#the bottom text being cut off is on purpose so don't worry about that
jack-the-fool · 7 months
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> The Show Must Go On
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cwpiqwon · 11 months
just a call- ahn yujin
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summary- the 3 times y/n waited for yujin's call and the 1 time she called her.
warnings- angst, yujin being the worst gf ever, cheating, swearing, yujin gets slapped, screaming, not edited.
author's note- if you see any spelling errors, no you don't.
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the first time
y/n had never had to worry about her girlfriend's loyalty towards her. ahn yujin never gave her any reason to worry. she was everything you'd desire in a partner.
she always made sure to kiss y/n's cheek before going to work, she helped with the cooking and cleaning, she arranged dates for them and most importantly, she always called y/n everyday during her free time.
no matter how much workload she had or how stressed she was, yujin would always find time to call y/n. and no matter what she was doing, y/n would push everything aside to attend yujin's call.
they'd talk about the most mundane things, from how their day went to who did what at yujin's workplace today. the things they talked about never mattered, it was the other's presence that mattered for them.
and so, when one evening yujin didn't call, y/n couldn't help bet feel worried. she knew there was nothing to be worried about but the break in their daily routine really unsettled the girl.
that night when yujin returned, y/n couldn't help but voice the issue that had been weighing her down the whole evening.
"You didn't call today." the girl's small voice and sad pout made yujin's heart shatter. she quickly took her girlfriend's hands in hers and pressed a loving kiss to her cheek.
"I'm sorry love, the workload was crazy today. I had wanted to call you during my break but then an important client came in and we had to cut our break short."
y/n couldn't help but let out a giggle as the older girl basically rapped from how fast she was speaking. she pulled yujin down by her tie and placed a light kiss on her lips before rushing off to the kitchen.
the second time
y/n let out a sigh as she glanced at her phone's screen for what seemed to be the nth time. it was currently 10:30 pm and yujin's side of the bed was still empty.
yujin hadn't called her the whole evening and hadn't even replied to her texts. y/n chewed on her bottom lip as worry clouded her brain and panic filled her body to the brim.
she had called yujin's coworkers earlier and according to them, yujin had already left with another colleague. although this should have been enough to ring sirens in the girl's head, she ignored it.
y/n trusted her yujin. she was her first love and there was no way yujin would ever do something to purposely hurt her. yujin loves her.
before y/n could worry anymore, the sound of the front door opening filled her ears. she got up and rushed to check on her girlfriend just to see the girl she loved, holding hands with her colleague.
this made the girl's heart squeeze a little but she just chalked it up as worry. she forced herself to not overreact and walked up to the duo.
when yujin saw her girlfriend walking up to her, she pulled away her hand from the other girl's grasp in a hurry.
she pulled away from the girl and shrugged her coat off before looking at her girlfriend who was starting up at her.
"y/n, I'm so sorry my love! I totally forgot to tell you that I'd be going out with gaeul today. I was just so busy and..."
yujin knew the excuse was overused and so did y/n yet she still accepted it with a smile, welcoming the girl home and asking 'gaeul' if she'd like to join them for dinner.
"ah no need for that, gaeul and I already had dinner at the restaurant near office. how about you go get ready for bed while I go see her off"
y/n just nodded with a small smile before she walked off to clean dining table which was still filled with food she had prepared for both of them to eat together.
"I'll just eat in the morning I guess, I wasn't even that hungry anyways..."
that was just one of the many lies she'd have to tell herself to keep their strained relationship from breaking.
the third time
the room was filled with people yet y/n felt lonely. some people were dancing, some were drinking while some were just awkwardly standing around, hoping for the event to end.
y/n was one of them. she felt like a stranger in her own house. felt like an outsider at her own birthday party. all because the one person she truly wanted to spend her day with, was still not home.
as time progressed, the party died down and people started leaving after wishing the birthday girl a good night. bit y/n couldn't focus on any of that.
she kept gazing at the front door. waiting, wishing that yujin would walk inside with her arms wide open for the birthday girl.
yujin had left in the morning, just like every other day. there was no "goodmorning hug" or "I'm off to work now" kiss. no happy birthday and no I love you either.
this left the girl to think that maybe her girlfriend had some kind of surprise planned for her and this nonchalance was just a ploy to fool her and get a reaction out of her. alas, it was all just wishful thinking.
it was 12:00 now and everyone had already left. the red solo cups and the tears running down the girl's cheeks being the only remainder of the party.
as the girl sat there sobbing to herself, the front door finally opened. the girl she had been waiting for all night finally came in.
yujin reeked of alcohol, her tie was loose, hair messy and there was a stagger in her steps. just as y/n was about to ask her where she was, yujin spoke up.
"why's this place so dirty? did you throw a party behind my back? you could've atleast tried to clean up before I arrived!"
instead of answering any questions, y/n just got up and walked off to their shared bedroom, ready to cry herself to sleep.
before she could get inside however, yujin grabbed her wrist and forced the girl to face her.
"I'm not done talking to you. answer me when I ask you something!"
a loud slap could be heard as y/n's hand met with yujin's cheek. she pulled her hand away from the girl and rubbed to sore flesh that was now red.
"since you want to know so bad, i'll tell you. yes I did throw a party. you want to know the occasion? it was my fucking birthday party! but you should've already known that right? it's okay though, you probably forgot, since you were so busy getting drunk with someone else!"
y/n was sure they'd be getting noise complaints from their neighbors tomorrow from all the shouting that took place but she couldn't bring herself to care. not when yujin looked so unbothered.
"You know what yujin, I think we should just end this relationship. whatever we had, it's clear that we lost it. let's not drag it on any further"
yujin's eyes which were once heavy from the alcohol in her system turned wide and frantic as she tried her best to convince the girl to stay.
"baby no, you don't mean that. it's just your anger talking. you love me, you'll never leave me. just give me another chance please. I'm so sorry. I am such an idiot, I can't believe I forgot. I was about to surprise you for your birthday but we had a company dinner today and I forgot to call to inform you! I swear it'll never happen again baby please. you don't want to do this either. I know you don't. you're just angry right now."
yujin was sobbing at this point. she whole body shaking as sobs after sobs left her pretty lips. y/n knew if she let this go once, it'll drag her down forever, but yujin's tears had always been her weakness.
and so y/n forgave yujin once again. completely ignoring the red flags that this situation raised, just like she ignored the scent of someone else's perfume on yujin's clothes and the bruises on her neck.
yujin couldn't help but be thankful for the fact that her girlfriend was such an emotional fool.
the one time y/n called yujin
the walls of the mall felt like they were closing in on y/n. she felt as if her heart had shattered into tiny pieces and left a cavity where it once sat.
her vision blurred with tears as her gaze remained fixed on the sight before her. she had came to shop for yujin's birthday gift.
just when she thought she found the perfect gift to mend her relationship with yujin, the universe decided to gift her with the view of her girlfriend with another girl. the same girl she introduced as her colleague. kim gaeul.
yujin's arm was looped around the girl's waist as she gazed at the girl with loving eyes. the last straw for y/n was when yujin bent down to place a kiss on the girl's lips.
y/n whipped her phone out, her face void of any emotions and her heart filled with pain. she called the girl that was responsible for all her pain and watched as yujin's phone rang.
she saw how yujin rolled her eyes when she saw her called id on her screen and how she picked up after a few rings, all while gaeul clinged to her arm.
"y/n, how many times do I have to tell you to not call me during work hours? is it too hard for you to understand a simple instruction? are you really that dumb?"
"turn around"
as yujin turned around, a curse left her lips. she saw the girl she played with, the girl she once loved, the girl who she once saw a future with, staring back at her.
her eyes were red and tears were running down her cheeks, yujin knew this was a lost battle and there was no point trying to convince her to stay anymore.
"fine, guess you caught me. you just made it easier for me babe, now run along, I've got things to do"
y/n couldn't believe her ears, the girl who once promised her the world, the girl who once held her heart, was the same girl who was the reason for all her pain.
she knew there was nothing left. no love to fight for, no reason to stay, no chance at getting what they once had back.
so she just turned and walked away. to some, it may look like she ran away like a coward instead of addressing the issue. but in reality, y/n faced her biggest fear of letting yujin go that day and won over it.
cause at the end of the day, having the last word isn't what matters, it's the satisfaction of having defeated your biggest fears that matters.
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knifeeater · 1 year
Hello i'm illiterate. What does the iwtv dante inferno i need protection from the wolves post mean. I'm dumb i'm so sorry and i. Desperately need to know
hey, please don't apologize! i was worried this would be kind of unclear because i skipped over a connection in the tags: i have a pet theory of louis walking daniel through the nine circles of hell and showing him his sins along the wayside, similar to the structure of dante's inferno, louis being the ghostly guide virgil aswell as the topological space himself (sometimes i factor in armand as virgil but let's keep it simple for this purpose). there is a reference to the forest of suicides in s1, so louis as an autobiographical narrator is certainly aware of dante and we know how he loves to weave in literary devices.
this is about guilt as foreshadowing, primarily concerning louis' culpability in claudia's death. in the first two images we see louis breaking a birds wings, hoping claudia will eat them, and shortly after lestat makes a hidden reference to armand cutting off his fledling and first love nicki's hands. in the same episode lestat calls claudia a baby bird. if we read iwtv as louis consciously including those references into his narration, we can interpret this as a connection to him prompting claudia's turning, the pain she expresses of never being able to grow up and experience 'flying from the nest' as it were but being kept in a perpetual subjugated daughter state. i believe louis' feelings of guilt express themselves here in a parallel of having a hand in her wings being clipped to having, through his passivity and active alienation towards claudia in paris, a second-hand in her eventual death.
so at the deepest center of dante's hell is a frozen lake, colcytus, which is reserved for the worst sinners, the traitors: caina for traitors of kin, antenora for traitors of city and state, ptolemea for betraying hospitality and judeca after judas iscariot for betraying your lord (lol yes ik this is a medieval text). At last in the frozen bottom of hell is the devil, 'dis', lucifer who betrayed god himself.
the quote from inferno is from the ptolemea section, in which a man forever gnawing anothers head laments him and his children being incarcerated in a tower where they starved, something he references as being hunted like wolves ('i was being hunted'). he now forever rips apart his cruel jailor with 'long fangs'. colcytus overlaps in my mind pretty well with the deepest layers of louis' very christian/catholic shame - the 'murder' of his brother and 'sister' claudia, the betrayal of his community, falling in love with a bad man who's a danger to his child (x2), betraying lestat with a judas kiss and at the end lucifer himself, the fallen angel - am i the devil, am i of the devil. in colcytus a lot of references to blindness and being veiled to the meaning of your own story appear which is very interesting to narrative agency and louis' self-justification too.
then ethel cain references dante in ptolemea - claudia is the daughter of cain, the man who pressed the same blade to his brothers sternum he would later kill his lover with, the one he's never quite sure didn't have a hand in paul's death. before her 'conception' louis makes a deal with the devil. lestat the aristocrat, the wolf hunter, louis accepts his love and his motives. him taking on the page of hearts from this trickster is a moral choice concerned, as every deal with the devil is, not just with love but also power, money and influence. it is a choice which leads to claudias birth into death, her parents union born out of the dark gift, birthing a child into sin, violence and pain. what's interesting in cains text is the interchangeability of the wolf and the hunter which is one of my favorite themes in literature, one i noted in tvl aswell - lestat's stylized (himself) as a werewolf figure, an outsider, hunted, wild and uncontainable. rice was influenced surely by angela carter's writing about this kind of otherness and masochistic attraction to violence which reveals an animality in yourself - louis' favorite movie isn't 'company of wolves' for nothing. to close out this meandering connection i thought it was interesting that this lyric ends with sublime, quick burning white light - the luminous fall of lucifer morningstar is certainly a theme in louis first season story arc.
thank you for coming back on this and giving me a chance to unhinge my jaw about it, always happy to talk. 🖤
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 9 live reaction under the cut (long post)
Prapai always looks so good aaaa
What is going on with these siblings lmao
This is random af but Sky's fridge magnets >>>>>>>>
Why is Sky going grocery shopping in his boxers (and a t-shirt but still bro put some clothes on lmao)
Awwwww he didn't throw the flowers away
Sassy Sky is back ayooo
Oh shit I was not expecting trauma flashbacks uh oh
Broooooo I love Sky soooo much
"Do you wanna lose your legs?" PLEASE HE IS SUCH A SASSY BITCH
I feel like bratty bottoms are a reoccurring theme in this series
The hand slap hahahahaha
Awwww my baby's got low self esteem and thinks Prapai's compliments are lies 😭😭
P-piercings? And Sky covers his nipples? Wait a minute *goes back to ep 8 to check for nipple piercings* Sky doesn't have nipple piercings or at least he didn't when they hooked up so either he got some in the meantime or there's a nipple joke there that got lost in translation and went over my head --- and that concludes my nipple research back to the episode
Huh? He got piercings? And took them out? Then how would Prapai know about them, he didn't have them back then and he doesn't have them now??? I am confused and once again spending way too much time wondering about nipple piercings
Sky can not deal with the fact that someone is actually interested in him, he's mad because he thinks it's a joke 😭 (and because Prapai is annoyingly full of himself)
Pai: "What if I'm serious?" Sky: *panic*
Hahahaha Rain ships it soooo hard
Omg when Rain mentioned Sky's ex... SKY BABY WHAT HAPPENED
Ok the little care package from Prapai is cute tho
"I won't like anyone" WHO HURT YOU BABY IMMA BEAT EM UP
Nooooo don't throw it away
1) ohhh I see the piercing now - and maybe I did miss it in episode 8? 2) SKY WHO DID THIS TO YOU LET THEM BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY
Went back to ep 8 again because the piercing mystery would not leave my mind --- idk if they purposely filmed it that way but it was literally impossible to see if there was actually a piercing there, the nipple in question is literally covered or out of focus the entire time (you can see it briefly when he takes off his shirt but the piercing wouldn't really be visible from that angle) --- side note, that song sounds good at 0.75x speed lmao
The reason why I'm so wrapped up in the piercing thing is because HOW WOULD PRAPAI KNOW like was he in any way involved in the scenario from Sky's nightmare?? Because that would be HORRID and I hope it's not the case
Why does this couple have me playing detective all the time wtf
Awwww he's being sassy but Prapai's text actually made him smile
He's just so scared to get hurt again
He blocked him?!?!
Hahaha Prapai's little flashback to Rain's reaction
He's worried about Sky aaawww
And he brought him more food 😭❤️ he'd have my heart so fast with sunflowers and food istg
One thing that annoys me (in this series and in most bl actually) is that "no" is taken as "keep trying" --- but we can acknowledge that it's fictional and we know what consent is so yeah it's just something that should be taken with a grain of salt
He's getting Prapai's texts so he's definitely unblocked him
"Ignore the voice in your heart. Only listen to your head." NOOO SKY THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS
"I'll go piss him off again" SIG THE REAL MVP
Nooo not the nightmares again this hurts to watch
Brooo Sky looks like he's about to collapse
Called it
The fact that Rain told Pai to come to Sky's dorm not knowing that he was probably making it worse for Sky aaaa
Love to see Rain being protective of Sky ❤️❤️❤️
AWWWWW HE'S ACTUALLY LETTING PRAPAI COMFORT HIM but I'm not sure he's even conscious enough to know what's going on and who's holding his hand
The forehead touch aaaaaa
And Prapai asks!!!! And respects Sky's "no"!!!!! Even though he doesn't say "no" but just turns away!!!!!! Good boy
Soft cuddlessss
Prapai in his pj's aawwww
And respecting Sky's boundaries!!!
And doing laundry!!!!!! Hubbyyyyyyyyy
Bonus scene: he's practicing addressing Sky in a soft/friendly way why is that so cute
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Best friends - Luke Patterson x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n and Luke have always been best friends, but one night he isnt answering your texts and you get a little worried. What you see when you open up the door to his room, might just change your friendship.
Warnings: Swearing, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids!) Lots and LOTS of spelling errors. I dont think there are any more...
Word count: 2767 words
Authors note: Its literally been so long since I've written ANYTHING, especially smut, and English isn't my first language so go easy on me please.
You were making your way up the stairs to your best friends room. It was currently 10PM, and he wasn't responding to your texts, making your worries increase, since he usually didn't take more than 10 minutes to respond, and he didn't go to sleep until at least 2AM. The TV downstairs was on, since his parents were watching the news in silence, and you knocked on his door.
No response.
You knocked again, but the only thing you could hear were muffled moans, which just made you even more worried. What if he was hurt? And he couldn't call for help, or reach his phone. Or what if he's unconscious. Then, you heard your name. Once. Twice. You let out a sigh, and opened the door. The room was dark, with only the moon lighting up the room. You carefully walked towards his bed that was pushed up against the cream walls, and saw him laying there, peacefully. Letting out a sigh of relief, you sat down, placing your head into the palm of your hands. Of course, the small amount of sleep he got every night would catch up to him eventually. But then you heard it again. Your name. Leaving his lips in a sinful manner. He kept moving around on his bed, his forehead sweaty. Was he having a nightmare?
You softly shook his shoulder, but he wouldn't budge. So you shook it again, but a little harder, making him shake his head. "Luke," You murmured, shaking him again. "Luke, wake up." He finally opened his eyes, rubbing his face with his large hands. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He said as he reached for the lamp that sat on his nightstand, turning it on. You shook your head, "I got worried, since you weren't answering my texts. Stupid, I know. I wouldn't have woken you up, but you kept saying my name, so I thought you were having a nightmare or something..." You trailed off, seeing his face flush. "Y-yeah, n-no, I'm fine. I wasn't having a nightmare." He scratched his neck, which had now also turned a deep shade of pink. "What? Then wh-" Your eyes trailed down his body, spotting the lump in his sheets by his crotch area. "Oh. Oh!" You turned your head away, quickly standing up, and flattening down your skirt. "U-uhm." You weren't able to look him in the eye, your gaze moving from the electric guitar that was leaning against his wall, towards his desk, and lastly, the dirty laundry that sat on a chair by his window. You could hear movement behind you, but you still stood awkwardly in the middle of his room, your cheeks flushed, and your hands fidgeting with the hem of your skirt.
"I-I'm sorry, Y/n, It's not like it was on purpose. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I swear, i have no control over this. You're my best friend, and I really dont want this to change the way things are between us. B-but you're just so beautiful it's hard not to fantasize about- no, I mean you're really pretty so of course it happens sometimes. N-Not that this has happened more than once! I- I just-" You cut off his rambling with your hand over his mouth, making him exhale, and shut his eyes. "I know how dreams work, Luke. I know you have no control over them. I'd be lying if I said I've never had those type of dreams about you, y'know." His eyes opened in an instant as you realized what you had just said. He placed his hand over yours, moving it away from his mouth. "R-really?" Your eyes widened as you moved away from him. "I-I think I should go. My parents are probably waiting for me to get back and I dont want to worry them-" You quickly turned towards the door which lead to his room, hearing him sigh as he plopped onto his bed. Your hand hovered above the doorknob, but you sighed quietly, plucking up every ounce of courage, you turned back around, leaning against the wooden door. "Unless you need some help." You screwed your eyes shut, waiting for his response, your hands intertwined behind your back.
"W-What?" He propped up his elbows, leaning against them. You shook away your nerves, and slowly, seductively, walked over to his bed. "I asked if you needed help," you placed yourself on his lap so you were straddling his thighs. "With that." You pointed towards his member which still hasn't softened. He visibly gulped, and slowly nodded. You raised a brow, "Use your words." You purred, leaning closer towards him. "I-I might need some help." He stuttered, leaning back until his head landed on the soft mattress. You bent over in order to reach his neck. Nibbling at the soft skin, he let out a soft moan. You moved your lips down to his collarbone, sucking there, then blowing on the purple mark you left. You sat back up and slowly grinded on him, a groan escaping his lips which sent shocks to your core. His hands moved from his sides to your hips, making you grind a little faster, until another moan left his lips. You, once again, leaned into him, but now aiming for his lips. You brushed your lips against his, your tongue sweeping over his bottom lip, asking him for access, your tongues softly moving against each others. Pulling away for air, he sat up, with you still straddling him. "Tell me about your dream." You cooed into his ear, his grip on your hips tightening. "What?" You looked him in the eye, your hands trailing up his chest, tugging at his shirt, signaling for him to take it off. Then wrapping your hands around the back of his neck. "What was I doing in your dreams, that made you moan my name?," You asked, one hand trailing up into his hair, softly tugging at it, while you tugged at his bottom lip with your teeth. "Were you fucking my mouth?" You nipped at the spot right below his ear, grinding onto his member, a sinful moan leaving his plump lips that went straight to your core, and you then realized how truly wet he had gotten you. "Were you fucking me into the mattress?" You pulled at his hair, and his hips bucked into yours, making your breathing hitch. "Maybe you were bending me over your desk... fucking me from behind, or maybe spanking me." His hold on your hips was so hard he was probably leaving bruises.
"Oh, fuck me." He rasped, "You have to tell me, Luke, what were we doing?" You purred into his ear, your fingers trailing down his muscular abdomen. You looked him in the eye as your hand softly grabbed at his member, his lips parting as you rubbed him through his pants. "Please, Y/n." He whined, his head now resting in the crook of your neck, his breathing heavy, and his chest moving at a fast pace. "Tell me what you want baby." You muttered into his ear,
His hot breath on your skin caused a chill to run down your spine. "I- Y-you were, uhm, sucking me off. Th-then you started riding me." You smirked, and pulled his head from the crook of your neck, and kissed him, starting off slow. You pulled away so you could take off your shirt, now showing off your lacy bra. You then cupped his face, your lips now moving at a faster pace against his. His hands moving up your body towards your breasts, squeezing them through your bra, then moving down to your waist. Pulling away from your mouth, he moved his lips now towards your collarbone, creating a trail of hickeys from your neck to the swell of your breasts. You arched into him, a moan leaving your lips, and you could feel his member harden under your core. "Luke." You moaned, your fingers tugging at his brown locks of hair, he groaned into your neck, as he sucked at the sensitive skin. As amazing as his lips on you felt, you knew you had to at least give him something from his dream, so you pulled away, standing up from his lap. He whined as you moved towards the end of the bed. "Oh come on, Y/n, you can't just tease me like this, this hurts." He said as he pointed at his crotch, making you giggle.
"Did you forget what I was going to do to you?" You said, leaning over the bed, giving him a perfect view of your tits. He looked confused for a second, before his eyes widened. "Y-you were being serious? I-"
"Of course I was, now come here." He moved towards the end of the bed, and you sunk down onto your knees in front of him, looking up into his eyes as you pulled down his grey sweatpants, making him lift his hips. It took you by surprise when you saw he wasn't wearing a pair of underwear underneath the sweatpants, but you grinned nonetheless, licking your lips. You started off by spitting into your hand, then you wrapped your hands around his member, forming a fist. You heard his breathing hitch as soon as you made contact with his skin, but then you started moving. Your fist going up and down at a slow pace. Luke had put his hands onto his sides for support, his head thrown back in pleasure. He moaned out your name, as he fisted his bed sheets. You then licked our lips again, and wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, an even louder moan escaping his lips. You slowly sunk lower into his member, his breathing now consisting of short pants. You had now taken all of him into your mouth, the tip of our nose brushing against his lower abdomen, and the tip of his cock brushing against the back of your throat. You gagged around him, trying to swallow him, "Oh, fuck." He muttered, his head turned down as he watched you bob your head up and down. "Fuck princess, look at me." Your stomach churned at the pet name, your wetness pooling in your underwear. You looked up into his eyes as you continued bobbing your head, swallowing every once in a while, one of your hands grabbing his thigh, while the other played with his balls. You hallowed your cheeks, and he bucked his hips, making you gag, "I-I'm sorry, sorry, I'm sorry," he repeated, a moan following soon after. His right hand went to the back of your head, tangling itself in your hair, as his left hand supported his upper body. He wasn't pushing your head down, just guiding it. You swirled your tongue across the tip of his dick, and fondled his balls again. "Fuck, I'm going to cum. Fuck, fuck, fuck," He screwed his eyes shut as he threw his head back. You pulled your mouth off of him, making him whine, but your hand kept going, just at a slow pace. "Where do you want to cum?" He opened his eyes, raising a brow. "What do you mean?" He asked, biting back a moan, trying to hold back. "Do you want to cum in my mouth? On my face? Perhaps my tits?" You asked, looking up at him with innocent eyes, your fist still moving up and down on his member. "Fuck, you're so dirty." He chuckled, so you softly squeezed his shaft, making his laugh cut off with a moan. "Your mouth, I want your mouth." He pleaded, and you smirked, wrapping your lips around him again, and bobbing your head up and down. Feeling him twitch in your mouth, "Shit, baby I'm going to-" You quickened your pace, both of your hands trailing up his thighs and up to his abs, scratching softly, then trailing back down, and softly squeezing the base if his member. With one final moan, he came. Swallowing his cum, and pulling your mouth off, saliva running down your chin. His hooded eyes looked down at your reddened lips, loving how swollen they currently were after what you just did. "Holy shit." He groaned, falling back onto the mattress, and you let out a soft giggle. "That was perfect. You- You're perfect." he said, tucking your messy hair behind your ear, and pulling your bottom lip down with his thumb. Cupping your face, he pulled you towards him, his lips meeting yours, then pulling on your bottom lip with his teeth, making you moan softly. "Were not done. Theres still one thing that happened, that we still havent done." You teased, your lips brushing against his, pulling back and looking into his eyes. "Really, and what's tha-" he cut himself off with a moan as you ran your fingers across his member.
You pulled down your skirt, and underwear, then unclasped your bra, making Luke's eyes widen, his gaze fixated on your chest. You straddled him, moving closer to his ear, "I'm going to ride you, remember?" You purred, your hand wrapping around his member, making it harden again. You then, slammed your hips down, sinking down onto his cock, making you both groan. Your fingers were digging into his shoulders, and his were digging into your hips. Your head fell forward into his left shoulder, and you lifted your hips again, making him shudder beneath you. When you slammed back down, he let out a louder moan than before, making you silence him with your mouth, "You have to be quiet baby, your parents are home." He nodded, leaning his forehead into yours. You started bouncing on his member, setting a steady pace, moans and grunts leaving your mouths. His hands moved from your hips to the curve of your ass, gripping it harshly, then slapping it, making your lips part and a loud moan escape. His lips were right beside your ear, so when you slammed your hips back down, the sinful sound he made went straight to your core making you arch your back. "Fuck, Luke." You moaned into his ear, your thighs burning. He grunted, "Hell, I cant do this." Then he flipped you over, making you land on your back int top of the mattress, ending up in a missionary position. He inserted him self into you once again, loud noises leaving the both of you as you arched your back. He shifted his position, grabbing your leg and placing it on his shoulder, allowing him to bury his cock deeper in you. Your breathing was getting heavier, and you snaked one hand towards your clit, desperate for a release. You started rubbing your fingers against your clit in circular motions, but when Luke noticed, he grabbed both your hands and pinned them above your head, leaving you a whining mess. He replaced your fingers with his thumb, repeating the circular motion, you arched your back again, your chest pressing against his. You felt a knot form in your lower abdomen, "Luke, I'm gonna cum," You cried out, making him quicken his pace. His hips slamming into yours, the sound of skin on skin, and the headboard banging against the wall making you feel even more aroused. The knot tightening in your stomach as he pressed his lips onto yours. You repeated his name over and over again, begging for permission to cum. "Hold it, princess." You cried out as he put pressure on your clit with his thumb, "Fuck, you feel so good around me, baby. I'm going to cum," he panted, pressing his forehead to your chest as he slammed his hips into yours,  the tip of his cock repeatedly hitting your g-spot. "Please, Luke, I can't-"
"Let go for me." He grunted into your ear, and snapped his hips one last time, before you both came. You attached your lips to his in order to silence you both as you rode out your highs. Luke sucked into your collarbone, before pulling out, and plopping down next to you. You were both breathing heavily, your chest heaving up and down, your bodies covered in a thin layer of sweat. "Fuck, did we use a condom?" He asked, sheer panic laced in his voice, you chuckled, wrapping your hand around his waist, placing your head on his sweaty chest. "I'm on the pill." He breathed out a sigh of relief.
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taegiconic · 4 years
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< 14. Healing >
Famous photographer and youtuber, Jeon Jungkook, couldn't imagine that one day he would find his muse doing what he loved, neither did she, but there will come problems in their company.
pairing📸 photographer and youtuber! jungkook x model and influencer! y/n
genre📸 famous!au, angst, fluff, problems
word count📸3495
A/N: Hello, I hope you enjoy this part as much as I did while writing it. And as I always say, I'm sorry for my grammar (dumb) errors. I wanted to write this inspired on bts's song, in Fake Love and The Truth Untold to be exactly, and I think I did good!
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Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Y/N entered in the fancy hall together. Everyone was in there, including the chairman of the company. When Y/N saw everyone, she hid behind Namjoon and approached Jin, that also was behind him, to hug his arm.
Are you fine? Jin asked looking at her worried.
Yes, I am. She said smiling at him to make him feel less worried, he smiled at her back and nodded with his eyes closed.
Taehyung, that stopped to great his manager, saw Jin looking worried because of Y/N and went where they were. Jin said something to him, but Y/N couldn't hear it. Taehyung lowed a little bit to Y/N's ear, when she felt his breath next to her ear, she got goosebumps, thing that Taehyung realized and laughed.
Hey, don't get too nervous. I just wanted to check you are okay. If you feel your anxiety go worse hug my arm, I will try to bring you to a better place, okay? He said before going again to greet someone.
Everything was going fine, after greeting almost everyone in the company. Y/N went with Taehyung to drink something at the bar, where wasn't very crowded. Someone put their hand in Y/N's naked shoulder, thing that make her jump of the scare and turn around.
Oh my good Yoona, you scared me! Y/N said putting her hand in her chest and sighing, making Yoona worried.
I haven't seen you, you look amazing Y/N. Yoona said hugging Y/N making her calm in her arms. Is just me, let's breath together.
Thank you, you look amazing too. She said after broke the hug when she felt better.
Yoona saw Taehyung and with her finger directed him near to them. Take care of her right. I know you Kim Taehyung, and you are the best person to care her. Taehyung nodded in answer to her and she left to greet the chairman.
Everyone in the bar were silent and looking at the door. When Y/N turn around he saw them, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi, and specially him, Jeon Jungkook, the one she was only focusing with an angry gaze. With arms closed and glass of mulberry wine as her dress in hand, she raised up her chin in pride. He was looking directly at her, not only because how elegant beautiful she was, but because she was wearing the same suit color of her dress, like if their tailor made it on purpose. They started to greet everyone in that room one by one, like the Kim's did when they arrived. Y/N and Taehyung greeted Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi with a warm smile and answering their “how are you” questions. Suddenly, Namjoon and Jin where also next to them when Jungkook turns to greet them came. All the Kim's started to be cocky when they saw him coming on their way. Seeing all of them like that made Jungkook think about the real reason why the media call them a cult. They all had the same pose, the same gaze and the same pride.
Hello. Jungkook said, not taking his eyes off Y/N, she neither did. He blinked slowly and Y/N was the only one that could notice how his eyes suddenly started to be watering while looking at her.
Hello. All the Kim's said back with angry gaze and turn around in a circle starting to talk like if he wasn't there.
Jungkook sighed and went to where his friends were. He really thought that after a month since the discussion with Y/N everything will come back to what it was in that night. In that month, he only could think about her and how good everything was going to her, she had a glow up in a month and he was sad and tended to close in on himself. That is when his videos started to be in a very different mood, even his fans started to be worried about him because he looked forced to be happy when he really wasn't. His head was always thinking about what Y/N asked him “you rather have success in your career than have happiness in you private life?”, now he will answer that his happiness in his private life is the most important for him, but he couldn't be happy feeling empty, he only could be full of sadness.
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At the time of the dinner, everyone had their sits assigned, so there was Y/N being unlucky. Her sit was in front of Jungkook.
Oh, come on! Y/N said while looking at the board where the paper was.
What happened? Namjoon said trying to look what was wrong. Y/N pointed at the table the company assigned them.
At least is in front of him and no next to him like I have to... Jin rolled his eyes. Let's go now before they go and is awkward for you. He said.
Do you want to hold my arm? Taehyung said to Y/N.
It's okay, I'm fine, I promise. She said starting to follow Jin to their sit.
Jungkook and his friends reacted totally different, they were happy to sit with them? Yes, but weren't happy knowing how Jungkook was and how he had to sit looking to Y/N. They were having hopes that maybe Y/N isn't heartless, even though they understand how she must feel, and maybe she wanted to make up things with Jungkook. They also have been trying all to help Jungkook through this, but nothing would help, only a word from Y/N would be a thing that will make him feel happy.
When they arrived and sat, Y/N started to see how Jungkook was. Yoongi was always next to him and talking to him, but he looked lost. Her heart totally broke when she saw him like that, she could feel how broken he was. Everyone on the internet was correct, he was trying his best to look happy when he wasn't. She turned her head to Taehyung and murmured his name trying to get his attention.
Need to go out? Taehyung said when he saw her eyes full of tears that were doing the best not to come out in front of everyone. She nodded and stood up before her tears came out nonstop, she was trying their best to safe her makeup with a tissue while running until find a mirror in the halls of the place.
Taehyung tried to go behind her, but instead, he let Jungkook go. Jungkook was analyzing the situation from his sit, when Y/N left he asked Taehyung is she was fine. Taehyung froze when he heard Jungkook asking about her, “go with her”, was what Taehyung said letting him go, and not only having his, but also Jin and Namjoon's approval. This was his opportunity to make up everything, he wasn't going to miss this opportunity, he neither wasn't going to mess all up again, not after a month thinking and having the notes of his phone with more that 50 texts, he has wanted to send her. “You got this” was what his friends told him, and he went for it. He ran in front of everyone in there, letting everyone in the company look at him confused. The halls of the place were longer than he thought, but he found her in front of a mirror.
Y/N... Jungkook said when he found her, going to her.
Y/N closed her eyes and breathed when she heard her name coming out of Jungkook's lips. When she turned to him, he was already next to her.
Jungkook, I can't anymore. Tears came out of her eyes again when she looked at him. I tried my best to look at if I were good, but I'm not... And this hurts. And it hurts more when I see you sad. She wiped her tears again.
Jungkook put her in a hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. Y/N hugged him back without doubt, feeling his sweet scent that she loved. Jungkook didn't care anymore about the company or who could see them like that, he only wanted to be happy with her like he used to when they had their secrets dates.
Y/N I'm sorry, you don't know how many times in this month I have been blaming on myself. Or how many times I have repeated the question you asked me. And you know what? He paused and his tears started to also come out. Y/N could feel his hug become tight, his breath pausing because his sobs, and his tears reaching her naked shoulder. You are my happiness Y/N, you. I don't care about my success, that can't make me happy as you did. My success can be one day in the top and other day in the bottom, but my happiness will never be in the bottom if I'm with you. He lifted his head looking at her. I promise everything will be fine is you accept my apologies, okay?
Y/N nodded and separated off Jungkook a little. While looking at him, she tried to wipe his tears away with the tissue she already had in her hand. His arms stayed hugging Y/N by her waist while she rested her arms on his shoulders when she was done wiping the tears off his cheeks.
I could look like if I'm angry, but in reality, I'm broken inside... I didn't have the glow up everyone is talking about, I try to look like if nothing affected me... But it does. I literally put a mask on just to not show my real mood, the real me. Now I saw you lost in your thoughts, not smiling anymore and almost not eating anything, and I knew something was really wrong... Y/N started to caress his cheek with one hand, he closed his eyes and gasped. When he felt her touch, his tears stopped and felt the peace he has been looking for. I totally accept your apologies. I can't pretend anymore.
Jungkook whole face changed, he opened his eyes again and his cheeks went up, smiling softly to Y/N. That was all he wanted to hear, he felt all the sadness going off his chest. Y/N smiled back at Jungkook not cutting off the eye contact, putting the hand that was caressing his cheek back on his shoulder. He broke the hug, but one of his arms stayed around Y/N's waist, his hand went up to touch directly Y/N's chin, lifting it up, while his thumb was touching the edge of her lips. Y/N was feeling all type of goosebumps on her body, she knew she was falling for him more than she already was. She was in heaven, so was he. Jungkook went slowly to her lips not taking his eyes off her, hand back to her waist. Their lips connected, both of them were hugging tightly again, making the kiss intensive.
Hey! What are you doing? The heard someone screaming in the back. They stopped the kiss and separated immediately, they turned to where the voice was coming, and luckily it was Yoongi. Come back here, the chairman is going to do his speech. Y/N went to the mirror fixing her eyes makeup and her lips, like nothing happened.
A moment, we have to fix this. Jungkook said pointing his now rosy lips because of Y/N's lipstick. Yoongi made a gesture of okay with his hand from where he was and left. Jungkook went to where Y/N was, he stopped next to her in front of the mirror. I haven't finished, I know the garden of this place is enormous.
I don't want to hide anymore Jungkook. She turned to him and started to wipe off the lipstick trail he had on his lips. Let's see how this continues tonight. He nodded smiling softly at her. And let's fake laugh, our eyes look like if we were smoking weed. She said when she finished. Jungkook started to laugh, but this time he wasn't fake it, he really was laughing so laughter infected also Y/N. He extended his hand to her and she hold it, going back to the salon where everyone was having dinner. Before entering, they kissed softly again, and of course, they entered separated, as nothing happened. The atmosphere in their table changed completely, every of his friends already knew what was happening because Yoongi told them very excited.
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After the dinner, many of the attendees left home. Everyone left were in the bar now, however the personalities of the company where also sitting there around a mini table full of already empty glasses, less Jungkook. Y/N was trying to see if she could see him around the place, but there was no trace of him. Yoongi, that was seeing Y/N stretching her neck looking for him, approached her sitting in the free sit that was between Taehyung and her and that also they were reserving for Jungkook.
He is outside, in the garden. Yoongi started to tell her on her ear. I think he is waiting for you. Good luck! He said standing up again and leaving to the bar for a new drink.
Y/N decided to go with him, she said it to Taehyung, and he giggled while nodding, alcohol was hitting him already. When she was on her way and almost in the garden's door, someone grabbed her by the wrist.
Hey, princess. Y/N eyes opened wide and she froze when she saw her ex Manager, Minsoo. Where are you going so fast? Are you looking for that piece of shit Jeon Jungkook? She still frozen, she wanted to scream but felt like her voice was gone. You won't answer me? His grip was getting harder and Y/N was feeling the pain, she only could deny with his head.
What are you doing here? She said looking at her wrist, feeling how his nails were going in her skin.
What are you doing Minsoo? Jungkook appeared behind him. Haven't you learned to leave girls alone and to not put a hand on them without their permission or consent? Minsoo immediately released the grip, Y/N groaned in pain seeing what he did. I don't want to see you near her, go away. I will tell the chairman what you did to her.
Minsoo started to get cocky going on his way to Jungkook when he listened to him. For Jungkook it was funny, he grows taller than Minsoo and also, could beat him with no problems, he was also getting cocky. He gazed Y/N and she could see him mocking Minsoo. When Minsoo was already in front of Jungkook, Jungkook started to stare at him with a very dead gaze.
Don't you ever touch her like that again, did you hear me? Don't you ever, Minsoo! Jungkook glowered at Minsoo screaming to him, luckily no one in the other rooms knew about what was happening.
I will report this. Y/N said when she saw how Minsoo was getting smaller and smaller after Jungkook screamed to him. This is really serious Minsoo, you are not only stalking me, but you are also acting violent with me. I haven't done anything to you! You are the piece of shit! Y/N started to scream and Minsoo looked at her shocked, he never thought she would ever explode off anger like that. I swear you will go to prison.
Jungkook moved next to Y/N trying to calm her, and he did. He took Y/N's arm gently, checking what Minsoo did to her in her wrist. In that exact moment the chairman appeared at the end of the hall, going on his way to Minsoo with a very serious face.
What is going on? What are you doing here Minsoo? You are fired off the company and you can't be near Y/N. Minsoo was now feeling trapped, he couldn't scape. Jungkook, that was still holding and checking Y/N's wrist, pointed it to the chairman saying he did that to her. You did that to her? Oh, Dong Minsoo, you don't know who you messed up with. Minsoo kneeled in front of him in apology, but that wasn't going to work. Stand up, we are not taking that apology. He did what he was told. Y/N, take pictures of that, go to the garden to breath some fresh air. Y/N nodded with his head. And Jungkook, please, take her there and be with her. Jungkook also nodded.
Both of them left. Y/N was still froze, but Jungkook will be always there to make her feel calm and in peace.
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Jungkook took Y/N to a big fountain that was on the garden. Both of them sat on a bench that was in front of it. He saw that Y/N's skin was cold, so he didn't doubt of take off his jacket and put it on her shoulders.
Won't you be cold? She said wrapping herself with his jacket.
I'm okay Y/N, don't worry. He said looking at her with a soft smile and putting a tuft of hair behind her ear. Are you after what happened?
Yes, I am. She sighed. I have to say I was so scared, what would have happened to me if no one had been there to help me?
Y/N, don't think about that... You are safe now, and in safe hands if you are with me. She snuggled into his chest and he put one of his arms around hugging her.
My chest hurts... but don't be scared, hurts because how much I like you. She saw his free hand resting on his thigh, so she saw the opportunity of hold it with both of her hands.
Y/N-ah... You are making me flustered. He started to giggle nervously.
Keep giggle, I love to hear it. She said starting to giggle with him, going back to sit normal, but this time she stopped holding his hand to leant on his thigh while looking at him. I love your smile... She couldn't take off his eyes of him, her chest was so full watching his cheeks grow on a smile.
I like you so much too, you know that? He gazed her with a big smile.
Now I know it, really. She gave him a peck kiss on his cheeks.
Y/N do you want to date me? I mean... do you want us to be... a couple? He was really nervous saying it that he could feel his cheeks going red of shyness.
Yeah, I do want Jungkook. She started to laugh because she could feel how tense he was.
Jungkook stand up from the bench and went somewhere behind the fountain, there were a lot of flowers that Y/N couldn't identify because of the darkness. She kept analyzing every one of his moves. Jungkook came back with a rose, giving it to her.
I give you a rose because roses are one of the most lasting flowers, so is our relationship. We have been separated of each other for a month, knowing nothing of you, only seeing you on the news or in the magazines, I have felt very empty... But a thing I know, is that I haven't stopped liking you, so that is the rose. Whatever happens or whatever this goes, I just want to let you know you are so important for me and that I will do anything for this, for us. Okay? He smiled and gave it to Y/N that was mouth opened with what he just said to her. Be careful with the thorns, don't get scratched by them. If you get scratched, I will also do.
Jungkook... You are so adorable. I'm really speechless. Thank you and I will try my best to take care of us, because you are really important to me. She stood up and kept looking at the rose, touching it carefully having in mind what he said about the thorns. I'm glad you thought correctly about what was the best for you and I'm glad your choice was me.
With no doubt, Jungkook kissed her. This kiss was now more mindful to both of them. Not only because was their first official kiss as a couple, but also because things were about to change in the company if they decided to tell their managers one day. All they knew was that this time they won't be hiding from paparazzis, and like Jungkook said “if you get scratched, I will also do”.
After Jungkook gave plenty of kisses to Y/N's face, he invited her to pass the night with him on his apartment. They left the place without telling anyone, going on a night car trip to city singing along all the songs that were on their collaborative's playlist. All they did after arriving was looking at the night’s sky lying down on Jungkook's bed, silence and the sound of their hearts beating fast every time they kissed was now their peace, their healing.
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taglist: @preciouschimine @cosmoaphrodite @mizz-kraziii @ayasanuwu @moonlitmyg @safi4x @rjsmochii @milkteallday @springjade @mybiasforsure @bangtanday @black-rose-29 @takisaregood @deolly @acidicloveee @sprgdy @lunaarya @jungkook-its-my-time @allthesqueaks @prdshobi @thedhomn @secretlycrazyhummingbird @babyboytae1 @mina-bear @madaboutjeon @beeeb05 @calumsphile @hannahdinse8 @darkskin-buttercup @babieemochi @infernal-alpaca @fancykoos @youlook-likehell (if you want to be added to this taglist, tell me here or replying to this post)
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snvxiii · 2 years
Snow-Centric Merch Haul Part 6: Arena Homme+ Prada x Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collab Vol. 37 (+ unbinding process)
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08/12/22 | Bought on eBay | 20.00 USD (9.65 shipping)
Welcome to part 6 of my Snow-Centric Merch Haul!
I believe Squeenix was fully showing off their rendering capabilities when they put Snow in a fighting pose. The detail on his fists are mesmerizing. See how his suit jacket creases? The beautiful tension?
The highlights on the bridge of his nose?
They're bragging.
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The search:
One day I had a thought: if there existed a Louis Vuitton magazine feat. Lightning; why couldn't there be one featuring Snow?
I knew that the Prada collaboration should be published somewhere. It was too noteworthy to be an online-only article. They were too rich to not afford printing.
I don't know why the idea didn't occur to me sooner. This was one of my best finds yet.
However, I had no idea what edition the Prada collab featured in. I knew it released in the spring/summer 2012 edition; however, frustratingly, none of the online articles mentioned the edition number.
I didn't see any mention of someone buying this magazine for the collab specifically, either. Arena Homme+ is, from my little research, a men's magazine published in the UK.
The above is a photo of the front cover.
In the tiny black box at the top, you can read: Prada vs Final Fantasy.
... It would've saved me so much time if I read it in the first place. It is why good photos are important. The original listing had a clear front image view, except the tiny text was slightly blurred. Understandable. It's stupidly small.
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Thoughts on the scans:
I've already posted the full scans here. The white strips you see in all the photos are of me, foolishly, thinking that Layer to Files would automatically crop each layer. I think exporting them as JPEGs messed with it though.
So, here's a photo of Snow's laughable clown feet and noodle legs instead. The man skipped leg day and this is what happens.
Sadly, due to the nature of being a spread, I couldn't stitch the two photos together. When I cut off the glue on the spine, I must've cut off the view of his crotch. Oops.
That or the images were printed so that a small part of him would always be cut off. For the purpose of what I wanted this magazine for, the top half works fine.
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Snow looks debonair in his second outfit. The way he looks down on the viewer, I feel like he should be smiling–act a little smug. But I suppose this is what his model face looks like.
Top left reads:
Wool printed jacket
Wool tailored trouser
Printed silk scarf +
Leather penny loafer
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The screen-print is a pleasant extra. Although, I question the inverted black-and-white. Noel's screen print looks much better, contrast wise.
That said, if this shirt were to exist, I would buy it. Though, I did do screen-printing in college. Theoretically...
Top right reads:
Nylon floral print embellished biouson
Six button double-breasted wool suit
Cartoon print cotton shirt
Printed silk scarf +
Leather lace-up golf shoes
Screen printed on to sweatshirt
The process:
I've never unbound a book before. I'm so glad YouTube exists. To sum it up:
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You need: a sharp cutting knife (box cutters are amazing, ditch the cheap exacto knife), a ruler (preferably metal), a self-healing mat, and–if you're worried about shaky hands or messing up– tape to keep the ruler down.
Thankfully, I was an art student. I lost my metal ruler, but plastic worked just as well. It has a tiny incision, from my knife cutting into it. It is now my favorite ruler.
The step-by-step:
Open to, roughly, the middle of the book and cut in half. Keep your hand light and steady. You don't need a ruler at this point; the line of the spine will guide your hand. Don't force the blade–that's how you lose control. If your blade is sharp, you won't even need force. If you need to use force, get a new blade.
Repeat step 1, until you go smaller and smaller to your desired stack of page(s). Leave a few pages on top and bottom to avoid any accidental scratches.
Here's where the tape + ruler comes in. I didn't want to peel the pages apart–too afraid of tearing the pages. I lined my ruler with the edge of the glue and taped it on top of a page. Sacrilege.
Admittedly, if I were someone interested in digital preservation, I suppose I could've taped a piece of paper to my desk, laid it on top of the magazine, and taped my ruler on top of the piece of paper–but I plan on scrapping the other pages. Maybe sell them to someone interested in collaging or scrapbooking or half-naked men.
4. Again, keeping my hand light, I cut until I feel my blade dig into my mat. It falls away. The pages come unbound without any force on my end.
The scanning:
My printer is old. My OS is High Sierra. Therefore, they are not compatible. I didn't want to downgrade my OS–that is a several hours long process that would ruin my sanity.
I paid 4.95 USD for a monthly subscription to VueScan. It works. Like magic. I almost wanted to cry with how easy it was.
To cancel the subscription, the option is hidden in the receipt they send you. It's a tiny blue link that says "Manage Subscriptions".
The real project:
I plan to frame both images: Snow's front-half and the full body. Thankfully, the full body is printed on the side of his clown shoes.
I considered buying the frames online, but knowing how fragile cheap frames are and how perilous shipping is–WalMart in-person seems to be the best option.
My real purpose, however, is to print the pillows of my dreams.
That's right. Pillows. Body pillows. I needed a large, high-res photo of Snow. I didn't want to draw it.
I'll be testing the printing with two 50 x 70 cm pillows first. If the colors and quality turn out well, I'll move on to printing a body pillow case. I already have the pillow from my middle school obsession with Vocaloid.
Where to buy:
The only other copy seems to be on eBay, for 60 USD–price negotiable. I do hope other, cheaper, copies pop up.
Final thoughts:
No idea what to do with the other pages. I might frame and sell those too.
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