#the coven asked uhhh. well. we made a sapphic cover
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helena and gerard, vampire lovers with a tragic fate.
the stars of "It's Called 'Helena and Gerard: A Vampire Tragedy in Unmetered Limerick', Mom" by the Forgetmenauts
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emsprovisions · 1 year
Gus week Day 4 — childhood
Uhhh uhhh I have no explanation for writing TWO drabbles for today other than this idea got a vice grip on me and wouldn’t let go
Word count: 702
Latissa was a fun town, in Augustus’s opinion. The witches and demons here looked a little rougher around the edges, but Augustus thought that only made them more interesting. When he went on evening walks with his parents, they’d each hold one of his hands and swing them between him, the three of them coming up with stories for the townspeople they’d see.
Today though, Augustus’s mom had taken him to the slayground. There weren’t too many kids around, but Augustus did see a young boy around his age playing by himself in the sandpit. He was drawing small spell circles in the air, tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration as he tried to erect little castles out of the sand.
Augustus approached him, always cautious and a little shy around kids his age.
“Hi!” He said when he’d come close enough to the boy.
The boy looked up. He had wild brown hair and even wilder brown eyes. Freckles were splattered across his nose, and when he smiled, Augustus could see he was missing his two front teeth and one of his baby fangs. His sand building immediately crumbled at the loss of his concentration.
“Hi,” he said, with his gap-toothed grin.
“Oh, I’m sorry about your sandcastle.” Augustus cringed, but the boy shrugged. “Can I play with you?”
“Sure!” He said. “My name’s Matías and my big brother is over there.” He raised a hand to point at the big brother, a teenager with similar hair and a horn on his forehead, sitting on one of the benches nearby with a book in his hand. There was a coven scout on the front cover.
“Cool! I’m Augustus. My mommy’s over there.” Augustus pointed out his mom at the other bench, she waved encouragingly at him and his new friend.
“Are you any good at construction magic?” Matías asked.
“Not really. I’m learning to be an illusionist like my mom.”
“Oh.” Matías frowned for a moment, a look of concentration on his face, then his face lit up with an idea. “Wait, can you illusion a sand castle?”
“Oh! I can try! Have you ever seen the Emperor’s castle?” Augustus asked.
Matías shook his head. “I’ve never left Latissa before.”
“Oh. Well it’s really cool! My dad’s taken me there before on one of his jobs.”
“What’s his job?” Matías looked up from where he was gathering a bunch of sand to look inquisitively at Augustus.
“He’s a reporter! He writes stories about real life.”
“Ohhh,” Matías said, sounding intrigued. “That’s really cool. My mom and dad are constructionists. That’s why I wanna be one. Or I wanna be like my big brother! He’s gonna be a coven scout. He’s probably gonna see the big castle too!”
“Ooh yeah! Maybe then he can take you to see it!”
Augustus smiled at his new friend. He was one of the nicest kids Augustus had ever hung around with. Children rarely ever wanted to play with him when they didn’t go to school together. But Matías was nice. Augustus liked him.
Together, the boys worked on sandcastles, Augustus casting small illusions of castles that Matías would try and replicate in the sand with construction magic. Augustus tried to recreate the Emperor’s castle, but his illusion magic wasn’t that good yet.
They were still playing a while later when Matías’s brother began to call for him, signaling it was time to go. Augustus’s mom did the same. The boys pouted, having far too much fun with their new friend to want to leave so soon.
“Are you going to go to Glandus?” Matías asked.
“No,” Augustus shook his head, sadly and Matías frowned. “I’m homeschooled and we travel a lot for my daddy’s job. But we’ll be in town for a little while longer! Maybe we can play again?”
Matías’s face brightened. “Yeah! I’ll ask my big brother and you ask your mom! Maybe we can play again tomorrow!”
“Okay! Bye, Matías!”
“Bye, Augustus.” The boy smiled at him. “I’ll see you again soon!”
“Yeah,” Augustus agreed. “See you soon!”
He really hoped he would get to see Matías again. He wished they could play every day and be best friends forever.
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