#the crystal chain ep
spilladabalia · 1 year
The Subliminals - Crystal Chain
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uninformedartist · 13 days
Ok so I watched the episode. When Blitz went off on Stolas on EXACTLY how he felt, how royals/upper class treat imps & Stolas goes & says he always thought so high of Blitz & how Blitz thinks so low of him makes Stolas sad I almost said "fuck you" out loud (but didn't cos my family wouldn't be happy on that phrase). Jou ma se poes Stolas, fokkin naai van 'n voël. And then he just zipped Blitz away.
You know I was kind of happy ish on Stolas admitting his agreement with Blitz was so so wrong (it was cohesive rape) also the dispare in Blitz hearing that book being taken away, his business ending for him, his livelihood for him, his employees & daughter... him saying he would do anything for Stolas to keep the book. THAT whole scene was the true dark gravity of their agreement, and the only way to remedy was Stolas letting Blitz go, freeing him from his metaphorical chains binding him to Stolas.
But that last scene, Blitz saying to Stolas exactly how royals & upper class treat imps, Blitz tearing up, telling Stolas exactly how HE felt in this whole 'arrangement'. Like no Asmodeus crystal can remedy how Stolas made Blitz feel & for Stolas to turn it around how he, a royal upper class actually thought highly of Blitz & made Blitz feel bad for him seeing Stolas so low & then dismiss Blitz, piss off. You ain't the victim here Stolas, you never were in this situation.
Ya this is all played for the romance but jirre is sickening, the writers were literally on the right path having Stolas let Blitz go, then the end the episode writing Stolas being some kind of victim in Blitz seeing him as someone who takes advantage of imps, AND STOLAS DOES
Aaaaaghhkjhcocgtxi this ep was good then it wasn't.
Edit, watched this video on YT vanced ( idk if that gives her views but didn't watch on YT itself)
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asexualsoup · 1 year
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Custom poster for Prince of Mars part 1. This one took me so long to figure out lol since I love the official poster so much, but I finally settled on something I’m happy with. 
Loved figuring out my own design for Julian DiMaggio, too. Limb differences and bald heads are beautiful, babey! 
(As always, click the pic for better quality) 
[ID: A fan-created poster of an episode of The Penumbra Podcast, in full color. 
A partially torn poster of Julian DiMaggio, the “Prince of Mars,” takes up most of the image. He wears a long, draping dress and poses dramatically in front of a geometric moon. He has a bald head, long lashes, and several earrings dangling with chains, and he does not have a left hand. The Lessoniana Capsule sits in the bottom right of the image, looking like a glowing red crystal. Inside it, a small worm-like form can barely be seen. A gold chain snakes from the top of the Capsule and loops around the bottom of the image. The Prince of Mars poster is a light peach-pink color, lit by the red glow of the capsule, and the background of the image is a dark navy blue. 
Top Text: “Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars, Part One.” 
Bottom Text: “Joshua Ilon, Kate Jones, Jason Mellin, Kat Buckingham. Created by Harley Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert. EP 1.04.” 
End ID] 
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fff777 · 2 years
Some thoughts before I go to sleep
Veil is catchy. Not in the traditional pop sense as it isn't super singable but the erhu motif is definitely meant to be catchy.
I do love the traditional Chinese stuff that Yixing does but considering that this EP is called West, it does make sense that Yixing is leaning towards the Western art style.
I just really love seeing Yixing dance. So clean. So precise. So perfect. Perfect little crystal prince.
So the MV is taking place in HK. The biggest giveaway is the red taxis that say "的士 TAXI" on the side. Otherwise, though the MV is clearly shot on a set you can see they're trying to replicate an "older HK' vibe with the store signs written in traditional Chinese and the brightly lit streets (though here it's with lanterns as well as neon street signs).
Would have been fun to see Yixing in a face veil but I'll take the face chain which is very cute. We did have a lady in a chain face veil as well as the dancers during the bridge too.
I do like the song, but I think my favourite part of the MV is the dancing. Yixing's having so much fun dancing. The thing about Flying Apsaras and Lit is that they're meant to be a bit more dignified, they're about gods and mythology and kings. But this song is less serious, more about having fun, and Yixing looks like he's having so much fun even as he's nailing the dancing.
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
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Drabble from the Shitty Roadtrip, a "modern" Sif & Dug AU. Written in 2019, posted in 2023 with the encouragement of some friends.
This one in particular was inspired by the 99% Invisible podcast's ep. 130, "Holdout", and the story of Edith Macefield.
When the bulldozers came in autumn, she was still sitting in her plastic lawn chair the way she had every morning for years. Sometime between fifteen-past-ten to around eleven. Right in front of the garage with the same crystal tumbler in her hand, and an oil-colored cat at her feet. The same lazy, reclined pose with one leg crossed over the other, the same bounce in her foot, the same faded hair, like the color of old paper.
And for the next few months, she lived there every day as if the chain link fence that bordered the property, lined with wooden boards hand-painted “NO SOLICITING”, and “SCREW OFF”, somehow kept her from seeing the other houses in the neighborhood as they were demolished around her, one by one.
First it was letters during the winter prior. Everyone in the subdivision got one in their mailbox: Generic language written for some general audience, printed on respectable bleach-white stationary with some faceless executive’s signature at the bottom in the same ink as the notification itself, as if the name was just a badge flashed at them to make them feel small compared to the white collar jackass, kicking his feet up in penthouse office of a development company in Denver. She’d seen plenty of real badges, she’d scoff. She wasn’t afraid of a name.
She’d drop the letter in her garbage bin and mutter something about wanting to see the man himself before she’d give him the time of day.
Just a couple months later, all the neighbors were putting out all their things on the driveway that they weren’t keeping, taking advantage of the warming weather. All the outdated clothes and knicknacks that wouldn’t look good in their nice, simple new duplexes across town. She’d make fun of them in smalltalk, but she liked to hear about the pretty brown brick and the wide windows over the covered doorways with a bit of a glimmer in her eyes, then turn around and buy a cup of lemonade from the young kids on the block on her way back to her house at the end of the road with the oil slick cat at her heels.
Everyone would check up on her right up until they left, and she would tell them the same thing every time they asked why she was staying. After all, the development company was making such a generous offer on their properties, as well giving them a great deal on their duplexes across town. Every time, she’d shake her head like they were the idiots and change the topic. They’d play along.
One by one, houses were left as they were. No new residents. Just boards and little fliers with local administration codes and impressively bland lawyerspeak. Empty little boxes of siding and beams, of drywall, glass, and memory. All left behind until the lady in the house at the end of the road was the only one left during the hottest days of the year before school started back up. There’d be no busses to come down the road this fall.
More letters filled the crooked, dented aluminum mailbox, and even though they were addressed to her by name this time, there’s no doubt about where they’d ended up. There were some rumors that the visiting land development suits were chased off her porch with a wooden bat. No one can say if it’s true or not, but no one could deny it: it sounded like just the thing she’d do. The offers were kept open for her property, regardless.
So when the bulldozers came with they yellowing leaves, she sat on the cracked concrete driveway with her glass, and every day there was one less house to stare at. The crews became familiar with her, even going so far as to wave at her when she came out to sit in her chair. She’d let them use the tree in her yard to eat lunch under since all the others had been cut down, and the oil-colored cat would come out to take stock of the strangers with his crooked tail high in the air. They learned from his collar that his name was Texas and they’d watch for him to come limping up to slither against their dusty boots when they stopped every day around noon.
The oil slick cat would have to stay inside as the big concrete structures started to go up, dwarfing the little house at the end of the road, though the lady would laugh that she isn’t terribly disappointed about the sharp decline in the number of dead rodents she’d find the garage.
To most it would seem a sad thing. To be cornered in by the ever-changing world, behind the rusting chain-link fence and the original wood siding, slowly decaying with time. Everyone who’d ask her would get a shrug and she’d look out the window at the concrete shell of the office building going up just outside her kitchen window, and the empty, treeless lots that used to be her neighbors. 
Few would think anything was wrong. After all, she didn’t seem to mind the noise and the crews, constantly banging and buzzing and yelling just outside, and they’d grown used to each other as she went about her business every day, rummaging through old boxes in the garage and singing soulful old tunes with her bedroom window open.
Some time during the next spring, it would be noon before they’d mutter that the lady hadn’t been out to her chair yet, and Texas hadn’t run out to remind them it was time to take a load off with his gimpy gait and crooked tail. They’d knock on the door and find her haggard but welcoming, explaining that Texas had a rough night and she didn’t sleep much, but he’s off to find her the biggest damn mouse they’d ever see. One of the younger guys would go to the store to bring her a bouquet of roses, and with a sad smile, she’d push it back into his hands, saying how much she hated roses and that they’d be better off for his girl.
They ate lunch in her house instead, and traded stories while she played Elvis and Johnny Cash on her guitar, and drank whiskey from her crystal tumbler. The way she’d tell it. she used to be a singer— traveling all over the country, carrying nothing but a backpack and the guitar, with a man whose longest relationship was with a shitty old station wagon after he’d spent his life as a covert government agent all over the world. They’d laugh and tell her that sounded like it was stolen from the movies, but they’d never dismiss her entirely.
The retail spaces with their second and third floor offices were finished that summer, which meant across the street, the new condos were going up. The crews would come knocking on her door every day to make sure she’d be there for lunch and tease her about the state of the yard, the unkempt shrubs creeping up to the windows, and the dandelions in the grass.
“For wishin’,” she’d joke, and then she’d ask them if they could figure out what was wrong with her TV set, or her bathtub, and they’d take turns, knowing her little projects would always keep them an extra half an hour or so before they got back on site. The superintendent wasn’t too upset as long as everything was on schedule.
She’d call them by name and ask them how their kids were, if their wife got the job, if their brother had proposed yet, and tease them about the noise that they blasted from their open truck windows. They couldn’t help noticing that she’d guess the artist right. Most of the time. They’d give her rides to the store and back, and tease her back about her bad taste in liquor. She’d just grin and say she liked the cheaper stuff, that it reminded her of her days spent on the road, trying to make it big. They’d ask her if she ever did, and she’d just shrug and tune to a less-popular local station, saying she’d made it on the radio once, and they still play her Elvis cover sometimes.
She was a constant. A fixture upon the street where little houses had turned to big industry, and an ugly reminder that no matter how many boutiques moved in, no matter how many law firms parked their expensive cars just outside, and no matter how many crews paved over the old street— that the cracks would still appear in the same places, the lawns would still end up full of dandelions, and the little lady that lived in the disheveled house at the end of the road would still be there. A reminder of a street’s humbler life.
The condo building’s lobby floor is set to be tiled the morning the crews arrived to the sight of blue and red lights outside the little house at the end of the road, glaring in the early light, and though they can’t ask the EMTs before the ambulance leaves, they talk about sending her flowers. Not roses, of course.
Before they can do much more than talk about it towards the end of their shift, a shitty station wagon would pull squeal to a stop on the streetside, and the crews would know the homely old wood paneling and the mustard yellow color from stories told over the rim of a whiskey tumbler. Out of the driver’s side, a young man would emerge and later say he knew the storyteller well, whose car let him live in the city, where he left work when he got the call.
The little old house at the end of the road was his.
Later that month, an estate sale let any passersby rummage the old boxes. The old guitar was sold to a bright-eyed girl who used to live across the street, bought with her ten-dollar allowance. One of the crewman discovered arrowheads in another box, and shells and bottle glass with painter’s tape, labeled with beaches from Santa Monica to Cape Cod. A highway shield from Alabama, stolen right off the pole. A small pistol case. A cassette collection. A beat up notebook scrawled with poetry and lyrics from familiar songs. License plates. Tools. Jumper cables. Roadmaps and pamphlets and atlases.
And somewhere in the garage, a local station played an Elvis cover by a woman with a honeyed voice and an old guitar.
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hansonvelazquez04 · 1 year
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captainstarcruiser · 1 month
Crimson-6's day off! Ep. 2
Last time on Crimson-6's day off, Crim and Bun.3 were in line at The Grease Bucket for their brand new and popular menu item! Little did they know of the inpending chaos that would ensue! They are currently doing their best to evacuate as many citizens as they can all while fighting off the enemies of the light! With his trusty Sunshot, Golden Gun and Bun.3 at his side, all Crimson-6 needs now is his trusty battle jam: Mayday.
Crim: *Firing shots at Hive with malicious intent, causing them to explode through a chain reaction in order to protect some civilians* Go! Get out of here! Warlock! Take them to the tower! Now!
Warlock: What about you!? You need support! *tosses a healing grenade at Crim to keep him in the game*
Crim: *Tosses his explosive knife at a nearby knight's head, killing it* That's why I got Bun.3! Get out of here you idiot! *switches to his Herod-C and starts spraying the enemy*
Bun.3: Crim! We're getting reports of heavy incoming! We have to leave! *trying their best to stay hidden*
Crim: I swear! I won't abandon these people! *reloads and tosses a scatter bomb at the enemy, killing more as the last acolyte is taken out by the Warlock*
Warlock: I told you, I'm not leaving your ass! Now let's get outta here! *reloading as they help the people escape*
-Nearby there's the sound of loud stomping approaching-
Crim: *eyes frozen in terror as he sees a wave of Cursed Thrall, Knights, and Ogers approaching, fast* Damn... Bun.3, find somewhere to hide before you rezz me... *sighs as he loads his Sunshot, then pulls out a pack of explosives he scavenged from the wreckage*
Bun.3: No. No Crimson you're not doing that again! *urges him to stop as he tosses the explosives around and aims down the sights of Sunshot*
Crim: Warlock! I find out any of them are dead, I'm kicking your ass! Now... Bun.3, play Short Change Hero. I'm ready... *grips Sunshot tightly as she playes the song, then disappeared*
Warlock: *nods and leads them out with a group of guardians that happened to run into them* If you get down permanently, I'm buying everyone a drink in your name!
Crim: *chuckles as he stares down the enemy as they rush towards him, the song playing as he takes a few steps forward, and starts humming*
I can't see where you comin' from, but I know just what you runnin' from:
And what matters ain't the "who's baddest" but
The ones who stop you fallin' from your ladder, baby
-The Cursed Thrall stop before him and charge up their explosion-
Crim: And you feel like you feelin' now,
And doin' things just to please your crowd,
When I love you like the way I love you,
And I suffer, but I ain't gonna cut you 'cause...
-Crim fires off a series of rounds at the Cursed Thrall, causing a large chain reaction, leaping back from the explosion as the shock wave knocks him into the wall. The damage kills most of the Knights and Ogers, leaving only one Boss Knight left as they unleash a ravenous roar and charge towards the downed Exo-
Crim: *chuckles as he raises his gun and starts shooting at the monster, causing it to run faster, as he times the his next move*
This ain't no place for no hero.
This ain't no place for no better man.
This ain't no place for no hero
To call "home."
-The boss raises their sword, slashing down on Crim, the second the blade cuts him down, he triggers the detonator and causes the bombs to go off, killing the Knight, himself and causing the rubble to collapse on the two of them, ensuring the two adversaries burial-
Will Crimson-9 get rezzed? Did the Warlock save the citizens? Is this the end of the duo? Is there a way to stop the constant threat of the enemy? Find out later on...
Crimson-9's Day Off!
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agentcable · 5 months
Bad Prosecutor Ep. 5 Recap
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Kim Tae-Ho has been appointed as the new head district prosecutor. His first action is to arrest Prosecutor Jin Jung for the murder of Deputy Chief Lee. However, keeping him detained proves to be difficult as Jin Jung escapes and becomes a fugitive while trying to clear his name.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
As Jung plans to investigate the lead he found, he is unexpectedly charged with the murder of Deputy Chief Lee. Do-Hwan claims that the prosecution has discovered "evidence" in Jung's home, leaving him with no way to argue against immediate arrest. Jung has a history of being arrested for misdemeanors. This time, he has been charged with murder, but he has also managed to evade the charges. It is becoming increasingly nonsensical.
A-Ra confronts Do-Hwan about the arrest, like a mother who heard her child got into a fight at school. He warns her not to help Jung, implying that she might lose her job. However, A-Ra tells him to stop ordering her around before leaving him behind. She visits Jung in the interrogation room with Chul-Gi, where they consolidate their information. Jung suspects Tae-Ho because he is the only other person in the prosecution who knew what they knew. A-Ra dismisses his suspicions, but she appears to be trying to convince herself.
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Jung instructs Chul-Gi to bring him ox bone soup before they depart. This is actually a secret code for Chul-Gi to pass Jung the handcuff key hidden in the soup. The soup is so rich that the key cannot be seen at the bottom, allowing them to conceal it effectively.
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After Jung removes the handcuffs, he remains trapped in the room until the guards return. He must fight his way out, resulting in chaos with lots of running and parkouring around the prosecution office.
Tae-Ho walks around his new office, enjoying his new title as Chief Prosecutor. He remembers accepting Do-Hwan as his minion and ordering Jung's arrest. Tae-Ho meets with Chairmann Seo, who instructs him to promote a list of people to certain positions. Tae-Ho cannot respond, but upon leaving, he expresses his frustration about being treated like a puppet.
The runaway prosecutor, who had been hiding in Do-Hwan's car, waited for him to return. Jung choked Do-Hwan with the seatbelt and forced him to drive away, resulting in a car crash.
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Jung is bleeding heavily from a head wound and cannot go to the hospital for treatment because the prosecution could track him there. Jung seeks out Jae-Kyung for assistance, despite initial discouragement. Jae-Kyung always ends up helping Jung in his times of need. Jung studies the autopsy report. He notices something off and asks for Jae-Kyung's perspective. The older prosecutor gives him a hint: the crystal meth found in Deputy Chief Lee's body was used as a truth serum. Jung is amazed by his deduction and asks Jae-Kyung how he ended up in the civil affairs division. Jae-Kyung responds, "By having an attitude like yours."
After receiving explicit instructions from Tae-Ho to look for Jung, A-Ra reluctantly investigates the people surrounding him whom she knows: Eun-Ji and Joong-Do. While doing her nails, Eun-Ji is forcibly taken into the prosecution along with Joong-Do. A-Ra updates them about what's happening with Jung, but eventually lets them go, claiming they don't have enough information, but really so that they can help Jung. The bad prosecutor calls A-Ra to confirm that he's okay. A-Ra informs him that she has been ordered to hunt him down but still advises him to be careful.
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Jung tracks the distribution chain of the drug to gangsters identifiable by the dragon tattoo on their necks. The crew infiltrates the gangsters' nightclub and gets to work. Unfortunately, while they locate the dragon tattoo gang, a police team arrives for a drug bust, causing chaos and forcing the gangsters to flee. However, Jung manages to catch up with the gangsters using his father's motorcycle. He beats them up and obtains their list of clients.
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The following day, Jung meets with A-Ra in a deserted warehouse and asks her to investigate the clients on the list, suspecting that the name of the murderer is among them. However, Do-Hwan learned his lesson and now has A-Ra undder surveillance.
Jung escapes after a thrilling chase involving parkour on stairs and rooftops. He reaches his motorcycle, but before he can leave, a masked person attacks him, stabbing him multiple times.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 7 months
Hello! I found your absolutely wonderful podcast a few weeks ago and binged it and tried to resist the urge to watch season 2 but alas. So I have currently watched ep 4 and ep 1 and I am so so baffled by Nina and Maggie. It is just insane to me that Gaiman can understand the Crowley Aziraphale relationship enough to understand how to write it (mostly) consistently without understanding what makes it appealing in the first place?? Like where's the affection? The forbidden love? The Romeo Juliet ass love story that they created in season 1??? Something they could have done without significantly altering the characters was make them loser children of two rival family owned chain stores. Like they're both running rival businesses next to each other and there's this family feud between them but they're so removed from main office (due to being the family weirdos) that they end up bonding but still keep up pretenses because they still want family approval and slowly start to realize that all of this is bullshit and idk combine their businesses or something. That's not a developed plot because I literally just came up with it but it's something! Sorry I'm just so mad at the lost potential with this relationship. Anyways I love your podcast it's literally a highlight of my week!!
hello to you too! and ah I'm so glad you enjoy us i often find recording to be the highlight of my week so hell yeah!
loser children of business rivals is sooo so funny. they should be out here vandalizing each other's signs with incorrectly placed apostrophes then feeling bad and going back to clean it off
i also think that another way to do an a/c parallel would just be. to have maggie and nina already be friends? like i feel like the realization crowley eventually has during nina's talk w him in 2.05 isn't about him and aziraphale being on opposite sides, it's about how their existing friendship dynamic looks like a romantic relationship, so the two of them trying to get two friends to confess to each other would also serve the right purpose
i think that overall though i would just rather the two of them not parallel a/c at all so that the relationship and the chars can be Their Own Thing instead of constantly in service to a/c bc i think that's where some of the lack of effort in their writing originates. i will literally take anewthema, lesbians edition, over this. or my idea of anathema/nina (link)! and if they really want to do parallels, there's still free will and familial obligation on anathema's end and toxic relationships on nina's end to parallel aziraphale and heaven
thanks again and I'm so sorry we caused you to watch s2!
- Crystal :)
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ateliermandaline · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Harry Potter Charm Necklace 18” Goldtone Unique USA Handmade Crystal Ball Crest.
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ddrkirbyisq · 1 year
Tracker window was not refreshing for some reason, sorry! https://ift.tt/XneQKy1 ===== IGT: 1:32:34.04 | CR: 157/216 Not too bad for all dungeons -- early boots + flute helped a lot. Felt really slow to start off with; I last-locationed the hammer on Moldorm since it seemed more worthwhile to clear out EP for the density and green pendant. After that everything was pretty straightforward (skipped crystal SW, as usual, which worked out). Getting the flippers from Cave 45, it was a pretty easy call to do SP right then and there since I didn't have a ton left (SW and north DW loop) because I had already done all of the fake flipper/waterwalk checks (minus hobo). LSS didn't pan out but I felt pretty good after seeing mitts on Argghus. After DP/MM and a one-off king's tomb check I was faced with a decision of whether to go up the mountain first or do smithy chain/SW/north DW. I decided to go up to the mountain -- and stay out of TR, thankfully -- which worked out really well, since that let me take bombos from hookshot cave into IP and then get frod go. Some minor execution flubs here and there but nothing too bad, nailed kholdstare quick kill which felt nice.
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myerswax · 2 years
Fischer-Tropsch Wax
The Fischer Tropsch wax, also called FT wax, with a high melting point (generally higher than 85°) is mainly composed of linear, saturated high-carbon alkanes with a relative molecular mass of 500-1000, which gives this chemical a fine crystal structure, high melting point, and narrow melting point range, low oil content, low penetration, low mobility, low melt viscosity, hardness, wear-resistance, and high stability.
 Fischer tropsch wax can be used in plastic processing, such as injection molding, extrusion, and pelletizing industries. In the production process of masterbatch and modified plastics, Fischer Tropsch wax contributes to the dispersion of fillers and excellent smoothness during mixing. FT wax can be used as an external lubricant for PVC. The low viscosity can increase the production speed of the product. Fischer tropsch wax can help the dispersion of pigments and fillers during mixing. FT wax is especially useful in the extrusion of high-viscosity systems. Fischer Tropsch wax is more than ordinary PE wax. 40-50% less, and can significantly improve the surface gloss of the product (in terms of gloss, it can replace carnauba wax). When using intense colors, the melted Fischer Tropsch wax can effectively wet the dye and reduce the extrusion viscosity.
 As a professional industrial wax manufacturer, Myerswax provides high-quality Fischer tropsch wax all over the world.
 Fischer Tropsch Wax Features
Fischer tropsch wax has a fine crystal structure. As one of the Fischer tropsch wax suppliers, our FT wax also has the characteristic of high melting point, narrow melting point range, low oil content, low permeability, low fluidity, low melt viscosity, high hardness, wear resistance, and high stability.
 Fischer Tropsch Wax Specifications
Testing Method
ASTM D-938
ASTM D-127
2.5( dmm )Max
ASTM D1321
ASTM D1321
ASTM D3236
 Fischer Tropsch Wax Uses
Fischer Tropsch wax can be used in plastic processing, such as injection molding, extrusion and pelletizing industries. Can be used as an external lubricant for PVC. Besides, Fischer-Tropsch wax can be applied in other scenarios as follows.
 Hot melt adhesive (e.g. increased crystallinity, viscosity reducer)
 Plastic processing (e.g. lubricant for PVC, nucleation agent for EPS, dispersant for pigments and fillers, processing aid for rubber)
 Printing ink (e.g. wear-resistant, anti-blocking agent)
 Coatings (such as scratch resistant, extinction agent, powder coating processing additives)
 Industrial emulsion (e.g. sewing yarn lubricant, sizing agent)
 Cosmetics (such as lipstick hardening, paste oil, makeup dispersant)
 Polishing agent (e.g. dry light emulsion, solvent-based system)
 Wax compounds and candle additives (e.g. dye dispersant, hardening)
 Fischer Tropsch Wax Composition
Fischer waxes are methylene polymers, alkanes synthesized from hydrocarbon-based syngas or natural gas. The Fischer-Tropsch process was originally used to synthesize substitutes for petroleum products. Fischer Tropsch wax is composed of 90~95% of conventional paraffins, and the rest are tertiary hydrocarbons and methyl hydrocarbons with branched chains at the ends of the molecules.
 Fischer-Tropsch synthesis refers to the production process of combining carbon monoxide and hydrogen with a unique catalyst under high pressure to synthesize alkanes. According to the requirements of downstream products (such as fuel, lubricating oil, wax), the FT process can synthesize alkanes with different chain lengths and separate the alkanes by distillation.
 Fischer-Tropsch wax has the characteristics of high melting point, low viscosity and high hardness, and has excellent performance in many application fields
 Fischer-Tropsch waxes have better electrical properties, higher melting points and hardness, and narrower cuts than paraffin waxes. The molecular weight of the final product can be changed as required, thereby obtaining monomer hydrocarbons such as liquid paraffin, and obtaining high melting point wax such as polyethylene wax, which has special properties that other natural waxes or other synthetic waxes do not have.
 FT Wax VS PE Wax
1. FT wax has much lower molecular weight than PE wax, and branched also less, high crystallinity, easily permeable high viscosity macromolecular chains and significantly reduced melt viscosity, with small migration in post-treatment and significant lubrication effect.
   2. FT wax can be saturated straight chain alkane with no double bonds, strong antioxidant ability and good weather resistance.
 3. The viscosity of Fischer tropsch wax is much lower than that of PE wax. Only about 10 or so. The same lubrication effect can be achieved with less amount. The amount of PE wax used was only 70-80%.
 FT Wax Packaging and Storage
As one of the most professional fischer tropsch wax suppliers, we offer 50kgs woven bag and 25kgs carton with plastic waterproof outer lining, Store indoors to isolate the influence of sunlight and temperature on fischer tropsch wax.
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theam-cjsw · 2 years
The AM: August 1, 2022
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Three hours of chilled-out songs for an overheated Monday morning. Featuring icy cool electronics, mellow jazz grooves, frost-covered shoegaze and ocean-breeze exotica to start the holiday Monday on a refreshing note.
Jay Heule of the always excellent Prairie Surfin’ will be filling in on next week’s episode, which is sure to be a delight. Stay cool out there, and see you in a couple weeks.
Listen on CJSW
Stream on Soundcloud
Other listening links
Track list is after the break.
Hour One:
Didn't See the Comet Mary Lattimore, Paul Sukeena • West Kensington
End Credits MISZCZYK, featuring The Space Lady • Thyrsis of Etna
Breaking Through the Soil Sam Goku • Flowery Rave Tales
Glitter Clouds NETRVNNER • Moonward
Now Is Rival Consoles • Now Is
maladaptive daydreams Various Artists, featuring shn shn • Forest City Series Vol. 5
An Upgraded Death Drummachinemike • Artificial Environments
Melting Hazard Salamanda • ashbalkum
Farpoint Zeta II Reticulli • Voyager
A Better Ghost Jeremy Cunningham, Paul Bryan, Dustin Laurenzi • A Better Ghost
Hour Two:
Actually Carlos Niño & Friends • Actual Presence
Street Breeze Delicate Steve • After Hours
Vapour Trail - Vapour Mix Ride, featuring Robert Smith • Eat Your Own Ears Recordings EP 1
In Waiting Inner Landscapes • Single
Escapers Inventions • Maze of Woods
Springworlds Inventions • Maze of Woods
Two Lakes Para Palabras • Two Lakes
Miss Miss Miss Living Hour • Someday Is Today
Stereo Dawn to Dawn • Postcards from the Sun to the Moon
Seven Wolves Chewed Through My Flesh (Frozen Little Arrows) Galaxius Mons, featuring Samantha Savage Smith • GMO
Like a Movie Crystal Eyes • The Sweetness Restored
Hour Three:
End of Story Ryan Bourne • Single
Way Too Hot Toro Y Moi • Mahal
Break the Chains The Brkn Record • The Architecture of Oppression, Pt. 1
Mender Kibrom Birhane • Here And There
Miracle Fruit Molly Lewis • Mirage
Drip Dry Beach Towels • Single
Gaian Dream Wax Machine • Hermit's Grove
Torchlit Cenote Monster Rally • Botanica Dream
Raw Food Wet Tuna • Warping All By Yourself
Always Together With You (The Bridge Song) Spiritualized • Everything Was Beautiful
0 notes
dndeed · 2 years
Crit Role Miniature Rollout: C3E16 The Shade Mother
With Andrew Harshman
An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.
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I do appreciate a combat encounter with interesting objectives that are not simply “defeat all monsters”. Some sweet encounter design that made for an entertaining action scene. Exciting stuff.
Roll up your Green Seeker green sleeves, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 16!
The List
Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
Mats by Mars Tabletop Mat Shattered Soil
Dwarven Forge Mountain Elevation Pack
Dwarven Forge Mountain Peak Pack
Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep
Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep Underdoom
Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep Encounter 13 - Crystal Cavern
Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep Stairway To Violence
Dwarven Forge Magnetic Trap Stand
Axe N Shield Single Flyer Risers - Clear Mithril
Arcknight Spell Effects
Custom Campaign 3 Party Minis
Waterdeep Dragon Heist #15 Darkling
Invisible Lightfoot Halfling Rogue Epic Level Starter Set
Lightfoot Halfing Rogue Epic Level Starter Set
Spell Effects: Arcane Fury & Divine Might Dancing Lights
Blood War #43 Red Hand War Sorcerer
Elemental Evil #009 Ghoul
Monster Menagerie 2 #08 Ghast
Suspected custom Amber Orb
Resin printed Shade Mother miniature painted by Iron Tusk Painting
Jewelry chain
Assorted scatter terrain
Favorite Mini of the Ep
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The Shade Mother Resin printed miniature painted by Iron Tusk Painting Mini image sourced from the Critical Role Twitter photo by Chris Lockey Printing image sourced from Iron Tusk Painting
What a fearsome, gruesome, and awesome foe. Obviously I gotta award the Shade Mother favorite/best mini of the ep. What really strikes me about this totally custom resin printed Critical Role design is the stark contrast between the spindly torso and the rest of the bulky form. Very effective in instilling unease and fear in the players (and the audience).
Rip the Shade Mother’s fourth arm. Alas, resin printed models tend to be a tad delicate. Should be an easy fix though. In my experience, resin models break pretty cleanly. Just a bit of glue and she’ll be in fighting shape for the next boss battle.
Least Favorite Mini of the Ep
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Green Seeker Gus Blood War #43 Red Hand War Sorcerer Mini images sourced from minisgallery.com
A Green Seeker not wearing green? This is an outrage! Worst miniature of the episode by far. haha, I joke of course, I’m actually very fond of this DDM sculpt. I just sorta picked this miniature because I’ve reviewed most of the other episode miniatures in previous blog posts. And I wanted to talk about this one. Though I have not reviewed this mini in the past, it has appeared in a past CR episode and can be seen in the background of C2E1.
What I really like about the Red Hand War Sorcerer miniature is that the pose concept is very boring and yet it looks so good. It’s a very epic and dramatic take on “spellcaster holds up staff”. My compliments to the sculptor. Lots of rich details, including a rad goatee and pair of bushy eyebrows, all the better for Green Seekin’ (+2 eyebrow perception bonus for sure).
Returning Minis
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Green Seeker Olly Lightfoot Halfing Rogue Epic Level Starter Set Mini images sourced from minisgallery.com
Olly’s miniature first appeared as Iron Shepard Protto in C2E27. This miniature is pretty aight. Glad to see one of the Green Seekers wearing green. Branding is important. 
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Shade Creeper Hive Husks Monster Menagerie 2 #08 Ghast and Elemental Evil #009 Ghoul Mini images sourced from minisgallery.com
What are these creatures called? Husks? They seem like a couple of husk-like dudes. idk- Anyway, these two minis were used in the C2E67 zombie horde. Not especially good models, but interestingly, these two undead are dressed almost identically. These two have better branding than the Green Seeker minis, good on ‘em! 
Closing Thoughts
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I so enjoy player interactions with terrain. Orym using the mining machinery to knock over the big rock pillar was outstanding! Hope to see more of this terrain-based-tomfoolery in future episodes.
See ya next sesh!
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 1
Meet the Maidens
It is back to school baby, both for D20 and, funnily enough, myself as well (something I hope will give me more time to get the recaps out in a timely manner fingers crossed). 
As I’m sure you all know if you’re reading this, this season of D20 takes place in the world of Fantasy High but with a focus on Aguefort’s OTHER most badass adventuring party who we’ve so far only seen on the sidelines, the Seven Maidens! You’ll recall, they’re made up of the seven girls who were captured by Penelope and co. to fulfill the prophecy that would let Kalvaxus rule the world freshman year. And, in fact, we start with a flashback to freshman year so let’s just jump right in.
We find our seven soon-to-be heroines chained in the Red Waste in front of what we know and they will shortly learn in Kalvaxus’ lair--a crucial part of the prophecy that was the subject of season 1. The structure of this episode is sort of like 2 rounds of introductions--first here with the maidens meeting each other for the first time and then again at home with their families a la the first episode of Freshman Year so I’ll be glossing over certain things that we’ll get to later in their second intros.
Anyway, the first two to wake up are Danielle (aka Yelle: half-elf, druid) and Zelda (satyr, barbarian as we know). Zelda is her usual, adorably nervous self in contrast to Yelle who is no less sweet but in a super chill, granola girl, fuck the system kind of way. We actually learn that Penelope had her on board with the plan for a hot second when she thought it was just “overthrow the government” but didn’t know about the “install a just as bad if not worse evil dragon overlord” part. 
Ostentatia (dwarf, cleric) wakes up next and is, as Izzy--her player--describes her “Jersey Trash.”, all blinged up with jewelry that she secretly made herself and didn’t buy. She wakes up pissed and ready to bodyslam Aelwyn which are both extremely valid emotions as much as I love Aelwyn. By the way, all of the girls recognize each other as girls who go to their school but none of them are really friends though they very quickly start throwing the label around because that’s what you do when you wake up chained with 6 other people in front of a dragon’s lair in a place called the Red Waste. 
Katja (half-orc, fighter) wakes up and immediately cares about nothing more than the status of her beloved horse, Cinnamon and declares that if Cinnamon dies, she’ll die. This is a fantasy world so Ostentatia and Danielle are a little concerned that might literally be true via a soul bond or something but it’s more that Katja just really, really loves that horse. Danielle tries to cast a spell to locate the horse but can’t get the somatic components quite right with her hands manacled. 
They all get into a discussion about the fact that everyone for a fact knows they’re all virgins now (you know, the real issue here) and what exactly counts as “virginity” for the purposes of this prophecy (like, does second or third base count or only traditional home runs using the baseball analogy) when Penny wakes up and is, just so excited to be here gang! Penny (halfling, rogue), who is one of the girls who has been kidnapped the longest, is adorably and honestly a bit concerningly exuberant to be surrounded by all these new friends, totally disregarding  the fact that they are clearly in some deep shit. Zelda mentions that Riz, her old babysitee, knows they’re kidnapped and is trying to help and she lights up. 
Next up is Sam (water genasi, sorc/bard) who immediately starts thrashing to get out of her chains and, when she can’t get free, is devastated by the fact that her ex betrayed her (!?) Finally Antiope (human fighter/ranger) wakes up all out of sorts having started her growth spurt while in the crystal and also having needed to pee right before she went in which becomes a problem all over herself (which Sam helpfully cantrips away).
With all of them awake, the stones they’re chained to light up and some of Kalvaxus’ minions (the ones who tied them up) show up to do minion speechifying. Yelle does a horrifying Animorph style morph into a waterbear (a tardigrade if you wanna get all Bio 101) to get out of her bonds but then Sam who has a serious one track mind re: getting out of here (Correct) and has exactly zero patience for these guys casts Tidal Wave and just knocks them off the cliff. Yelle frees Ostentatia who frees everyone else with Animate Object on their chains. Hands free, Yelle also casts Locate Animal and tells a very pleased Katja that Cinnamon is doing a full Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron down the highway searching for her. 
The girls decide to explore the cave which has recently had most of its treasure moved (it’s currently in the gym for the Prompocolypse fight which is currently happening). Penny and Sam (who are in insanely different emotional places) find all these broken mirrors which Sam takes as a cue that they need to GTFO (which is what she was already doing) and Penny thinks would make a great material for friendship bracelet making which she starts doing as Sam physically pulls her away. Sam hears someone doing post-cry sniffles and is like, “Not today Satan,” still trying to leave. However, Penny sees that there is one mirror left and, inside, sees a ethereal looking human with flowing, preternatural, black hair who senses their presence and asks if Penny is someone named Anima. She asks for their names though she declines to give hers (hmm, feels very fae) and the girls give the fake names of Kelly and Cecelia which the figure says she will guard and not misuse. The figure says she is looking for her sisters (who she says when Penny asks are at Aguefort which...hmmmmm) and, all of a sudden, Sam and Penny are having a bad feeling about those mirror shards. 
They ask her a question about the mirror and she gets really aggro when it’s referred to as “her” mirror as she would very much like to be out of it. The woman really wants to get out and says she can give them lots of power if they help. Sam pulls out her compact Mirror of the Past (magic item that does basically what you’d expect--shows you info from something’s past though in a cryptic way usually) to try and get some info on this thing and just barely avoids losing her mind in the process because this thing is ancient. Like eons old. She also learns the woman’s name (or maybe title): The Ending of Things (will be calling her Ending for now).
Right around now the other girls come in and can see at the angle they’re looking at her at the woman in the mirror is Not Really A Person and Antiope points at her and reflexively casts a ranger sense spell to try and clock its weaknesses and stuff but Ending grabs the spell energy like a lasso and tries to drag her into the mirror. She does however find out that she’s stacked with hella resistances (total immunity to necrotic damage and non-maj weapons, resistance to most elemental damage, and more).
Sam briefly considers using Lightning Lure to pull Antiope back before deciding on a much less ouchy Counterspell. Unfortunately, it’s not strong enough and now she’s being pulled in by her spell energy too. Yelle casts Erupting Earth which has some pros and cons.
Pros: Antiope and Sam are saved! Yay!
Cons: The mirror breaks and whatever was in it is fully freed. Not yay!
Shortly after (but not before Penny gives everyone their new friendship bracelets), someone calls into the cave looking for them--it’s Fig’s mom, Sandra-Lynn (with new art)! She’s happy and impressed that everyone is OK (also, Katja and Sam both have little lines that foreshadow their ~parental issues~ for the season--Katja being very moved by the simple act of Sandra-Lynn showing up for them and Sam saying that in her experience moms can be very evil).
As they all leave the cave, they all do checks and get some info:
Ostentatia: The mirror was kinda like a palimpsest (the crystals they were trapped in) and whatever this thing is is ancient and powerful. 
Yelle: Gets the above info and the fact that when the thing left it wasn’t quite a bad vibe, just the vibe that something big and important is at play.
Penny: On an Arcana check she knows that what Danielle did 100% saved Antiope and Sam’s lives from whatever and wherever was on the either side of the mirror but the contact marked them in some way. 
Katja: With History she sees some Primordial writing which is the writing of elementals (one of the things Ending has resistances to which might be relevant; also Sam reads Primordial but doesn’t get to read what it says)
Antiope: She knows that she and Sam are connected to Ending now somehow but it’s a two way connection which means they can also use it to their advantage. 
Ostentatia casts Mending on the mirror shards which I think was to reconstruct the mirror but what it actually does is someone link their friendship bracelets. Cute!
And, with that, we cut to the present a year and a half later (which is Jr or Sr year for everyone). 
We hop from kid to kid as they get ready to head in to school and get glimpses into their homes lives! Let’s do a quick rundown for each girl:
Antiope Jones
We see that Antiope is the youngest of five in what is essentially a military family full of basically every kind of fighter (she says she basically lives in a “Crossfit box”). There’s an 8 year gap between her and her sister Corsica who is the second youngest so her parents are kind of already living like empty nesters. When she comes downstairs she is promptly handed a protein smoothie and told two pieces of info: (1) from Corsica she learns that she overheard at school --where she teaches--that Aguefort needs to talk to her for some reason but she won’t say why which annoys the crap out of Antiope and (2) her parents lined up an internship for her at the Ministry of Adventure. She and her mom verbally spar a bit about them being all up in her life and how stressed she is and how she likes what she has going now with the Seven but her mom wins ofc because she’s a Mom and also a master tactician with a deft hand for loving mom guilt. On the way to school her bros (who include a gunslinger and an eldritch knight cause they run the whole gamut of fighter classes) Facetime her like, “Yikes Ant, heard about what happened with Mom, this is why you don’t fight her lmao.”
Sam Nightingale
This is a heavy one so strap in. 
We check in with Sam who isn’t at her own family’s home but at Penelope’s family home which is off the bat eyebrow raising. It’s an upper middle class house and, on the way down, she has to pass Penelope’s bedroom which is conspicuously empty. Downstairs she’s greeted by Penelope’s human mom Rebecca who she learns is moving out soon because her elf husband is both cheating on her while away in Falinel and starting the divorce process. Sam clearly sees Penelope’s mom as a surrogate mom (for reasons we’ll learn in a second) and goes full ride or die assuring her that her ass is better than the ass of the woman he’s cheating with and offering to help burn his stuff even though drowning is more her specialty (she’s so cool). She also is a little stricken at the thought of Rebecca leaving her in the house alone but Rebecca says she can come with if she wants, she just didn’t want to disrupt her school life.
She also tells Rebecca that her bio-mom called recently which immediately sets Sam off. Through the convo we learn a couple of things:
Sam used to be an actor it seems.
And it seems like she was kicked out of the house after she transitioned or something similar which is why she lives with the Everpetals. 
Now that it’s more “fashionable” to to be trans (her mom’s words, not mine) she wants Sam to talk to her so they can get her back in the game.
Sam is having none of that and tells Rebecca to just delete her mom’s number. Then they have a cathartic session of burning her cheating husband’s shit before Sam leaves in Sebastian--her sentient, seafoam blue, self-driving car with a very hot male voice which I am extremely jealous of. She picks up Zelda on the way to school and they commiserate a little and have a heart to heart about adults and change and how much Zelda wants to body slam Sam’s mom. 
Penny Luckstone 
Penny’s house is a whirlwind of activity and her harried parents get her and her 19 young siblings ready for school (no wonder she’s such a good babysitter). We see where Penny gets her type-A ness from as her mom and dad both have this cheerful but overworked energy of “EVERYTHING IS FINE” like that Good Place sign. Her mom spares a second to tell her that she recently got a letter for The Society of Shadows which is like a super secret rogue college (which her parents assume is legit even though they haven’t heard of it cause they’re Mumple people and also, if you've heard of a rogue school, how good could it really be?) Penny is excited except that it would mean she’d have to move and leave her party. Her mom is like “hey it’s a full ride and there are 20 of you guys so just take that into consideration but it’s ultimately your decision” before she dashes away to get to work because it is always Go Go Go with the Luckstones. She texts Sam for a ride and Sam swings by to grab her. This is not plot relevant but she has a booster seat in the back of Sebastian with her name carved into it and it’s important to me that you know that. 
Katja Cleaver
Next up is Katja who lives in a Richie Rich style mansion and comes from very old money as she is descended from one of the first adventurers in Solace. She is in the barn with Cinnamon and the bugbear farrier they have employed (her name is Gertrude and a farrier is someone who does horseshoes). She eats the same breakfast as Cinnamon (hot dry oats and berries baybee) wo she loves so so dearly. Cinnamon is a magical horse--basically like a Find Steed spell that’s on all the time. She’s modeled the horse in her fave book series--the Babysitter’s Horse of course. Lockwood, the staff’s hobgoblin butler, is also there and they get a fantasy Zoom call from Katja’s dad who is in the middle of the insane 20th level adventurer stuff which he says might make him miss her graduation. She is extremely disappointed but just barely hides it from her dad (who seems to really care despite his not being around). She can’t hide it from the staff or Cinnamon however and Cinnamon offers to give her a ride to school via the scenic route. 
Note: We also learn two sad facts about Katja from the conversation with her dad.
Her mother is Disney Princess dead* and
She wears one half of a friendship necklace and it seems like she’s waiting for someone to give the other half to. It’s implied earlier that the way Penelope got her was by promising to be her best friend. Sad!
*Edit: Well, she’s gone and we’ll leave it at that until next recap. 
Ostentatia Wallace
Ostentatia wakes up and goes downstairs to have a very high energy in both directions interaction with her very fantasy-Italian mom and grandma. Her grandma is concerned her beard isn’t coming in--not knowing she shaves it on purpose which her mom is like, “Listen it’s fine but don’t tell grandma it’ll kill her.” She clocks very quickly that her dad isn’t there and his mithril working tools are gone. Her mom tries to play it off but she knows she’s being lied to and her mom relents. Her dad is at a meeting with the other workers of the shut down mithril factory and negotiations have ceased. It looks like he’s gonna be long term out of work. That explains where her dad is but not why the tools are missing. She decides to go do some investigating on her own and ambushes her dad in his car where, with the inaugural nat 20 of the season, she realizes he pawned his tools to get her 5 revivify diamonds. She's upset by this and he’s upset that she’s, in his eyes, questioning his ability to take care of his family. She’s like, alright, you did a thing for me, I’ll do a thing for you and she casts Animate Object to make his stuff steal itself back in a sequence that involves an animated crowbar using another crowbar which is just wild.
Danielle Barkstock
I’m gonna be real, Danielle’s life is exactly how you assume it is based on Who She Is As A Person so this one will be real short. Eco-friendly off the grid geodesic yurt. One super chill peace and love elf sorc mom and one rough and tough human ranger mom. She also knows and helps the Cubbies with their anarchist machinations because yeah, duh. She gets some messages from school on her crystal--one being a message from the principal saying that she and the rest of her party have first period off to meet with him and the other being a newsletter from the school showing, among other things, a photo of the Druid class doing a project but she’s not in it for some reason. She texts one of the other druids to see if she can figure out why she wasn’t invited but fully gets left on read. Brutal. Of course, she hasn’t messaged that person in 6-8 months so maybe that’s why.
Anyway, with that, all seven of our maidens make it to school and are all exuberant to see each other in a very teen girl way before getting to the principal’s office and learning that their party will be broken up at the year! 
I wanted to do something a little different for these recaps than the Bad Kid ones so instead of Honor Roll/Detention we are doing Superlatives and the inaugural one goes to...
Sam: Most Like To Survive a Horror Movie
Man she woke up chained in a ritual magic circle and she was Ready To Go Immediately. You will not catch this girl doing horror movie victim BS like exploring the spooky house or giving the creepy obvious ghost the time of day. She is hyper-competent and her goal is making it out alive and dragging her friends with her. Love her.  
Random Thoughts
The season immediately starts with a bang or I should say a bing with Izzy trying to say “bling bang” and accidentally saying, “bling bing” and immediately getting roasted by everyone. I love the authentic girl group vibes (which include everyone clowning on her then immediately hyping up Zelda to the max after being way more awkward). 
Handshake meme with Danielle and Moonshine from Naddpod. Also, Cinnamon and Horse from Centaurworld. 
I love that Rekha and Erika just straight up were like, “Our characters are Asian”. Like obviously, make your characters Asian coded in your fantasy world--all my D&D characters are black like me--but it’s funny that they completely disregarded the, “There’s no Asia in this world so I guess they’re this world’s equivalent to--” Nah just, “I’m a half-elf and I’m Asian.” You love to see it. 
I absolutely LOVE the choices the cast made to flesh out their characters based on the little info Brennan had about them, none moreso than rich horse girl Katja. Rekha is a genius. 
“I only want one thing and he’s working” KATJAAAAAAA
Man if I was in that flashback I would have been wilding out so much with my flashback plot armor. 
I appreciate that the first thing that Aabria has Antiope do is extremely uncool. I love it when players aren’t concerned about just being cool and on point all the time. Sometimes (read: often) that’s the less interesting choice. 
But on the exact opposite side, she’s a ranger and an arcane archer which I think is extremely cool. Lmao also I didn’t mention in the recap but she HATES dragons now which, understandable. I’m guessing they're her favored enemy. 
I can’t wait to see another group of kids interact w/ madman Aguefort. 
Also, as a known Aelwyn-stan, I am very excited for the possibility of the Seven interacting with her cause as much as I love her they are under no obligation to acknowledge her redemption arc and I would love to see them throw hands. 
I love the Greek myth naming scheme of Antiope’s extremely cool family as with her on the spot nickname “L-Cab” short for long caboose since she’s the youngest by a mile. 
Also this is out of character not in character but Sephie is an extremely cool nickname for Persephone. 
I wonder why Brennan didn’t let Sam read the Primordial in the cave. He just glossed right past her saying that she speaks it and she didn’t push it. Would it have solved his entire plot in the span of a flashback or was he just keeping things moving?
Sidenote, if I was married to an elf man and worried about aging like Rebecca, I would simply become a druid (or a monk or up my wizard levels so I could learn True Polymorph or Wish or something). 
I wonder what the deal with Ending is. She seemed relatively sincere in the mirror but that doesn’t mean anything. She could be sincere and also Very Bad News. 
There is an offhand comment by Brennan about how the dwarf forge god gives spells but doesn’t talk to his followers which I think means that Ostentatia is gonna be getting a direct god call soon enough. 
Also she mentions that her dad is doing some criminal activity on the side which seems like a Problem for later. Honestly all of the kids have some pretty rich parent drama happening which should be interesting to see explored. 
No nat 1s this ep and 1 nat 20 as I mention from Ostentatia. 
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c-is-for-circinate · 4 years
Post-ep 107
Here’s a fact to make us all nostalgic: In-game, the Mighty Nein have known each other for slightly longer than 2020 has been going on so far.  Which is either a thousand years or no time at all, and which absolutely puts into perspective how lengthy that relationship probably feels to the crew of them.
I point this out because I’m also wondering if the crew were perhaps just in a really nostalgic mood tonight, because....wow, we haven’t heard Molly come up so much in so long, and a lot of it was even before we got to discussing the city. The Moonweaver, and what it’s like to come back from the dead.  “Do you remember Molly?”  Yeah.  Yeah they do.
(Though not half as well as they need to right now, trying to figure out the mystery of the nine-eyed city that’s all tied up into the backstory of a friend they only knew for a month and a half, nine months ago.  They have the shards and pieces, but where are they going to go next?)
....and of course it’s been nine months, because why wouldn’t it be?  Nine eyes on the city, nine eyes on the Nonagon’s skin.  Three cloven eye-shaped crystal seals each for three abandoned demigod servants of the Betrayer Gods, for nine keys scattered somewhere around the world.
Eight members of the Mighty Nein, because chaos reigns and they thrive on being confusing.  (The ninth slot is Frumpkin--no, no, it’ll be Essek someday.  The ninth slot is the party’s equivalent of a guest room, filled by an ever-rotating cast of guest characters and NPCs, because this is a party that never shuts anyone out.  It’s the empty seat left for Elijah, never to be filled, although damned if any of them know who they’re theoretically saving it for.  It’s meaningless.  It’s a coincidence.  It’s Zemnian for absolutely nothing, because that’s how much it actually means.)
I just love this game a lot, is the thing, and I love the stages of it that we got to see tonight so much.  The pieces are starting to come together, in ways that were never supposed to intersect but now do, and all of the sudden we start to see the shape of what our endgame might look like.  (It’s a hungry, hunting city.  The endgame is the backstory of the first person they lost, the first person whose secrets they learned, the one person who won’t be there with them to see it.  Of course it is.)
My question right now is, of course--so what does this thing, if anything, have to do with the Cerberus Assembly and the Chained Oblivion?  Is this lurking vast sentient horror the Vecna to their Chroma Conclave, dangled in mentions along the way and then set aside for more pressing crises?  Is it the new focus of our next forty-episode arc?  How do the pieces fit?  I’m so excited to find out.
Meanwhile, I think that I am really, really glad that Matt decided to bring TravelerCon to this island.  I wonder, when he made the decision, if he really knew what he was setting in motion--apparently he had plans for Vo all the way back in Campaign 1, and this was a great meta-excuse to finally get his players there to solve the Vilya mystery after all.   Maybe he was planning around the Traveler’s plans to offload followers onto an amnesia god.
I think, though, that we have seen so many of Jester’s long-running doubts crystallize here on this island specifically because she has this other example of cults and a false god who takes but does not give right here in front of her.  She’s gone back and forth in so many directions about the Traveler and his other followers and her insecurities and his desires, but this village has been such an example of just what she so badly does not want.  She doesn’t want the Traveler’s followers to be trapped.  She doesn’t want them to believe in a lie that gives them nothing, even if believing in that lie makes them happy.  She wasn’t quite sure what she DID want for a very long time, but the island gave her guidance even if it wasn’t what Artagan was expecting.  And man am I glad it all came down how it did.
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