#the bruins bible
patrice-bergerons · 5 months
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Do we know what CMac's full tattoo is / what it means? 👀
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fuvkrutherford · 2 years
The multi-millionaire Reimer has not elaborated why the small part of the Bible that condemns homosexuality (which numerous experts have claimed is actually a mistranslation of a passage condemning pedophilia) is more important than the parts suggesting rich people will never make it to heaven or that those who live in glass houses should work on their glove hand.
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do u think there will ever be an openly gay/bi player in the nhl? like an established player actually playing in the league coming out?
As I see it, no.
Just the sole cancellation of Pride Nights by many of the teams in the league gives you the answer. If there was an established player who had been on the verge of coming out (which I seriously doubt), seeing how half of the league has recently pulled out the "I am Christian, the Bible tells me..." card, definitely made him back out of that idea for good.
Sure, there are teams that still vocally support the LGBT community - look at the Devils and Bruins for example - and would very likely support one of their players coming out without any hesitation, but imagine the treatment the individual in question would get once he would play against a team that is publically not supportive, against the guys who are more than vocal about viewing homosexuality as a horrible sin (basically every single Russian except Geno), the treatment he would get on social media by the thousands of conservative American rats and media... You wouldn't wish that on your worse enemy and you can't blame the guys for hiding their actual sexuality because of it.
None of those guys want to be belittled to "that one gay player" so as long as they are active in the league, they will remain in the closet and perhaps never come out at all.
Anyway, happy Pride month everyone! - though everything I have written above was everything but happy.
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«This is GOD’S Country, Why set it on FIRE and make it look like HELL»
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Howdy and Привет! I’m Marley, and If this is your first run in with my blog, strap in cuz it’s a weird one.
Most of my personal identity can be found in my bio, but to reiterate I am an adult and will likely post and reblog things that are nsfw in nature. Most of these are joking text posts and so I do not have a strict policy against under 18 blogs. I do block liberally in general though, so try not to get all parasocial all up on me. I'm also a queer trans man. I identify with the term butch because of my lived experience as a queer woman before realizing I was trans as well as the historic overlap of the butch lesbian and FTM communities and it’s use as a term to describe inherently queer masculinity across the lgbt spectrum. Lastly the “Native Mainer” term I use for myself does not mean Native American. My intention is not to claim an identity I am not. It is simply an important term used in the area and stems from the local culture built against things like classism. Too much nuance goes into it for this pinned post. So remember that my dms and ask box is ALWAYS open. I pride myself on being very open and civil in debate and discussion. So please strike up a conversation if you are confused/concerned!
Less about me. Back to the blog! This is my dumping ground for my strange mix of hyper specific interests. Most important things you can expect me to be exceedingly normal about are Maine history/culture (northern woodsmen >> southern cowboys), Slavic heritage/culture (mostly in the forms of Russian language and literature), Bible fanfics (Paradise Lost/Regained, The Devine Comedy, The Mysterious Stranger and etc), Queer history/culture (including things like kink and reclaimed slurs) and finally a general Interest in gore and surgery. If those topics are not your thing than this blog probably isn’t either !!
Under the cut you can find a list of fandoms I’m in as well as my Carrd (WIP)
Currently under construction :)
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System Of A Down
Scars On Broadway
Hop Along / Frances Quinlan
Dallon weekes
Chonny Jash
Fallout (3 is a GOOD GAME. I don’t care what you people say.)
Resident Evil (prefer the horror leaning games of the series)
Telltale Batman
Undertale / Deltarune
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Walten Files
Monument Mythos (and other internet horror series that I’m behind on)
Hockey (GO BRUINS!)
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mattpoitrass6thgoal · 2 years
Tw: Islamophobia and homophobia
This makes me so mad what the fuck???
He just keeps getting worse and worse. I get he wants to ‘respect’ your religion but what he is doing is not respecting his religion he is picking choosing when to follow the teachings of the bible when it’s convenient for him (which from most of my experiences with extremely religious people is the case). Look at the bruins members of the church group they all were able to support HIFE night. Carlo who I know is a religious guy has supported the community, I think Casey mentioned exact situations with him but picking and choosing when to use religion as a cover is wrong. There was truly no need to bring up Kadri, I don’t get this argument at all.
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lafbnetwork · 2 months
UCLA Football Fall Practice Report With Former UCLA Bruins QB Wayne Cook
Will is joined by longtime guest & former UCLA Football gun-slinging QB Wayne Cook to talk about his impressions from the 1st fall practice for the UCLA Bruins and his thoughts on each position group as we are mere weeks away from the start of the season. Listen to our UCLA Football Bruins Podcast: https://www.lafbnetwork.com/the-bruin-bible/ Go to http://www.LAFBNetwork.com for FREE full…
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automatismoateo · 2 years
[The Beaverton] James Reimer can't wear Pride jersey due to Christianity even though Bible also bans working on sabbath, coughing up 3 goal lead to Bruins in Game 7 via /r/atheism
[The Beaverton] James Reimer can't wear Pride jersey due to Christianity even though Bible also bans working on sabbath, coughing up 3 goal lead to Bruins in Game 7 https://ift.tt/6pGflcr
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Submitted March 20, 2023 at 08:59PM by MWD_Dave (From Reddit https://ift.tt/k5CQXtY)
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zdeno · 6 years
the marchand baby suckles charadaddy's thicc tiddy for nutrients in order to grow into a healthy bruin. marchand babies will finally detach from said tiddy when they have become strong enough and nose large enough to become a rat
and thats the story of how the universe was populated
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qualitystart · 3 years
man as nice as those pasta goals were, man cannot live on carbs alone. we need more guys scoring.
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kirillmarchenko · 2 years
help why do the bruins have a bible club
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broons · 4 years
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This just in, Torey Krug has been doing bible study with bruins and ex bruins (x)
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pathetic-pisces · 3 years
Brando’s on the Christmas card list
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arrowjaeger · 3 years
TMNT Christmas Headcanons
i probably should’ve started writing these way earlier but ok- here we are- this is mostly based on the 2012 version of the show but it can apply to most universes.
merry (late) christmas to those who celebrate it! (better late than never ig)
here are my headcanons about the Hamato clan on Christmas. i hope you enjoy.
warnings: some 18+ themes
not really a warning- but i ship apritello- xD
also, for reasons, don’t ask where they get these gifts from- it’s magic
was planning on starting to celebrate christmas when he moved to NYC but after the mutation, he decided not to.
after a few years with the turtles, Mikey found a picture of Santa in a magazine and asked Splinter about it
told them about Christmas, Santa Claus and the elves as well as the Christmas story in the bible
told them it was a time to give gifts and celebrate
Mikey showed particular interest in it, he didn’t ask if they could celebrate it, but it was highly understood amongst his brothers
it was the first holiday they started celebrating together as a family (other than their mutation day)
he likes christmas most when all of his sons are together and happy
it’s the only thing he ever asks for
even though he doesn’t want gifts in return, he makes an effort to find gifts for his sons
gets Leo anything that has to do with Japan. he’s always had a very high interest in Splinter’s culture and always wants to learn more. he’s gotten him manga, japanese snacks, and more traditional things like a japanese tea set as well as some teas.
for Splinter, Raph is the hardest to shop for. he has asked him what he wanted before and he asked for a turtle (hence Spike) since then, he had gotten him things Spike would like. Ever since he got Chompy, he tried to get him more things for Raph. He didn’t know how much longer he would have with his sons…
gets Donnie anything that has to do with science. he has given him anything electronic. he has been gifted his tool box, his microscope, and, as weird as it sounds, many broken appliances. he fixed their toaster then quickly asked for a coffee maker, blender, or mixer so he could fix them too
gets Mikey anything that has to do with cooking/baking, he senses a talent in him (that he doesn’t quite use to its fullest potential yet-) he’s gotten him cook books, cookie cutters, most of the stuff in their kitchen had been gifted to Mikey whether it was christmas or not. he definitely enjoys the gifts regardless of what it is. (he also gets mikey plenty of snacks)
gets April anything that he would’ve picked out for Miwa. She gladly took the role, feeling only a little bit unworthy. She’s gotten several pieces of jewelry and a kimono (Leo was suuuper jealous but it’s fine-)
gets Casey anything that has to do with sports. he knows the least about Casey but he hears him talking about the Boston Bruins enough for Splinter to pick up that it is his favorite hockey team, so he gets him one of their jerseys unknowingly gifting him the one which happens to belong to his favorite player on the team
believes that christmas is a time to spend with family and lowkey gets pissed when Raph or Donnie spend time away from the family at all in december-
ideal gift would be a Hakama (go tell Splinter for him-)
thinks the idea of Santa Claus is terrifying-
“why would you want a fat man to break into your house and steal your cookies??”
is incredibly glad he is not real
eats one of the cookies Mikey leaves out for Santa
wants tea before they start opening presents
is more excited for christmas than he makes it seem. but he’s only excited AFTER his tea
gets Splinter his favorite kind of tea every year. like- just a giant box of tea leaves- it’s honestly tradition at this point. one year he got him a few english teas to try. he didn’t end up with a new favorite but is always willing to try new teas
gets Raph a YUNGBLUD or My Chemical Romance CD they get tired of hearing ‘the freak show’ or ‘welcome to the black parade’ by the next day. needless to say, he likes the gift.
gets Donnie different kinds of coffee. he even tried to slip in some decaf but Don swears he can taste the difference.
gets Mikey some new wheels for his skate board. “they reminded me of Ice Cream Kitty so i figured you’d like them.”
he doesn’t necessarily get April anything… he told her that he would help her learn some of his fighting techniques. she normally trains with Splinter or Donnie so she would enjoy having someone else to show her some moves. it counts as a present in her book.
gets Casey new hockey pucks. he genuinely didn’t know what to get him and figured he could always use more-
started being a grinch ever since that one christmas when they were 7 and mikey unwrapped his present for him without asking
never really forgave him
convinced Mikey to leave out four cookies for Santa so he could either save some for later (or so he could share with his three brothers *wink*)
when they were younger, he stayed up with Mikey to see Santa so he could punch him for eating their cookies and drinking their milk but ended up finding out that Santa knew Splinter’s Kata-
later realized that it was just Splinter.
but it took him maybe a little too long…. “it was dark, ok?”
hates christmas movies
LOATHES hallmark movies-
like he will smash the tv if he doesn’t get adequate warning that they’ll be watching one (‘they’ as in Donnie and April ofc-)
gets Splinter cheese as suggested by Mikey. like a huge cheese plate with most kinds of cheese on it. he was very impressed by the diversity and was surprised by nacho cheese-
gets Leo Star Wars comics on purpose as a joke. Leo was not amused but he actually enjoyed them.
gives Donnie relationship advice- it’s not received very well.
gets Mikey grip tape to go with the skateboard Casey told him he was getting Mikey.
tells April where Donnie’s off switch is- “if he started rambling about something super boring just slap him on the back of the head” “oh- i normally just kiss him. i think it has the same affect.”
gets Casey a variety of spray paint colors. he pretended he didn’t support his graffiti style when Splinter reminded Casey not to vandalize with it-
believes christmas can start being anticipated AFTER thanksgiving, and here’s his list of reasons why-
made a master plan of how to end up with April under the mistletoe
it totally worked
finessed his way into making out with her
it was totally awesome
watches hallmark movies with April. they cry the whole time
“Zach is obviously the better pick! come on Marilee!!!”
“ok- but hear me out, Miles has a dope haircut- i’d stay with him for the haircut..”
uses the holidays as an excuse to cuddle with April
uses the cold weather as an excuse to cuddle with April
he will use literally any excuse possible so he can cuddle with April-
makes most of his gifts
makes Splinter a batch of retro mutagen. it took him months to make and Splinter knows it. he keeps it safely in his room while he tries to decide what is the best decision for he and his family…
makes his brothers all new tPhones. new and improved! with better cameras, more sleek design, and better processors. he ended up having to make April and Casey phones too (they got jealous)
makes April an entire PC- ok, most of it is made from recycled parts- but it is one of the coolest things he has made. he is convinced once he gets her all of the right equipment, she’ll game with him. they play overwatch together- but Casey crashes their party…..
fixes Casey’s roller blades- he told him several times that the idea was great but he feels like he could’ve carried it out better… so he pretty much makes them way better
keeps reminding his brothers that he is the reason they celebrate christmas
starts singing christmas carols right after halloween
puts waaaayyy too many marshmallows in his hot chocolate but everyone has given up on trying to stop him
bakes DOZENS of christmas cookies. every kind possible.
frosts gingerbread men to look like he and his brothers
makes Splinter a book of coupons- like, a coupon for a hug or a coupon for him to clean his room
makes his brothers coupons as well- things like get out of the dojo, get out of my room, and get out of the lab. he’s really using his annoying-ness to get out of actually going out and getting presents
gets April minecraft for her PC so they can play together. they own 26 cats-
gets Casey a new hockey mask. it’s a lot like his older one but he paints it for him. not exactly sure what it’s supposed to look like, but Casey and Mikey think it’s super dope
always has the guys over for christmas eve
they have hot chocolate and sticky buns. and occasionally alcohol we are looking at you raph it leads to a nasty christmas for the rest of them
tries to catch each of the turtles under the mistletoe to see how they would react
is extra careful when Casey is under the mistletoe though….
only eats the ‘Donnie’ gingerbread men Mikey makes
she ate a ‘Raph’ once and- “why are you eating Raph? i don’t want him in your mouth- i want to be in your mouth…”
they just stared at each other while Donnie’s face got redder and redder
gets Splinter a ‘worlds best sensei’ mug. it’s one of his favorites, not because it’s his style, but because she sought it out to get it for him. Leo definitely has used it more than once
gets Leo a limited edition Space Heroes action figure. it is his most valuable possession. he doesn’t even let his brothers look at it..
gets Raph anything to do with fitness. back at the farm house, they both would work out together a lot. she learned what he liked the most and got him weights accordingly. she adopts his old ones as he upgrades.
gets Donnie lingerie- it’s not for him- technically… it’s purple and it’s April’s size.. she accidentally gave him that present in front of everyone- his head looked like a tomato in a matter of seconds. Raph choked on his eggnog and nearly died
gets Mikey a cat stuffed animal with matching blanket. he is obsessed with it. she would’ve got him a real cat.. but after what happened to his last cat- let’s just say Donnie talked her out of it… she also got him a Domino’s gift card
gets Casey tickets to a hockey game. she was almost sure he would invite her to go with him but he actually when with his sister (Donnie was very thankful)
likes christmas more than Raph but pretends to be a grinch/scrooge with him
accidentally got caught under the mistletoe with Raph and it was the worst experience of his gd life
April made them stay there till they at least hugged
always tries to spike the eggnog
gets Splinter a block of cheese. that’s all. he accepts it gratefully
gets Leo a super dope Space Heroes comic. he’s pretty sure it came from Casey’s dad’s basement but it’s super rare and he doesn’t want to tell anyone-
has the most potential to get Raph a gift that he loves buuuut opts for a hilarious gift instead. he gives him a figure of sailor moon. Casey nearly died that day.
gets Donnie an Einstein poster or like a periodic table of elements poster both of which he already has but it’s the thought that counts ig-
gets Mikey a new skateboard. he really needed a new one…
gets April a necklace. it was actually really thoughtful- it was sterling silver shaped as a turtle with several amethyst stones making up its carapace. Donnie even thought it was a great gift and has no problem with her wearing it (which is great cuz she wears it 24/7 now) he doesn’t seem to mind that it’s from Casey
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bosbruined · 5 years
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Brandon Carlo Hands Content
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mattpoitrass6thgoal · 3 years
God help the bruins bible club. They really do be losing all their members
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lafbnetwork · 2 months
UCLA Bruins Head Coach DeShaun Foster Must Walk The Walk And Talk The Talk
From the opening on SportsCenter to op-ed pieces in the New York Times, seemingly everyone has had perspective, commentary, or stand-up monologues on UCLA Bruins head coach DeShaun Foster’s opening freeze-up at last week’s BIG-10 Media Day.  As shared on our Bruin Bible podcast, games are not won, statistics are not accrued, and championship parades are not enjoyed based on press conference…
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