when I read this fic, but it made me fall for Stephen so freakin’ hard that I kind of watched the movie straight after. It’s sweet, blushing-cheeks worthy and utterly cinematic. Bluebells by @yespolkadotkitty [Stephen x reader]
August Walker, a virgin? Well..there’s a First Time For Everything by @hope-to-hell [August Walker x reader]
Theseus didn’t mean it to go this way. But he was so thirsty - and now for more then just a drink of water. To Die of Thirst by @hope-to-hell. [Theseus x reader]
It’s Geralt’s first time and isn’t a Witcher body just a fascinating thing..hmm... Anatomy Lessons by @princess-of-riviaa [Geralt x experienced!reader] 
I didn’t know bullet point lists could be this sensual and H.O.T. - First Time w/ Henry by @henchry [Henry Cavill x reader]
GOODNESS ME. Can first times be like this for everyone, please and thank you?! My Flower gives you squirt-inducing, sweet talkin’ Henry making the most out of this special little moment. By @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
Wait till marriage with August? Highly unlikely....right? Uncharted Territory by @chamomilebottom [August Walker x reader]
Now onto some other sanctuaries to plunder. (Anal that is) Poker Night @foodieforthoughts [Syverson x OFC]
Lets @littlefreya’s words entice you into a new world as you and Henry finally pick the Forbidden Fruit (yep, anal again) [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And now we’re on the anal train, I do notice that men barely ever get any backdoor lovin’ from their partners. And I know, I know: most men are really apprehensive about it. But goodness can it be good! Sy has learned of it’s sweetness and reminisces that first time in Sy And The Sex Tape by @hope-to-hell [Syverson x reader]
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Vanilla With A Sprinkling Of Sex Toys
[Couple’s sex with just a touch of kink] 
Let’s start with a game. Written in the language of love (French that is), this enticing bit of foreplay gets the blood streaming alright. Invisible Touch by @emelinelovesjc [Henry Cavill x reader]
Is it time for my favourite poetic foreplay fic?! YES it IS! Ode by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether just does something for me and I can simply not explain - just go ahead and read it and see for yourself! [Henry Cavill x reader] 
The key to good sex, is foreplay. And teasing during an event? You bet your  sweet ass you can get Henry riled up. Tease by @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x reader]
Ready for some myrrh mountain-esque, super indulgent eroticism? Read Confessions by @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x reader]
Birthday sex
What do you give a man who has it all, for his birthday? A little boudoir, a little make-out on the couch and...Happy Birthday by @rosethornsanddaisies [Henry Cavill x reader]
Apparently boudoir pictures for Henry’s birthday is on y’alls mind! A Picture’s Worth by @sunflowersstan gives you a belated birthday present - but that definitely should not spoil the fun. [Henry Cavill x reader]
Home (coming)
For once, Henry is forgiven for his ungodly early alarm clock: it’s beach time! And Kal will be there too. Home by @chamomilebottom [Henry Cavill x reader]
Henry, unfortunately, isn’t always home. In fact, he’s away quite a lot. Meaning it’s all the important to make up for lost time: Welcome Home by @geralt-of-baevia [Henry Cavill x reader]
And what’d you do if he finally comes home, but an impromptu surprise party is organised by his friends? Better Keep Quiet, baby. By @toomanystoriessolittletime [Henry Cavill x reader]
Does that come with side effects? When a 200 pound beast tackles you after coming home, you just might feel it in the next few days. Lust Worthy by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
Home is also domestic goodness ( “Can I, baby?” He whispers against your cheek, placing a soft kiss to it, his eyes searching to meet yours. >> I mean..YES YOU CAN!! DO WHATEVER YOU MUST YOU HUNK OF A BEAR 😩) in this sweet ficseries chap by @lovelycavills: The Night [Henry Cavill x reader]
Tropes to lovers 
Friends to lovers trope, anyone? Of Fck It by @tillthelandslide gives you beers on the couch, friendly banter and then WOOPSIEDOODLIEDOO. [Henry Cavill x reader]
More friends to lovers with one accidental wet dream while lounging on the couch with Henry. Dreaming by @yoursecretsmutblog [Henry Cavill x reader]
Or perhaps PA/boss to lovers? Thunder by @toomanystoriessolittletime gives you Henry in full Geralt gear and rain..lots and lots of rain - meaning it’s time for a ..😏break. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
One more PA story to get the storm in your pussy settled. Years after working for Henry, you send a drunk text and he Answers. In the flesh. By @toomanystoriessolittletime [Henry Cavill x reader]
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Audio porn
Another thing I got quite attached to while I learned all about my kinks here on Tumblr, is audio porn. And what better than to have Henry do some audio recording for us thirsty women? Erotic Audios Present... By @thetaoofzoe [Henry Cavill x OFC]
More audioporn!Henry? @toomanystoriessolittletime has got you covered with Talk Dirty To Me, starring photographer Henry who has had.. a bit of a past - and doesn’t his voice sound terribly familiar? 🧐[au!Henry Cavill x reader]
Smutty fics practically always skip the “So what do you actually like”-part. Well. This fic covers it - and then some. The Interview by @peachyvulpixie. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And communication is very - very important. Especially when moving stuff around, right Henry? A Little Bit To The Left by @lunedelorient [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Communication is also key when you want to decide on sub/dom dynamics. Switch has daddy vibes, but in a domestic, confidential, well-established relationship. By @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader] 
Or, you may just want to tell sweet Henry that it’s definitely okay to get a little louder between the sheets. Express Yourself by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
A thrilling ride
Want to “chose your own adventure” in smutty style? @sciapod’s got just the thing you’re looking for with BD Morning Energy  [Henry Cavill x reader]
Sometimes it’s rough, sometimes it’s sweet, but ever and ever; it’s truly Henry. Read about various types of horny Henry in Shapeshifter by @wanderinglunarnights [Henry Cavill x reader]
Body/orgasm insecurity
This was a very personal piece to write. I have difficulty reaching orgasms, especially with a partner, so for all fellow ladies with the same little problem: Henry is here to give you some Riding Lessons between the sheets. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And I’m so, so glad that there’s at least a few of you here on Tumblr who can also get a little worried and even impatient between the sheets. Thankfully Henry is the posterboy of Patience, ready to unravel you piece...by.. delicious..piece. By @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Nipple love
Female nips get all the lovin’. But male nipples? Not often. Tease by @the-soot-sprite will make sure that is taken well taken care off. [Henry Cavill x reader]
Alright, and now for a little female nip-nip action, let’s dive right into the action. Rough lovin’, shovin’ Cavill is showing you how terribly fucked out he can get you in In My Thoughts by @jolly-polly [Henry Cavill x reader]
Horizontal vs. vertical sex 
Shower sex is such a delectable topic to read about (even though in real life it’s usually awkward and impractical). Let your dreams bring you..after workout Showers with Henry by @darklydeliciousdesires [Henry Cavill x reader]
Or perhaps honeymoon shower sessions? Mirror by @tillthelandslide [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Did someone say honeymoon? Marshall remembers having to climb through that darn window the night before he married you and it makes for a super sweet, domestic fluffy smutty sex scene. And did I mention there was family right at the other side of the door? 👀 Locked by @fourmarkdove [Marshall x reader]
After all that working out it’s time for some food. But what would Henry prefer: ragu or you? What’s Cooking by @writingforhenry [Henry Cavill x reader]
Netflix and Chill
Netflix and chill, anyone? This Movie Night becomes a little steamy 💦 by @writingforhenry [Henry Cavill x reader]
It’s really difficult to watch tv with Henry around, and Freya gets a little frustrated with his incessant teasing; can a woman not just watch some Mindhunter in peace, damnit?! The Refund by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether [Henry Cavill x OFC]
From game play to girlfriend play during an extremely boring day in lockdown. Confined by @darklydeliciousdesires [Henry Cavill x reader]
More game chair smuttiness? It’s Game on! Mic on! - And ..Eh.. wait..what?! By @thecavillchronicles [Henry Cavill x reader]
Is tickle-play a thing? After a long day where everything seems to have gone wrong, you just need a good shag and Mike will make sure you can Sleep soundly tonight. @emyearns [Mikey x reader]
Alright, it’s a thing. Here’s some more tickle play with Marshall. Laughing During Sex by @promptandpros [Marshall x reader]
Hereby I declare that hairplay is also a thing. And with curls like Henry’s..I mean..come on. Love So Soft gives you dry-humping like horny teenagers after a bad day - and yes..hairplay. By @princess-of-riviaa [Henry Cavill x reader]
Needy Henry
Sad sky eyes are in dire need of some medicine, but Rose doesn’t realise until she’s getting some action for herself that the best medicine for Henry’s malady, is probably not watery soup. In Morbus Et Salus by @fanficsrusz [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Drunk Henry is in need of a midnight snack. And it’s a good thing there just happens to be one in his bed. Drunk In Love by @angrythingstarlight [Henry Cavill x reader]
And the next morning he might just be a really, really needy bear. (My boyfriend, for one, is always EXTRA horny when he is hungover 😂) Five More Minutes by @angrythingstarlight [Henry Cavill x reader]
A few more
And five minutes is probably all you get when you have kids. But it just makes these little mommy and daddy moments all the more sacred. Close To You by @the-soot-sprite [Henry Cavill x reader]
There’s also not a lot of time when you’re in a limo, trying to get your groove on. 🎶Driver roll up the Partition pleaseee 🎶by @fanficsrusz [Henry Cavill x reader]
Now to finish off this vanilla segment: vanilla kisses! Lick Me Till Icecream by @the-soot-sprite [Henry Cavill x reader]
Vanilla - Toybox Special 
[A special toy segment for you vanilla(ish) lovers] 
When it’s play time - long work day or no - Henry better be prepared for some frisky business. On Purpose by @wanna-do-bad-things (also hell yes for including some toys!) [Henry Cavill x one very frustrated OFC]
More toys? MORE TOYS! Command And Obey brings you dom!Henry being a terrible teasing ass, but alas..it still gets you all kinds of wet *shrugs* By @wanna-do-bad-things [Henry Cavill x reader]
Perhaps need some dom!Clark instead? With toys? We’ve got you covered. By @poledancingdinos [Clark x OFC]
Now, let’s not forget about Henry’s favourite toy of them all. His bike. In Good Vibrations by @deathonyourtongue [Henry Cavill x reader]
You find Henry pleasing himself with something you didn’t even know he owned; a fleshlight. Henry’s Toy by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
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Henry’s Hands Special 
[I can’t be the only one who has the hots for hands]
Having a bad day? Talented fingers belonging to one caring man of a Henry are here to let off your steam. Burn The Couch by @meowpurrbooks [Henry Cavill x reader]
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a complete and utter obsession with male hands. This fic is amazing in every way. It’s got suspense, hands AND Henry; Idle Hands by @thelastsock [Henry Cavill x Reader]
More handsy stuff is offered in this private drawing session. Draw Me With Your Fingers by @emelinelovesjc [Henry Cavill x OFC!author]
This fic? ..it’s hands-on work. I must give a disclaimer: I’m hard to please when it comes to daddy!fics, but this one I truly enjoyed. It perfectly rides (hehe) the fine balance between rough throat fucking, choking and usage of the endearing nickname ‘little fawn’. Hands by @twhstuckylover [Henry Cavill x reader]
Henry’s hands are here to warm you up on a cold day in Finger Work by @yoursecretsmutblog [Henry Cavill x reader]
The Hook-up
[A little less established, a little more messy. But definitely h-o-t-h-o-t-h-o-t]
Changing rooms may just hide a Dirty Secret (and crotchless pantyhoses) by @foodieforthoughts [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Being toyed around, Henry can’t stand it any longer - and goodness where did he leave that darn bowtie?! Caught In The Storm by @thelastsock [Henry Cavill x Reader]
Syverson is also not one who likes to be toyed around with, especially when you’re in the same bar wearing that deliciously short dress and his favourite high heels. Mine by @yoursecretsmutblog [Syverson x reader]
Dancefloor delights and popping buttons (is this a good time to admit I have ripped some shirts like that? *woops* 😅) - this quite exhibitionistic fic is an utter delight and I’m Glad You Came  by @foodieforthoughts [Henry Cavill x reader]
Since this is steady-hook-up I wasn’t sure whether to post it in this segment or the Vanilla segment, but ..yea..it definitely deserves a read! Rules Of Engagement has Em and Henry coming to the realisation that a friendly hook-up isn’t all that easy. Especially not when one foul IUD throws baby dust in their busy lives. By @ladyreapermc​ [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Marshall specials 
An old friend/lover shows up just when you find yourself with the predicament of a broken down car. Before you know it you’re having car sex with one curly haired police officer in..yea..a police car. A Perfect Shitty Day by @toomanystoriessolittletime [Marshall x reader]
OOPH you girls are in it for the Walter hook-ups. Forget That Asshole follows up after you had one particularly disappointing blind date. And thankfully a blue eyed sweater-bear-man is there to provide you some much needed consolation.  By @penwieldingdreamer [Marshall x reader]
Sex on set
On set things might just get a little steamy, so might as well take ..*clip scene* ACTION! Touch Me Tease Me by @deathonyourtongue [Henry Cavill x OFC]  
More on-set delights? Perhaps with a touch of embarrassing nerves? Directed By La Petite Mort by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether [Henry Cavill x reader]
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>> Looking for part 2 of this list? <<
Artworks/edits are mine ❤️And as always: if you have more fic recs to add, share them in your reblogs/comments! 
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luxekook · 4 years
petal to the metal ✿ jjk
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✿ pairing: jewelry-maker jungkook x florist reader
✿ genre: idiots to lovers, fluff, slight bits of crack and angst
✿ summary: every sunday, the farmers’ market took place in the center of town. vendors from near and far traveled to sell their crafts, their produce, their teas. as the local florist, you figured that running a booth each weekend would boost your business and bring in new clients. at least, those were your reasons in the beginning. but, now? now, you returned just for the handsome jewelry-maker whose booth was next to yours. 
✿ word count: 7k
✿ warnings: pg15, slight innuendo, mention of alcohol, noona!reader, mutual pining, memes, vmin as teen prom dates, chaotic 2seok + joon as jk’s bandmates, scheming yoongi as reader’s assistant, sweetheart jungkook tries his best but doesn't succeed, one (1) make out scene uwu
✿ beta’d by: the gracious phia @meowxyoong​
✿ banner by: the talented queen of banner-making maggie @kimtaehyunq​
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People, to you, are not unlike bouquets of flowers - uniquely complex with traits grown and cultivated throughout the years and brought together to form meaning and personality. It is far too often that you assign flowers to the people you meet in passing. 
The boy running down the sidewalk chasing a butterfly is a blooming bunch of crocus (youthful gladness) and daisies (innocence).
The young woman storming out of the cafe after dumping her coffee on what you assume to be her ex is a flurry of peonies (anger) and black-eyed Susans (justice).
You find your flower assignments to be a fun way to pass the time when sitting alone in a coffee shop or walking along the beach.
They are decidedly not fun when you are caught staring unabashedly at a beautiful boy as imaginary petals of acacia (secret love) and daffodil (new beginnings) rain down upon him. 
The second his dark eyes flick up to meet yours, you whip around and pretend to be preoccupied with your display of forget-me-nots. The irony is not lost on you as you rearrange the already pristine pale-blue petals. You are more likely to forget your own name than to forget the image of the boy’s crinkly-eyed smile.
God, it’s only the first hour of the first Sunday of the Summer Farmer’s Market, and you are like this? Things are looking more and more dire by the minute. 
Your small beachside community holds the annual Summer Farmer’s Market every Sunday from the middle of May until the end of August. Not only does the market attract tourists, it boosts your own business and earns you year-round customers.
Founding Of Fern & Freesia Flower Co. has been one of your proudest achievements to date - perhaps second only to chugging a beer faster than a misogynist on a bar crawl. Now in your third year of business, you feel accomplished in the slow but steady growth of your shop. You have poured your heart and soul into your business, leaving little time for other endeavors.
Hence, you’re wary of your growing fascination with the owner of the neighboring stall. 
When you had rolled up earlier with your overflowing cart of flowers, you had set up shop next to a jewelry booth full of gleaming silver and vibrant stones. It hadn’t been until a clang and a muffled curse sounded from the neighboring stall that you noticed it’s owner.
The first thing you had noticed was his outfit - all black clothing with boots that looked like they could stomp through steel. The second had been his adorable pout as he fiddled with a couple bracelets he must have just dropped. And the third - the third had been his hands and the gentle but steady way they fashioned the jewelry back in order.
The opening rush had distracted you from your growing interest for a bit; but the early birds have all since scattered, leaving you alone in between an old woman selling honey and a cute boy selling handcrafted jewelry. Now that you have thoroughly embarrassed yourself by being caught staring, you figure you should at least attempt to busy yourself.
You flutter around your stall, checking on flowers and rearranging errant blossoms. 
“H-hey, do you have any tiger flowers?” A soft, sweet voice calls to you from one stall over. You pause in your movements. That can't be who you think it is... But when you turn your head to address the speaker, you find yourself face to face with your mystery boy.
Magically, you manage to blurt out a semi-coherent response, “Oh, hello! No, I don’t have any tiger flowers right now… I do have some tiger lilies?” You gesture to the orange be-speckled bunch in the corner of your stall. 
“Oh,” The boy deflates a bit, but then perks back up, “Well, I’m Jungkook. I make jewelry.” He gestures to his collection behind him. “It’s more of a hobby, actually. I’m a vocalist, but I really like working with my hands part-time.”
Your eyebrows raise, and Jungkook blushes profusely. “I didn’t mean it like that!” He whines, his bottom lip jutting out slightly.
You decide to take pity on the boy. Grinning slightly, you extend your hand across the buckets of flowers in between you both, “It’s nice to meet you, Jungkook. I’m (y/n), and I really like working with my hands full-time.”
Grabbing your hand in his, Jungkook returns your grin. “(Y/n),” He mutters almost absentmindedly as he keeps pumping your intertwined hands up and down. You don’t have it in you to stop him, especially when he keeps looking at you like you just told him the secret to eternal life.
A throat clearing jolts you both from your reveries. Two teenage boys stand there awkwardly. One fiddles with one of the cut stems you discarded in a hurry earlier. 
“Oh,” You reluctantly pull your hand away from Jungkook’s warm embrace. “Talk to you later?” You shoot him a wry grin before turning back to your customers. You don’t see the death glare that Jungkook sends the two boys as you greet them warmly.
They request matching boutonnieres for their prom, and your heart swells as they both argue over which flowers they think would fit the other best. One suggests yellow roses, and you can’t hold yourself back from interjecting, “Oh no. Not yellow roses.” 
The two of them glance over at you, almost looking shocked to find that you are still there. “Why not?” The taller boy asks.
“They represent infidelity,” You say with a shrug, “But that’s just semantics. You don’t have to read that deep into it if you don’t want to.” Just because you follow the language of flowers closely does not mean that everyone and their mother did as well. 
The shorter boy practically throws the yellow rose back in its bucket. “What are you trying to say, Tae?” He shakes his head in mock disappointment at his partner, “I trusted you.”
“Shut up, Jiminie,” The boy you now know as Tae rolls his eyes and turns to you, “Do you have anything that means, like, the opposite of that?”
“Yes,” You smile at the pair and bustle over to the flowers you have in mind, “If I may make a few suggestions…”
Ten minutes later, the two boys shuffle away from your stall with matching cosmos (joy in love and life), baby’s breath (everlasting love), and ivy (fidelity) boutonnieres and with matching grins. You gaze wistfully at their interlocking hands and the quintessential picture of young love they represented. 
“You’re good at that,” Jungkook comments, fiddling with one of the earrings dangling from his quickly reddening ears. 
“Hm?” You question, your eyes still lingering on the cute couple you had just assisted.
“You’re good at showing people exactly what they want – even if they hadn't known it yet.”
His words capture your attention. You know he’s referring to the two teens that you had just helped, but you can’t help but wish he had been referring to himself. However, before you can even respond, it is his turn to get pulled away by a prospective customer.
The rest of the day flies by. This isn’t a surprise to you as the newness of the market always tends to draw waves of people on the opening day. You and Jungkook only get to exchange some shy glances and small smiles with each other.
That is, until your floral assistant Min Yoongi arrives. 
You have a running joke that Yoongi is simultaneously your best and your worst employee. He is your only employee after all and a headstrong one at that. You used to drag him along with you to the early hours of preparing and setting up for the market, but you have long since learned your lesson that Yoongi is decidedly not a morning person. You shudder at the mere thought of it. Now, you only ask that he arrives in the late afternoon to help you close down.
Yoongi greets you with a typical head nod and a half-hearted wave. “Hey, boss lady.” 
You shoot him a half-hearted glare, “Hello, worst employee of the month.”
The sound of a gasp draws your attention back to Jungkook’s booth where he is openly gaping at you with wide eyes. 
“Oh, Jungkook! It’s just a joke. He’s my only employee,” You laugh nervously as Yoongi gives you a side-eyed look that says ‘you’re acting weird, dude, and I don’t like it’. 
“Ah,” Jungkook beams at you, his eyes sparkling adorably, “I see, (y/n). For a second I thought you might be one of those people that gets off on being mean.”
Yoongi spits out the sip of coffee he had just taken. Jungkook turns bright red for the second time that day as he blinks in confusion, “What? What did I say?”
“Nothing!” You pinch Yoongi’s side in an attempt to shut him up, but that boy never listens to anyone but himself.
Walking the short distance to Jungkook, Yoongi lazily extends his hand over the barrier of flowers, “Min Yoongi.”
“Jeon Jungkook,” The boy grasps Yoongi’s hand firmly and squints at him quizzically. “Have we met before?”
Yoongi shrugs in a typical Yoongi fashion, “Dunno, maybe? You do look a little familiar.”
Suddenly, Jungkook drops Yoongi’s hand and snaps his fingers, “You were at last year’s Battle of the Bands! Your rap was legendary! I remember talking to Joon about it all night…”
The two boys quickly descend into a musically driven conversation, leaving you to slowly pack up your flowers and intermittently stare as Jungkook passionately talks about his main craft. 
After the fourth time you look over at the pair, you catch Yoongi’s eye. He’s staring at you with a maniacal glint in his eye. Oh no. He slowly looks back and forth between you and Jungkook. No, no, no. An ominous grinch-like grin grows on Yoongi’s lips as you can practically see the light bulb go off above his head. You are done for.
And not a second after Jungkook packs up his trinkets and bids you both goodbye for the day, Yoongi rounds on you. “FBI! Open up!” He mock-yells, cupping his hands around his mouth.
You splutter out an indignant laugh and shove him playfully, “He’s at least 21, Yoongs! You have to be in order to rent a booth here.” 
Yoongi continues to playfully tease you for the rest of the time you spend together loading the flowers into your truck and then unloading them at your shop. You only hope your crush is not as obvious to Jungkook as it is to Yoongi...
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You and Jungkook spend the next two Sundays observing each other, exchanging small greetings, and chatting in between customers. Slowly, you begin to learn bits and pieces about Jungkook.
You learn he’s the lead singer in a band with his friends, he boxes to stay active, and he loves to eat. In turn, he discovers that you’re two years older than him, your life basically consists of flowers, and you read crappy romance novels in your limited spare time.
And as the weather warms even further, you find out that he has a plethora of tattoos winding up his arm. Though you tease him about his love of black clothing despite the soaring temperatures, you cannot help but admire the way his tanned skin glows against the dark color and makes the tattoos pop. You swear you glimpsed a flower inked on his forearm but you couldn’t be certain. Perhaps it had just been the combination of your growing crush and your overactive imagination.
The weather burns even hotter still when he begins to call you ‘noona’.
“(Y/n)-noona, what do you think of this necklace?”
“Noona! Let me carry that bucket for you. It looks heavy.”
“Do you want to go out with me sometime, noona?” 
Okay, that last one had just been wishful thinking; but, a girl can dream.
Meanwhile, Yoongi continues to poke fun at you and your growing infatuation. He had even arrived early for the first time in his career just to get in some extra roasting time. God, you wish Jungkook had some embarrassing friends to help ease the amount of times you had to physically turn away from the boy because you were blushing too hard.
And, finally, on the second Sunday in June, you get your wish.
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“Ayo, JK!” A booming voice sounds from halfway down the long row of booths. A smattering of uproarious laughter follows the exclamation.  
The boy in question sighs before shooting you a helpless look. “My hyungs are visiting today. I love them, but they’re…” He trails off, “They’re a lot.” Jungkook steps out in front of his booth to get ready to greet them.
The shouting gets closer and closer until three boys break out of the throng of the crowd and approach Jungkook with large smiles. You blink in awe at the sight of them. Do all good looking people really flock together? You’re beginning to think so as you try your best to subtly check out Jungkook’s friends. The loudest one playfully greets Jungkook by throwing fake punches at him. He’s tall and lean with broad shoulders and a face that looks like it could make anyone give him anything if he so much as glances at them. He reminds you of white hyacinth (beauty) and lemon (zest). 
The tallest boy shakes his head fondly at Jungkook as he greets him through the other’s antics. You barely stifle a sigh as he grins and shows off the cutest set of dimples you’ve ever seen. He practically screams pear blossom (comfort) and polyanthus (confidence).
The last boy has a smile that makes you almost have to squint because of its sunshine-like radiance. He also has on the most colorful and fashionable outfit you’ve ever seen, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s had design experience. He is so white jasmine (amiability) and lupine (imagination), you think. 
Before you can assess further, you’re pulled away by a long-time customer. As you prune and arrange their requested flowers, you can’t help but notice that the stall next door has grown suspiciously quieter. 
Hushed whispers carry in the wind. 
“That’s your noona?” 
“Shut up, hyung!”
You hastily wrap the bouquet for your customer and bid her farewell with a smile. You barely have time to take a breath before three boys appear before you with a fourth scowling behind them in distaste. 
“So you’re the flower noona that Jungkook always brings up,” The sunshine boy speaks first, tilting his head as he peers down at you.
“The flower noona, huh?” You shoot Jungkook an amused glance, only to find him with his face buried in his hands, “Maybe I should rebrand.” You grin and introduce yourself to the three boys who you discover to be Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok.
Soon you find yourself wrapped in a conversation with Namjoon while Hoseok and Seokjin gather flowers to make their own bouquets. 
“Yes,” You nod your head at Namjoon’s question, “Some flowers do have multiple meanings. Take geraniums for example. The pretty pink oak-leaf geranium symbolizes true friendship, while the just as pretty scarlet geranium signifies stupidity.”
“And what does baby’s breath represent?” Hoseok crinkles his nose in distaste as he fiddles with the flower, “You smell bad?”
You crack up and open your mouth to answer, but Jungkook cuts you off. “No, Hobi-hyung, they represent everlasting love.”
Blinking at him, you nod, “Yes, that’s right. How did you know that?”
Jungkook mumbles something incoherent as he scuffles his heavy boot across the pavement.
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows, ears straining to pick up the decibels. Why is he speaking so softly?
“He knows because JK eavesdrops on you all the time, (y/n),” Seokjin lets out a squeaky laugh, “He also downloaded a flower app on his phone to study. I even caught him making flashcards—”
Jungkook jumps on Seokjin’s back, slapping a hand over the older boy’s mouth. Meanwhile, your heart feels like it’s about to burst into a whirlwind of lilac (first emotions of love). Good god, your feelings have leveled up.
Namjoon and Hoseok pay for both their flowers and Jin’s, as the older boy is still preoccupied fighting off an embarrassed Jungkook.
“It was really nice meeting you, (y/n),” Namjoon smiles at you.
“Yes!” Hoseok beams, “Also, please tell your friend Yoongi that we want to collab. Kookie is too shy to ask him.”
You promise that you will and wave goodbye to the two of them as they drag a breathless Jin along with them. The older boy shoots you a wink as he is pulled along into the crowd and disappears. 
“Sorry about them, noona,” Jungkook mumbles, looking down at his feet, “They like to embarrass me.”
You melt at his cuteness. “No, don’t apologize. Your friends are a whole lot of fun.” You can’t help but tease him, continuing, “And they were very informative... Do you really pay that close attention to me, Jungkook?”
“Aish!” Jungkook yelps, grabbing a bucket of red roses and hiding his face behind it. “Noona!” He whines, his large eyes peering at you over the red flowers, “You’re just as bad as them!”
“Oh, am I, Kookie?” You emphasize the new nickname of his that you just learned courtesy of Hoseok. 
“Did they tell you to call me that?” Jungkook sets down the bucket of roses and looks like he is about to take off in pursuit of his three hyungs.
You grab his arm to prevent him from doing so. It’s warm and solid, and the physical contact sends a tingle across your skin. “They didn’t tell me. I just noticed Hoseok called you that once. If it bothers you, I won’t call you that again.”
Jungkook relaxes. “No, you can call me Kookie,” He says in a small voice.
“Thank god,” You grin and squeeze his arm once before releasing it, “It’s so cute!”
His responding squeal of ‘noona!’ can be heard throughout the entire market.
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The following Sunday, the market is cancelled due to the tropical storm swirling up the coast, bringing with it a disappointing blend of rain and an absence of Jungkook.
You probably should be concerned at how rapidly your feelings for the boy are developing, but you aren’t. How can anyone not love him? It’s impossible, in your opinion. Even your grump of an employee likes Jungkook, and Yoongi likes very few people. You aren’t even sure if you make the cut most days.
Sipping your peppermint tea, you gaze out at the rain and wonder if Jungkook misses you just as you’re missing him. Does he feel anything for you?
You know he at least equates you with his friends; but is that all he sees you as? If so, you would respect that, albeit disappointedly. With a sigh, you turn back to your copy of “The Art of Jewelry Making: An Introduction” and pretend just for the day that your feelings are reciprocated.
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One week later, you are scrambling. Somehow you had managed to sleep through all five of your alarms, and now you are so, so late. 
Your truck’s tires squeal angrily as you whip into the first empty parking space you spot outside of the market. Where will you even set up today? You quickly grab your buckets of flowers as well as all the other supplies you’ll need. Will there even be a booth left for you?
You push your cart up the rows of booths and get more and more dejected at each turn. Finally, you decide to at least visit Jungkook before you dejectedly head back to your truck. You are in dire need of his sweet smile and positive energy.
The wheels of your cart bump and wobble over the uneven gravel. God, why couldn’t Min Yoongi be a morning person? You grumble as you wind the final corner to where your usual stall resides. You stop in your tracks.
Your usual booth… is empty? You blink multiple times in case this is just a beautiful mirage. Nope, it’s still open, it’s wooden tables bare. 
Almost as if he senses you, Jungkook practically runs out of his stall towards you. “Noona! You’re here!” And before you can even answer, he sweeps you into a tight hug.
“Hi, Kookie,” You sigh, bringing your arms around his neck. You can’t resist the urge to bury your face in his chest. He smells so nice, like fresh soap with a hint of heady musk. Reluctantly, you release him, realizing you’re both blocking most of the pathway. 
“I-I saved your booth for you,” Jungkook blushes and looks down at the ground. He shifts his weight from left to right and then glances up at you once more. “I hoped you were just running late. I didn't want to miss seeing you two Sundays in a row. You would not believe how many people I’ve had to fight off.”
Your heart swells at his words. “Aw, thank you, Kookie. You missed me that much, huh?” You reach up to ruffle his hair as you pass by him, lugging your cart along with you.
You miss the forlorn expression on his face as he gazes after you and mumbles, “Yes...so much.”
With Jungkook’s help, you manage to set up your booth in record time. You thank him profusely, but he just shrugs it off by saying that you would do the same for him. And you would.
Around midday you text Yoongi and ask him to bring food for Jungkook as an extra way of saying thank you.
Rather than respond with a normal yes or no, Yoongi just sends you a sea of smirking emojis. You should’ve known that Yoongi would (correctly) read too much into it. The boy is too smart for his own good.
Quickly sending back the gif of Hades from Hercules turning his flames from blue to orange in anger, you glance up to find Jungkook staring at you with a peculiar expression.
“Noona,” He begins, “Do you have a boyfriend?”
You choke out a laugh that sounds sad even to your ears. “No, I don’t. Why do you ask?”
Jungkook perks back up, “I just thought you might be arguing with them. You seemed to be angry texting.”
Letting out a more genuine laugh this time, you reply, “I’m just texting Yoongi, Kook. He’s being his usual difficult self.”
“Oh,” Jungkook grins, “Well then don’t punish him too harshly. It’s fun to see you all riled up.”
Riled up?
You blink rapidly at the boy who seems to have no idea how much his words affect you. Trying to brush off the images flowing through your mind, you decide to fight fire with fire – even if it had been unintentional arson.
You take a step towards him, “You like seeing me all riled up, Kookie?” 
“Uh-h, yes?” Jungkook eyes you warily as you continue to approach him. He even takes a step back, only to bump into his table of jewelry. 
You stand toe to toe with him as he is effectively trapped in between you and his table. Slowly, you rise to your tiptoes. Your lips brush his ear as you murmur, “Well, then I’ll be sure to stay cool and collected from now on.”
Pulling back, you saunter back over to your booth. Faintly, you hear a wheeze from the direction you’ve left Jungkook. You grin in success.
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Yoongi had ended up bringing food with him that day. An action that had caused Jungkook to thank the two of you more times than you could count as he had shoved barbecue chicken into his mouth. 
You had stared at the boy with hearts in your eyes as he ate. Yoongi had just made whipping motions from beside you, thankfully out of Jungkook’s line of sight. 
And as June turns to July, your feelings grow substantially. Your mind is a meadow scattered with clove (I have loved you and you have not known it), cyclamen (timid hope), and gladiolus (you pierce my heart).
You can’t quite get a read on Jungkook. Every time you think there might be something in the way he interacts with you, he does something else that negates everything.
For example, the other day he had requested a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You had thought you might pass out from the way he looked at you, all blushing and shy. But, that might have just been the hundred degree weather.
It had admittedly been foolish to think that he would gift the bouquet back to you, but that’s just you – a fool in love. Your clown status had become even more confirmed when Jungkook had smiled down at the flowers, saying that his elderly neighbor would love them.
You had never thought you would experience being jealous of an elderly widow, but you had been ready to square up. It had decidedly not been your finest moment.
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It isn’t until the middle of July that you begin to feel that Jungkook might actually return your feelings. 
The boy comes barreling into your stall as you’re setting up for the day. “Noona!” He grins happily, “I have a surprise for you!”
“Please tell me it’s a portable fan,” You moan, as you wipe the beads of sweat from your brow, “It’s so hot out here in these streets.”
“No,” Jungkook pouts adorably, “It’s not a fan. It’s my new collection! I spent all week working on it. I even brought my supplies to band practice. The hyungs all teased me, but it was worth it because of y— because of how good it turned out.”
Had he started to say because of you? Your heart pounds as you watch Jungkook eagerly tug a box out from his large backpack. He holds it out to you expectantly, and you have no choice but to take it from him.
Shooting him a speculative glance, you slowly open the lid. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Rows of flower themed jewelry gleam up at you - orchid (refined beauty) necklaces, lotus (purity) earrings, and dahlia (dignity) charm bracelets. 
These are almost all of your favorite flowers. You blink up at Jungkook, “These are so beautiful, Kook. I want all of them. How are you so talented? It’s so unfair!” You reach down to grab a particularly gorgeous pair of silver hoop earrings with lotus charms dangling from the bottoms. 
“I will pay anything for these,” You look back up at him. He’s smiling widely and his cheeks are shaded pink.
“They’re yours,” Jungkook shakes his head, “There’s no charge if my noona wants to wear my jewelry.” 
His noona… 
You think your cheeks might fall off from smiling too hard. “Well,” You murmur, “If you insist.”
You hand Jungkook the box back, and quickly switch out your plain gold stud earrings for your new hoops. “How do they look?” You flick your ponytail behind you and turn this way and that in an attempt to model his work.
“Beautiful…” Jungkook sighs as he watches you and then straightens suddenly, “Oh, I almost forgot!” He digs around in his backpack for a second time. Pulling out a small black velvet drawstring bag, he once again extends his hand towards you with a gift.
“I made this specifically for you,” He doesn't blush outright this time, but you do note that his ears are bright red. Curiosity overtakes you. You slowly open the bag and pour its contents into your waiting palm.
A silver cuff falls into your hand. It’s about an inch wide with what seem to be persimmon flowers (bury me amid nature’s beauty) engraved on its surface.
“My favorite flower,” You gasp, immediately sliding the cuff onto your wrist, “You remembered!” 
“Of course I did,” Jungkook laughs, running a hand through his disheveled hair, “Do you- do you like it?”
“Do I like it?” You scoff, “Do I like it?” You take one large step towards him and basically tackle him in a hug. “I love it, you idiot.”
His hands rest on your waist as he sighs into your hair, “Good. That makes me so happy, noona.” 
Reluctantly, you pull away. “I should be angry because you completely upstaged me,” You crack a smile as Jungkook crinkles his nose in confusion, “But I can’t be mad when you give me presents.”
You tug your own little baggie from your tote bag and hand it to Jungkook. “It’s not even close to your level, but you inspired me to try to make something and…” You trail off as Jungkook holds up the bracelet you had carefully strung together for weeks. You basically only had bought expensive black stone beads and slid them onto a string, but you think it’s cute nonetheless.
“(Y/n)-noona,” Jungkook’s wide eyes flick up to stare at you, “You really made this for me?” 
“How many other JK’s do you know?” You say referring to the two little letter charms amidst the sea of black stones, “Yes, I made it for you.” 
“There’s John Krasinski!” He argues, sliding the bracelet onto his wrist with a smile.
You cannot roll your eyes hard enough, “You caught me. I couldn’t meet up with the Jim from The Office this month, so I just had to give this bracelet to the next JK I came across.”
“I knew it!” Jungkook laughs, “I guess we sort of have friendship bracelets now, huh?” 
You feel like you have just been slapped back into the friend-zone. “Oh,” You force out a chuckle, “Yes, I guess we do.” 
Clueless to your inner turmoil, Jungkook grins as he hurries away to set up his stall for the day. He prattles on about how excited he is to see how the new collection will sell, especially since he is set up right next to you and your flowers.
You feign normalcy as you reply that his collection will be a hit. And you’re right. As the day wears on, you watch as Jungkook sells more jewelry than you had ever seen him do before. You consistently feel like you’re in a state of whiplash as he keeps referring to you as his “muse” during his sales. 
Why are feelings so confusing? You fiddle with a stem of lavender (mistrust). You had honestly been beginning to think that Jungkook might return your affections, but now you aren’t so sure. Maybe next weekend you could try to get a better idea of his feelings? 
But, as it turns out, you wouldn’t have to...
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It’s midway through the market that next Sunday that you begin to realize Jungkook is acting strange. He is acting more jittery than usual, and despite your constant questioning of if he is okay, Jungkook refuses to give you more than two word answers.
Eventually, you give up asking and instead begin to silently observe. He constantly toys with the bracelet you had given him last week. He rarely can go a minute without touching it, almost as if he is afraid it might disappear right off his wrist. Jungkook also keeps peering into his backpack and adjusting something inside of it. 
It isn’t until Jungkook checks his backpack for the third time in five minutes that you snap. “Okay, that’s it.” You stalk over to his booth, “Why are you acting weird today?” You stop in front of him, arms crossed in front of you. Jungkook’s throat bobs as he swallows nervously, “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, noona.”
“Really,” You deadpan, “Then you won’t mind sharing with the class what riveting thing you have in your backpack?”
His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, “How did you know there’s something in my backpack?”
You laugh, “You’re not exactly subtle, Kookie.” His shocked expression turns into a pout as you continue, “I’m just teasing. You don’t have to show me. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t anything illegal.”
“Illegal?” Jungkook gasps, “Noona! Who do you think I am?”
“I don't know,” You shrug, “You could have a double identity for all I know.”
Mumbling something about infuriating women, Jungkook turns and tugs something out of his bag. Holding it behind his back, he faces you, “I was going to wait until the end of the day to do this, but I guess this is happening now.”
He takes in a shaky breath, “I know that I’m not the best with words. That I’m shy and inexperienced. But, I need to tell you how I feel, because I think I might lose myself completely if I don’t. So, I decided that I would tell you in the language you know well.”
Slowly, Jungkook moves his hands from behind his back to reveal a bouquet of flowers. “These say everything you need to know about what I feel for you.” His hand shakes slightly as he extends the flowers towards you. 
Your lungs refuse to work as your eyes cannot seem to look away from the flowers he offers you. 
Striped carnations. Those are what he holds out to you. You feel as if he has taken your heart and stomped on it with his massive boots. 
Striped carnations… symbolizing a love that cannot be shared. A gesture meaning that ‘he cannot be with you’. 
The first tear falls from your eyes as you force yourself to look up at the boy you’ve fallen in love with. How long has he known your feelings for him? Why has he strung you along so much only to hit you with this now? Or have you just been oblivious to his indifference all along? ‘
Jungkook seems to be panicking as he lowers the bouquet back to his side, “Noona, please say something.” 
You open and close your mouth, trying in vain to search for words to say, for questions to ask to help you make sense of this blindside. 
The only thing you can eventually muster up the strength to say is a shaky “I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone.” You take off, barely stopping to grab your phone and your bag as you run to your truck. 
Behind you, you can hear Jungkook frantically shouting your name. He’s probably concerned that he has to monitor both your stall and his. You shake your head as you finally reach your car. 
You call Yoongi as soon as you turn out of the parking lot, unknowingly leaving a teary-eyed Jungkook in your wake. 
“What?” Yoongi groans when he finally picks up. 
You can barely breathe through your tears, “Y-Yoongi, can you swing by the market early to pack up?” 
The line is quiet for a second. Then, Yoongi rapidly fires questions at you, “What happened? What did he do? Where are you? Are you okay? Do I need to rough him up?” 
You let out a small laugh. At least one person seems to care for you. “I’m okay. Just a bit of an unexpected rejection.” You sniffle, “I’m heading home for the day.”
“Wait,” Yoongi sounds confused, “He rejected you? What the f—”
Cutting him off before he asks you to rehash every painful detail, you sigh, “Yes, he did. Now, please, can you go clean up the stall for me? And don’t say anything to him.”
Yoongi growls something that suspiciously sounds like “Oh, I’ll say something to him, alright”. But before you can voice your suspicions, he agrees and hangs up. 
Thank god for Min Yoongi.
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The week passes slowly. You spend your days going through your usual motions, working in your shop and assisting customers.
However, after you make your sixth bouquet of marigold (grief), lichen (dejection) and cypress (mourning), Yoongi insists you take a few days off. You surprisingly listen. 
On Friday, Yoongi brings you a bunch of yarrow (cure for a broken heart) and nearly runs when you envelop him in a tight hug. He offers to handle the market this weekend, and you don’t have it in you to refuse. But, you only accept on the caveat that Yoongi takes Monday off. You don’t want to take advantage of your employee and your dear friend. 
Your weekend is spent by yourself. You stock up on cranberry juice in an attempt to pretend that it will have the same effect of its flower meaning (cure for heartache). Spoiler alert: it does not.
Even watching an exorbitant amount of bad Hallmark movies cannot cheer you up. And when Monday comes, you force yourself to try to be positive.
“It’s fine. This is fine. Totally fine. I’m fine.” You say, pointing at yourself in the mirror, “I’m totally cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.” With a firm nod, you head out.
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Opening your shop is one of your favorite things. You revel in the solitude that the early hours bring, the first sips of your morning coffee, the feeling of being surrounded by your flowers.
Your flowers bring you peace – a big reason why persimmon flowers are your favorite. But, you can’t travel down that train of thought today. Nope. Today, you are all about self-love and positivity!
At least you are until 9:01am when your shop has barely been open for 60 seconds and Jungkook bursts through your doors.
The boy looks like a mess. His hair is sticking up in various places like he has run his hand through it too many times, his shirt looks like it’s on inside out, and he is staring at you like you’re a wild animal that might spook at any moment.
And he would not be wrong. You fight down the urge to run, choosing instead to head behind your counter so that there is at least a semblance of a divide between you.
You decide to just rip the bandaid off and attempt to be professional. Staring over his shoulder, you say, “Hello, welcome to Of Fern and Freesia. How can I help you?”
The sound of a stifled sob reaches your ears. Had that come from him? Or from you?
“Noona,” Jungkook finally pleads, his voice rough, “Can’t you at least look at me?”
Slowly, you bring your eyes to his. His large brown eyes search yours for a moment before they fill with determination.
“(Y/n)-noona, I know you’ve been avoiding me,” He approaches the counter, “But I need to know something. I have to or I’m going to lose my mind.”
Jungkook’s hands fall onto the countertop, his eyes blaze into yours, “Noona, is the thought of me loving you really so appalling that you can’t even stand to be around me? Is it really so terrible that we can’t even be friends?”
Your mind short circuits. “Are you making fun of me?” You whisper after a brief pause.
“What?” Jungkook cries, “No! Why would you even think that?”
Anger bursts to the surface as you throw his actions back in his face, “Maybe I think that because you openly rejected my feelings last weekend, Jungkook! Maybe I think that because I’ve stupidly been in love with you for weeks only to have you hand me those damned striped carnations!”  
Jungkook looks stricken, “I-I thought carnations meant love a-and fascination?”
Oh. My. Sweet. Baby. Jesus.
Your anger at what you thought was Jungkook’s rejection morphs into rage at the complete and utter idiocy of his misguided confession.
You shake your head at the giant idiot before you, “Yes, you absolute fool. The general meaning of carnations is love, distinction, and fascination. But, how did you not think for one second that meanings might change depending on the color and the type?”
He continues to gape at you as you power on. “Striped carnations symbolize rejection, you colossal moron! They mean that you cannot be with me! You basically slapped me and my love for you with a big, fat nope.”
You watch warily as Jungkook rounds the counter, coming towards you faster than you’d like. But, your mouth is on a roll now, and you can’t stop, “How could any respectable florist interpret that gesture any other way? Hey! What are you even doing? You can’t be back here—!”
Jungkook reaches you, cups your face in both hands, and slams his mouth onto yours. Your eyes widen as he continues to kiss you, and then slowly you begin to return his affections. Your hands slide up his back to twine through his hair.
The cutest whine emits from his throat as you tug on it slightly. “Noona,” He murmurs against your lips, his wide eyes stare into yours, “You really love me?”
You shoot him an exasperated look, “No, Jungkook, I go around kissing everyone who walks into my shop like this.”
He pouts, “So mean to me.” He tries to kiss you again, but you shift out of the way slightly so his lips meet your cheek.
“I reserve the right to be mean after spending an entire week wallowing in unnecessary self-pity following your failed attempt at a declaration of love.” You cock your head slightly, “If that’s even what it was?”
Jungkook blushes, “I really screwed up, huh?” He rests his forehead on yours and sighs, “It was supposed to be perfect. I was supposed to give you something meaningful to show how much I love you and pay attention to your work, but all I did was accidentally push you away. I thought you were rejecting me.”  
You press a soft kiss to his lips. “I could never reject you, Kookie. Not even after that.”
“God, I love you, noona,” Jungkook buries his face in your neck. “I missed you so much.”
“I love you, too,” You run your fingers through his hair, “But don’t think you’re getting off this easily.”
“Huh?” Jungkook pulls back, his eyes wide.
“You have a lot of making up to do, Kook,” You grin.
“And what do you suggest I do?” He smiles down at you, affection clear in his eyes.
“Well,” You shrug, “I can think of a few things…”
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a/n: flower meanings taken from: The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh (flower definitions may vary depending on the source!! this is just the reference that i chose because i love the book uwu)
✿ Flowers left undefined in the fic: 
Fern → sincerity
Freesia → lasting friendship
Peppermint → warmth of feeling
Tiger Flower → please love me* (*as defined by jk)
Tiger Lily → wealth
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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