#the car was fine and I slid off into the grass but damnit
violet-dragongirl · 2 years
Did my first Formula C practice, qualify, and race and got first place!
The team i'm with is in 3rd though. Teammate AI driver didn't do so hot (which is fine like, small steps to getting Team Gold and all)
I'm surprised I picked up the pacing quite quickly though I'm still having trouble starting when there's cars all around me (ANXIETY :'] ), but I'm gonna get the hang of the AI settings I placed in as well as might change them to better suit how I want to play this game (mostly chill but do wanna win so it's on a fairly easy difficulty setting).
The thing I'm also adjusting is like...the screen I'm using now isn't the screen I used to play this game on and it's smaller width wise so everything feels SO DAMNED CLOSE when it also really ain't.
As far as the tuning mechanics go, I'm just gonna leave the tyres up to the pc to figure out mostly (like...Unless there's a VERY specific way to have the tyres pressure and...agh I forgot the second important setting), but in general It's gonna have to be a Per Car/Per Track/Per Weather basis.
I'm gonna hate wet/rainy weather so goddamn much >.<
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fandomoniumflurry · 7 years
The Last Thing I Saved
For @kathaswings 1K followers Challenge
Prompt: Yeah, well, I’m still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved. (Ice Age)
2.1k Words of mainly just adorableness
Sam x Reader, Dean
Just some swearing and a lotta bit of sass
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“Oh, my god! Do you ever give up!?” You yelled behind you as you stomped through the tall grass. Your face was dirty and your clothes were splattered with blood and mud. The large knife in your hand was also coated in the same gunk. The rain had stopped but the ground was still slick and there were times when your heavy boots sunk into the muddy terrain. It was dark and the crescent moon was all that lit the way. You were moving as quickly as you could even though you feared at any moment you would slip and land on your ass.
The man behind you was completely caked in mud with only a few spots of blood and guts visible under all the wet earth. His long legs made it easy to keep up with you and even though he was tall and lanky he seemed a lot more graceful than you. His long hair was matted and wet, sticking to his face and neck. It was hard to really make out much of his features but from what you could tell he was handsome and like most hunters he was muscular. Oh, who were you kidding, you could tell he was ripped, far better built than any hunter you had ever met.
“But this wasn’t all of them.” The man pointed out, a hand wrapping easily around your entire forearm to slow you down.
Your eyes roll as you yanked your arm free. “I’m well aware. Where do you think I’m going, Sasquatch? Down to the Five and Dime to pick up some nickel candies?” Your tone was sarcastic and thick with your annoyance. He had let go of you and you didn’t bother to look back at him to see his expression. But he was still behind you, following you closely as you reached your car.
You were surprised that you didn’t slip when you spun quickly on your heels to face the stranger once you made it to your little blue jalopy. It might have had something to do with the hand you were bracing against the hood but you liked to play it off as grace. Now that he was standing at his full height before you, you were almost intimidated. Your head had to crane backwards to look at his face and you swallowed a lump that suddenly grew in your throat. You played it off well enough, lifting a finger to point at him and giving your best scowl. “I work alone!”
Without waiting for him to respond, you slid against the car's frame and moved around to the driver’s side. He had the passenger door open before you could even climb in. “They’ve got my brother” He nearly whimpered and good grief, he was pulling out the cutest damn puppy dog eyes you had ever seen. “We’ve gotta save him.” His voice was pleading and you actually felt yourself go weak in the knees when you looked into those big hazel orbs.
Tough girl face once again. “Yeah, well, I’m still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.” You yelled with exasperation, your hand gesturing in his direction. Instead of the giant puppy dog, his face flattened into what appeared to be his best bitch face at the moment. You held his gaze in silence for a few breathless moments before you growled. “God damnit! Fine! Get in.” Your eyes rolled as you plopped behind the wheel, trying your best to not look at the ridiculous smile that appeared on the man’s face.
“I’m Sam, by the way.” The giant of a man said as your door closed. Your head turned to look at him, slightly dazed at the sight of him. The lights had come on when the doors opened and they wouldn’t go out for another thirty seconds or whenever you broke out of your trance and cranked the engine. And now that you could clearly see him, he truly was gorgeous.
You licked your lips and tasted blood and dirt which brought you out of the fog. You cleared your throat and quickly averted your gaze. This was no time to be distracted. You cranked the car and threw it in gear. Your arm came to rest on the back of the bench seat and you turned to look at him again. “Y/N.” Stated simply before you looked behind you and peeled backwards.
The adventure back at the house proved to be even more exciting than your romp through the muddy field. Your already muddy and bloody clothes were surely no longer salvageable at this point and you probably looked like shit. You felt like shit so it only made sense to look the part. And yet somehow Sam and his brother whom you learned quickly was named Dean, still looked like demigods. It was unfair really. They had got their asses handed to them plenty of times tonight and plenty of times you had saved their tails. You were starting to think all they had was their looks because they weren’t proving to be the best of hunters.
Sam’s hand engulfed yours when you reached out to lift him from his place on the floor. He had a firm grip and when he was on his feet he was standing impossibly close to you. You both seemed to be holding your breath, your hands still clasped together as you locked eyes. It was Dean’s voice that broke you from your moment, both of you letting go and pushing away as Dean came through the door and into view. He stared between the two of you, feeling as though he had interrupted something due to the awkward expressions on your faces. His brow raised, neither of you looking at each other and he allowed the uncomfortable silence to linger for a little while longer.
“Anyway.” Dean finally relieved you of the unbearable quiet with raised brows. He drew closer to his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking him over. When he was satisfied with the physical condition of the taller man, his attention turned to you. “You alright?”
Your face scrunched in response to his question which in turn made him look just as confused. With your eyes glancing between the two brothers who stared at you expectantly, you pondered as to why they cared about the well being of a perfect stranger. You squared your shoulders and put your hard face back on before crossing your arms under your bust. “I’m fine. Clearly better than the two of you.”
In sync, the two of them wrinkled their foreheads in offense. Dean turned to give his brother a look, as if they were having a silent conversation. Sam’s shoulders shrugged right before Dean’s eyes rolled and he spun on his heels to head out of the house. This left you alone in the dark room with the taller brother and the uncomfortable silence fell once again. Your hands fell awkwardly back to your sides, neither of you making eye contact as you looked around at the mess of bodies and broken furniture that surrounded you.
“Guess we should probably start cleaning up…” Your voice was quiet, unsure of what to do or say now. You didn’t usually have partners. Working alone was always the one rule you hated breaking. But you didn’t hate having Sam around. Even though it seemed like you were both awkward around each other, you couldn’t help the warm feeling he provided within you. When your eyes turned to catch his gaze, you saw him staring at your body. Your brow furrowed as you hugged your arms around yourself. “My eyes are up here, pal.”
His eyes rolled and without a word he stepped closer to you. A hand extended out towards you and you flinched back instinctively. He held his hand up in surrender, taking a cautious step forward. “I’m not gonna hurt you.” He assured, his fingers inching toward your abdomen.
It was then that your eyes fell to where his fingers delicately pulled your shirt up. Your eyes grew slightly when you noticed the deep gash across your side. “Well, shit.” The adrenaline seemed to crash all at once, the pain and blood loss taking over quickly. Before you knew it, Sam’s quick reflexes caused his arms to shoot out and catch you as your eyes rolled back in your head. You caught a quick glimpse of the worry on his face before everything went black.
There was no telling how long you were out. But when you finally woke up, your body ached and when you tried to move, a stinging pain shot through your side. Your hand fell to the source of the pain and noticed that it was already cleaned and bandaged. That made you realize that you were only in an oversized tee and your boy shorts. The last thing you remembered was standing in the middle of a massacre and now you were half naked tucked under a blanket. Unfamiliar scents flooded your nose as you pulled the blankets from off your torso.
You made sure to sit up slowly, not wanting to cause more dizziness than what you already felt. You couldn’t help the wince as you spun your legs over the side of the bed. Looking around, you found nothing that you could recognize and it didn’t help to remind you of the events that led you here. The t-shirt fell down over your hips, resting halfway down your thigh as you stood up on bare feet. Across the room, you saw the neat and folded pile of your clothes. At least what was left of them. Your shirt was missing and your boots were pretty scuffed but everything else was clean.
Fingers skimmed lightly over your duffle, your head tilting as you tried to bring back the memories. Everything had happened so fast. The attack in the field, the tall man that followed you to your car, rescuing the shorter yet still tall man, the slaughter of the whole lot of monsters. You all had barely made it out alive. Three against at least 8 in the house. That was after you had already taken on 6 out in the field. This was the biggest nest you had come across on your own. Even though you had nearly rejected the help of the boys, you were starting to think that you should be thanking them right about now.
You were brought from your thoughts when a soft knock sounded against your door. Your head turned and your fingers frantically combed through your hopeless bed hair. “Come in.” You called out, tugging the shirt down farther on your bare thighs.
The door cracked open slowly and a mop of damp chestnut locks came into view. You couldn’t help the smile that came to your face when Sam stepped in timidly. He returned your smile softly as he cautiously moved toward you. “Feeling better?”
A hand came to your side as you looked down at where your wound was hidden. Your shoulders lifted slightly before you locked eyes with his hazel hues that seemed so much brighter now. There were flecks of gold and blue, a swirling pool of color and sparkles and you found yourself lost within the hues. When you realized you were staring longer than necessary, you cleared your throat and nodded your head. “Couldn’t save my shirt though, I see.” You joked lightly causing him to give a soft chuckle.
“Yeah, well, I’m still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.” His voice was hushed, a playful whisper as he smirked.
“I see what you did there.” You laughed and even though it caused your side to ache you would continue if it meant you would get to hear more of the laugh that echoed yours.
You both got lost in a fit of giggles even though the joke was nowhere near this funny. But the lightness between you two was refreshing and the laughter lifted your spirits and warmed your hearts. You hadn’t noticed how close he had gotten until a large hand lifted to tuck your hair behind your ear. Your entire body froze and all air was sucked from your lungs.
“You saved me and my brother’s lives last night. We owe you a lot more than an old Zeppelin tee and a hard bed to sleep on.” His eyes moved to look down at the red shirt you were wearing before allowing a faint grin to appear on his face. “Hope you don’t mind, I had to..ya know, so I could clean you up.” Realizing your state of undress, your arms crossed over your chest insecurely, even though you weren’t sure what it would do for your now. “Get dressed. I made lunch.” His smile was bright and dazzling, his hand coming to graze your cheek before he turned back toward the door. Your heart fluttered when he turned to wave lightly before he closed the door, the sounds of his heavy boots moving down the hallway.
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