#the breaking bad spoof was funny as fuck tho
junuve · 9 months
[hlvrai spoilers]
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grakkul · 3 years
Oke so I watched the new spiderman movie an I have,,, opinons ya know
uh their prolly a bit spoilery so imma try to do a fandangled keep reading thingy so yea, read ahead at warning foe spoilers ( ;-; it took me too long to figure out why it wouldn’t work)
Oke oke oke so
Like,, it’s not a bad movie is the thing
It is a bit intresting as a concept even tho the whole plot point of how college is the breaking point for Peter not like harassment? People would be harrassing MJ at her job right? They threw a brick through Peters window why wouldn’t they ya know.
But like oke, the whole erase everyone’s memory seems intense for no college will accept you but I get it, hes a kid part of it is that he doesn’t really know.
I like dr strange in the movie, hes a bit eh stiff with Peter in my opinon, like some of those lines just aren’t really connecting to good, like coulda used another fake to feel more natural but like over all hes ok as a character.
Now skipping ahead,
It feels weird that like everyone is blaming spiderman for some shit when like there are other villains clearly destroying shit? But JJJ is biased so I’ll leave it to that, even tho like the swats shooting feels like absurd considering they literally caught on camera other people blowing up the building and beating up spiderman.
Also on that note, I do like that J jonah goes from a conspirist in his basement to a proper set up, and the spoof on InfoWars was pretty easy to see.
Also I love doc oct in this movie!! He’s like weirdly adorable, and I’m so happy he like finally gets to be ok, tho I kept waiting for them to pull the rug out from under us like a gotcha. Also also, like the laughing at Otto Octavius doesn’t work when the dungeon your keeping me in is owned by a wizard called DOCTOR STRANGE like if your gonna laugh at it you can’t have dumb names but I digress.
I dig green goblin, i did feel for him when he went to may, tho I spent the entire movie wondering if he was gonna get his mask again, so it’s just broken on some random street?? Ok.
they don’t really explain why they need to cure sandman so that kinda caught me off gaurd, but overall the villains all give their fair like funny moments an shit
I think it’s cool that Ned could actually do magic, tho with the end of the movie they basically just said we are not addressing that
I dig MJ, tho like even tho she’s a main person she did feel a bit shafted with development an shit considering how Peter just kept deciding things, kinda gave me Tony and pepper vibes honestly, even after he promised to talk to her about it
The spider men talking was also pretty funny, tho the whole back cracking scene was like weirdly horny it was weird. Didn’t come across as brotherly, and they tried to make people get that amazing spiderman joke like too mcuh, we got it you don’t need to repeat
But overall I love mr Garfield and tobey they were the shit, so much nostalgia, and seeing him tear up at saving mj, just mwah exquisite.
Ok ok ok now to like the meat of the shit
Like overall I think the movie was ok, like maybe not great, but it was a solid time, about what I expect from a marvel movie.
But for as much as I thought the movie was pretty ok, I LOVED the ending
Just, it vibes with me right, the fact that he’s just really on his own, really just this decision impacted him ya know. It like will hopefully fix my main problem with spiderman, that he kinda got everyhting given to him by Tony stark, and just his entire identity of struggling with money, struggling with being spiderman on his own, supporting himself as Peter Parker, it really feels like doing it over. He’s on his own now, really.
I hold tentative hope for the next movie but at the same time none cause their fucking incorporating venom and that’s bullshit. Who’s it even gonna be bro!! Everyone’s that’s his age is going to college and you have no other characters, is it gonna be happy?? Are you gonna have him fight venom when the whole point of this entire movie was to help them not hurt the villains?!?
(Tho ps film people, that apartment is so big and way too close to the christler, it would cost so much to live there, yours a New Yorker)
Now,,,,, weirdly enough I’m honestly most pissed at this movie for the after credits scene.
I’m sorry you rushed venom 2, did all that end credit scene bullshit that was way too edging the line for yo he’s a minor, for this shit!!! For 30 seconds of this!!! Because you want a symbiote villian!!! Yo!! Yo!!! I hated it so much. Cause like if they just held back on the venom release date, it would have worked just as well. Like goddam it bro.
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twerkstallion · 7 years
Cars Fandom Tag Meme
Tagged by @a113cowgirl THANK YOU!! 
Created by @pixelthenerdcat 
“Just because I love doing these tagging memes :) 
For the Cars films, what is your…”
Favorite male character: LIGHTNING MCQUEEN! He is so fucken funny 
Favorite female character: wow there aren't enough so Sally!! (But I have a feeling Ima love Cruz) 
Least favorite male character: prof z. What a fucken creep. Why does he have car hair. What- 
Least favorite female character: minny, or the french lady with tit eyes 
Favorite scene: the opening scene of Cars changed my entire life. Every single thing Lightning does is iconic to the max  
I mean: you're in a movie theatre. It's dark. The Pixar lamp turns off. The screen is dark. It's silent. Suddenly, you hear Owen Wilson breathing and talking to himself about eating breakfast. The screen lights up a few times from the blackness, but it's just flashes of speeding racecars with roaring engines in the thrill of a race. You and the other 40 occupants of the theatre sit stone still, bewildered. What the fuck is this memefuckery, Pixar, what the f- 
Favorite actor and their role: uhhhhh wtf they're all so awesome????? They all put so much into their characters and you can just TELL and wow. 
Favorite Cars videogame (yes this includes mobile games like Fast as Lightning): the original Cars on the 360. All of the dialogue and paintjobs and stories and subplots and races and jokes had me LIVING. ESPECIALLY THE SOUNDTRACK HOLY FUCK!! AND LIGHTNING!! FALLING ASLEEP! IN THE MIDDLE OF GAMEPLAY! I N C R E D I B L E 
OTP: uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm not super shippy with cars honestly?? Because they're... cars.... 
I love salqueen tho 
BROTP or Platonic OTP: Lightning being friends with people without realizing it, like Mack and Strip tho... 
NOTP: I'm not here to bash ships... excEPT THAT ONE SHIP I WONT MENTION!! 
Why do you like the films: why do I- 
Why do I like caRS!??!?????!!! 
I WISH I FUCKEN KNEW BUDDY!! YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!! Cars is corny as fuck!!! It's garbage basically!! But somehow I just... SAW Lightning McQueen and my brain just.... locked on!! Like, "HERE WE GO, tHE ONLY THING YOU’LL EVER GET THIS EXCITED ABOUT IN YOUR E N T I R E LIFE, THIS IS THE THING, FOREVER.!" And now I'm stuck like this!!! It doesn't make sense!!! I literally have NO explanation!!!! I wish I did!!!!!! 
What are you hoping to see the most in Cars 3: 
-the realistic, good dinosaur-esque rendering  
-salqueen smooches!!! 
-Lightning McQueen yelling noises 
-Lightning driving under a WAVE at the beach with the sun shining thru the water 
-the new settings!! 
-I could go on but uhhh the movie still might suck 
“Okay, now for some fandom related questions:” 
Favorite part of the fandom: the memes, the Freakouts™, the keyboard smashing, the art, the fic, the Reactions™, the fanon, the in-jokes, when people find a post that says "woah there's a cars fandom???" And the entire tumblr cars fandom replies "hi", the edits, the MVs, the spoof videos, the creative humanizations, the shitposts, the Actual Car Nerds, the FEELS TRAINS, the speculation, the quotes blog haha, the art styles, the rare gifset, ok this is a lot, 
Favorite Cars fanartist: @edgyroses, @hillbillyhell, @paralleldragons, @kiwi-likes-cars, @radiationstinks, @flatter-pencil, @invalidincorrect, there are more i swear...
Favorite Cars fanfic: these aren't tulips, Fillmore' freak juice, stormy weather, the jaguar syndrome series, Doc Hudson autobiography, stuff from @a113cowgirl, @radiatonstinks, @pixelthenerdcat ... I feel like a lot of my classic faves got deleted or didn't age well with me so that's it basically
What you enjoy putting out in the fandom (this could be anything, including rambly text posts): I love when I make a killer shitpost and the entire fandom just breaks down around it. (eg. “Get your Chicks”, “Lightning doesn’t have tits”, “car condoms”) Edits and fanart are fun too. And this is the only fandom I've written fic for. (And if I had the means to do video, you bet your ass I'd churn out memes and edits like no tomorrow.) Oh, and META!!
Do you think the fandom will survive after the release of Cars 3? (I know, evil question, but still >:D: uhhhhhh ok at first I thought NO WAY, but then... the Cars fandom was bangin' for YEEAAARSS after 2006, so if Cars 3 is good, the kids will go nuts and we will stay for a little while longer.... 
What made you become part of the fandom?: um well definitely FF.net. The original Cars trailer switched a GIANT fanfiction switch on in my head. It was instant, a lightbulb, a revelation. I was eight years old and suddenly pacing around, feverent and brimming with ideas and predictions for hours and hours and hours. I didn't even know what fanfic was despite writing so much of it in my head until... I found FF. Then I saw that OTHER people did the SAME thing, and I went nuts. I remember I read all 403 cars postings and I'd check daily for updates on any of them. (I ended up reading some untagged smut at a young age because of this though, and it fucked me up pretty bad honestly. Suddenly there was sex in a k+ rated story. Major yikes) But yeah I hopped on FF and DA and followed the content. I never actually talked to anyone in the fandom (thank god) until now, here on Tumblr. The tumblr cars fandom is a fucking INCREDIBLE niche here on the vast internet, I'm so glad I've been a part of this. Thank you for bonding together ya fucken nerds. I love you.
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