#the case of the Greystone Inscription
ineffabletwaddle13 · 1 year
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Watson is trying to ignore Holmes because he is angry with Holmes for shooting VR into the wall
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It’s not even the first time Holmes has fired a gun inside the flat!
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The Musgrave Ritual by Arthur Conan Doyle: “I have always held, too, that pistol practice should be distinctly an open-air pastime; and when Holmes, in one of his queer humors, would sit in an arm-chair with his hairtrigger and a hundred Boxer cartridges, and proceed to adorn the opposite wall with a patriotic V. R. done in bullet-pocks, I felt strongly that neither the atmosphere nor the appearance of our room was improved by it”
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Watson soon forgives Holmes and agrees to have breakfast with him :)
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lexie-squirrel · 1 year
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Sherlock Holmes (1954) (Episodes 11 - 20)
Продолжаю смотреть замечательный сериал 1954 года! Здесь даже экранизировали несколько каноничных рассказов, тогда как в первом моем посте из канона было экранизировано только относительно знакомство Холмса с Уотсоном. А здесь сразу с одиннадцатого эпизода,The Red-Headed League, была экранизация “Союза рыжих”. Интересно, что до этого я видел только гранадовскую экранизацию, так что было любопытно взглянуть на другое прочтение классики. Началось тут все, кстати, со стрельбы Холмса в помещении, что Уотсон аж весь пене для бритья из ванны выскочил, а будущий клиент свалился под их дверью. Забавно, кстати, видеть историю про Союз рыжих в черно-белом варианте, где рыжие, в общем-то и не заметны. А, еще тут был забавный момент, где Уотсон шумно отвлекает Клея в магазинчике, пока Холмс там шарится. Двенадцатый эпизод The Case of the Shoeless Engineer немного вольно экранизировал “Палец инженера”, только здесь незадачливый инженер потерял не палец, а всего лишь ботинок. Сам сюжет был передан довольно точно, не считая ботинка и того факта, что инженер сбежал вместе с девушкой, но в отличии от каноничного рассказа Холмсу дали проявить себя, да и вообще в финал добавили хоть какой-то экшн. Тринадцатый эпизод The Case of the Split Ticket снова оказался по самостоятельному и довольно-таки легкому по настроению сценарию. Началось тут вообще с того, что Холмс вытащил у карманника украденный бумажник и собирался незаметно вернуть его владельцу, но его-то как раз и схватили, пока он в панике звал Уотсона - Уотсон же ушел в фейспалм. Сам же сюжет крутился вокруг лотерейного билета, честно порванного на три части, вот только один из владельцев обрывка пропал. Девиз этого эпизода - “Ловкость рук и никакого мошенничества!” Ну, ловкость рук - это про Холмса, а вот мошенничество-то здесь как раз было, пусть и не с его стороны. В четырнадцатом эпизоде The Case of the French Interpreter, как можно догадаться, из названия вольно экранизировали “Случай с переводчиком”, заменив греческий на французский (видимо, актеров, владеющим французским было проще найти, чем владеющим греческим), но это была не единственная вольность - например, клуб “Диоген” присутствововал, но вместо Майкрофта членом этого клуба был сам Шерлок (а Уотсон шумно искал его там среди лиц, закрытых газетами, пока не гаркнул: “ХОЛМС!”). Этой истории, кстати, приделали счастливый конец - для всех. Пятнадцатый эпизод The Case of the Singing Violin был о том, как молодую девушку пугает по ночам призрачная игра на скрипке и другие ужасы. Холмс же тоже взялся за скрипку - когда сначала походил вокруг спящего в кресле Уотсона, а потом осторожно достал из футляра скрипку, занес смычок - и!.. К счастью, Уотсона разбудила не сомнительные звуки скрипки, а выстрелы на улице. Но забавнее было то, что Холмса в финале этого эпизода в самый ответственный момент злодей случайно запер в шкафу. Что было бы, не появись вовремя Уотсон со своим карающим кулаком возмездия! Шестнадцатый эпизод The Case of the Greystone Inscription был, по сути, экранизацией “Обряда дома Месгрейвов”. Только без Месгрейвов. В общем-то, общего тут только поиски королевских сокровищ по древнему стишку. Холмс тут в начале соблазнял Уотсона холодным лобстером с помидорами, а тот на него дулся, потому что Холмс канонично выстрелял инициалы VR на стене. В семнадцатом эпизоде The Case of the Laughing Mummy Холмс и Уотсон собрались на рыбалку, но это им было не суждено - их отвлекло дело о смеющейся мумии, хотя звуки, которые она якобы издавала похожи не на смех, а на мелодичные завывания. В этом эпизоде Уотсон, кстати, сверзился с крыши в кусты, а Холмс наверху это далеко не сразу заметил... Восемнадцатый эпизод The Case of the Thistle Killer был гораздо серьезнее предыдущих, ведь сюжет крутился вокруг маньяка, душителя одиноких женщин, и Холмс, Уотсон и Лестрейд решили заманить его в ловушку в парке. Соображал тут Холмс долговато и дело чуть было не закончилось еще одной жертвой. У девятнадцатого эпизода было многообещающее название The Case of the Vanished Detective - и сюжет не разочаровал, ведь тут пропал Холмс и его отправились искать Уотсон и Лестрейд, пользуясь его собственным дедуктивным методом. Правда, Холмс появился уже на пятой минуте эпизода, но он был в маскировке и его даже Уотсон не узнал. В общем-то, они чуть было не провалили Холмсу все дело. А еще в конце благодарный человек, чуть не ставший жертвой убийцы, решил обучить Холмса искусству кукловодства, и Холмс тут же начал вникать. Разносторонний человек, что и говорить. Двадцатый эпизод The Case of the Careless Suffragette опять был со странным сюжетом - и не только потому, что он был про суфражистку (которые тут показаны немножко туповатыми, пусть Холмс и разделяет их взгляды на голосование женщин) и про русского бомбиста, но и из-за взорвавшегося крокетного мяча, убившего члена парламента, над чьим местом смерти, припорошенным его прахом, Холмс, Уотсон и Лестрейд потом по очереди играли в крокет, не отвлекаясь от обсуждения... В общем, я все еще в восторге и продолжаю запоем смотреть этот сериал, хотя и понимаю, что так он очень скоро кончится.
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sherlockholmes1954 · 3 years
The Case of the Greystone Inscription
Sherlock Holmes (1954) Episode 16:
Ms. Millicent requests Holmes to find her fiancé, missing from Greystone Castle. Holmes assists in finding the location of King Richard II's possessions.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/mSis-3lSAJw
Dailymotion: https://dai.ly/x1zwwdv
Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/SherlockHolmes1954/Sherlock+Holmes+16+The+Case+Of+The+Greystone+Insription.mp4
About | All Episodes | Random Episode
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vera-invenire · 7 years
So after doing that Top 6 meme I started poking around my old files and I found my notes for the Kingkiller Chronicles and dear god, I do not remember making this many. When did I do this??
There are pages. I even divided the notes into categories. Objects, locations, characters, speculation. Like, I remember taking some notes but this is ridiculous.
I’m sharing the brainstorming page, because why not. Maybe I’ll figure out a way to cut and clean it up to turn it into posts or something.
Are we reading the story of the villain? 'Arcane' and 'Kingkiller' are very different people according to Chronicler. People are even saying K is a new Chandrian and Kingkiller definitely sounds like the name of a villain. Hah, he'd be like the anti-Taborlin.
“Her husband's rocks” - ward stones?
Broken Tree - broken family tree/line of descent?
Rennel trees - Bast falls from one ten years ago. But in Fae or in the mortal world? If in fae, then is the rennel tree a holdover from when Fae and the mortal world were closer? (I'm using 'mortal' for a shorthand, here)
Could the original Lady Lackless in the song (before it was updated) have been Lyra? She's the only other major female character who dates that far back, and only the last line seems to reference K’s mother.
Threpe urges K to call him by his given name, but in the story K always calls him Threpe. Could just be K's natural distance from nobles, but it might also be a hint that their relationship sours at some point and Threpe takes back the privilege of using his given name. Speculation - since K didn't tell Threpe everything about Alveron, Threpe thinks K was treated rather well. But now K is using the Maer's writ to steal not only from the University, but the Maer as well. If this gets out (and I think it will), Threpe is going to be understandably Not Pleased. Could lead to a falling out between the two.
The doors of stone - the Stormwal mountains? Heh, pretty big door, then. Or how about that dream K had about the double circle of waystones? That sounds more likely.
"The story is growing in the manor houses in the Cealdim and the workshops of the Cealdar, over the Stormwal in the great sand sea, and in the low stone houses of the Adem, full of silent conversation. And sometimes the story is growing in squalid backstreet bars, Dockside in Tarbean." <— Other major characters? For the second trilogy that I'm 99% sure is coming down the line?
I wonder if the Amyr burned Calupenta? I keep waiting to hear that they've done something horrible, but I haven't found any specifics beyond Gibea yet. At first I thought they might have been the ones to burn down the wedding (since there's that lovely picture on PR's blog of an Amyr burning down a house), but then I remember the rust and the rot and the blue flames Denna saw which points to the Chandrian, so that's out. Maybe, in a reverse image to K, the Amyr did something terrible to Denna in the past which puts her on a path leading to the Chandrian, the way K is drawn to the Amyr?
I wonder if K is not mentioning the problem with copper on purpose. If it can really withstand sympathy then that's not something arcanists would want to get about, which would explain a lot about the way certain things get glossed over in the class sections.
Cinder is Ash is Bredon. All three. Largely because there are no outright contradictions to the theory (which is amazing) and because it would be the most painful outcome for K. It would also fit well into K's 'was betrayed' statement.
Possibility: Lanre could have gone to the Cthaeh to get information to save Lyra, or maybe even used the flower. Bad things happened.
The first time D and K meet, they sit by a pool of water with two different greystones - one pointing to the sky, one pointing to the water. A symbol of their two different paths?
K tends to see D at crossroads, either physically or in their lives. The first time he left her, in fact, he said, "I'll see you where the roads meet." (I suspect this first meeting was embellished by K for storytelling purposes, but that would just make how he frames it more significant.)
When he goes to sleep in his parents' wagon, K says the candle must have started the fire. But I wonder, could it have been a 'cleanup crew' sent out there to destroy evidence of the Chandrian? The Amyr, maybe?
Newarre - nowhere or any(n-e)where, K thinks he’s so clever.
Tinue/Tinusa, Belen/Belenay-Barren? ‘How’s the road to Tinue’ as a relic from when Tinusa was the last city standing.
“A ring that's not for wearing” - a ring of greystones?
Could the Lackless family have splintered on purpose?
Kaepcaen - caen is 7? Link to Chandrian? What does Kaep mean?
E'lir - see-er, Re'lar - speaker, El'the...namer? listener? shaper? Oh, and gil'the (i think)
Teccam as the barefoot man in the cave - cross ref Hespe's story?
Copper knives are protection against fae. Taborlin had a copper sword. The Amyr on Nina's pot had a copper shield. There's a copper box in the Chronicler story. One of K's locks is copper.
In the center of Faeriniel there is a circle of grey stones. Check K's dream after the caravan is attacked.
Tak - possibly a very, very old game, though it can't be proven. Felurian knows it. So does Bredon, interestingly.
I fear for Sim.
The greater good is just another way of saying the lesser evil.
Trebon - maybe her Patron told Denna to keep an eye out for everyone who came looking for what happened at the farm. I still think she genuinely likes K, but there's the possibility that there was more going on there than K knew. Also - if Ash met her as she was getting closer to the farm, how could she see blue fire? She also stopped K from going inside the farm.
'Faeriniel' from K's story sounds almost like a mix of Fae and Myr Tariniel. It is where all the worlds in the road meet (an echo of Tinue?). It is the place you pass through while traveling somewhere else. Perhaps it's a literal in-between place? Where the waystones point? And it's a long and lonely night without a moon - fear a moonless night? When the human world is close to fae?
For this to be a tragedy as K says it is, he has to lose everything. His magic, his music, his love, his home. His friends? What he gets is notoriety. And enough money to by an extremely well stocked inn.
K, and we, are taking Skarpi's story as gospel truth. But at some point K's opinion of Skarpi declines (calls him a rumormonger). I'm thinking that Skarpi's story had some holes in it.
The Cthaeh and Modeg - in Fae, seeing the Cthaeh tree in a play is a hint that things are going to end in tragedy. In Modeg, seeing the Silent Doctor is also a hint that things will end in tragedy. There might be an interesting connection between the two, particularly considering that the fruit of the Cthaeh tree is said to be a panacea. And ‘silent’ because the danger comes from listening to the Cthaeh?
The knife guys had a cock up in Anilin. They lost their target twice. These things may or may not have been related. Also, it was never actually confirmed that K was the one they were looking for/whose hair that was.
Someone tried to buy K's blood from Devi for 55 talents. But how did they know she had it, particularly if she then made of a point of not knowing what they were talking about? ^Sleat knew he was in debt to Devi. He could have used or even sold that information.
Discrepancy - there's a mirror at Haliax's feet the first time Nina talks about the pot, but it's not in her drawing. Instead there's the candles.
Taborlin story - is there a connection between Cyphus the Chandrian and Scyphus the sorcerer king?
The library is made of grey stones - greystones?
The wedding house was made of grey stone found with the vase. So much for greystones protecting you from the Chandrian, if that's the case.
What in hell are the Ruach? Ruach is Hebrew for breath, or wind, or mind, or spirit, and is a term associated sometimes with the name of God. Seems of a piece with the name Aleph as well.
Laclith - 'lith' means standing stone, Lack-stone. Along with Lackey, Lack-key, and also Lock-less. No stone, no lock, no key? Different branches of the family…
Bloodless = Lackblood. Heh.
Haliax/Iax/Jax/Jakis, wouldn't that suck.
Valaritas - Valar - Alar?
Adem, 'sceopt teyas' is I am not speaking. Cross ref the beggar in K's story, Skarpi?
Skarpi says 'Haliax and the seven.' Isn't Haliax a part of the seven? Or maybe...the other is the one who spared the city?
If "caen" is a version of the word that means seven (as in caenin) then the Kaepcaen, the Modeg branch of the Lackless family, has "seven" in their name. Seven what?
Does being in fae make you faen, while being in the Four Corners makes you human? See: K coming out a little fae around the edges (even though that description has been used before), the fae losing most of their power when they cross, Bast acting much more human than Felurian.
Elxa is a title? Introduced as Elxa, not master. *And* he is the Master sympathist.
The inscription above the library might be archaic Siaru of some sort, which is why Wil can sort of read it. 'Morie' shows up in the song, 'Faenant en Morie,' and 'en' is in the Siaru curse, 'en kote'. (Faenant en Morie = fae and mortal?) ^And there's 'vorelan' a word Wil uses with the book guy that sounds a lot like Vorfelan.
The most interesting course title there is Ferrous and Cupric — iron and copper, eh? What’s up with copper?
And "sceop" or "scop," which literally means "shaper," was an Old English world for "storyteller." Also Skarpi's name. Or title?
Understanding and art - the strongest of the four corners of civilization (bet another is making or industry, in Ceal. Or perhaps they'd be economy?)
.UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. The cover stories in the first chapters show Kote is very good (and very practiced) at lying about himself. This is how we’re introduced to his character. Lying by omission: He never once brings up the possibility of joining another troupe. Due to trauma, most likely, but it’s still strange he doesn’t even bring it up as an option. Feels like a deliberate omission - he doesn’t want to talk about it. “Don’t believe everything you hear in stories, Bast. They lie to you.” Dismissive, “It was a long time ago.” Then he goes to the back and *cries.* It’s shown multiple times that Kvothe hides the cost of things behind a front, especially if it looks like weakness. Like when he told about his family, when he pushed too hard in the dueling class, the whipping, etc.
.DENNA AND KVOTHE CROSSING PATHS. They meet on the road and part ways They find each other in the Eolian when K waits for someone to sing Aloine's part Denna searches out K at Ankers. ("I heard you were playing on this side of the river.") They talk. Later K looks for her, but doesn't leave a note at the place she's staying. She leaves town. He can't find her. Denna finds K at the Eolian. (she talks to Deoch who then points to K. "I was hoping to find you here.") They plan to meet at the Eolian. Denna gets stood up by K. She turned a few people away, asked for K and waited an hour. ("longest I've ever seen that one sit still.") ^K didn't show up because he was passed out in the infirmary, but Denna didn't find that out until later. K gets to the Eolian after she already left with the man who will become her patron. Deoch promises to tell her what happened. K goes to the Eolian two days later to look for Denna, but finds Fela instead. Denna arrives after this point and presumably sees Fela's arms around K, as if in an embrace. Denna leaves without making her presence known, though K sees her walk out. He doesn't follow. Denna leaves a note for K requesting another lunch date before she leaves town. Denna gets stood up by K. She leaves without hearing from him. ^K didn't get the note until she was already gone. Denna gets sent to sing at the Mauthen wedding by her patron. The wedding is attacked. Ash talks D into letting him beat her ‘for her own good.’ K shows up in Trebon and finds Denna by accident. They search the farm and the surrounding area until they find the draccus and D gets drugged. D eventually passes out on the waystone. K leaves her there to deal with the draccus, after which he falls unconscious. Denna wakes up alone with no sign of K. She waits a long time ("distraught, even"), but eventually leaves. K wakes up and goes back to the waystone to find Denna gone. He goes back to the University. K and D accidentally bump into each other in Imre. TBC.
Conclusion - seen from her side of the story, when it comes to Denna, Kvothe is kind of a dick.
.CALENDAR. A span is 11 days. Four span for a month? German edition - a year is 8 months of 44 days
As far as dates and spans go I think this is how it works:
Days in a Span = 11 Days in a Month = 44 Days in a year = 352 Span in a Month = 4 Span in a year = 32 Months in a year = 8
We know there are 11 days in a span: Luten Shuden Theden Feochen Orden Hepten Chaen (trapis calls it caenin) Felling Reaving Cendling Mourning (the last four could tie into trapis' story, with hints about what happened when the moon was stolen. "Losel drank every day of the week, including Mourning. No, wait- there wasn't any Mourning yet." Also the first seven days seem like the same language, the last four are different. Shows the discrepancy between a seven day week and an eleven day week. English days have a similar pattern - Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat vs Sun/Moon, so assumption is the names were taken from two different cultures. First culture had a seven day week, the next had an 11 day span, likely occurring after the mess with the moon. So - the Creation War? Also also, Chaen/caenin means seven and it’s the seventh day, so are the other names numerical as well? What language?)
We know there are 8 months in a year: Thaw Equis Caitelyn Solace Lannis Reaping Fallow Dearth (Caitelyn??? Unlike the days, most of these match the Felling/Reaving/etc style.)
Expelled from the university, possibly before he was twenty for 'stealing magic' (or maybe just stealing *money* from the magic *school*, since he's actually doing that right now and we’ve already seen how stories get distorted as they travel)
Kill a guy by the fountain in Imre. Shatters the stones. (if he's not expelled from the university at this point, he probably will be now. It sounds like magic.)
K looks for his heart's desire. He tricks a demon to get it, but once it rested in his hand, he was forced to fight an angel to keep it. He killed the angel. (angels have tended to mean the Amyr)
Steal a princess from a sleeping barrow king (possibly a tall tale description of the event, possibly Princess Ariel)
Talked to Gods
Sings colors to a blind man (green, red and gold) by playing for 7 hours
Write a sad song
The young man hears K play in Imre and it broke his heart. Could possibly the Savien performance, but the guy was young so that performance might be too long ago. Maybe right near the time K left?
Kill at least one thing that is 'more than a man'
His first real lover called him Dulator because she liked the sound of it (who? Felurian, or someone new?)
Called Shadicar and Lightfinger (already called six-string)
Loved, lost, trusted and was betrayed
Meet Bast
Meet Skarpi again?
Kill a king (see line of succession)
Kill a poet? Known poets - Ambrose, Sim, Vashet's poet-king
Come into a LOT of money. Enough to buy an inn and overstock it.
Acquire his EXTREMELY expensive chest made of roah with it's copper lock, iron lock, and the lock that cannot be seen.
Read Celum Tinture, aka, learn some alchemy, though I suppose he could have read it on his way back from Vintas?
Find out that his mother was a Lackless (he specifically relates Arliden's song, why else would he do that in the frame story?)
Might loose Caesera? (particularly since he's supposed to send it back if he 'dies')
See Ben again?
Open up a locked door and get into trouble. (”Locked doors have never proved much of a hindrance to me. More's the pity.")
His sword gets the name Poet Killer. Unless that's just a bastardization of the sword's true name?
The Broken Tree - did it refer to the bandit camp, or something that had yet to happen? Or his broken family line?
Went or goes back to Felurian?
Possibly run into a waterfall with Denna?
In the cover story K traveled through the Eld three summers ago, arrow wound. But maybe a kernel of truth?
Fallout with Threpe (total speculation, but might make sense if part of the reason he's expelled is for stealing from the university and the Maer).
Gets a price put on his head
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Sherlock Holmes and Richard II
(You knew I was going to do this eventually)
-Born on January 6
-Born in Yorkshire
-Some film adaptions (Rathbone) have him quote the “this royal throne of kings” speech
-In the 1954 television series story “The Case of the Greystone Inscription,” which is inspired by The Musgrave Ritual, Sherlock discovers many of the lost possessions of King Richard II and attempts to keep them for himself rather than return them to the royal family
-There’s a 2015 published novel/pastiche thingy in which Sherlock is offered the role of Richard II by the Globe Theatre Company
-Born on January 6
-Died in Yorkshire
- ‘A man trying to be a god’
- ‘D’you know the big problem with a disguise? No matter how hard you try it’s always a self portrait... I think you’re damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power’
- ‘We did observe.’
-Richard’s white stag with a crown around its neck is part of the heraldic triptych is the stained glass windows of Mycroft’s home
Actor things:
-Ian McKellen once compared them in terms of their “reality” as people, and said that they both could exist in the modern world 
-Of course, Ian Richardson also played both roles
-Jeremy Brett was once Aumerle
-Granada’s Mycroft, Charles Gray, was the Duke of York with Jacobi’s Richard
-Matthew Needham, 2015′s Percy Hotspur, was a prisoner in Belarus interrogated by Holmes in BBC’s Sherlock
-And Charles Edwards shows up in season 4, as well as Murder Rooms: the Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes
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ineffabletwaddle13 · 1 year
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Holmes breaks in (yet again)
Holmes in the Arthur Conan Doyle books is also proficient at breaking and entering
In The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton Holmes proudly describes his tools to Watson before they break into the blackmailer’s house: “This is a first-class, up-to-date burgling kit, with nickel-plated jemmy, diamond-tipped glass-cutter, adaptable keys, and every modern improvement which the march of civilization demands”
Holmes even brags to police inspector about how good he is at burglary in The Adventure of the Retired Colourman: “There being no fear of interruption I proceeded to burgle the house. Burglary has always been an alternative profession had I cared to adopt it, and I have little doubt that I should have come to the front.”
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ineffabletwaddle13 · 1 year
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Watson’s breakfast is delayed by the arrival of a client. He’s happy when he finally gets to eat it after the case is solved!
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ineffabletwaddle13 · 1 year
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Archie Duncan, who usually plays Inspector Lestrade, as Sir Thomas Greystone. Quite a few of the actors are reused in multiple roles in the series! (1954 Sherlock Holmes)
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