#the botulism tag… what was i talking about
impishglee · 2 years
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#“you have me but what if you gave someone botulism and they died? could you live with yourself? could you make your precious pickles then?
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Ah! I just had the best massage!"
"Oh? Where'd you get it?"
"Spirits and Such Consulting."
"Eh? Seriously? I never took you for the type to believe in that kind of thing."
"Oh, I don't. The dude is a total fraud but he's a miracle worker with neck and shoulder pain, you just have to tell him it's ghosts."
"Yeah, it's just this shady guy who works with his nephew or little cousin or something. Sometimes there are some other kids there too, maybe he's a babysitter for his siblings? Dunno. But he'll basically do anything if you blame spirits. One time I got him to change my tires and groom my dog. Weird guy but surprisingly competent."
11,198 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
another thing abt reigen is that he’s a conman who thinks if you don’t provide some kind of useful service to the people who hire you than you don’t deserve respect as a conman. which is an objectively hilarious ethical position for a conman to take.
13,695 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
it’s really really funny that so many of the mp100 villains stop being villains and most of them arent like “wow. i have been cruel and evil i must Atone For My Sins” and instead they’re like “oh. this is stupid. this is just really stupid. i am acting like a clown. i need to get my GED and stop behaving like i’m 13”
15,076 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
something i appreciate about this site is how often i see friends, mutuals and strangers salivating over the most Some Guy looking people i’ve ever seen. i think it’s actually good for your psyche to see people carnally desire people that you would not even think twice about. it’s good for the self esteem, a good reminder that for every random ass person on the world there is a subset of people that wants to do unspeakable things to them
18,115 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
what if i 😳 what if i tore the world asunder for one person 👉👈 what if i caused incalculable suffering across the universe 🤭 for one life
31,571 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Thank you, @the12thnightproject, for tagging me in this post. Always great to get to know mutuals a bit more. 1. Were you named after anyone?
Nah, fam. But, there were apparently “talks” of naming me after Zinedine Zidane. Cool name, but thankfully they chose something else.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Maybe a month ago after watching a Disney Movie. I forgot which one though but sometimes they hit hard when you least suspect it.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm? Pfft. Never...nah...yes.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their overall build, physique, and face. I’m not too good with names, but I am a faces person.
6. What’s your eye color?
Boring Brown.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy Endings, but I do enjoy a good scary movie or story.
8. Any special talents?
Yep. The “fighting” part of my username isn’t too far off. I practiced and still train in various different martial arts, including Shito-Ryu Karate, WT Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Japanese Jujutsu, Filipino Eskrima and Dirty Boxing, Judo, and, most notably, Capoeira. While I don’t train to fight in a ring or cage, I feel like I could put up a fight should I need to. 
9. Where were you born?
Approximately somewhere in North America. I’ll give you a hint—it’s not Canada.
10. What are your hobbies?
Other than training martial arts, I both draw and write. Am I any good at them? That’s for you and the audience to decide.
11. Have any pets?
Just a stubborn pup who once stole an entire stick of butter, buried it, returned to it, and ate it.
12. What sports do you/have played?
I played soccer when I was in Elementary school and played Percussion in Marching Band for 6 years. And then I started training martial arts I referred to in Question 8.
13. How tall are you?
Approximately one Riddle Rosehearts tall.
14. Favorite subject at school?
Microbiology, which is also coincidentally my major. Often we overlook the omnipresent microbes that can affect our daily lives. And, even when we study them, a majority of people are only fascinated by the extremely deadly stuff (typhoid, cholera, botulism, etc.) whereas our normal human microbiome can affect our way of living just as significantly.
15. Dream job?
No idea.
Okay, 15 tags for 15 mutuals...
As always said in previous posts from others, don’t feel pressured to answer these. That being said, feel free to tag yourselves in. I don’t have a lot of mutuals (and a few of mine already were tagged). 
Okay, let’s see...
@ikemen-writer @lovely-bubb1es @silvioscape @0-n-1-c-h-4-n 
....and about 11 more who wanna play. Thanks for reading.
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emergency-51 · 1 year
Emergency! Fandom Intro
A/N: Not really an “intro” per se because I’ve been here for a while, but I found this, and I thought I’d answer a few formal introduction questions! 
OP: @johnnys-green-pen  ... an amazing blog that you should totally check out!
1. How’d you find this show and the fandom? How long have you been here?
My mom grew up in the 70s and Emergency! was her favorite show growing up. It inspired her so much that she’s been a paramedic pretty much all my life! I started watching Emergency! when I was like six. As far as the fandom, I just kind went searching through the tags on here and found the community!
2. What made you stick around?
I just love the people in this fandom! It’s a small community, but I love it. 
3. Who’s your favorite character?
Johnny. Has been since day one.
4. Are you a shipping kind of person? If yes, what are your favorite ships?
Ehhhh. Not particularly a shipper. Platonically, though, Roy and John.
5. Favorite moment/scene/quote? Yes, you can pick more than one.
• One scene that stands out to me is when Dr. Morton is talking to the singer who overdosed on tranquilizers and she’s talking about how her career is finished and he tells her that he doesn’t believe that it is — it always touched me idk.
• Another is the episode with the big brushfire (Season 3) and Roy is talking to the wife of the fireman who got badly hurt and she says to Roy: “What’s worse than a complaining wife?” And Roy says, “A wife that doesn’t care.” — that one always makes me tear up.
• In season 2, the episode called “Seance” has a scene where they repeatedly report to a house of this couple where the wife thinks her dead sister is haunting them (I won’t get into it) but during one call, the husband asks Johnny and Roy to scope out the house and it’s always been funny to me because they’re actually scared they’ll find a ghost.
6. Do you have a favorite episode? Feel free to pick one per season if you can’t decide. 
• Season 1: “Botulism”
• Season 2: “Virus”
• Season 3: “Snakebite”
• Season 4: “Smoke Eater”
• Season 5: “Involvement” and “The Nuisance” -- I couldn’t pick just one.
• Season 6: “Loose Ends”
7. Most underrated character, either among the fandom or one of the writers never utilized to their full potential?
I would say either Stoker or Morton. I know Stoker wasn’t really intended to be a main character but I just always liked him and his occasional lines/appearances. Morton I feel like had a few episodes where he really shined but I think they totally could’ve done more with him.
8. One thing you’d have liked to see more (or less) of in the show?
ROY’S PERSONAL LIFE!!!! We hear about Joanne and the kids ALL THE TIME and I think we see her like once. I would’ve loved an episode where Joanne or one of the kids are a main plot point.
9. Do you have a fanwork recommendation for us? Fic, art, video, whatever?
I wish. I hardly can find any fan work :(
10. Any fanworks you’d like to see?
Literally all of it. I’m also involved in the Harry Potter fandom and I’ve been spoiled with the endless amount of content there. 
11. Any favorite headcanons you’d like to tell us about?
Brackett has a pet turtle. 
12. Free space! Anything else you’d like to mention!
This was fun, and I love this fandom <3
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fairyspheres · 10 months
Hi there! I saw your tags on my Blue Planet post and noticed that you're a marine biologist. I'm interested in marine biology but not sure where to start or whether it's truly going to be for me but I wanted to know how you got into marine biology and what initially inspired you to get into that field and what is your speciality? Do you do lab work, outdoor work, or both? You can answer this privately if you don't feel comfortable or you're welcome to dm me :)
hi!! i'm always happy to talk about marine biology!!
i got into marine bio because i wanted to work with animals in some capacity. i've been a fan of david attenborough since the first blue planet series aired (i was about six i think?) and he was the biggest inspiration for that (as he was for literally everyone in my group). i decided on marine biology when i was in sixth form and hating my a-levels (i did english lang, sociology, and history lmao. almost the exact opposite of my degree).
my speciality would be marine birds. i did my dissertation on magellanic penguins, specifically the chicks, at my local zoo, and a lot of my assignments i wrote on gulls. though i'm also pretty passionate about elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, and skates).
at the moment i'm doing easier office work for health reasons, but before that i worked as a zookeeper at my local zoo on the birds section (and have done a bit of work for the environment agency with pollution testing of my local waterways). the zookeeper job was probably my favourite part of it, since i was handfeeding penguins most of the time and hiding vitamins in their specially sourced fish.
whether marine biology is right for you or not, i cannot say. it obviously depends on what sort of subfield you'd want to go into. marine bio isn't just about the animals. a decent chunk of my degree was also spent studying coastal zone management - so how you would go about preserving environments like salt marshes, how you'd stop coastal erosion without damaging the environment further, how to deal with pollution and keep water clean (my favourite way of keeping water clean are the clams that a polish town uses). you can study oceanic diseases, which i find to be a very fascinating subject even if i didn't specialise in it, like white band disease in corals and botulism in marine birds. you can go into tracking movements, either by the traditional 'tracker' or through eDNA. you can go into the biotechnology field, which includes looking at kelp as a new and valuable resource. it's a very large field with a wide array of things to go into.
(i've also done both lab work and outdoor work and i much prefer the outdoor work, but some of my friends felt differently.)
sorry for the ramble lmao, i just get very excited when talking marine bio. hope this was a bit of help!! <3
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sleazygoing · 5 years
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MUSE  NAME  .   vernon f. kennedy. LEAST  FAVOURITE  NICKNAME   .  "vern”, but he’ll always let it slide. LEAST  FAVOURITE  COLOUR  .  gray. LEAST  FAVOURITE  SEASON  .   winter. LEAST  FAVOURITE  –  HOT  OR  COLD  .   cold. LEAST  FAVOURITE  HOLIDAY  .  christmas, no reason, he just doesn’t celebrate it, and for him it seems to be breakup season. LEAST  FAVOURITE  FOOD  .  it’s a tie between prison meatloaf and birds’ nest soup. LEAST  FAVOURITE  FLAVOR  .  black liquorice. i mean he’ll still eat it, but... yuck. LEAST  FAVOURITE  DRINK  .   prison hooch. that’s how you get botulism.  LEAST  FAVOURITE  SCENT  .   dead body. he’s not answering any questions without a lawyer present. LEAST  FAVOURITE  SOUND  .  dentist drill. or a baby crying, but not in a ‘ugh shut up’ way, in a ‘oh man, what’s the matter, buddy?’ way. LEAST  FAVOURITE  TV  SHOW  .  he doesn’t particularly want to watch The Sports Ball™️. LEAST  FAVOURITE  AREA  OF  SCHOOL  .  history? detention? LEAST  FAVOURITE  ASPECT  OF  THEIR  JOB  .  having to behave himself for ‘PR reasons’. LEAST  FAVOURITE  TRAIT  IN  OTHERS  .  being mean. vague as hell, i know. but vernon reckons a lot of things could be solved by just being nice. not even good. just nice. LEAST  FAVOURITE  PLACE  .  it’s a toss-up between court, disneyland, and the trunk of a really pissed off arms dealer’s car. LEAST  FAVOURITE  THING  TO  TALK  ABOUT  .   politics. also some of his uh, life choices. LEAST  FAVOURITE  THING  ABOUT  THEMSELVES  .   he has let a lot of people down. LEAST  FAVOURITE  DAILY  CHORE   .  all of them. particularly the stuff that isn’t real obvious. like cleaning the shower. he didn’t even know  that was a thing until his first wife left him and he had nobody to do that shit for his lazy ass. why doesn’t it just clean itself. it’s a shower. LEAST  FAVOURITE  TYPE  OF  CLOTHING  . he will 100% always ignore a black tie dress code no matter what. LEAST  FAVOURITE  SUPERPOWER  .  precognition? knowing the future. that’d suck. LEAST  FAVOURITE  THING  ABOUT  BEING  IN  LOVE  .  usually his girlfriends’ husbands. LEAST  FAVOURITE  THING  ABOUT  DEATH  .   the part where you die???
tagged by: me :) tagging: anybody who wants to, this was a fun one cuz it’s like the opposite of the usual i guess. i wanna see yours. tag me in it!
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Just about any food item that you pick up is going to have a date that says something along the lines of “sell by,” “best if used by,” or “use by.” The question is, though, how important are those dates? Well, in some instances, they’re important. In others, not so much.
Baby formulas have strict dates on them – they’re about the only foods absolutely required by law to have them. Stores can’t sell them beyond that date and it’s not recommended that you use them beyond that, either.
Perishable Items
Perishable items such as milk, eggs, and meats should be used by the date on the package. Most meats have a “sell by” date, which means that the store or producer has likely figured that you’re going to keep it in your fridge for up to a week after that, so they allow a little wiggle room.
If you buy perishables that are within a couple of days of the “sell by” date, either use it or freeze it within a day or so just to be safe. It’s always a good idea, especially with meat, to eat it or freeze it within a few days of buying it even if you haven’t reached that date. (Poultry – 1-3 days, other meats, 3-5 days) It’s better to be safe than suffer food poisoning.
Now, if you’re talking about perishables that came from your farm, you may have a little more wiggle room.
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Eggs most certainly last longer – It’s not uncommon for an egg to be a couple of weeks old by the time you buy them at the grocery store so if you’re pulling them straight from under the hen as soon as she lays it, you have some extra fridge time on those babies.
When you buy them from the store, you still have a minimum of 3-5 weeks that they’ll be good. Want to know if an egg is bad? Use the water test. If you put it in a container of water and it sinks, it’s fresh. If it sort of hover-floats with one end sticking up, but the rest trying to sink, it’s not so fresh anymore but edible. If it floats like your bobber in the middle of a choppy sea, toss it.
Milk, on the other hand, may not have any extra time, especially if you don’t pasteurize it – which we never did. The good thing about milk is that you don’t have to guess if it’s good or not. One solid swig of spoiled milk and there’s no doubt left in your mind! I’ve found that the “sell by” dates on my store-bought milk (oh how I miss the good stuff!!) usually allows me a week or so beyond it to drink it up.
Other foods, such as canned foods or shelf-stable foods, have the same tags, but this often has more to do with quality than safety.
For instance, I found a box of mac and cheese in the cabinet (I rarely cook that type of food, so it had been there awhile). The mystery cheese powder was a little dark and I found that the “best by” date was nearing. Like within a week. I mixed it up and, though I didn’t get sick, it didn’t taste that great. This is a good reason to practice the First-In-First-Out rotation method.
Food Preserved at Home
Food that you preserve at home has expiration dates, too, or at least some of them do. So, let’s talk about expiration dates, when they’re relevant, why they’re important, and how you can keep track.
The best way to determine if perishable foods are good is to look at them, feel them, and give them the sniff test. Bad meat will smell “off” and may look a little discolored and feel slimy. Especially with poultry, if you suspect it may be bad, pitch it – it’s not worth the risk.
If you ever run across a commercial can of food that’s bulging or leaking, toss it. If your home-canned goods are leaking or the seal has popped, toss it. If, when you open either commercial or home-canned goods, the food is frothy, discolored, milky, slimy, or smells off, toss it. Those are all pretty good signs that botulism is present.
After you throw it away, scrub your hands in hot, soapy water. That’s a bug that’s meaner than old Aunt Sally when she’s lost her teeth and her panty hose are twisted, and you don’t want to mess with it.
Canned Foods
I grew up on a farm and learned about food preservation early. We always canned enough to get us through for two years each season. That means that often, even when we rotated the foods out, we had foods that didn’t get eaten for several years because we may have overestimated.
Mom always said it was better to have too much put back than not enough. Of course, foods like apple pie filling didn’t usually last that long! We lived on a farm and we all hunted, which means that we had plenty of meat. We typically canned the majority of that. We’d make spaghetti sauce, canned meatballs, soups, and other meals in a jar, in addition to canning them separately.
Some we dehydrated into jerky, but that was usually just for fun – it never lasted more than a couple of days.
As far as home-canned foods are concerned, most “official” agencies will tell you that it’s good for anywhere from 5-10 years. Some even speculate that it’s good for up to 20. I loved the part in the movie “Holes” where the kid was trapped in the desert and lived off of 100-year-old canned spiced peaches that he dubbed “sploosh” because they were just mush.
I don’t know if I’d let my canned goods go quite that long, but I’d be comfortable eating them at 10 years, for sure. As a matter of fact, I have.
Dried Goods
Foods such as flour, salt, sugar, rice, and beans all have really long shelf lives. As a matter of fact, the only one in the bunch that really has an expiration date is the flour, and even it’s good for at least a year, though some say 6 months. As a baker, I can tell you that I’ve used flour that was a year old and it was fine.
That was all-purpose, though. When you get into the self-rising, it may go bad faster so do a test batch and add more salt and baking powder if you don’t get a good rise.
You can tell when flour goes bad because it gets a rancid smell to it and it may get oily or have a weird, sticky texture and off smell.
The most important step to take to getting the most mileage out of all of your dried goods is to store them properly: keep them in air-tight containers in cool, dark places.
Vacuum Sealing
I’ve taken to buying all of my cheese vacuum-sealed. The same thing goes for deli meat, if you can find it. Air is every food’s worst enemy because bacteria (except botulism) need air to grow. I even smash my packages of cheese, etc. flat and squeeze out as much air as possible, and it’s seriously increased my shelf time since doing that.
If you have a vacuum sealer at home, use it! Seriously, it can double or even triple the shelf life of food.
Sharpies are your friend. If you’re canning or preserving food at home, date everything that you make with the date that you made it. Then you know how long you’ve had it when you reach for it. For that matter, do the same thing with canned and shelf-stable foods that you buy at the store. Use either the date you bought it or the “best by” date. Then you don’t have to break out the magnifying glass to find the “best by” date.
Organize your food so that the oldest food gets used first. This is easy to do by just putting the new food behind the older foods every time you bring in something new. Then you know for a fact that what’s in front is what you should use.
Finally, the shelf life of foods is most certainly affected by how you store it. Canned goods should always be stored in a cool, dark place. Milk, meat, and eggs should be refrigerated at about 35 degrees, and veggies should go in the crisper drawer because the temperature is different there, too.
Just as an aside, milk, butter, and other dairy products will freeze just fine, though they may separate a bit. The texture of your cheese may be a bit weird, too, but it should still taste fine. You can also home-can butter.
Knowing the shelf life of your foods is important, but what’s more important is knowing how to tell if they’re bad. If you even ask yourself, “Hmm. This looks/smells/feels weird. I wonder if it’s good?” then the answer is to toss it. Food poisoning is, at the very least, brutal until you get through it 5-8 hours later, and at its worst can be fatal.
Go forth and eat safely!
Click the banner below and discover our farfether’ survival food secrets!
If you can think of any tips or advice about food shelf life that I’ve missed here, please feel free to mention them in the comments section below!
This article has been written by Theresa Crouse for Survivopedia. 
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