#the cycle will continue . Happy into Oh My God into Anxiety into Panic rinse and repeat
2-wuv · 1 year
sorry for the aro & aplat positivity spam sudden ly I thought about my identity too hard for a second and then got really giddy and happy . it might happen again 👍
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Coolest godmother Beca is babysitting Staubrey child when she gets her first period. Will Beca stay cool or get all weird and awkward?
“Dude, I’ve got this, calm your tits, Bree.” Beca says with a roll of her eyes, cutting Aubrey off from explaining Alex’s routine for the seventh time since Beca had arrived. “I got it. Not too much sugar, bedtime is at 9. Emergency numbers are on the fridge and I mean, It’s not like I haven’t watched the squirt before.” She adds, voice much softer as Aubrey levels a glare at her. 
“Yes, well that was with Chloe, and since Chloe isn’t here this time to help, who knows what sort of trouble you’ll cause.” Aubrey says, crossing her arms. 
Beca scoffs, feigning offence as her hand goes to her heart. “You wound me, Posen. I’m the cool godmother, I can handle it. Besides, Alex is like… some sort of mini spawn of you, like she’s going to cause me any trouble.” 
Aubrey opens her mouth to, no doubt give a witty retort , but Stacie comes down the stairs holding Alex’s hand in hers, both of them smiling and talking until Alex finally notices Beca. “Aunt Beca!” The little girl squeals, running the short distance to wrap her arms around the brunette’s legs. 
Beca grins and leans down to hug the girl. “Whoa! You’re getting so tall, squirt. One of these days you’re gonna be taller than me!” The brunette says with a genuine smile. 
“It’s not like she’d have very far to go, half-pint.” Stacie quips as she moves to wrap an arm around Aubrey. 
The DJ’s eyes snap up to Stacie’s and she offers the leggy brunette her best death glare. “Don’t you two have somewhere to be?” She grumbles, with a raised brow. 
Aubrey and Stacie smirk at each other. “Give me a kiss and a hug goodbye, baby.” Aubrey says, gently. 
“Dude, Stacie is standing right there, Bree… But I mean if you insist…” Beca steps forward like she’s going to hug the blonde, causing the little girl to giggle and push her away. 
“She was talking to me, silly.” Alex says, with another giggle. Stacie just rolls her eyes at the smaller brunette’s antics while Aubrey shakes her head before she bends to hug her daughter and kiss her cheek. “Bye, moms. Have a good date! And drive safely, please.” 
“Okay, squirt, what’s on the agenda for tonight?” Beca asks as she plops down onto the couch next to the little girl. 
Alex looks up from the small clipboard in her hand, and Beca has to hold back a smirk as she catches a glance at what looks to be a color coordinated list. “I’m glad you asked,” Alex begins, glancing back down at the list. “The things marked in yellow are things that mommy says I have to do, like eating and bath time, but the things marked in blue are things that we could do for fun!”
Beca chuckles softly and takes the clipboard to glance over the list. “All of these sound pretty fun, dude – we can do whatever you want, we could probably even fit it all in.” 
The little girl looks pleased with this as she nods, taking the clipboard back. “Excellent!”
And Beca can’t help but roll her eyes at how Aubrey-like the little girl sounds, but she smiles down at her with genuine affection. 
They’ve just finished eating dinner (they had decided on pizza), and Beca is putting the left overs up when she hears a startled little scream come from the bathroom. 
Beca nearly drops the box of pizza with a start. “Aunt Beca!” Alex calls from the bathroom. Beca shoves the pizza onto the counter and rushes out of the kitchen, thinking the worst. 
“They’re going to kill me. Oh my god, I’m going to die today.” Beca mumbles to herself as she hustles down the hall to the closed bathroom door. She knocks frantically on the door. “Alexandra? I’m coming in.” Beca isn’t sure what she expects, but when she steps in, Alex is standing there with her pants down and blood covering her little thighs and probably ruining the child’s panties that lay crumpled on the floor inside her pants. Alex looks up at her with confusion and tear stained cheeks. 
“I don’t know what’s happening.” She says on a little sob. 
Beca panics at first, at the sight of the blood and for a moment she thinks Alex has cut herself somewhere, but she doesn’t see any open wounds. She looks down at the the little girl’s tearful gaze and frowns. “Oh, oh kid.” She says after it all fully registers what’s happening. 
“Mommy’s going to be so mad,” She cries. “I ruined my clothes.” 
Beca sighs and moves around the child to start the tub. “No, no she won’t, squirt…” She scratches the back of her neck and tries to figure out a way to explain what’s happening. “We’re gonna get you cleaned up, okay?”
Alex nods, sniffling. “What’s happening, aunt Beca?” 
Sighing, Beca plugs the tub up when the water is warm and puts the toilet seat down so she can have a seat. “Okay, uh…” She fiddles with the ring on her thumb, wishing Chloe was here, or even Stacie and Aubrey, they’d be much better suited for this conversation. Beca wasn’t a very comforting person, people didn’t go to her for comfort, but as Alex stares up at her, silent tears running down her cheeks, the brunette frowns. “God, this shouldn’t even be happening to you, yet. You’re only like 5.”
“I’m 8, aunt Beca.” Alex says, sounding suddenly exasperated with Beca and so much like Aubrey that the DJ almost laughs. 
“Whatever,” Beca says gently moving to tug the little girl’s shirt off. “This is something that happens every month to girls. It sucks balls, dude, but basically every woman goes through it.” She says awkwardly, leaning to the side to grab a towel from under the sink. 
Alex’s brows furrow in confusion and she glances down at herself. “Why?” She asks, tears seeming to have subsided for now. 
Beca huffs and checks the temperature of the water one more time before she helps Alex into the tub. “It’s—well when—I mean…” The brunette rolls her eyes at herself. “This would be a conversation better suited for your moms.” This shouldn’t be so awkward, Beca thinks. It’s a natural thing the body does, but jesus… to start so young…
The little girl stares down at the water and the way it seems to turn a faded red. She frowns and wrinkles her nose. 
“Don’t worry, we’re just rinsing you off first, and then we’ll let it drain out and you can use the shower, instead.” Beca says gently. Alex nods and sits sullenly. 
“How long does it last?” Alex asks after a moment of silence. 
“3 to 5 days, usually.” Beca says, moving to take down the little girl’s hair. “3 to 5 days out of every month. It’s called your period or… menstrual cycle, which I’m sure one of your moms would be happy to better explain.” The DJ says as she motions for the child to stand up so that Beca can pull the plug and pull the shower head down so that when she starts the water again, it won’t hit the little girl directly. 
“Okay.” Alex says after a moment. 
Once the water is warm again, Beca is careful to put the shower head back up without getting the little girl too wet before she’s ready. “I’m gonna go let your clothes soak, the stain might come out. And then I’m going to call your moms and get you a fresh change of clothes. Okay?”
Alex nods absently. “Okay.” Beca watches for a second, to make sure has everything before she’s exiting the bathroom with the little girl’s dirty clothes in hand. She takes them back to the laundry room and does the usual trick she does for her own clothes when something like this happens to her, hoping that the stain hasn’t set long enough that it will come out. If not, she’s sure Aubrey has some sort of secret to removing stains. 
Beca then heads toward the little girl’s room and digs out a fresh pair of clothes, simultaneously pulling out her cell phone as well. She calls Stacie’s cell phone and after the fourth ring, the brunette answers a little breathlessly. “The house better be burning down for you to be calling me right now…”
A smirk creases her lips. “You sound a little out of breath… am I… interrupting something?” 
“You know damn well that you are,” Stacie huffs, annoyance evident in her voice. 
Beca checks the time on her phone and chuckles. “Dude, your movie had to have just ended… we’re you getting a quickie in before your dinner reservation?”
There’s muffled noises where it sounds like the phone is being snatches away. “Is there a reason you called, Mitchell?” Aubrey snaps irritably. 
Beca sobers as she remembers her reasoning for calling. “Uh, yeah, I’m sorry… Listen, something happened –”
“What? What happened? Oh my god, I knew we shouldn’t have left you alone with her I swear to–”
“Whoa, chill out, Posen. If you’d let me get a damn word in…” She growls. There’s an unconvincing apology before Aubrey is urging her to continue. “Listen, so… Alex… she like…” Beca huffs and scratches the back of her neck.
“Spit it out, Beca! Use your words…” She hears Stacie snap, realizing Aubrey must have put it on speaker phone. 
Rolling her eyes and running a hand through her hair, Beca sighs. “She started her period. She’s pretty freaked out. I mean she went to the bathroom and I heard her scream and I rushed in there and she was like covered in blood.” The brunette says with a frown. “I rinsed her off and she’s showering now, but I’m not sure how to explain to her properly what’s happening, and I figure – it’s probably something that you guys should sit down and talk about. I hate to ruin your date night, but…” Beca trails off. 
There’s a quiet sigh, maybe one of relief and anxiety all at once. “We’ll be there as soon as we can, Beca. Thanks for calling us.” They said their goodbyes and Beca stuck her phone back into her back pocket and then she headed back into the bathroom with Alex’s clothes. 
“Hey, squirt, you about done in there?” Beca asks on a knock to the frame of the door. 
The shower cuts off and the curtain is pulled back slightly. “I’m finished, aunt Beca.” Alex says, sounding a little forlorn. 
Moving further into the bathroom, Beca sets the child’s clothes on the bathroom counter and grabs the towel from the closed toilet lid before helping Alex step out of the tub. Beca wraps the little girl up in the towel and brings her in for a tight hug. “You okay, little chick?” She asks gently. She feels the little girl nod against her. “Alright, let’s get you dried off and dressed.”
Beca helps the little girl dry off before she hands Alex her shirt and helps her into it. Alex goes to grab her panties to put them on, but Beca catches her hand. “Wait,” She moves to search under the sink before she comes back out looking triumphant. “Ah hah, found one.”
Alex looks at the item curiously before looking back up at Beca. “It’s a pad. You put it in your panties so it keeps the blood from ruining them.” She says in answer to the silent question. “Your moms are on their way home and they’ll explain everything better, okay, squirt?” The relief on Alex’s face at the news that her moms would be home was palpable. 
Beca finishes helping Alex get dressed before she towel dries the little girl’s hair and then begins to gently brush it. She combs out all the knots before beginning to brain her long hair to keep it out of her face. Once that’s done, she scoops the little girl up and throws her over her shoulder, unable to stand much more of her somber silence. 
Alex let’s out a little squeal of surprised delight as Beca carries her down the stairs like that, occasionally gently digging her fingers into tiny ribs, intent to tickle Alex and only making her laugh harder. 
Just as Beca is setting Alex down on the couch, the door is opening and Aubrey and Stacie are stepping in, both chatting quietly. Alex is quick on her feet to greet them. “Moms!” Her arms wrap around Aubrey first since she’s the one closest before moving to do the same to Stacie. 
“Hey, baby.” Aubrey coos gently. “Did you have a nice time with Beca?” Alex nods, but her smile falters a little. Aubrey sighs softly and bends to pick the child up. Beca winces slightly, because she knows Alex is actually getting pretty big, not so much in weight, but in height (because she freaking has Aubrey’s genes in her, so of course she’d be tall), but the little girl is still pretty light. She knows Aubrey doesn’t generally do this sort of thing since Alex is getting bigger (and older), but she also knows that Alex needs it, so she understands. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s go talk, okay?” 
Beca smiles at the two as they pass, telling them both goodnight before turning her attention to Stacie who’s watching her wife and daughter with nothing but love in her eyes. “You’re so whipped.” She says with a smirk. 
Stacie turns to glare at Beca, but she doesn’t miss the playful smirk creasing her lips. “About as whipped as you are with Chloe. So you’ve got no room to talk, Mitchell.” 
“Touche…” Beca mumbles, looking anywhere but Stacie. 
“Mhm.” Stacie shakes her head, but then sobers a bit. “Listen, thanks for taking care of Alex.”
Nodding, Beca smiles. “No problem. She’s a good kid. She’s so young, it really sucks to start that young. She’s looked like someone kicked her puppy all night, breaking my cold, dead heart.” 
Stacie chuckles a little. “We all know under all that sass and snark that you’ve got a heart of gold, B. Don’t play.” Beca doesn’t confirm or deny anything, just looks away almost like she’s embarrassed. “But anyway, like I said. Thanks, B. She’ll be alright. She’s resilient and once she understands better of what’s going on, it’ll be nothing to her.”
Beca nods. “She’s got that Posen tenacity.” She said with a smirk. “Anyway, I’ll see you guys later.” She leans in and hugs her friend before heading out to her car to go home, hoping Chloe would be home from work by then. 
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kpopyourcherryy · 7 years
3 Years - Pt. 2 (F/A(?))
Genre: Fluff and Angst(???????)
Length: 2,000+ words 
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You nodded, and a small thankful smile appeared on your face. You waved bye once more and the moment you exited, Yoongi closed the door behind you. A sigh of pure relief escaping him. “God that was weird..” He nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his head.
“Definitely, oh my gosh..” Nodding in a agreement. “Let’s just get home already babe.” You smiled up at him, closing your eyes as he bent down and kissed your forehead.
Yoongi giggled, still feeling the butterflies in his stomach he got everytime he looked at you, even after being with you for so long. He gripped your hand tighter, and led you to your car. “Let’s go babygirl.”
A little over a month had passed since then, things between Yoongi and you were better than ever. You two were constantly going on little random dates; he’d bring you flowers at least once a week, he’d always write cute little notes and leave them around the house for you to find. He was a romantic dork, and you adored it. 
It was about 9:30 p.m., you were to lazy to shower just yet so you plopped down onto your bed and waited for Yoongi to come over. You laid there wrapping yourself like a  ‘burrito’ - as Yoongi and Namjoon called it - in your silky, steel colored blanket while still wearing the sweats you’ve been in all day, you hair up in a messy half ponytail when your phone vibrated underneath you. 
Immediately, you rolled over thinking it was him texting you, but it wasn’t. Instead of being greeted with a lovely message from your boyfriend telling you he was near your place and how happy he was finally being able to see you after the two days you had spent apart; nope that wasn’t there at all, it was a notification from your period tracking app. It read; 
Hi y/n! It seems you are two weeks late! If this is wrong, please correct it by opening up the app and record the days you had your period. 
Your heart dropped and your eyes widened. “No, no...” You muttered to yourself, “This is wrong, no..” Your voice became shaky as you thought about all the times you and Yoongi had unprotected sex. “Fuck..” You mumbled as yoou hastily opened up the app, immediately going to the calendar to see exactly when your last cycle was. 
The moment you saw your last period was at the beginning of last month, panic set in. “Fuck! Fuck!” You shouted and put your hands over your face. You didn’t even noticed Yoongi come in the front door, as you sank onto the cold, hard wood floor of your bedroom.
“Babe?” Yoongi called out to you as he enter your apartment carrying a bag of take out. As he set the bag down on top of the marbled kitchen counter he could hear your muffled whimpers and shouting, immediately he couldn’t help but think of the worst case scenario. He practically ran towards your room, stopping abruptly once he reached the door way. His heart ached when he saw you in tears, holding your stomach while hyperventilating. 
“Bab- Baby.. What’s wrong?” Yoongi asked, completely clueless to why you could be so panicked. He slowly made his way over to you, and sank down onto the floor, gently embracing you as you continued to hyperventilate. He was never good at dealing with things like this, and you knew that, but he always seemed to know exactly what he was supposed to do. 
Yoongi pulled you onto his lap, holding you tightly all while tenderly running his fingers through the bird’s nest you called hair. “Shhh babygirl, it’s okay my love..” He softly cooed planting careful kisses on the top of your head, “It’s okay, my love. I’m here.. I’m right here..” 
After a little while you could feel yourself beginning to calm down. You breathing though still a tad quick and shallow, was better than it had been and the tightness you felt in your chest began to slowly disappear. You sniffled, “I- I’m sorry for this..” You sat up on his lap, looking down at him now. You wiped the remaining tears from your cheeks with the back of your hands. You scoffed and shook your head, “God I feel terrible..”
He looked up at you with the warmest, love-filled look on his face, that gorgeously angelic grin of his slowly appearing on his face as he couldn’t help but to admire your raw beauty. “Baby it’s okay..” He reassured you, moving his hands to gently rub your back. “Can you tell me what happened?” He asked, slightly tilting his head as he did. 
You took a deep breath, sighing as you thought about the fact that you were most likely pregnant. There could be no other explanation as to why you haven’t gotten your period yet. “I- I might be pregnant..” You stuttered faintly, placing you hand on top of your tummy. “I’m scared, Yoongi. What if I am?” You whimpered, your lower lip quivering as you looked down towards your stomach.
Yoongi’s breath hitched and he could feel this sudden pit in his stomach. He always wanted to become a father, but not yet of course. “Wh- Why do you think you’re pr- pregnant?” He struggled to ask, running one of his hands through his soft black hair. 
“Well..” You began, as you pointed over to your phone. “I got a notification from that period tracking app I use, and it said I had been two weeks late..” After deeply sighing for the trillionth time tonight, you continued, “I hadn’t even noticed, but when I checked when my last cycle was; it was at the beginning of last month, Yoongi. Babe, we’ve been having unprotected sex this entire time.” You whimpered as you felt the tears well up once again. 
He could see just how terrified you were, because he felt the exact same way. Absolutely terrified. “I- I know baby...” He said airily as he threw his head back onto the bed. “Come on baby girl.. Let’s go get wash up... Okay?” Yoongi began to stand and carefully helped you up as well. He lifted you up into his arms and began making his way over to the bathroom. 
You were both silent nearly the entire time; there were no dumb jokes, no laughter, just this lingering silence. After Yoongi washed himself, he grabbed your body wash, “Come here babygirl..” He softly said, motioning for you to come closer. You nodded, and did as he said of course, though you remained silent. 
“Listen, y/n...” He said as he began washing your body; starting with your arms, chest, and back first before making his way down. “I know- I know this is all so scary. Believe me, I’m scared too.. I’m scared I’ll be an awful father, I’m scared of all the things that could go wrong; all the worst case scenarios everyone fears.. I’m terrified.” Yoongi said shakily, finally admitting his own anxieties over this, but then he pulled you into his arms and held on to you so tightly. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, and despite already being wet because of the shower you could feel his tears gently falling on to your neck and shoulder. 
“But, y/n..” He sniffled, wiping any remaining tears away then lifted is head to look down at you. “I love you okay?  And if you are pregnant, I will love that.. our baby with all m heart.” Yoongi brought his hands up, and gently cupped your face. He looked deep into your eyes, as if he were completely exposing his emotions to you, “I will try my hardest to be the best father possible, and I know you’ll be a fantastic mom..” 
His heart felt words caused tears to well up once more, “I love you, Yoongi..” You said in this broken tone then planted a gentle kiss on his palm. You closed your eyes, sighing as you placed your hand over his and practically burying yourself in the palm of his hand. “I’ll go see the doctor tomorrow, okay? I could just be late because of stress.. or something..” Neither one of you believe your own weak, little explanation, but to lighten up the mood the two of you just accepted it. 
Yoongi took a deep breath as he slowly removed his hands from your face, “Turn around baby.. I gotta wash your hair now.” With a sweet smile you nodded and did as he said. As he began washing your hair, a soft giggle escaped his lips, “Ya know, babe, even though I’m absolutely terrified. If you are pregnant, I’m actually excited to start a family with you.”
You couldn’t help but to smile brightly, “Really?” You questioned him playfully, “Honestly, I think you’ll be a great dad. As it is you’re an amazing boyfriend, and you’re amazing to your friends. I can only imagine how much you’ll just spoil our baby.” You giggle softly, pulling away from him to wash your hair. 
He moved you into the water, and helped rinse the soap out of your hair. “Of course. I mean you’re the love of my life, why wouldn’t I be?” He added widely smiling as the adoring compliments you had just given him filled his mind. 
Once all the soap was out, Yoongi hastily turned you to face him. Your eyes locked with his, as that’s when you saw them; the few tears that had manage to escape, stream down his cheeks. He pulled you into his arms again, “Let’s try to be amazing parents to our baby, okay?” He sniffed, “Even if you’re not pregnant, and this is all just a scare. It’s made me realize how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Quickly, he wiped away new forming tears, “I never want to part with you. I want to always be by your side, y/n.” 
“Oh, Yoongi..” You muttered, your voice slightly muffled as you buried your face in his chest. “I love you so, so much.” You cooed in adoration, planting your candy-sweet kisses on his chest, “Tomorrow, I’ll go buy a test, and then...” Your voice slightly weakened, the thought of just taking a test causing your anxiety to skyrocket,”.. Then we’ll know for sure whether I am or not.” 
As you reluctantly pulled away from him, he nodded. “Good idea princess.” He said calmly, “We shouldn’t get so worked up over it yet.” He pressed his lips together, faintly sighing, “But if you are... Just know that I won’t run away, okay babygirl?” He added, placing a heavenly little kiss on the tip of your nose. Yoongi gently placed his hand over your tummy then knelt down in front of you. He looked up at you, nothing but pure and innocent love in his eyes, “If there is a little person in your tummy..” He gently pressed his forehead against your stomach, “Just know that your mommy and daddy love you already... With all our hearts. Please continue to grow up nice and strong peanut.” 
You couldn’t help but to giggle as you covered your face with your hands, all the fear you had felt only moments before seemed to have completely vanished, “You have a nickname for the baby already?” You giggled, still blushing heavily as you peered down your at your boyfriend kissing your tummy just before he stood up again, “We still don’t know if I am or not yet.” 
Yoongi nodded, “Yeah I know, but..” He looked down at your tummy again as he stood in front of you, “I really hope you are..” 
Tears began to form again, as you nodded in agreement. Though you and Yoongi were still young, and his career was blowing up like crazy; you still wanted this, you wanted a family with him. “Me too..” You tenderly rubbed your tummy, as you blinked back the tears, “Im going to go get dress okay? Come straight to bed when your done. I just want to be in your arms..” 
He weakly smiled as he watched you get out of the shower, dry your hair, then wrap yourself in your favorite lilac towel, “Give me a kiss baby before you go baby..” He murmured, peeking his head out of the shower door. 
God he’s such a dork, you silently thought to yourself as you walked towards him. You leaned in, tenderly pressing your lips against his. He cupped the sides of your face, holding you there for a second longer just before pulling away. You looked up at him through your lashes, “Hurry up okay babe?” 
He licked his lips, his breathing staggering a tad to match yours, “Got it..” He replied, “Go get dressed before you catch a cold princess.” 
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