#the celestial toymaker x reader docter who
xglassx · 9 months
🎱🎲♟️The celestial Toymaker x reader🧸
⚠️warning this is not show accurate⚠️
I have never done this type of thing before so please do not come for me
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He took you in when he found you roaming on the streets. You had just ran away from you foster home again and did not pack properly and sat in an alleyway shivering with you hands wrapped around you trying to preserve any heat you had left.
He walked into the alleyway and stopped right in front you you.you lifted your head to look up from his shoes to him Persians robes to his smiling face. Oh how that smile burnt into you. Your glassy eyes looked up at him and you sniffled from the cold.
"My my, who is this? Children should not be all alone at this time. Especially in the cold!"
You bring your sleave up to your face and wiped away the numbness from your cheeks."I am not alone!" You tried to lie to the stange man in hopes off him leaving you alone instead of sending you back.
"Oh but you are,aren't you?"
He asked with that same smile. "Please sir you cannot send me back there!" You where ready to plead with the strange man as you staggered to your feet.he gave a chuckle and kneels now eye level with you."would you like to come with me instead? You see I am a toymaker and yet have no one to share them with would you like to that someone?"
You nodded your head with glee and he picked you up and held you tight yo his chest so you where shielded by his Persian robes as he walked off into the night.
You then lived with him for as long as you could rember you sent hours running around the toy store playing with planes and cars and dolls off all types. The toymaker made sure to make sure to teach you how to behave properly and be very well mannerd. Learnt how to take care of yourself and how to function alone if he was ever gone. Not that he would ever be far and even if he was he always had his dolls keep and eye on you.
Once you where running around as a child does but then you heard " (y/n)! für die Liebe, stop running! You will break something and get hurt" you nodded you head but waited from him to turn back around before you started running. But like and stupid child he ran straight into a cupboard causing a puppet to fall off and hit the ground with a loud !bang!. You fell to the floor with a small scrape on your arm and wide eyed as you held you breath.
"(Y/n)! Bist du dumm, Mädchen? kannst du nicht zuhören!?"
You turned around you see him standing right behind you. Your eyes started to well with tears and you apologised profusely. "I am sorry it was an accident I didn't mean it!" You cried as you cluched onto the hem of your dress.
He only sighed as he picked you up and sat you up on the counter as he cleaned up your arm. "Listen to me next time".you nodded your head as he wiped the tears away from your eyes.
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xglassx · 9 months
🎱🎲♟️The celestial toymaker x child reader 🧸🧩
⚠️not show accurate please do not hate I am only trying too share my work with the world and hope you will fine as much joy from reading it as I did wrighting⚠️
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You didn't know how you got here but the doctor was gone and you couldn't see dodo or Steven. You stepped out of the tardis and the world around me looked different. A room full off dolls and toys and cribs.
You leave the safety of the tardis and walk further into this weird looking relm of sort and with a swift glacé you spin round to see the tardis was gone. You started to panic frantically looking about for any sign of any one in this world that could help you get back home. "Steven!" You yell as you walked down the twist off corners and walls."Dodo!" I yell out hoping someone would respond.
After some time off walking you come across a door with light gold tints and red varnis. You walk up to the door your nervs pooling at the bottom of your stomach as you opened the door slowly to see and man in Persian robes (I know they are Chinese just go with it)standing in front of a table he smiles at me and takes a step towards you.
You cautiously take a step back only to your back too collide with the door that had now been locked shut without making as much as startling a mouse.you panicked as you ratteld the door handle with haste trying to get it to open."Don't be frighten (y/n)-" "How do you know my name!" You ask him before he had the chance to finish his sentence.
He didn't seem frustrated at your impatients but rather fond of it because the only response he gave you was another shallow smile before walking behind the table and pulling out the chair that was facing away from the door and gesturing for you too sit in it. You walk towards the table with caution as you sit down in the seat and he swiftly tucks it in before sitting on the chair that was opposite it.
"I know many things about you (y/n) like how you love to play rummy" withing a blink the deck of cards on the table change from a neet pile to a stack of ten cards each and stock pile with a single cards in the discard pile. "How did you..." you ask in disbelief "does it really matter? Just as long as you play with me?". He asks me with a devilish smile. "WHAT do I get out off it? Where is dodo and Steven!" He only seems to dismiss you yells"you know what? If you win I will tell you where they are but if I win...well we can discuss the details later"
You nod you head as you began to play. You picked up you deck and looked at your cards sutily before glancing back at him to see he had his cards in his hands but was pering over at you with that same look plaster apon his face. You could only roll you eyes as you began to play.
"You first my love"
You started to play whilst you where high on guard asking questions about you friends "so what happens to the doctor,Steven and dodo" "thats cheating, i said i would tell you that when you win you cheaky minx" "Fine then, who are you?" "Does that really matter?" "Yes" you replied with a cold stair "I am the toymaker" you paused what you where doing before briefly looking up for the first time Turing the game forgetting the fact you where trying to focus "doctor spoke off you once"
"Did he now?" He seemed rather fond off himself "Yes doctor said you took his friend away is that ture?" He laughed "more or less" "what did you do with him" you said firmly. "You are funny one trying to act all serious. But I think it's my turn to be asking the questions" you sigh "okay then ask away "do you like you friends (y/n)?" You paused and looked up "Yes why would you even ask a question like that" "because you are not trying very hard to win this game and get them back" "Yes I am!" "Really? Because you just let me win" you looked down to see you had 5 cards in you hand and he had non.
I had let him won.but how? I was paying full attention and he had attention 7 cards a second ago "not fair you cheated!" You yelled at him "but did I? It doesnt matter.what matters is that i won and you lost now you are stuck with me forever" What? You asked at Steven and dodo plburst through the door "(y/n)! What are you doing get away from him! Don't play a game there all rigged!" Dodo yelled at "its too late...I already lost" I said "well then I got what I came here for"The toymaker says before dodo and Steven where whisked off by 2 clowns and you try to race after them but the toymaker grabbed my arm as I watched dodo and Steven get dragged away.
"LET ME GO" you yelled at you tried to push him away as you kicked and screamed and cried. You wails depleted into sobs and you grew tired of kicking and screaming the toymaker picked you up in his arms and swayed you side to side and cooed in you ear " its okay my little doll I will take care off you"
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xglassx · 4 months
Toymaker x reader
🧸 hey wheres my baby?
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You ever had a dream where it feels so real? Then you wake up and relised it ment nothing to no one else?-me
The night was peaceful not a noise in the streets yet to flicker of a lamp as the bugs buzzed around flapping their wings to the hum of the bulbs. you lay in bed head against the pillow nothing but the sound of your own breathing and The Dip of the mattress next to you.
The occasional ruffle sheets would have entered your ears if your conscious to this world but you weren't. sleep came to you easy tonight which was a rare case amongst chaos it was so peaceful so relaxing.
Imagies were rough yet piece together a few smiling sitting down in a chair swinging back and forth lightly rocking on the chairs legs as you're having a small tune to the small being in the bundles of blankets nestled in your arms.
Singing was never a thing especially in public but for this little thing in your arms it could beg you to sing every second of your life and you wouldn't even bother you because that's the type of sacrifice you'll be willing to give you'll be willing to Sacrifice everything for this thing your own life even yet something about it felt so fabricated
The way the trees suede other way the birds sun perfectly in tune to you yep something was wrong and I don't know whether it's the weight on your chest or how your arms felt lighter with each passing second but the smile that baby's face made all of that seem like silent nothings
You smile is it reached out to you what if it's soft hands grasping onto your fingers you could feel it it was so real right? If you feel it if you could see it it's in that real enough isn't it real enough for you? Your browse photo together the longer you looked at the baby's face it didn't have a face.... it's face with a blur you tried you tried you really really did but the more you thought and the more you panics the more your head started to her the war the world started spin around you the song of the birds turned to discord of burning humming almost a buzzing type sound
Like there was screaming out to one another your arms slowly let go of the bundle as it fell to the floor revealing that there was nothing in it you stood up from your chair in a panic as you frantically looked around as your heart started race and chest rows and fell with each shaky breath you woke up
You set up Softly in your bed panicked tears bringing your eyes as you frantically looked around only to feel a soft hand lay on your face you turn to meet the toilet maker soft eyes you know exactly what you were dreaming and hangs exactly how you have felt he was clearly waiting for you to wake up
As you want to say something all that left your mouth was a soft whimper as you felt tears slowly cars gay down your face see held you tightly into his chest you know exactly how you felt he knew how it was a dream and how you couldn't bear the thought of your own child not being real
"But he was right there?where did he go,i could feel him" you said the shaky voice as you sobbed into this chest tears staining the fabric sheets that you both rested upon he said nothing but held you tightly the sound of his rhythmic breathing slowly soothing you as you try to contemplate what just happened it felt so real so how did it all disappear your son was there in your arms where did he go he felt so panicked so confused as you try to understand what was going on
Is your eyes shifted round the room you realised it was a dream nothing none of this was real but it felt so real to you you could feel the weight of your baby in your arms and your held it the wind in your hair the hum of the birds the weight lifted beneath your feet as you Rocked on the chair it felt so real so how is it not real now
Toymaker Stewart pieces leaves be slowly rupturing his arms telling you how it was gonna be okay and there so you don't have to worry and he knew how you felt he knew exactly what you're feeling. You desperately tried to say something you tried to formulate a sentence that would make sense in your mind as well as in his own but you couldn't could you couldn't even make sense of what was happening right now
"He was right there" almost angrily into his chest as you lifted your arms slowly to wrap round his neck searching for some form of comfort searching for some form of weight reassure you this wasn't a dream and you weren't home Alone. "I am right here" he said reassuring you knowing exactly what you were thinking and not wanting to panic you further
He whispered sweet nothings insurers you slowly Rocked you back to sleep you could feel the weight of your eyelids slowly pull down cover your site as the weight on your shoulders felt like it had been lifted again. You briefly heard him mumble something he slowly laid you down next to him as he pulled the covers up and tucked you in slightly and adjusted the pillow behind your head as he placed a soft kiss on your brow and hum due to sleep
It felt so real
Yet it wasn't
Is this even real
"Yes sweet thing,this is real" hey mumbled into your hair as you slowly open your eyes to look at him with a sleepy gaze you were about to question him ask him how ask him why telling that yes you could feel him but it doesn't mean you're there "dont worrie i wont let you go"
He mumbled into your hair as he slowly hummed you back to sleep you felt your eyes slowly closed again.
I hope this is real
"I felt him" you said not opening your eyes, afraid that if you did you would wake up to an empty bed. You hand slolwy trailed up his arm making sure he was there."i felt his weight in my arms" you said as you slowly cried. The toymaker wiped away a tear from you closed eyes. "Sweet thing look at me" he whisped as he shifted he weight so he was over you face."i am afraid that if i do you will be gone to" you mumbled as you held onto his arm,hs slolwy lifed your hand into his and held if against his face as he gave it a soft kiss.
"Look at me" he said again,you slolwy opened you eyes to look at his face,it wasnt a blur he was there right infront of you,"i am not going anywhere" he mumbled into you hand,"but i felt him" you said as your throat bured threating to let out a held back sob."i know sweet think,just try to rest please" he pleaed as he placed your hand down on your stomach as he shidted tp lay down next to you rubbing his hand over yours,
"Dont let go"
Did I write this at one of the morning yes
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xglassx · 10 days
Do you know what time it is.....celestial papa scenario 🎉
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Warning no show accurate!!!!
As you started to get older you grew more distant from your farther in an attempt to leave old childish games behind in pursuit of new things. The first time you left the celestial toyroom was a shock,you had managed to find yourself on earth. So many professionals people in suits and straight faces of misery. It exsighted you,new wonders and adventure waiting for you at every turn.
You walked a little ways down the busling street until you made it to a small woodland,you watched as people ate picnics,walked dogs,rode bike it was extatic but was not the kind of thing you where looking for,you wanted something more professional,responsible and grown up. Something that needed to be nurtured and looked after something like-"hey" you spun round as you felt a hand on your left shoulder. It was a man that was about your age in high school maybe college,he gave you a sweet smile as he stood in front of you fumbling with his fingers.
"Hey I thought that you where cute and I wanted to get your number" you looked up at him with a blank expression as you listened to his words,your face headed up as he finished talking. "......a phone,oh yes a phone! I don't have one sorry...." you said feeling let down"thats fine,maybe you wanna go to a cafe with me...right now?" He asked sweetly and you couldn't help but nod your head.
He seemed sweet and harmless and you couldn't help but seem amused. Maybe it was part off your father that had rubbed off on you,yet you couldn't help yourself in finding some sort of sick pleasure entertaining his idea of even having a chance with you.maybe this was the entertainment you where looking for.
"Yes I would love that!"you followed my though the quaint little town as he told you about himself,his name was noah and he was from around here,as you sat in the little cafe you didn't order anything as you thought it would take away from the amount of Time you had to look into his eyes,"so what brings you around" quick thing of a lie "oh I justed moved here"
He reached over the table to hold your hand that layed on the smooth surfaces of the table. "well maybe after this I can walk you home" your face grew hot was a smilr coulfnt hrlp but tug at the corners of your lips.this what going to be so much fun the idea of letting this man down was practically thrilling.
oh shit,we where interuped by a voice on the right "oh no need she still has a lot of unpacking to do" you looked up to see your farther standing there with his arms crossed and brow furrowed, "dad I was just-" this clowm is your farther?" Noah said as he side eyed your farther. You did want to justify your actions to your farther but now given noahs interruption it seems all chance you had of getting out of this unscathed where out the window.
"Dad he didn't mean it-" "y/n I suggest we go home before I do something I will regret" you lowered your head as you slid out from the booth and your farther grabbing your hand quite harshly as dragging you out.
By the time you got home your embarrassment faded into anger. You ripped you had out from your fathers grip and glare at him."who could you embarras me that like!" You yelled it from the first time in your life.he gave you a cold stair and crossed his arms not taking to kindly to your attitude."y/n you have known better then to speak to some-" before your fathers could land any insults on your choice of men you spoke up."I don't care what you think!.I am not some little girl anymore! I can't take car off myself and make my own decisions! Ans I sure as hell don't need you to help me!" His frown parked as his eye boar hole into yours.
"Don't speak to me like that young lady I am your father-" with a burst off anger you shouted "BUT YOUR NOT!" your face felt red as the pace of your chest increased. Anger filled your fathers as you yelled at him."really?" He mocked as he stalked closer "who saved you from the streets when you where a child?" Your feet moved you back slightly as he got closer.he knew he was scaring you "who fed you? Bathed you? Loved you for all your worth!?" HE started to raise his voice and tears pricked into your eyes as your back collided with a set off draws. Stinging filled your hip as you put both your hands behind you back to hold and stable yourself.
"Who put up with your childish foolish antics for years! Who made the mistake off waisting there life trying to fix the mess you become!" You slid down the draw till you where onto the floor with stars poruing down your face. You sobbed as his words cut deep. You felt all the years do insurances fill you. "ME! I took care off you! When you didn't deserve my help! My guidance!" He loosed over you his hands dictating his words.
As you sobbed feeling broke inside as he yelled at you making you feel small and scared again look you did all those years ago. His words sliced at your skin leaving bring sensations across your body as your eyes burned as stars pooled in them spilling over the edge and down your face. He sighed kneeling down to your level. "You didn't deserve my help and somtim3w you seem to forget where you stand like when you stood all alone that night I took you in"
His yelling stopped as his hand gently cupped your face as your tried to flinch away. His cold hands burned more then your tears did no your face. "But I will always remind you where you stand in this world.i do it to protected you. To build you back ul again when you break" He was right,his words broke you and he was going to make sure he would rebuild you differently this time.more depened on him. Needing more off hid time and attion like when you where a little child still killing to his leg.
"I will put you back together again and nothing will stop em from doing so.becuas I love you y/n" He took your face his both his hands as he pressed his forehead against yours. Your teary eyes buring as you whee forced to look into his eyes. You broke down in open mouth sobbed as your clung to him hiding for face in his neck. He rubbed soothing patterns on your back as he hushed your sobbs.
He would do better to make sure you would be more dependent din him this time.
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xglassx · 9 months
🎱🎲♟️ the celestial toymaker x child reader 🧸🧩
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This man will 100% percent tuck you in at night,like you cannot look me in the eyes and say that he would not notice when his child is getting tired,pick them up,and then tuck them in with a kiss on the forehead. He would also read you bed time story's when ever you asked. He knows them so well that he doesn't even need to pick up the book and read them he just tells them too you off by heart.
And most of them consist of his own story's he made up about how he won games against people and how it was so much fun how they lost and where forever trapped in his doll house. You didn't find those ones as much fun thought. The thought of people not having feel will and forever being trapped scared you. And sometimes your dad's "line of work" scared you. Let's just say you found the dolls creepy and also deeply upsetting.
So in this case,when you do get upset would definitely comfort you and rock you side to side no matter what age.
Whether it's from the dolls in the door house upsetting you or just from watching a scary film with man would have you up and in his arms faster then you could blink. Or he would be sitting down on the sofa with you and pull you into his lap.
Once you where playing with the two clowns and after a while off playing a game that involved jumping from block too block one of the clowns got a bit too ruff and moved one of the blocks causing you too fall over. Clara (one of the clowns) rushed over to you aid but it was too late the damage had already been done. And you started to cry and a red mark was left on your arm.
The clowns relised that they messed up and knew what fate waited for them because of the toymaker reaction when Cyril kept messing with you when you first got into the celestial toy room. He kept shocking you and scaring you every chance he got till it pushed you too a point when you started to cry.
Cyril laughed when you started to cry that was until the toymaker appeared. He crouched down cupped your face and wiped your tears. He snapped his fingers and Cyril turned back into a doll. He walked over picking up the doll and swinging it onto the floor smashing it's head like it was porciline.
He then walked back to you and picked up "are you okay my doll?" You nodded you head 'yes' as he walked off with you in his arms.
The clowns started to panic and before they know it the toymaker had appeared and knelt down looked at your arm he glared at the clowns before picking you up."I will be back to deal with you two"He walked away with you in his arms and set you down on a chair before returning with a ice pack and placing it on your arm.
He gave you a kiss on the cheek as he held it on your arm.
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xglassx · 4 months
Celestial toymaker x reader
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I sat outside the toyshop scrolling through my phone.you told your boyfriend that you head started to hurt so you went outside to get some air.he nodded his head and gave you a soft smile before going back to what he was doing.
He had become a lot less cautions of what you where doing he trusted you to fo out on your own. Well,it took a lot of persuading but you final was allowed to go out. Mostly to go to your house and get your things and he forced you to tell your parents that you where in a relationship and where moving in with your boyfriend.
You parents where so happy but also up set.it was so sudden,you where gone for weeks then suddenly you show up again with a boyfriend who you just ment. And you where already moving in with him.it worried you parents and they swiftly wanted to confront this man who seemed to be a bit older according to your words. You swayed them no too because you didn't want anything to happen to them. Knowing the toymaker would not be happy with them.
You just tried to keep him happy and it seemed to work.as you head rested on the red brick wall listening to cars driving past you and foot steps of people walking past-"hey,you lost?" You tilted your head up.the sun glaring down on your face as you raised a hand to cover your eyes to get a better look at this stranger. He was tall around 5,11 maybe hard to tell with blond short hair that had a sort of bounce to it along with loose baggy clothes. He reminded you of a golden retriever in the way he looked and how he smiled down at you.
"No thanks I am alright" you waved him off before looking back to your phone assuming he would just go away on his own after hearing your response or he would get the hint. "Are you sure?" He tilted his head and offered a hand to you "it's okay to ask for help.i am not going to bite" there it was again that same sweet smile. You eye brows raised as you ignored his hand slowly resting your hand on the floor to.push yourself up into both feet."like I said,I am okay I live round here" you rested your back against the wall hoping the now change in beight from you being on the floor to now standing up would make you seem less lost and confused. "Are you sure I have never seen you around" He asked as he sheepishly put his hand down to rest at his side. He had this sort of happiness to him that made he seem sweet but nervous at the same time when he talked to you.
"Ugh yeah,I just moved in" you Made a subtle gesture towards the small shops gentral direction."do you need someone to show you around?" He said as he shifted his weight onto opposing feet."um,no thanks I know the place quite well but that was sweet of you" He seemed to smile when you absentmindedly called him sweet. "Maybe we should go out sime time? I am free tonight if you wanna-" "no thanks I got a boyfriend" you where quick to cut him off nor wanting anything to do with this conversation anymore."then why where you leading me on like that,all you woman are the same" I gave my a disgusting look "exusme,I didn't lead you on" He got closer to me "yes you did come on just one date I can make you change your mind" I took a small shuffle to the side to try avoid being backed against the wall "yeah no,go away I am done talking to you" He reached out and grabbed my for arm "dont walk away from me" He started to rase his voice.
I gave him as hard look before tugging my arm out of his grip. It clearly surprised him as he went to grab my arm again but having to step back in surprise when someone stood right in between the two of us."is zis man bothering you ,Schatz" I looked up at the toymaker as ge grabbed my hand softly bring it up to his lips kissing it possibly trying to calm down. "Umm...." I glanced at the man that stood behind the toymaker feeling guilty for him "no,let's just go inside" you tugged his hand over to the shop leaving the man standing angry "hey the fuck! Are you her boyfriend! I could easily take you"
You turned over to the man with a smile "exuase me how about you leave us the fuck alone" you said with a sickly sweet smile. But your face dropped when the toymaker let go off your hand "vhy don't you go inside Mein Liebling I vont to have a vord with zis vyoung boy" you eyes locked with the toymaker knowing better then to argure I nodded my head and walked back into the shop. I heard the small bell shine as I sighed looking around,"fuck me this place is just so creepy sometimes" you rubbed the back of your neck and sighed as you hopped over the counter and went to pull over to door.
The second you do the toymaker was standing right there casuing you to stumble back "I vont think vats a very gnice ring to say you will hurts vere feeling" the toymaker said with a smiled as he held out a doll in his hands.it looked awfully like...."really did you have to? I mean,yes he did push his luck but-" I looked up into his eyes and the look he game me told that he was going me a warning. "Sorry" you casted my eyes to the floor as he lifted my eyes to look up at him."dont vou ever apologies Meine Liebe" he kissed your forhead and brung me into a tight hug,hand resting in your back and one on the back of your head pressing me into he rest as he wayed. Hiding you face from the world
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