#the clans would puke at the change god religion
yuridovewing · 5 months
sigh…. might make isat warrior designs
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fasterthanmydemons · 4 years
(I know this is a hectic time for you [and it's getting to be late], so no pressure to answer right away but) Seeing WandaVision's Pietro interact with the twins got me thinking...what's your headcanon about how your Pietro interacts with kids (in general or with the twins or with his own kids if you headcanon it)? :)
{out of breath} Oh, it’s okay! I actually have the perfect storm (for once!) tonight of having time to write and feeling good enough to. No headache, and I finished all my grading a couple hours ago. So for the moment, I’m here and writing until I fall asleep! XD
Okay let’s break down all the categories you mentioned and I’ll tell you Pietro’s thoughts on the subject:
Children in General
Pietro really loves children. They’re tiny humans with endless energy and curiosity who are so perceptive and smart in their own way... what’s not to love? It’s canon that he doted on some of the children in Novi Grad, Sokovia, like for example, Zrinka’s little brother Costel, incidentally the boy Pietro gave his life for.
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In a deleted scene, he gave Zrinka a ball to give to Costel. So Pietro likes children, is considerate of their needs, and I think wants to make them happy, even if they aren’t his.
I think a lot of this comes from things Pietro suffered as a child. Losing his parents, living on the streets, dealing with unsuitable foster parents, being cold and hungry and teased and persecuted for ethnicity and religion... things like that terrified him and unfortunately shaped major parts of his personality. I say unfortunately, because we all know what a stand-up guy he turned out to be so why is it bad right?, because in his mind he feels damaged by these things. He feels like he had to grow up very fast, lost his innocence early on, and didn’t get the full childhood experience he thinks every child should have.
Namely, he believes every child deserves to feel safe, loved, and wanted. No child should be afraid of the adults who care for him, or not know where they’re next meal is coming from, or not have any toys. He thinks children should be free to be children, to play and learn and grow in a safe and happy environment. Even though Pietro knows that’s not possible for every child, I think in his own way he tries to bring some of that about in the children he meets in his life. Like giving Costel the ball, maybe hoping it’ll bring him some joy and distract him from everything going on in Sokovia.
With Wanda’s Children
Wanda is the person Pietro loves most in the world, more than I think any ship he would have. He only has one sister, one twin, and given all that they’ve been through and how close they’ve been for so many years, no one else really has anything on that kind of history and level of total trust that he has with Wanda. Given that, any children she has are immediately under Pietro’s protection and loved by him as much as if they were his own.
He would gladly babysit for her at any time, would be the “cool uncle” and give them gifts and play games with them, but would also try to help guide and teach them as well. They would mean the world to him, because his precious sister had them. They’re blood, they’re family, they’re clan, and he is 100% there for them anytime they might need him. And if, gods forbid, anything should ever happen to Wanda and her baby daddy, Pietro would become the children’s guardian in a heartbeat and take that responsibility very seriously.
I think too... Pietro would really love seeing Wanda be a mother. It’s very important to her, she’s wanted it since she was a little girl... and so to see that dream fulfilled and see how happy she is with her babies, that would bring Pietro a lot of joy as well. 
With His Own Children
Basically, everything he feels with Wanda’s children... but then ramped up even more, heh. That’s how he feels about his own kids. These are his own tiny humans. He helped make these humans. He would die for these humans. Like... he would just be in awe that they exist and would do anything and everything for them. He is not a hands-off father in any regard. Pietro jumps right in to clean up puke, change dirty diapers, pick up toys, clean up spilled food - whatever he has to do. If his baby mama needs a night off, or a week off, that’s fine with him. He will absolutely take turns getting up in the middle of the night to change or feed babies.
He wants to be a part of his child/children’s lives, and that means not just the good/happy/clean times, heh. He shares the burden and the mess and the screaming/crying and the pacing with a baby who won’t go to sleep and all that. XD Really, it’s all a joy to him and he doesn’t mind it at all, and with his extra energy, he’s happy to do more of the work so that his baby mama can get sleep or have time to herself or with friends. And yes, he is absolutely that father who will go about his day with a baby in a carrier harness on his chest or back. He’s strong enough, so... if he had twins, one baby would hang on his chest and the other would hang from his back. Not a problem. XD
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