#the coolest liberal in Odyssey
jedidajo · 1 year
Whit never deserved Margaret Faye
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rawwkingrimmie64 · 4 years
Reviewing Assassin's Creed Syndicate
(and a little re-review of Unity)
So, this game was pretty amazing to play, and as far as the story and characters go, this was one of the best Assassin's Creed games I played in a while. Playing as two main characters was a fun change, and one that obviously set the tone for future games in the franchise. I found myself playing as Evie as often as I could simply because this is the first main game in the series to feature a female protaganist, and the change was very welcoming. Hopefully we'll get a main game with only a female protagonist soon.
The twins' contrast and conflicts were really interesting to see, especially since they were two sides to the same coin. I really enjoyed both Evie and Jacob's personalities and flaws.
Absolutely loved the Gang War aspect. It reminded me so much of liberating Roma in AC Brotherhood, and was an all around blast to play. Leveling up your gang, increasing your status with shops, and screwing over the enemy gang was a really fun touch.
Biggest praise I can give to this game is how the final storyline mission played out. THAT had to be the coolest end memory in the series so far, and I will certainly find myself playing that over again for a long time.
But for as much fun as the gameplay was, and as much praise as I could give it, the game still had flaws. Not only was it still glitchy at times, but the same closed world view was used that there was in Unity. Granted, this one at least had something worth seeing in those moments, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you feel trapped in a room while all of the action unfolds before your eyes. Only slightly better than Unity in this regard.
Where Syndicate and Unity both lose favor is the introduction of Helix Credits, an in-game credit system that can be used to make purchases on items and maps. It's really frustrating to know that this is part of the game, I just never mentioned it in my Unity review because, well, I had no idea it was there. I always wondered what the "H" symbol in my inventory meant, and now that I know, I am not happy.
I should not have to pay real money to unlock maps in the game, and saying that you can pay your way to a higher level character with the best gear and weapons from the start of the game is incredibly cheap and greedy. I already know that this system continues in Origins and Odyssey, which already pushes those games down before I've even been exposed to them.
One final major flaw in Syndicate, that has apparently been around since release and not yet resolved in 2020, is the server issues for the only feature in the entire game that requires an internet connection. What makes it even worse is that this feature, known as "social glitches" is one of the few in game ways to earn Helix Credits without paying for anything out of pocket. The fact that I have to wait hours, or even days, for Ubisoft to credit my account with the credits I have earned from these events is infuriating, to say the least.
Overall, the game is really fun to play, and if you aren't one for making in-game purchase to catalyst your way to the top, then you should be able to have a fun time with this game, despite the bugs and lack of present day exploration. Personally, however, the microtransactions are something I just can't look past, especially when my only way of increasing credits doesn't even work.
I originally put Unity in the same teir as AC3 and Black Flag, but after playing a much smoother game in Syndicate, I realized a few more of the flaws in game, especially taking Helix Credits into account. For as fun as these games are, I'm going to have to rank them below AC1. These issues really sucked the fun out of them at times, and as unfortunate as it is, I'm only expecting the same out of Origins and Odyssey now.
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rllibrary · 5 years
A note on list:
Arranged in chronological order, from the ancient Greeks to 2018. They are basically grouped by nationality, era, and in some cases, theme or genre- the way they were grouped in the college courses that I had the pleasure to read some of them for. You can also find a scrambled version of the same list at goodreads.com/larmer, if you view the shelf called "english-majors-library" and set it to "infinite scroll" to view it all on one page.
A note on ISBN:
Below each title, I have included the ISBN (the number that begins with 978). Of course, that means that all you have to do is copy and paste that code into a search bar on whatever site you buy your books from (amazon.com, bookdepository.com, etc.), to find the edition that the list refers to.
Why did I do something as crazy as include the ISBN for each book? For one thing, some of these editions include introductions and essays that have helped me think about them more deeply, or think about them in new ways, which has allowed me to enjoy them more.
Perhaps more importantly, some of these ISBN's simply refer to the edition with the coolest cover. To me, there is something special about the look of a shelf where most of the books match, for example, a row of Penguin Classics. Or at least, when the spines of books by the same author match. When I was a kid, I read series. Now I feel that the best books ever written form their own series. It seems right that they should fit together physically, as well. The ISBN's are there just in case you feel the same way.
Ancient Greeks
Homer (Greek, c. 800 BCE)
- The Iliad (c. 760-10 BCE)
/ Fagles translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140445923
- The Odyssey (c. 750-00 BCE)
/ Fagles translation, Penguin Classics, 9780143039952
Hesiod (Greek, c. 700 BCE)
- Works and Days (c. 700 BCE)
/ Stallings translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141197524
Aeschylus (Greek, 525-426 BCE)
- Prometheus Bound and Other Plays
/ Vellacott translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140441123
Sophocles (Greek, c. 497-406 BCE)
- The Three Theban Plays:
Antigone (c. 441 BCE)
Oedipus the King [aka Oedipus Tyrannus, Oedipus Rex] (c. 429 BCE)
Oedipus at Colonus (406 BCE)
/ Fagles translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140444254
Plato (Greek, c. 428-348 BCE)
- The Republic (370 BCE)
/ Bloom translation, 9780465094080, or Rowe translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141442433
Aristotle (Greek, 384-322 BCE)
- Nicomachean Ethics (340 BCE)
/ Beresford translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140455472
- Poetics (335 BCE)
/ Heath translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140446364, or Hutton translation, Norton Critical Editions, 9780393938869
Ancient Romans
Horace (Roman, 65-8 BCE)
- The Epistles
Epistularum liber primus [First Book of Letters] (20 BCE)
Epistularum liber secundus [Second Book of Letters] (14 BCE)
(Contains Ars Poetica [The Art of Poetry])
/ Ferry translation, 9780374528522
Virgil (Roman, 70-19 BCE)
- The Aeneid (29-19 BCE)
/ Fagles translation, Penguin Classics, 9780143106296
Ovid (Roman, 43 BCE- 18 CE)
- Metamorphoses (8 CE)
/ Raeburn translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140447897
Ancient Eastern Classics
Lao Tzu (Laozi) (Chinese, born 6th to 5th century BCE, died 531 BCE)
- Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) (6th century BCE)
/ Lau translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140441314, or Mitchell translation, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 9780061142666
Anonymous (Indian)
- The Upanishads (800-400 BCE)
/ Mascaró translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140441635
Anonymous (Indian)
- Bhagavad Gita (part of the Mahabharata) (5th-2nd century BCE)
/ Mascaró translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140449181, or Mitchell translation, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 9780609810347
Buddhist Scriptures (3rd century BCE)
/ Lopez edit, Penguin Classics, 9780140447583
Roots of Yoga
/ Mallinson and Singleton translation, Penguin Classics, 9780241253045
Joseph Campbell, Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal / 9781608681099
World Literature: The Middle Ages
One Thousand and One Nights
(Arabic compilation of Middle Eastern and South Asian stories and folk tales. Earliest known fragment dated to 9th century, first reference to title appears in 12th century)
- The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights
/ Burton translation, Modern Library Classics, 9780812972146
Snorri Sturluson (Icelandic, 1179-1241)
- The Prose Edda (1220)
/ Byock Translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140447552
Chrétien de Troyes (French, 1135?-1185?)
- Arthurian Romances
/ Kibler and Carroll translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140445213
Wolfram von Eschenbach (German, c. 1160/80 – c. 1220)
- Parzival
/ Hatto translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140443615
Major English Authors I: Medieval to Renaissance
[Note: I did not enjoy Beowulf or the Canterbury Tales, so I omitted them from this list]
Thomas Malory (English, c. 1415-1471)
- Le Morte d'Arthur (completed 1469-70, published 1485)
/ Norton Critical Edition, 9780393974645
Christopher Marlowe (English, 1564-93)
- Doctor Faustus (c. 1589, or c. 1593)
/ Norton Critical Edition, 9780393977547
The Bible: Authorized King James Version (1611) 
/ Oxford World’s Classics, 9780199535941
See also:
- The Shadow of a Great Rock: A Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible, by Harold Bloom
John Milton (English, 1608-74)
- Paradise Lost (1667)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140424393
William Shakespeare (English, 1564-1616)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595-6)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396668
- The Merchant of Venice (1596-7)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396545
- Romeo and Juliet (1595-6)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396477
- Julius Caesar (1599)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396538
- Hamlet (1600-1)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396507
- Othello (1604)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396514
- King Lear (1605)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396460
- Macbeth (1606)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396316
- Antony and Cleopatra (1606-7)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396293
- The Tempest (1611)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141396309
See also:
- Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, by Harold Bloom
/ Fourth Estate, 9780007292844
World Literature: The "Aristocratic Age"
Dante (Italian, 1265-1321)
- The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso (1308-20)
/ Kirkpatrick translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141197494
Miguel de Cervantes (Spanish, 1547-1616)
- Don Quixote (1605- Part 1, 1615- Part 2)
/ Grossman translation, Vintage Classics, 9780099469698
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German, 1749-1832)
- The Sufferings of Young Werther (1774)
/ Corngold translation, Norton Critical Editions, 9780393935561
- Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship (1796)
/ ? [Notable for being the first Bildungsroman. Still waiting for a good translation.]
- Faust, Parts I (1808) and II (1832)
/ Arndt translation, Norton Critical Editions, 9780393972825
Major English Authors II: Neoclassical to Romantic
Paradise Lost (above) is probably the best and most influential work of the Neoclassical period, and Milton's Satan becomes both Blake's messiah and a foundation for the Byronic hero.
William Blake (English, 1757-1827)
- Songs of Innocence and of Experience (1789-94)
/ Oxford Paperbacks, 9780192810892
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790-93)
/ Oxford Paperbacks, 9780192811677
George Gordon, Lord Byron (English, 1788-1824)
- Lord Byron: The Major Works
(See "Prometheus," Manfred, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Mazeppa, Don Juan) 
/ Oxford World’s Classics, 9780199537334
See also:
- Byron: Child of Passion, Fool of Fame by Benita Eisler
/ Vintage, 9780679740858
Percy Bysshe Shelley (English, 1792-1822)
- "Ozymandias" (1818)
- Prometheus Unbound (1820)
- Adonaïs (1821)
- A Defence of Poetry (1821)
See also: Keats, Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Mary Shelley (English, 1797-1851)
- Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818)
/ Norton Critical Edition, 9780393927931
Jane Austen
Jane Austen (English, 1775-1817)
- Northanger Abbey (completed 1803, published 1818)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439792
- Pride and Prejudice (1813)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439518
- Emma (1815)
/ Penguin Classics, 978-0141439587
Novel: Victorian
Charles Dickens (English, 1812-1870)
- David Copperfield (1849-50)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140439441
Emily Brontë (English, 1818-48)
- Wuthering Heights (1847)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439556
George Eliot (English, 1819-80)
- The Mill on the Floss (1860)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439624
- Middlemarch (1871-72)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439549
- Daniel Deronda (1876)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140434279
Thomas Hardy (English, 1840-1928)
- The Return of the Native (1878)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140435184
- The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439785
- Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891) / Penguin Classics, 9780141439594 *
Victorian Poetry
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (English, 1809-92)
- "The Lotos-Eaters" (1833)
- "Ulysses" (1833)
- "In Memoriam A.H.H." (1849) 
Robert Browning (English, 1812-89)
- Selected Poems
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140437263
Thomas Hardy, Selected Poems
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140436990
W.B. Yeats (Irish, 1865-1939)
- "Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" (1899)
See also (though mostly from the Modern era):
- The Collected Poems
/ Finneran edit, Scribner, 9780684807317
Late Victorian-Edwardian Era/ Gothic and Grotesque/ Horror, Gender, and Sexuality/ Freud and Fiction
E. T. A. Hoffmann (Prussian, 1776-1822)
- The Golden Pot and Other Tales
/ Robertson translation, Oxford World’s Classics, 9780199552474
"The Sandman" (1816)
See also: 
Sigmund Freud, "The Uncanny"
- The Uncanny
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437476
Edgar Allan Poe (American, 1809-1849)
- The Portable Edgar Allan Poe
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039914
“The Fall of the House of Usher”
“The Oval Portrait”
“The Black Cat”
“The Imp of the Perverse”
“William Wilson”
See also:
- Jonathan Haidt, "The Divided Self" in The Happiness Hypothesis
Sheridan Le Fanu (Irish, 1814-73)
- In a Glass Darkly
/ Oxford World’s Classics, 9780199537983
"Green Tea"
Bram Stoker (Irish, 1847-1912)
- Dracula (1897)
/ Norton Critical Editions, 9780393970128
Robert Louis Stevenson (Scottish, 1850-94)
- Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886)
/ Norton Critical Editions, 9780393974652
Oscar Wilde (Irish, 1854-1900)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)
/ Norton Critical Editions, 9780393696875
Sigmund Freud (Austrian, 1856-1939)
- The Psychology of Love
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437469
"Fragment of an Analysis of Hysteria (Dora)"
Three Essays on Sexual Theory
On the Sexual Theories of Children
"Contributions to the Psychology of Erotic Life"
‘A Child is being Beaten’
On Female Sexuality
[Note: I realize that Freud's theories are no longer considered accurate, but I enjoy his imagination. If you want to read about the psychology of love/sex from an evidence-based perspective, check out The Evolution of Desire, by David Buss]
- The Uncanny
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437476
Screen Memories
The Creative Writer and Daydreaming
Family Romances
Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood
The Uncanny
Arthur Machen (Welsh, 1863-1947)
- "The Great God Pan" (1894)
(“Maybe the best [horror story] in the English language.” - Stephen King)
/ Late Victorian Gothic Tales, Oxford World’s Classics, 9780199538874
- Vernon Lee, "Dionea," also in the above collection
Algernon Blackwood (English, 1869-1951)
- Ancient Sorceries and Other Weird Stories
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142180150
“The Insanity of Jones”
“The Glamour of the Snow”
“The Man Whom the Trees Loved”
“Ancient Sorceries”
Daphne du Maurier (English, 1907-89)
- Rebecca (1937)
/ Virago Modern Classics, 9781844080380
- The Birds and Other Stories (1952)
/ Virago Modern Classics, 9781844080878
"The Birds"
Robert Bloch (American, 1917-94)
- Psycho (1959)
See also: Alfred Hitchcock's adaptations of the above, and more:
- Rebecca (1940)
- Rope (1948)
- Rear Window (1954)
- Vertigo (1958)
- Psycho (1959)
- The Birds (1963)
- Marnie (1964)
See also: 
- François Truffaut, Hitchcock
- Donald Spoto, The Art of Alfred Hitchcock  
More films with similar themes:
- Repulsion (Roman Polanski, 1965)
- The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)
- Blue Velvet (David Lynch, 1986)
- The Twilight Zone (Original Series, 1959)
"Perchance to Dream" (Season 1, Episode 9)
"The Hitch-Hiker" (Season 1, Episode 16)
"Nightmare as a Child" (Season 1, Episode 29)
"A Stop at Willoughby" (Season 1, Episode 30)
"Long Distance Call" (Season 2, Episode 22)
"What's in the Box" (Season 5, Episode 24)
American Literature: 19th Century, Pre-Civil War
Washington Irving (American, 1783-1859)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107538
James Fenimore Cooper (American, 1789-1851)
- The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757 (1826)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140390247
Ralph Waldo Emerson (American, 1803-82)
- The Portable Emerson
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107460
"The American Scholar" (1832)
"Self-Reliance" (1841)
"Compensation" (1841)
"The Over-Soul" (1841)
"Circles" (1841)
"The Poet" (1844)
"Experience" (1844)
Henry David Thoreau (American, 1817-62)
- The Portable Thoreau
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143106500
"Civil Disobedience" (1849)
Walden (1854)
Frederick Douglass (American, 1818-95)
- The Portable Frederick Douglass
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143106814
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845)
Edgar Allan Poe (American, 1809-1849)
- The Portable Edgar Allan Poe
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039914
Nathaniel Hawthorne (American, 1804-1864)
- Selected Tales and Sketches (1830-1850)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140390575
Selections of the selections:
"My Kinsman, Major Molineux" (1832)
"Young Goodman Brown" (1835)
"Wakefield" (1835)
"The Minister's Black Veil" (1836)
"Rappaccini's Daughter" (1844)
A selection that is not included in the above volume:
"Feathertop" (1852)
- The Scarlet Letter (1850)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107668
- The Marble Faun (1860)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140390773
Herman Melville (American, 1819-91)
- Moby-Dick; or, The Whale (1851)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437247
American Literature: 19th Century, Civil War and After
Walt Whitman (American, 1819-92)
- Leaves of Grass and Other Writings
/ Norton Critical Editions, 9780393974966
Emily Dickinson (American, 1830-96)
- The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
/ Little, Brown & Company, 9780316184137
Mark Twain (American, 1835-1910)
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107330
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107323
- Tales, Speeches, Essays, and Sketches
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140434170
Ambrose Bierce (American, 1842-circa 1914)
- Tales of Soldiers and Civilians: And Other Stories
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140437560
Henry James (American, mostly writing in Britain, 1843-1916)
See Novel: Modern British, below.
Kate Chopin (American, 1850-1904)
- The Awakening [1899] and Selected Stories
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437322
Novel: Modern British
Terry Eagleton, "What is a Novel?" in The English Novel: An Introduction
Peter Childs, “Words, Words, Words: Modern, Modernism, Modernity”
Thomas Hardy (English, 1840-1928)
- Jude the Obscure (1895)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140435382
Henry James (American, mostly writing in Britain, 1843-1916)
- What Maisie Knew (1897)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441375
- The Ambassadors (1903)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441320
- Daisy Miller (1878)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441344
- The Turn of the Screw (1898)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141389752
See also:
James' short stories:
"The Jolly Corner" (also collected in the above volume)
"The Real Right Thing"
/ Collected in The New Penguin Book of American Short Stories: from Washington Irving to Lydia Davis, Edited by Kasia Boddy, Penguin Classics, 9780141194424
Joseph Conrad (Polish-British, 1857-1924)
- Heart of Darkness (1899)
/ Norton Critical Edition, 9780393264869
- Lord Jim (1900)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441610
- Nostromo (1904)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441634
E. M. Forster (English, 1879-1970)
- Howards End (1910)
/ Penguin Classics,  9780141182131
- A Passage to India (1924)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441160
James Joyce (Irish, 1882-1941)
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)
/ In The Portable James Joyce, which also includes the short story collection, Dubliners (1914), 9780140150308
- Ulysses (1922)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141182803
- Finnegans Wake (1939)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141183114
See also:
- Re Joyce, by Anthony Burgess (author of A Clockwork Orange)
- James Joyce’s Ulysses: A Study, by Stuart Gilbert
- A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, by Joseph Campbell (author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Power of Myth, etc.)
- Joyce’s Book of the Dark: Finnegans Wake, by John Bishop
D. H. Lawrence (English, 1885-1930)
- Sons and Lovers (1913)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441443
- Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141441498
Essays/Prefaces/Letters: Contexts for Course Novels
Henry James, “The Art of Fiction” (1884)
Thomas Hardy, Preface to the First Edition [of Jude the Obscure] (1895)
Joseph Conrad, Preface to "The Nigger of the Narcissus” (1897)
Thomas Hardy, Postscript [to Preface] (1912)
Ford Madox Ford, “On Impressionism” (1913)
D.H. Lawrence, Letter to Edward Garnett (1912)
Virginia Woolf, “Modern Fiction” (1919)
---, "Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Brown" (1923)
See also: Modernist Poetry:
W. B. Yeats (Irish, 1865-1939)
- The Collected Poems
/ Finneran edit, Scribner, 9780684807317
"The Second Coming" (1919)
T. S. Eliot (American born British citizen, 1888-1965)
- The Waste Land and Other Poems
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437315
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915)
"The Waste Land" (1922)
World Literature: 19th Century
[Note: I have skipped Balzac, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Stendhal, and the Brothers Grimm. Furthermore, 19th Century Russian Literature gets its own section, as well as American and British.]
E. T. A. Hoffmann (Prussian, 1776-1822)
- The Golden Pot and Other Tales
/ Robertson translation, Oxford World’s Classics, 9780199552474
Victor Hugo (French, 1802-85)
- Notre-Dame de Paris (1831)
/ Sturrock translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140443530
Arthur Rimbaud (French, 1854-91]
- Selected Poems and Letters
/ Harding and Sturrock translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140448023
See also: Bruce Duffy, Disaster Was My God: A Novel of the Outlaw Life of Arthur Rimbaud
Guy de Maupassant (French, 1850-93)
- A Parisian Affair and Other Stories (1880-90)
/ Miles translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140448122
Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian, 1828-1906)
- A Doll's House and Other Plays
/ Dawkin and Skuggevik translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141194561
Friedrich Nietzsche (German, 1844-1900)
- The Birth of Tragedy (1872)
/ Whiteside translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140433395
- The Gay Science (1882)
/ Hill Translation (as The Joyful Science), Penguin Classics, 9780141195391
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883)
/ Hollingdale translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140441185
- Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
/ Hollingdale translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140449235
- On the Genealogy of Morals (1887)
/ Scarpitti translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141195377
- The Will to Power (Posthumously Collected Manuscripts)
/ Hill and Scarpitti translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141195353
Russian Literature: 19th Century
Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russian, 1821-81)
- Notes from Underground (1864)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Vintage International, 9780679734529
- Crime and Punishment (1866)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Vintage International, 9780679734505
- The Brothers Karamazov (1880)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, FSG, 9780374528379
Leo Tolstoy (Russian, 1828-1910)
- War and Peace (1869)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Vintage, 9781400079988
- Anna Karenina (1877)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140449174
- What is Art? (1897)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140446425
- Last Steps: The Late Writings of Leo Tolstoy
/ Parini edit, Penguin Classics, 9780141191195
Anton Chekhov (Russian, 1860-1904)
- Selected Stories (1883-1903)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Modern Library, 9780553381009
World Literature: 20th Century 
[Note: 20th Century Japanese Literature gets its own section, as well as American and British]
Boris Pasternak (Russian, 1890-1960)
- Doctor Zhivago (1957)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Vintage International, 9780307390950
Mikhail Bulgakov (Russian, 1891-1940)
- The Master and Margarita (written 1928-40, published 1967)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Penguin Classics Deluxe,
Thomas Mann (German, 1875-1955)
- The Magic Mountain (1924)
/ Woods translation, Vintage International, 9780679772873
- Doctor Faustus (1947)
/ Woods translation, Vintage International, 9780375701160
Hermann Hesse (German-born Swiss, 1877-1962)
- Narcissus and Goldmund (1930)
/ Molinaro translation, Picador, 9780312421670
- The Glass Bead Game (1943)
/ Winston and Winston translation, Picador, 9780312278496
Franz Kafka (Austro-Hungarian, now Czech Republic, 1883-1924)
- The Trial (written 1914-5, published 1925)
/ Muir and Muir translation, Schocken, 9780805210408
- The Castle (written 1922, published 1926)
/ Muir and Muir translation, Schocken, 9780805210392
- The Complete Short Stories (1908-24)
/ Muir and Muir translation, Schocken, 9780805210552
Gabriel García Márquez (Colombian, 1927-2014)
- Love in the Time of Cholera (1985)
/ Grossman translation, Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141189208
History of Literary Criticism and Theory
See above courses for Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Poetics, Horace's Ars Poetica, Wordsworth's Preface to the Lyrical Ballads, Wilde's Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the essays, prefaces, and letters that comprise the contexts for the Modern British Novel course.
Northrop Frye (Canadian, 1912-91)
- "The Archetypes of Literature" (1951)
- Anatomy of Criticism (1957)
/ Princeton University Press, 9780691069999
Harold Bloom (American, 1930- )
- The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry (1973)
/ Oxford University Press, 9780195112214
(Further reading by Harold Bloom listed at the end of this section)
- I will not list the readings for the entire History of Literary Criticism and Theory. The works listed above are the essentials that still hold up today.
I have omitted what Harold Bloom dismisses as the "School of Resentment" in his book, The Western Canon.
Bloom points out the problem with reading a text in terms of whatever ideology one wishes to impose on it (Feminist, Marxist, Lacanian, New Historicist, Deconstructionist, Semiotician, etc.), rather than simply reading in order to "confront greatness." For example, if we read Hamlet through a feminist or Marxist lens, we may end up with insights about feminism or Marxism, but not necessarily about Hamlet (source: the book, The Western Canon, as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Bloom).
Bloom suspects that people do not simply value classics due to social conditioning. To read more about how human behavior and values come from human nature, and not from social conditioning, here is the definitive book on the subject:
- Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
/ Penguin, 9780142003343
See also:
- Steven Pinker, "Toward a Consilient Study of Literature"
- John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, "Does Beauty Build Adapted Minds? Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Aesthetics"
- Joseph Carroll, Literary Darwinism
/ Routledge, 9780415970143
- Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal 
/ Mariner, 9780544002340
- Stephen R. C. Hicks, Explaining Postmodernism
/ Ockham's Razor, 9780983258407
Louise M. Rosenblatt's Transactional Theory has been most informative to my understanding of what reading consists of.
Louise M. Rosenblatt (American, 1904-2005)
- Literature as Exploration (1938)
/ [Out of print?]
- The Reader, The Text, The Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978, 1994)
/ Southern Illinois University Press, 9780809318056
This brief article by Saul Bellow has also been enlightening for me:
"The Search for Symbols, a Writer Warns, Misses All the Fun and Fact of the Story"
Harold Bloom, continued:
- The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages (1994)
/ Little, Brown & Company, 9781573225144
- Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (1998)
/ Fourth Estate, 9780007292844
- Novelists and Novels: A Collection of Critical Essays (2007)
/ Chelsea House, 9780791097274
- The Shadow of a Great Rock: A Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible (2011)
/ Yale University Press, 9780300187946
- The Anatomy of Influence: Literature as a Way of Life (2011)
/ Yale University Press, 9780300181449
Steven Pinker, The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
/ Penguin, 9780143127796
Creative Writing
John Gardner, The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers / Vintage, 9780679734031
Joseph Campbell, The Hero With A Thousand Faces
/ Yogi Impressions, 9789382742616
Alice LaPlante, The Making of a Story: A Norton Guide to Creative Writing
/ W. W. Norton and Company, 9780393337082
Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux, The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry
/ W. W. Norton and Company, 9780393316544
American Short Story, 20th Century
Sherwood Anderson (American, 1876-1941)
- Winesburg, Ohio (1919)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140186550
Ernest Hemingway (American, 1899-1961)
- The Short Stories: The First Forty-Nine Stories with a Brief Preface by the Author
/ Scribner, 9780684803340
John Cheever (American, 1912-82)
- Collected Stories
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099748304
Bernard Malamud (American, 1914-86)
- The Complete Stories (written 1940-84, collected 1997)
/ FSG Classics, 9780374525750
Saul Bellow (Canadian-American, 1915-2005)
- Collected Stories (2001)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107255
Carson McCullers (American, 1917-67)
- The Ballad of the Sad Café (1951 novella along with previously published short stories)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141183695
J. D. Salinger (American, 1919-2010)
- Nine Stories (1953)
/ Little, Brown and Company, 9780316767729
- Franny and Zooey (1961)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316769020
- Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316766944
James Baldwin (American, 1924-87)
- “Sonny’s Blues” (1957)
Collected in several anthologies. I have not read them all, but I would probably recommend:
- American Short Story Masterpieces, edited by Raymond Carver and Tom Jenks
/ 9780440204237
Flannery O'Connor (American, 1925-64)
- The Complete Stories (1971)
/ FSG Classics, 9780374515362
Philip Roth (American, 1933-2018)
- Goodbye, Columbus (1959)
/ Vintage, 9780679748267
Joyce Carol Oates (American, 1938- )
- "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" (1966)
Collected in several anthologies. I have not read them all, but I would probably recommend:
- American Short Story Masterpieces, edited by Raymond Carver and Tom Jenks
/ 9780440204237
Raymond Carver (American, 1938-88)
- Where I’m Calling From: Selected Stories (1988)
/ Harvill Press, 9781860460395
Tobias Wolff (American, 1945- )
- In the Garden of the North American Martyrs: Stories (1981)
/ Ecco, 9780062393845
Louise Erdrich (Native American, 1954- )
- Love Medicine (1984)
/ Harper Perennial, 9780061787423
Stephanie Vaughn (American, ?- )
- Sweet Talk: Stories (1990)
/ Other Press, 9781590515167
"Dog Heaven"
(Also collected in the Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories, edited by Tobias Wolff, 9780679745136]
American Novel, 20th Century to Present
F. Scott Fitzgerald (American, 1896-1940)
- The Great Gatsby (1925)
/ Scribner, 9780743273565
- Tender is the Night (1934)
/ Scribner, 9780684801544
William Faulkner (American, 1897-1962)
- The Sound and the Fury (1929)
/ Norton Critical Editions, 9780393912692
Nathanael West (American, 1903-40)
- Miss Lonelyhearts (1933)
- The Day of the Locust (1939)
/ Both of these novels are collected in Vintage Classics, 9780099573166
Zora Neale Hurston (American, 1891-1960)
- Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937)
/ Virago, 9780860685241
Betty Smith (American, 1896-1972)
- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1943)
/ Harper Perennial, 9780060736262
John Steinbeck (American, 1902-68)
- Of Mice and Men (1937)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140186420
- The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039433
- East of Eden (1952)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140186390
Ralph Ellison (American, 1913-94)
- Invisible Man (1952)
/ Vintage, 9780679732761
Vladimir Nabokov (Russian-American, 1899-1977)
- Lolita (1955)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, The Annotated Lolita, 9780141185040
- Pale Fire (1962)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141185262
See also:
Nabokov’s Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery, by Brian Boyd
/ Princeton University Press, 9780691089577
Saul Bellow (Canadian-American, 1915-2005)
Novels (selected):
- The Adventures of Augie March (1953)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039570
- Seize the Day (1956)
Penguin Classics, 9780142437612
- Henderson the Rain King (1959)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143105480
- Herzog (1964)
/ Penguin Classics Deluxe, 9780143107675
- Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437834
- Humboldt’s Gift (1975)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143105473
- Ravelstein (2000)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143107576
- It All Adds Up: From the Dim Past to the Uncertain Future (1994)
/ Penguin Classics, 978-0143106685
"Facts That Put Fancy to Flight" (1962)
The above article is available on the New York Times archive here:
"A Novelist-Critic Discusses the Role of Reality in the Creation of Fiction"
- There is Simply Too Much to Think About: Collected Nonfiction, edited by Benjamin Taylor
/ Penguin, 978-0143108047
"Deep Readers of the World, Beware!"
The above article is available on the New York Times archive here: 
"The Search for Symbols, a Writer Warns, Misses All the Fun and Fact of the Story"
See also:
- The Life of Saul Bellow: To Fame and Fortune, 1915-1964, by Zachary Leader
/ Vintage, 9780307388933
- The Life of Saul Bellow: Love and Strife, 1965-2005, by Zachary Leader
/ Vintage, 9780099598152
Carson McCullers (American, 1917-67)
- The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141185224
J. D. Salinger (American, 1919-2010)
- The Catcher in the Rye (1951)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316769174
See also:
Salinger, by David Shields and Shane Salerno
/ Simon & Schuster, 9781471130380
Kurt Vonnegut (American, 1922-2007)
- Cat’s Cradle (1963)
/ Dial Press, 9780385333481
- Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)
/ Dial Press, 9780385333849
William Gaddis (American, 1922-98)
- The Recognitions (1955)
/ [Out of print?]
- JR (1975)
/ [Out of print?]
See also: 
- Nobody Grew but the Business: On the Life and Work of William Gaddis, by Joseph Tabbi
/ Northwestern University Press, 9780810131422
Joseph Heller (American, 1923-99)
- Catch-22 (1961)
/ 50th Anniversary Edition, Simon & Schuster, 9781451626650
Richard Yates (American, 1926-92)
- Revolutionary Road (1961)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099518624
Toni Morrison (American, 1931-2019)
- The Bluest Eye (1970)
/ Vintage International, 9780307278449
- Song of Solomon (1977)
/ Vintage International, 9781400033423
John Updike (American, 1932-2009)
- Rabbit, Run (1960)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141187839
- Rabbit Redux (1971)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141188546
- Rabbit is Rich (1981)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141188553
- Rabbit at Rest (1990)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141188447
Philip Roth (American, 1933-2018)
- Portnoy’s Complaint (1969)
/ Vintage International, 9780679756453
- The Human Stain (2000)
/ Vintage International, 9780375726347
Cormac McCarthy (American, 1933- )
- Blood Meridian (1985)
/ Vintage International, 9780679728757
- The Road (2006)
/ Vintage International, 9780307387899
Ken Kesey (American, 1935-2001)
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141181226
- Sometimes a Great Notion (1964)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039860
Don DeLillo (American, 1936- )
- White Noise (1985)
/ Penguin, 9780140077025
- Libra (1988)
/ Penguin, 9780140156041
- Mao II (1992)
/ Penguin, 9780140152746
- Underworld (1998)
/ Scribner, 9780684848150
Thomas Pynchon (American, 1937- )
- V. (1963)
/ Harper Perennial, 9780060930219
- Gravity’s Rainbow (1973)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099511755
- Mason & Dixon (1997)
/ Picador, 9780312423209
See also: 
- A Gravity’s Rainbow Companion: Sources and Contexts for Pynchon’s Novel, 2nd Edition, by Steven Weisenburger
/ University of Georgia Press, 9780820328072
Pynchon dedicated G’s R to Richard Fariña - see below:
Richard Fariña (American, 1937-66)
- Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me (1966)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780140189308
John Kennedy Toole (American, 1937-69)
- A Confederacy of Dunces (completed 1964, published 1980)
/ Grove Press, 9780802130204
Leslie Marmon Silko (Laguna Pueblo, 1948- )
- Ceremony (1977)
/ Penguin Classics Deluxe, 9780143104919
Louise Erdrich (Native American, 1954- )
- The Plague of Doves (2008)
/ Harper Perennial, 9780060515133
- The Round House (2012)
/ Harper Perennial, 9780062065254
David Foster Wallace (American, 1962-2008)
- Infinite Jest (1996)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316066525
- The Pale King (unfinished, published 2011)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316074223
See also:
- Elegant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, by Greg Carlisle
/ SSMG Press, 978-0976146537
- Every Love Story is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace, by D. T. Max
/ Penguin, 9780147509727
Peter Hedges (American, 1962- )
- What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1991)
/ Simon & Schuster, 9780671038540
Jennifer Egan (American, 1962- )
- A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010)
/ Anchor Books, 9780307477477
- Manhattan Beach (2017)
/ Scribner, 9781476716749
American Poetry, 20th Century
Robert Frost (American, 1874-1963)
- The Collected Poems
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099583097
Robinson Jeffers (American, 1887-1962)
- The Selected Poetry
/ Stanford University Press, 9780804741088
John Berryman (American, 1914-72)
- The Dream Songs (1969)
/ FSG Classics, 9780374534554
- Collected Poems, 1937-1971
/ Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 9780374522810
The Penguin Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Poetry, edited by Rita Dove
/ Penguin, 9780143121480
Gwendolyn Brooks, "We Real Cool," "The Bean Eaters"
Stephen Dobyns, "How to Like it"
Contemporary British Fiction
Graham Greene (English, 1904-91)
- Complete Short Stories 
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039105
"The Destructors" (1954)
Samuel Beckett (Irish, 1906-89)
- More Pricks than Kicks (1934)
/ Grove Press, 9780802151377
"Dante and the Lobster"
- Three Novels
/ Grove Press, 9780802144478
1. Molloy (1951)
2. Malone Dies (1951)
3. The Unnameable (1953)
Malcolm Lowry (English, 1909-57)
- Under the Volcano (1947)
/ Harper Perennial, 9780061120152
Flann O'Brien (Brian O'Nolan) (Irish, 1911-66)
- The Third Policeman (completed in 1940, published in 1967)
/ Dalkey Archive Press, 9781564782144
Iris Murdoch (Anglo-Irish, 1919-99)
- Under the Net (1954)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099429074
- The Bell (1958)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141186696
- The Black Prince (1973)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142180112
- The Sea, The Sea (1978)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141186160
Alan Sillitoe (English, 1928-2010)
- The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1959)
/ Vintage International, 9780307389640
"The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner"
Angela Carter (English, 1940-92)
- The Magic Toyshop (1967)
/ Virago, 9780860681908
- The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141192390
- Burning Your Boats: Collected Stories (1962-93)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099592914
“The Bloody Chamber”
“The Courtship of Mr Lyon”
“The Tiger’s Bride”
“The Erl-King”
“The Snow Child”
“The Lady of the House of Love”
“The Werewolf”
“The Company of Wolves”
“Wolf Alice”
"A Souvenir of Japan"
J. G. Ballard (English, 1930-2009)
- The Unlimited Dream Company (1979)
- Super-Cannes (2000)
Salman Rushdie (British Indian, 1947- )
- The Satanic Verses (1988)
Ian McEwan (English, 1948- )
- In Between the Sheets (Short story collection) (1978)
/ Vintage, 9780099754718
- Atonement (novel) (2001)
/ Vintage, 9780099429791
Iain Banks (Scottish, 1954-2013)
- The Wasp Factory (1984)
/ Prentice Hall, 9780684853154
Hanif Kureishi (British, 1954- )
- The Buddha of Suburbia (1990)
/ Penguin, 9780140131680
Kazuo Ishiguro (British, 1954- )
- An Artist of the Floating World (1986)
/ Faber & Faber, 9780571209132
- Never Let Me Go (2005)
/ Faber & Faber, 9780571272136
- The Buried Giant (2015)
/ Faber & Faber, 9780571315062
Jeanette Winterson (English, 1959- )
- Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1985)
- Star Trek: The Original Series
"Arena" (Season 1, Episode 18)
"Turnabout Intruder" (Season 3, Episode 24)
Canadian Literature: 20th Century
Robertson Davies (Canadian, 1913-95)
- The Deptford Trilogy
1. Fifth Business (1970)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141186153
2. The Manticore (1972)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039136
3. World of Wonders (1975)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780143039143
Alice Munro (Canadian, 1931- )
- A Wilderness Station: Selected Stories, 1968-1994
/ Vintage International, 9781101970362
- Family Furnishings: Selected Stories, 1995-2014
/ Vintage International, 9781101872352
Theater, 20th Century
Eugene O'Neill (American, 1888-1953)
- The Iceman Cometh (written 1939, first performed 1946)
/ Introduction by Harold Bloom, Yale University Press, 9780300117431
- Long Day’s Journey Into Night (written 1941, first performed 1956)
/ Introduction by Harold Bloom, Yale University Press, 9780300093056
Jean-Paul Sartre (French, 1905-80)
- No Exit and Three Other Plays (1944-48)
/ Gilbert translation, Vintage International, 9780679725169
No Exit
Samuel Beckett (Irish, 1906-89)
- Waiting for Godot (1959)
/ Grove Press, 9780802144423
- Happy Days (1961)
/ Grove Press, 9780802144409
Tennessee Williams (American, 1911-83)
- The Glass Menagerie (1944)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141190266
- A Streetcar Named Desire (1947)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141190273
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141190280
Arthur Miller (American, 1915-2005)
- Death of a Salesman (1949)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141180977
- The Crucible (1953)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437339
Edward Albee (American, 1928-2016)
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099285694
Sam Shepard (American, 1943- )
Sam Shepard: Seven Plays (Buried Child, Curse of the Starving Class, The
Tooth of Crime, La Turista, Tongues, Savage Love, True West) (1984)
/ Dial Press, 9780553346114
Shepard is also an actor- Chuck Yeager in The Right Stuff (1983 adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s book of the same title), and Robert Rayburn aka “Papa Ray” in the 2015 Netflix series, Bloodline
- A Streetcar Named Desire (Elia Kazan, 1951)
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Mike Nichols, 1966)
- Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders, 1984) (Screenplay by Sam Shepard)
- Death of a Salesman (Volker Schlöndorff, 1985)
- The Crucible (Nicholas Hytner, 1996)
- Happy Days (Patricia Rozema, 2001)
Science Fiction/ Dystopian/ Philosophical
H. G. Wells (English, 1866-1946)
- The Time Machine (1895)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439976
Aldous Huxley (English, 1894-1963)
- Brave New World (1932)
/ Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 9780060776091
- Island (1962)
/ Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 9780061561795
George Orwell (English, 1903-50)
- Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780241416419
John Wyndham (English, 1903-69)
- The Chrysalids (1955)
/ Penguin Modern Classics, 9780141181479
Albert Camus (French, 1913-60)
- The Stranger (1942)
/ Ward translation, Vintage International, 9780679720201
Osamu Dazai (Japanese, 1909-48)
- No Longer Human (1948)
/ Keene translation, New Directions, 9780811204811
William Golding (English, 1911-93)
- Lord of the Flies (1954)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780399533372
Anthony Burgess (English, 1917-93)
- A Clockwork Orange (1962)
/ Norton Critical Edition, 9780393928099
Yukio Mishima (Japanese, 1925-1970)
- The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea (1963)
/ Nathan translation, Vintage Classics, 9780099284796
Frank Herbert (American, 1920-86)
- The Great Dune Trilogy
/ Orion Pub. Co., 9780575070707
- Dune (1965)
- Dune Messiah (1969)
- Children of Dune (1976)
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Russian, 1925-91 and 1933-2012, respectively)
- Roadside Picnic (1971)
/ Bormashenko translation, Chicago Review Press, 9781613743416
Robert M. Pirsig (American, 1928-2017)
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values (1974)
/ 40th Anniversery Edition, Vintage, 9780099598169
Alan Moore (English, 1953- )
- Watchmen (1987)
/ DC, 9781401245252
More philosophical novels (Listed in other sections above):
- Herman Melville, Moby-Dick; or, The Whale (1851)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142437247
- Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment (1866)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Vintage International, 9780679734505
- Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov (1880)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, FSG, 9780374528379
- Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (1877)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Penguin Classics, 9780140449174
- George Eliot, Middlemarch (1871-72)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780141439549
- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)
/ Norton Critical Editions, 9780393696875
- Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain (1924)
/ Woods translation, Vintage International, 9780679772873
- Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund (1930)
/ Molinaro translation, Picador, 9780312421670
- Hermann Hesse, The Glass Bead Game (1943)
/ Winston and Winston translation, Vintage Classics, 9780099283621
- Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita (written 1928-40, published 1967)
/ Pevear and Volokhonsky translation, Penguin Classics Deluxe, 9780143108276
- J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye (1951)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316769174
- Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man (1952)
/ Vintage, 978-0679732761
- Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle (1963)
/ Dial Press, 9780385333481
- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)
/ Dial Press, 9780385333849
- Saul Bellow, Herzog (1964)
/ Penguin Classics Deluxe, 9780143107675
- Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince (1973)
/ Penguin Classics, 9780142180112
- Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian (1985)
/ Vintage International, 9780679728757
- David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest (1996)
/ Back Bay Books, 9780316066525
- The Time Machine (George Pal, 1960)
- A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick, 1971)
- Logan's Run (Michael Anderson, 1976)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman, 1978)
- Stalker (Screenplay loosely adapted from Roadside Picnic by the authors, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979)
- Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982)
- The Matrix (Wachowskis, 1999)
- The Twilight Zone (Original Series, 1959)
"The Obsolete Man" (Season 2, Episode 29)
"It's a Good Life" (Season 3, Episode 8)
"Number Twelve Looks Just Like You" (Season 5, Episode 17)
Japanese Literature: 20th Century to Present
Natsume Sōseki (1867-1916)
- Botchan (1906)
/ Cohn translation, Penguin Classics, 9780141391885
- Sanshirō (1908)
/ Rubin translation with introduction by Haruki Murakami, Penguin Classics, 9780140455625
- Kokoro (1914)
/ McKinney translation, Penguin Classics, 9780143106036
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927)
- Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories (1914-27)
/ Jay Rubin translation with introduction by Haruki Murakami, Penguin Classics, 9780140449709
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (1886-1965)
- Seven Japanese Tales (1910-59)
/ Vintage International, 9780679761075
- Naomi (1924)
/ Vintage International, 9780375724749
- Quicksand (1928-30)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099485612
- Some Prefer Nettles (1929)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780099283379
- The Makioka Sisters (1943-48)
/ Vintage Classics, 9780749397104
Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972)
- Snow Country (1935-37, 1947)
/ Vintage International, 9780679761044
- The Master of Go (1951)
/ Vintage, 9780679761068
- The Sound of the Mountain (1954)
/ Seidensticker translation, Vintage International, 9780679762645
- House of the Sleeping Beauties and Other Stories
/ Vintage International, 9780525434139
- Beauty and Sadness (1964)
/ Vintage, 9780679761051
- Palm-of-the-Hand Stories (1923-64)
/ FSG Classics, 9780374530495
Osamu Dazai (1909-48)
- No Longer Human (1948)
/ Keene translation, New Directions, 9780811204811
Yasushi Inoue (1907-91)
- Life of a Counterfeiter (1965)
/ Emmerich translation, Pushkin Press, 9781782270027
Kōbō Abe (1924-93)
- The Woman in the Dunes (1962)
/ Saunders translation, Vintage International, 9780679733782
- The Face of Another (1964)
/ Saunders translation, Vintage International, 9780375726538
- The Ruined Map (1967)
/ Saunders translation, Vintage International, 9780375726521
- The Box Man (1973)
/ Saunders translation, Vintage International, 9780375726514
Yukio Mishima (1925-70)
- Death in Midsummer: And Other Stories (1953)
/ New Directions, 9780811201179
- The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (1956)
/ Morris translation, Vintage Classics, 9780099285670
- After the Banquet (1960)
/ Keene translation, 9780099282785
- The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (1963)
/ Nathan translation, Vintage Classics, 9780099284796
- The Sea of Fertility tetralogy (written 1965-70):
1. Spring Snow (1965)
/ Gallagher translation, Vintage International, 9780679722410
2. Runaway Horses (1969)
/ Gallagher translation, Vintage International, 9780679722403
3. The Temple of Dawn (1970)
/ Saunders and Segawa Seigle translation, Vintage International, 9780679722427
4. The Decay of the Angel (1971)
/ Seidensticker translation, Vintage International, 9780679722434
See also:
Persona: A Biography of Yukio Mishima, by Naoki Inose
/ Stone Bridge Press, 9781611720082
Kenzaburō Ōe (1935- )
- A Personal Matter (1965)
/ Nathan translation, Grove Press, 9780802150615
- The Silent Cry (1967)
/ Bester translation, Serpent's Tail Classics, 9781781255650
Haruki Murakami (1949- )
- Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (1985)
/ Birnbaum translation, Vintage, 9780099448785
- Norwegian Wood (1987)
/ Rubin translation, Vintage, 9780099448822
- The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1994-5)
/ Rubin translation, Vintage International, 9780099448792
- Kafka on the Shore (2002)
/ Gabriel translation, Vintage International, 9780099458326
- After Dark (2004)
/ Rubin translation, Vintage, 9780099506249
- 1Q84 (2009-10)
/ Rubin and Gabriel translation, Vintage, 9780099578079
- Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage (2013)
/ Gabriel translation, Vintage, 9780099590378
Short story collections:
- The Elephant Vanishes (17 stories, 1980-91)
/ Vintage, 9780099448754
- Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (24 stories, 1980-2005)
/ Vintage, Gabriel and Rubin translation, 9780099488668
- Birthday Stories (2002) (an anthology of stories featuring birthdays, by various authors including Raymond Carver, David Foster Wallace, and Murakami himself)
/ Vintage, 9780099481553
- Men Without Women (7 stories, 2013-14)
/ Gabriel and Goossen translation, Vintage, 9781101974520
See also: 
Haruki Murakami: A Long, Long Interview, by Mieko Kawakami
/ [coming soon]
Ryū Murakami (1952- )
- Almost Transparent Blue (1976)
/ out of print?
- Coin Locker Babies (1980)
/ Pushkin Press, 9781908968470
- 69 (1987)
/ Pushkin Press, 9781908968463
- Audition (1997)
/ Bloomsbury, 9781408800720
Banana Yoshimoto (1964- )
- Kitchen (1988)
/ Backus translation, Faber & Faber, 9780571342723
- Goodbye Tsugumi (1989)
/ Emmerich translation, Faber & Faber, 9780571212842
- Asleep (1989)
/ Emmerich translation, Faber & Faber, 9780571205370
- Lizard (1993)
/ Sherif translation, Simon & Schuster, 9780671532765
- Amrita (1994)
/ Faber & Faber, 9780571193745
- Moshi-Moshi (2010)
/ Asa Yoneda translation, Counterpoint, 9781640090156
Hiromi Kawakami (1958- )
- Strange Weather in Tokyo (2001)
/ Powell translation, Counterpoint, 9781640090163
- The Ten Loves of Nishino (2003)
/ Powell translation, Granta, 9781846276972
Yōko Ogawa (1962- )
- The Diving Pool: Three Novellas (1990) 
/ Vintage, 9780099521358
- Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales (1998) 
/ Vintage, 9780099553939
- The Housekeeper and the Professor (2008)
/ Vintage, 9780099521341
Mieko Kawakami (1976- )
- Ms. Ice Sandwich (2018)
/ Pushkin Press, 9781782273301
Sayaka Murata (1979- )
- Convenience Store Woman (2018)
/ Granta, 9781846276842
Yukiko Motoya (1979- )
- The Lonesome Bodybuilder (2018) 
/ Asa Yoneda translation, Soft Skull Press, 9781593766788
- The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories (2018)
/ Edited by Jay Rubin, Penguin Classics, 9780241311905
Possible contexts for some of the works listed above:
Murasaki Shikibu (Lady Murasaki) (c. 973 or 978-1014 or 1031)
- The Tale of Genji (<1021)
/ Waley translation, Tuttle, 9784805310816
See also:
- The Tale of Genji: A Reader’s Guide, by William J. Puette
/ Tuttle, 9784805310847
Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)
- The Book of Five Rings (1645)
/ Bennett translation, Tuttle, [paperback coming soon]
Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1659-1719)
- Hagakure (1716)
/ Bennett translation, Tuttle, 9784805311981
Nitobe Inazō (1862-1933)
- Bushido: The Soul of Japan (1900)
/ Bennett translation, Tuttle, [paperback coming soon]
Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904)
- Japanese Ghost Stories
/ Penguin Classics, 9780241381274
D. T. Suzuki (1870-1966)
- An Introduction to Zen Buddhism (1934)
/ Grove Press, 9780802130556
Eugene Herrigel (1884-1955)
- Zen in the Art of Archery (1948)
/ Vintage, 9780375705090
Shunryū Suzuki (1904-71)
- Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind (1970)
/ Shambhala, 9781590308493
Boye Lafayette De Mente
- Etiquette Guide to Japan: Know the Rules that Make the Difference!
/ Tuttle, 9784805313619
- Japan: A Guide to Traditions, Customs and Etiquette: Kata as the Key to Understanding the Japanese
/ Tuttle, 9784805314425
Roger J. Davies
- The Japanese Mind: Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture
/ Tuttle, 9780804832953
- Japanese Culture: The Religious and Philosophical Foundations
/ Tuttle, 9784805311639
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