#the bs they went through! Corey hated it! even before Liam thought his ied made him monsterous and mason was their anchors!!
rosalinesurvived · 1 year
Teen Wolf’s Mason Hewitt-while mainly a side character-undergoes a character arc which subtly conveys to the audience about the deconstruction of goodness and purity-perceived, internal, or real within him; both on a morality scale: such as his eventual murders of innocents and his acceptance of “with the bad guys Corey Bryant” but also on a deeply personal scale, as he is revealed to be the Beast–thus fully entering the world of supernaturals, something considered to be cruel and evil within his pack after being the only human within it-and hosts Sebastian Valet in his mind. Furthermore, the reveal of his absorption of his twin at conception, thus being a genetic chimera after they were considered by him to be a bad guys implicates him inside and shatters his code of morality as he previously states he would rather die than be with the bad guys and yet is revealed to be a so called “bad guy” proving to the audience that his arc is largely centred around the meaning of morality, and humanity and goodness, and yet also the darkening of a person however unwillingly. In this essay I will–
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Ghostface Wannabe // Nolan Holloway
Summary: In your last year of high school you watch different things happen. The guidance counsellor at the beginning of the year tried to create war caused by her belief the supernatural was here. Struggling with the remaining months you take comfort in a new friend.
Characters: Nolan Holloway x Tate!Reader, Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar. Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Malia Tate, Derek Hale (mentioned), Scott McCall (mentioned), and Lydia Martin (mentioned)
Words: 2251
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or the characters that appear in this. This is an AU where the show is not supernatural but just fucked up a little. I also don’t own the gifs, images, or lyrics that may appear.
Warnings: Swearing, bullying, Monroe, angst, and fluff
Author: Caitsy.
A/N: Gotta give Nolan some love.
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You leaned against the lockers watching the students milling around the hallways taking their time to talk to people. As a senior you were saddened that in just a few short months you would no longer be a student at Beacon Hills. You would just be another graduated Tate like your older sister Malia.
When you were a little girl Malia had been in the backseat after losing the straw game that your siblings would do. It was a trip you barely remembered at all other than Kylie angering both Malia and you. Kylie was five years old compared to you at eight years old and Malia at nine years old. It turned into a war that in turn had your mother, Evelyn, lose control at the wheel.
The car rolled into the woods down a hill sending all four of you into unconsciousness. You were the first to wake up to find your mother’s head turned back with her eyes wide open and her mouth opened in a scream. The force had been great on the old car and little five year old Kylie shouldn’t have been in the front. She was thrown out the windshield even with the seatbelt.
Malia and you were the sole survivors of the accident. You ended up making friends with a kind woman in the woods before you were tracked down. Eight years passed before the Sheriff had found a new lead. Eventually you were reunited with the man you thought was your biological father.
You weren’t biologically a Tate, in fact you were the offspring of an alcoholic man and a murderous mother. The story went that your father hooked up off and on with your biological mother thus procreating Malia and then you just a year later. Peter, your father, was arrested for manslaughter and acquitted a few years later. Your mother Corrine was the black sheep of her family and actually shot the car you were in that led to Kylie and your adoptive mom’s deaths. Your maternal biological grandparents had removed her name from their will and instead placed the children of her instead. She would inherit the money if her children died.
“Y/N. Hey!” Liam said coming up to you, “Did you get your classes?”
“I’m hesitant about meeting the guidance councillor.” You admitted, “After the psychotic bitch tried to kill everyone. Seriously what was that?”
“Apparently this guy on probation convinced her, once he tossed her medication, that the supernatural was real.”
“I heard she hallucinated in Eichen House that she had a mass of followers behind her.” You returned shaking your head.
“Liam, Gabe’s looking for you.” Mason said joining the group, “He’s still pissed you won’t step down as captain.”

“Co-captain.” Corey corrected with an awkward smile.
“What?” You asked confused, “I thought you were captain?”

“Some of the guys don’t agree that I should be captain because I’m not able to attend as many practices and a few games. I need to pass with all Bs and As to get into a good college. Nolan is the other captain.”

“Why Nolan? I thought you hated him?” You questioned confused. You have never understood the reason why Liam was enemies with shy fly on the wall Nolan Holloway.
“We talked. Both agreed that we didn’t want Gabe to be the captain of the lacrosse team. Wouldn’t end well.”
“He’s a sadist.” You snorted with a roll of your eyes, “He literally almost stabbed Aaron last year, scarred him so bad he had to be homeschooled.”
“Whoa that’s why? I thought he switched schools.” Mason gawked.
“Gabe actually managed to cause him to mentally break down.” Corey said slipping his hand into Mason’s free one, “Dissociative identity disorder.”
“Damn.” You muttered shaking your head.
“Get to class.” Principal Martin said walking around the hallways that had began to get deserted.
You sent a small smile before continuing into your biology class where the new semester would give you a new partner. You wished it would be one of your friends but everyone knew that Mason and Corey would be together and Liam liked to talk to girls ever since his ex-girlfriend moved away.
“Each lab table with have an engraved plate with a name on it. Find your name and that’s your partner for the rest of the year.” Ms. Finch said taking her place at the front of the class, “A syllabus is also placed at the spot also.”
“I guess we’re partners.” Nolan said sitting at the remaining table with your name plate there. You were surprised Nolan wasn’t stuttering.
“I guess we are.” You chuckled putting your bag on the ground, “Congrats on making captain.”

“Co-captain.” Nolan corrected you, “It’s just to appease the team.”
“But what about Gabe? Aren’t you best friends?”

“Not really.” Nolan replied tugging on the cuff of his blue sweater in distress, “He…uh…he beat me up.”

Your head snapped at his words before you caught sight of the faint bruise dusting his eyebrow and the tiny cut on his lip. You were surprised that Gabe didn’t leave any other bruises on the poor boy. You couldn’t believe that someone would harm such an innocent soul.
“What the hell? Did you tell a teacher?”

“It happened at the hospital. I…uh…tried to tell a doctor that Gabe was there to harm a kid but he knew I was going to be there.”
“I can beat him up.” You grinned.
“Is that how you survived in the forest?”
“Malia cared for me.” You gently smiled thinking your older sister living the live in Paris for the time being. You knew that Scott was anxiously waiting for her to return ever since he pushed her to go traveling.
“Where is she?”

“Paris.” You grinned, “She’d kill me if I said this but she’s a romantic at heart.”

“Malia? The girl that was feral at times?” Nolan asked shocked. It wasn’t terribly hidden that both you and your sister and been found in more animalistic personalities.
“Yeah.” You awkwardly nodded before your attention was caught by Ms. Finch. With a glare she turned around to set out the rules of the classroom.
“Do you want to have lunch with me?” Nolan slowly asked, “Shit, never mind. Of course you wouldn’t want to.”
“Well you did stab Corey.” You bit your lip pondering if it would be a good idea to be with him.
“I apologized for that.” Nolan winced, “I was stressed about lacrosse and Corey made a stupid comment. I don’t know why I did it.”
“One lunch.” You stated, “We’ll see about any more.”

“Nolan and Y/N! Just because it’s the first day of this semester doesn’t mean your free to speak. Pay attention.” Ms. Finch snapped placing her hands on her hips. You bit your lip focusing on the paper in front of you instead of the delicious boy sitting next to you.
“Sorry.” You grumbled.
“I expect all assignments to be handed in on the due it’s due or earlier. I’ll give you three days past the due date only for excused reasons but you’ll fail if you take longer than that.” Ms. Finch said brushing her hands off.
The morning passed by rather fast with a few messages from the friends you had developed through Malia. Stiles had become your older brother even after Malia and him broke him up. It was an odd transition to not see them together and instead seeing them date other people in the group.
To: Y/N From: Stiles How’s everything in Beacon Hills? Are you safe?

To: Stiles From: Y/N You’re annoying. Everything is okay, your Dad caught a few criminals. I don’t know why you’re concerned about this town.
You shook your head enough to make yourself dizzy which could be contributed with you being upside down the couch in the library. Out of your element you screamed when your legs were pushed over your head and you were on the ground.

“Ow!” You exclaimed sitting up with strands of hair on your face. Liam stood there snickering to himself as he gracefully jumped over the back to sit down, “What the hell Liam?”

“Prime opportunity Y/N.” Liam chuckled.

“Stiles is spamming me.” You said picking up your pen that had fallen onto your open binder on the table. You started chewing on it when you saw Gabe pushing one of the boys in your grade with no provoking. You didn’t know what crawled up his ass to decide he could go around stabbing people in the hand.
“That’s not surprising and you know it.” Liam replied pulling out his textbook from his backpack, “Can you believe that Ms. Finch assigned homework?”

“I can.” You and Liam looked up to see Nolan walking around to sit between the two you, “Are you studying?”
“Are you going to stab me with a pen now?” Liam barked close to shoving his books on the ground, “You almost caused irreparable damage. Mason and him have been very upset about that.”
“Because Corey can’t grip Mason.” You muttered underneath your breath.

“Huh?” Nolan chimed in not getting your words.

“Handjob.” You plainly replied flipping to the chapter that Ms. Finch had assigned.
“That’s my best friend Y/N.” Liam grimaced.
“And? I overheard Mason praising him when I was walking by the locker room. They left Coach’s office door opened.”
“You had oddly strong hearing.” Nolan supplied.

“I depended on my senses in the woods.” You hummed highlighting a sentence in your book that pertained to the assignment sheet.
“Are we still having lunch together?” Nolan inquired with a nervous expression.
“You’re having lunch with him?” Liam barked with a glare towards the other male. Liam seriously still had a vendetta against the poor nervous boy.
Taking advantage of the nice weather you quickly walked outside to sit on one of the picnic tables with your food. You just had a plain sandwich, an apple, some crackers and a bottle of juice. You didn’t like the school food, the food had gone down hill over the years.

“There you are.” Nolan chirped collapsing down onto the table beside you. You hummed taking a bite from the sandwich with a cool expression, “Unless you don’t want to eat together. I-I can leave if you want.”

“You’re fine Nolan.” You sighed, “It’s sad to think that we’re going to graduate without making an impact at this school. Our initials will forever be on the shelves but memories of us will fade away.”
“I won’t.” Nolan whispered.

“I won’t forget you.” Nolan whispered stealing a look at you, “You’re unforgettable.”
“You’re growing on me Holloway.” You chuckled pushing your bag of crackers between us, “Wanna a cracker?”
A bright blush grew on his face before he ducked his head down to stare at his feet. You found it absolutely adorable that he did that. The only problem was that when Malia found out she would insist on if you’ve fucked him yet. Stiles would go on a tangent on how if you even look at boy you should let him run a fun background check. Idiot.
“Do you…do you want to maybe watch a movie?” Nolan stuttered picking at the feeling paint on the table.
“I’d love to.” You giggled shifting your hand to be closer to his. Nolan eased his over until your pinkies were intertwined.
“Awesome!” He gushed racing to get his phone in order to gain your number, “What’s you number.”
Nolan and you snapped your heads to see Stiles standing there disgruntled with the scene in front of him. You were shooting daggers while he ignored you to glare at Nolan.
“Stiles.” You hissed getting up to slap him.
“You’re actually going to go out with Ghostface wannabe.” Stiles snapped widening his stance to accommodate his hands on his nonexistent hips.
“H-how do you know that?” Nolan whispered pulling his frayed sweater cuffs down on his hands.

“I know everything.” Stiles huffed, “I’m FBI.”
“You’re in the pre-FBI program hotshot.” You spat crossing your arms, “You only know because your dating the principles daughter.”

“He doesn’t need to know that!” Stiles huffed copying your stance, “I for-“
“You finish that and I’m going to cause you bodily damage.”
“You wouldn’t.” Stiles smirked. You lunged close enough he flinched back almost falling on his ass. He was lucky because Nolan was trying to drag you away from your hips, “Okay I underestimated you!”
“You’re my friend. Not my Dad.” You pouted looking at the older male, “Why are you even here.”
“I felt something bad was going to happen to you.” Stiles admitted, “You’re like my little sister.”
“Let me go out with Nolan.” You whispered slowly walking over to Stiles, “I can fight my own battles Sti. I love you but you need to let me grow up.”
“Fine.” Stiles sighed turning his attention to Nolan, “You hurt her and I will get my good friend Derek to kill you. It will be painful and I’ll help cover the murder up.”
Nolan shuddered but agreed to the conditions with a small smile on his face. He’d do anything to make you happy.
“By the way Stiles! Derek isn’t your friend” You called out earning a middle finger, “I can always cut that off and reattach it your toeless foot!”
“Of fuck off!”
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