#the correct answer is OBVIOUSLY Jervis no matter what
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whose gonna tell em..
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Emperor’s New Clothes
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: General & Male!Reader Summary: Done your time and served your sentence, dressed up and watch Gotham die. If it feels good, taste good, it has to be yours. Word Count: 1,655 A/n: I just binge-watched the first three seasons of Gotham and I just had to write more psychopathicish reader. So, Gotham request is open and I will accept: Oswald Cobblepot, Ed Nygma, Victor Zsasz, Jervis Tetch, Jim Gordon, Jerome Valeska (not Jeremiah yet because I haven’t encountered him yet - just started season four)
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“Didn’t you hear?”
Nathanial Barnes looked up from Jim’s old desk, he had been hearing whispers and gossips around the station and had wondered what had gotten people in such a wary state. He looked at Jim, who had been wandering in and out of the station, who shrugged his shoulder before the two looked over to Hervey, his feet on the desk and leaning back on his chair.
“(Y/n) (L/n) is back in town,” Harvey spoke, as the two men looked confused, “(Y/n) is part of a very influential and powerful family in Gotham. Rumours about him are quick to be spread around.”
“I’m guessing that’s what everyone is talking about,” Captain Barnes huffed, almost a growl escaped his lips.
“Pin on the murder of his family,” Harvey mentions standing up and handing over a file of you, “Some says he’s killed more than three dozens people, therefore making him the most dangerous person as of now due to having the most murders in Gotham. He’s the only one who could inflict so much fear within Gotham in a space of an hour.”
“Then we arrest him.”
“No can do,” A voice appeared behind Harvey.
Harvey jumped as he turns around, Jim and Captain Barnes looking up from your criminal file. Captain Barnes locks his jaw as Hervey widens his eyes and shuffle back a bit.
There you stood, young and devilishly handsome. Unlike, Penguin, you dress down. A man in his twenties rather not flaunt around in suits or three pieces. If you were to murder someone you couldn’t risk staining a ten gran suit with a speck of blood.
You were far more modest.
Calculating eyes, your hair all nice up as stand against the stair railing. Your arms crossed over your chest and your right leg crossed over your left, your toe against the hard wooden floor. A smug smile had appeared on your face, charming.
“How do you know that?” Barnes challenged, his eyes hardening but you didn’t falter.
“Mr Cobblepot is still running around, in fact, he’s running for mayor - correct?” You spoke, slow and rough. Your chest heaved up as you heavily inhale then exhale, “He’s one of the most notorious criminals and yet he’s running around as a free man, certainly you have no evidence against me and any of my rumours to put me in Arkham.”
“We’ll be putting you where you belong.”
“Gotham is my city, gentlemen, see I haven’t been home for a few years and things have changed. My family has always put their opinions in the wellbeing of this fine city, I aim to take back what once was mine.”
“You mean your family, your crime family,” Jim spoke, your lips thinned before you stood up straight a smile returning on your face.
“We could stick it to your way, Gordon, but I’ve done some digging on the way here. And let me tell you, James Gordon, Captain Barnes, you’re not as innocent as you seem. Gotham runs on villains, murderers, psychopaths, freaks, monsters.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Jim threatened.
You looked around your surroundings, your eyes flickering up and down the building, a simple gesture of silence wouldn’t be so threatening but there was something about you was uneasy.
“You’re not a cop anymore, James,” you drawled out as his stares at you, “I may be young, but I know my stuff and I know it well. Before you know it, Oswald Cobblepot won’t be a threat to you.”
“I’m sensing that’s a promise.”
You grinned at the men before you.
“In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change and allow a brighter future to unfold before us. Such an uncertain future may call for even more uncertain allies. Either way, a new day is coming whether we like it or not. The question is will you control it, or will it control you?”
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“What do you mean (Y/n) is back?” Oswald growled in his seat, his eyes piercing into Butch. 
Ed looking lost, your name was familiar, but he tended to keep to his little bubble while working with GCPD. Butch shrugged his shoulders, sitting across Ed but staring at Oswald, who had his hand to his lips deep in thought.
“I don’t know boss, with Falcone out in retirement and Fish not being here. He’s back for revenge.”
“The man killed his family,” Oswald gnarred out, as if it was the answer to everything, “How could anyone follow him? He’s a psychopath!”
“Perhaps that’s why they’re following him,” Ed spoke, suddenly finding a voice in the matter, “People tend to follow out of fear, whoever (y/n) is, must be bad news.”
“Of course it’s bad news, the last of the (L/n) crime family, he has spies all over Gotham, men who would do anything at his feet.” Oswald takes a harsh sip out of his wine.
Ed flickered his eyes between Butch and Oswald, who was freaking out. Edward had sensed a new villain had returned to Gotham, someone who was unpredictable, mad, psychotic. Oswald lets out a shaky breath, by Ed’s judgement, Oswald was very afraid.
Oswald had a vague idea of what you wanted. The last time he had seen you, you had blood around your hands and on your pretty white shirt. You hadn’t falter to the look of Fish before you send her a wicked smile. You were merely eighteen years old at the time, you had been in Arkham before - the youngest yet. Now, you’re twenty-three years old, with a thirst of vengeance and Arkham wrapped around your pinky.
Oswald wasn’t like you, you had been brought up in the nature of crimes whilst he was simply introduced to it. Madness is in your blood, you were far more intelligent than he was with the crime. You know of sacrifices to need to make, games and plans to think out. 
Your dangerous trait was you were patient. 
You like to draw things out because you could, and that’s what truly terrified Oswald.
“What should we do, boss?”
Ed was excited to meet you if you could cause fear just by returning, what hell would you unleash? He’s a rookie murderer, but he could certainly look up inspiration.
“Find him, tell him we come for peace, take Zsasz with you too. That guy has a weird bond with (Y/n) and we need to be friends with him.”
“Should I invite him for dinner?”
“Yes, Butch!” Oswald snaps almost to say if it was that obvious.
Ed smiles, this year is going to get better.
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The Sirens was packed with people, you stand in the back of the club with a glass of whiskey and a curious stare. Barbara Kean, Tabitha Galavan and Jervis Tetch in one little place, your eyes flickered to the hypnotist, who locks eyes with you, you send him a smile - inviting yet cold.
He was instantly drawn to you, there was darkness in you. Jervis was a man of mind control, he could feel anger, fear, regret within you but it wasn’t yours. Instead, you’re motivated by the three emotions to your biddings of crime. Jervis found you fascinating, someone he certainly wanted to know.
“Who’s he?” Barbara asked, whispering to Tabitha, staring at you.
Barbara looked over her shoulder to see who Jervis was staring at, found you watching the show. Tabitha looks over to you as well, shrugging her shoulder, to her you seem innocent and just out for a good time.
“Someone who you don’t want to mess around.”
An unexpected voice had caught the two women off guard as they turn to see Butch. He seemed nervous, unguarded as his eyes scan the venue, stopping momentarily to watch the show that was happening before meeting an angry gaze of his girl, Tabitha.
“What are you doing here, Butch?” Tabitha had scowled at the big man.
“I was looking for (Y/n), I heard enough rumours to know that he would like to find a crowd,” Butch looks over to you and see you greeting Victor Zsasz, “He’s dangerous, killed more than thirty-six people including his family. His family was one of the most powerful crime family there was, the (L/n)?”
“I was expecting more,” Barbara looked dissatisfied with the result of your name as she heard Jervis coming down the stage, “Great show again, Mr Tetch.”
He sends a grateful smile, “Is that someone important?” 
The four of them looked over to where you were standing, your hand in your pocket as you down that of your drink. You looked over to the group, locking their gaze as you tilt your head ever so slightly, a charming smile graced your lips as you blinked slowly and send them a polite wave, two fingers and a thumb before engaging your attention to the assassin in front of you.
Tabitha feels threaten with your innocent facade as she turns to look at the hypnotist.
“Important? Dangerous? Take your pick Mr Tetch, this is Gotham after all.”
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You looked at Victor, who was almost a kid like Christmas when he heard you were back, as you smile at him.
“What do you plan to do first?”
“Make Gotham suffer, show who is really in power. I want them to fear me,” You responded, Victor started to laugh when your eyes darken - oh how much he missed you, “Want to help?”
“Obviously,” Victor stopped laughing, his drawl caused you to turn away and lock eyes with Butch.
“But, first I need you to fill in what I missed.”
Victor lets a peal of laughter pass his nose as he nods. He looks at you, satisfied there was someone who would actually treat him more human. Despite Falcone’s niceness, you were a tad more humane to interact with him.
“Come, Vic, tonight we shall make Gotham remember me.”
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caroline-min-max · 6 years
Broken Bunny
Min was bewildered when he heard the sound of rapid footsteps pounding through the house. Max called his name, then running to him when he answered. Under each arm was one of their six year old identical twin daughters Elsie and Tillie. Elsie was crying while Tillie looked panicked.
“Is Caroline home yet?” Max panted. 
“No…” Min answered, concerned when Max looked relived.
“Take the girls out for a few hours,” Max said as he set them down, the girls holding his hands once their feet were on the floor. Elsie pressed her face into his side.
“What happened?” Min already dreaded the answer. This obviously wasn’t good.
“I broke Mommy’s rabbit!” Elsie wailed.
“She just wanted to look it!” Tillie tried to defend.
All the color left Min’s face. “Not the one Jervis gave her?” he asked Max, needing to sit down a moment when his twin nodded. “Is it bad?” he asked when they walked in front of him, holding Elsie close to comfort her when she sat on his lap. Tears were still pouring from her eyes.
“I haven’t taken a good look at it but I think so,” Max answered. “I’ll try to fix it. I just don’t want the girls in the house when Caroline finds out.” 
Min understood. There was already so much resentment their lover had for their children that this could be the breaking point. She’d come dangerously close to losing her temper and smacking one of the girls that they didn’t want to risk it.
After taking a deep breath Min stood up. He kept the weepy Elsie in his arms. “Lets go, Tillie,” he said, she hesitant to let go of Max’s hand.
“Will you be OK, Dad?” Tillie asked as she looked up at him. “Mom’s going to be really mad.”
Max forced a smile. “Don’t worry; I’ll handle it.”
Tillie lingered a moment longer before she left with Min and her sister. Max returned slowly to the bedroom he shared with Min and Caroline where he’d heard the break and his daughters scream only minutes before. He was silently praying his memory was faulty from the brief glimpse he took at the rabbit, that the damage was actually minimal.
There under a high shelf laid a priceless White Rabbit statue gifted to Caroline from Jervis as an “Unbirthday Present”. He and Min had rolled his eyes but Caroline had been thrilled, thinking it was sweet. It was a prized possession that she enjoyed looking at and always dusted with the utmost care.
Now the Queen of Hearts messenger had his horn broken off at his fingers. Both ears had been severed and there were various cracks on his body. Max realized he was in over his head; he needed outside help to fix this. 
Picking up every last little piece and fragment he could find Max careful retrieved the poor rabbit‘s body and wrapped it up. Swallowing his pride he got ready to be belittled and talked down to for such a mishap to happened under his supervision. He phoned Jervis to ask if he knew where to take the statue for restoration.
Much to his surprise Jervis was understanding. While he was saddened a gift he’d given with love had met such a fate “children will be children”. He knew just the place for Max to try, the younger man thanking him before hanging up. He left a note for Caroline in case she returned and took his leave.
Caroline was already home when Max came back home. She greeted him at the door, giving him a hug and a kiss. She was actually quite happy to return to an empty and quiet house, in a good mood. While there was a promise no acts of intimacy were allowed unless both twins were with Caroline she was going to try and get as much affection as she could out of Max.
“Caroline,” Max said firmly as he placed his hands on her shoulders, stopping her from continuing. “I have to tell you something…” He looked at her with pained eyes. 
“What is it?” Caroline asked, already sensing she wasn’t going to like this. She knew it was strange to come home like this with a note from Max saying he’d be back soon and to wait for him. 
“Lets sit down.”
“Max, you’re scaring me!” Caroline said as she followed him into the living room. 
“I’m sorry,” Max said as they sat down next to each other, he turning sideways and grabbing her hands. He took a deep breath. “Honey Bunny… The girls broke the White Rabbit statue that Jervis gave you.” He wasn’t going to single out Elsie. He didn’t want to risk Caroline starting to treat one girl differently than the other. It was hard enough how she acted towards them already. 
“WHAT?!” Caroline screamed, pulling her hands away from Max as she leaped to her feet. “GO GET A BELT.” Those girls had been coddled enough with their lax discipline. She was going to let them have it when they came back. “WHERE ARE THEY NOW?! Her voice was thick with hate. She scowled and clenched her fists, pure fury in her eyes as she shook. 
“They’re out with Min,” Max said calmly as he stood. He didn’t ask where Min had intended to take them on purpose. “Please calm down. I took it in to get repaired.”
“Is it like Humpty Dumpty or can it be fix?” Caroline asked quickly. She had to know.
Max hesitated. He wasn’t going to lie to Caroline but wording it in ways not to escalate her anger was tricky. “He thinks he can. He said the horn is going to be the most difficult.” 
Caroline let out a cry of rage, tugging on her ears. “Of all the things! How did they even get to it?!”
“I think they crawled up on the dresser and lost their balance.” Max hadn’t been able to get a straight answer out of the blubbering Elsie and Tillie didn’t want to say much to get them into more trouble. He had noticed that some of the cosmetics Caroline kept out had been moved to the side so as not to be damaged. 
“They went that far to break something of mine?!” Caroline stomped so hard on the floor repeatedly that Max noticed the coffee table move over a few centimeters. “Well I can play that game!” She said as stormed out of the room. 
“WAIT!” Max ran after Caroline, grabbing her as gently as he could around her middle to stop her.
“Max, you let me go!” Caroline commanded as she pulled at his arms.
“I know you’re upset but don’t do this!” Max had no choice but to strengthen his grip. “The girls know they did wrong! They’ll apologize, and we’ll punish them, but don’t wreck anything of theirs!” he begged desperately. He could easily see Caroline going on a destructive tirade in their room.
“‘An eye for an eye, too for a tooth’, right?” Caroline quite liked that old saying. 
“They’re six!” Max reminded. 
“They’re almost seven!” Caroline argued back.
“CAROLINE!” Max shouted her name, startling her so much that she froze. He turned her around to look at him, cupping her face in his hands. He wasn’t without sympathy for his girlfriend, his stomach dropping when he saw there were tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Caroline…” He said softly. “Min and I should have been watching them better,”
Tears ran down Caroline’s cheeks as she broke into a sob, Max holding her tightly when she hugged him. “I really loved that rabbit.”
“I know…” Max replied, trying not to think about how that love for an intimate object was probably stronger than for her own children. He rubbed her back. 
“Is it really too much to ask that they stay out of ONE room of the house and not touch anything in it?” Caroline knew she was terrible at this but felt it wasn’t unreasonable to want a space free from her children’s intrusion.
“No,” Max answered, Caroline feeling better to know she was at least right in that regard. “We’ll talk to them and make them understand that.”
“You talk to them. I don’t ever want to look at them again.”
“We have to do it together as their parents. You calm down the rest of the day and we’ll do it tomorrow, OK?”   
Caroline didn’t answer, clinging to his suit instead. It seemed he’d manage to defuse the situation enough so Max continued to hold her in silence, petting her hair and rubbing her ears. In some ways it was like having three children in the house. Becoming a mother had shown how immature Caroline still was in so many ways. Resorting to fury and violence worked just fine with criminal activities but was frightening when it came to parenting. 
Upon arriving home Min had Elsie and Tillie wait outside on the steps as he slowly made his way inside. He wanted to call for Max but knew what a bad idea that would be with Caroline’s keen hearing.
Luckily Max was nearby. He’d been waiting for Min to come home. He’d started for the door the moment he’d heard it opening. 
“Is Caroline home?” Min whispered.
Max nodded. “I think she’ll stay in our room the rest of the of the day but we should still try and keep the girls out of her sight. I think she’ll be able to talk to them tomorrow.” 
Min sighed in relief. “Good job, Max.” He could only imagine the kind of breakdown Caroline had upon hearing the news.
“You went shopping?” Max asked, noticing a dark colored bag in Min’s hand. 
“Yeah…” Min looked uneasy. “It was Elsie’s idea but I don’t know how Caroline’s going to respond…”
No one was looking forward to the chat that had to happened. While Min and Max’s main priority had been getting their daughters out of harm’s way Min made it clear they were both in big trouble once he’d driven them to safety. A delayed punishment may not be the best act of parenting but they didn’t have much other choice.
The entire family was sitting in the living room the next day. Caroline had the armchair to herself while Elsie and Tillie sat between their fathers on the couch. There was tension in the air, none of them sure where to begin. 
Caroline sighed. Of course she would have to take initiative as the head of the family. “Girls,” she said suddenly as she cross her arms, the single word making both of them wince and Elsie’s eyes go wide with fear. “You know that I want you to stay out of your fathers’ and my bedroom, correct?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tillie answered while Elsie nodded. 
“Why did you go in?”
“We wanted to see that bunny,” Tillie answered matter-of-factly.
“Why didn’t you ask?” That’s all they had to do. It was simple. How could they not have?
“We were going to look at real fast but then Elsie fell!”
“It was an accident!” Elsie finally spoke up.
“That doesn’t matter,” Caroline said curtly. “Accident or not you hurt your mother very much. When I was your age I had nearly nothing. My clothes were all worn out with holes, my shoes were falling apart, and don’t even think for a moment I had much when it came to toys. I checked out books constantly to pass the time. It means even more to me when I’m given gifts. Your Uncle Jervis is a dear friend to this family so I treasured that White Rabbit. It’s a very special feeling you get when someone buys you something because it reminded them of you.” She hoped the girls could understand what she was saying.
Elsie and Tillie were bright. They could follow and would ask their dads questions later if need be, like always. At the moment they were having a hard enough time responding when they needed to, Caroline looking more like an emperor who would give a thumbs up or down as to whether they’d be fed to lions or not rather than their mother.
“How long until it’s repaired, Max?” Caroline asked, catching him off guard.
“Er…” Max had to think. “He had some other projects ahead of yours. Depending on how well it stays together he thought a few weeks.”
“Then that’s how long the girls are grounded,” Caroline announced. That sounded fair. “No TV, no coloring books, no dollhouse, no dessert, extra chores, and you’ll be going to bed a half hour early.” She made sure to target the indoor activities, not wanting to discourage them from going outside to play and giving her some moments of peace.
It was a hefty punishment. The worst the girls had ever received by far but they weren’t going to argue. Elsie had been positive she and Tillie were going to die. 
“Do you have something you want to tell you mother?” Min urged the girls.
“We’re sorry,” they said together.
“Hmph…” Caroline doubted that. “I appreciate your apology but it still hurts me a bit too much to forgive you right now. You both can prove it to me by never damaging my belongings again.”
A few days later Caroline was in the study. She was relaxing in the large chair, legs stretched out with her feet on the hassock, and her readers on as she entertained herself with a book. 
She was so comfortable, scowling when she heard a knock on the door frame. Her frown deepened when she looked up to see not just Min and Max but her children looking in as well. She sighed and put down the book, hoping it would be quick.
“Go ahead,” Max urged, giving his daughter a gentle nudge. He and Min were just as nervous about how this was going to go, hoping Caroline would at the very least appreciate the gesture. 
Tillie was the first to step forward. Elsie soon followed, hands behind her back, obviously holding something. Caroline could already feel her patience wearing thin. This had better be worth her time.
“We made you something, Mommy!” Elsie said. 
“Did you?” Caroline put her feet down and sat on the edge of the chair, leaning forward towards them. She raised an eyebrow when the girls just nervously stared back at her, not saying or doing anything more.
“Show her!” Tillie hissed.
Elsie timidly came closer to Caroline, revealing she was holding a crudely made White Rabbit that seemed to be a poor imitation of the one she and her sister had nearly destroyed. “We made you a new one!” she said proudly. “Tillie scalped-”
“Sculpted,” Min corrected gently.
“Tillie sculpted it and I painted! Our teachers let us use the oven at school!” Elsie informed, forgetting it was called a ‘kiln’. “You have to be careful with it, though!”
“Now you’re worried about that?” Caroline snapped, making Elsie flinch away. 
Caroline straightened up in her chair, narrowing her eyes as she took the rabbit from Elsie. Up close it was even more hideous. The eyes were uneven and one pupil was bigger than the other. The ears weren’t the same size. The horn looked like a metal detector. She had no idea what Elsie was thinking when she chose the colors; had she forgotten the ones on the original? Hot pink hearts looked so out of place. 
It looks like it was made by six-year-olds; that’s what she wanted to say. It felt like an insult to think this crude sculpture made out of clay could come anything close to the beautiful porcelain masterpiece Jervis had given her.
Still holding her tongue, Caroline looked at the doorway and saw Max mouth “please” at her, Min’s hands folded in a praying gesture. They seemed to know just what she was thinking. She gazed by down at her girls.
Those homely, freckled little faces with nasty overbites… They weren’t at all pleasant to look at. Caroline’s pregnancy had them all nervous as to just how the babies would turn out. It seemed her rabbit DNA had been completely rejected, resulting in two little red headed girls who resembled their dads so much it was unsettling. 
Caroline felt so much disdain. She saw nothing of herself, FELT nothing, as she continued to stare at Elsie and Tillie. There was no connection at all. Why should she accept this abomination just to make them feel better? She was still crying over what happened. She was still… 
The horrible thoughts Caroline was having came at a standstill when she made eye contact with Elsie’s hopeful eyes. Those beautiful green eyes that Caroline used to have, the only part of her that the girls got. She recognized that look in them. Desperate for approval, longing to hear praise and that she’d done something right. 
It made Caroline’s heart ache.
“You…” The moment Caroline began speaking Min and Max’s hearts leapt into their throats as Elsie and Tillie straightened their postures. “You both obviously worked very hard on this.” It occurred to Caroline they must be old enough after all to understand the gravity of what they’d done if it had remained on their minds long enough for them to make this. That was as close as she could come to compliment, however. “Thank you.”
Elsie and Tillie smiled at each other happily as their dad’s pulses returned to normal. That had been the most anxiety inducing moments of their entire lives. Although temperamental and unable to relate to her girls at their current age they knew Caroline wasn’t heartless. They hoped that kindness they knew she had within her would come through.
“Do you really like it?” Tillie asked skeptically after thinking it over. 
“I appreciate the thought that you put into it,” Caroline answered, hoping that would put an end to it. “This was a nice gesture and I think I can accept your apology now.” 
That was good enough. It was more than what they usually got from their mom and she did seem sincere. 
It was agonizing waiting to hear back about her statue. Caroline pounced on the phone every time it rang, any wrong numbers feeling her wrath. Just like Max had estimated it was weeks later when she got the call that she was waiting for. 
This frightened Min and Max all over again. They were afraid the still healing wound would be ripped wide open again if the repair job didn’t meet her satisfaction. Caroline knew her beloved statue too well not to notice areas where there were traces of the breaks but overall it turned out better than she expected.
Min was walking down the hall when he noticed Caroline leaving their room with a step ladder. “Do you need help, Honey Bunny?” he asked as he picked up his pace and walked towards her.
“No thank you,” Caroline answered. “I put my rabbit back. I’d prefer if absolutely no one but me ever touches that shelf again.” She continued on her way to put the stepladder back in the closet.
Wanting to see it back in its proper place Min entered the bedroom. His eyes widened in surprise for a moment before he ran out of the room. He found Elsie and Tillie first, then getting Max to join them.
The girls were hesitant to enter their parents bedroom when Min guided them to it, Elsie stopping dead in her tracks. Min scooped her up and carried her, Max following suit with Tillie. He felt Tillie tremble in his arms, hoping what Min wanted to show them was worth it.
“Look what your mother did!” Min said excitedly as he pointed at the small shelf that was the White Rabbit statue’s place of honor. Only this time it wasn’t alone. Sharing the space was the clay White Rabbit that they had made in its image. 
“Wow!” Elsie exclaimed.
“She liked it THAT much?!” Tillie said in disbelief. 
No one had seen the White Rabbit Elsie and Tillie had made since they gave it to Caroline, Min and Max certain she’d thrown it away. After looking at the two rabbits together Min and Max placed their daughters down to let them resume playing again. 
“That was nice of you but you’d better get it down before Caroline sees,” Max said to Min once the girls had gone.
“It wasn’t me,” Min replied. “I swear Caroline did.” 
Max was stunned. While it did puzzle both men as to what exactly Caroline’s feelings were with treating Elsie and Tillie’s gift in such high regard they weren’t going to question it.
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