Part 2!
disclaimer: the characters don’t belong to me
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You know how sometimes you walk into class and just find stuff like this…
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This are is just purely amazing
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The House With the Black Door by James Hutton Illustration
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Eyeless Jack
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Yeah, the better version of the trash I posted a while ago
(Disclaimer: character doesn’t belong to me)
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Skully Headcanons :
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Skully is an entity
no one really knows what he is
perhaps he is a creation of slenderman, perhaps he is a separate being, perhaps he doesn’t exist at all…
He collects the bodies and souls of those killed by the slenderman.
One must remember, those taken by Skully aren’t alive nor dead
They do not posses free will, they are now simply slaves of this entity.
They are trapped in the ark, a place influenced by the operator.
It is a dark place with no means of exit or entrance. Those who are trapped there float on the brink of consciousness, possessed by their own insanity.
Is there a way to escape Skully? Maybe…..But the effects of the ark leave a scar, a scar deep enough that haunts the victims for the rest of their lives.
Skully never takes off his mask, and no one knows what would happen if he did
He has no body of his own, and shapes the body’s of those he collects into a distorted mass of body parts.
His clothes help him keep this mass under control.
The more layers of clothing he removes, the more unstable and unpredictable he gets…
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This is a rant. It has nothing to do with creepypasta (but if you’ve seen Bungou stray dogs and are keeping up with the manga, this might interest you)
Warning: bsd manga spoilers
So….. I’ve seen a lot of talk about all the port mafia vampires and wether they have any chance of survival (especially Chuuya and Akutagawa). Well guess what, that doesn’t fucking matter. Even if they all end up dying, and Dazai’s no longer human doesn’t bring back those who are already dead, it won’t be over. Let’s just think for a moment, what is the reason that the agency was framed? The book! The book, in which everything you write becomes reality! What is the sole reason of Sigmas existence? That same book! All they have to do is find that book, and write in it! They don’t even have to fight Fukuchi (which has proven to be impossible so far), they can just wipe him, and the sword, out of existence. The same can be done for the infected vampires! Even if they all after Bram’s ability has been nullified, they can all just be brought back using the book!
(So much for soukuko angst, Jesus Christ!)
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Tried experimenting with watercolour
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The parable of the lost…Sheep
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I’ve just remembered the existence of this parable lmao.
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Creepypasta x Among us (comic)
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Brim (Hanahaki disease AU)
Genre:…………..angst? Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters
Love was never something Brian truly understood. Sure, he’d seen happy couples, laughing and smiling, pass him in the streets, he’d watched a few classic romance films. Still, Brian never gained any understanding of the deep emotions two people could share.
And he never would.
The Hanahaki disease wasn’t your usual illness. It wasn’t something one could treat with a couple of pills or a bottle of medication. It stuck with you till the very end, and all your fate depended on that one oblivious person, the one you’d fallen head over heals for.
Timothy Wright was Brian’s longtime best friend. They’d known each other since college, and even after their college days were over, they’d still stayed together, searching for ways to free themselves from the operator.
It was during those times that Brian had begun coughing up petals. He’d tried putting distance between Tim and himself, desperately searching for a cure. And when he had finally found the courage to tell his friend about the problem, it was too late.
Tim was working with Jay now, and Brian was long forgotten. This only made the flowers grow faster. Brian knew he didn’t have long left, so he tried getting rid of Jay, in hopes that this would bring himself and Tim closer together. And maybe, just maybe, he could get rid of this curse.
Unfortunately, his plan had backfired and only turned Tim against him. There was no hope left for him now…
As Brian fell he felt he caught a glimpse of Tim’s expressionless face. And at this moment, the flowers burst through his lungs. Blood gushed out of his mouth, and by the time Brian hit the ground, he was long gone.
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Just Hoodie
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Marble hornets au where everything is the same, but Masky can’t walk after his leg was broken with a block of cement.
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marble hornets AU where everything is the same, but instead of the operator it’s Offenderman.
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Eyeless Jack
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I also tried to animate this, but it won’t load so here’s the image…
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Slender Mansion headcanons:
disclaimer: the characters don’t belong to me
Slenderman owns a giant mansion which is located in a giant forest.
The forest isn’t any forest on earth. In fact, it’s more of an interconnection of all of earths forests, a place between space and time.
Time in the mansion, and Slenderman’s forest is actually slower than the time on earth. (1 min (slender forest) = 1 day (earth)).
The forest itself is surrounded by mist. This mist is something powerful, something ancient. No one knows the true power of this mist, maybe not even Slenderman. Everyone is just banned from going there.
Around the mansion itself, 13 gates are positioned. These gates allow proxies, Pastas and Slenderman to go in and out of the human world.
Once in the human world, it’s nearly impossible to see the gate, much less return through it. This is why most Pastas stumble on the Mansion by accident, and sometimes spend years away after a killing spree.
Only the Proxies and Slenderman have the ability to intuitively go in and out of gates. They are sometimes tasked with warding people away from them, so a human doesn’t accidentally find the Mansion.
The only exceptions are the internet based ghosts (such as BEN_Drowned, Dark Link, Lost silver,…etc). They can go in and out of the Mansion as they please, using electronic devises as ways in.
As the mansion isn’t in the human world, it has no electricity. Everything is powered by giant glow worms which also provide light. (Basically, if you need to charge something, you just stick the charger into the worm and voilà! Electricity!).
All Proxies (Sleepers don’t count) have rooms of 1 - 3 people. The Collective have their own cabin behind the Mansion.
Many Pastas/Proxies haven’t been outside the Mansion in years, so their ageing process has been slowed, and they actually appear younger than other Pastas/Proxies who started out the exact same age. (Example: Masky and Hoodie are the same age. Masky leaves the Mansion for a human year while Hoodie stays. Masky comes back a year later and he is older than Hoodie.)
The Mansion also has a basement where New Proxies either train or endure torture. (I will make a separate headcanon on Proxy training)
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Something like this…
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According to the Headcanons….
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Sally Headcanons:
Disclaimer: the characters don’t belong to me
Sally was one of the first non-proxy residents of Slenderman’s mansion.
As she is dead, she doesn’t age physically. Though that doesn’t stop her from evolving mentally.
When Sally first came to the mansion, no one really taught her anything, but as more ‘Pasata’s’ began moving in, things changed.
Sally went from being a kind innocent child, to bossing around proxies and cussing like a sailor (Jeff and BEN taught her to swear).
She actually hangs out a lot with Clockwork rather than Jane. Clockwork is like a badass best friend to Sally, whilst Jane is more of a mom.
Sally bribed and blackmailed made a request to Slenderman so that he’d make her look a little older and more solid.
Slenderman agreed because he’s weak for little children, so now Sally has the ability to hold solid objects and not fall through the floor when she tries to stand.
Sally still can’t eat food, as her body is still dead, and consuming food would only cause it to rot in her belly, which actually causes very unpleasant sensations.
She gave up on her pink dress, and now wears shorts and a magenta coloured hoodie.
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