#the chilling advantures of sabrina imagine
imaginefan · 4 years
Offer Still Stands
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 1171
Requested: Anon
Request: Being confident and sarcastic all the time but when Caliban comes around your mood changes a little you tend to be rude to him to hide that you like him. One shot.
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You were probably the most witch-like human friend that Sabrina had, you were sarcastic and very strong-willed, you weren't easily scared so when Sabrina found out about her witch heritage you were the one that she was least scared to tell and you didn't really say too much about it, it was a shock to you but that was all finding out that all of that existed didn't make you change the way that you lived or the people that you talked to. Now most of Sabrina's problems didn't directly affect you and to be fair her latest fight to be Queen Of Hell didn't affect you either but when she came to you with her problem you were there to listen and to provide what seemed to you obvious advice.
"So what you're telling me is that there's a guy who claims that he should be King Of Hell?" You asked. "Yeah, he proposed a competition." She answered. "And?" You asked. "Well that's it" She answered. "Whoever wins rules." "Well then win." You shrugged. "Caliban was born in Hell how can I hope to beat him?" Sabrina asked. "By bringing a new kind of you to the table, I know you can do it, I've seen you do it. Remember that you have magic to use it." You said, she looked at you and you smiled "I know that you can win but I think that's what scares you."
You didn't hear anything more from Sabrina after that, you hoped that she had taken your advice on board but you weren't one to sit around worrying you asked Harvey and the rest when you saw them but it was becoming harder and harder to find them as well. One night you were sitting on your bed when Sabrina and another boy appeared in your room "Sabrina." You greeted her and then you looked at the other boy that had appeared with her, she watched you quietly. "He's the guy isn't he?" You asked. "How do you know that?" He asked as he looked you up and down. "You have the confidence of someone who wants to be king." You answered crossing your arms over your chest. "Caliban." He introduced himself and you looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he put his hand out, you didn't take it, you looked at Sabrina (mostly because you feared that if you looked at him any longer you were going to cave). "What are you doing here 'Brina, you usually stop by when you need something." You said as you leant up against your bedpost, by now Caliban had started to look around your room, you assumed this was the first time that he'd seen a human room and the wonder that took over his face almost made you smile. "Well actually it's Harvey and Theo, they need our help, they asked me to get you." She answered. "So why have you brought the prince of hell then?" You asked. "He might be able to help." She answered. "Yeah for something in exchange, this could be how he gets you to forfeit." You informed her and she sighed. "Let's just see what happened." Sabrina said and you sighed before nodding and told her that you'll meet her outside when you were ready.
When you got to Harvey's you realised that the situation was more dire then you though, Ros had been turned to stone and Sabrina had no idea how to fix it "I might be able to help your friend." You looked over at Caliban. "In exchange for?" You asked. "I have a proposal that I wish to make away from the courts of Hell, if my Queen were to entertain it then I would help your friend." He explained. "What do you know about turning stone to flesh?" Sabrina asked. "I'm made of clay" He reminded her. "I'm sorry made of clay?" You asked. "Mmm." He hummed as he looked at you again with a smirk on his face. "If he can save Ros." Harvey jumped in. "I'll do it." Sabrina agreed. "We'll need a mutual party." He looked at you and you rolled your eyes before standing up. "Let's go." You ordered.
You had taken a seat at the farthest end of the room from the two bickering royals but the moment that they started talking about the proposal you listened, you listened to them argue about marriage until he proposed something else "What about marrying someone that you can trust." He suggested. "Who do you know that I trust?" She asked and then you felt them looking at you. "No" You answered and they both raised an eyebrow. "I'm not marrying anyone."  They had assumed that you weren't listening considering you were looking at your phone. "Well then maybe we should just save your friend, your hearts may soften to me after." He said as he handed Sabrina the book. "Mm yeah sure." You muttered. A trip to the highschool and one failed offering later you were jumping in the middle of Caliban and Harvey to stop a fight "Okay I don't think this is helping anyone!" You pushed Harvey while using your body to stop Caliban from moving forward. "I should kick your ass." Harvey threatened. "Harvey I swear to god if you don't calm down, I'll kick your ass." You warned him as Sabrina walked towards Theo and Robin who you were vaguely aware of having a conversation. Robin explained that there was another way that you could try and get Ros back but there was no guarantee that he was going to work out in your favour. Sabrina decided that she was going to ask for some help from someone at the school before telling all of you to go home. "Be careful Sabrina."
You'd just walked into your bedroom when you realised that Caliban was sitting on your bed "what the hell are you doing here?" You asked. "Don't worry, I'm just here to thank you." He answered. "Thank me?" You asked. "For protecting me from your mortal friend... Not that I needed it." He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. "You started off strong there, you really did." You sighed as you dropped your bag on the floor and walked over to your desk chair. "Is there something else?" "Why?" He asked. "You hadn't shown much care for my safety before that." "Maybe it wasn't your safety I was worried about." You shrugged. "Then why threaten him and not me?" He asked. "I can threaten you if that's what you want." You informed him and he smirked. "I like you." He said. "That's nice, now if you don't mind I have things that I need to be getting on with." You informed him as you turned away from him, you heard him get up and you held your breath as he got closer. "The offer still stands." He said softly his lips next to your ear and when you turned he was gone.
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imaginefan · 4 years
You Can’t Take It Back
Ambrose Spellman X Reader
Word Count: 945
Requested: Anon
Request: Could you make a one-shot of Ambrose being jealous and annoyed Caliban is hitting on you cause he likes you but he doesn't tell you that he does ?
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You and Ambrose had been friends since you were kids, you stayed his friend even after he was put on house arrest, it was hard to see him at first but as time went on you were able to reconnect and you even met his cousin Sabrina. You had never seen someone who got into more trouble than his cousin. Ambrose cared about her a lot and you offered to keep an eye on her as you were able to leave the house and he agreed.
Ambrose took to making sure that his Auntie's didn't need help and you made sure that Sabrina stayed out of trouble and that was pretty easy until it got to her sixteenth birthday and she started going to The Academy Of The Unseen Arts you couldn't keep her out of trouble there because you had a job to do, you weren't so much a teacher but you had the job of making sure that every kid stayed out of trouble and so it was a lot harder to keep an eye on her.
You were sitting in the library, you had a book out in front of you but you were kind of just looking at the words you were trying to pass the time, you were supposed to be going to see Ambrose but there was still an hour or so before you had to leave. "You don't look like your very invested in that book." You jumped and looked over at the door. "Ambrose? What are you doing here?" You asked. "Father Blackwell has given me a place here," Ambrose answered. "Your teaching?" You asked. "Not quite." He answered and you frowned. "Doesn't matter, we can meet here now." He said and you looked at him and smiled before getting up and walking over and pulling him into a hug. "Now you can help me keep your cousin out of trouble." You said as you pulled back and he shrugged. "We can try." He answered.
A couple of months later and Blackwell had been knocked off his pedestal and the school no longer honoured the dark lord, Sabrina had come to you when she was told that she had to be the Queen Of Hell and you went back to Ambrose to tell him that he may not see you as much as he had before as you planned to help Sabrina as best you could. "You are really taking this deal seriously, we can all help her now." He reminded you as you sat on the table in the library as he put books back on the shelf. "I know but your aunts still need you here." You said and he sighed. "I mean you just got back from helping Prudence." "Mmm." He hummed. "Look I'll help Sabrina and you help your aunts like before and if we need help we call each other." You suggested and he sighed. "I don't like this." He said and you looked at him and nodded. "I know we're not really going to see each other but hopefully it won't be that long." You said. "We don't really have a choice do we?" He asked. "Not really." You shrugged as he walked towards you pulled you into a hug. "Be careful." He said. "You too." You ordered.
Now Ambrose hadn't seen you in a few weeks and truth be told he was missing you, he really liked you more than just a friend but he never told you, he decided that he was going to tell you the next time that he saw you because he hated being away from you for this long. "Ambrose!" He heard Sabrina call. "Cousin, how are you?" He asked as he looked behind her. "She's not with me," Sabrina said with a smirk. "Where is she?" He asked. "She's with Caliban making sure he honours his side of the deal," Sabrina answered. "I need to be quick, he keeps making eyes at her." "Making eyes, what does that mean?" Ambrose asked. "Nothing... Don't worry about it (Y/N) can handle it." Sabrina dismissed him. "I need you to answer a question," Sabrina informed him. After answering her questions he looked at her "Could you tell (Y/N) that I need to talk to her when she has the time," Ambrose asked. "Are you going to tell her?" Sabrina asked. "Just tell her little cousin." He ordered before gesturing for her to leave.
"Ambrose!" You yelled as you walked into the library. "(Y/N)." He greeted you. "Are you okay!? Sabrina said you wanted to talk." You said as you walked over to him, checking him over. "Hey, I'm fine, I need to talk to you about something." He explained. "What?" You asked. "First that Caliban kid, what do you think of him?" Ambrose asked. "He's cute but he's young and annoying." You answered, "why?" "Sabrina was saying something earlier." He answered. "What? That he was making eyes?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. "How did you know that?" He asked. "Because she's been saying the same thing to me." You informed him and he laughed. "So was Caliban the reason that you called me here?" You asked. "No, I wanted to tell you something." He said as he took your hand "I've been hiding something from you." "Oh, what's that?" You asked with a small smile on your face. "Satan I love you." He confessed and you looked at him. "I love you too." You said and he stepped forward pressing a kiss to your forehead. "You can't take that back." He said softly. "I would never," You answered honestly as you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
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imaginefan · 4 years
I Can’t Have You *Part 2*
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 607
Requested: Anon
Request: Ahh please parr 2 of i cant have you about caliban and reader.
*Part 1*
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You hadn't heard from Sabrina or Caliban since passing on the message and everything seemed to be quiet on The Hell front, you thought that your job was done what was until the signature fire spiral appeared in your room.
"Hello, beautiful." He greeted you and you glanced up at him before looking back down at the books spread across your bed. "What do you want?" You asked. "Haven't seen you with Sabrina and wanted to make sure you were okay." He answered and you looked up at him. "I'm fine." You informed him. "Really?" He asked, "you look-" "If you say tired I'm going to kill you." You warned him. "I was going to say stressed." He corrected you and you looked at him. "That's practically the same thing." You informed him and he frowned before looking towards the door "Look you're very distracting so I need you to leave." "What am I distracting you from?" He asked. "Studying." You answered. "Well, that's no fun." He said as he walked over sitting on the only part of the bed that was left clear and that was right next to you. "Maybe I can make this a little more fun." "What are you doing?" You asked as you tried to put a little distance between you. "I've heard that studying is easier when you're having fun." He shrugged as he picked up one of the spell books you were looking at. "Can you put that down?" You asked. "Are you still pretending that you hate me?" He asked and you looked at him. "I don't pretend to hate you." You dismissed his accusation. "Oh, so this is what you do when you like someone?" He asked. "I don't like you." You said quickly. "You just said that you don't hate me so I figured that you liked me." He answered. "Oh, you mean like a friend." You realised as you took the book. "What did you mean?" He asked, smirking as he leaned closer. "Doesn't matter, look you've been here for like 15 minutes and your being distracting could you please just let me study?" You pleaded. "Alright." He nodded standing up with his hands in the air "but I'll be back once you're done."
Caliban was true to his word he stayed away until your exam was over, you managed to pass despite the fact that you didn't feel like you had gotten anywhere with your studying. You were at home in your room when he showed again "Sabrina was kind enough to tell me that your exam was over." He smiled and you jumped upon hearing his voice, his eyes roamed your body as he took in your outfit. "I uh... I need to put something else on." You said as you turned to your wardrobe but before you could you heard him right next to your ear. "Why do that? You look gorgeous." You grabbed your pyjama shorts. "I don't think you need to change at all." "I think I do, we're just friends." You reminded him. "We could be more." He said. "I don't know why you keep putting it off." "You're the enemy-" "I was the enemy as far as I know I made an alliance. I'm not the enemy anymore." He said, you turned to him and looked him over. "You still look like bad news." You muttered a small amount of resistance as he pulled you closer. "Maybe I'm just fun." He smirked as he leaned down. "You want me to stop?" "No." You answered softly and his smirk changed to a smile as he pressed his lips to yours.
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