#the concept in and of itself is so damn good like magic users carrying pieces of each other through the magic they both know?
undead-potatoes · 10 months
A while back @mrdekarios mentioned how they gave their druid Tav one level in wizard, and Gale on level in druid, because they had taught each other a little bit of their magic, and it has been living rent free in my head ever since.
I already headcanon that Jay and Gale bonded over their curious natures and love of the magic they do, and it would honestly be so good to have them teach each other just a little bit of it in the process. Especially after Jay made fun of Gale for not being able to heal, pointing out that even initiate druids know how to mend simple wounds (Jay was not vibing with his high and mighty wizard energy and tried to knock him down a peg when he could lmao).
Idk it would just be nice to have it come full circle, starting with Gale (possibly) undervaluing other forms of magic that are not so scholarly, getting teased for the limits of his own school of magic, and finally dipping his toes into just a little bit of magic unknown to him, the same magic he had so easily dismissed before.
And then maybe Jay also earns some appreciation for how difficult magic can be when you actually have to learn and remember shit, and it doesn't just come so naturally (haha) to you through being in-tune with nature.
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monstersofsilence · 8 years
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so I did say that I drew some weapon concepts
this one is pretty much a lot of blades because apparently I like having all my characters using bladed weapons
now, I didn’t think this through when I did this since I numbered all the weapons my characters use so let’s make this simpler
1. Piocis’ sword - not much is known on the sword, or how he got it. for a subjug, it’s a damn good sword. though he has never used it, but keeps it when the moment arrives
2. Hirana’s Blutrünstig (Bloodthirsty) cleaver - a regular, large cleaver she uses whenever she’s not arguing with her other personality and they finally agreed to just end someone’s miserable life piece by piece
3. Calrin’s machete - a regular machete that he uses to cut wood, and sometimes his hunted food. also, a very good weapon, if the day ever comes for such a thing
4. Varani’s katanas, Peace and Aggression Peace - has a magical property that would seem odd to some, but not for someone who is a bridge to both life and death. when in battle, if she faces a worthy opponent, she would wield this katana. if she wins, by killing them, she would let her opponent’s spirit go to the after life freely rather than letting their spirit wander
Aggression - her dai-katana that has the opposite effect from her other sword. she uses this sword only to those that she feels unworthy or has caused suffering to her. when her opponent dies, their soul becomes trapped within the blade, but in turn hurting her as well since the sword has some dark magic imbued in it.
5. Elanti’s halberd that she calls Sans tête (Headless) - being the descendant of the very ancestor that loves decapitating heads, her halberd has that tradition as well. she always keeps her halberd with her at all times
6. The Bloodless’  Schändliches Blut (vile blood) sword - despite being a haemokinesis (manipulate blood), his thirst for power grew and grew and discovering a such a sword like this existed felt like all his worries has gone away. the blade is shaped like a katana but with a hilt of a rapier of sorts. it’s powers comes from the user itself. their own blood to use the blade’s full potential though in turn hurting the user in the process
7. The Swordsman’s (Claire’s ancestor) short and long sword - both swords were forged by The Commander, her ex-mate who she longed for and joined with him in the fleet and the Empress’ army. she was excellent with long swords and was given one, specially made for her. long sword for those fights she wants distance around her and a short sword for the fights she wants to be up close and personal
8. Leanie’s scythe - for a crazy subjug, some would think they’d go for the crazy weapons, but she goes for the craziest of them all. the tip of the blade is oddly made, but she likes the design since the tip can just brutally cut right through like a saw. hurts going in and out with a blade like that
9. The Cinders’ (Lensee’s ancestor) Sfolgorante (Blazing) long sword - an extraordinary long sword that fits her fighting style. usually some would pick either going into fights with fists or with a sword, but she prefers both. the sword got the name because of it disappearing in a puff of embers and smoke whenever she switches from hand-to-hand combat or to the sword itself. her unique fighting style possibly won her many fights than she could count. no one has been able to defeat her because of not knowing whether she’ll have the sword disappear and goes in with fists ready or keeping her sword swinging 
10. Tonila’s sword - never used it, but keeps it with her whenever she needs to defend herself. was given to her by a close friend of hers, who’s also in her band. she always keeps it in her guitar case
11. Serena’s hook blades (has two of them) - she hasn’t used the hook blades all that much, but she has them if she ever feels the need to use them. though, since she finally has full control of her cryokinesis, she might be using her hook blades a lot less, but it’s always good to have a fall back weapon
1. Verrex’s scythe called Seelenfresser (Soul Eater) - a sentient weapon that speaks to Verrex and to Verrex only. origins of the scythe is unknown, but craves souls to power itself. Verrex doesn’t know why but is very wary of the magical weapon’s intentions. though most of the time, some of the captured souls it gathers it does release to help with Verrex’s job which involves the dead and spirits
2. Merlee’s scythe - she found this scythe on the edge of a frozen lake when she used to live in the tundra. it was heavy for her, at first, but enough practice had her wielding it with ease though, for others, with the exceptions of high bloods, it would be quite heavy. she also imbued magic onto the scythe which can be used as a magical staff for her spells
3. Manikin’s sword - during the time he was enslaved by Lyrine, he, and many others, had the task of forging bladed weapons for the guards and for the drones. he made himself his own weapon on the sidelines which he used to exact revenge on the death of his beloved Lynoss
4. Dinela’s twin hatchets - despite the times she lost control of her anger, she has never used her weapons since, but keeps them whenever she needs to defend herself. though she hopes it will never happen
5. Keelix’s cane sword and whip - specially made sword that can be changed into a bladed whip. has never used his weapon, but he always has it with him. both for defense and to overall look very formal
6. Kaalin’s rapier - people still think that a girl like her has an elegant weapon like a rapier, but she knows how to wield such a weapon. her countless hours of training made her a master of the blade that she has won a few fights with it. some fights ended up with her losing and generally falling apart and having to restitch herself back together
7. The Fang’s (Zenira’s ancestor) Gift (german for poison... yes, I used google translate) - not much is known on the ancestor, but her weapon is quite legendary. was once a spear though was broken, leaving the portion of the staff to make it look like a dagger. the blade contains some magical property that causes people to die an agonizing death, being poisoned even by a small cut that would leave them to suffer for an hour. the victim would be left, screaming, holding onto their stomach as blood comes out of their eyes and usually some parts of them decaying. this made the ancestor feared even when she leaves the victims to suffer to send the message to those that oppose her
8. Lidian’s Illusoire (Illusive) sword - a retractable sword that she treats like a rapier. it contains a magical property that can perform spells to her every command through her mind. she has not used this sword much, but the origin of it is unknown to her since she found it while wandering the woods
9. Kuruyo’s naginata - despite being a ghost that is stuck between the living and the dead, she never leaves anywhere without her weapon. she has used it during the time when she was alive to drive away intruders and she’ll use it against anyone that gets in her way
10. Kiliko’s buster sword - made by a collection of shadows, it is quite heavy for anyone to wield, but she carries it like it’s a regular sword since it is her creation out of the darkness itself. when she uses it, she always likes driving the blade into the ground and grinding it towards the victim that would be the end of their lives. it is quite obvious that she doesn’t have discipline for wielding such a large bladed weapon, but it has been working out for her so far
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